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Samael Aun Weor Lecture

The hypnosis process in the intellectual humanoid

Samael Aun Weor Lecture

The case is that, certainly, the humanoid is not actually human in the most complete sense of the word. If we examine in depth the humanoid, we discover first of all his physical body, lets say, his planetary body. Such a vehicle has a Vital Seat. I want to refer myself in an emphatic form to the Hindustani Lingam Sarira lets say the thermo electromagnetic or the superior section of the physical body. Such a vehicle serves as the foundation to all the biochemical, physiological, luminic, caloric, etc., etc.; nonetheless deep inside such vehicle is not more than the superior section of the physical body. Beyond the planetary body with its vital or organic fund, the only thing we may be able to find (painfully) is the psychological aggregates that all together form the myself, the himself. At the time of death the dense body goes to the sepulcher, his Vital seat or lingam Sarira decompose itself slowly in the sepulchral grave, simultaneously with the planetary body, and there is one more thing that goes to the sepulchral ditch ((I am referring to the ex-personality). Nobody is born with a defined personality, the personality is the child of her time, dies in her time, there is no tomorrow for the personality of the deceased. Such personality is formed during the seven first years of infancy and strengthens with time and experience. The personality is energetic. In the process of the organic decomposition the planetary body dissolves first together with the Vital; the personality dissolves in the more slow form. However, during the first day of the dissolution, that ex-personality discharge by the matter is visible and tangible in the physical world.. In these very instants I have been a witness of something unusual. All of you know Mrs Candita, right? (That old lady). One of her children died; the case happened about six months ago. However in those days (in an unusual way) somebody calls on the phone to the home of her husband. Who was calling was precisely the representative of company; he had a recommendation about the deceased Jorge Luis. Her husband answered: But how, if he is dead since about six months? What? (Responds the caller) I am calling from the company so and so; about two days ago he was here looking for a job because he was unemployed he has given me your telephone number, he told us that may give us some recommendations We regret (he responds), but is dead since about six months Impossible (says the one calling), I am calling for the application where he gave us your reference, I cannot believe you are playing with me. : Sir, as I have told you he died.He became puzzled, because the caller, was also puzzled, on the phone and the astonishment increased (I understand the panic). We know this, simply because the ex-personality of the deceased, during the first day of the defunction

and several months later, has a lot of power as to become visible and tangible in the physical world. You already know the other case of the lady who was dancing the whole night in the pachanga1 (somewhere it is written in a book, but it is good to remember because it is actually appropriate). About three in the morning (time in which the pachangas end and the people wish to go home to sleep, and is cold), the lady said that she wanted to leave. Obvious, the pachanga was gone, and she complained she was cold, because she did not have a coat. One of those admirers of the new wave (very enthusiastic) offers her his jacket. She gladly accepted it and anyhow he was so nice and had a car, he gladly offers her to take her home. However, after leaving her at the door he remembers to ask her for his jacket, but he postponed to ask for it later on. Certainly, the next day arrived a automobile to the door of the mansion, the gentleman was knocking the door in a natural form, without guessing what was going to happen. Great was his surprise when he saw before him an old lady and he asked her for his jacket. The lady responded: My daughter, whom you lent your jacket, is dead since about a year or more. If you want your jacket you would better go the cemetery, there you may find it. The gentleman then became surprised, this was something unusual he did not thought about, and he said: but that is not possible, if I was dancing with her last night, she was with us at the party and I was so happy. The lady said: If you do not believe me, go to the cemetery. Actually the gentleman headed immediately to the cemetery indicated by the old lady, and certainly he searched for the sepulcher and on it was written (on the gravestone) the name even the last name of the defunct lady. It was no doubt (in the gentleman). Just like this I show an ex-personality can become so physical, so materialized. It is astonishing, Right? However the ex-personality is never immortal, it finally dissolves. What continues, what does not go to the sepulchral pit is the EGO, that as I told you is nothing more than a bunch of psychic aggregates When one, the esotericism investigator, researches such aggregates in the fifth dimension of Nature and the Cosmos, one sees that they do not possess (in any way) the superior Existential Bodies of the Being as some pseudo-esoteric or pseudo-occultists hold. The figures of the disincarnated humanoids when the different aggregates mutually penetrate and permeate; those spectrums assume non pleasant gigantic forms. When one of the inhuman aggregates that constitute the Myself act in an independent form from the whole, it assumes those animalistic more or less big, more or less small, short, imprecise, abominable. If a competent investigator examines a deceased in the molecular region, he can see that the EGO does not possess an authentic personality in any way. The personality of that person we have known in the world (perhaps lovely and kind very beloved for us) has died, indeed has ceased to exist; that which continuous there is in no way the person. If what continuous could have a definite personality, we may say that the person has become immortal, lets say he/she

Coloquial: Fiesta party. Mexican Party

keeps a definite personality. What is his immortality? The Psychological Aggregates are not the person, they are a bunch of psychological defects (better said animal like, infrahuman, we may also say: they are like a summary of memories, as a result of many yesterdays). Immortality is something different, it is something we must achieve, we must (then) kill the dead (if the occultist can be killed), but if we are in the tridimensional world we may say that we must kill the living one. In the region of the dead we could say: : we must kill the dead, but in the region of the living ones we could say: one must kill the living one in order for the dead to be born, let us say, that his authentic, legitimate Real Being resuscitates in the Euclids tridimensional world (to kill the living one to resuscitate the dead; the living one is the EGO, the dead is the Being). When we watch the humanoids, as much as living as after death, we can see that they are absolutely irresponsible, machines controlled by different aggregates. They fight for the supremacy; each one wants to control the main centers of the human machine; that is the raw reality. Obviously, all the humanoids are irres-pon-si-ble... In the last lecture we mention what it was the hypnotic power, we held that the psychic aggregates are the result (or the consequence) of the abominable Kundartiguator Organ, we also said that the Consciousness is found bottled within the EGO and it is processed according to its own conditioning. However, if the EGO is the resultant of the bad consequences of the abominable Kundartiguator Organ, this means that the Consciousness is Hypnotized by the Universal Hypnotic Force and that all the humanoids are victims of that hypnotic force, nonetheless the people are not aware of that crude reality but when it flows (such hypnotic energy) with greater swiftness and it may be demonstrated in a concentrated form as in the Hypnotic sessions. But if we observe the humanoids, in minute detail we see they are hypnotized. That they make certain mistakes in their extravagancies? That is right, but we ascribe them to the character, to the psychological idiosyncrasy of the people, we seek for thousand justifications. Let us observe a run-of-the-mill person in a hypnotic session, a passive individual, a hypnotized person, he will do whatever the hypnotizer ask him to do, if the hypnotizer ask him to go across the river from one side to another, he will do it (it does not matter if he is surrounded by many people); if the hypnotizer tells him that a furious animal is attacking him, he will try to flee aghast. Why? Because he does what the hypnotizer commands and believes what the hypnotizer tells him. Now if we in practical life examine people we will see unusual, terrible extravagancies, but there is always a justification. A hippy (we say), so what? he is at the hippies style!; extravagancies we justify saying that is on fashion. That someone shows up doing something out of trendy as it is said? Normal, they are whims. There is a justification for everything, but the true reality is that all are hypnotized and they do not know it. The hypnotic force comes from, I repeat from the abominable Kundartiguator Organ, then there is a hypnotic universal force. That is right: the EGO comes from the abominable Kundartiguator Organ and as it is subjective, the Consciousness processes herself within the EGO in a subjective form (that is

logical); let us say she is hypnotized, she is a victim of a hypnosis, hypnosis produced by the Kundartiguator Organ. Thus, although we have had to repeat what we were told in the former lecture, it is necessary to do so. Now we will explain what the lack of responsibility of many personalities is due to. This was already studied in the city of Gob, capital of Maralpleice, and also it was observed in Tipiamich (I am talking about the towns that emerged during the epoch of the first sub race-root, after the Transapalnians second catastrophe which altered fundamentally the geologic crust of our world Earth; then studies in depth were made about the irresponsible acts of the hypnotized humanoids) Unfortunately, after that, those countries (such as Maralpleice and Tipiamich) were destroyed by the sands of the Desert of Gob, the science that explained (for instance) the origin of the struggles, the origins of the mutual destruction of the human organisms, lets say of the wars, disappear. When Mismech wanted to resuscitate that ancient science, he was terribly criticized before he had the time to codify, to re-do it, which practically destroyed his work. And is that the critics, the agnostics, the scoundrels of the intellect who are in state of deep hypnosis, they can ever accept systems or methods that are out of vicious circle in which they are in. When some genius want to break such circle, they jump on him (as it is said), they destroy him. Mismech felt beforehand that there existed a double conscience in the human being: the true and the false. He wanted to study that process of the collective hypnosis, but his experiments were destroyed. Well, my beloved brethren, we have to recognize the state in which the humanoids are. The most serious is that they believe they are already humans and amazes to see on the television screens how do they boast about the word MAN. They say: Man arrived to the Moon, but which man? (I ask myself). Man is conquering the North Pole, but which, where is the man? Those simians that walk in the world with humanoids shapes, are they perhaps men? They might be humanoids but not men, they would be intellectual mammals but never human. And what? Which is the condition to become MEN? I warn you that I am talking with very clear terms. You tolerate me here, but who knows if talking someplace else they do not tolerate me enough and throw tomatoes at me, but you all here (in three bocks) share with me. We are talking (as it is said) with the heart in our hands, nonetheless, in spite of all it is thoughtful that even in the same Autonomous University of Mexico the teacher express with all certainty: We are rational mammals, Okay, it is something, No? But that is they do not leave the word MAN. They say: The MAN is a rational mammal, they believe they are still men and nonetheless they say that they are rational mammals. And, which is it then: are they rational mammals or are they men? They confound gymnasium with magnesium lamentably, and it is very sad. In order to be a man we must (first of all)) make an inventory of ourselves, eliminate what we have of inhuman (of animals, better said) and to create within us the human factors. But to boast with (let us say) the title of MEN just like that, well turns out to be absurd one hundred per cent. In order to be MEN, in addition to have eliminated the inhuman elements one must create the

Existential Bodies of the Being. Urges before all, to comprehend how those Bodies can be created. Which is the system, the method, the proceeding to follow?. Regarding to this we must be very careful, analytical and go to the depth of the matter. In Alchemy it is mentioned the Mercury of the Secret Philosophy, But what is that Mercury? It is (I repeat and you listen) the Sacred Sperm of the Metallic Soul. How many aspects does the Mercury have? It has three. What are they? FIRST, the Brut Mineral, the Brut Azogue . What is the Brut Azogue? -The Mineral Mercury. Talking in terms rigorously alchemist I would say: the Metallic Chaos. That Chaos does exists in everything.. We know that our Cosmos came out from the Chaos; any plant has its Chaos and the human organism is born also from the Chaos. But, which Chaos? Well the Sacred Sperm, the Ens-Seminis, that as Philipus Teofastro Bombastro of Homheneim, Aureola Paracelsus says: in it is found the Fire Ens-Virtutis. From such Metallic Sperm must result the Superior Existential Bodies of the Being. And I repeat: it has three aspects: FIRST: the Chaotic part, the Brut Mineral (which is the Sacred Sperm); SECOND: the Sperms Metallic Soul, the resultant of the sexual transmutations and THIRD: that Sperm, that Mercury already fecundated by the Sacred Fire, by the Sulphur, which is the Fire. But if we affirmed in terms of our contemporary erudition it is obvious that the Sperm by transforming into energy passes through many changes. That energy raising by the channels of Id and Pingal is the second aspect of the sperm, and when the solar and lunar currents of such Mercury fusion themselves with the Fire in order to ascend by the channel of Sushumn (or spinal-medullar channel), we have the third aspect of the Mercury, a fecundated Mercury already fecundated by the Sulphur. I want you to understand me: think about the first, in the sexual secretions; think about the liquid glass, flexible, malleable, and second in the outcome of its transmutation that is, in the creative energy ascending by the cords of Id and Pingal to the brain (that is the second aspect of the Mercury). Think you all in the third aspect, in the positive and negative pole of such Mercury, fusioned and mixed in the dorsal spines base, integrated with Sacred and Solar Fire of Kundalini, ascending by the spinal-medullar channel in order to open the Seven Seals of the Apocalypse of St John (behold the third aspect of the Mercury). It is obvious that that, third aspect of the Mercury duly fecundated by the Sulphur, which is the Fire, gives the origin of the Superior Existential Bodies of the Being. The first Body which is formed with that Mercury fecundated by the Sulphur, is the Kedsjano Body. That is a marvelous Body, usually it is called Siderial Body, and it is also called Eidolon or the Astral. They are different the names given. Such Body is exactly a replica of the physical body. If somebody disincarnate after having created the Kedsjano Body, he could be seen in those regions with an immortal personality; let us say he has created a new personality of immortal kind for himself. Whoever had created the Kedsjano Body is immortal

in the 24 laws, that is, in the Astral World, he is not any more a phantom, that spectrum formed by the psychic aggregates. No, he is an immortal creature, somebody whom after death is alive and conscious in the Molecular Region, is not another dead more, run of mill as everybody else, no, is already somebody who has a Body, a vehicle and therefore is immortal. The Astral Body or Kedsjano Body (as it is its true name) also has blood; the blood of the Kedsjano Body has a name: its name is Hambledzoin. As our physical body elaborates its blood by means of the foods we eat and the water we drink the same way the Astral Body elaborates its blood. And how does it elaborate? Happens that the Planets of the Solar System mix penetrate and permeate mutually without muddling up. The Astro-Chemestry turns out extraordinary, wonderful; the substances elaborated by the Astro-Chemestry enter into us through the respiration and by the pores. Such substances become (within the Kedsjano Body) into that called Hambledzoin that is, into the blood of such vehicle of such instrument. Then the Astral Body is a wonderful Body made out of flesh that does not come from Adam and blood that does not come Adam, but it is a body of flesh and bones, that has flesh and blood, but not flesh of Adam nor blood of Adam either, that needs of the Hambledzoin for its perfectioning, for its nourishment, for its development. He who has a Kedsjano Body is able to use it. In the same way we know we have hands because we are able to use them, also who has a Sidereal Body (the Kedsjano Body) is able to use it at will, travel with it through the space, go through a crystal from one side to another without braking it or stain it, etc. But once we have finished the Kedsjano Body we need to finish the Mental Vehicle, that is, to develop within us the Objective Reasoning (that is the Sacred Anskoano). During the process of the Sacred Anskoano, the Mercury of the Secret Philosophy coagulates into the wonderful and extraordinary form of the Body of the Mind. One becomes aware that already possesses the Mental Vehicle, one realizes that into one it has been developed harmoniously the Sacred Anskoano, when one is able to travel with it from sphere to sphere, when we can do voluntary studies into the World of the Mind. Thus, it is extraordinary that Mental Vehicle, this vehicle also needs its blood. I may say that the Hambledzoin or sanguineous substance of the Mental Body has one higher octave than the Hambledzoin that circulates by the veins of the Kedsjano Body, and this, my beloved brethren is very important. When one has already created the Kedjanos Bodies (Astral and Mental) needs to enter into a superior order of development, one needs to create the faculty, that is,the Egoaitoorasiana of the Being that is, to finish the Conscious Body of Will, or in other words: the Causal Body. It is obvious that whoever possesses the Egoaitoorasiana Will of the Being is not a victim of the circumstances, he can determine circumstances at will. Such vehicle only can be created by means of the Mercury of the Secret Philosophy. The vehicle of the Conscious Will, that is, of the Egoaitoorasiana Will of the Being, also has its specific blood, definite, its Hambledzoin, and this something we must comprehend. Such Hambledzoin, is the Sacred

Ayesakadana. How the Sacred Ayesakadana or Hambledzoin of the Being is formed. See yourselves that I am talking about several Hambledzoin,; I am talking first of all about the Hambledzoin that circulates by the veins of the Kedsjano Body, I am talking about the Hambledzoin that circulates by the veins of the Body of the Objective Reason, defined by the Sacred Ansckoano, but now I am going to talk about a new Hambledzoin. It is not the one of the Astral Body or the Mental Body, now I am talking about the Hambledzoin of the Being, which is different, Right? Why? Because the Astral is not the Being, the mental is not the Being, the being is further within. The Human Soul yes it is the Being, the Spiritual soul or Buddhi is the Being, Atman is the Being. When I say the Beings Hambledzoin I am talking a new kind of blood that must be created to nourish the Body of Conscious Will, the Will thatis able to determine or define circumstances: the Egoaitoorasane Will. With what such blood is formed, such Hambledzoin of the Being? With the emanations of the Sacred Absolute Sun. And how a mystic would achieve to attract those emanations of the Sacred Absolute Sun, which way we would attract the Sacred Ayasakadana? It is simple by means of the contemplation, of the meditation and of praying. Then such emanations transform themselves into the Causal blood, into the Hambledzoin of the Being. Once we possess the Physical, Astral and Mental, or talking in more esoteric terms: once we have created the Kedsjano Body, the Objective Reason Vehicle and the Body of conscious Will or the Egoaitoorasian Faculty , the what happens? What we can incarnate, what? The Animic Principle, that is, the Being in himself to become what in kabala would be named The son of Man. The man and the intellectual animal are similar by the physical traits, but if we observe them in their conduct, in their way of being, we will find that they are different: the man has nothing to do with the Intellectual Mammal. That is very rough, Right? To think that all the creatures that populate the world are humanoids, but that is the truth. The specific mission conferred to me is to create men (this statement sounds apparently eccentric or foreign, right?) but it is the truth, because whoever follows this type of teachings becomes a man. Then I am creating men and I have the satisfaction that I already have created some of them and that I will continue creating men. It is hard for (an individual) to cover the whole teachings due to the fact that he is hypnotized. The most serious is he is no aware that he is in state of hypnosis that is the most serious. I already explained about what happened with the consciousness that unfortunately works now with two systems instead of one. Happens that when we return (as I was telling you in my past lecture) we bring all the data we need to become men indeed, but our parents, our relatives, our teachers at school, our friends, are in a state of unconsciousness the projects in our psyche; all the fascinations of the state in which they are, their false education, their famous elementary schools that are no good for anything, their so vaunted High School, etc. They are things of sleeping people. If we are wrong in the mind (in the memory) with what our parents our little friends teach us on the street, etc., in addition to creating us an absurd

personality we keep unbalancing with all of those false data given by those who are in the state of hypnosis, of false consciousness, to a point that the real consciousness is left that way cornered and even under estimated. In her are found (for instance) the attributes of the authentic faith, of the true hope and the legitimate love, there are found the religion, the wisdom and the Fathers who dwells in secret particles of pain, who suffers because of our mistakes, but such data is going stay relegated, tucked into the profundities and are mistakenly classified by the famous contemporary psychologist as sub consciousness (and some define the human infra consciousness), taking for Authentic Consciousness, the resultant of all the information we have received during the first years of life, where an artificial, false consciousness, is formed which is the one that takes value, the one that commands everywhere. Behold, my dear brethren, a Consciousness divided into two: the Authentic Consciousness and the false consciousness. Also as a consequence of the error, the circulation of the blood was divided. We know that the blood vessels system during the state of vigil goes in one way and in the sleeping state in another; during the vigil state specific vessels of the system in general are used and at night other vessels of that system are used. Such system gives a divide total into two and with two systems of circulation, the outcome of all our error (Nature itself had to adapt to our disorders). With the excuses of our brethren here dedicated to Pedagogy (to teaching) I had to make the dissection to myself. I am going to start by defining what my true Consciousness is and which one is the false. I had to start to discard that false consciousness that my relatives, my school and college teachers their students had formed in me, and to put afloat my authentic consciousness, the one that had come back to me and that mistakenly was called sub consciousness; eliminate what I had learned, the false consciousness that I was formed myself in life and pull afloat the authentic Consciousness to discard the false. It is obvious that this work has been very difficult: to eliminate (let us say) the buch of those false impressions that were deposited in me, those that I had received in the sensorial world. It is necessary to know that due to that abnormality, the system of circulation is divided into two. That is absurd. Right? Thus, brethren, as long as we keep on analyzing this we will become aware in the need to become MEN, and that one we have become legitimate, authentic true MEN, we have to perfect the superior part of the BEING. In the world people are happy with the money, with vanities, but we do not have to be glad with that. The joys for us are the ones of the Being, the reevaluations of the Being. The Being is the Being and the reason of the Being is the Being himself.

APENDIX Kundabuffer/ Kundartiguator The negatively polarized sexual energy. "The Lord sent against the people the fiery snakes [] , and they bit the people, and many people of Israel died. The people came to Moses and said, "We have sinned, for we have spoken against the Lord and against you. Pray to the Lord that He remove the snakes from us." So Moses prayed on behalf of the people." - Numbers 21:6 "It is necessary to know that the Kundabuffer Organ is the negative development of the fire. This is the descending serpent, which precipitates itself from the coccyx downwards, towards the atomic infernos of the human being. The Kundabuffer Organ is the horrifying tail of Satan, which is shown in the body of desires of the Intellectual Animal, who in the present times is falsely called man." - Samael Aun Weor, The Elimination of Satan's Tail "The diabolic type whose seduction is here, there and everywhere under the pretext of working in the Ninth Sphere, who abandons his wife because he thinks she will not be useful to him for the work in the Fiery Forge of Vulcan, instead of awakening Kundalini, will awaken the abominable Kundabuffer organ. A certain Initiate, whose name will not be mentioned in this Treatise, commits the error of attributing to the Kundalini all the sinister qualities of the Kundabuffer organ... When the Fire is cast downwards from the chakra of the coccyx, the tail of Satan appears; the abominable Kundabuffer organ. The hypnotic power of the organ of Witches Sabbath holds the human multitude asleep and depraved. Those who commit the crime of practicing Black Tantra (Sexual Magic with Seminal Ejaculation) clearly awaken and develop the organ of all fatalities. Those who betray their Guru or Master, even if practicing White Tantra (without seminal ejaculation), will obviously activate the organ of all evils. Such sinister power opens the seven doorways of the lower abdomen (the seven infernal chakras) and converts us into terribly perverse demons." - Samael Aun Weor, The Mystery of the Golden Blossom

"Kundalini, the serpent power or mystic fire, is the primordial energy or Sakti that lies dormant or sleeping in the Muladhara Chakra, the centre of the body. It is called the serpentine or annular power on account of serpentine form. It is an electric fiery occult power, the great pristine force which underlies all organic and inorganic matter. Kundalini is the cosmic power in individual bodies. It is not a material force like electricity, magnetism, centripetal or centrifugal force. It is a spiritual potential Sakti or cosmic power. In reality it has no form. [...] O Divine Mother Kundalini, the Divine Cosmic Energy that is hidden in men! Thou art Kali, Durga, Adisakti, Rajarajeswari, Tripurasundari, MahaLakshmi, Maha-Sarasvati! Thou hast put on all these names and forms. Thou hast manifested as Prana, electricity, force, magnetism, cohesion, gravitation in this universe. This whole universe rests in Thy bosom. Crores of salutations unto thee. O Mother of this world! Lead me on to open the Sushumna Nadi and take Thee along the Chakras to Sahasrara Chakra and to merge myself in Thee and Thy consort, Lord Siva. Kundalini Yoga is that Yoga which treats of Kundalini Sakti, the six centres of spiritual energy (Shat Chakras), the arousing of the sleeping Kundalini Sakti and its union with Lord Siva in Sahasrara Chakra, at the crown of the head. This is an exact science. This is also known as Laya Yoga. The six centres are pierced (Chakra Bheda) by the passing of Kundalini Sakti to the top of the head. Kundala means coiled. Her form is like a coiled serpent. Hence the name Kundalini." - Swami Sivananda, Kundalini Yoga "Kundalini is a compound word: Kunda reminds us of the abominable Kundabuffer organ, and lini is an Atlantean term meaning termination. Kundalini means the termination of the abominable Kundabuffer organ. In this case, it is imperative not to confuse Kundalini with Kundabuffer." - Samael Aun Weor, The Great Rebellion These two forces, one positive and ascending, and one negative and descending, are symbolized in the Bible in the Book of Numbers (the story of the Serpent of Brass). The Kundalini is The power of life.- from the Theosophical Glossary. The Sexual Fire that is at the base of all life. "The ascent of the Kundalini along the spinal cord is achieved very slowly in accordance with the merits of the heart. The fires of the heart control the miraculous development of

the Sacred Serpent. Devi Kundalini is not something mechanical as many suppose; the Igneous Serpent is only awakened with genuine Love between husband and wife, and it will never rise up along the medullar canal of adulterers."- Samael Aun Weor, The Mystery of the Golden Blossom "The decisive factor in the progress, development and evolution of the Kundalini is ethics." - Samael Aun Weor, The Revolution of Beelzebub "Until not too long ago, the majority of spiritualists believed that on awakening the Kundalini, the latter instantaneously rose to the head and the initiate was automatically united with his Innermost or Internal God, instantly, and converted into Mahatma. How comfortable! How comfortably all these theosophists, Rosicrucians and spiritualists, etc., imagined High Initiation." - Samael Aun Weor, The Zodiacal Course There are seven bodies of the Being. "Each body has its cerebrospinal nervous system, its medulla and Kundalini. Each body is a complete organism. There are, therefore, seven bodies, seven medullae and seven Kundalinis. The ascension of each of the seven Kundalinis is slow and difficult. Each canyon or vertebra represents determined occult powers and this is why the conquest of each canyon undergoes terrible tests." - Samael Aun Weor. The Zodiacal Course

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