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September 16th

01 [2009]
Adonis Pimienta-Penalver
MAE 377
Person# 3270-5895
1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 3

2 Objectives.............................................................................................................................................. 3

3 Designs .................................................................................................................................................. 3

3.1 Part A............................................................................................................................................. 3

3.2 Part B ............................................................................................................................................. 4

3.3 Part C ............................................................................................................................................. 6

4 Conclusion ............................................................................................................................................. 7

5 References ............................................................................................................................................ 7

1 Introduction
This assignment is an introduction to 3D modeling in Pro/Engineer Wildfire 4.0. In it, I was required
to follow instructions from the tutorial book authored by Roger Toogood (ISBN#978-1-58503-415-4) in
order to construct three parts; which will be displayed below. This project is designed for me to learn
fundamental skills in Pro/E like protrusion, hole, extrude, cut, chamfer, rounds, mirror, and revolve.

It is my desire to create a webpage to feature this work online; in addition, I will as well create
eDrawings of the parts and upload them to the page. Feel free to leave comments on the comment or
critiques in the comment page, this will help me become proficient in Pro/Engineer.

2 Objectives
To create three Pro/E parts using fundamental tools offered in the software. A brief explanation will
be provided about each part and how they were created. The purpose of this project is to learn how to
create parts in the software above mentioned, and prepare me for future, more challenging projects.

3 Designs
The parts created are listed below.

3.1 Part A
Part A was created by first making a simple raw sketch on the sketcher function of Pro/Engineer
4.0. Afterwards, this sketch was extruded, cut and holed in that order. Functions of chamfer and rounds
were used to give it an aesthetical appeal. A particular problem I encountered with this part was the one
of choosing appropriate reference line and/or planes to create the cuts and the sketches; this was
addressed primarily by consulting the tutorial book, which offered a very detailed explanation of how to
solve my problem.

(A) (B)


Figure 1 (a) The CAD model of the block in Part A; another view of the part; and (c) the same CAD model of Part A at a side

3.2 Part B
Part B was mainly created using the functions of mirror and revolve, an initial sketch was produced
of the base; then, this sketch was extruded and two holes were punctured in each of its sides. As you
will see, the top pin part was created using an initial sketch and then revolving it 360 degrees. Chamfers,
rounds and fillets were also added to the part finally.

(A) (B)


Figure 2(a) The CAD model of the ground pin in Part B; another view of the part; and (c) the same CAD model of Part B at a
side view.

3.3 Part C
Part C’s main challenge was to create a pattern for the blade to go around the piece in equal
spacing. This was solved using the pattern tool. Part C requires that the designer knows basic commands
and rules of operation of the software.

(A) (B)


Figure 3(a) The CAD model of the turbine in Part C; a top view of the part; and (c) the same CAD model of Part C

4 Conclusion
Pro/Engineer Wildfire 4.0 is a software that offers a wide range of capabilities to the user, from
creating simple sketches to doing entire assemblies using its parameter based approach. This comes
with a trade off, for a beginner like me, Pro/E can be rather tough to learn by myself; which is why, in
order to learn faster and more efficiently, a powerful tutorial book is needed. Roger Toogood’s tutorial
book is very complete and offers the newbie with all the tools he/she needs to create designs
successfully. I feel like, without the book, this project would have taken much longer.

5 References
Roger Toogood, Pro/Engineer Wildfire 4.0 Tutorial and Multimedia C. Edmonton, Alberta: SDC
Publications. (2006)


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