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Daily Rice E-Newsletter by Rice Plus Magazine News and R&D Section Cell # 92 321 369 2874

TOP Contents - Tailored for YOU Latest News Headlines

Upland farmer technicians in Lanao Sur train on rice technology Farmers warned on fake PhilRice seeds Thailand's flagship rice subsidy program turns sour for embattled government BOT says will not interfere with banks' decision to lend to rice subsidy scheme Rice Mills asked to pay part of pledged value to farmers Govt sets rice import quota TREA: Rice export this year could reach 7.5 million tons NFA says private traders can import 163,000T rice in 2014 Fresh enquiries boost rice Rice basmati rises on increased demand Nagpur Foodgrain Prices Open- Feb 06 KTB ATMs confirm it won't fund rice Record foodgrain output likely in 2013-14 Vietnam sells more rice mainly to China Rice millers asked to help pay farmers Yingluck promises help for rice farmers

Upland farmer technicians in Lanao Sur train on rice technology
BY: APIPA P. BAGUMBARAN Thursday 6th of February 2014 MARAWI CITY, Lanao del Sur, Feb. 6 (PIA) --- Thirty-five (35) local farmer technicians (LFTs) in the province have undergone a specialized training course on rice production in upland areas on February 4-6, this year. The training was conducted by the Department of Agriculture (DA) Provincial Office with the support of Agricultural Training Institute (ATI), Philippine Rice Research Institute (PhilRice) and Department of Agriculture and Fisheries in the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (DAF-ARMM).It aimed to enhance

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the knowledge and skills of LFTs regarding technology in upland areas, said Lumna Macabangon, Training Specialist III of ATI. The three-day training included lectures on Agri-Pinoy program, upland rice technology and organic technology by experts from PhilRice and DAF-ARMM.Macabangon said the participants came from the municipalities of Pualas, Poona Piagapo, Balindong, Pagayawan, Picong, Ganassi, Calanogas, Marantao, Sultan Dumalondong, Saguiaran, Lumbayanague, Lumbaca-Unayan, Lumbatan, Tubaran, Madamba, and this city. (APB/PIA-10)

Farmers warned on fake PhilRice seeds

By: Philippines News Agency February 6, 2014 11:31 AM PhilRice's Golden Rice. PHOTO COURTESY OF DR. ANTONIO ALFONSO SCIENCE CITY OF MUNOZ, Nueva Ecija -- The Philippine Rice Research Institute (PhilRice) has advised farmers to be more careful in buying seeds after the agency found a rampant unauthorized use of its sacks in the provinces of Nueva Ecija and Isabela.PhilRice has asked farmers when transacting with seed dealers to first contact the Farmers Text Center at 0920-9111398 to verify prices, rice varieties being sold, and quality of the seeds.Investigations by a fact-finding committee showed that hybrid rice seeds claimed to be from PhilRice were mixed with other varieties and sold at P6,000 per 20 kilogram (kg).PhilRice-produced hybrid rice seeds cost only P195 a kilo.We sell registered seeds to growers and they in turn produce certified seeds, which are widely sold to farmers. It could be that sacks with PhilRice brand and certification tags are bogus. Rest assured that we are after entities who claim that they are selling PhilRice-produced seeds, although these are not really PhilRice-produced and may not even be PhilRice varieties, said Dr. Eufemio T. Rasco Jr., PhilRice executive director. Recently, the country`s lead agency in rice research and development found that Javan Agri Trading Company used PhilRice sacks in distributing Mestiso 24, a hybrid rice variety to a cooperative in Cabiao town, this province.Analysis of the sample seeds showed that seeds were actually PSB Rc240, an inbred variety.The cooperative members said that they were encouraged to buy the seeds despite of the high price because they

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were delivered right at their doorsteps, reducing their traveling cost.We have asked the authorities to investigate this. For the meantime, our farmers can contact our Text Center or check PhilRice-produced available seeds in our website, Rasco said.To ensure purity and cleanliness, Rasco said that PhilRice-produced seeds undergo a month-analysis conducted by National Seed Quality Control Services, a division under the Bureau of Plant Industry that oversees seed and planting material production, processing, storage, and distribution.We assure our farmers that our seeds have a minimum germination rate of 85 percent. High quality seeds can contribute to a 5-10 percent increase in grain yield, so this is why, we maintain our standards on seeds, he said.Other than agriculture establishments and seed centers, farmers can also buy seeds at PhilRice stations in Science City of Muoz, Nueva Ecija; Batac, Ilocos Norte; San Mateo, Isabela; Los Baos, Laguna; Murcia, Negros Occidental; RTRomualdez, Agusan del Norte; Midsayap, North Cotabato; and Ligao City, Albay.

Thailand's flagship rice subsidy program turns sour for embattled government
A Thai farmer raises his arm during a rally to demand the government to speed up the payment for the price of their crops outside the Commerce Ministry in Bangkok Thursday, Feb. 6, 2014. An ambitious rice buying program that Thailand's ruling party hoped would uplift millions of its poor rural supporters may end up helping to bring down the increasingly cornered government. (AP Photo/Apichart Weerawong) BANGKOK (AP) An ambitious rice buying program that Thailand's ruling party hoped would aid millions of its poor rural supporters may instead help bring down the increasingly cornered government.Hundreds of farmers from more than 10 provinces converged Thursday on the capital to demand rice payments that are several months overdue after the policy caused ruinous losses. Some have blocked three main highways in the north and the west, while a few hundred in the ruling party's northeastern heartland protested at a provincial government hall.With the help of populist policies such as the rice pledging scheme, Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra's party won a landslide election victory in 2011. But it suffered a self-inflicted and crushing setback late last year by attempting to amnesty Yingluck's elder brother, Thaksin Shinwawatra, so he could return to the kingdom without serving prison time for a corruption conviction.Ousted as prime minister in a 2006 coup, Thaksin is a highly polarizing figure, beloved in the

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countryside and loathed in the capital, Bangkok, where military, palace and old money cliques have traditionally held sway over the nation. The rice crisis could not have come at a worse time for the government, which is reduced to a caretaker administration after street protests sparked by the amnesty bill forced new elections. Official results of the Feb. 2 vote may not be announced for months after protesters in Bangkok prevented some polling places from functioning, requiring by-elections. The government is also assailed by numerous court cases and investigations that could result in it being deposed judicially.Now the ruling party faces the risk that the bedrock of its support, farmers, will turn against it."We are going on the streets because we're facing a dead end," said Sombat Roekanan, a farmer from Ayutthaya province, a stronghold of the ruling Pheu Thai party. "The farmers used to be 100 percent behind the government before the rice scheme, but now it's 50-50." Rice is Thailand's staple grain and one of its main exports. In hopes of boosting rice prices and increasing rural incomes, the government bought harvests from farmers at about twice the price prevailing in global markets. The program backfired when the Commerce Ministry had difficulties selling the grain overseas as rival exporters such as Vietnam undercut it.Losses from rice pledging have swelled to $4.46 billion since the policy was started in 2011, and in a blow to national pride, Thailand lost its spot as the world's top rice exporter in 2012, surpassed by India and Vietnam. The policy also underlined a deep division in Thai society, with Bangkok's white collar classes resenting the largesse directed at the rural poor.Subsidizing rice has caused "tremendous losses" to the Thai economy, said Somkiat Tangkitvanich, president of Thailand Development Research Institute, a Bangkok think tank. "Most importantly, this scheme cannot help the farmers in a sustainable way."Critics also say the scheme lacks transparency, has been dogged by corrupt middlemen and smugglers, and benefited farmers with large land holdings rather than poor smallholders. The International Monetary Fund last year called on Thailand to drop the subsidies. The government's caretaker status restricts its options for raising funds and it is struggling to find 130 billion baht ($3.9 billion) to pay farmers for the current crop year. It is not selling enough of the grain overseas and Thai banks have refused to lend to the Finance Ministry, which oversees the Commerce Ministry's funding for rice purchases.Hundreds of employees at Krung Thai Bank protested earlier this week, urging executives to veto loans to the government.

BOT says will not interfere with banks' decision to lend to rice subsidy scheme
Date : 6 2557 BANGKOK, 6 February 2014 (NNT) The Bank of Thailand (BOT) has asserted it will not interfere with commercial bank's judgement regarding provision of loans to the government in order for the latter to pay to farmers under the rice mortgage scheme. According to BOT assistant governor for Supervision Group Salinee Wangtal, the Wednesday's meeting between the BOT and commercial banks did not involve a discussion on

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banks lending funds to the government to finance the rice subsidy project. The decision whether or not to lend money for rice mortgage rested on the banks, and the BOT would not interfere. She also noted that there had been no reports of money withdrawals made at banks due to fears over any decision by the banks to lend money to finance rice subsidy. Lak Watchananawat, head of the Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives, said on Wednesday that the bank was extending debt repayment period for indebted farmers who had not yet been paid under the rice mortgage scheme. The farmers would also be entitled to a higher loan ceiling, if they wishes to borrow more money to invest in the new planting season. He said this would alleviate farmers' troubles and reduce the problem of underground lending.

Rice Mills asked to pay part of pledged value to farmers

Date : 6 2557 BANGKOK, 7 February 2014 (NNT) The Ministry of Commerce asked rice mill owners yesterday, to provide 50-60% of the pledged value owed to rice growers, until the Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives (BAAC) could pay the rice growers in full. The Deputy Commerce Minister Yanyong Phuangrach, confirmed that the Thai Rice Mills Association had been asked to help provide the money to farmers. The amount would then be paid back to them by the farmers after the BAAC first becomes able to pay the farmers in full.

The government will seek approval from the Election Commission to allocate 1.2 billion baht from the central budget to provide interest payments to the rice mills and farmers. If the rice mill owners agree to the proposal, the scheme is expected to be initiated within the month. Manat Kitprasoet, president of the Thai Rice Mills Association, reportedly said the association does not object to the proposal, as it would help alleviate the plight of farmers. However, such a novel approach requires detailed deliberation and its implementation depended on the consent of each rice mill owner. However, the Thai Rice Farmers Association President Prasit Bunchoei, has expressed a belief that the measure cannot be implemented. He reasoned that the caretaker government did not have the authority to make guarantees to the rice mills, regarding the money the mills would supply to rice farmers.

Govt sets rice import quota

THE PHILIPPINES has allowed private rice traders to import as much as 163,000 tons of the grain this year, nearly two-thirds of which can come from Thailand.

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It remains unclear, however, if there will be takers for the full quota, given the high import tariff that comes with the government offer and concerns over doing business with Thailand, which is facing a prolonged political crisis.Pre-determined quantities of rice are allowed to be imported by the private sector every year, in line with the countrys commitment to the World Trade Organization. The Philippines is one of the worlds biggest buyers of the grain.

We are now accepting applications and private rice traders can take advantage of the cheap rice being offered by Thailand, Dennis Arpia, senior executive assistant at the National Food Authority (NFA), told Reuters.Private traders can apply to import up to 98,000 tons of rice from Thailand this year, with a duty of 40%, Mr. Arpia said. An importer is required to buy a minimum of 2,000 tons and a maximum of 5,000 tons.The volume is a fraction of what Thailand can offer to buyers, but any demand at this time could help the country offload some of its huge stocks bloated by a controversial state rice-buying scheme.Private rice traders in the Philippines were keeping a close watch on Thailands political situation, Mr. Arpia said. Some are concerned that trading with Thailand might be difficult to facilitate these days, he said.Protesters have been trying to topple Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra since November. On Tuesday, pressure on the Thai government mounted as the rice-buying scheme vital to its support stumbled closer to collapse following the cancellation by China of a large rice order.Local importers can also buy up to 25,000 tons each from India and China and up to 15,000 tons from Australia this year under the WTOs minimum access volume (MAV) scheme, Mr. Arpia said.But an import duty as high as 40% may discourage traders from taking the opportunity to bring in rice to help address a shortage of the national staple food.Last year, traders shipped in only about 4,700 tons out of the 163,000-ton maximum volume allowed under the MAV scheme, data from the NFA showed. In contrast, rice smuggling into the country became more rampant last year, averaging 50,000 tons each week, according to local media reports quoting a senior customs official.The tariff is very high at 40%, said economist Roehlano Briones of the government think tank Philippine Institute for Development Studies. The government must do away with those unreasonably high import barriers.The Philippines, the worlds biggest rice buyer in 2010 with a record annual purchase of 2.45 million tons, may need to import as much as two million tons of the grain to meet 2014 requirements after several calamities, including strong typhoons in the last quarter of last year, destroyed crops and depleted stocks.In December, the NFA sealed a government-togovernment deal to buy 500,000 tons of rice from Vietnam, which offered a lower price than what Thailand offered. Delivery of the duty-free shipment is now underway and expected to be completed by March. --Reuters

TREA: Rice export this year could reach 7.5 million tons
Published on February 6, 2014 by TFP No Comments

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BANGKOK, 6 Feb 2014 Exports of Thai rice could reach 7.5 million tons this year, up from 6.61 million tons exported last year, predicted the Thai Rice Exporters Association (TREA).The Commerce Ministry earlier forecast a similar figure, saying the nation would be able to sell up to 8 million tons of rice this year; attributing the rise to the weakening baht, the competitive prices of Thai rice, and the governments efforts in clearing the stockpiled rice.Meanwhile, Charoen Laothammathat, President of the association, suggested the government consider abandoning the rice pledging scheme in order to improve the nations rice trading scene, saying that it would be better to allow the local rice market to develop through market mechanism. Without the presence of the rice mortgage program, the fierce global competition would determine the local rice prices.According to the TREA president, during the past 2 years, the rice pledging scheme has forced the government to sell rice at relatively high prices; for example, the price of white rice, which was previously 600 dollars a ton has recently dropped to 400 dollars per ton.Chareon said the cut-throat price trend would likely continue this year. In addition, Thailands large amount of stockpiled rice has sparked concerns among the nations trading partners over the quality of rice, given that it has been stored for a long period of time. (NNT: Na-ark Rojanasuvan)

NFA says private traders can import 163,000T rice in 2014

Reuters Posted at 02/06/2014 12:35 PM | Updated as of 02/06/2014 12:35 PM

MANILA - The Philippines' grains procurement agency said on Thursday it will allow private rice traders to import as much as 163,000 tonnes of the grain this year, nearly two-thirds of which can come from Thailand.Rice importation by the private sector is allowed every year in line with the country's commitment to the World Trade Organisation. The Philippines is one of the world's biggest buyers of the grain."We are now accepting applications and private rice traders can take advantage of the cheap rice being offered by Thailand," Dennis Arpia, senior executive assistant at the National Food Authority (NFA), told Reuters.Private traders can apply to import up to 98,000 tonnes of rice from Thailand this year, with a duty of 40 percent, Arpia said. An importer is required to buy a minimum of 2,000 tonnes and a maximum of 5,000 tonne

Fresh enquiries boost rice

KARNAL, FEBRUARY 6: Rice prices ruled firm on Thursday following fresh trade enquiries and hopes of good buying in the coming days.Prices have been ruling firm in the rice market due to trade enquiries and steady demand, said Amit Chandna, Proprietor of Hanuman Rice

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Trading Company. Prices may continue to rule around current levels over the next few days and then, it may witness an uptrend, he said. In the physical market, Pusa-1121 (steam) sold at 9,200 -50, while Pusa-1121 (sela) quoted at 8,150. Pure Basmati (Raw) quoted at 12,500. Duplicate basmati (steam) sold at 7,000 a quintal. Pusa-1121 (second wand) was at 7,050, Tibar at6,100 while Dubar at 5,000. In the non-basmati section, Sharbati (Steam) sold at 5,000 while Sharbati (Sela) was quoted at 4,800. Permal (raw) sold at 2,300, Permal (sela) at 2,350, PR -11 (sela) sold at 2,900 while PR -11 (Raw) was at 2,800. PR14 (s team) sold at 3,200 a quintal. Paddy Arrivals About 7,000 bags of different paddy varieties arrived at the Karnal Grain Market Terminal. About 5,000 bags of Pusa-1121 arrived and went for 4,250 while 2,000 bags of Sharbati went for 2,200 a quintal.
(This article was published on February 6, 2014)

Keywords: rice, prices,

Rice basmati rises on increased demand

Press Trust of India | New Delhi February 6, 2014 Last Updated at 14:58 IST

Rice basmati traded higher on the wholesale grains market today on increased demand from stockists and retailers against restricted arrivals from producing belts. Traders said increased demand from stockists and retailers against limited arrivals from producing regions mainly led to rise in rice basmati prices. In the national capital, rice basmati common and Pusa-1121 variety moved up to Rs 9,000-9,400 and Rs 8,300-9,000 from previous levels of Rs 8,900-9,200 and Rs 8,300-8,800 per quintal respectively. The following were today's quotations per quintal: Wheat MP (deshi) 2,070-2,270, Wheat dara (for mills) 1,645-1,650, Chakki atta (delivery) 1,660-1,665 Atta Rajdhani (10 kg) 220, Shakti bhog (10 kg) 220, Roller flour mill 885-895 (50 kg), Maida 950-970 (50 kg) and Sooji 990-1,020 (50kg). Basmati rice (Lal Quila) 10,400, Shri Lal Mahal 10,000, Super Basmati Rice, 9,500, Basmati common new 9,000-9,400, Rice Pusa-(1121) new 8,300-9,000, Permal raw 2,120-2,220, Permal wand 2,295-2,320, Sela 2,970-2,995 and Rice IR-8- 1,875-1,900, Bajra 1,265-1,270, Jowar yellow 1,500-1,550, white 2,400-2,600, Maize 1,420-1,425, Barley 1,420-1,425, Rajasthan 1,080-1,090.

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Nagpur Foodgrain Prices Open- Feb 06

Thu Feb 6, 2014 3:37pm IST Nagpur, Feb 6 (Reuters) - Gram prices in Nagpur Agriculture Produce and Marketing Committee APMC) firmed up again on increased demand from local millers amid tight supply from producing regions. Notable rise in Madhya Pradesh gram prices and enquiries from South-based millers also pushed up prices, according to sources. FOODGRAINS & PULSES GRAM * Gram mill quality reported down in open market in absence of buyers amid high moisture content arrival. TUAR * Tuar varieties ruled steady in open market matching the demand and supply position. * In Akola, Tuar - 4,100-4,200, Tuar dal - 6,200-6,400, Udid at 6,000-6,300, Udid Mogar (clean) - 7,000-6,200, Moong - 8,000-8,200, Moong Mogar (clean) 9,400-9,600, Gram - 2,600-2,700, Gram Super best bold - 3,600-3,800 for 100 kg. * Wheat, rice and other commodities remained steady in open market in thin trading activity, according to sources. Nagpur foodgrains APMC auction/open-market prices in rupees for 100 kg FOODGRAINS Available prices Previous close Gram Auction 2,600-2,800 2,600-2,720 Gram Pink Auction n.a. 2,100-2,600 Tuar Auction n.a. 4,300-4,380 Moong Auction n.a. 4,400-4,600 Udid Auction n.a. 4,300-4,500 Masoor Auction n.a. 2,600-2,800 Gram Super Best Bold 3,800-4,200 3,800-4,200 Gram Super Best n.a. Gram Medium Best 3,600-3,750 3,600-3,750 Gram Dal Medium n.a. n.a. Gram Mill Quality 3,350-3,450 3,400-3,500 Desi gram Raw 3,100-3,200 3,100-3,200 Gram Filter Yellow n.a. n.a. Gram Kabuli 7,900-10,300 7,900-10,300 Gram Pink 7,700-8,100 7,700-8,100 Tuar Fataka Best 6,400-6,600 6,400-6,600

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Tuar Fataka Medium 6,000-6,200 6,000-6,200 Tuar Dal Best Phod 5,800-6,000 5,800-6,000 Tuar Dal Medium phod 5,300-5,600 5,300-5,600 Tuar Gavarani 4,100-4,200 4,100-4,200 Tuar Karnataka 4,200-4,300 4,200-4,300 Tuar Black 7,000-7,200 7,000-7,200 Masoor dal best 5,300-5,400 5,300-5,400 Masoor dal medium 5,000-5,200 5,000-5,200 Masoor n.a. n.a. Moong Mogar bold 9,600-9,900 9,600-9,900 Moong Mogar Medium best 8,800-9,200 8,800-9,200 Moong dal super best 8,500-8,800 8,500-8,800 Moong dal Chilka 7,800-8,200 7,800-8,200 Moong Mill quality n.a. n.a. Moong Chamki best 7,400-7,800 7,400-7,800 Udid Mogar Super best (100 INR/KG) 7,100-7,400 7,100-7,400 Udid Mogar Medium (100 INR/KG) 5,400-6,200 5,400-6,200 Udid Dal Black (100 INR/KG) 4,500-4,700 4,500-4,700 Batri dal (100 INR/KG) 3,850-4,650 3,800-4,600 Lakhodi dal (100 INR/kg) 3,000-3,100 3,000-3,100 Watana Dal (100 INR/KG) 3,250-3,350 3,250-3,350 Watana White (100 INR/KG) 3,200-3,300 3,100-3,200 Watana Green Best (100 INR/KG) 4,200-4,500 4,200-4,500 Wheat 308 (100 INR/KG) 1,800-1,900 1,800-1,900 Wheat Mill quality(100 INR/KG) 1,880-1,925 1,880-1,925 Wheat Filter (100 INR/KG) 1,750-1,950 1,750-1,950 Wheat Lokwan best (100 INR/KG) 2,100-2,550 2,100-2,550 Wheat Lokwan medium (100 INR/KG) 2,050-2,150 2,050-2,150 Lokwan Hath Binar (100 INR/KG) n.a. n.a. MP Sharbati Best (100 INR/KG) 3,100-3,600 3,100-3,600 MP Sharbati Medium (100 INR/KG) 2,500-2,900 2,500-2,900 Wheat 147 (100 INR/KG) 1,600-1,700 1,600-1,750 Wheat Best (100 INR/KG) 1,700-1,800 1,650-1,750 Rice BPT (100 INR/KG) 3,000-3,500 3,000-3,500 Rice Parmal (100 INR/KG) 1,800-1,950 1,800-1,950 Rice Swarna old (100 INR/KG) 2,600-2,900 2,600-2,900 Rice Swarna new (100 INR/KG) 2,300-2,500 2,300-2,500 Rice HMT new (100 INR/KG) 3,800-4,200 3,800-4,200 Rice HMT Shriram (100 INR/KG) 4,800-5,000 4,800-5,000 Rice Basmati best (100 INR/KG) 11,000-13,500 11,000-13,500 Rice Basmati Medium (100 INR/KG) 6,300-7,600 6,300-7,600 Rice Chinnor (100 INR/KG) 5,600-5,800 5,600-5,800

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Rice Chinnor Medium (100 INR/KG) 5,200-5,500 5,200-5,500 Jowar Gavarani (100 INR/KG) 1,400-1,600 1,400-1,600 Jowar CH-5 (100 INR/KG) 1,700-1,800 1,700-1,800 WEATHER (NAGPUR) Maximum temp. 32.9 degree Celsius (91.2 degree Fahrenheit), minimum temp. 15.3 degree Celsius (59.5 degree Fahrenheit) Humidity: Highest - n.a., lowest - n.a. Rainfall : nil FORECAST: Mainly clear sky. Maximum and Minimum temperature likely to be around 33 and 16 degree Celsius respectively. Note: n.a.--not available (For oils, transport costs are excluded from plant delivery prices, but included in market prices.)

KTB ATMs confirm it won't fund rice

State-run Krungthai Bank has posted messages that appear on its ATMs confirming that the bank will not lend the government funds to support its bankrupt rice pledging scheme. Published: 6/02/2014 at 02:55 PM Newspaper section: breakingnews

The bank has faced a customer confidence crisis since the antigovernment protesters under the Peoples Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC) said it would provide funding to finance the controversial rice scheme.The government now owes more than one million farmers a total of more than 100 billion baht from crops harvested and pledged to the scheme months ago, but has no funds to make payment.The ATM screen ad shows the image of president Vorapak Thanyawong with the message Krungthai Bank insists that it has not approved the loans for rice-pledging scheme. It emphasises on professional management which taken into account the benefit of all stake holders. The bank on Tuesday held a press conference where it confirmed its position not approving funds while its staff dressed in black to show their opposition to loans for the cash-strapped scheme.The caretaker government is trying to raise 130 billion baht to meet payments to farmers, but no bank wants to become involved. KTB is Thailand's second-largest bank by loan portfolio and has around 9,000 ATM machines across the country.

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The image of ATM screen of Krungthai Bank. (Bangkok Post photo)

Record foodgrain output likely in 2013-14

By PTI | 6 Feb, 2014, 07.58PM IST Record foodgrain output likely in 2013-14 ET SPECIAL: Save precious time tracking your investments

NEW DELHI: Foodgrain production in the country is expected to touch record level this year on the back of expected bumper crop in wheat and rice, Minister of State for Agriculture Tariq Anwar said today. "Going by the information I have received so far, foodgrain production in the country is expected to be all time high in 2013-14," Anwar said. He was speaking at the sidelines of an seminar on commodity markets organised by the Assocham. Replying to question, Anwar said,"Wheat output is set to touch record level this year, whereas in case of rice, I am optimistic that there will be a bumper production this year." India has achieved a record foodgrain production of 259.29 million tonnes in 2011-12. Output fell to 255.36 million tonnes in 2012-13 due to drought in some parts of the country. Good monsoon in 2013 helped farmers increase area under cultivation in both kharif (summer) and rabi (winter) seasons in the current crop year. According to the latest reports, area under wheat cultivation has risen over 6 per cent to an all-time high of 31.5 million hectares so far in the ongoing rabi season. Total area under all rabi crops has increased to 64.28 million hectares so far this rabi season, as against 60.86 million hectares in the year-ago period. Commenting on the encouraging sowing figures, Agriculture Minister Sharad Pawar had recently said the country's total wheat output is expected to cross 100 million tonnes, setting a fresh record for this year. Pawar had also said that overall foodgrain production in 2013-14 crop year (July-June) is likely to break the previous record of 259.29 million tonnes achieved in 2011-12. Meanwhile, Anwar emphasised on the integration of spot markets with future markets. "One of the major challenges faced by the ecosystem of commodity markets is integration of spot market with futures market," Anwar said.

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Vietnam sells more rice mainly to China

Published: 6 Feb 2014 at 19.52

Vietnamese rice got off to a good start this year as the country recorded increasing rice exports last month with China its top customer.Rice exports reached 517,000 tonnes last month, a 16.4% rise in volume and 19.5% jump in value from January 2013, the Vietnamese Agriculture and Development Ministry reported in the Vietnam News on Thursday.A man sells rice at a stall in Hanoi on Jan 14, 2014. Vietnam exported 517,000 tonnes of rice last month, almost one third of it to China. (EPA photo).The country bagged US$243 million (8 billion baht) from selling the product, 31% of it going to China. But the exports to Malaysia and the Philippines dropped, it added.Thailand once was the leading rice exporter but it was surpassed by India and Vietnam after the government launched the rice pledging scheme which buys rice at 15,000 baht per tonne, far above the market price.

Rice millers asked to help pay farmers

Published: 6 Feb 2014 at 19.01 Online news: Local News The Commerce Ministry has sought assistance from rice millers to pay half of the rice pledging amount owed to farmers to help those suffering from the governments delay payment. Farmers together with anti-government protesters under the People's Democratic Reform Committee surround Commerce Ministry on Thursday. (Photo by Pattanapong Hirunard).Caretaker Deputy Commerce Minister Yanyong Phuangrach said the ministry had spoken to representatives of the Thai Rice Mills Association to seek the cooperation of its members to accept the pledging tickets from farmers and pay around 50-60% of the amount owed to them. Farmers would then repay the millers when they get the full amount from the Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives (BAAC).Under this proposal, farmers do not have to pay interest to millers as the government will shoulder the cost.Mr Yanyong said the government will seek permission from the Election Commission to get 1.2 billion baht of central budget funds to pay the interest for the farmers.This proposed method will depend on voluntary decisions by the millers. If the millers agree with it, the project can be implemented within February, he said.The Finance Ministry has been trying to acquire funds to

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finance the pledging scheme. The BAAC has agreed to extend a debt moratorium for farmers for six months and is also offering low-interest loans.Manat Kitprasert, president of the Thai Rice Mills Association, said the group had no objection to the proposal as it would be a way to assist farmers, but it has to consult with members on the pros and cons.The decision would have to be voluntary for its 500-600 members.Farmers are not so sure about the scheme. Prasit Boonchey, president of the Thai Farmers Association, said the proposal might not be practical because farmers are not confident that financial institutions would approve loans for millers to free up funds. There was also uncertainty about whether the caretaker government had the authority to spend central budget funds to absorb the interest for farmers.He said the best way at the moment is for the government to open warehouses for stock checking and speed up rice sales by setting prices based on quality in order to get some money. Farmers in several western provinces travelled to the Commerce Ministry in Nonthaburi on Thursday to demand the government pay them their due. Around 2,000 farmers from the North have signed a petition to be submitted to the Office of HM Principal Private Secretary complaining about the overdue payment for rice pledging.Another group of farmers from the central provinces of Chai Nat, Ang Thong, Singburi, Suphanburi and Pathum Thani are blocking the Asian Highway in Ang Thong to pressure the caretaker government into paying them for their pledged rice.Caretaker Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra posted a message on her Facebook page saying she had directed the Finance and Commerce ministries to secure funds quickly to pay farmers who have still not been paid for rice pledged under the scheme last year.

Because of its caretaker position, the government has limited authority to handle the situation because the law prohibits it from making any deal that could create a debt burden on the new administration, she said.The 21 BAAC branches in Surin received a total of 155 million baht to pay farmers on Thursday while the bank's branches in Nakhon Ratchasima got 138 million baht.In Surin, the BAAC has already paid out on 21,005 tickets worth 1.86 billion baht. It has to pay for another 73,634 tickets costing 6.8 billion baht. The bank also expects more rice to get into the system before the end of the scheme on Feb 28.In Nakhon Ratchasima, a total of 99,714 tickets worth 7.7 billion baht have been pledged with the bank. It has paid out on 18,078 tickets worth 1.58 billion baht.

Yingluck promises help for rice farmers

Published: 6 Feb 2014 at 16.06 Online news:

The caretaker government is working hard to help rice farmers suffering as a result of delayed rice-pledging payments, caretaker Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra said on Thursday.In a message posted on her Facebook page, Ms Yingluck said she had directed the ministries of finance and commerce to secure funds to quickly pay farmers who have still not been paid for rice pledged under the scheme last year.

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Because of its caretaker position, the government has limited authority to handle the situation because the law prohibits it from making any deal that could create a debt burden on the new administration, she said.The caretaker premier insisted that her government recognised the importance of rice farmers and said the ricepledging policy was implemented with the aim of improving their income, stimulating the economy at grassroots level and reducing social inequality.Many foreign governments also have similar policies to subsidise their countries main crops and improve living standards of farmers, she said.However, the country is now in a special situation, said Ms Yingluck, since government had to dissolve the House of Representatives due to ongoing political turbulence.The House dissolution limits the legal authority of the caretaker government to push ahead with its policies, including the rice scheme, she said.Relevant state agencies have been trying hard to resolve problems of affected rice farmers," she said. The Ministry of Finance is trying to acquire loans from financial institutions and the Ministry of Commerce is in a process of releasing rice in stockpiles to generate funds to make the rice payments."Meanwhile, rice growers from the West, Central Plains and lower part of the North are rallying in front of the Ministry of Commerce to pressure the caretaker government to make overdue rice payments immediately, led by chairman of the Thai Farmers Association Prasit Boonchoey. People's Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC) protesters from Nonthaburi and the Network of Students and People for Thailand's Reform (NSPTR) are also taking part in the farmers rally at the ministry. Mr Prasit said rice farmers have not yet been paid for rice pledged more than six months ago and need the payments as soon as possible - regardless of where the money comes from.Farmers co-leaders want talks with the caretaker commerce minister and his permanent secretary to jointly find a way to resolve the problem, he said.Nonthaburi police were deployed inside the Ministry of Commerce building compound and nearby areas to maintain law and order.

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