Smart Module 2

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Patron En. Mansor bin Lat Director of Kedah Education Department Advisor Tn. Hj. Asmee bin Haji Tajuddin Head of the Academic Sector Coordinator Pn. Hjh. Zaliha bt Ahmad The Principal Assistant Director En!lish Lan!ua!e" Co itt!! M! "!rs Pn. #an Ais$ah bt Haris Assistant District Lan!ua!e %fficer for Lan!ua!e& Kota Setar" Pn. Hjh. 'ad(illah bt Selamat Assistant District Lan!ua!e %fficer for Lan!ua!es& Kuban! Pasu" En. )on! Kooi Hin Assistant District Lan!ua!e %fficer for Lan!ua!es& *alin! Si+" En. ,ordin bin Mohd. ,oor Assistant District Lan!ua!e %fficer for Lan!ua!es& Padan! Terap" En. A(mi bin %thman Assistant District Lan!ua!e %fficer for Lan!ua!es& Kuala Muda )an" En. ,a!aiah -elu Assistant District Lan!ua!e %fficer for Lan!ua!es& Lan!+a.i" En. Md. Zahir bin Husin Assistant District Lan!ua!e %fficer for Lan!ua!es& Kulim *andar *aharu" Pn. ,adia ,ormala -imala bt Abdullah Assistant District Lan!ua!e %fficer for Lan!ua!es& Pendan!" /i+ 'arha bt Sobr$ Assistant District Lan!ua!e %fficer for En!lish Secondar$"& Kuala Muda )an En. %slan bin )um Assistant District Lan!ua!e %fficer for En!lish Secondar$"& Kuban! Pasu Pan!# o$ S art Mod%#! 2 2011 &SPM 1119'

0. Pn. 'arah 1+hmar bt 2afri SMK Si+" 3. En. Lim Teon! SMK Simpan! Kuala" 4. )M 5aja ,urha$ati bt 5aja Abdullah SMK Seri Pantai" 6. Pn. ,orli(a bt Abd Hamid SMK S$ed Abu *a+ar" 7. Pn. 5a(li(a bt 5a(a+ SM -o+asional Kulim" 8. Pn. ,oor+hasimah bt Abdul Halim SMK Dato9 S$ed Ahmad" :. Pn. Sabjeet Kaur a;p Kasmir Sin!h SMK Pendan!" <. Pn. Adibah=Adiba bt Khusairi SMK ,a+a" >. Pn. 'adhilah bt *u+il SMK Mahsuri" 0?. En. Zanurin bin Mohamad Safar SMK Kulim"

TABLE OF CONTENT CONTENT 1. INFORMATION TRANSFER 1.1 1.2 1. Teachers Notes Students Tips !ractices !ractice 1 !ractice 2 !ractice !ractice " !ractice # !ractice $ !ractice % !ractice & !ractice '

2.REA(IN) COM!RE*ENSION AN( S+MMAR, 2.1 2.2 2. Teachers Notes Students Tips !ractices !ractice 1 !ractice 2 !ractice !ractice " !ractice # !ractice $ !ractice % !ractice &

. LITERAT+RE COM!ONENT-!OEMS .1 .2 . Teachers Notes Students Tips !ractices !ractice 1 !ractice 2 !ractice !ractice " !ractice # !ractice $ !ractice % !ractice & !ractice ' !ractice 1. !ractice 11 !ractice 12

". LITERAT+RE COM!ONENT-NO/EL ".1 ".2 ". Teachers Notes Students Tips !ractices !ractice 1 !ractice 2 !ractice !ractice " !ractice # !ractice $ !ractice %

#. (IRECTE( 0RITIN) #.1 #.2 #. Teachers Notes Students Tips Sa1p2e Essa3s and !ractices Sa1p2e Essa3 and !ractice 1 Sa1p2e Essa3 and !ractice 2 Sa1p2e Essa3 and !ractice Sa1p2e Essa3 and !ractice " Sa1p2e Essa3 and !ractice # Sa1p2e Essa3 and !ractice $ Sa1p2e Essa3 and !ractice %

$. CONTIN+O+S 0RITIN) $.1 $.2 $. Teachers Notes Students Tips Sa1p2e Essa3s Sa1p2e Essa3 1 Sa1p2e Essa3 2 Sa1p2e Essa3 Sa1p2e Essa3 " Sa1p2e Essa3 # Sa1p2e Essa3 $ Sa1p2e Essa3 % Sa1p2e Essa3 & Sa1p2e Essa3 ' Sa1p2e Essa3 1. Sa1p2e Essa3 11 Sa1p2e Essa3 12 Sa1p2e Essa3 1 Sa1p2e Essa3 1" Sa1p2e Essa3 1# Sa1p2e Essa3 1$

Ta42e o5 content 1. In5or1ation Trans5er 1.1 Teachers Notes and Students Tips 1.2 !ractice
!ractice 1 !ractice 2 !ractice !ractice " !ractice # !ractice $ !ractice % !ractice & !ractice '

1 . INFORMATION TRANSFER 1.1 Tips on Ans6erin7 In5or1ation Trans5er 8uestion 1. Stud3 the in5or1ation in the te9t care5u223. -The te9t can :aries 5ro1 ad:ertise1ents; notices; 1o:ie re:ie6s; ne6s report; cata2o7ues; pa1ph2ets and so 5orth. 2. Read the <uestions care5u223. -Ma=e sure 3ou =no6 6hat the <uestions as= 5or. -The <uestions 1a3 re<uire 3ou to write the name of events, titles of movies, or relevant words or phrases taken o t of the te!t. . The ans6er shou2d 4e short and strai"ht to the point. - (o not 6rite in 5u22 sentence or use 3our o6n 6ords. ". ,ou 1a3 need to do so1e 2o7ica2 reasonin7 5or so1e o5 the <uestions. -Note the ke#words in ea$h % estion to he2p 3ou to choose 3our ans6er. #. Spell #o r answer $orre$tl#. $. I5 students 7i:e 1ore than one ans6er; 1ar= 6i22 4e a6arded if onl# all the answers "iven are $orre$t. - app2ica42e 5or <uestions 6ith 1ore than possi42e ans6ers.

1.& 'ra$ti$e
!ractice 1


O:er 1.. 0or2d And Nationa2 Top Students; 1 st C2ass And 2nd +ppers In The LLB; CL! and ICSA O:er The !ast 2 ,ears.

The Wide Range O La! P"#g"a$$e% O e"ed PRE&UNI'ERSIT( A Le)e* +,a$-"idge In.e"na.i#na* E/a$ina.i#n0 UN1ERGRA1UATE LL2 +H#n%30 ,a"di Uni)e"%i.4 LL2 +H#n%0 Li)e"5##* Uni)e"%i.4 LL2 +H#n%0 N#".h6$-"ia Uni)e"%i.4 LL2 +H#n%0 Reading Uni)e"%i.4 'ia U7 TRANS8ER 1EGREE PROGRAMME +LAW0 PRO8ESSIONAL 1i5*#$a #" Lega* Se9"e.a"ie% P"# e%%i#na* 1e)e*#5$en. P"#g"a$$e%

7 5easons to Stud$ La. at *halin! La. 1nstitute 0 /omprehensi@e La. Librar$A BLI houses a
specia2ist 2a6 2i4rar3 6hich a22o6 access to on2ine resources.

3 'ree *oo+s and Stud$ MaterialsA students

6i22 4e pro:ided 6ith 5ree te9t4oo=; statute 4oo=s; stud3 1anua2s and re:ision 7uide.

4 Accomodation Ser@icesA BLI pro:ides on7oin7 acco11odation ser:ice and its ha22 o5 residence 6i22 4e openin7 in 2.11. 6 'leBible Stud$ ModesA ,ou can choose to
stud3 Fu22 Ti1e; !art Ti1e; on 6ee=end or :ia (istance Learnin7.

7 'inancial AssistanceA Scho2arships; !T!TN 2oans; E!F 6ithdra6a2 and insta221ent sche1e are a:ai2a42e.

CALL 1- &..- &&'- # 2" > MS. S*ANIA T0AINE? OR EMAIL +S AT 4ha2in72a6institute@e9cite1ai2.co1

Co1p2ete the 42an=s 6ith the in5or1ation 5ro1 the te9t.


1.Na1e o5 The Co22e7e ABBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB. >11? T3pes o5 !ro7ra11es o55ered A 2BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB





!ractice 2 9

Hundreds attend celebration of /hinese /ulture

*$ C Dann$ %oi *EOR*E TO,NA *undreds o5 +ni:ersiti Sains Ma2a3sia >+SM? students; their 5a1i23 1e14ers and the pu42ic he2d a Chinese Ne6 ,ear ce2e4ration recent23. The 5unction; he2d 5or the 5i5th ti1e; 6as to pro1ote Chinese cu2ture and tradition. C 0e ho2d this e:ent 3ear23 4ecause it is o5 ut1ost i1portance 5or us to preser:e our cu2ture. 0e 4e2ie:e it 6i22 he2p the 3oun7er 7eneration to e14race their o6n cu2ture;D said the ce2e4rations proEect director N7 Fe Shen. Minister in the !ri1e Ministers (epart1ent; Tan Sri (r Goh Tsu Goon; 6as the 7uesto5-honour. A2so present 6as +SM deput3 :ice-chance22or o5 student a55airs and de:e2op1ent (atu= (r O1ar Os1an. There 6ere per5or1ances 43 +SM dru1 7roup; +SM Chinese Orchestra and sin7er 0on7 Choon ,ean. The 5unction a2so inc2uded a 2ion dance; 4eat 4o9; t6ir2in7 dia4o2o; 5ace chan7in7; 1ode2 sho6 and 5ire-eatin7.Food; 7a1es and other sta22s 6ere a2so set up to entertain the cro6d.
>SourceA NST; March 11; 2.11?


Fi22 in the 42an=s 4e2o6 6ith ans6ers 5ro1 the ne6s report a4o:e.


>1. 1ar=s?




(rop 43 Gem Restaurant 6hich o55ers North and South Indian cuisines. The restaurant 6ith its 5usion o5 conte1porar3 and traditiona2 dHcor; ser:es a 6ide arra3 o5 5ood 5ro1 spic3 dishes to crea13 de2i7hts. The Mutton Shee=h Ge4a4 1arinated in aro1atic sa55ron and spices pac= a punch. The restaurant is at the corner o5 Bishop Street and Gin7 Street.

Passions of Kerala has t6o out2ets in !enan7-one in )e2u7or and the other in Ne6 0or2d !ar=. Nu1erous 5resh spices are used. The dishes are coo=ed 6ith a 7enerous a1ount o5 7rated a1ount o5 7rated coconut and coconut 1i2=. The 4anana 2ea5 rice is ser:ed 6ith an assort1ent o5 :e7eta42es dishes.

Sri Ananda Bahwan has a spacious out2et in TanEun7 Bun7ah and Litt2e India. Tuc= into specia2ities such as )o4i Manchurian and the 1i9ed o5 naan 4as=et 6hich co1es 6ith 1int and s6eet sauce. The3 ha:e a 6ide :ariet3 o5 s6eet and sa:our3 dessert such as 4ananas son pa2pua; pa2=o:a and choco2ate a21ond ca=es.
>i1a7es 5ro1 3ahoo.co1?

SourcesA NST; March


Fi22 in the 42an=s 6ith correct ans6ers 5ro1 the ad:ertise1ent . 12

!ractice " 13

Edin4ur7hIs *o71ana3 Torch2i7ht !rocession

The Torch2i7ht !rocession opens Edin4ur7hIs *o71ana3 5esti:ities. It ta=es p2ace on .th (ece14er; startin7 at !ar2ia1ent S<uare 43 St )i2es Cathedra2 at $. .p1 and 6indin7 its 6a3 do6n the Mound to Ca2ton *i22. )ra4 a torch2i7ht and 3our 42onde 6i7; and Eoin a 4unch o5 nois3; hair3 :i=in7s and Scots1en as the3 dra7 a :i=in7 6arship up Edin4ur7hIs Ca2ton *i22.On arri:in7 at the hi22 5ire6or= disp2a3s and the 42aJin7 52a1es 5ro1 the ship 6i22 2i7ht up the ni7ht s=3 6hen the ship itse25 is put to the torch. (o"mana# warmer0 pper A troupe o5 . :i=in7s 5ro1 the Ler6ic= +p *e223 Aa /i=in7 Festi:a2 in Shet2and 6i22 2ead hundreds o5 torch carriers.The3Ire acco1panied 43 the pipes and dru1s o5 4oth traditiona2 and conte1porar3 out5its; 6hich ha:e inc2uded Barnton K (a2=eith !ipe Band; the Coa24urn !ipes and (ru1s; the Tartan (ho2ies; and Schnic=e25ritJ. (ow to "et #o r tor$hes

Torch :ouchers cost L#... in ad:ance or L$... on the ni7ht and are a:ai2a42e 5ro1 the *o71ana3 Bo9 O55ice and Edin4ur7h *o71ana3 tic=et out2ets. On the da3 3ou e9chan7e :ouchers 5or the torches 5ro1 ". .p1 in !ar2ia1ent S<uare 43 St )i2es Cathedra2. ,ou can a2so 4u3 torches on the da3 5ro1 ". .p1 in !ar2ia1ent S<uare; at the La6n1ar=et ; the Tron In5or1ation Centre and at Mound !2ace Eunction. Mone3 raised 43 the sa2e o5 torches to a22 those ta=in7 part in the procession 6i22 7o to Edin4ur7hIs One Cit3 Trust and Radio Forths *e2p a Chi2d Appea2.

S#6"9e< h..5<==!!!3h#g$ana43ne.=e)en.%=edin-6"gh=.#"9h*igh.5"#9e%%i#n


Fi22 in the 42an=s 6ith correct ans6ers 5ro1 the ad:ertise1ent . The Tor$hli"ht 'ro$ession 1. (ate 2. Ti1e . !rocession Area !rice o5 Torch /ouchersA #BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB. $BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB Tic=et out2etsA %BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB. &BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB.

The 'ro$ession

0i22 4e 2ead 43 /i=in7 troupe 5ro1 BBBBBBBBBBBBBB..

acco1panied 43 pipes and dru1 7roups 6earin7 their BBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB...

!ractice # 15

The Ma2a3 Chronic2esA B2ood2ines 5or 6or2d 1ar=ets >C*i=a3at Meron7 Maha6an7saII ? is a Ma2a3 5i21 histor3 pu42ished 43 GR+ Studios to the 1ar=et internationa223 6ith the ai1 o5 introducin7 the histor3 and cu2ture o5 the Ma2a3 6or2d. Epic 5i21 is c2ear23 adapted 5ro1 the prose; *i=a3at Meron7 Maha6an7sa 6hich narrated the histor3 o5 the ear2iest state Gedah. A 5i21 directed 43 ,usr3 A4du2 *a2i1 >5ro1 the GR+? is no6 sho6in7 in Ma2a3sian cine1as startin7 5ro1 March 1.; 2.11 >a5ter the ro3a2 presentation 4e5ore the Fe4ruar3 2# ?; 43 Stephen Rah1an *u7hes as the character Meron7 Maha6an7sa; acco1panied 43 a 2ar7e cast o5 2oca2 and 5orei7n; especia223 (ato I*aEi Rahi1 RaJa2i; +11i NaJeera; Ghir Rah1an; Mehan Mis=in ; +1ie Aida and Ma3a Garin. In the 3ear 12.; Ro1an E1pire at that ti1e under the rei7n o5 *adrian; 6hi2e in China; *an d3nast3 are a po6er5u2 e1pire and has e9panded its ru2e to the Centra2 Asian countries. As the Ro1an 52eet did their repairs and traded in )oa; the3 as=ed Meron7 Maha6an7sa to escort a Ro1an prince to Southeast Asia; to 6ed a 4eauti5u2 Chinese princess 5ro1 the *an (3nast3; !rincess Men7 Li *ua. The Chinese princess and the Ro1an prince are supposed to 1eet ha256a3 and 4e 1arried on neutra2 7rounds. *o6e:er; pirate o5 the )aruda c2an has a di55erent desi7n. The3 decide to =idnap !rincess o5 China and 1a=e it as a hosta7e. At the end o5 irri7ation Strait o5 Ma2acca; Meron7 Maha6an7sa and the 52eet 6as attac=ed 43 )aruda. Thus; it is the dut3 o5 Meron7 Maha6an7sa to rescue !rincess o5 China and inte7rate her 6ith the !rince o5 Ro1e in a 1arria7e o5 t6o 7reat ci:i2iJations o5 East and 0est. SourceA0i=ipedia.co1


Fi22 in the 42an=s 6ith correct ans6er 5ro1 the te9t. 1 2 Mo:ie Tit2eA Re2eased (ateA (irectorA " !roducer

#. In this 5i21; Stephen *u7hes acts as BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB.. $. This epic 6as adapted 5ro1 an o2d prose o5 the histor3 o5 ear23 Gedah ;BBBBBBBBBB. BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB. %. Meron7 Maha6an7sa 6as instructed to acco1pan3 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB.. to 1eet her 4etrothed Ro1an !rince. &. The *an !rincess 6as on her 6a3 to BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB 6hen she 6as =idnapped 43 )aruda. '. The 7rand 6eddin7 o5 !rincess o5 China and !rince o5 Ro1e is a 1arria7e o5BBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB 1.. Na1es o5 three 2oca2 casts in the 5i21 areBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB.. BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB..BBB .

!ractice $ 17

1. Barley: Barley ranks below only wheat as a desirable food. It is the first recommendation for hot temperament diseases. Barley is soaked in water, which is drunk for coughs and sore throats. A soup made from barley is good for anyone suffering from the pain of fever. 2. igs: It is a fruit from paradise and a cure for piles. resh figs are preferred to be dried. Although !uite nourishing, they are very hot. "o eat of it, for it is a cure for piles and helps gout #. $rapes: It purifies the blood, provides vigour and health, strengthens the kidneys and clears the bowels. %. &oney: 'onsidered the best remedy for diarrhoea when mi(ed in hot water. It is the food of foods, drink of drinks and drug of drugs. It is used for creating appetite, strengthening the stomach, eliminating phlegm) as a meat preservative, hair conditioner, eye soother and mouthwash. It is e(tremely beneficial in the morning in warm water.

*. +elon: ,he eating of it cures every disease. $enerally, the sweeter a melon, the greater its heat. $reen varieties tend to be cold) the yellow, hot. +elon purifies the bladder and the stomach, and improves the spinal fluid and eyesight. +elons should not be eaten first in a meal. -. +ilk: It strengthens the back, improved the brain, renews vision and drives away forgetfulness. A milk diet is the best treatment there for dropsy) however, anyone with fever must avoid milk. .. /live /il and olive 0(cellent treatment for skin and hair, delays old age, and treats inflammation of the stomach. ,he older olive oil is, the hotter it becomes. $reen olives are the most nourishing, and counteract autointo(ication. Black olives cause the spleen to overproduce bile and are hard on the stomach. /live leaves can be chewed as treatment for inflammation of the stomach, skin ulcerations, and eruptions of herpes and hives.

SourceA httpANNchishti.or7N5oodsOo5OtheOprophet.ht1

Fi22 in the 4o9es 6ith the correct ans6ers 5ro1 the artic2e . 1:

Co1p2ete the sentences 4e2o6 5ro1 the in5or1ation in the artic2e. 1. I5 3ou eat 7rapes; it 6i22 he2p 3ou to c2ear BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB. 2. *one3 is 7ood to 4e ta=en hea2 3our diarrhoea. . So1eone 6ith 5e:er are not ad:ised to ta=e BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB.. ". O2i:e oi2 is a tre1endous treat1ent 5or BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB #. To treat cou7hs and sore throats; 3ou shou2d BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB.

!ractice % 19

.o #o have what it takes to 1e a S$ien$e S perstar2

Co1e and Eoin the Internationa2 !etronas Science Ta2ents Co1petition T(EME3 )reativel# A$t O t Important .is$overies In S$ien$e. Re7iona2 6inners 6i22 co1pete a7ainst other CScience SuperstarsD 5ro1 a22 o:er Ma2a3sia in the 7rand 5ina2s at Istana Buda3a; Gua2a Lu1pur in 2$ (ece14er 2.11 The co1petition is e2i7i42e to a22 For1 " to # students S$ien$e S perstars National +evel 'ri4es

A 6D;4, Educational tour pac+a!e to To+$o Multimedia Set for school Science De@elopment Pro!ramme for school

A 6D;4, Educational tour pac+a!e to Sin!apore Multimedia Set for school Science De@elopment Pro!ramme for school

An Education/tour package within Malaysia Multimedia Set for school Science De@elopment Pro!ramme for school

Judges 0. Dato Siti ,oorhali(a 3. 1r.Dr Shah Ali 4. Tan Sri Dr ,a.ab Abu
Lo7 on to petrosains.$om.m# 5or detai2s or contest entr3.

C2osin7 dateA . Mune 2.11 Endorsed 43A Ministr3 o5 Education

A Nationa2 Education Initiati:e or7aniJed 43A !ETROSAINS

Fi22 in the 42an=s 6ith in5or1ation 5ro1 the ad:ertise1ent.

Name of Competition

2 !heme $ Num%er of &inners ) Entry Closing *ate Competition *ate - ,inal Competition .enue " #rganiser

' (articipants

+ ,inal

/ Judge0s1

12 Contact for 3nformation


!ractice &

What is Osteoporosis?
Osteoporosis 1eans porous 4ones; 6here it 4eco1es 2ess dense or 1ore porous. 0hen this happens; 4ones 4eco1es 6ea= and 1ore 2i=e23 to 4rea=

Both 1en and 6o1en su55er osteoporosis 4ut 6o1en are at hi7her ris=.

Conse<uences o5 Osteoporosis Bro=en hip-1aEorit3 o5 those 6ho sur:i:e are disa42ed and on23 2#P 6i22 resu1e nor1a2 acti:it3 /erte4ra2 5racture- usua223 the pain starts sudden23 and 6orsen 6hen a person stands or 6a2=s 0rist 5racture- so1e o5 the s31pto1s are pain; s6e22in7 and tender 6rist. Sur7ica2 1a3 4e re<uired and 5o22o6ed 43 sp2intin7.
>sourceA Ministr3 O5 *ea2th Ma2a3sia?


> I1a7eA httpANNnutri6e4.or7.13?

Fi22 in the 42an=s 6ith the correct ans6er 5ro1 the te9t a4o:e.

Meanin" 15555555555555555555 'otential 6i$tims &555555555555555555.. E$$!(ts

755555555555555 85555555555555555. 4roken &rist S#mptoms of 1roken wrist 23

9555555555555555555. :. 555555555555555555. ;555555555555555555..

,a#s to avoid <55555555555555555555 =55555555555555555555 1>55555555555555555555

!ractice '

Malay Folks Dance

Canggung Endang
Endang is a modern Malay dance that has the influence of Sumatra and practiced by the Minang community of Negeri Sembilan, as seen movements, costumes and music. The dance movements depict the daily activity of villagers such as plucking leaves and iping s eat from the bro . The dance often begins ith dancers seated in a long This dance is popular in Perlis, a state line performing arms movements near the border of Thailand and once that slo ly increases in tempo. being ruled by Thailand. The Thai influence is strong and in Thai, Sometimes the dancers hold traditional tambourines and make 'canggung' means dancers. sounds ith them hile dancing. !n The dance is performed not only Malaysia, this dance is performed to during festivals but also during the song "in "in #arindin and


!t is believed that Muslim missionaries of the Middle East namely Persia and $rabia introduced the dance to Malaya during the fifteenth century. The dance as originally performed by males only 24

edding ceremonies. The dance is present choreographers have performed in pairs ith the ladies hold developed it considerably. a handkerchief in their hands. The dancers sing (ala canggung mak si canggung, canggung canggung la la la la le) hile dancing. They also sing famous Malay poems according to the beat and melody of the music. The musical instruments used the dance are the gong, violin, t o rebana and a gendang ubi.

ho ever it is also performed by female dancers these days. The simple version of the %apin is performed to the rhythm &'()* and the foot is e+tended out to the side on the last count. The music for %apin comes from an ensemble of traditional instruments hich include the lute ,gambus-, gypsy.type bongos ,mar as- and the violin. The dancers can then play ith each other, teasing, challenging and en/oying each others company. !t is most popular in 0ohor.

Source1 http122
Fi22 in the 4o9es 6ith the in5or1ation 5ro1 the te9t. .an$e 1. State Mohor


M si$al Instr ment?s@ sed in the dan$e 2.





)on7; re4ana ; :io2in and 7endan7 u4i

Co1p2ete the sentences 6ith the in5or1ation 5ro1 the te9t. %. The Can77un7 dance is per5or1ed in pairs 6ith BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB... &. Endan7 dance 1o:e1ent disp2a3s BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB. BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB



2. MARG SC*EME 'ra$ti$e 1 MEMO 1.Na1e o5 The Co22e7e A Bha2in7 La6 Institute T3pes o5 !ro7ra11es o55ered A 2B!re-+ni:ersit3 B+nder7raduate "B!ro5essiona2 Bene5its 3ou 7et i5 3ou stud3 there #BCo1prehensi:e La6 Li4rar3 $BFree 4oo=s and stud3 1ateria2. %BAcco1odation ser:ices &BF2e9i42e stud3 1odes 'BFinancia2 assistance 26

1.. (iscount 3ou 7et i5 3ou re7ister ear23 is B2. P !ractice 2 1.*ead2ine A *undreds attend ce2e4ration o5 Chinese Cu2ture 2.ReporterA (ann3 Ooi ./enue o5 the e:ent A)eor7e To6n ".O4Eecti:e o5 the e:entA To pro1ote Chinese cu2ture and tradition as 6e22 as to preser:e the cu2ture #.E:ent 1ana7erA N7 Fe Shen In:ited /.I.! A $? Tan Sri (r Goh Tsu Goon !ositionA Minister in the !ri1e Ministers (epart1ent %? (atu= (r O1ar Os1an !ositionA +SM deput3 :ice-chance22or o5 student a55airs and de:e2op1ent !er5or1ances 43 +SM student &?+SM dru1 7roup '?+SM Chinese Orchestra 1.?Sin7erN 0on7 Choon ,ean !ractice .


'ra$ti$e 7 2:

The Tor$hli"ht 'ro$ession

(ateA 1. 8>th .e$em1er !rice o5 Torch /ouchersA #. A9.>> in advan$e $. A:.>> on the ni"ht Ti1eA 2. :.8>pm !rocession AreaA . the Mo nd to )alton (ill Tic=et out2etsA %. (o"mana# Bo! Offi$e &. Edin1 r"h (o"mana# Ti$ket O tlets

=. +erwi$k -p Aa 6ikin" Festival in Shetland 1>. traditional and $ontemporar# o tfits. 'ra$ti$e 9 1 2 Mo:ie Tit2eA Re2eased (ateA (irectorA ,usr3 A4du2 *a2i1 " !roducer GR+ Studios #. In this 5i21; Stephen *u7hes acts as Meron" Mahawan"sa
$. This epic 6as adapted 5ro1 an o2d prose o5 the histor3 o5 ear23 Gedah ; (ika#at Meron" Mahawan"sa. %. Meron7 Maha6an7sa 6as instructed to acco1pan3 'rin$ess Men" +i ( a to 1eet her 4etrothed Ro1an !rince. &. The *an !rincess 6as on her 6a3 to So theast Asia 6hen she 6as =idnapped 43 )aruda. '. The 7rand 6eddin7 o5 !rincess o5 China and !rince o5 Ro1e is a 1arria7e o5 two "reat $ivili4ations of East and ,est. 1.. Na1es o5 three 2oca2 casts in the 5i21 are .ato C(aDi Rahim Ra4ali, -mmi Na4eera, Ehir Rahman, Fehan Miskin , -mie Aida and Ma#a Earin. ?an# three @

The Ma2a3 Chronic2esA B2ood2ines 1. March 2.11

'ra$ti$e : 29

$.I5 3ou eat 7rapes; it 6i22 he2p 3ou to c2ear the 1owels. %.*one3 is 7ood to 4e ta=en in hot water to hea2 3our diarrhoea. &.So1eone 6ith 5e:er are not ad:ised to ta=e milk. '.O2i:e oi2 is a tre1endous treat1ent 5or skin and hair. 1.. To treat cou7hs and sore throats; 3ou shou2d soak 1arle# in water and drink.

!ractice %

Name of Competition

1 5cience 5uperstars
2 !heme Creati6ely Act #ut 3mportant *isco6eries 3n 5cience $ Num%er of &inners !hree 5tudents " #rganiser (etrosains

' (articipants ,orm $ and ,orm '

) Entry Closing *ate Competition *ate "2 June 2211 2211

+ ,inal 2) *ecem%er

- ,inal Competition .enue 3stana 4udaya7 8uala 9umpur


/ Judge0s1
Dato Siti 1r.Dr Shah Ali; Tan Sri Dr ,a.ab Abu

12 Contact for 3nformation petrosains com my


!ractice & Meanin" 1 !orous Bones 'otential 6i$tims of Osteoporosis & Men and 0o1en


7 6erte1ral Fra$t re 8 Broken hip 4roken &rist S#mptoms of 1roken wrist 9 pain 6rist : s6e22in7 6rist ; tender 6rist

,a#s to avoid < eat hi7h-ca2ciu1 5oods = e9ercise re7u2ar23 1> do not s1o=e at 3oun7 a7e


'ra$ti$e = .an$e 1. Gapin State Mohor M si$al Instr ment?s@ sed in the dan$e 2. the l te, "#ps#0t#pe 1on"os and violin


. Ne"eri Sem1ilan

". tam1o rines

#. )an"" n"

$. 'erlis

)on7; re4ana ; :io2in and 7endan7 u4i

%. The Can77un7 dance is per5or1ed in pairs 6ith the ladies hold a handker$hief in their hand. &. Endan7 dance 1o:e1ent disp2a3s the dail# a$tivit# of villa"ers. '. The 1eanin7 o5 Can77un7 in Thai is dan$ers. 1..Fapin 6as introduced to Ma2a3a 43 M slim missionaries of the Middle EastH 'ersian and Ara1ian


CONTENT !A)E &.REA.IN* )OM'RE(ENSION AN. S-MMAR/ 2.1 Teachers notes 2.2 Students Tips 2. !ractices !ractice 1 !ractice 2 !ractice !ractice " !ractice # !ractice $ !ractice %


1. Readin" )omprehension and S mmar#

1.1 Tea$herIs Notes

1 As= the students to read the su11ar3 <uestion 5irst >8uestion 1? 4e5ore the3 read the passa7e in Section C. The su11ar3 <uestion nor1a223 a22o6s the1 to 7et so1e ideas o5 6hat the passa7e is a22 a4out. It is an ad:anta7e 5or 6ea= students to =no6 the 7enera2 idea o5 the passa7e 4e5ore the3 read it. Teachers 1ust re1ind the students that the3 shou2d not 6rite the su11ar3 5irst 4ut a5ter readin7 the su11ar3 <uestion; the3 shou2d read the passa7e and ans6er a22 the co1prehension <uestions. 2. Ad:ise the students to read the passa7e para7raph 43 para7raph. A5ter readin7 each para7raph; the3 shou2d read and tr3 to ans6er the <uestion that is 4ased on that para7raph. B3 doin7 so; the students 6i22 4e 1ore 5ocused in 5indin7 the correct ans6er. . Students shou2d 4e a42e to identi53 the =e36ords in each <uestion. The =e36ords 6i22 4e c2ues 5or the1 to 5ind the correct ans6er in the passa7e. ". Students shou2d on23 cop3 out the sentence 5ro1 the te9t once the3 ha:e identi5ied the sentence containin7 the ans6er. O5 course; the3 1ust a2so 4e re1inded that pronouns such as I, me, mine, my, our, us and ours 1ust 4e chan7ed accordin723. #. Students 1ust 4e tau7ht to di55erentiate a 6ord and a phrase. So; i5 there is a <uestion as=in7 5or a 6ord; the3 1ust on23 6rite a 6ord 5or their ans6er. On the other hand; i5 the3 are supposed to 6rite a phrase; the3 1ust on23 6rite do6n a 7roup o5 6ords 6hich is not a co1p2ete sentence such as uncomplicated deIivery or indispensable part of our lives. Si1i2ar23; i5 the <uestion re<uires students to 6rite 6ords as the ans6er; teachers shou2d 7uide students to cop3 a part o5 a sentence. Ma=e sure the3 do not 2i5t the 6ho2e sentence. In short; teachers 1ust ensure students are a6are o5 the di55erences o5 these ter1sA word, words, phrase and sentence. $. Students 1ust atte1pt to chec= the accurac3 o5 a22 their ans6ers.
1.& St dentIs Tips

1. Students 1ust understand the re<uire1entNs o5 the su11ar3. 2. Students 1ust 1ar= the 2ines 6here the su11ar3 starts and ends. . Students shou2d =no6 that the 5irst 2ines nor1a223 contain the 5irst point or at 2east a content point. ". Students 1ust re5er to the su11ar3 re<uire1entNs 4e5ore the3 5ina223 cop3 out an3 sentence as their content point. The3 1ust 4e encoura7ed to <uestion the1se2:es accordin723 such as 43 as=in7 Is this a danger he faced? or Is this how they solved their problems?. The <uestions the3 pose to the1se2:es are their 7uide in se2ectin7 the re2e:ant and accurate content points. #. 0hen students ha:e pic=ed a sentence as their content point; the3 shou2d cop3 the sentence co1p2ete23 to a:oid an3 distortion o5 1eanin7. $. For 6ea= or :er3 6ea= students; the3 1a3 cop3 the 2on7est para7raph up to 1 . 6ords. B3 doin7 so; the3 shou2d 4e a42e to score se:era2 1ar=s 5or content points. %. Students 1ust a2so cop3 the punctuations accurate23 as the3 appear in the passa7e.


&. The3 shou2d tr3 as 5ar as possi42e to =eep to the 6ord 2i1it. E9ceedin7 it 6i22 Eust 4e a 6aste o5 ti1e and e55ort as an3thin7 6ritten 4e3ond it 6i22 not 4e considered at a22. *o6e:er; no 1ar=s 6i22 4e pena2ised 5or the e9tra 6ords inc2uded. '. B3 si1p23 cop3in7 out sentences correct23; students 6i22 4e a42e to earn 2 1ar=s 5or +se o5 Lan7ua7e. Mar=s 5or su11ar3A !araphrasin7 >!? A +se o5 Lan7ua7e >+E?A # # Content points Lan7ua7e 1. # 1# >Tota2 1ar=s?

1 !"# # >Lan7ua7e? +AN*-A*E .ES)RI'TORS

Mar=s 5or 2an7ua7eA # 1ar=s >Add 1ar=s 5or paraphrase and use o5 En72ish and di:ide 43 t6o?


Q sustained rephrasin7 Q a22o6 phrases 5ro1 te9t Q 6hich are di55icu2t to su4stitute Q e9pression is secure


Q 2an7ua7e is accurate Q occasiona2 s2ips or 1inor errors Q :er3 6e22-or7anised and coherent throu7hout Q 1ar=ed a4i2it3 to use ori7ina2 co1p2e9 structures Q 2an7ua7e is 2ar7e23 accurate Q iso2ated serious errors Q 6e22-or7anised and coherent in 1ost parts Q so1e a4i2it3 to use ori7ina2 and co1p2e9 structures Q 2an7ua7e is su55icient23 accurate Q so1e serious errors Q 5air23 6e22-or7anised coherent in so1e parts Q 1eanin7 is not in dou4t Q 5re<uent serious errors Q poor23 or7aniJed and 2ac=s coherence Q 1eanin7 is not in dou4t Q 5re<uent serious errors Q poor23 or7aniJed 2and 2ac=s coherence Q hea:3 5re<uenc3 o5 serious errors Q 5ractured s3nta9 Q incoherent


Q noticea42e rephrasin7 Q 5ree 5ro1 stretches o5 concentrated 2i5tin7 Q e9pression is 7enera223 sound


Q 2i1ited rephrasin7 Q inte22i7ent and se2ecti:e 2i5tin7 Q e9pression is not a26a3s secure Q 6ho2esa2e cop3in7 Q atte1pts to su4stitute 6ith o6n 2an7ua7e 2i1ited to sin72e 6ord e9pression

Q 1ore or 2ess a co1p2ete transcript o5 te9t Q ori7ina2it3 4are23 noticea42e Q 1ind2ess 2i5tin7


Section C R2# 1ar=sS J estions &: K 81 are based on the following passage. 1 One da3; a 3oun7 1an 6as c2eanin7 out his 2ate 7rand5athers 4e2on7in7s 6hen he ca1e across a 4ri7ht red en:e2ope. 0ritten on the 5ront 6ere the 6ords; TTo 13 7randsonD. Reco7nisin7 his 7rand5athers 6ritin7; the 3oun7 1an opened the en:e2ope. A 2etter inside readA C(ear )randson; 3ears a7o 3ou ca1e to 1e 5or he2p. ,ou said; C)randpa; ho6 is it that 3ou:e acco1p2ished so 1uch in 3our 2i5e and 3oure sti22 5u22 o5 ener73 I1 a2read3 tired o5 struggling. *o6 can I 7et that sa1e enthusias1 that 3ou:e 7otUD CI didnt =no6 6hat to sa3 to 3ou then as 3ou 6ere sti22 too 3oun7 to co1prehend the co1p2e9ities o5 2i5e. But =no6in7 13 da3s are nu14ered; I 5i7ure that I o6e 3ou an ans6er. So here is 6hat I 4e2ie:e. I thin= a 2ot o5 it has to do 6ith ho6 a person 2oo=s at thin7s. I ca22 it $eeping your eyes wide open. First; rea2ise that 2i5e is 5i22ed 6ith surprises; so1e not so p2easant and others <uite shoc=in7 4ut 1an3 are 7ood ones. I5 3ou dont =eep 6atchin7 5or the1; 3ou22 1iss ha25 the e9cite1ent. E9pect to 4e thri22ed once in a 6hi2e; and 3ou 6i22 4e. ,ou attract 6hat 3ou thin= o5 the 1ost in 2i5e. 0hen 3ou 1eet up 6ith cha22en7es; 6e2co1e the1. (o not 4o2tV The322 2ea:e 3ou 6iser; stron7er; and 1ore capa42e than 3ou 6ere the da3 4e5ore. ,ou22 4e 72ad 3ou dare to ta=e the 4u22 43 its horns. 0hen 3ou 1a=e a 1ista=e; 4e 7rate5u2 5or the thin7s it tau7ht 3ou. Fai2ure shou2d not stop 3ou 5ro1 pursuin7 3our drea1s. No one is per5ect. Reso2:e to use that 2esson to he2p 3ou reach 3our 7oa2s; And a26a3s 5o22o6 the ru2es W e:en the 2itt2e ones. 0hen 3ou 5o22o6 the ru2es; 2i5e 6or=s. I5 3ou thin= 3ou e:er rea223 7et 43 6ith 4rea=in7 the ru2es; 3oure on23 5oo2in7 3ourse25. Re1e14er cri1e does not pa3 and our past has a snea=3 6a3 o5 creepin7 up to us. Its a2so i1portant to decide e9act23 6hat 3ou 6ant. Then; =eep 3our 1ind 5ocused on it; and 4e prepared to recei:e it. Bein7 5ocused on a 7oa2 spurs us to6ards the ri7ht direction 43 channe22in7 our ener73 on 6hat is actua223 i1portant so that 6e are not too o:er6he21ed 43 o4stac2es. But 4e read3 to end up in so1e ne6 p2aces too. Chan7e is part o5 7ro6in7 up. As 3ou 7ro6 6ith the 3ears. youll be given bigger shoes to fill. So 4e read3 5or endin7s as 6e22 as cha22en7in7 4e7innin7s. Li5e 6i22 not 4e so predicta42e. It can a2so 4e 5un too. So1eti1es 6e ha:e to 4e 4ra:e enou7h to 1o:e 5ro1 the 5a1i2iar to the un5a1i2iar. Li5e isnt Eust reachin7 pea=s. !art o5 it is 1o:in7 5ro1 one pea= to the ne9t. I5 3ou rest too 2on7 in 4et6een; 3ou 1i7ht 4e te1pted to <uit. Co1p2acenc3 and content1ent 6i22 set in. ,ou 6i22 not desire to 1o:e on. ,ou can 4eco1e 2aJ3 or indi55erent. Lea:e the past in the past. C2i14 the ne9t 1ountain and enEo3 the :ie6. (u1p thin7s that 6ei7h 3ou do6n e1otiona223 and spiritua223. 0hen an o2d resent1ent; 4e2ie5 or attitude 4eco1es hea:3; 2i7hten 3our 2oad. Shed those hurt5u2 attitudes that s2o6 3ou do6n and drain 3our ener73.




# $ %









12 1


Re1e14er that 3our choices 6i22 create 3our successes and 3our 5ai2ures. So consider a22 the path6a3s ahead; and decide 6hich ones to 5o22o6. Then; 4e2ie:e in 3ourse25 7et up; and 7et 7oin7. And 4e sure to ta=e 4rea=s once in a 6hi2e. E:er3one needs to rechar7e their 4atteries. The322 7i:e 3ou a rene6ed co11it1ent to 3our drea1s; and a cheer5u2; hea2th3 perception o5 the thin7s that 1atter the 1ost to 3ou. ,our :ision 6i22 4e sharper and 3our 7oa2s c2earer. CMost i1portant o5 a22; ne:er 7i:e up on 3ourse25. The person that ends up a 6inner; is the one 6ho reso2:es to 6in. Losers <uit too ear23 in the race. )i:e 2i5e e:er3thin7 3ou:e 7ot; and 2i5e 6i22 7i:e its 4est 4ac= to 3ou.D Lo:e a26a3s; )randpa. 43 %teve &run$horst



2$ >a? Fro1 para7raph 1; 6h3 did the 3oun7 1an open the 2etter in the 4ri7ht red en:e2opeU OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO R1 1ar=S >4? Fro1 para7raph 2; 6hat inspired the 7rand5ather to 6rite this 2etterU OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO R1 1ar=S 2% >a? Fro1 para7raph ; 6hat does the phrase X$eeping your eyes wide open 1eanU OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO R1 1ar=S >4? Fro1 para7raph ";6hat are so1e o5 the surprises in 2i5e i5 6e =eep our e3es openU OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO > 1 1ar= ? 2& >a? Fro1 para7raph #; ho6 shou2d the 3oun7 1an 5ace cha22en7es in 2i5eU OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO > 1 1ar= ? >4? Fro1 para7raph %; 6hat 6as the 7rand5athers ad:ice 6ith re7ards to ru2esU OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO > 1 1ar= ? 2' >4? Fro1 para7raph '; e9p2ain the phrase Xyoull be given bigger shoes to fill. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO > 1 1ar= ? >4? Fro1 para7raph 1"; ho6 can 2i5e 7i:e its 4est 4ac= to usU OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO > 1 1ar= ? . (o 3ou thin= it is i1portant not to 4e a <uitter in the race o5 2i5eU 0h3U OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO > 2 1ar=s ?


1 Based on the passa7e 7i:en; 6rite a su11ar3 onA

the 2essons o5 2i5e 7i:en 43 the 7rand5ather to his 7randson.





Editin7 S+MMAR, 0ORGS*EET >Student cop3? 1 Based on the passa7e 7i:en; 6rite a su11ar3 onA the 2essons o5 2i5e 7i:en 43 the 7rand5ather to his 7randson. Be7in 3our su11ar3 as 5o22o6sA I believe that it has a lot to do with ''''''''''''''''''''B.. 1. I thin= a 2ot o5 it has to do 6ith ho6 a person 2oo=s at thin7s 2. First; rea2ise that 2i5e is 5i22ed 6ith surprises; so1e not so p2easant and others <uite shoc=in7 4ut 1an3 are 7ood ones. I5 3ou dont =eep 6atchin7 5or the1; 3ou22 1iss ha25 the e9cite1ent. E9pect to 4e thri22ed once in a 6hi2e; and 3ou 6i22 4e. . 0hen 3ou 1eet up 6ith cha22en7es; 6e2co1e the1. (o not 4o2tV The322 2ea:e 3ou 6iser; stron7er; and 1ore capa42e than 3ou 6ere the da3 4e5ore. ". 0hen 3ou 1a=e a 1ista=e; 4e 7rate5u2 5or the thin7s it tau7ht 3ou. Fai2ure shou2d not stop 3ou 5ro1 pursuin7 3our drea1s. No one is per5ect. Reso2:e to use that 2esson to he2p 3ou reach 3our 7oa2s; #. And a26a3s 5o22o6 the ru2es W e:en the 2itt2e ones. 0hen 3ou 5o22o6 the ru2es; 2i5e 6or=s. $. Its a2so i1portant to decide e9act23 6hat 3ou 6ant. Then; =eep 3our 1ind 5ocused on it; and 4e prepared to recei:e it. %. So 4e read3 5or endin7s as 6e22 as cha22en7in7 4e7innin7s. &. Li5e 6i22 not 4e so predicta42e. It can a2so 4e 5un too. Li5e isnt Eust reachin7 pea=s.


'. Lea:e the past in the past. 1.. Re1e14er that 3our choices 6i22 create 3our successes and 3our 5ai2ures. 11. And 4e sure to ta=e 4rea=s once in a 6hi2e. E:er3one needs to rechar7e their 4atteries. The322 7i:e 3ou a rene6ed co11it1ent to 3our drea1s; and a cheer5u2; hea2th3 perception o5 the thin7s that 1atter the 1ost to 3ou. 12. CMost i1portant o5 a22; ne:er 7i:e up on 3ourse25. 1 . )i:e 2i5e e:er3thin7 3ou:e 7ot; and 2i5e 6i22 7i:e its 4est 4ac= to 3ou.D


!RACTICE 2 Section C R2# 1ar=sS J estions &: K 81 are based on the following passage. 1 It is not an eas3 tas= to 4e a 7ood sports1an. 0hat is actua223 sports1anshipU A 7ood sports1anship is the <ua2it3 o5 so1eone 6ho is inc2ined to the area o5 sports and p2a3s rather 5air23 43 5o22o6in7 the ru2es o5 the 7a1e. Besides; the sports1an respects the Eud71ent o5 the re5erees and a22 the o55icia2s in the 7a1e; =no6in7 that the3 are not 4iased. A 7ood sports1an 6i22 a2so treat the opponents 6ith respect. !ractisin7 7ood sports1anship in rea2-2i5e situations is not eas3. *o6e:er; there are so1e 7uide2ines in 6hich one can 5o22o6. First23; it is o5 the ut1ost i1portance to 2earn as 1uch o5 the sports as possi42e. This is 4ecause a 7ood sports1an shou2d p2a3 43 the ru2es. The sports1an 1ust 4e cooperati:e 43 sho6in7 up 5or practice; 6or=in7 hard and rea2iJin7 that tea16or= is i1portant to ensure success. In addition; it is i1portant to ta2= po2ite23 and act courteous23 to6ards the tea11ates; the opponents; the coaches and e:en the opponents coaches 4e5ore; durin7 and e:en a5ter the 7a1es or e:ents. Further1ore; ne:er 5or7et to 7et in touch 6ith the o55icia2s presidin" o:er the 7a1e and a2so the spectators. Re1e14er to sta3 coo2. Ne:er e:er 2ose 3our te1per. A 7ood sports1an shou2d not 7i:e up easi23. A 7a1e is on23 a 7a1e and the chances o5 6innin7 are 5i5t3-5i5t3; so no 1atter ho6 hard 3ou ha:e p2a3ed the 7a1e; 4e rea2istic. Re1e14er that there is a 6inner and a 2oser in a 7a1e. No one 2i=es to 2ose; 4ut 2earn to ta=e de5eat as a cha22en7e. Another thin7 a 7ood sports1an 1ust re1e14er is to a:oid sett2in7 disputes 6ith :io2ence. In case there is such a dispute; see= the ad:ice o5 a coach or an o55icia2. I5 3ou respond 6ith :io2ence; the pro42e1 is that as a sports1an; 3ou can 4e pena2iJed. The e55ect is that 3our chances in 6innin7 a 7a1e are :er3 s2i1. It is i1portant to cheer 3our tea11ates 6ith positi:e state1ents. E:er3 1e14er in the tea1 is i1portant. It is 7ood to a:oid trash ta2=in7 a4out the other tea1. Moreo:er; re1e14er to ac=no62ed7e and app2aud the 7ood p2a3s. I5 3our tea1 2oses the 7a1e; do not 5ee2 disappointed. A 7ood p2a3 shou2d 4e 7i:en the credit. Last23; con7ratu2ate 3our opponents i5 the3 6in the 7a1e. Learn to accept de5eat 7race5u223. Con7ratu2ate 3our opponents on a 7a1e 6e22 p2a3ed.






% & '



>4? ho6 can a 7ood sports1an sho6 his cooperationU OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO R1 1ar=S 2& Fro1 para7raph "; >a? 6hich 6ord in this para7raph has the sa1e 1eanin7 as the 6ord Xad:ersariesU OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO R1 1ar=S >4? e9p2ain the 1eanin7 o5 the 6ord Xpresidin7. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO R1 1ar=S 2' >a? Fro1 para7raph #; 6hat are the chances in 6innin7 a 7a1eU OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO R1 1ar=S >4? Fro1 para7raph $; state the 2i=e23 thin7 that 6i22 happen to a sports1an i5 a dispute ends in :io2ence. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO R1 1ar=S . In para7raph '; 6hat are the 6a3s a 7ood sports1an shou2d do i5 the opponents 6in the 7a1eU 0rite in 3our o6n 6ords. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO R2 1ar=sS 1 Based on the passa7e 7i:en; 6rite a s mmar# on3 6hat is 7ood sports1anship 6a3s to practise 7ood sports1anship Credit 6i22 4e 7i:en 5or use o5 o6n 6ords 4ut care 1ust 4e ta=en not to chan7e the ori7ina2 1eanin7. ,our su11ar3 1ustA 4e in continuous 6ritin7 5or1 >not in note 5or1? use 1ateria2s 5ro1 2ine 1 to the end not 4e 2on7er than 18> words, in$l din" the 1> words 7i:en 4e2o6 Be7in 3our su11ar3 as 5o22o6sA )emonstrating good sportsmanship is important in any games or sports '''''''''''... BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB..B BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB.B BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB.B BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB.B BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB..B BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB.B BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB.B



/oca4u2ar3 !ractice (or each of the meaning of the words used in the article, find the word which matches the meaning. 1. >Line 2? to tend to thin= or 4eha:e in a particu2ar 6a3 - OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 2. >Line #? sho6in7 5a:our to6ards or a7ainst one 7roup o5 peop2e or one opinion 5or persona2 reasons - OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO . >Line 1 ? sho6in7 po2iteness - OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ". >Line 1'? acceptin7 in a sensi42e 6a3 6hat it is actua223 possi42e to do or achie:e in a particu2ar situation - OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO #. >Line 2 ? disa7ree1ent 4et6een t6o peop2e - OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO $. >Line 2#? not as 4i7 as 3ou 6ou2d 2i=e or e9pect - OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO %. >Line 2'? to sho6 3our appro:a2 o5 so1e4od3 43 c2appin7 3our hands - OOOOOOOOOOOOOO


Editin7 S+MMAR, >Student use? 1 Based on the passa7e 7i:en; 6rite a s mmar# on3 6hat is 7ood sports1anship 6a3s to practise 7ood sports1anship Be7in 3our su11ar3 as 5o22o6sA )emonstrating good sportsmanship is important in any games or sports '''''''... 1. A 7ood sports1anship is the <ua2it3 o5 so1eone 6ho is inc2ined to the area o5 sports and p2a3s rather 5air23 43 5o22o6in7 the ru2es o5 the 7a1e. 2. Besides; the sports1an respects the Eud71ent o5 the re5erees and a22 the o55icia2s in the 7a1e; =no6in7 that the3 are not 4iased. . A 7ood sports1an 6i22 a2so treat the opponents 6ith respect.

". First23; it is o5 the ut1ost i1portance to 2earn as 1uch o5 the sports as possi42e. #. The sports1an 1ust 4e cooperati:e 43 sho6in7 up 5or practice; 6or=in7 hard and rea2iJin7 that tea16or= is i1portant to ensure success. $. In addition; it is i1portant to ta2= po2ite23 and act courteous23 to6ards the tea11ates; the opponents; the coaches and e:en the opponents coaches 4e5ore; durin7 and e:en a5ter the 7a1es or e:ents. %. Re1e14er to sta3 coo2. Ne:er e:er 2ose 3our te1per. A 7ood sports1an shou2d not 7i:e up easi23. &. Another thin7 a 7ood sports1an 1ust re1e14er is to a:oid sett2in7 disputes 6ith :io2ence.


I5 3ou respond 6ith :io2ence; the pro42e1 is that as a sports1an; 3ou can 4e pena2iJed. '. Moreo:er; re1e14er to ac=no62ed7e and app2aud the 7ood p2a3s 1.. Last23; con7ratu2ate 3our opponents i5 the3 6in the 7a1e. Learn to accept de5eat 7race5u223. Con7ratu2ate 3our opponents on a 7a1e 6e22 p2a3ed.



Section C R2# 1ar=sS J estions &: K 81 are based on the following passage. 1 Man3 o5 us ha:e 4oo=s at ho1e. These 4oo=s can ran7e 5ro1 re5erence 4oo=s to enc3c2opedias; Eourna2s; 1a7aJines or e:en 5iction 4oo=s. *o6e:er; 6e 2ac= the =no62ed7e to con:ert these 4oo=s into a ho1e 2i4rar3. The 4oo=s are nor1a223 stac=ed in 4o9es and 2e5t in the attics or storeroo1s to co22ect dust. 0hat is a ho1e 2i4rar3U A ho1e 2i4rar3 is a 2itt2e area o5 space in a corner # o5 a ho1e or e:en a s1a22 roo1 6here 6e can p2ace a22 our readin7 1ateria2s; re5erences and e2ectronic resources. A ho1e 2i4rar3 can 4e turned into a cos3 roo1 o5 re5erences 43 the 5a1i23 1e14ers. *ere; the 5a1i23 1a3 run acti:ities that are re2ated to readin7 such as 7a1es 2i=e Scra442e; chess; 6ord puJJ2es and cross6ord puJJ2es. Nor1a223; a ho1e 2i4rar3 contains printed and non-printed readin7 1ateria2s. Materia2s such as readin7 too2s can a2so 4e p2aced in the ho1e 2i4rar3. So1e e9a1p2es o5 such readin7 1ateria2s are the dictionaries; at2as; enc3c2opedias; 1anua2s on 4i=es or cars; recipes or e:en te2ephone directories. " In addition; it is 7ood to add in so1e 2i7ht readin7 1ateria2s or :ie6in7 1ateria2s in the ho1e 2i4rar3. There are a :ast co22ection o5 no:e2s; picture 4oo=s; 1a7aJines; 5a1i23 photo a24u1s and artic2es that can 4e co22ected 43 the 5a1i23 1e14ers 5or re5erence. Other added co22ections to the ho1e 2i4rar3 are :ideotapes; cassettes; C(-ROMs; 4oard 7a1es and e:en 4rochures. Most peop2e do not rea2iJe that ha:in7 a ho1e 2i4rar3 is 4ene5icia2. A ho1e 2i4rar3 can he2p to 5oster a 2on7-2i5e 2o:e 5or readin7 a1on7 the 5a1i23 1e14ers. Chi2dren can 4e 7i:en the opportunit3 to 4e e9posed to readin7 4oo=s at a 3oun7 a7e. Indirect23; the 3oun7 readers can 4e incu2cated 6ith the 2o:e 5or readin7. Readin7 can 4e 1ade as one o5 the acti:ities 5or the 5a1i23 1e14ers. The parents can 7uide the chi2dren to read 4oo=s and at the sa1e ti1e; 5oster 7ood 5a1i23 re2ationships. Chi2dren can a2so 4e 5ostered to adopt a positi:e attitude to appreciate readin7 1ateria2s and =no62ed7e that can 4e o5 :a2ue to the1. In the 2on7 run; the 5a1i23 1e14ers can de:e2op their readin7 process. A ho1e 2i4rar3 ena42es the 5a1i23 1e14ers to read 1ateria2s 6ithin the con5ines o5 their o6n ho1es. The 1ateria2s can 4e easi23 accessed at an3 ti1e. Moreo:er; the readin7 acti:ities can 4e carried out to i1pro:e the thin=in7 s=i22s o5 5a1i23 1e14ers. There are 1an3 acti:ities that one can carr3 out in a ho1e 2i4rar3. In this 2itt2e 2i4rar3 o5 =no62ed7e; one can test the 5a1i23 1e14ers on a s=i22 o5 chess; Scra442e or the Ma2a3 strate7ic 7a1e ca22ed Xcon7=a=. In this s1a22 corner o5 a roo1; one can a2so teach the 5a1i23 1e14ers to 1a=e so1e handicra5ts 2i=e ori7a1i. A 5a1i23 can a2so sit to7ether to test their co11and o5 :oca4u2ar3 throu7h Scra442e; a cross6ord puJJ2e and a 2ist o5 other 4oard 7a1es. There are a2so 7a1es that cha22en7e the 1ind that can 4e stored in this ho1e 2i4rar3. One e9a1p2e is the XSahi44a. 1.





To 1a=e the ho1e 2i4rar3 a 7ood resource centre 5or 5a1i23 1e14ers and e:en 5riends; one e9a1p2e is to 7et the he2p o5 the state pu42ic 2i4rar3 ". 1ana7e1ent on 6a3s to 1ana7e and run the ho1e 2i4rar3. So1e 4oo=she2:es 6i22 4e needed to 1a=e the p2ace presenta1le. Another 6a3 is to arran7e the 4oo=s accordin7 to the t3pes and interests. It is eas3 to set up a ho1e 2i4rar3. )et 3our ho1e or7aniJed and ha:e a corner o5 3our roo1 or e:en a specia2 roo1 to 7et this p2ace started. ,ou 1a3 4e surprised that 3our 5a1i23 1e14ers 6i22 actua223 need such a roo1. "#



1 Based on the passa7e 7i:en; 6rite a su11ar3 onA


6hat is a ho1e 2i4rar3 the 4ene5its o5 ha:in7 a ho1e 2i4rar3




/oca4u2ar3 !ractice (or each of the meaning of the words used in the article, find the word which matches the meaning. 1. >Line "? a roo1 or space Eust 4e2o6 the roo5 o5 a house; o5ten used 5or storin7 thin7 - OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 2. >Line % ? so1ethin7 that can 4e used to he2p achie:e an ai1; especia223 a 4oo=; e<uip1ent; etc. that pro:ides in5or1ation 5or teachers and students - OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO . >Line '? connected 6ith so1ethin7 or so1e4od3 in so1e 6a3 - OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ". >Line 1$? e9tre1e23 2ar7e in area; siJe; a1ount; etc - OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO #. >Line 21? to encoura7e so1ethin7 to de:e2op - OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO $. >Line 22? to 2et so1e4od3 5ind out a4out so1ethin7 43 7i:in7 the1 e9perience o5 it or sho6in7 the1 6hat it is 2i=eA - OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO %. >Line 2'? 2i1its or 4orders - OOOOOOOOOOOOOO



S+MMAR, >Student use? 1 Based on the passa7e 7i:en; 6rite a su11ar3 onA 6hat is a ho1e 2i4rar3 the 4ene5its o5 ha:in7 a ho1e 2i4rar3 Be7in 3our su11ar3 as 5o22o6sA +aving a home library is important in every family for.................................................. 1. its 1an3 4ene5its 2. A ho1e 2i4rar3 is a 2itt2e area o5 space in a corner o5 a ho1e or e:en a s1a22 roo1 6here 6e can p2ace a22 our readin7 1ateria2s; re5erences and e2ectronic resources. . A ho1e 2i4rar3 can 4e turned into a cos3 roo1 o5 re5erences 43 the 5a1i23 1e14ers. *ere; the 5a1i23 1a3 run acti:ities that are re2ated to readin7 such as 7a1es 2i=e Scra442e; chess; 6ord puJJ2es and cross6ord puJJ2es. ". Nor1a223; a ho1e 2i4rar3 contains printed and non-printed readin7 1ateria2s. #. In addition; it is 7ood to add in so1e 2i7ht readin7 1ateria2s or :ie6in7 1ateria2s in the ho1e 2i4rar3. There are a :ast co22ection o5 no:e2s; picture 4oo=s; 1a7aJines; 5a1i23 photo a24u1s and artic2es that can 4e co22ected 43 the 5a1i23 1e14ers 5or re5erence. Other added co22ections to the ho1e 2i4rar3 are :ideotapes; cassettes; C(-ROMs; 4oard 7a1es and e:en 4rochures. $. A ho1e 2i4rar3 can he2p to 5oster a 2on7-2i5e 2o:e 5or readin7 a1on7 the 5a1i23 1e14ers. %. Chi2dren can 4e 7i:en the opportunit3 to 4e e9posed to readin7 4oo=s at a 3oun7 a7e. Indirect23; the 3oun7 readers can 4e incu2cated 6ith the 2o:e 5or readin7. &. Readin7 can 4e 1ade as one o5 the acti:ities 5or the 5a1i23 1e14ers.

'. The parents can 7uide the chi2dren to read 4oo=s and at the sa1e ti1e; 5oster


7ood 5a1i23 re2ationships. 1.. Chi2dren can a2so 4e 5ostered to adopt a positi:e attitude to appreciate readin7 1ateria2s and =no62ed7e that can 4e o5 :a2ue to the1. 11. A ho1e 2i4rar3 ena42es the 5a1i23 1e14ers to read 1ateria2s 6ithin the con5ines o5 their o6n ho1es. The 1ateria2s can 4e easi23 accessed at an3 ti1e. 12. Moreo:er; the readin7 acti:ities can 4e carried out to i1pro:e the thin=in7 s=i22s o5 5a1i23 1e14ers. 1 . In this s1a22 corner o5 a roo1; one can a2so teach the 5a1i23 1e14ers to 1a=e so1e handicra5ts 2i=e ori7a1i.


Section C R2# 1ar=sS J estions &: K 81 are based on the following passage. 1 The Tedd3 Bear; once the 1ost 2o:ed stu55ed to3; is 2osin7 its appea2. This a2ar1in7 ne6s co1es 5ro1 the )er1an co1pan3 6hich c2ai1s it 1ade the 5irst Eointed so5t to3 4ears in 1'.2. The to3 4ears 6ere de2i:ered to to3 shops 4e5ore Christ1as that 3ear. To3 co22ectors are 2osin7 interest in the Tedd3 Bear and are 2oo=in7 5or other t3pes o5 stu55ed to3s. Ri:a2 British and A1erican co1panies; ho6e:er; cha22en7e the )er1an co1pan3s c2ai1 to 4ein7 the creator o5 the Tedd3 Bear 4ut the )er1an to3 co1pan3; Stei55; sa3s that it has docu1ents to pro:e their c2ai1. T3pica2 o5 )er1an thorou7hness; Stei55 has 5i2es 5i22ed 6ith s=etches; dia7ra1s and photo7raphs o5 the 5irst Tedd3 Bear. )er1ans 2earnt a4out !resident Theodore XTedd3 Roose:e2ts 4rush 6ith a 4ear 6hi2e huntin7. Li=e23 e9a77erated; the account 6ent on to sa3 that a5ter the incident; the A1erican president 6ent huntin7 in an area 6here there 6ere no 4ears. In hopes o5 p2acatin7 the president so1eone tied a 4ear cu4 to a tree. The president 6as in5uriated at 6hat he ter1ed Xunsportin7 4eha:iour and ca22ed o55 the hunt. A 5ie2d da3 6as had 43 pundits and cartoonists 4ecause o5 the incident. XTedd3 Bear stories and cartoons cropped up e:er36here. This opportunit3 6as not 1issed 43 co1posers and entrepreneurs 6ho <uic=23 pounced on the 1erchandisin7 7i11ic=. Soon a21ost e:er3 t3pe o5 product had pictures o5 Tedd3 and his Bear printed on the1. To31a=ers Eu1ped on the 4and6a7on; too. *ere is 6here ri:a2 co1panies 2a3 c2ai1s to 4ein7 the creator o5 the ori7ina2 Tedd3 Bear. )er1an to31a=er; Richard Stei55; said that his co1pan3 5inished 1a=in7 the 5irst Eointed Tedd3 Bears in the autu1n o5 1'.2 and supp2ied to3-shops 6ith the1 in ti1e 5or Christ1as. It 6as at the LeipJi7 Trade Fair in 1'. that the 4rea=throu7h ca1e 5or the Tedd3 Bear 6hen an A1erican to3 se22er ordered ... 4ears at the 2ast possi42e 1o1ent. For a centur3; Tedd3 Bears p2a3ed a :er3 i1portant ro2e in the 2i:es o5 3oun7 and o2d a2i=e. The 4ears pro:ided co15ort and conso2ation to these peop2e and ne:er 6ent out o5 5ashion throu7h 7ood and 4ad ti1es. In the nosta27ic '.s; Tedd3 Bears 4eca1e hi7h23-:a2ued co22ectors ite1s. !re:ious23; there 6ere a2read3 serious co22ectors; 4ut enthusias1 pea=ed durin7 this period. A22 at once; there 6ere Tedd3 Bear Ma7aJines; Tedd3 Bear 5airs and 1ar=ets on23 5or Tedd3 Bears and ancient thread4are Tedd3 Bears 5etched astrono1ica2 su1s. *o6e:er; there are si7ns that Tedd3 is 2osin7 its appea2 as the 1ost desired co22ecta42e. Certain 1anu5acturers 42a1e it on the a5ter1ath o5 Septe14er 11 and others on the econo1ic do6nturn. 0hate:er the reason; peop2e are 4u3in7 5e6er Tedd3 Bears than the3 used to. ,- dapted from .rnest /ill, %unday %tar, "0 1ovember " 2$ In para7raph 1; accordin7 to the 6riter; >a? 0hich 6as once the 1ost popu2ar stu55ed to3 in the 6or2dU "2






$ %




1 Based on the passa7e 7i:en; 6rite a su11ar3 onA

the ori7in o5 the Tedd3 Bear its rise in popu2arit3 and its recent dec2ine.

Credit 6i22 4e 7i:en 5or use o5 o6n 6ords 4ut care 1ust 4e ta=en not to chan7e the ori7ina2 1eanin7. ,our su11ar3 1ust 4e in continuous 6ritin7 5or1 >not in note 5ro1? use 1ateria2s 5ro1 2ines 1 to ' not 4e 2on7er than 1 . 6ords; inc2udin7 the 1. 6ords 7i:en 4e2o6 Be7in 3our su11ar3 as 5o22o6sA - /erman toyma$er claimed that he was the creator of '''''''''''' BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB


BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB /oca4u2ar3 !ractice (or each of the meaning of the words used in the article, find the word which matches the meaning. 1 >Line 1? a <ua2it3 that 1a=es so1ethin7 attracti:e or interestin7 - BBBBBBBB. 2 >Line &? ha:in7 the usua2 <ua2ities or 5eatures o5 a particu2ar t3pe o5 person; thin7 or 7roup - BBBBBBBBBBBBB >Line 12? done in a 6a3 that 1a=es peop2e notice it - BBBBB. " >Line 1"? 1a=in7 so1e4od3 5ee2 2ess an7r3 a4out so1ethin7 - BBBBBBBB. # >Line 1#? 6as 1ade e9tre1e23 an7r3 - BBBBBBBBB.. $ >Line 1&? appeared or happened; especia223 6hen it 6as not e9pected - BBBBBBBB % >Line %? the situation that e9ists as a resu2t o5 an i1portant >and usua223 unp2easant? e:ent; especia223 a 6ar; an accident; etc.A - BBBBBBBBBBB.. Editin7 S+MMAR, 0ORGS*EET >Student cop3?


1 Based on the passa7e 7i:en; 6rite a su11ar3 onA

the ori7in o5 the Tedd3 Bear its rise in popu2arit3 and its recent dec2ine.

Be7in 3our su11ar3 as 5o22o6sA - /erman toyma$er claimed that he was the creator of '''''''''''' 1. the )er1an co1pan3 6hich c2ai1s it 1ade the 5irst Eointed so5t to3 4ears in 1'.2. 2. Ri:a2 British and A1erican co1panies; ho6e:er; cha22en7e the )er1an co1pan3s c2ai1 to 4ein7 the creator o5 the Tedd3 Bear 4ut the )er1an to3 co1pan3; Stei55; sa3s that it has docu1ents to pro:e their c2ai1. . )er1ans 2earnt a4out !resident Theodore XTedd3 Roose:e2ts 4rush 6ith a 4ear 6hi2e huntin7.

". A 5ie2d da3 6as had 43 pundits and cartoonists 4ecause o5 the incident. XTedd3 Bear stories and cartoons cropped up e:er36here. This opportunit3 6as not 1issed 43 co1posers and entrepreneurs 6ho <uic=23 pounced on the 1erchandisin7 7i11ic=. Soon a21ost e:er3 t3pe o5 product had pictures o5 Tedd3 and his Bear printed on the1.

#. It 6as at the LeipJi7 Trade Fair in 1'. that the 4rea=throu7h ca1e 5or the Tedd3 Bear 6hen an A1erican to3 se22er ordered ... 4ears at the 2ast possi42e 1o1ent.

$. For a centur3; Tedd3 Bears p2a3ed a :er3 i1portant ro2e in the 2i:es o5 3oun7 and o2d a2i=e. The 4ears pro:ided co15ort and conso2ation to these peop2e and ne:er 6ent out o5 5ashion throu7h 7ood and 4ad ti1es. In the nosta27ic '.s; Tedd3 Bears 4eca1e hi7h23 -:a2ued co22ectors ite1s.

%. *o6e:er; there are si7ns that Tedd3 is 2osin7 its appea2 as the 1ost desired co22ecta42e.


Certain 1anu5acturers 42a1e it on the a5ter1ath o5 Septe14er 11 and others on the econo1ic do6nturn.



J-ESTIONS &:081 are 4ased on the 5o22o6in7 passa7e 1 The descent 6as end2ess. A5ter 2unch; Chip 4e7an to co1p2ain o5 6ea= 2e7s and a s6o22en =nee. Be5ore 2on7 he had to stop e:er3 ten 1inutes to rest. As I 6atched hi1 sittin7 do6n c2utchin7 his =nee; 5ear 4e7an to creep 4ac= into 1e; a di55erent =ind o5 5ear; not 5or 13se25 4ut 5or so1eone e2se. It had ne:er occurred to 1e that 13 hus4and 6ou2d ha:e trou42e. I ne:er thou7ht he 6ou2d 4e the one 6ho 6ou2d 4e 2e5t 4ehind. But in the t6i2i7ht; 6ith 1... 5eet to 7o 2 4e5ore the ne9t ca1p; it 2oo=ed 2i=e 6e 6ou2dnt 1a=e it 4e5ore dar=. *is e3es 6ere 5i22ed 6ith stress .I too= his da3pac=; and he put his ar1 around one o5 the 7uides. I coa9ed hi1 on; tr3in7 to cheer hi1 up 6ith sho6 tunes; Eo=es; 4ad S6ahi2i. 0hen 6e 5ina223 5e22 upon the 42ue and 3e22o6 do1e tents and the ra7in7 4on5ire; he cou2d 4are23 6a2= on his o6n. The ne9t da3; 6ith ... 5eet 2e5t to M6e=a )ate; 6here our Land Cruisers 6ere 6aitin7 to pic= us up; Chips =nee 6as 2oc=ed up and a7ain he had to 2ean on 7uides shou2der and 2i1p do6n. The 5irst to si7n up 6as the 2ast to 5inish. And his re2uctant 6i5eU *er 4od3 6as intact; 4ut her 1ind 6e22; her 1ind 6as not the sa1e. I thou7ht A2e9 to2d us on the 6a3 up a4out t6o c2ients 6ho a5ter su55erin7 5ro1 a2titude sic=ness; 6ere sure the3 6ou2d ne:er reco:er their 5acu2ties. I =ne6 I 6ou2d ne:er reco:er 1ine; 4ut 1a34e that 6as 7ood. I 6ou2d ne:er ta=e those ur4an co15orts 5or 7ranted a7ain. I 6ou2d re2ish; e:er3 1anicure; sa:or e:er3 1eetin7. And I 6ou2d ne:er c2i14 another 1ountain. I 72ee5u223 7a:e a6a3 a22 13 7ear to the porters. In the 2o74oo=; I 6rote 13 na1e and the date; and under co11ents I de5iant23 scra62ed A)AINST M, RELI)ION in capita2 2etters. The iron3; o5 course; 6as that 13 e9perience on Gi2i1anEaro 6as the c2osest i ha:e co1e to actin7 on 42ind 5aith. " 0hen 6e 7ot ho1e to the sa5e 5a1i2iarit3 o5 cit3 2i5e; I e14arrassed 13 6or=da3 routine 6ith 7usto. Lo77in7 on to 13 e1ai2; I 2earnt o5 a 2$ 3ear o2d c2i14er 6ho had hi=ed up Gi2i1anEaro a 6ee= a5ter 6e did. *e had de:e2oped a se:ere respirator3 i22ness and died durin7 a ni7htti1e e:acuation atte1pt 5ro1 the crater ca1p Y a death a22 the 1ore tra7ic 4ecause he had p2anned to propose to his 7ir25riend 6hen the3 reached the su11it. She 5ound the rin7 2ater a1on7 his possessions. The rea2it3 o5 ad:enture is chi22in7 A e:en a 6a2=-up 2i=e Gi2i1anEaro can 4ite 3ou. In retrospect; a22 13 co1p2aints a4out the c2othin7; h37iene and 7ear see1 so tri:ia2. The essence o5 st32e 2. 1# 1. #


in the 6i2derness has nothin7 to do 6ith c2othes and e:er3thin7 to do 6ith hu1i2it3. # M3 hus4and sti22 te22s his 5riend his 5a:orites stor3 a4out the trip; a stor3 I s6ear I dont re1e14er. *e reca22s the da3 6e dro:e out o5 Gi2i1anEaro Nationa2 Reser:e; the su7ar 2oa5 :anishin7 in the distance 4ehind us. I supposed23 turned to hi1 and 6ist5u223 said C I 1iss the 1ountainsD. It 1ust ha:e 4een the a2titude. >An e9tract 5ro1 Steep I1pact 43 Gatherine Betts;/o7ue Octo4er 1''&? 2#

2$ >a? Fro1 para7raph 1;ho6 did the author 5ee2 on her 6a3 do6n the 1ountainU OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO >1 1ar=? > 4? Fro1 para7raph 2; ho6 did the author tr3 to 1a=e her hus4and 5ee2 4etterU OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO >1 1ar=? 2% Fro1 para7raph ; a? 0ho 6as the 5irst to si7n up in the sentenceU OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO >1 1ar=? 4? In the 2ine2"; the 6ord Cthe3 C re5er toU OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO >1 1ar=? 2& Fro1 para7raph "; a? 0hat 2esson did the author 2earn 5ro1 her c2i14U OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO >1 1ar=? 4? 0hat did the author do to si7ni53 that she22 not c2i14 an31oreU OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO >1 1ar=? 2' Fro1 para7raph #; a? 0hat 2esson did the author 2earn 5ro1 the death o5 the 3oun7er c2i14erU OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO >1 1ar=? 4? 0hat did the author 2earn a4out herse25U OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO >1 1ar=?



8+ESTION 1 Based on the passa7e 7i:en 6rite a su11ar3 onA The 2essons the author 2earnt 5ro1 her c2i14 up Gi2i1anEaro *o6 the 2esson chan7ed her a2titude




Be7in 3our su11ar3 as 5o22o6sA She 2earnt to cherish and not to ta=e 5or 7ranted a22 BBBBBBBBBBBBBB 1. She 6ou2d ne:er ta=e those ur4an co15orts 5or 7ranted a7ain 2. She 6ou2d re2ish; e:er3 1anicure . sa:our e:er3 1eetin7 ". Lo77in7 on to 13 e1ai2; she 2earnt o5 a 2$-3ear-o2d c2i14er #. 6ho had hi=ed up Gi2i1anEaro a 6ee= a5ter the3 did $. *e had de:e2oped a se:ere respirator3 i22ness and died durin7 a ni7htti1e e:acuation atte1pt %. The rea2it3 o5 ad:enture is chi22in7A e:en a 6a2=-up 2i=e Gi2i1anEaro can 4ite 3ou. &. In retrospect;a22 her co1p2aints a4out the c2othin7;h37iene; and 7ear see1 so tri:ia2 '. The essence o5 st32e in the 6i2derness as nothin7 to do 6ith c2othes and 1.. And e:er3thin7 to do 6ith hu1i2it3

#.2 /oca4u2ar3 !ractice For each o5 the 1eanin7 o5 the 6ords used in the artic2e; 5ind the 6ord 6hich 1atches the 1eanin7.


1 > Line 1 ? 7o do6n - BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB 2 >Line $ ? 5aint ha25-2i7ht 4e5ore sunrise BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB

>Line ' ? 7et so1e4od3 or so1ethin7 to do so1ethin7 43 =indness or patience BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB. " >Line1. ? 2ar7e 5ire 1ade outdoors BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB.. # >Line 1# ? untouched; unda1a7ed; co1p2ete BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB. $ >Line 1% ? a4i2it3 to do so1ethin7 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB % >Line 1' ? 2i=in7; Jest BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB &> Line 2$ ? enEo31ent in doin7 so1ethin7 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB..

' >Line 1? :ie6 o5 past e:ents BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB 1. > Line ?1ost i1portant <ua2it3 o5 a thin7 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB..

!RACTICE $ SECTION C >2# MARGS? J-ESTIONS &: 081 are 4ased on the 5o22o6in7 passa7e


One o5 the 1ost co11on pro42e1s in schoo2s are 5acin7 toda3 is truanc3. !ri1ar3 and secondar3 schoo2 students can 4e seen in shoppin7 1a22s in their schoo2 uni5or1s at an3 ti1e o5 the da3. 0hat 1a=es the1 6ant to p2a3 truant and sta3 a6a3 5ro1 schoo2U

So1e students 5ee2 that the schoo2s do not pro:ide a conduci:e and e9citin7 en:iron1ent to stud3 in. It is the sa1e routine; 6ee= in 6ee= out unti2 the end the 3ear. The3 7et 4ored and s=ip schoo2. The3 5ind 1an3 e9citin7 thin7s to do out o5 schoo2 6ith their 5riends. ,et others co1p2ain that the schoo2 is :er3 strict 6ith 2ots o5 unnecessar3 schoo2 ru2es. The3 cant ha:e s2i7ht23 2on7 hair; cant 6ear earrin7s; cant o5 discip2ine is unnecessar3 and undu23 harshV Another :er3 i1portant reason that causes so1e students to p2a3 truant is peer 4rin7 hand


phones or 6ear sports shoes. The3 can on23 6ear can:as shoesV The3 5ee2 this =ind


pressure. The3 6ant to 4e part o5 the 7roup and 5ee2 the3 ha:e to 4e as Ccoo2D as their 5riends. The3 6ant to sho6 the3 are independent and 6i22 purpose23 4rea= schoo2 ru2es and re7u2ations and 52out the 2a6V This is their 6a3 o5 sho6in7 that the3 6ont con5or1 to an3thin7 that the3 5ee2 is cur4in7 their 5reedo1 in speech and action. The3 are happ3 as 2on7 as the3 are part o5 the C7roupD. Students 6ho p2a3 truant are the 2osers in the end. The3 6i22 2ose out on their 5or1a2 education and 6i22 ha:e a tou7h ti1e 5indin7 Eo4s. 0hen the3 cant 7et Eo4s; 2. 1#

the3 6ont ha:e 1one3 5or their dai23 e9penses. This 6i22 5orce the1 to stea2 thin7s or harass peop2e to 7i:e the1 1one3. Others start drin=in7 or s1o=in7 Eust 4ecause their 5riends are doin7 so. So1eti1es; Eust to sho6 the3 are coo2; the3 1i7ht resort to :anda2is1. The3 6ant to

5i7ht the discip2ine that te22s the1 the3 shou2d not destro3 pu42ic a1enities. ,et others sho6 o55 their artistic ta2ents 43 6ritin7 7ra55iti an36here the3 5ee2 2i=e it. Man3 ti1es; the despair o5 not ha:in7 1one3 2eads the1 to ta=e dru7s Eust to 7et o:er their 5ee2in7 o5 1iser3. Then; the 6ho2e c3c2e starts a22 o:er a7ain.


This unnecessar3 pain and 1iser3 cou2d ha:e 4een a:oided i5 on23 the students had so1e se25-discip2ine and sta3ed in schoo2 to 7ain their acade1ics certi5icates and schoo2 2ea:in7 certi5icates. But the 5act re1ains that schoo2 is the p2ace 6here the3 2earn discip2ine. It is this .


discip2ine that 6i22 he2p the1 6hen the3 4eco1e 3oun7 adu2ts and 7o into the 6or=in7 6or2d. It is this =ind o5 discip2ine that 6i22 te22 the1 Cri7htD 5ro1 C6ron7D and C7oodD 5ro1 C4adD



It is on23 6hen students =no6 ho6 to stand up 5or their 4e2ie5s that the3 can actua223 stand up to 4u22ies and sa3 CnoD to 4e7in pressuriJed into doin7 an3thin7 ne7ati:e or an3thin7 ethica223 and 1ora223 6ron7. This co1es 6ith discip2ine 6hich is #

1. nor1a223 e14edded in schoo2 and in the ho1e.


8+ESTION 1 Based on the passa7e; 6rite a su11ar3 on Cause o5 students p2a3 truant The e55ects o5 students p2a3in7 truant


credit 6i22 4e 7i:en 5or use o5 o6n 6ords 4ut care 1ust 4e ta=en not to chan7e the ori7ina2 1eanin7. ,our su11ar3 1ust Be in continuous 6rittin7 +se 1ateria2 5ro1 2ine # to 1 Not 4e 2on7er than 1 . 6ords;inc2udin7 the 6ords 7i:en 4e2o6

Be7in 3our su11ar3 as 5o22o6s 3ruancy is the most common problems schools face as students BBBBBBBBBBBBBB.. ............................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................................

/oca4u2ar3 !ractice For each o5 the 1eanin7 o5 the 6ords used in the artic2e; 5ind the 6ord 6hich 1atches the 1eanin7.


1 >Line #? co15orta42e ........................................................................................... 2 >Line 12? i1proper 1anner ..................................................................................... >Line 12? rou7h and disa7reea42e ............................................................................. " >Line 1$? oppose N treat 6ith conte1pt ...................................................................... # >Line 1%? 4e in a7ree1ent...................................................................................... $ >Line 1%? =eep under contro2 .................................................................................. % >Line 22? cause trou42e ........................................................................................... & >Line 2$? thin7s that 1a=e 2i5e eas3........................................................................ ' >Line 2$? dra6in7 or 6ords scratched on hard sur5ace .......................................... 1. >Line %? s3ste1 o5 1ora2 princip2es................................................................... .

Editin7 S+MMAR, 0ORGS*EET > Students cop3? Based on the passa7e; 6rite a su11ar3 on


Cause o5 students p2a3 truant The e55ects o5 students p2a3in7 truant

Be7in 3our su11ar3 as 5o22o6s 3ruancy is the most common problems schools face as students '''''''''''.

1. So1e students 5ee2 that the schoo2s do not pro:ide a conduci:e and e9citin7 en:iron1ent to stud3 in. 2. ,et others co1p2ain that the schoo2 is :er3 strict 6ith 2ots o5 unnecessar3 schoo2 . Another :er3 i1portant reason that causes so1e students to p2a3 truant is peer pressure. ". The3 6ant to 4e part o5 the 7roup and 5ee2 the3 ha:e to 4e as Xcoo2 X as their 5riends. #. The3 6ant to sho6 the3 are independent and 6i22 purpose23 4rea= schoo2 ru2es and re7u2ations and 52out the 2a6. $. The3 6i22 2ose out on their 5or1a2 education and 6i22 ha:e a tou7h ti1e 5indin7 Eo4s. %. 0hen the3 cant 7et Eo4s; the3 6ont ha:e 1one3 5or their dai23 e9penses. &. This 6i22 5orce the1 to stea2 thin7s or harass peop2e to 7i:e the1 1one3. '. Other start drin=in7 or s1o=in7; Eust 4ecause their 5riends are doin7 so. 1.. ,et; others sho6 o55 their artistic ta2ents 43 6ritin7 7ra55iti an36here the3 5ee2 2i=e it. 11.This unnecessar3 pain and 1iser3 cou2d ha:e 4een a:oided i5 on23 the students had so1e se25-discip2ined and sta3ed in schoo2 to 7ain their acade1ic certi5icates and schoo2 2ea:in7 certi5icates. !RACTICE % SECTION C >2# MARGS?


J-ESTIONS &:081 are 4ased on the 5o22o6in7 passa7e 1 Ne6spapers are an i1portant source o5 in5or1ation. For the 1an3; readin7 the 1ornin7 or dai23 ne6spapers puts the start to their da3 on a p2easant note. *o6e:er; these da3s; an3one 6ou2d pro4a423 a7ree that it is depressin7 to read the ne6spaper 4ecause there are too 1an3 reports on death; de:astation and :io2ence. Not a da3 7oes 43 6ithout a report a4out peop2e 4ein7 :icti1s o5 :io2ent cri1e. Statistics 5ro1 the po2ice sho6ed a rapid increase in cri1e cases 4et6een 1'&& and 2..& 6hen the e1p2o31ent rate 6as hi7h. Snatch the5ts are no6 runnin7 at around thirt3 cases a da3 or 1$... cases a 3ear throu7hout the countr3; accordin7 to one esti1ate. )ra44in7 a hand4a7 5ro1 a de5ense2ess 6o1an has 4eco1e so co11on p2ace that the po2ice ne:er 7i:e priorit3 to snatch the5ts i5 there 6ere no inEur3 or 2oss o5 2i5e. It 6as considered 1ore pett3 the5t and there 6ere other 4i77er thin7s 5or the po2ice to ta=e care o5. Snatch the5t 1a3 appear to 4e 1inor cri1es 4ut in actua2 5act; the3 are not. Apart 5ro1 the cases o5 deaths and serious inEuries that ha:e 4een hi7h2i7hted recent23; 1ost snatch the5t :icti1s are trau1atiJed 43 the e:ents. Man3 snatch the5t :icti1s 6i22 a26a3s 6a2= in 5ear a5ter such a terri53in7 e9perience. The ph3sica2 scars; i5 an3; 1a3 hea2 4ut the ps3cho2o7ica2 scars; ta=e a 2on7 ti1e to hea2 i5 the3 e:er hea2. Se:en 1ain 5actors ha:e 4een out2ined as reasons 5or the increase in cri1e rate in Ma2a3sia o:er the 2ast t6ent3 3ears. The 5actors are une1p2o31ent; 1i7ration o5 3ouths 5ro1 rura2 to ur4an area; in52u9 o5 i22e7a2 i11i7rants; 5ai2ure in reha4i2itatin7 dru7 addicts; shorta7e o5 po2ice personne2 and :ehic2es to co14at cri1e; the pu42ics pathetic attitude and 5ai2ure o5 to6n p2annin7 co11ittees to consider settin7 up po2ice stations or the ine55ecti:eness o5 2oca2 counci2s to stress sa5et3 5eatures in the cit3. A2thou7h snatch the5t can occur a21ost an36here; the3 5re<uent23 ta=e p2ace in p2aces 2i=e 4us stops; co11uter stations; a2on7 1ain roads and housin7 estates. The thie5 usua223 rides on a 1otorc3c2e; o5ten 6ith an acco1p2ice. Accordin7 to so1e :ie6s; the3 are usua223 dru7 addicts stea2in7 to support their addiction. The 5act that "2P o5 those arrested 5or snatch the5ts in !enan7 5or the 5irst 5i:e 1onths o5 this 3ear attest to this. Snatch the5t are a2so 4eco1in7 5re<uent 4ecause there are no separations 4et6een pedestrian 6a2=6a3s and 1ain roads. The 7enera2 2ac= o5 care 43 pedestrians re7ardin7 their 4e2on7in7s and the re2uctance o5 1e14ers o5 the pu42ic to he2p :icti1s a2so contri4ute to the risin7 incidence o5 snatch the5ts. )reater pu42ic a6areness o5 snatch the5ts and the 6a3s to 1ini1iJe it 6i22 he2p the po2ice co14at this scour7e. Ne6spapers and other 1ass 1edia ha:e a :ita2 supporti:e ro2e to p2a3 in educatin7 the pu42ic on the si1p2e ru2es o5 sa5et3 precautions and persona2 sa5et3. 0hi2e s31pto1atic treat1ent is necessar3 to i11ediate23 cut the rate o5 such the5ts; the Xcure 6i22 e:entua223 co1e i5 a ho2istic approach 6hich 6i22 7o to the root o5 the pro42e1 is used.






2$ Fro1 para7raph 1; a? 0h3 is it 1entioned that it is depressin7 to read ne6sU



1. Based on the passa7e 6rite a su11ar3 onA The increase in snatch the5ts in the countr3

,our su11ar3 1ustA Be in continuous 6ritin7 +se 1ateria2 5ro1 2ines $ to $ Not 4e 2on7er than 1 .6ords Be7in 3our su11ar3 as 5o22o6sA %natch theft are now running at around thirty cases a '''''''''''''''''. BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB.





E(ITIN) S+MMAR, 0ORGS*EET> Students cop3?


Based on the passa7e 7i:en 6rite a su11ar3 onA The increase in snatch the5ts in the countr3

1. Snatch the5ts 1a3 appear to 4e 1inor cri1es 4ut in actua2 5act ; the3 are not. 2. The ph3sica2 scars; i5 an3; 1a3 hea2 4ut the ps3cho2o7ica2 scars ta=e a 2on7 ti1e to hea2 i5 the3 e:er hea2. . The 5actors are une1p2o31ent; 1i7ration o5 3ouths 5ro1 rura2 to ur4an area; in52u9 o5 i22e7a2 i11i7rants; 5ai2ure in reha4i2itatin7 dru7 addicts; shorta7e o5 po2ice personne2 and :ehic2es to co14at cri1e; the pu42ics pathetic attitude and 5ai2ure o5 to6n p2annin7 co11ittees to consider settin7 up po2ice station or the e55ecti:eness o5 2oca2 counci2s to stress sa5et3 5eatures in the cit3. ". A2thou7h snatch the5ts can occur a21ost an36here; the3 5re<uent23 ta=e p2ace in p2aces 2i=e 4us stops; co11uter stations; a2on7 1ain roads and housin7 estates. #. Snatch the5ts are 4eco1in7 5re<uent 4ecause there are no separations 4et6een pedestrian 6a2=6a3s and 1ain roads. $. The 7enera2 2ac= o5 care 43 pedestrians re7ardin7 their 4e2on7in7s and the re2uctance o5 1e14ers o5 the pu42ic to he2p :icti1s a2so contri4ute to the risin7 incidence o5 snatch the5ts. %. )reater pu42ic a6areness o5 snatch the5ts and the 6a3s to 1ini1iJe it 6i22 he2p the po2ice to co14at this scour7e. &. Ne6spapers and other 1ass 1edia ha:e a :ita2 supporti:e ro2e to p2a3 in educatin7 the pu42ic on the si1p2e ru2es o5 sa5et3 precautions and persona2 sa5et3. '. 0hi2e s31pto1atic treat1ent is necessar3 to i11ediate23 cut the rate o5 snatch the5ts; the cure 6i22 e:entua223 co1e i5 a ho2istic approach 6hich 6i22 7o to the root o5 the pro42e1 is used.



1. .1 REA(IN) COM!RE*ENSION No. Su77ested ans6ers 2$>a? The 2etter 6as addressed CTo 13 7randsonD and he cou2d reco7niJe his 7rand5athers 6ritin7. 2$>4? The 7rand5ather =ne6 that his da3s 6ere nu14ered and he 6anted to share 6ith his 7randson ho6 he 1ana7ed to acco1p2ish so 1uch in 2i5e. 2%>a? It 1eans to 4e a2ert and o4ser:e e:er3thin7 around us care5u223. 2%>4? 0e 6i22 5ind 2i5e to 4e 5u22 o5 e9cite1ent and thri22s. 2&>a? *e shou2d 1eet his cha22en7es and 6e2co1e the1. The3 6i22 2ea:e hi1 6iser; stron7er and 1ore capa42e. 2&>4? *e ad:ised his 7randson to a26a3s 5o22o6 ru2es; e:en the 2itt2e ones 4ecause 43 5o22o6in7 ru2es; 2i5e 6or=s. 2'>a? It 1eans one 6i22 4e 7i:en 1ore and 1ore responsi4i2ities as one 7ro6s 6ith the 3ears. 2'>4? I5 6e 7i:e 2i5e e:er3thin7 6e ha:e 7ot and not 7i:e up on ourse2:es and 4e reso2:ed to 6in; 2i5e 6i22 7i:e its 4est 4ac= to us. . ,es. It is i1portant not to 4e a <uitter 4ecause a <uitter ne:er 6ins. Li5tin7 N source Line 2 K 2ine . 0ritten on BB opened the en:e2ope. Notes 5or teachers Teach the students to rephrase the sentences to 1a=e the 1eanin7 c2earer. Teach the students to deduce ans6er 5ro1 the te9t.

(educed 5ro1 2ine # K $ a4out the <uestion as=ed. Line 1.; a4out da3s are nu14ered and o6in7 the 7randson an ans6er. No 2i5tin7.

Teach the students to 2oo= 5or c2ue 5ro1 the sentence Eust 4e5ore or a5ter. !ronoun X3ou 1ust 4e chan7ed to X6e. !ronoun X3ou 1ust 4e chan7ed to Xhe and Xhi1. A22o6 o:er 2i5tin7; 2ine 2" Y 2#; XI5 3ou thin= B. 5oo2in7 3ourse25. Sa1e conte9t. O6n e9p2anation 5ro1 pre:ious =no62ed7e. !ronoun X3ourse25 1ust 4e chan7ed to Xourse2:es.

Line 1" Y 1#. I5 3ou dont B. and 3ou 6i22 4e. Line 1$ Y 1%. 0hen 3ou 1eet B the da3 4e5ore.

Line 2 Y 2". And a26a3s 5o22o6 ru2es B 2i5e 6or=s.

No 2i5tin7.

Line #1 Y #2. Most i1portant B.. reso2:es to 6in.

O6n ans6er.

Ans6er 1ust 4e7in 6ith a X,es or XNo then 5o22o6ed 43 the reason.

1. .2 /oca4u2ar3 !ractice Ans6ers 1. enthusias1 $. pea=


2. nu14ered . e9cite1ent ". 5oo2in7 #. 5ocused

%. resent1ent &. drain '. rene6ed 1.. perception

1. . Editin7 S+MMAR, >Teachers notes? 1 Based on the passa7e 7i:en; 6rite a su11ar3 onA

the 2essons o5 2i5e 7i:en 43 the 7rand5ather to his 7randson.

Be7in 3our su11ar3 as 5o22o6sA I believe that it has a lot to do with ''''''''''''''''''''B.. >1? 1. I thin= a 2ot o5 it has to do 6ith ho6 a person 2oo=s at thin7s a persons perception o5 2i5e. Li5e >2? > e2a4oration Y not 6anted ? 2. First; rea2ise that 2i5e Z is 5i22ed 6ith surprises; so1e not so p2easant and others <uite shoc=in7 4ut 1an3 are 7ood ones. I5 3ou dont =eep 6atchin7 5or the1; 3ou22 1iss ha25 the so enEo3 and > ? e9cite1ent. E9pect to 4e thri22ed once in a 6hi2e; and 3ou 6i22 4e. Accept as the3 6i22 1a=e . 0hen 3ou 1eet up 6ith Z cha22en7es; 6e2co1e the1. (o not 4o2tV Z The322 2ea:e 3ou 6iser; stron7er; and 1ore capa42e than 3ou 6ere the da3 4e5ore. >"? >e2a4orations? ". 0hen 3ou 1a=e a 1ista=e; 4e 7rate5u2 5or the thin7s it tau7ht 3ou. Fai2ure shou2d not stop 3ou 5ro1 pursuin7 3our drea1s. No one is per5ect. Reso2:e to use that 2esson to he2p 3ou reach 3our 7oa2s;>#? #. And a26a3s 5o22o6 the ru2es W e:en the 2itt2e ones. 0hen 3ou 5o22o6 the ru2es; 2i5e 6or=s. >$? Then =eep 3our 1ind 5ocused on $. Its a2so i1portant to decide Z e9act23 6hat 3ou 6ant. Then; =eep 3our 1ind 5ocused on it; >%?


and 4e prepared to recei:e it. %. So 4e read3 5or endin7s as 6e22 as cha22en7in7 4e7innin7s. >&? &. Li5e 6i22 not 4e so predicta42e. It can a2so 4e 5un too. Li5e isnt Eust reachin7 pea=s.>'? '. Lea:e the past in the past. >1.? 1.. Re1e14er that 3our choices 6i22 create 3our successes and 3our 5ai2ures. >11? 11. And 4e sure to ta=e 4rea=s once in a 6hi2e. E:er3one needs to rechar7e their 4atteries. to rene6 3our >12? The322 7i:e 3ou a rene6ed Z co11it1ent to 3our drea1s; and a cheer5u2; hea2th3 perception o5 the thin7s that 1atter the 1ost to 3ou. and >1 ? 12. CMost i1portant o5 a22; ne:er 7i:e up on 3ourse25. 1 . )i:e 2i5e e:er3thin7 3ou:e 7ot; and 2i5e 6i22 7i:e its 4est 4ac= to 3ou. >1"? R Tota2 nu14er o5 6ords is 12% 6ith 1" content points. Candidate needs on23 7i:e 1. content points. S



1.".1 REA(IN) COM!RE*ENSION No. 2$>i? Su77ested ans6ers >i? Fair p2a3 or p2a3in7 the 7a1e 5air23. Li5tin7 N source Line 2 to . A 7ood B..o5 the 7a1e. Notes 5or teachers I5 >i? contains 4oth ans6ers; then a6ard 2 1ar=s and i7nore ans6er >ii?


>ii? Fo22o6in7 the ru2es o5 the 7a1e.

Line 2 to . A 7ood B. o5 the 7a1e C2ue is in 2ine 1. a5ter the sentence to 2earn as 1uch o5 the sports as possi42e. Line 1. Y 11. Cooperati:e and tea16or= are the =e3 6ords to the ans6er. One 6ord ans6er. )uess the 1eanin7 5ro1 XDo55icia2s presidin7 o:er the 7a1e B.D Line 1&. /er3 c2ear-cut ans6er. Line 2"-2#. I5 3ou B. can 4e pena2iJed. No 2i5tin7. +se o6n 6ords 4ased on the points. Teach students not to 2i5t unnecessar3 parts to sa:e ti1e. !ronoun X3ou chan7e to he or Xthe sports1an. Teach students to rephrase 6here necessar3. Li5tin7 not accepted. The ans6er is i1p2ied. Teach students ho6 to reco7niJe =e3 6ords to he2p the1 ans6er.

2%>a? To =no6 the ru2es o5 the 7a1e 6e22. 2%>4? The sports1an shou2d sho6 up 5or practice; 6or= hard and ensure 7ood tea16or=. 2&>a? CopponentsD 2&>4? in char7e o5 so1ethin7.

2'>a? The chances o5 6innin7 are 5i5t3-5i5t3. 2'>4? The sports1an can 4e pena2iJed. . It is 4est to con7ratu2ate the opponents 5or a 7ood 7a1e p2a3ed and a2so to accept the de5eat 7race5u223.

1.".2 /oca4u2ar3 !ractice Ans6ers 1. inc2ined 2. 4iased . courteous23 ". rea2istic #. disputes $. s2i1 %. app2aud

1.". Editin7 S+MMAR, >Teachers notes? 1 Based on the passa7e 7i:en; 6rite a s mmar# on3


6hat is 7ood sports1anship 6a3s to practise 7ood sports1anship

Be7in 3our su11ar3 as 5o22o6sA )emonstrating good sportsmanship is important in any games or sports '''''''... 1. A 7ood sports1anship is the <ua2it3 o5 so1eone 6ho is inc2ined to the area o5 sports and p2a3s rather 5air23 43 5o22o6in7 the ru2es o5 the 7a1e; >1? >2? 2. Besides; the sports1an respects the Eud71ent o5 the re5erees and a22 the o55icia2s in the 7a1e; =no6in7 that the3 are not 4iased. >e2a4oration? 4esides treatin7 > ? . A 7ood sports1an 6i22 a2so Z treat the opponents 6ith respect. i1portant that the sports1an >"? ". First23; it is o5 the ut1ost i1portance to Z 2earn as 1uch o5 the sports as possi42e; >#? >$? #. The sports1an 1ust 4e cooperati:e 43 sho6in7 up 5or practice; 6or=in7 hard and >%? rea2iJin7 that tea16or= is i1portant to ensure success. $. In addition; it is i1portant to ta2= po2ite23 and act courteous23 to6ards the tea11ates; the e:er3one >&? opponents; the coaches and e:en the opponents coaches 4e5ore; durin7 and e:en a5ter the 7a1es or e:ents.>'? %. Re1e14er to sta3 coo2 and >1.? &. Another thin7 a 7ood sports1an 1ust re1e14er is to a:oid sett2in7 disputes 6ith :io2ence. or >11? I5 3ou respond 6ith :io2ence; the pro42e1 is that as a sports1an; Z 3ou can 4e pena2iJed. Ac=no62ed7e >12? '. Moreo:er; re1e14er to ac=no62ed7e and app2aud the 7ood p2a3s the on a 7a1e 6e22 p2a3ed or 1.. Last23; con7ratu2ate 3our Z opponents Z i5 the3 6in the 7a1e. Learn to accept de5eat >1 ? 7race5u223. Con7ratu2ate 3our opponents on a 7a1e 6e22 p2a3ed. >1"? MARG SC*EME 1.# !RACTICE


1.#.1 !assa7e REA(IN) COM!RE*ENSION No. Su77ested ans6ers 2$>a? A ho1e 2i4rar3 is a 2itt2e area o5 space in a corner o5 a ho1e or e:en a s1a22 roo1 6here one can =eep readin7 1ateria2s; re5erences and e2ectronic resources. 2$>4? Ccos3D 2%>a? Scra442e 2%>4? 0ord puJJ2es N cross6ord puJJ2es 2&>a? !rinted readin7 1ateria2s. 2&>4? Non-printed readin7 1ateria2s. 2'>a? *e2p to 5oster a 2on7-2i5e 2o:e 5or readin7 a1on7 the 5a1i23 1e14ers. 2'>4? ,oun7 readers can 4e incu2cated 6ith the 2o:e 5or readin7. .>a? )et the he2p o5 the state pu42ic 2i4rar3 1ana7e1ent on ho6 to run a ho1e 2i4rar3. .>4? Loo=in7 c2ean and attracti:e or 2oo=in7 7ood enou7h 5or peop2e to see. Li5tin7 N source Line # to %. Notes 5or teachers

On23 one 6ord ans6er. An3 t6o o5 the three ans6ers. Chess is not a correct ans6er. Li5tin7 a22o6ed; 2ine 11 to 12. Li5tin7 2ine 21 to 22. Li5tin7 2ine 2 . Line "1 to "2. One e9a1p2e B.. ho1e 2i4rar3. Teach students to do se2ecti:e 2i5tin7. Loo= 5or c2ues 5ro1 sentences 4e5ore and a5ter the 6ord.

1.#.2 /oca4u2ar3 !ractice Ans6ers 1. attics 2. resources . re2ated ". :ast #. 5oster $. e9posed %. con5ines

1.#. Y Editin7 S+MMAR, >Teachers notes?


1 Based on the passa7e 7i:en; 6rite a su11ar3 onA 6hat is a ho1e 2i4rar3 the 4ene5its o5 ha:in7 a ho1e 2i4rar3 Be7in 3our su11ar3 as 5o22o6sA +aving a home library is important in every family for.................................................. 1. its 1an3 4ene5its >1? >2? 2. A ho1e 2i4rar3 is a 2itt2e area o5 space in a corner o5 a ho1e >or e:en a s1a22 roo1? 6here 6e can p2ace a22 our readin7 1ateria2s; re5erences and e2ectronic resources. > e2a4oration Y 2i4rar3 1eans ha:in7 readin7 1ateria2s; re5erences; etc? >e2a4oration on the roo1? . A ho1e 2i4rar3 can 4e turned into a cos3 roo1 o5 re5erences 43 the 5a1i23 1e14ers. *ere; 6here > ? Z the 5a1i23 1a3 run acti:ities that are re2ated to readin7 such as 7a1es 2i=e Scra442e; chess; 6ord puJJ2es and cross6ord puJJ2es. >"? ". Nor1a223; a ho1e 2i4rar3 contains printed and non-printed readin7 1ateria2s 5or. >e2a4oration on printed 1ateria2s #. In addition; it is 7ood to add in so1e 2i7ht readin7 1ateria2s or :ie6in7 1ateria2s in the ho1e 2i4rar3. There are a :ast co22ection o5 no:e2s; picture 4oo=s; 1a7aJines; 5a1i23 photo a24u1s and artic2es that can 4e co22ected 43 the 5a1i23 1e14ers 5or re5erence. Other added co22ections to the ho1e 2i4rar3 are :ideotapes; cassettes; C(-ROMs; 4oard 7a1es and e:en 4rochures. >e2a4oration on non-printed 1ateria2s? >#? $. A ho1e 2i4rar3 can he2p to 5oster a 2on7-2i5e 2o:e 5or readin7 a1on7 the 5a1i23 1e14ers. >e2a4oration? >$? and %. Chi2dren can 4e 7i:en the opportunit3 to 4e e9posed to readin7 4oo=s Z at a 3oun7 a7e. Indirect23; the 3oun7 readers can 4e incu2cated 6ith the 2o:e 5or readin7.>%? &. Readin7 can 4e 1ade as one o5 the acti:ities 5or the 5a1i23 1e14ers.>&? '. The parents can 7uide the chi2dren to read 4oo=s and at the sa1e ti1e; 5oster 7ood 5a1i23 re2ationships. >1.? 1.. Chi2dren can a2so 4e 5ostered to adopt a positi:e attitude to appreciate readin7 1ateria2s and =no62ed7e that can 4e o5 :a2ue to the1. >'? >e2a4oration? and easi23 accessed the1 11. A ho1e 2i4rar3 ena42es the 5a1i23 1e14ers to read 1ateria2s Z 6ithin the con5ines o5 their o6n ho1es. The 1ateria2s can 4e easi23 accessed at an3 ti1e. >11? 5a1i23 1e14ers 12. Moreo:er; the readin7 acti:ities can 4e carried out to i1pro:e the Z thin=in7 s=i22s o5 5a1i23 1e14ers. and 1a=in7 so1e handicra5ts >1 ? >12?


1 . In this s1a22 corner o5 a roo1; one can a2so teach the 5a1i23 1e14ers to 1a=e so1e handicra5ts 2i=e ori7a1i.

MARG SC*EME 1.$ !RACTICE " 1.$.1 !assa7e REA(IN) COM!RE*ENSION No. Su77ested ans6ers 2$>a? It 6as the Tedd3 Bear. 2$>4? No6 it has 2ost 1uch o5 its popu2arit3. 2% )er1an to31a=er; Richard Stei55; said that his co1pan3 5inished 1a=in7 the 5irst Eointed Tedd3 Bears in >the autu1n o5? 1'.2. A 5ie2d da3 6as had 43 pundits and cartoonists and XTedd3 Bear stories and cartoons cropped up e:er36here. To31a=ers Eu1ped on the 4and6a7on; too. An A1erican to3 se22er ordered ... 4ears at the 2ast possi42e 1o1ent. The 4ears he2ped to co15ort and conso2ed the peop2e durin7 the trou42ed '.s. Li5tin7 N source Line 1. XThe Tedd3 Bear; is 2osin7 its appea2. Line 1. X..; is 2osin7 its appea2 Line 2 K XB the )er1an co1pan3 B. in 1'.2. The to3 B.. 4e5ore Christ1as that 3ear. Line 2#. X.. in the autu1n o5 1'.2. !ara " Y XA 5ie2d da3 Bup e:er36here. !ara # Y XTo31a=ers B. on the 4and6a7on; too. Line 2%. XB6hen an A1erican B 1o1ent. Notes 5or teachers

Teach the students 6ords in si1i2ar conte9t. Teach the students to deduce ans6er 5ro1 the sentence>s?


Students 1ust 2oo= 5or the 2 7roups o5 peop2e 6ho e9p2oited the XTedd3 Bear stories. Teach students to 2oo= 5or the c2ue 4e5ore or a5ter the 1entioned 6ord in the sentence. Teach students to 6rite in o6n 6ords usin7 the contents 7i:en.


+se the content 5ro1 2ine . to 2. 0rite in o6n 6ords.

1.$.2 /oca4u2ar3 !ractice Ans6ers 1. appea2 #. in5uriated 1.$. - Editin7 2. T3pica2 $. cropped up . e9a77erated %. a5ter1ath ". p2acatin7

S+MMAR, >Teachers notes?


1 Based on the passa7e 7i:en; 6rite a su11ar3 onA

the ori7in o5 the Tedd3 Bear its rise in popu2arit3 and its recent dec2ine.

Be7in 3our su11ar3 as 5o22o6sA - /erman toyma$er claimed that he was the creator of '''''''''''' 2. Ri:a2 British and A1erican co1panies; ho6e:er; cha22en7e the )er1an co1pan3s c2ai1 >1? to 4ein7 the creator o5 the Tedd3 Bear 4ut the )er1an to3 co1pan3; Stei55; sa3s that it has docu1ents to pro:e their c2ai1. Richard Stei55 he created >2? 1. the )er1an co1pan3 6hich Z c2ai1s it 1ade the 5irst Eointed so5t to3 4ears in 1'.2. . )er1ans 2earnt a4out !resident Theodore XTedd3 Roose:e2ts 4rush 6ith a 4ear 6hi2e huntin7. >"? ". A 5ie2d da3 6as had 43 pundits and cartoonists 4ecause o5 the incident. XTedd3 Bear stories and cartoons cropped up e:er36here. This opportunit3 6as not 1issed 43 co1posers and entrepreneurs 6ho <uic=23 pounced on the 1erchandisin7 7i11ic=. Soon 6as soon on >#? a21ost e:er3 t3pe o5 product had pictures o5 Tedd3 and his Bear printed on the1. Z >$? #. It 6as at the LeipJi7 Trade Fair in 1'. that the 4rea=throu7h ca1e 5or the Tedd3 Bear >%? 6hen an A1erican to3 se22er ordered ... 4ears at the 2ast possi42e 1o1ent. >&? $. For a centur3; Tedd3 Bears p2a3ed a :er3 i1portant ro2e in the 2i:es o5 3oun7 and o2d a2i=e. The 4ears pro:ided co15ort and conso2ation to these peop2e and ne:er 6ent out o5 5ashion >'? throu7h 7ood and 4ad ti1es. In the nosta27ic '.s; Tedd3 Bears 4eca1e hi7h23-:a2ued >1.? co22ectors ite1s. >11? >e2a4oration? %. *o6e:er; there are si7ns that Tedd3 is 2osin7 its appea2 as the 1ost desired co22ecta42e. o6in7 to >12? Certain 1anu5acturers 42a1e it on Z the a5ter1ath o5 Septe14er 11 and others on the >e2a4oration? econo1ic do6nturn.>1 ?
MARG SC*EME FOR !RACTICE # REA(IN) COM!RE*ENSION No Su77ested ans6ers Li5tin7Nsource E9a1ination tips


2$ >a?

She 5e2t 5ri7htenedNa5raidNscared not 5or herse25 4ut 5or so1eone e2se

!ara7raph 1 Line 2 to 2ine CAs I 6atched...... .e2seD !ara7raph 2 Line & C I coa9ed hi1 on;tr3in7 to cheer hi1 up 6ith sho6 tunes;Eo=es;4ad S6ahi2iD !ara7raph Line 1" !arRa7raph Line 1$ !ara7raph " Line 1& K 1' C I 6ou2d ne:er........a7ainD !ara7raph " Line 21 ti22 Line 22 !ara7raph # Line . Cthe rea2it3 o5 ad:enture is..............can 4ite 3ouD !ara7raph # Line 2 to Line "

Li5tin7- pronoun I, need to 4e chan7ed to the third point o5 :ie6 Li5tin7- pronoun I, need to 4e chan7ed to the third point o5 :ie6

2$ >4?

She tried to cheer hi1 on 6ith sho6 tunes; Eo=es and 4ad S6ahi2i.

2%>a? 2% >4? 2&>a?

The authors hus4and The3 re5er the t6o c2ients 6ho su55ered 5ro1 a2titude sic=ness She 6i22 not ta=e her ur4an co15orts 5or 7ranted a7ain.

Li5tin7- pronoun I, need to 4e chan7ed to the third point o5 :ie6


She 7a:e a6a3 a22 her 7ears to the portersN she 6rote in the 2o74oo= CA)AINST M, RELI)IOND The rea2it3 o5 ad:enture is chi22in7



The essence o5 st32e in the 6i2derness has nothin7 to do 6ith c2othes and e:er3thin7 to do 6ith hu1i2it3 She 1eans that she 1ust ha:e said so1ethin7 she didnt 4e2ie:e in

S+MMAR, > Teachers Note? Be7in 3our su11ar3 as 5o22o6sA She 2earnt to cherish and not to ta=e 5or 7ranted a22 1. She 6ou2d ne:er ta=e those ur4an co15orts 5or 7ranted a7ain and 3. She 6ou2d re2ish;e:er3 1anicure


sa:or e:er3 1eetin7

". Lo77in7 on to 13 e1ai2; she 2earnt o5 a 2$-3ear-o2d c2i14er


6ho had hi=ed up Gi2i1anEaro a 6ee= a5ter the3 did

$. *e had de:e2oped a se:ere respirator3 i22ness and died durin7 a ni7htti1e e:acuation atte1pt

%. The rea2it3 o5 ad:enture is chi22in7A e:en a 6a2=-up 2i=e Gi2i1anEaro can 4ite 3ou.

&. In retrospect;a22 her co1p2aints a4out the c2othin7;h37iene; and 7ear see1 so tri:ia2

'. The essence o5 st32e in the 6i2derness as nothin7 to do 6ith c2othes and

1.. And e:er3thin7 to do 6ith hu1i2it3

> %# 6ords ?

#.2 /OCAB+LAR, !RACTICE ANS0ER SC*EME 1. descent 2. t6i2i7ht . coa9ed ". 4on5ire #. intact $. 5acu2ties %. re2ish &. 7usto '. retrospect 1.. essence


4-56 %7+.4. (85 95-73I7. : 5.-)I1/ 78495.+.1%I81 No 2$>a? Su77ested ans6ers Truanc3 Li5tin7Nsource !ara7raph 1 Line 1 to 2ine 2 COne o5 the 2$>4? Schoo2 en:iron1ent is not 5un to stud3 1ost.......truanc3.D !ara7raph 2 Line $ - % C So1e students 5ee2 2% i-+nnecessar3 schoo2 ru2es ii-peer pressure stud3 inD !ara7raph Line 12 !ara7raph " 2& 2' The3 6i22 resort to stea2in7 or harassin7 peop2e 5or 1one3 (rin=in7;s1o=in7;:anda2is1 and 6ritin7 7ra55iti . a?in schoo2 4?in the ho1e Line1# !ara7raph # Line 2" !ara7raph $ Line2# Y 2' 4ut 1ust under2ine the ha4its !ara7raph 11 Line ""-"# C this the ho1eD Mandator3 6ords in the ans6er Y unnecessar3 schoo2 ru2es and peer pressure E9a1ination tips

S-MMAR/ ? Tea$herIs Note@ J-ESTION 81 Be7in 3our su11ar3 as 5o22o6s Tr an$# is the most $ommon pro1lems s$hools fa$e as st dents 5ee2 0. So1e students 5ee2 that the schoo2s do not pro:ide a conduci:e and e9citin7 en:iro1net to stud3 in.

Schoo2s ha:e


3. ,et others co1p2ain that the schoo2 is :er3 strict 6ith 2ots o5 unnecessar3 schoo2

. Another :er3 i1portant reason that causes so1e students to p2a3 truant is peer pressure.

". The3 6ant to 4e part o5 the 7roup and 5ee2 the3 ha:e to 4e as Xcoo2 X as their 5riends. So the3 7. The3 6ant to sho6 the3 are independent and 6i22 purpose23 4rea= schoo2 ru2es and re7u2ations and 52out the 2a6.

These students 8. The3 6i22 2ose out on their 5or1a2 education and 6i22 ha:e a tou7h ti1e 5indin7 Eo4s. theres no :. 0hen the3 cant 7et Eo4s; the3 6ont ha:e 1one3 5or their dai23 e9penses.

&. This 6i22 5orce the1 to stea2 thin7s or harass peop2e to 7i:e the1 1one3.

'. Other start drin=in7 or s1o=in7; Eust 4ecause their 5riends are doin7 so.

So1e 1a3 0?. ,et; others sho6 o55 their artistic ta2ents 43 6rittin7 7ra55iti an36here the3 5ee2 2i=e it.

11. This unnecessar3 pain and 1iser3 cou2d ha:e 4een a:oided i5 on23 the students had so1e se25discip2ined and sta3ed in schoo2 to 7ain their acade1ic certi5icates and schoo2 2ea:in7 certi5icates. > 12. 6ords?


6O)AB-+AR/ 'RA)TI)E ANS,ER S)(EME 1. Conduci:e 2. +ndu23 . *arsh ". F2out #. Con5or1 $. Cur4in7 %. *arass &. A1enities '. )ra55iti 1.. Ethica223

MARG SC*EME 1.1. !RACTICE % 1.1..1 REA(IN) COM!RE*ENSION No 2$ >a? Su77ested ans6ers There are 1an3 ne6s reports on death; de:astation and :io2ence 2$ >4? 2%>a? 2% >4? 2&>a? The cri1e cases increased dra1atica223 6hen there 6as hi7h une1p2o31ent rate priorit3 S1a22 and uni1portantN not :er3 i1portant This is 4ecause the :icti1s are a55ected 6ith ps3cho2o7ica2 scarsand 5ear 5or a 2&>4? 2'>a? 2on7 ti1e trau1atiJed An3 se:en 5actors 7i:en in para7raph " !ara7raph 1' !ara7raph Line 1$ !ara7raph " Li5tin7 a22o6ed 4ut under2ine the 6ord On23 state 2 5actors Line 1&K Li5tin7Nsource !ara7raph 1 Line 2ine " !ara7raph 1Line $ to % !ara7raph Line 1. Li5tin7 a22o6ed Li5tin7 a22o6ed 4ut under2ine the 6ord. No 2i5tin7 a22o6ed Li5tin7 a22o6ed to E9a1ination tips Li5tin7 a22o6ed


)reat pu42ic a6areness Educatin7 the pu42ic

!ara7raph $ Line %to Line '

1.1..2 /oca4u2ar3 !ractice Ans6ers 1. de:astation 2.priorit3 .pett3 ". trau1atiJed #.pathetic $.acco1p2ice %. scour7e

1.1.. Editin7 Su11ar3 >Teachers notes? Based on the passa7e 7i:en 6rite a su11ar3 onA The increase in snatch the5ts in the countr3

1.Snatch the5ts 1a3 appear to 4e 1inor cri1es 4ut in actua2 5act ; the3 are not.and :ehic2es to co14at cri1e>e2a4oration?

2.The ph3sica2 scars; i5 an3; 1a3 hea2 4ut the ps3cho2o7ica2 scars ta=e a 2on7 ti1e to hea2 i5 the3 e:er hea2. .The 5actors are une1p2o31ent; 1i7ration o5 3ouths 5ro1 rura2 to ur4an area; in52u9 o5 i22e7a2 i11i7rants; 5ai2ure in reha4i2itatin7 dru7 addicts; shorta7e o5 po2ice personne2 ; the pu42ics pathetic attitude and 5ai2ure o5 to6n p2annin7 co11ittees to consider settin7 up po2ice station or the e55ecti:eness o5 2oca2 counci2s to stress sa5et3 5eatures in the cit3. ".A2thou7h snatch the5ts can occur a21ost an36here; the3 5re<uent23 ta=e p2ace in p2aces 2i=e 4us stops; co11uter stations; a2on7 1ain roads and housin7 estates. Besides; #.Snatch the5ts are 4eco1in7 5re<uent 4ecause there are no separations 4et6een pedestrian 6a2=6a3s and 1ain roads. on $.The 7enera2 2ac= o5 care 43 pedestrians re7ardin7 their 4e2on7in7s and the re2uctance o5 Increases the 1e14ers o5 the pu42ic to he2p :icti1s a2so contri4ute to the risin7 incidence o5 snatch the5ts. %.)reater pu42ic a6areness o5 snatch the5ts and the 6a3s to 1ini1iJe it 6i22 he2p the po2ice to


co14at this scour7e. can &.Ne6spapers and the other 1ass 1edia ha:e a :ita2 supporti:e ro2e to p2a3 in educate the pu42ic on the si1p2e ru2es o5 sa5et3 precautions and persona2 sa5et3.

'.0hi2e s31pto1atic treat1ent is necessar3 to i11ediate23 cut the rate o5 snatch the5ts 4e 1..The cure 6i22 e:entua223 co1e i5 a ho2istic approach 6hich 6i22 7o to the root o5 the pro42e1 is used.

TEA)(ERIS NOTES 1. This poe1 section consists o5 12 practicesA a. !ractice 1- on LIn the Midst of (ardshipM 4. !ractice "-% on L(e (ad S $h J iet E#esM c. !ractice &-' on LNat reM d. !ractice 1.-12 on LAre /o Still 'la#in" /o r Fl te2M 2. The <uestions are set accordin7 to stanJa 43 stanJa o5 each poe1. . Bear in 1ind that students ha:e to 7i:e or e9press their o6n opinion 5or <uestion each practice. This is accordin7 to the 2atest S!M 5or1at in ans6erin7 poe1s. ". (ri22 students on ho6 to identi53 the =e36ords in the <uestions. . ST-.ENTIS NOTES 1. Ans6er the <uestions usin7 present tense. 2. Tr3 to identi53 =e36ords in the <uestions. o5


. Re1e14er that 3ou ha:e to e9press 3our opinion 5or <uestion .

'RA)TI)E 108 ON 'OEM LIn the Midst of (ardshipM Read the poe1 4e2o6 and ans6er the <uestions that 5o22o6. In the Midst of (ardship At da6n the3 returned ho1e their soa=3 c2othes torn and approached the sto:e their 2i14s 1ar=ed 43 scratches their 2e7s 5u22 o5 6ounds 4ut on their 4ro6s there 6as no si7n o5 despair The 6ho2e da3 and ni7ht Eust passed the3 had to 4ra:e the horrendous 52ood in the 6ater a22 the ti1e 4et6een 42oated carcasses and tin3 chips o5 tin3 4ar=s desperate23 2oo=in7 5or their sons a24ino 4u55a2o that 6as ne:er 5ound The3 6ere 4orn a1idst hardship and 7re6 up 6ithout a si7h or a co1p2aint no6 the3 are in the =itchen; 1a=in7 Eo=es 6hi2e ro22in7 their ci7arette 2ea:es


+atiff Mohidin

!RACTICE 1 Fro1 stanJa 1; >a? 6hich phrase su77ests that Xthe3 6ere drenchedU BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB. >1 1ar=? >4? 6hat happened to their handsU BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB...>1 1ar=? >c? 6h3 do 3ou thin= Xthe3 approached the sto:eU BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB>1 1ar=? >d? in 3our o6n 6ords; su77est 6a3s to hand2e hardships in our 2i5eU BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB.. BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB.>21ar=? !RACTICE 2 Fro1 stanJa 2; >a? 6h3 do 3ou thin= Xthe3 6ere endurin7 the terri42e 52ood 6aterU BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB..>1 1ar=? >4? 6hich phrase sho6s that the 52ood had caused the 2oss o5 2i:esU BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB.B.>1 1ar=? >c? 6hat 6as the peop2es 5ee2in7 at that ti1eU BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB.>1 1ar=? >d? do 3ou thin= the 4u55a2o 6as :a2ua42e to the 5a1i23U 0h3U BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB. >2 1ar=s? !RACTICE Fro1 StanJa ;


>a? 6hat t3pe o5 2i5e is a 2i5e o5 hardshipU BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB..BBBBB. >1 1ar=? >4? 2ist t6o acti:ities that the3 did to re2a9 and un6ind. i. BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB.. >1 1ar=? ii BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB. >1 1ar=? >c? The poe1 is a4out a 52ood disaster. In 3our o6n 6ords su77est t6o 6a3s that 3ou can do to he2p the 52ood :icti1s. BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB. BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB...BBBB.. >2 1ar=s?

'RA)TI)E 70; ON 'OEM L(e (ad S $h J iet E#esM Read the 5o22o6in7 poe1 and ans6er the <uestions that 5o22o6.

(e (ad S $h J iet E#es *e had such <uiet e3es She did not rea2ise The3 6ere t6o poo2s o5 2ies La3ered 6ith thinnest ice To her; those <uiet e3es 0ere 4reathin7 deso2ate si7hs I1p2orin7 her to 4e nice And to render hi1 paradise I5 on23 shed 4een 6ise And had 2istened to the ad:ice Ne:er to co1pro1ise 0ith p2easure-see=in7 7u3s Shed 4e 5ree 5ro1 Cthe ho6s and 6h3sD No6 heres a 4it o5 ad:ice Be sure that nice rea223 1eans nice Then 3ou22 ne:er 4e 2osin7 at dice Thou7h 3ou 1a3 2ose 3our heart once or t6ice


Bi1s# SoenharDo

!RACTICE " Fro1 stanJa1; >a? 6hat 6as the 6o1an 42ind toU BBBBBBBBBBBBB.BBBBBBBBBBBBBB.B..BBB. >1 1ar=? >4? 6hich 2ine su77ests that the 6o1an 6as una6are o5 the =ind o5 1an Xhe 6asU BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB..BBB.. >1 1ar=? >c? in 2ine ; 6hat does the Ntwo pools of liesI re5er toU B.BBBBBBBBBBB..BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB..BB... >1 1ar=? >d? in 3our o6n 6ords; su77est ho6 the 6o1an had 4een tric=edU BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB.B BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB. >2 1ar=s? !RACTICE # Fro1 stanJa 1; >a? ho6 did the 1an tr3 to attract the 6o1anU Mention t6o 6a3s. iBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB >1 1ar=? ii-BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB. >1 1ar=? >4? 6hat did the 1an desire 5ro1 the 6o1anU BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB. >1 1ar=? >c? do 3ou thin= the 6o1an 6as 5oo2ish 5or 5a22in7 in 2o:e 6ith the 1anU )i:e a reason 5or 3our ans6er. BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB.. BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB..BBB >2 1ar=s? .



Fro1 stanJa 2; >a? 6hat cou2d ha:e sa:ed the 6o1an 5ro1 co11ittin7 the 1ista=eU BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB. >1 1ar=? >4? 6hat 6as the ad:ice 7i:en to the 6o1anU BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB. >1 1ar=? >c? 6hat is 1eant 43 the phrase Xthe hows and wh#sIU BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB.B >1 1ar=? >d? do 3ou thin= the 6o1an re7retted 5a22in7 in 2o:e 6ith the 1anU 0h3U BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB. BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB..B.B >2 1ar=s?

!RACTICE % Fro1 stanJa ; >a? 0hat is 1eant 43 the phrase Xni$e reall# means ni$eIU BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB.. >1 1ar=? >4? 0h3 2o:e is co1pared to playing dice in the poe1U BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB.. >1 1ar=? >c? 0hat does the phrase Xlose #o r heartI 1eanU BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB.BBBB.. >1 1ar=? >d? State t6o 2essons that 3ou can 2earn 5ro1 the poe1U BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB. BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB..BBB >2 1ar=s?

'RA)TI)E <0= ON 'OEM LNat reM


Read the 5o22o6in7 poe1 and ans6er the <uestions that 5o22o6.

Nat re 0e ha:e neither Su11er nor 0inter Neither Autu1n nor Sprin7. 0e ha:e instead the da3s 0hen the 7o2d sun shines on the 2ush 7reen cane5ie2dsMa7ni5icent23. The da3s 6hen the rain 4eats 2i=e 4u22ets on the roo5s And there is no sound 4ut the s6ish o5 6ater in the 7u22ies And trees stru772in7 in the hi7h Ma1aica 6inds. A2so there are the da3s 6hen 2ea:es 5ade 5ro1 o55 7uan7o trees And the reaped cane5ie2ds 2ie 4are and 5a22o6 to the sun. But 4est o5 a22 there are the da3s 6hen the 1an7o and the 2o76ood 42osso1 0hen the 4ushes are 5u22 o5 the sound o5 4ees and the scent o5 hone3; 0hen the ta22 7rass s6a3s and shi:ers to the s2i7htest 4reath o5 air; 0hen the 4uttercups ha:e pa:ed the earth 6ith 3e22o6 stars And 4eaut3 co1es sudden23 and the rains ha:e 7one. (. )ar1err#

!RACTICE & Fro1 stanJa 1; >a? 6hat are the t6o seasons 5ound in Ma1aican 6eatherU BBBBBBB..BBBBBBBBB.BBBBBBBBBB..BBBB >1 1ar=? >4? 6hich phrase te22s 3ou that the 6ind 42o6s stron723U BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB.BBB... >1 1ar=? >c? ho6 do the cane5ie2ds 2oo= a5ter 4ein7 har:ested U BBBBBBBBBBBB..BBBBBBBBBBBBBB..BBB.B >1 1ar=? >d? 6ou2d 3ou 2i=e to 2i:e in a countr3 6ith di55erent 6eather conditionsU 0h3U BBBBBBBBBBB..BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB. >2 1ar=s?



Fro1 stanJa 2; >a? 6hat can 4e s1e22ed on the da3 the persona cherished the 1ostU BBBBBBBBBBBBB.BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB >1 1ar=? >4? state t6o thin7s that ta=e p2ace on a da3 6hen the 6eather is 7ood. i BBBBBBBBB..BBBBBBBBBBB..BBBBBBBBBB >1 1ar=? ii BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB..BBBBB.BB.BBBBB.. >1 1ar=? >c? -nd beauty comes suddenly and the rains have gone. 6hat do 3ou thin= this 2ast 2ine 1eans in re2ation to 1ans 2i5eU BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB.. BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB.. >2 1ar=s?

'RA)TI)E 1>01& ON 'OEM LAre /o Still 'la#in" /o r Fl te2M Read the poe1 4e2o6 and ans6er the <uestions that 5o22o6. Are /o Still 'la#in" /o r Fl te2 Are 3ou sti22 p2a3in7 3our 52uteU 0hen there is hard23 ti1e 5or our 2o:e I a1 5ee2in7 7ui2t3 To 4e 2on7in7 5or 3our son7 The 1e2od3 concea2ed in s2i1 ho22o6 o5 the 4a14oo +nco:ered 43 the 4reath o5 an artist Co1posed 43 his 5in7ers B2o6n 43 the 6ind To the depth o5 13 heart. Are 3ou sti22 p2a3in7 3our 52uteU In the :i22a7e so <uiet and deserted A1idst the sic= rice 5ie2d 0hi2e here it has 4eco1e a 2u9ur3 To spend ti1e 6atchin7 the rain )aJin7 at the e:enin7 ra3s Co22ectin7 de6 drops Or enEo3in7 the 5ra7rance o5 52o6ers.


Are 3ou sti22 p2a3in7 the 52uteU The 1ore it distur4s 13 conscience to 4e thin=in7 o5 3ou in the haJard o5 3ou 13 3oun7er 4rothers are une1p2o3ed and desperate 13 peop2e disunited 43 po2itics 13 5riend s2au7htered 1erci2ess23 this 6or2d is too o2d and 42eedin7. . G rinah (assan

!RACTICE 1. Fro1 stanJa1; >a? in 2ine 1; to 6ho1 does the 6ord X#o re5erU BBBBBBBBBBBBB.BBBBBBBBBBBBBB.B..BBBB... >1 1ar=? >4? 6h3 do 3ou thin= the persona 5ee2s 7ui2t3 to 4e 2on7in7 5or the 1usicU BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB..BBB.......... >1 1ar=? >c? 6rite do6n t6o 6ords that are re2ated to ho6 a 52ute is p2a3ed. i BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB>1 1ar=? ii BBBBBBBB..BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB >1 1ar=? >d? 6h3 do 3ou thin= the persona can hear the son7s o5 the 52uteU ..BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB.. >1 1ar=?

!RACTICE 11 Fro1 stanJa 2; >a? ho6 does the persona descri4e her :i22a7eU BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB..BBBB..BBBBB... > 2 1ar=s? >4? 6h3 do 3ou thin= the rice 5ie2ds are descri4ed as Xsic=U BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB.BBBBBBBBBBBB > 1 1ar= ? >c? na1e t6o acti:ities that are considered as 2u9ur3 to 4e done. i BBBBBBBBB.BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB >1 1ar=? ii BBBBBBBB.BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB..B. >1 1ar=?


!RACTICE 12 Fro1 stanJa ; >a? in 2ine 2; 6hat does Xit re5er toU BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB.. >1 1ar=? >a? na1e one o5 the pro42e1s 5aced 43 the nation. BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB. >1 1ar=? >c? 7i:e the 1eanin7 o5 the phrase Xsla "htered mer$ilessl#D. ..BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB >1 1ar=? . >d? 3he world is too old and bleeding in 3our o6n 6ords state the 1eanin7 o5 the 2ast 2ine o5 the poe1. BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB.. BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB..BB >2 1ar=s?


'RA)TI)E 108 ON 'OEM LIn the Midst of (ardshipM
!RACTICE 1 a 4 c Their soa=3 c2othes Mar=ed 43 scratches N co:ered 43 cutsN4ruises To coo= a 1ea2N to prepare 5ood To 6ar1 the1se2:es *a:e stren7thNcoura7e Ne:er 7i:e up *a:e positi:e attitude to6ards 2i5e OR an3 !OSSIBLE ANS0ERS To 2oo= 5orN to search 5or their sons a24ino 4u55a2o B2oated carcasses (esperate ,es; their son 2o:es the 4u55a2o :er3 1uch and that is 6h3 the parents 4ra:e the terri42e 52ood to 2oo= 5or the 4u55a2o. -OR an3 !OSSIBLE ANS0ERS (i55icu2t 2i5e N A 2i5e o5 su55erin7 i-1a=in7 Eo=es N Eo=in7 6ith each other ii-ro22in7 their ci7arette 2ea:esN s1o=in7 (onate 5ood


a 4 c d a 4 c



(onate c2othes (onate 1one3 )i:e 1ora2 support OR an3 !OSSIBLE ANS0ERS

'RA)TI)E 70; ON 'OEM L(e (ad S $h J iet E#esM

!RACTICE " a 4 c d She 6as 42ind to the 1ans i22 intention N the 1ans 4ad intention She did not rea2iJe The 1ans <uiet e3es -The 6o1an had 4een tric=ed 43 the 1ans c2e:er dra1atisation o5 sadness and 2one2iness as=in7 her to 7i:e p2easure N -The 6o1an had 4een tric=ed 43 the 1ans 2oo= and appearance -OR an3 !OSSIBLE ANS0ERS i-*is e3es 6ere 4reathin7 deso2ate si7hs N te22in7 the 6o1an o5 his 2one2iness or sadness ii-i1p2orin7 the 6o1an to 4e nice N p2eadin7 her to =ind to hi1 iii-as=in7 her to render hi1 paradise N re<uestin7 the 6o1an to 7i:e hi1 p2easure ANS0ERS are INTERC*AN)ABLE ACCE!T AN, T0O ANS0ERS !2easure N to ha:e 5un ,es; 4ecause the 1an 6as decei:in7 her 6ith his super5icia2 appearance Bein7 6ise N or Listen to the ad:ice Not to 4e decei:ed 43 1an N Not to co1pro1ise 6ith p2easure-see=in7 1an The <uestions the 6o1an as=ed herse25 as she tried to co1e to ter1s 6ith her 4ad e9perience ,es; 4ecause she had 2earnt a 2esson in a hard 6a3 N ,es; 4ecause she had 4een decei:ed 43 a p2easure-see=in7 1an ,es; 4ecause she had disco:ered ho6 super5icia2 and sha22o6 the 1an 6as -OR An3 !OSSIBLE ANS0ERS Ta=e ti1e to assess peop2e N (o not Eud7e peop2e 43 1ere appearance N Be 6ar3 o5 peop2e 6ho pretend to 4e 7ood Lo:e is a 7a142e Fa22in7 in 2o:e i-0e 1ust not 4e ta=e in 43 2oo=s or appearance ii-0e 1ust 2isten and ta=e heed o5 7ood ad:ice -OR an3 !OSSIBLE ANS0ERS


4 c !RACTICE $ a 4 c


a 4 c d

'RA)TI)E <0= ON 'OEM LNat reM 99


a 4 c d a

*ot da3s and Rain3 da3s The hi7h Ma1aica 6inds Bare and Fa22o6 ,es; it 6i22 4e :er3 interestin7 N or No; it 6i22 4e di55icu2t 5or 1e to adEust to the 6eather -OR an3 !OSSIBLE ANS0ERS The scent o5 hone3 N The s1e22 o5 hone3 N *one3 i-the 1an7o and the 2o76ood trees 42osso1 N are 52o6erin7 ii-the 4uJJin7 4ees 4us3 co22ectin7 nectar iii-the ta22 7rass s6a3s and shi:ers to the so5t 4reeJe i:-the 4uttercups co:er the 2and 6ith 3e22o6 stars ACCE!T AN, T0O ANS0ERS Li5e has its ups and do6ns; so 6e ha:e to 7o throu7h 4ad da3s in order to appreciate the 7ood da3s


'RA)TI)E 1>01& ON 'OEM LAre /o Still 'la#in" /o r Fl te2M

!RACTICE 1. a 4 c d !RACTICE 11 a 4 The 52autist N the 52ute p2a3er N the 1an p2a3in7 the 52ute Because it is the ri7ht ti1e an31ore 5or their 2o:e i. 4reath ii. 5in7ers The sound is 42o6n 43 the 6ind N The persona can hear it in her heart due to her 2o:e 8uiet and deserted )2oo13 and 4arren N 4ein7 a4andoned 43 peop2e i-6atchin7 the rain ii-7aJin7 at the e:enin7 ra3s iii-co22ectin7 de6 drops i:-enEo3in7 the 5ra7rance o5 52o6ers >ACCE!T AN, T0O ANS0ERS? a !RACTICE 12 4 c d The son7 N the sound o5 the 52ute i-3oun7 1en are Eo42ess N and are desperate N une1p2o31ent ii-!eop2e are di:ided 43 po2itics iii-!eop2e are =i22ed in 6ar N or 6ar has 4ro=en out >ACCE!T ONL, ONE ANS0ER? Gi22ed 4ruta223 N =i22ed heart2ess23 The persona 5ee2s trapped in a 6or2d that is d3in7 and co22apsin7 due to the serious pro42e1s 1entioned.



1. This no:e2 section consists o5 1. practices. 2. (ri22 students on ho6 to identi53 the =e36ords in the <uestions. . Students shou2d present their ans6ers in three parts Y introduction; content and c2osin7.

EOAMINATION TI'S FOR TEA)(ERS3 1. As= students to identi53 =e36ords in the <uestion. 2. For introduction - students shou2d state the no:e2 and the >author? . For content - state ideas N opinions 6ith e9a1p2es N e:idences 5ro1 the te9tN no:e2. - For 6ea= students; state at 2east one or t6o ideas. - For a:era7e students; use as 1an3 ideas as possi42e. ". For c2osin7 - conc2ude 43 statin7 persona2 responses N opinions. #. Students 1a3 ans6er the <uestion usin7 present or past tense. But; 4ear in 1ind the3 ha:e to 4e consistent in usin7 one 5or1 o5 tense throu7hout their response. 1;1

'RA)TI)E 1 0hich $hara$ter do 3ou like the most in the no:e2 3ou ha:e studiedU )i:e reasons 6h3 3ou 2i=e this character usin7 in5or1ation 5ro1 the no:e2 that 3ou ha:e chosen to support 3our ans6er. like the most )hara$ter admire the most look p interestin" Su77ested ans6er Introduction Content [-Te9tua2 e:idences C2osin7 -Conc2usion


'RA)TI)E & 0hich $hara$ter do 3ou dislike the most in the no:e2 3ou ha:e studiedU )i:e reasons 6h3 3ou dis2i=e this character usin7 in5or1ation 5ro1 the no:e2 that 3ou ha:e chosen to support 3our ans6er. dislike )hara$ter hate

Su77ested ans6er Introduction Content [-Te9tua2 e:idences C2osin7 -Conc2usion

7. +ITERAT-RE K NO6E+ 7.1 Tea$herIs notes3 ". This no:e2 section consists o5 % practices. #. (ri22 students on ho6 to identi53 the =e36ords in the <uestions. $. Students shou2d present their ans6ers in three parts Y introduction; content and c2osin7. 7.& St dentIs Tips3 $. As= students to identi53 =e36ords in the <uestion. %. For introduction - students shou2d state the no:e2 and the author. &. For content - state ideas N opinions 6ith e9a1p2es N e:idence 5ro1 the te9tN no:e2. - For 6ea= students; state at 2east one or t6o ideas. - For a:era7e students; use as 1an3 ideas as possi42e. '. For c2osin7 - conc2ude 43 statin7 persona2 responses N opinions. 1.. Students 1a3 ans6er the <uestion usin7 present or past tense. But; 4ear in 1ind the3 ha:e to 4e consistent in usin7 one 5or1 o5 tense throu7hout their response.


'RA)TI)E 1 NIt is important to have a person that #o look p to #o r life.I Fro1 the no:e2 that 3ou ha:e read; 6rite a4out one character that 3ou 2oo= up to. )i:e reasons 6h3 3ou choose hi1Nher. like the most )hara$ter admire the most look p to interestin" )uide2ines State the no:e2 and the author. Identi53 the character that 3ou 2oo= up to. )i:e reasons 6h3 3ou choose hi1Nher. Su77ested ans6er



In XCatch +s I5 ,ou Can 43 Catherine Mac!hai2; Ror3 is one o5 the 1ost interestin7 characters that I 2oo= up to. *e is a 3oun7 4o3 4ut he sho6s 7reat coura7e and deter1ination 6hen he 7oes on an ad:enture to stop the authorities 5ro1 separatin7 hi1 and his 7rand5ather. Ror3 is a2so :er3 responsi42e and 1ature 5or his a7e. *e ta=es 7ood care o5 his )randa; 1a=in7 sure that he ta=es his 1edication and eats his 1ea2s. Ror3 e:en stops doin7 his 5a:ourite acti:ities 4ecause 1ost o5 his ti1e is ta=en up carin7 5or )randa. At a ti1e 6hen 1ost chi2dren ha:e adu2ts ta=in7 care o5 the1; Ror3 has to ta=e care o5 his 7rand5ather; the on23 adu2t in his ho1e. Another <ua2it3 that I ad1ire in Ror3 is his a4i2it3 to 5or7i:e and 1o:e on 6ith his 2i5e. A2thou7h he is an7r3 at his 5ather 5or 2ea:in7 hi1 and his 1other 6hen he 6as s1a22; he sti22 5or7i:es hi1 and e:en accepts his ne6 5a1i23 6ith open ar1s. These are the reasons 6h3 I choose Ror3 as the character that I 2oo= up to in this no:e2.

Content [-Te9tua2 e:idence

C2osin7 -Conc2usion

'RA)TI)E & NIt is important to have someone that #o $an tr st.I *o6 is this sho6n in the no:e2 3ou ha:e readU Support 3our ans6er 6ith c2ose re5erence to the te9t. )uide2ines State the no:e2 and the author. Identi53 the characters that can 4e trusted in the no:e2. )i:e 3our :ie6s 6ith e9a1p2es 5ro1 the no:e2. Su77ested ans6er


The no:e2; XCatch +s I5 ,ou Can 43 Catherine Mac!hai2 hi7h2i7hts the 1essa7e that it is i1portant to ha:e so1eone that 3ou can trust especia223 6hen 3ou are in trou42e or 5ace pro42e1s. O5 course it is not eas3 to trust stran7ers; not e:en 6hen the3 sincere23 o55er he2p. Ror3 and )randa cou2d ha:e reEected the he2p

Content [-Te9tua2 e:idence


o55ered to the1 due to 1istrust. But the3 choose to trust these stran7ers instead. Ror3 and )randa ha:e to put trust in stran7ers 2i=e T3rones 5a1i23 and Ra4. These peop2e are sincere in 7i:in7 their he2p to Ror3 and )randa. Ror3 and )randa 2earn that these peop2e are =ind to those in need o5 he2p. Their trust in these =ind peop2e pa3 o55 5or; not on23 do the3 7et he2p; the3 a2so 7et ne6 5riends. Ror3 1eets Ra4 6hen he 6ants to put petro2 in the sto2en car. Ra4 o55ers he2p i11ediate23 4ecause he =no6s a4out the1 runnin7 a6a3 5ro1 the authorities. At 5irst; Ror3 does not accept Ra4s o55er o5 he2p. But then; Ror3 decides Ra4 can 4e trusted and he 1a=es the ri7ht decision. Ra4 pro:es to 4e :er3 he2p5u2. Later; Ra4s 7ir25riend; Annie; he2ps the1 to escape to the hi22 6here it a22 ends 6e22 6ith a reunion 4et6een Ror3; )randa and his 5athers 5a1i23. C2osin7 -Conc2usion In conc2usion; it is c2ear that 5ro1 these e9a1p2es; it is i1portant to trust so1eone especia223 6hen 3ou are in trou42e or 5ace pro42e1s.

'RA)TI)E 8 N+ove is important in a famil#.I *o6 is this sho6n in the no:e2 3ou ha:e readU Support 3our ans6er 6ith c2ose re5erence to the te9t. )uide2ines State the no:e2 and the author. Identi53 the characters that sho6 2o:e is i1portant in a 5a1i23. )i:e 3our :ie6s 6ith e9a1p2es 5ro1 the te9t. Su77ested ans6er


In the no:e2; CCatch +s I5 ,ou CanD 43 Catherine Mac!hai2; the 2o:e and co11it1ent 4et6een Ror3 and his 7rand5ather are a1aJin7 and heart 6ar1in7. Both 6ant to =eep the 5a1i23 united no 1atter 6hat happens. Ror3 2o:es his )randa :er3 1uch. *e 1a=es sure that his



[-Te9tua2 e:idence

7rand5ather ta=es his 1edicine on ti1e and does not 1iss a 1ea2. *e a2so ensures that his 4asic h37iene is ta=en care o5. Other than that; Ror3 e:en 7i:es up the schoo2 5oot4a22 tea1 so he can spend ti1e 6ith his )randa. At ti1es; he e:en trains his )randa on ho6 to 4eha:e in pu42ic. In return; )randa 2o:es Ror3 :er3 1uch and re5uses to 4e parted 5ro1 hi1 e:en i5 it 1eans he has to 4e a6a3 5ro1 1edica2 he2p. 0hen Ror3 rea2ises that he is to 4e separated 5ro1 his )randa; he then 1a=es p2ans to run a6a3 6ith )randa. The3 are 2uc=3 that a2on7 the 6a3; 1an3 =ind peop2e he2p the1 to continue their Eourne3 to7ether. In the end; a5ter a22 the hardships and cha22en7es the3 5ace; Ror3 and )randa 1ana7e to sta3 to7ether.

C2osin7 -Conc2usion

'RA)TI)E 7 The 6riter descri4es the main $hara$ter as a ver# determined person. +sin7 detai2s 5ro1 the no:e2 that 3ou ha:e studied; 6rite a4outA e9a1p2es some instan$es that show the $hara$terIs determination how the determination affe$ts hisHher famil#

)uide2ines State the no:e2 and the author. State the 1ain character 6ho is a :er3 deter1ined person. )i:e e9a1p2es that sho6 the characters deter1ination 5ro1 the no:e2. Su77ested ans6er Introduction In the no:e2; CCatch +s I5 ,ou CanD 43 Catherine Mac!hai2; )randa is a :er3 deter1ined person. A2thou7h o2d )randa su55ers


ph3sica2 pain and e9periences 1e1or3 2oss; he is :er3 sin72e-1inded in his deter1ination to 4e 6ith his on23 7randson; Ror3. 0hen his on23 son Me55; a4andoned his 6i5e and Ror3; )randa too= care o5 Ror3 and his 1other. Content [-Te9tua2 e:idence Later; 6hen the3 4eco1e separated; )randa is sti22 deter1ined to 4e 6ith Ror3. (espite his sic=ness and need 5or 1edica2 attention; he a7rees to run a6a3 6ith Ror3 so that the3 can 4e to7ether. *e cannot i1a7ine a 2i5e 6ithout his 7randson. A2thou7h his hea2th condition 6orsens; he sti22 2ea:es the hospita2 and 7oes on an ad:enture in order to 4e 6ith his 7randson. *is deter1ination a2so 1a=es hi1 hit a thu7 6ho 6ants to re:ea2 their identit3 to the po2ice 5or re6ard. )randa a2so 1ana7es to stea2 a car to run a6a3 5ro1 the po2ice and those 6ho 6ant to separate hi1 5ro1 Ror3. 0hen the3 are 2ater reunited 6ith his son; Me55; )randa is deter1ined to sta3 6ith Ror3 thou7h he 2o:es his other 7randchi2dren :er3 1uch. In conc2usion; )randa pro:es that 4ein7 sic= and o2d; does not 6ea=en his spirit and deter1ination to 4e 6ith his 7randson; Ror3. )randa sho6s that one shou2d not 7i:e up 6hen 5aced 6ith 1an3 cha22en7es.

C2osin7 -Conc2usion

'RA)TI)E 9 +sin7 the detai2s 5ro1 the no:e2 that 3ou ha:e studied; des$ri1e what happens at the end of the novel e!plain wh# #o find the endin" either happ# or sad

)uide2ines State the no:e2 and the author. (escri4e 6hat happens at the end o5 the no:e2. Identi53 6hether the endin7 is happ3 or sad. )i:e e9a1p2es 5ro1 the no:e2. Su77ested ans6er



I enEo3ed readin7 the no:e2; CCatch +s I5 ,ou CanD 43 Catherine Mac!hai2 as it has a happ3 endin7 to the stor3. Ror3 7ets to sta3 6ith his 7rand5ather and is a2so reunited 6ith his 5ather; Me55. At 5irst; I 6as surprised 43 the happ3 endin7 as the stor3 4e7an 6ith so 1uch suspense and the characters 5aced 6ith 1an3 cha22en7es. I thou7ht the stor3 6as 7oin7 to ha:e a sad endin7. To6ards the end o5 the stor3; 6e 5ind Ror3 and his 7rand5ather runnin7 a6a3 5ro1 the authorities. The3 stop at a 4us she2ter to rest 4ecause )randa is tired. 0hen Ror3 6a=es up; he tries to 6a=e up )randa 4ut he does not 1o:e. In panic; Ror3 runs to the nearest house 5or he2p. The po2ice and a14u2ance are ca22ed. Ror3s 5ather; Me55 a2so turns up. Luc=i23; )randa reco:ers a5ter a sta3 in the hospita2. 0hi2e his )randa is in hospita2; Ror3 1eets his 5athers 6i5e and stepsisters. Ror3 7ets a2on7 6e22 6ith the1. Once )randa reco:ers; he and Ror3 1o:es into a 52at; not 5ar 5ro1 Me55s ho1e. The3 a26a3s ha:e 1ea2s to7ether and Ror3 7ets he2p to ta=e care o5 his )randa. Ror3 5ina223 has a 5a1i23; other than )randa. I a1 72ad that the stor3 has a happ3 endin7 4ecause I 5ee2 that Ror3 deser:es one. *e is a 4ra:e; 2o:in7 and responsi42e 4o3 6ho 5ina223 7ets the 5a1i23 that he has a26a3s 6anted.

Content [-Te9tua2 e:idence

C2osin7 -Conc2usion

'RA)TI)E : +sin7 the detai2s 5ro1 the no:e2 that 3ou ha:e studied; 6rite a4out a diffi$ lt de$ision made 1# one of the $hara$ters. 0ith c2ose re5erence to the te9t; do #o think this was the ri"ht de$isionU )uide2ines State the no:e2 and the author. State the di55icu2t decision 1ade 43 one o5 the characters )i:e 3our opinions 43 usin7 the e9a1p2es 5ro1 the no:e2.

Su77ested ans6er



In the no:e2; CCatch +s I5 ,ou CanD 43 Catherine Mac!hai2; I 4e2ie:e the decision Ror3 1ade to run a6a3 6ith )randa 6as the ri7ht one. It 6as indeed a di55icu2t decision to 1a=e 4ecause it 6ou2d chan7e their 2i:es 5ore:er. Ror3 and )randa had 4een separated- Ror3 6as p2aced in the chi2drens ho1e 6hi2e )randa 6as in Rachnadar; a ho1e 5or e2der23. Both are deep23 unhapp3 a4out this. Ror3 5ina223 decided to run a6a3 6ith )randa 6hen he sa6 ho6 unhapp3 his )randa 6as. Ror3 1ana7ed to rescue his )randa 5ro1 5urther 1enta2 trau1a and durin7 their Eourne3 to 5reedo1\ he 1et 1an3 =ind peop2e such as Sa113; Ru43; Nico2e and Ra4. I 4e2ie:e i5 Ror3 had sta3ed at the ho1e and )randa at Rachnadar; he 6ou2d ha:e e:entua223 run a6a3 5ro1 there as he cou2d not stand Tess :io2ent 4eha:iour. *e a2so 6ou2d re1ain separated 5ro1 his )randa. In addition; Ror3 6ou2d not ha:e 4een reunited 6ith his 5ather and 1et his ne6 5a1i23. Thus; despite the tou7h decision Ror3 1ade; it 6as the ri7ht one. *e is a42e to sta3 6ith his 7rand5ather and ha:e the support o5 a 5a1i23.

Content [-Te9tua2 e:idence

C2osin7 -Conc2usion

'RA)TI)E ; Based on the no:e2 that 3ou ha:e read; 6rite a4out an important in$ident that #o remem1er. *ive reasons wh# #o remem1er the in$ident. )uide2ines State the no:e2 and the author. (escri4e the i1portant incident that 3ou re1e14er. )i:e reasons 6h3 3ou re1e14er it.

Su77ested ans6er



In the no:e2; CCatch +s I5 ,ou CanD 43 Catherine Mac!hai2; the one incident that I re1e14er 1ost is 6hen Ror3 thou7ht )randa had died. A5ter a narro6 escape 5ro1 the authorities; Ror3 and his 7rand5ather stopped to rest in a 4us she2ter. 0hen Ror3 cou2d not 6a=e up )randa; he thou7ht )randa had died. The 5ri7htened Ror3 ran to 7et he2p and 6hen he returned to 6here his )randa 6as; he noticed his 7rand5ather had 5a22en and appeared to 4e dead. I re1e14er the incident the 1ost 4ecause I thou7ht that )randa had died. I 5e2t sad 5or Ror3 4ecause a22 his e55orts 6ou2d ha:e 4een 5or nothin7 and he 6ou2d ha:e 5e2t 7ui2t3 5or ta=in7 his 7rand5ather a6a3 5ro1 Rachnadar. Luc=i23; )randa did not die. Ror3 1ana7ed to 7et he2p in ti1e and )randa 6as ta=en to the hospita2. These are the reasons 6h3 I re1e14er the incident the 1ost.

Content [-Te9tua2 e:idence

C2osin7 -Conc2usion

9. .IRE)TE. ,RITIN* 9.1 Tea$herIs Notes The (irected 0ritin7 <uestion carries a tota2 o5 # 1ar=s Y 1# 1ar=s 5or content and 2. 1ar=s 5or 2an7ua7e. The 1ar=s 5or 5or1at; 6hich can :ar3 4et6een 1- 1ar=s dependin7 on the te9t t3pe; are inc2uded in the 1# 1ar=s a22ocated 5or content. In this section; candidates are 7i:en on23 one <uestion. This 1eans that candidates do not ha:e the 2u9ur3 o5 choice 6hich the3 are 7i:en in the Continuous 0ritin7 section.


Most candidates 5ind this <uestion <uite 1ana7ea42e. In 5act; e:en 6ea= candidates can 4e tau7ht to cope 6ith this <uestion to a certain e9tent. Se:era2 5actors 1a=e this <uestion <uite do a42e. First23; candidates are 7i:en he2p 6ith content. This 1eans candidates do not ha:e to 6orr3 a4out 6hat to 6rite as content points are pro:ided. It is not di55icu2t to score 5u22 1ar=s 5or content. In 5act; candidates can score 5u22 1ar=s 5or content i5 the3 are a42e to use the in5or1ation 7i:en in 7ra11atica223 sound sentences; irrespecti:e o5 the sentence t3pe or 2en7th. It is a2so eas3 to 7et 1ar=s 5or 5or1at i5 the3 ha:e 4een e9posed to the 5or1ats o5 di55erent te9t t3pes. Second23; this <uestion does not de1and 1uch 2in7uistica223 un2i=e the continuous 6ritin7 <uestion. Most candidates are a42e to cope 6ith this <uestion; e:en i5 the3 are 2in7uistica223 2i1ited. Third23; the <uestion is usua223 set around the e9periences o5 students. *ence; there is no reason 5or candidates not to atte1pt this <uestion.

Be2o6 is an ana23sis o5 the <uestions 6hich ha:e appeared o:er the past ten 3earsA

/ear 2... 2..1 2..2 2.. 2.." 2..# 2..$ 2..% 2..& 2..'

Te!t t#pe Letter >in5or1a2? Artic2e Speech Letter >5or1a2? Report Letter >in5or1a2? Letter >in5or1a2? Speech Artic2e A Report

' rpose To in5or1 1other o5 choice o5 present 5or 3our 4rother and persuade 1other to 2end 3ou so1e 1one3 To in5or1 students on 6a3s o5 copin7 6ith stress To in5or1 students a4out road sa5et3 - causes o5 road accidents and su77estions to reduce the1 To in5or1 the c2ass teacher a4out the choice o5 c2ass trip To in5or1 the schoo2 principa2 a4out the conditions o5 the schoo2 canteen To in5or1 a 5riend a4out a ho2ida3 ca1p To con:ince a 5riend to run 5or the post o5 head pre5ect To te22 students a4out a science re5erence 4oo= To in5or1 students a4out a 5riend 6ho has 4een chosen as the Best )roup Leader To in5or1 the !rincipa2 o5 the reasons 6h3 students 112


A 2etter >In5or1a2?

2ac= o5 interest in sports To te22 a cousin the 4ene5its o5 ta=in7 part in Nationa2 Ser:ice !ro7ra1

)ommon errors 9oor time management. (o not spend 1ore than the a22ocated "# 1inutes on this <uestion. Other6ise 3ou 6i22 not ha:e enou7h ti1e 5or the second <uestion. ;engthy essays. (o not 6rite too 1uch. As 1entioned ear2ier; this <uestion does not 1a=e 1an3 de1ands on a candidate. (irected 6ritin7 is a succinct piece o5 6ritin7. A22 3ou ha:e to do is use the 7i:en points and pro:ide a sentence or t6o >1a34e three? to e2a4orate on the1. A response o5 1 ] - 2 pa7es is 1ore than su55icient. A5ter a22; the 1ore 3ou 6rite the 1ore 1ista=es 3ou 1i7ht 1a=e. So1e candidates 1a=e the 1ista=e o5 6ritin7 one para7raph 5or each point. I5 3ou do this; 3our essa3 is 7oin7 to 4e :er3 2en7th3. Sa:e the ti1e and ener73 5or Continuous 6ritin7. <sage of informal language. This paper tests 3our 6ritten En72ish. (o not use spo=en 2an7ua7e. A:oid usin7 s2an7 6ords >such as 7u3s; B..?; contractions; and in5or1a2 2an7ua7e >such as in5or1a2 idio1atic e9pressions or in5or1a2 phrasa2 :er4s?. 9oor punctuation. So1e candidates do not punctuate their sentences correct23. Ma=e sure 3ou end 3our sentence 6ith a 5u22 stop and not a co11a. A2so; 1a=e sure that the pronoun I is 6ritten in upper case and not 2o6er case >i? as is the practice a1on7 so1e candidates. 9.& St dentIs Tips *eneral * idelines for .ire$ted ,ritin" Read the <uestion care5u223. Identi53 3our tas=; 3our ro2e and 3our audience. +se the "# 1inutes a22ocated 5or this <uestion 6ise23. !2an 3our essa3 and or7aniJe 3our thou7hts >this inc2udes 6hat to 6rite and ho6 to e2a4orate on points? Inc2ude an introduction and a conc2usion and 1a=e sure 3our para7raphs are 6e22 or7aniJed. 113

+se all content points 7i:en. It is ad:isa42e to cross out the points 3ou ha:e used; so that no point is 2e5t out. Inc2ude points o5 3our o6n onl# if #o are asked to. Other6ise; do not 6aste precious ti1e doin7 so 4ecause 3ou 6i22 not 7et an3 e9tra 1ar=s. Ela1orate on the points "iven. 0rite 2- sentences to e2a4orate on each point. Re1e14er a crucia2 aspect o5 this paper is 2an7ua7e and 3our a4i2it3 to 6rite can on23 4e tested i5 3ou pro:ide su55icient 2an7ua7e 5or the e9a1iner to 7au7e 3our 2in7uistic a4i2it3.

+se a :ariet3 o5 sentence structures so that 3our essa3 is not du22 and 1onotonous. A26a3s read throu7h 6hat 3ou ha:e 6ritten. Correct 7ra11atica2; spe22in7 and punctuation errors.

9.8 Sample Essa#s And 'ra$ti$es Sample essa# and pra$ti$e 1 1.> ARTI)+ES 1. Artic2es are pieces o5 6ritin7 7i:in7 in5or1ation; ad:ice or su77estions to the readers. 2. The3 are usua223 6ritten 5or the schoo2 1a7aJine or schoo2 ne6s2etter. . The tone and st32e are 5or1a2. ". An artic2es 5or1at a? Tit2e Y can 4e ta=en 5ro1 the ru4ric 114 )enera2 7uide2ines

4? 0riters na1e Y Must 6rite XB3; and then 5o22o6ed 43 3our na1e Eust 4e2o6 the tit2e. c? The peop2e 6ho are 7oin7 to read the artic2e. J estion Man3 students 5ee2 that the3 ha:e too 1an3 thin7s to do in one da3. Man3 o5 the1 rea223 do not 1ana7e their ti1e 6ise23 and end up not co1p2etin7 their ho1e6or= or schoo2 proEects on ti1e. ,ou 6ant to 1a=e a 5e6 su77estions on ho6 the3 can 1ana7e their ti1e in a 4etter and 1ore e55ecti:e 6a3. 0rite an arti$le 5or 3our schoo2 1a7aJine 7i:in7 3our su77estions on ho6 to 1ana7e ti1e. Inc2ude the 5o22o6in7 points. Chan7e attitude !a3 attention in c2ass Tr3 to co1p2ete as 1uch ho1e6or= as possi42e durin7 schoo2 hours Ma=e a XTo do 2ist Set priorities ri7ht Set a rea2istic tar7et 5or e9a1ination !2an a persona2 ti1eta42e Ma=e ti1e 5or rest and re2a9ation Moin stud3 7roups See= he2p 5ro1 parents; teachers or 5riends Spea= to schoo2 counse22or Sta3 happ3 and hea2th3 Inc2ude the tit2e Inc2ude the 6riters na1e Inc2ude a22 the points 7i:en 0rite in the 5or1at o5 an artic2e

0hen 6ritin7 the artic2e; 3ou shou2d re1e14er toA & & & &

Sample Answer *o6 to Mana7e Ti1e B3 A24ert Moss 115

Toda3 1an3 students 5ee2 that the3 ha:e too 1an3 thin7s to do in one da3. Man3 o5 the1 rea223 do not 1ana7e their ti1e 6ise23 and end up not co1p2etin7 their ho1e6or= or schoo2 proEects on ti1e. So; here I 6ou2d 2i=e to 7i:e so1e su77estions to students on how to mana"e time. First23; students 1ust $han"e their attit de. Ne9t; students shou2d pa# attention in $lass. Third23; students m st tr# to $omplete as m $h homework as possi1le d rin" s$hool ho rs. Further1ore students can make a NTo doI 2ist. Students ou7ht to set their priorities ri"ht . Students shou2d set a realisti$ tar"et 5or their co1in7 e9a1ination. Further1ore; students can plan a personal timeta1le. Students 1ust a2so make time for rest and rela!ation. Students can Doin st d# "ro ps. A22 students shou2d seek help from parents; tea$hers or friends i5 needed. Students shou2d speak to the s$hool $o nsellor i5 necessar3. Fina223 students sho ld 1e happ# and health# 6hen the3 spend their time wisel#. E!amination Tips
1. Introduction o5 the artic2e can 4e ta=en 5ro1 the ru4ric as sho6n in the sa1p2e.

2. A22 students need to do is to add the phrase st dents followed 1# a modal; in 5ront o5 the 7i:en content points to create 1eanin75u2 sentences. e.7 Y Students shou2d; Students 1ust etc. . +se conEunctions and se<uence connectors 'ra$ti$e 1 ,ou are as=ed to write an arti$le 5or 3our schoo2 1a7aJine ,our artic2e is on X(iscip2inar3 !ro42e1s in Schoo2s. In 3our artic2e; 3ou a2so su77est 6a3s to o:erco1e the pro42e1s. Be2o6 are so1e notes 3ou ha:e 1ade. 'ro1lems !2a3in7 truant Y cuttin7 c2asses; 2oiterin7 in shoppin7 co1p2e9es; 5re<uentin7 c34erca5es durin7 schoo2 hours 116

S1o=in7 Y in toi2ets; 4ehind the 4ushes; cuttin7 c2asses to s1o=e Bu223in7 Y inti1idatin7; 4eatin7; e9tortin7 1one3 /anda2is1 Y destro3in7 schoo2 propert3; 7ra55iti )an7steris1 Y in:o2:ed in 7an7s; 5i7htin7; recruitin7 Euniors

S ""estions to over$ome the pro1lems Counse22in7 Moinin7 :o2untar3 or7aniJation Bein7 acti:e in 7a1es and societies (oin7 part-ti1e Eo4 Ta=in7 up a ho443 Inter:ention 43 parents

(o re1e14erA To 7i:e a tit2e That 3our audience are students To use a22 the notes 7i:en a4o:e To 6rite in para7raphs

Sample essa# and pra$ti$e & Spee$hHTalk )enera2 7uide2ines

1. Read <uestions and notes to understand situation. (eter1ineA a. 4. T3pe o5 speech Y than= 3ouN5are6e22Nin5or1ati:e Main ideaNthe1e o5 speech Y po22utionNsa5et3Ns1o=in7Ndu1pin7 4a4ies


c. 0ho is 3our audienceU Y students; teachers; c2u4 1e14ers 2. Identi53 the re2e:ant points in the <uestions. . E2a4orate on the points. )i:e e9a1p2es. ". Gno6 the 5or1at o5 the speechA a. Address the audience

4. Introduce 3ourse25 c. State the topic d. Conc2ude 43 su11ariJin7 a22 the points e. Than= the audience #. So1e use5u2 e9pressions a. Openin7. )ood 1ornin7Na5ternoonNe:enin7 to the !rincipa2; teachersB.. A :er3 7ood 1ornin7 I 4id to the Chair1an; teachers and 13 5e22o6 5riendsB.

4. Be7innin7. Toda3; I 6ou2d 2i=e to ta2= a4outB. I a1 Adi4a 4t Gassi1 and this 1ornin7 I 6ish to ta2= a4outB.. Than= 3ou 5or 7i:in7 1e the opportunit3 to ta2= a4outB.

c. C2osin7 I hope I ha:e 7i:en 3ou a22 the in5or1ation onBBB..Than= 3ou Fina223; 2et 1e end 13 speech 43BBBB..


J estion As the !resident o5 the En:iron1ent C2u4; 3ou ha:e 4een as=ed 43 3our teacher to 7i:e a spee$h to a22 students in 3our schoo2 on ho6 the3 can he2p to reduce en:iron1enta2 pro42e1s. In 3our speech; inc2ude the 5o22o6in7 notesA


Red $e ener"# sa"e (o not 6aste e2ectricit3 +se products that ha:e ti1ers +se ener73 sa:in7 app2iances

Red $e air poll tion A:oid open 4urnin7 +se un2eaded petro2 !ractise car poo2in7

Red $e waste +se en:iron1enta2 5riend23 products +se rec3c2ed 1ateria2s +se 6asha42e ite1s

0hen 6ritin7 3our spee$h te9t; 3ou shou2d re1e14er toA use the appropriate "reetin" and $losin" state the p rpose of the spee$h use all the notes 7i:en 6rite in para7raphs 119

Sample Answer *ood mornin" to the !rincipa2; teachers and 5riends. M3 na1e is La4u 4in La4i 5ro1 c2ass # Science. As the !resident o5 the En:iron1ent C2u4; I ha:e 4een as=ed 43 13 teacher to 7i:e a speech to a22 students in 13 schoo2 on how the# $an help to red $e environmental pro1lems. First23; 6e ha:e to red $e ener"# sa"e. .o not waste ele$tri$it#. For e9a1p2e 6e 1ust s6itch o55 the 2i7hts and 5ans 4e5ore 6e 2ea:e the c2assroo1. 0e shou2d se ener"# savin" applian$es 2i=e 2i7ht 4u24s and 1an3 others. Second23; 6e ha:e to red $e air poll tion. For e9a1p2e; 6e shou2d avoid open 1 rnin". It is 4etter to 4ur3 than to 4urn ru44ish in the open. 0e shou2d a2so 1eans 2ess tra55ic and 2ess po22ution. Third23; 6e ha:e to red $e waste. 0e 1ust that do not har1 the en:iron1ent. 0e shou2d a2so se environmental friendl# prod $ts se re$#$led materials 2i=e paper 4a7s se nleaded petrol 5or our cars. It is a2so 7ood to pra$tise $ar poolin" to 6or=. Fe6er cars on the road se prod $ts that have timers so the3 6i22 s6itch o55 auto1atica223 6hen the ti1e is up. 0e shou2d a2so

instead o5 p2astic 4a7s. 0e shou2d a2so se washa1le items to reduce 6aste. That is a22 5or no6. Thank #o e:er3one 5or 2istenin7.

E!amination Tips 1. Re1ind students to 6rite an appropriate 7reetin7 accordin7 to the <uestion re<uire1ent. 2. A22 points shou2d 4e 6ritten in co1p2ete sentences in order to 4e a6arded 1ar=s 5or content points. . Re1ind students to 6rite si1p2e sentences instead o5 2en7th3 ones to a:oid 7ra11ar 1ista=es. ". )i:in7 e9a1p2es is considered as an e2a4oration. 12;

'ra$ti$e &?a@ 0 Spee$h As the !resident o5 The Road Sa5et3 C2u4; 3ou ha:e 4een as=ed 43 3our teacher to 7i:e a spee$h to a22 students in 3our schoo2 on ho6 1otorists cause accidents and su77est so1e 6a3s to reduce these accidents. +se the notes 4e2o6 to 7uide 3ou. )a ses ^ Turnin7 6ithout si7na22in7 ^ S6itchin7 2anes; tra55ic Ea1s - hi7h6a3s ^ Brea=in7 tra55ic ru2es a5ter 1idni7ht ^ 0ea:in7 in and out o5 tra55ic ^ Beatin7 tra55ic 2i7hts ^ +ndera7ed 1otorists ^ Speedin7 in housin7 estates ,a#s to red $e a$$idents ^ /ehic2e - in 7ood condition ^ Tra55ic po2ice - pea= hours; a5ter 1idni7ht ^ More speed traps ^ I1pose hea:ier 5ines ^ Road sa5et3 ca1pai7n - raise a6areness In 3our speech; re1e14er toA ^ pro:ide a tit2e ^ use all the in5or1ation a4o:e ^ add two other wa#s to red $e a$$idents


'ra$ti$e &?1@ K Talk Man3 students in 3our schoo2 co1p2ain that the3 are stressed. As the !resident o5 the *ea2th C2u4 in 3our schoo2; 3ou ha:e 4een as=ed to 7i:e a ta2= durin7 asse1423. ,ou ha:e 1ade a 2ist o5 the reasons 7i:en 43 these students and 3ou 6ou2d 2i=e to 7i:e the1 so1e su77estions on ho6 to cope 6ith their pro42e1. +se the 5o22o6in7 notes to 6rite 3our talk.
)a ses & & & & & & & 2on7 hours spent at schoo2 too 1uch ho1e6or= too 1an3 proEects 5re<uent e9a1s tuition c2asses hi7h e9pectations 5ro1 parents 2ac= o5 s2eep

S ""estions & & & & & ha:e a positi:e out2oo= p2an a ti1eta42e stud3 consistent23 ha:e 1ana7ea42e 7oa2s e9ercise re7u2ar23

0hen 6ritin7 out 3our talk; 3ou shou2d re1e14er toA

address 3our audience state the purpose o5 the ta2= use all the points 7i:en


end 3our ta2= appropriate23

Sample essa# and pra$ti$e 8 Report )enera2 7uide2ines

1. A report 7i:es in5or1ation to a particu2ar person or 7roup. 2. It has to 4e 5or1a2 and concise . The content is inc2usi:e o5 5acts and opinions. ". T3pes o5 reportA a. Report o5 an incident 4. Report on acti:it3 or e:ent c. Report on a sur:e3 d. Ne6spaper report

Basi$ format Report OnOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO To A > to 6ho1 the report is directed to ? (ate A

Fro1 A > the person 6ho 6rites the report ? OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

Facts and e2a4orationBBBBBBBBBBB.


Reported 43; 123


J estion ,ou are the Secretar3 o5 the En:iron1ent C2u4 in 3our schoo2. ,our c2u4 has success5u223 or7aniJed En:iron1ent 0ee= in 3our schoo2. 0rite a report to the principa2 a4out the e:ent. Inc2ude the 5o22o6in7 in5or1ation in 3our reportA . ration rd Y %th March 2.11 O1De$tives raise a6areness 4eauti53 schoo2 co1pound


A$tivities paint 1ura2s p2ant trees rec3c2e o2d ne6spapers poster dra6in7 co1petition speech 43 in:ited 7uest Advanta"es create conduci:e en:iron1ent insti22 2o:e 5or nature 5oster c2oser re2ationship de:e2op co-operation


0hen 6ritin7 the report; 3ou shou2d re1e14er toA 7i:e the report a title address the report accordin723 pro:ide an appropriate endin" use all the in5or1ation 7i:en 6rite in para7raphs

SAM'+E ANS,ER ToA 'rin$ipal SMG )e1i2an7 Fro1A Secretar3 The En:iron1ent C2u4 Environment ,eek In M# S$hool The En:iron1ent C2u4 in 13 schoo2 has success5u223 or7aniJed an En:iron1ent 0ee=. The d ration o5 the En:iron1ent 0ee= 6as 5ro1 8rd 0 ;th Mar$h &>11. The 5irst o1De$tive o5 the pro7ra11e 6as to raise awareness a4out the en:iron1ent a1on7 the students. The second o1De$tive 6as to 1ea tif# the s$hool $ompo nd 6ith as 1an3 p2ants as possi42e. There 6ere 1an3 a$tivities or7aniJed 43 the En:iron1ent C2u4 durin7 the 6ee=. Students painted co2our5u2 m rals on the 6a22 a4out en:iron1ent. The3 a2so planted trees around the schoo2 6ith the he2p o5 the schoo2 7ardeners. The3 4rou7ht old newspapers 5ro1 ho1e to 4e sent 5or re$#$lin". The3 too= part in poster drawin" $ompetition on en:iron1ent and the3 a2so listened to a spee$h 1# an invited " est durin7 the c2osin7 cere1on3. The advanta"es o5 the En:iron1ent 0ee= are as 5o22o6s. First23. it $reates $ond $ive environment to the students. Second23; it instils love for nat re in e:er3one. Third23; it fosters $loser relationship 4et6een students and teachers in the schoo2. Fourth23; it develops $o0operation a1on7 students. The En:iron1ent 0ee= 6as success5u2 and hope5u223 the pro7ra11e 6i22 4e he2d e:er3 3ear as an annua2 e:ent. Reported 1#; Labu bin Labi La4u 4in La4i 1# March 2.11


E_AMINATION TI!S 1. Re1ind students that the3 shou2d use the 6ords in the ru4ric to he2p the1 6ith their introductor3 para7raph. 2. A22 points shou2d 4e 6ritten in co1p2ete sentences in order to 4e a6arded 1ar=s 5or content points. . Re1ind students to 6rite si1p2e sentences instead o5 2en7th3 ones to a:oid 7ra11ar 1ista=es.

'ra$ti$e 8 ,ou and 3our c2ass1ates ha:e Eust returned 5ro1 a trip to Gua2a Lu1pur. ,ou are the c2ass 1onitor. 0rite a report to 3our c2ass teacher a4out the trip. Inc2ude the 5o22o6in7 in5or1ation. Trip to Gua2a Lu1pur (ate A 1# - 1% (ece14er (urationA da3s and 2 ni7hts No o5 students A 2 No o5 teachersA Mode o5 transportA Bus Acco11odationA *ote2 Cost per personA RM 12.... !aces o5 interestA Q Art 7a22er3 Q Shoppin7 co1p2e9es Q !ar=s and 7ardens Q Foos Q Museu1s


0hen 6ritin7 the report 3ou shou2d re1e14er toA 7i:e the report a title address the report accordin723 pro:ide an appropriate endin" use all the in5or1ation 7i:en

Sample essa# and pra$ti$e 7 Formal +etter Basic For1at Nur Adi2ah 4t Mu5ti 2"; Ta1an (esa Minan7=a4au .$".. !o=o= Sena

The (irector; Municipa2 Counci2 !.O. Bo9 " .$ #.. A2or Setar Gedah. 2.11 (ear Sir; Co1p2aint A4out Ser:ices 0ith the re5erence to the a4o:e 1atter; IBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB 2 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB.. 127 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB 2" A!RIL



?a@ +etter of $omplaint There has 4een a p2an to 4ui2d a 1e7a shoppin7 co1p2e9 near the pu42ic 4each in 3our nei7h4ourhood. As a concerned citiJen; 6rite a 2etter to the editor o5 a 2oca2 ne6spaper protestin7 a7ainst the p2an. 0rite the 2etter 4ased on the notes 4e2o6A
A shoppin7 co1p2e9 a2read3 e9ists Spoi2 the 4eaut3 o5 the 4each Increase tra55ic 52o6 in the area !roEect 1a3 dri:e tourists a6a3 Loca2 4usinesses a55ected Socia2 i22s 6i22 increase

0hen 6ritin7 the 2etter; 3ou shou2d re1e14er toA

Address the 2etter to the editor o5 a 2oca2 ne6spaper +se a22 the notes 7i:en E2a4orate a22 the notes

Sample Answer Mason Ma1es; #; Ga1pun7 !antai Merde=a; .&1.. !antai Merde=a; Gedah (aru2 A1an.

Editor; The Star; .&... Sun7ai !etani; Gedah (aru2 A1an. (ear Sir; 'ROTESTIN* A*AINST A '+AN TO B-I+. A ME*A S(O''IN* )OM'+EO I a1 6ritin7 this 2etter on 4eha25 o5 the residents o5 Ga1pun7 !antai Merde=a. It has co1e to our =no62ed7e that the 2oca2 authorit3 has a2read3 7i:en the 7reen 2i7ht to 4ui2d a 1e7a shoppin7 co1p2e9 near the pu42ic 4each o5 !antai Merde=a. 0e are tota223 a7ainst the 1e7a proEect. These are our reasons. 2$ MA, 2.11



First23; 6e do not need a 1e7a shoppin7 co1p2e9 as a shoppin" $omple! alread#

e!ists in our area. R=here?S The e9istin7 shoppin7 co1p2e9 is on23 1 =i2o1etre 5ro1 the proposed site. Second23; the ne6 shoppin7 co1p2e9 6i22 spoil the 1ea t# of the 1ea$h . R=hat will happen?S The s6a3in7 coconut and casuarina trees 6i22 4e cut do6n. Besides; there 6i22 4e 1ore ru44ish on the 6hite sand3 4each. . Ne9t; the proDe$t ma# drive to rists awa#. R+ow?S The 4each area 6i22 4e reduced and the shad3 areas 6i22 4e de1o2ished. 0ith the 1e7a proEect; there 6i22 a2so 4e an in$rease of traffi$ flow in the area. R+ow?S R=hen?S More hea:3 :ehic2es such as 2orries and trai2ers 6i22 use the :i22a7e road throu7hout the construction period. R =hat effect?S This 6i22 increase the nu14er o5 road accidents. ". Further1ore; lo$al 1 siness will also 1e affe$ted . R=ho are involved?S Ten ha6=ers 6ho se22 5oods and drin=s a2on7 the 4each 6i22 4e a55ected. R =hat are the effects?S The3 6i22 2ose their inco1e and 6i22 4e una42e to support their 5a1i2ies. Fina223; 6e 4e2ie:e so$ial ills will in$rease. R+ow?S The 1e7a shoppin7 co1p2e9 6i22 ha:e a 4i7 cine1a and a 4o62in7 arena. These =inds o5 p2aces 1a3 attract 1ore teena7ers to 2oiter and p2a3 truant. These 1a3 2ead to an increase in socia2 i22s. #. 0e appea2 to the authorities to she2:e their p2ans 6ithout an3 5urther de2a3 as it 6ou2d 1ar the 4eaut3 o5 the 4each. ,ours 5aith5u223; Jason James >MASON MAMES?

E!amination Tips
1. Ma=e a si1p2e introduction. E9p2ain 1ore a4out the 2ocation o5 the nei7h4ourhood. 2. Re6rite the points 7i:en in co1p2ete sentences. E2a4orate each o5 the points 7i:en 43 7i:in7 si1p2e detai2s. As= 6h-<uestions to he2p 3ou to e2a4orate. . !2an the or7anisation o5 each point. ". I5 3ou do not ha:e an3 persona2 e9perience re7ardin7 the issue; tr3 to 4e i1a7inati:e. ,our i1a7ination 1a3 he2p 3ou to pro:ide so1e re2e:ant detai2s.


?1@3 Formal +etter of re% est The !arent-Teacher Association o5 3our schoo2 is or7anisin7 a 5ood 5air to raise 5unds 5or :arious proEects. As the Secretar3 o5 the Interact C2u4; 3ou are in char7e o5 6ritin7 a 2etter to a 5ast-5ood restaurant as=in7 the1 to sponsor the 5ood. In 3our 2etter; inc2ude the 5o22o6in7A
date; da3; ti1e and :enue o5 the 5ood 5air 2 o4Eecti:es o5 the 5ood 5air Y 2earn to share; e9perience the i1portance o5 cooperation 5urther detai2s a4out the 5ood 5air in:o2:e a22 c2u4s and societies e9pected cro6dA 1;... peop2e a1ount o5 1one3 to 4e raisedA RM1.;...

re<uest 5or sponsorship o5 5ood re<uest 5or 2uc=3 dra6 ha1pers

0hen 6ritin7 the 2etter; 3ou shou2d re1e14er toA

Address the 2etter to the 1ana7er +se appropriate openin7 and c2osin7 Inc2ude other re2e:ant detai2s

Sample Answer3 Interact C2u4; Se=o2ah Menen7ah Ge4an7saan Ce1pa=a; 11'.. Ba3an Lepas; !u2au !inan7. The Mana7er; GGC Fast Food Sdn. Bhd.; 2&; BL Free Trade Fone; 131

11'.. Ba3an Lepas; !u2au !inan7. (ear Sir; A REJ-EST TO S'ONSOR FOO. AN. .RINES FOR T(E FOO. FAIR Our schoo2 is or7anisin7 a 5ood 5air to raise 5unds 5or :arious proEects. *ere are the detai2s o5 the 5ood 5airA .ate A # Au7ust 2.11 .a# A Thursda3 Time A '... a1 Y 2... p1 6en e A Schoo2 *a22 2. The food fair has two o1De$tives . First o5 a22; the c2u4 ai1s to encoura7e the 12 M+L, 2.11

students to learn to share 6ith others. R+ow can they share with others?S The3 1ust 2earn not to 4e se25ish and he2p others in an3 6a3 the3 can. Another o4Eecti:e is to a22o6 students to e!perien$e the importan$e of $ooperation . R=ith whom will they cooperate? S Throu7h this 5ood 5air 6e are sure the students 6i22 2earn ho6 to 6or= 6ith other students o5 di55erent c2u4s and societies. . The 5o22o6in7s are 5urther detai2s o5 the 5ood 5air. This proEect 6i22 involve all

$l 1s and so$ieties. R+ow many?S So 5ar 12 c2u4s and ' societies ha:e con5ir1ed their participations. The3 6i22 se22 di55erent =inds o5 5oods to the e!pe$ted $rowd 6hich is a4out 1,>>> people. R=ho are they?S The 5air is open to a22 the students and their parents. Our tar"et amo nt of mone# to 1e raised is RM1>,>>> . R=hy 541 , a1ount o5 1one3 to or7anise :arious proEects that 6i22 4ene5it the students.
". 0e 6ou2d 2i=e to 1a=e t6o hu142e re<uests here. The 5irst is to re% est for #o r

?S 0e need that

sponsorship of food. R+ow much? =hat $ind of food?S 0e rea223 appreciate i5 3ou cou2d sponsor 1.. pieces o5 5ried chic=ens and 1.. pieces o5 5ish 4ur7ers. There is a2so a re% est 5or 3our co1pan3 to sponsor l $k# draw hampers. R+ow many? =hat is the cost?S It 6ou2d 4e 7ood i5 3ou can sponsor ha1pers. Each ha1per 1a3 cost RM2.... each.



E:er3 1e14er o5 the Interact C2u4 pra3s hard that 3our co1pan3 6ou2d 4e a42e to

sponsor the 5ood and ha1pers. 0e put a :er3 hi7h hope that 3ou 6i22 4e part o5 our 5und-raisin7 acti:it3. ,our 7enerosit3 is tru23 appreciated.

,ours 5aith5u223;

>S,L/IA (IANA BT 0IRA? Secretar3; Interact C2u4; Se=o2ah Menen7ah Ge4an7saan Ce1pa=a.

E!amination Tips3
1. Ma=e a si1p2e introduction. Re5er to the <uestion 5or the =e3 ideas to 4e 6ritten in the introduction. 2. Re6rite the points 7i:en in co1p2ete sentences. E2a4orate each o5 the points 7i:en 43 7i:in7 si1p2e detai2s. As= 6h-<uestions 6hen 7i:in7 e2a4oration. Certain 6h-<uestions are 1uch easier 5or 3ou to ans6er such as when, who, how many and where. Ans6erin7 why is nor1a223 1ore cha22en7in7. . !2an the or7anisation o5 each point.

'ra$ti$e 7 +etter of $omplaint There are a 5e6 1atters in 3our schoo2 6hich cou2d 4e i1pro:ed. ,ou and 3our c2ass1ates ha:e had a 1eetin7 and decided to 6rite a formal letter of $omplaint to the principa2. As the c2ass 1onitor; 3ou ha:e 4een as=ed to 6rite the 2etter. In 3our 2etter; inc2ude the 5o22o6in7A C2assroo1A
+nsa5e 6ooden chairs Fans not 6or=in7


Bro=en doors +nh37ienic

Li1ited choices o5 5oods *i7h price o5 5oods

0hen 6ritin7 the 2etter; 3ou shou2d re1e14er toA

Set out the 2etter correct23 +se a22 the notes 7i:en E2a4orate each note appropriate23

Sample essa# and pra$ti$e 9 Informal +etter )enera2 7uide2ines 1. In5or1a2 2etter is 6ritten to pen pa2s; 5riends; re2ati:es and 5a1i23 1e14ers. 2. The 5or1at o5 an in5or1a2 2etter has the 5o22o6in7 5eatures. a? Senders address 4? (ate Y an3 5or1 Y 4ut avoid 6ritin7 in the 5or1a2 5or1 Y 8> A " st &>11 Both a? and 4? 1ust 4e 6ritten on the top ri7ht-hand corner o5 the 2etter c? Sa2utation Y on the 2e5t hand side o5 the 2etter Y (ear 1u1; (ear sister; d? Start 3our 2etter as=in7 a4out the recei:ers 6e22-4ein7 Y *o6 are 3ouU e? I5 3ou are rep23in7 a 2etter 3ou 1a3 start 2i=e this Y I recei:ed 3our 2etterB 5? State the purpose o5 3our 2etter Y I a1 6ritin7 this 2etter 4ecauseBBB. 7? C2osin7 Y ,ours sincere23 >5or 5riends; pen-pa2s; etc.?; ,our 2o:in7 dau7hter; etc. .o not se N/o rs faithf ll#I as it is used 5or 5or1a2 2etter. . Three 1ar=s are usua223 a6arded 5or 5or1at a2thou7h there are 1ore than ". 0rite 3our 2etter in - " para7raphs. 5eatures.


#. In5or1a2 2an7ua7e can 4e used in an in5or1a2 2etter Y I:e; dad; 1u1; sis; 4e happ3; etc. $. (o not use Cs1s 2an7ua7eD such as CuD 5or C3ouD and C4"D 5or C4e5oreD

%. Basic For1at Muha11ad A=i55 4in AJiJan; No. "; Ta1an (esa I1pian; .$ #. Na=a; 12 Apri2 2.11 (ear *ani; I ha:e Eust recei:ed 3our 2etter BBBBBBBBBBBBBB... BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB.. ,ours sincere23; Akiff J estion ,our 5ather 6ants to 4u3 a co1puter 4ut he is not sure 6hether it is 4etter to 4u3 a 2aptop or a des=top co1puter. *e as=s 5or 3our opinion. A5ter doin7 so1e research; 3ou co1e up 6ith so1e in5or1ation on 4oth co1puters. +sin7 the notes 7i:en 4e2o6; 6rite an in5or1a2 2etter to 3our 5ather statin7 3our choice and supportin7 it 6ith reasons.


+A'TO' )OM'-TER !orta42e S2i1 and 2i7ht Can 5unction on 4atter3 More e9pensi:e More 5ra7i2e Easier to stea2

.ESETO' )OM'-TER Cheaper Easier to up7rade *arder to stea2 Bu2=ier- di55icu2t to carr3 around Re<uire 1ore space Re23 on direct supp23 o5


0hen 6ritin7 out 3our 2etter; 3ou shou2d re1e14er to inc2ude the 5o22o6in7A To state 3our choice To 1a=e co1parisons To state the purpose o5 the 2etter To 7i:e appropriate 7reetin7 and c2osin7 +se a22 the points 7i:en

SAM'+E ANS,ER 122;Ta1an !ear2:ie6 A:enue; *i7h Tech !ar=; .'... Gu2i1; Gedah (aru2 A1an. .N&N1. (ear 5ather; *o6 are 3ou o:er thereU I hope 3ou are 5ine. I a1 doin7 o=a3 here. I a1 6ritin7 this 2etter to 2et 3ou =no6 a4out 13 opinion on 6hether to 4u3 a 2aptop or a des=top co1puter. I thin= 3ou shou2d 4u3 a des=top co1puter. First23; des=top co1puters are $heaper. The3 are a2so easier to 1e harder to steal desktop $omp ters 4ecause the3 are hea:3. p"raded. It is


*o6e:er the3 ha:e so1e 6ea=nesses too. The3 are 1 lkier and diffi$ lt to 1e $arried aro nd. The3 a2so re% ire more spa$e and rel# on dire$t s ppl# of ele$tri$it#. On the other hand; laptops are porta1le; slim and li"ht and $an f n$tion on 1atter#. *o6e:er I do not reco11end it to 3ou 4ecause 2aptops are more e!pensive and fra"ile. Besides; the3 are easier for people to steal. I hope that I ha:e 4een he2p5u2. I =no6 that 3ou 6i22 1a=e a ri7ht choice. I5 3ou sti22 ha:e dou4ts; 5ee2 5ree to contact 1e a7ain. Ti22 then. )ood43e . ,our 2o:in7 son N dau7hter; si7nature B.BBBBBB. EOAMINATION TI'S
1. Re5er to other 1ode2 2etters to see ho6 the 7i:en content points are constructed into 1eanin75u2 sentences.

2. Sentences need not 4e 2on7. . Must add phrases 2i=e CThe3 areD or C(es=top co1putersD to the 7i:en content points. ". Re1e14er there 6ou2d 4e 1& $ontent points and it is eas# to 7et 1ar=s 5or a22 the content points. #. End 3our 2etter in a 5riend23; in5or1a2 1anner Y 0e22; ti22 6e 1eet a7ain; )ood43e. 'ra$ti$e 9 ,ou ha:e a cousin 6ho 2i:es in Gua2a Lu1pur. ,ou ha:e decided to or7aniJe a trip there 5or 3ou and 3our c2ass1ates durin7 the second ter1 ho2ida3s. 0rite a 2etter to 3our cousin in5or1in7 hi1 or her o5 3our p2an. In 3our 2etter; as= 3our cousin to he2p 3ou rent roo1s at a hoste2. ,ou shou2d a2so inc2ude the 5o22o6in7 in5or1ationsA .etails of #o r visit
(ate Nu14er o5 peop2e 7oin7 Nu14er o5 da3s 3ou intend to sta3 there


Nu14er o5 roo1s re<uired Bud7et 5or the roo1s per da3

,hat #o plan to do
/isitA Gua2a Lu1pur To6er

Nationa2 Foo Science Centre !utraEa3a Tour the cit3 )o shoppin7 at GLCC

0hen 6ritin7 the 2etter; 3ou shou2d re1e14er toA

& & & +se suita42e 5or1at +se a22 the in5or1ations 7i:en a4o:e E2a4orate on 6hat 3ou p2an to do


$ CONTIN+O+S 0RITIN) $.1 Teachers Notes Narrati:e essa3s are a 5a:ourite a1on7 students as the3 are easier to hand2e. This t3pe o5 essa3 ena42es the 6riter to use and share e9periences 6ith the readers. 1. Students 1ust read the <uestion care5u223 and =no6 e9act23 6hat the3 are supposed to 6rite. 2. As= the students to decide 6hether to 6rite their essa3 5ro1 their o6n perspecti:e or so1eone e2ses. The 5irst person or third person sin7u2ar is the 1ost popu2ar choice. . Students shou2d use a si1p2e p2ot. As=in7 students 6h-<uestions 6i22 he2p the1 to de:e2op ideas. Ad:ise the1 to 2ist in chrono2o7ica2 order. ". Students shou2d use the past tense 5or1s. #. Encoura7e the students to inc2ude adEecti:es and ad:er4s. $. Students 1a3 a2so use dia2o7ue. ST+(ENTS TI!S 0RITIN) A NARRATI/E ESSA, A narrati:e is a stor3 6ith a se<uence o5 connected e:ents. It cou2d 4e a4out a persona2 e9perience or an i1a7ined e:ent or e:ents. Let us 2oo= at so1e t3pica2 e9a1ination <uestionsA 1. 0rite a stor3 o5 a 1an 6ho returns to his ho1e a5ter 1an3 3ears. 2. The da3 I 2ost 13 te1per. . 0rite a stor3 endin7 6ith; CI sha22 ne:er 5or7et this da3 5or the rest o5 13 2i5e.D ". 0rite a4out an occasion 6hen 3ou 7ot into trou42e. #. 0rite a stor3 4e7innin7 6ith; CI cou2d not 4e2ie:e 13 e3esB.D


*o6 do I 6rite a narrati:e essa3 5or the e9a1inationU ACTION !LANA >1 hour? A. !2annin7 [ 1# 1inutes B. 0ritin7 [ # 1inutes C. Chec=in7 [ 1. 1inutes This is ho6 6e do it. A. !LANNIN) Lets sa3 3ou ha:e chosen <uestion ; - 0rite a stor3 endin7 6ith; CI sha22 ne:er 5or7et this da3 5or the rest o5 13 2i5e.D 1. Read the <uestion care5u223 and under2ine i1portant phrases. !a3 particu2ar attention to the endin7.

2. Brainstor1 5or ideas 43 usin7 the #0s and 1* approach and Eot do6n notes. ,ho is the characterU ,hen is the e:ent ta=in7 p2aceU ,here is it happenin7U ,hat is happenin7U ,h# is there a pro42e1U (ow is the pro42e1 so2:edU

E!ample3 Introd $tion 0ho - 1ain character; 5irst person narrator >I? and cousin 5ro1 Ca14odia 0hen - ho2ida3s; one Sunda3 - had to acco1pan3 cousin - cousin 2o:ed ridin7 esca2ators !ro42e1 1

Bod# 0hat 0h3

0here - at the shoppin7 centre 0h3 - ridin7 esca2ators a7ain

!ro42e1 2


0ho 0hat *o6 0h3

- 1ain character - near23 had an accident - stu142ed - tried to escape 5ro1 cousin



)on$l sion 0hat 2esson 2earnt Y 7ratitude

B. 0RITIN) T*E ESSA, No6 that 3ou ha:e 7ot the s=e2eton o5 3our stor3; it is ti1e to 4e7in 6ritin7. 1. +se 2in=ers and phrases 6hich 2in= the e:ents to 1o:e 3our stor3 in a chrono2o7ica2 order. So1e phrases that are suita42e A It 6as :er3 dar=B. I 6i22 ne:er 5or7et B.. A 5e6 1inutes 2aterB. Sudden23;B 0hen the disaster happened; B..

2. +se the past tense 5or1s. Chec= a22 the :er4s 3ou ha:e used. . +se descripti:e 2an7ua7e >adEecti:es; ad:er4s? ". +se sensor3 detai2s to re:ea2 the e:ents and to 7et the readers in:o2:ed. (o not 1ere23 te22 4ut show the e:ents throu7h 6ords and phrases. E9a1p2eA a. I 6ent into the restaurant. 4. I 6a2=ed into the restaurant. c. I sauntered into the restaurant.

#. Sentence aA 1ere23 states that I 6ent into the restaurant Sentence 4A 7i:es a 2itt2e 1ore in5or1ation as to ho6 I 6ent into the restaurant. Sentence cA uses a 1ore speci5ic 6ord to sho6 c2ear23 the idea o5 ho6 I 6ent into the restaurant.


Sentence c. a22o6s the reader to see 6hat I a1 doin7. The 6ord Xsauntered 1eans Xto stro22. It 7i:es the i1a7e o5 a person 6a2=in7 s2o623 into the restaurant. Thus; sentence c. is 1ore e55ecti:e in narrati:e and descripti:e 6ritin7.

$. +se direct speech; 4ut use it sparin723 and e55ecti:e23. Re1e14er; 3ou are 6ritin7 a narrati:e; not a script.

%. A:oid usin7 in5or1a2 2an7ua7e

C. C*ECGIN) Read 3our essa3 once throu7h and chec= 5or the 5o22o6in7 thin7sA Is the spe22in7 accurateU Is the punctuation appropriateU (id 3ou use too 1an3 co11as in a sentenceU (id 3ou :ar3 the sentence structureU Are 3our sentences too 2on7U (oes one thou7ht 5o22o6 the ne9t in a 2o7ica2 orderU (id 3ou stic= to the topicU (id 3ou use 6ords so that 3our reader cou2d e9perience the incidentU (id 3ou use the appropriate tense o5 the :er4 throu7houtU Ma=e an3 corrections neat23. 0RITIN) A (ESCRI!TI/E ESSA, 0ritin7 a descripti:e essa3 is perhaps 1ore di55icu2t than 6ritin7 a narrati:e essa3 4ecause it 1a=es 1ore de1ands on ones use o5 2an7ua7e. In a descripti:e essa3; 3ou need to 7i:e a detai2ed description o5 a person; p2ace; o4Eect; e9perience or 1e1or3. ,our description 1ust 4e so e55ecti:e that the person; p2ace; o4Eect; e9perience or 1e1or3 descri4ed is c2ear23 :isua2ised 43 the reader. I5 3ou are descri4in7 a person; the reader shou2d 5ee2 that he =no6s the person 6e22. I5 it is a p2ace that is descri4ed; the reader shou2d 5ee2 as i5 he is there and seein7 it 6ith his :er3 e3es. *o6 can this 4e achie:edU Throu7h the use o5 detai2s that appea2 to 3our readers senses and a 2i:e23 tone that dra6s his e1otions. Te$hni% es in .es$riptive ,ritin" STE!S A. !LANNIN) 1. Read the <uestion care5u223. >e7. An +n5or7etta42e Character?


2. +nderstand the <uestion. a. 0hat does the phrase X+n5or7etta42e Character 1eanU *eNShe is a person 3ou 6i22 a26a3s re1e14er. 4. 0hat is 3our 5ocusU A 5a:oura42e or un5a:oura42e i1pression o5 the character. . Brainstor1 5or ideas. E9pand and e2a4orate the points.

Introd $tion 0ho is 4ein7 descri4e - the canteen 2ad3

Bod# (etai2 1

- )enera2 Appearance Neat *ei7ht Y short A7e Y #. The 6a3 she 6a2=ed - 2i1ps

(etai2 2

- Non-ph3sica2 5eatures Manners o5 spea=in7 Y 7ent2e; 2o6 :oice *a4it Y s1i2ed a 2ot


- 0h3 she is un5or7etta42e Gind - art 2esson - the 6a3 she treated a 4u223 Geenness to 2earn Y the 6a3 she read ne6spapers e:en thou7h she 6as i22iterate

)on$l sion )i:e an opinion Y not a person to sit 4ac= and 2et thin7s 7o 43 B. 0RITIN) T*E ESSA,


1. +se detai2s Y Focus on the 5i:e senses >si7ht; sound; s1e22; taste and touch?. (etai2s are :er3 i1portant and 6hen proper23 used; ena42e descriptions to co1e to 2i5e. +se nouns; adEecti:es and :er4s to e:o=e these senses. Nouns and adEecti:es he2p the reader see\ :er4s he2p the reader 5ee2. 2. +se a 2i:e23 tone Y Sho6 3our o6n 5ee2in7s; responses and reactions as these 1a=e 3our description 1ore :i:id and 2i:e23. . (escri4e di55erent aspects Y I5 3ou are descri4in7 a person; do not 2i1it 3our description to the persons ph3sica2 appearance. Inc2ude a detai2ed description o5 the persons character and persona2it3 and ho6 other peop2e react to hi1. Inc2ude a detai2ed para7raph o5 an incident 6hich hi7h2i7hts one o5 these aspects. Lets 2oo= at the t6o e9tracts 4e2o6 on the topic CAn +n5or7etta42e AuntD. Sample 1 Aunt E2eanor had a sharp nose and a pair o5 42ac= e3es. She 6as thin; and had a thin; 2on7 5ace; an a<ui2ine nose and sun=en chee=s. *er hair 6as a26a3s tied in a =not and her c2othes 6ere on23 o5 one co2our Y 7re3. M3 cousins and I 6ere a5raid o5 her and a26a3s 5ound an e9cuse to disappear 6hene:er she 6as around. Sample & Aunt E2eanor 6as thin and scra6n3 and her protrudin7 4ones a21ost 1ade her 2oo= 2i=e a 6a2=in7 s=e2eton. *er a<ui2ine nose and sun=en chee=s added to her 6itch-2i=e 2oo=s and her dar= e3es; 6hen the3 52ashed in an7er; 6ere capa42e o5 sendin7 tre1ors o5 5ear do6n ones spine. The drear3 7re3 tones o5 her c2othes and her sparse dar= hair; 6hich 6as a26a3s tied in a =not; 5urther e1phasised her sternness. M3 cousins and I crin7ed 6ith 5ear and 6ere reduced to si2ence 6hen she 72ared at us 6ith her s1ou2derin7 dar= e3es. *er serious de1eanour and scroo7e-2i=e appearance did nothin7 to endear her to us. Sa1p2e 1 is a p2ain description o5 the narrators aunt. A2thou7h there are se:era2 :er4s and adEecti:es; the description is so1e6hat du22. Sa1p2e 2; on the other hand; is a :i:id and interestin7 description 6hich 4rin7s the character to 2i5e. 0e can a21ost see her in our 1inds e3e and this e55ect is achie:ed throu7h the description o5 the persons 5eatures that are pro1inent and stri=in7. Note the detai2s a4out - her o:era22 ph3sica2 appearance >thin; s=e2eton-2i=e? - her 5acia2 5eatures >a<ui2ine nose; sun=en chee=s; dar= e3es? - her 1anner o5 dressin7 and 7roo1in7 >drear3 7re3 tones; ti7ht 4un? - 5ee2in7s stirred 43 her appearance >tre1ors o5 5ear; reduced to si2ence; crin7ed 6ith 5ear?. The description o5 her ph3sica2 appearance supports and rein5orces her character and persona2it3; and this 1a=es the essa3 interestin7 and en7a7in7. So1e 6riters 2i=e to 1er7e descripti:e 6ritin7 6ith narrati:e 6ritin7. There is nothin7 6ron7 6ith this as the description enriches the narration.


C. C*ECGIN) Read 3our essa3 once throu7h and chec= 5or the 5o22o6in7 thin7sA Is the spe22in7 accurateU Is the punctuation appropriateU (id 3ou use too 1an3 co11as in a sentenceU (id 3ou :ar3 the sentence structureU Are 3our sentences too 2on7U (oes one thou7ht 5o22o6 the ne9t in a 2o7ica2 orderU (id 3ou stic= to the topicU (id 3ou use the appropriate tense o5 the :er4 throu7houtU Ma=e an3 corrections neat23. Sa1p2e Essa3 1 ,rite a stor# 1e"innin" with, LI was happ# to 1e in *ro p 1>.......................M. I 6as happ3 to 4e in )roup 1.. There 6ere si9 1e14ers in 13 7roup. There 6ere three other 4o3s and si9 7ir2s. A22 o5 the1; Eust 2i=e 1e; 6ere happ3 to ta=e part in the district 2e:e2 2an7ua7e ca1p. The ca1p 6as he2d at a t6o-star hote2 in Ipoh. 0e did not ha:e to pa3 an3thin7. E:er3thin7 6as sponsored. The 1e14ers in 13 7roup ca1e 5ro1 di55erent secondar3 schoo2s in the district. But a22 o5 us 6ere 5or1 # students. 0e 6ere chosen to Eoin the 2an7ua7e ca1p 4ecause 6e had the potentia2 to score an A in the S!M 111' e9a1ination. Seri; 5ro1 SMG Seri !er1ai; 6as our 7roup 2eader. Seri 6as a :er3 prett3 7ir2. I had a crush on her. I =ne6 the other 4o3s a2so ad1ired Seri. 0e na1ed our 7roup Seri Bo14astic. In the 5irst acti:it3; 6e created our 7roups 2o7o; 1otto and son7. 0hen 6e presented our son7; e:er34od3 2i=ed it. Then; there 6as a ta2= on ho6 to ans6er e9a1ination <uestions. On the second da3; 6e had se:era2 2an7ua7e 7a1es. 0e had spe22in7 co1petition; :oca4u2ar3 7a1e; s=etch and 1an3 others. Our 7roup 6on the s=etch co1petition. 0e presented a :er3 7ood per5or1ance. 0e presented a stor3 a4out a princess 6ho 5e22 in 2o:e 6ith a 5isher1an. Seri p2a3ed the ro2e o5 a princess and o5 course I 6as the poor 4ut handso1e 5isher1an. The acti:ities 6ent on unti2 1.... p.1. 0e 6ere :er3 tired 4ut enEo3ed ourse2:es a 2ot. On the third da3 6e had a Eun72e tre==in7 in a 5orest near43 the hote2. A22 instructions 6ere 7i:en in En72ish. 0e a2so had to so2:e so1e pro42e1s and ans6er tric=3 <uestions throu7hout the tre==in7 acti:it3. It 6as :er3 cha22en7in7. The ca1p ended 6ith a si1p2e c2osin7 cere1on3. Each participant 6as 7i:en a certi5icate. A5ter 7oin7 throu7h a22 the acti:ities I 5e2t 1ore con5ident that I 6ou2d 4e a42e to 7et an XA 5or En72ish in 13 S!M. I 6ou2d a2so 1iss 13 7roup 1e14ers; especia223 Seri. I 6ou2d ne:er 5or7et the1. 0e pro1ised that 6e 6ou2d continue to contact each other. Seri a2so pro1ised to he2p 1e i1pro:e 13 En72ish. Sa1p2e 2 A 6isit To A (ospital


,esterda3; I 5o22o6ed 13 5ather to :isit 13 unc2e 6ho 6as hospita2ised at a pri:ate hospita2. 0e 2e5t ho1e at a4out #... p.1. and reached the hospita2 at $.1# p.1. The pri:ate hospita2 6as a ne6 hospita2. It 6as opened t6o 1onths a7o. M3 unc2e su55ered 5ro1 chronic dia4etes. T6o da3s a7o he ca1e to the hospita2 5or his re7u2ar chec=-up 4ut the doctor had to ad1it hi1 4ecause his su7ar 2e:e2 6as :er3 hi7h. The doctor had to 1onitor hi1 a22 the ti1e. *e 6ou2d 4e a22o6ed to 7o ho1e once his su7ar 2e:e2 sta4i2ised. M3 unc2es 6ard 6as at the 5i5th 52oor. The 2i5t 6as :er3 spacious and 5ast. A nurse; 6ho 6as 13 1others o2d 5riend; 7reeted 13 5ather. She to2d us that 13 unc2e 6as doin7 5ine. A5ter ta2=in7 to the nurse 5or a 6hi2e 6e 6ent to Roo1 #1#. M3 unc2e 6as :er3 happ3 to see 13 5ather and 1e. A 3oun7 E73ptian doctor 6as e9a1inin7 13 unc2e at that ti1e. The doctor said that 13 unc2e 6as 7ettin7 4etter and he 6ou2d 4e dischar7ed soon. M3 5ather chitchatted 6ith 13 unc2e 5or a21ost one hour. I 5e2t 4ored so I 6ent out o5 the roo1 to e9p2ore the ne6 hospita2. I 6ent to the hospita2 2o443. It 6as 2i=e a hote2 2o443. There 6as a 2on7 2ist o5 specia2ists and their acade1ic <ua2i5ications on the 6a22. A2to7ether; the hospita2 had # specia2ists and so1e o5 the1 6ere 5orei7ners. Then; I 6ent to the ca5e. I 6as surprised as the ca5e 6as 2i=e a 5i:e-star restaurant. The3 ser:ed a :ariet3 o5 hea2th3 dishes. But I 6ou2d not eat there on 13 o6n as a p2ate o5 5ried rice a2one 6as RM%.#.V E:en a 72ass o5 p2ain 6ater cost RM1...V Initia223; I p2anned to ha:e so1ethin7 there 4ut I Eust 6a2=ed out as I on23 had RM2.1# in 13 poc=et. 0hen I 6as 6aitin7 5or the 2i5t to 7o 4ac= to the 5i5th 52oor; a 6o1an cried h3sterica223 6ith her dau7hter. Fro1 her 6ords; I understood that she had Eust 2ost her hus4and. I did not sa3 a 6ord 4ut I s31pathised the1; especia223 her cute and char1in7 dau7hter. I 6ish I cou2d conso2e her dau7hter. But 4e5ore I cou2d o55er so1e he2p; the door o5 the 2i5t opened and 13 5ather appeared. *e indicated it 6as ti1e to 7o ho1e so I Eust 5o22o6ed hi1. I 6a2=ed to the 1ain entrance 6hi2e 13 e3es sti22 2oo=in7 at the 7ir2.

Sa1p2e M# Favo rite Resta rant Last 6ee=; the S!M resu2t 6as announced. The ni7ht 4e5ore; I cou2d not s2eep. I 6as :er3 ner:ous. I 6as scared I did not 7et a 7ood resu2t 4ecause 13 parents 6ere rea223 hopin7 that I cou2d 7o to uni:ersit3. I 6ent to schoo2 to co22ect 13 resu2t 6ith 13 parents. M3 hands 6ere sha=in7 6hen I he2d the resu2t s2ip. M3 c2ass teacher con7ratu2ated 1e. I 2oo=ed at 13 resu2t and hu77ed 13 5ather and 1other. I 7ot #A`; 1A and "A-. E:en thou7h I 6as not the 4est student in 13 schoo2; I 6as :er3 happ3 6ith 13 resu2t. M3 parents 6ere :er3 proud o5 1e. That ni7ht; 13 5ather too= 1e and the rest o5 the 5a1i23 1e14ers to 13 5a:ourite restaurant; Ba14oo Restaurant. It 6as on23 5i:e =i2o1etres 5ro1 13 house. The restaurant 6as opened three 3ears a7o. I 2i=ed the restaurant :er3 1uch 4ecause it o55ered a 6ide ran7e o5 2oca2; Thai and 6estern 5oods. I 6ou2d a26a3s tr3 di55erent dishes each ti1e I 6ent there. A22 the custo1ers said the restaurant 6as :er3 spacious. So1e said Ba14oo Restaurant 6as the 4i77est restaurant in to6n. 0hen 6e arri:ed at the restaurant; I sa6 a 4i7 cro6d. M3 5ather too= so1e ti1e to par= his car. M3 1other said; C0e ha:e a surprise 5or 3ouVD I insisted 13 1other to te22 1e a4out the surprise 4ut she Eust as=ed 1e to 4e patient. M3 5a1i23 and I 6a2=ed to a roo1 6hich 13 5ather 4oo=ed 5or us. The roo1 6as <uite 4i7 and it cou2d acco11odate 1ore than #. peop2e. 0hen I opened the door; I sa6 1an3 peop2e standin7 6hi2e c2appin7 their hands happi23. The3 6ere 13 7randparents; unc2es; aunties; cousins and i11ediate nei7h4ours. I 6as rea223 surprised to see 13 7ir25riend 6ith her parents tooV E:er34od3 con7ratu2ated 1e 5or 13 S!M resu2t. I 6as deep23 touched. I hu77ed 13 parents 5or or7anisin7 such a dinner to ce2e4rate 13 success. I sat 4eside Mi1i; 13 7ir25riend. She 7a:e a 7i5t 4ut I had to pro1ise her to open it at ho1e. M3 5ather ordered 13 1ost 5a:ourite dish 5or a22 o5 us Y chic=en chop 6ith 42ac= pepper sauce. 0e


a2so had 7ar2ic 4read; sa2ad and cra4 1eat soup. I a26a3s to2d 13 5riends to co1e to Ba14oo Restaurant i5 the3 6anted to taste the 4est chic=en chop in to6n. It 6as a 2on7 ni7ht at 13 5a:ourite restaurant. M3 cousins san7 a Mustin Bie4ers son7 5or 1e. M3 7randparents sponsored priJes 5or 2uc=3 dra6. In short; 6e had so 1uch 5un at the restaurant. It 6as rea223 a 1e1ora42e ni7ht.

Sa1p2e " The .a# ,hen Ever#thin" ,ent ,ron" I had Eust started 6or=in7 as a despatch 4o3 at an internationa2 co1pan3 in Gua2a Lu1pur. The Eo4 6as not 7reat 4ut I accepted it a5ter 5ai2in7 to 7et a Eo4 in 13 ho1eto6n; Gua2a Neran7. Actua223; 13 nei7h4ours son 6ho 6as sta3in7 in Gua2a Lu1pur reco11ended 1e 5or the Eo4. Li:in7 in a 4i7 cit3 6as tota223 di55erent 5ro1 2i:in7 in Gua2a Neran7. But; 6hate:er it 6as; Gua2a Neran7 6as sti22 in 13 heart. A5ter si9 1onths 6or=in7; I 4e7an to 5a22 in 2o:e 6ith Lisa; a c2er= at a pri1ar3 schoo2. One da3; I approached her at a co55ee shop. She 6as ha:in7 2unch a2one. I Eoined her. She 6as :er3 happ3 and rea223 6e2co1ed 1e to acco1pan3 her. Nothin7 1uch happened on that da3 4ut 6e Eust ta2=ed. 0e 7ot to =no6 each other 4etter. A5ter 2unch; I as=ed her i5 she 6ou2d 4e interested to 6atch a 1o:ie 6ith 1e on the co1in7 6ee=end. I 6as surprised 6hen she 7a:e 1e a de5inite X,esV. Fro1 that da3; 6e 4eca1e c2oser and 2o:e 4e7an to 42oo1 4et6een us. Lisa con5essed to 1e that she 6as 6orried a4out 6hat so1e other peop2e 1i7ht sa3 to 1e 4ecause she 6as ten 3ears o2der than 1e. But I con:inced her that a7e 6as not i1portant to 1e. 0hat 6as 1ore i1portant 6as her sincerit3 and happ3-7oin7 attitude. Lisa 4e2ie:ed in 1e. She =ne6 I tru23 2o:ed her. So; one da3 she as=ed 1e to 1eet her parents. On one Sunda3; I 6ent to Lisas house. I 6as supposed to 4e there at '... a1. *o6e:er; I on23 reached her house at 11... a1. M3 1otorc3c2e 4ro=e do6n once I 2e5t 13 house. I did not =no6 6h3 I 6as so stupid not to ta=e a ta9i 4ut 6aited 5or t6o hours to 7et 13 1otorc3c2e repaired. It 6as supposed to 4e an i1portant da3 in 13 2i5e 4ut e:er3thin7 6ent 6ron7. I a2so 2e5t 13 1o4i2e phone at ho1e. I 4orro6ed the 1echanics 1o4i2e phone to in5or1 Lisa a4out 6hat happened to 1e 4ut I Eust cou2d not reca22 her contact nu14er. M3 1ind 6ent 42an=. 0hen I reached her house at 11... a1; I cou2d see her parents unhapp3 5aces. Their con:ersation 6ith 1e 6as :er3 2i1ited. I 6as con5ident the3 6ere not 2istenin7 to 1e 6hen I 6as e9p2ainin7 a4out 6hat happened to 1e. To 1a=e it 6orse; I 2e5t a 4o9 o5 choco2ate; 6hich I pro1ised to 7i:e to Lisas 1other; at the 6or=shop. I =ne6 Lisa 6as 5rustrated 6ith 1e 4ut she sti22 treated 1e 6e22. Lisa ser:ed tea and so1e curr3 pu55s. I 6as :er3 hun7r3 as I 1issed 13 4rea=5ast so I =ept eatin7 the1 one a5ter another. Lisas parents 6ere speech2ess to see 13 act. 0hen I sa6 their shoc=in7 5aces; on23 then I s2o623 put 4ac= the curr3 pu55 in 13 hand into the p2ate. It 6as the 2ast piece. A5ter that; I as=ed 5or per1ission to 7o to the 6ashroo1 as I rea223 had to ans6er natures ca22. I 6as too c2u1s3. I 5e22 in the 6ashroo1 as the 52oor 6as s2ipper3. M3 pants 6ere soa=in7 6et. I did not =no6 6hat to do so I sta3ed in the 6ashroo1 5or a4out 5i5teen 1inutes. Fina223; I ca1e out 6ith 13 6et pants. I <uic=23 said 7ood43e to Lisa and her parents and 2e5t the house. It 6as tru23 a da3 6hen e:er3thin7 6ent 6ron7.

Sa1p2e # E!amination This 1ornin7 I sent 13 son to schoo2. It 6as the 5irst da3 o5 his S!M e9a1ination. M3 son; (ean; 6as a di2i7ent 4o3. +n2i=e 1e 6hen I 6as his a7e; he did not need an3 1oti:ation to stud3 5or


e9a1ination. *e 6as a42e to 1ana7e his o6n ti1e :er3 6e22. *e 1ade his o6n ti1eta42e. (ean =ne6 6hen to stud3; p2a3; 6atch te2e:ision and 7o out to ha:e 5un 6ith his 5riends. I rea223 sa2uted hi1 5or his independence and 1aturit3. I respected hi1 4ecause I 6as :er3 1uch di55erent 5ro1 hi1 6hen I 6as 1% 3ears o2d. 0hen I 6as in For1 #; I 6as a 2aJ3 student. !erhaps; the 2aJiest in 13 5a1i23 and in c2ass. M3 parents especia223 13 1other 6as a26a3s an7r3 6ith 1e 6hen she ca1e 4ac= 5ro1 6or= and sa6 1e s2eepin7 in 13 roo1. E:en 13 teachers in schoo2 did not =no6 6hat to sa3 to ad:ise 1e to stud3 5or 13 S!M e9a1ination. Mr. Nic=; 13 *istor3 teacher; a26a3s punished 1e 5or 13 2aJiness. I had ne:er co1p2eted his *istor3 notes and e9ercises. M3 Che1istr3 teacher; Mada1 Beh; cou2d not e:en 2oo= at 13 5ace. She 7a:e up on 1e. I rea223 did not ha:e an3 idea ho6 cou2d I prepare 5or 13 e9a1ination. I rea2ised I cou2d not 42a1e an34od3 4ut 13se25. I 6as the one 6ho re5used to 2isten to a22 the ad:ice 7i:en 43 13 parents; teachers as 6e22 as 5riends. E:en 6hen the schoo2 or7anised 1oti:ationa2 ta2=s and stud3 s=i22s se1inar; I 6ou2d 5ind 6a3s and create e9cuses not to attend the pro7ra11e. I on23 pic=ed up 13 re:ision 4oo=s and 4e7an to stud3 t6o 1onths 4e5ore the e9a1ination. M3 1other 6as surprised to see 1e 6ith S!M 4oo=s around 1e. She Eust cou2d not 4e2ie:e her e3es. She did not sa3 a 6ord 4ut 7a:e 1e a hu7 6hi2e sheddin7 tears. I pro1ised her that thou7h it cou2d 4e too 2ate 5or 1e to prepare 5or 13 S!M; I pro1ised 13 1other that I 6ou2d sti22 tr3 13 4est. For t6o 1onths; I did a22 I cou2d 5or 13 S!M e9a1ination. The resu2t 6as announced se:era2 1onths 2ater. O5 course; I did not 7et strai7ht As 4ut I did not 5ai2 in an3 su4Eect. M3 parents 6ere not happ3 6ith 13 resu2t. Me too. I 2earnt 13 2esson 6e22.

Sa1p2e Essa3 $

The da# that I will never for"et One e:enin7 6hen the sun 6as a4out to set; 13 1other as=ed 1e to 4u3 so1e onions and sa2t 5ro1 a near43 sundr3 shop. The shop is run 43 Ah Go6; a Eo:ia2 1idd2e-a7e Chinese 1an 6ith a hu7e pot-4e223. *is 6i5e and three 3oun7 chi2dren; t6o 4o3s and a 7ir2 he2p hi1 e:er3da3. It 6as a21ost co1p2ete23 dar= 6hen I reached the shop. Ah Go6 had s6itched on the 2i7hts in his s1a22 4ut ade<uate23 stoc=ed shop. *e 6as a2one at that ti1e and I 6as the on23 custo1er. Ah Go6 7reeted 1e 6ith a 6ar1 s1i2e. I a26a3s 6ant to as= hi1 ho6 he =ept his teeth so spar=2in7 6hite 4ut I 6as a5raid to as=. I to2d hi1 6hat I 6anted and he 6ent to 7et the thin7s. Ne9t door to Ah Go6 is a co55ee shop; o6ns 43 an Indian 1an. It 6as sti22 open at that ti1e. Fro1 the co55ee shop ca1e t6o 1en. The3 ca1e into Ah Go6s shop. I cou2d s1e22 4ad 4reathe 5ro1 these t6o 1en and I =ne6 the3 4oth drun=. Both o5 the1 6ere 3oun7 4ut 5ro1 the 6a3 the3 ha256a2=ed ha25-sta77ered into the shop; it 6as o4:ious the3 had too 1uch drin=. I =ept a sa5e distance 5ro1 these 1en. It is ne:er a 7ood idea to 4e near drun=s. One ne:er =no6s 6hat the3 6i22 do ne9t. True enou7h; 13 caution 6as Eusti5ied. For the ne9t 1o1ent; 6ithout an3 6arnin7; one o5 the 1en s6ept a pi2e o5 tinned 7oods 5ro1 a ta42e onto the 52oor. In a second the neat ro6s 6ere reduced to utter chaos. The 1an 6ho did it roared 4ut in 2au7hter. I cou2d see Ah Go6s an7er risin7. *e raised his :oice. As i5 in rep23 to his retort; the t6o 1en started shoutin7 at hi1. Then; sudden23 a =ni5e appeared in one o5 the 1ens hand. The 1an that he2d the =ni5e 6as s1a22 and 6ir3; Eud7in7 5ro1 the 1usc2es in his hand and I had no dou4t he 6as :er3 stron7


The =ni5e-1an 2un7ed and in a 52ash he had the point o5 his =ni5e at Ah Go6s throat. Ah Go6 5roJe and his 5ace pa2ed. I 6as o:er6he21ed 43 the suddenness o5 e:ents that the ne9t thin7 I =ne6 I cou2d not 1o:e 13 hands; nor the other parts o5 13 4od3. I 6as he2d in a :ice-2i=e 7rip 43 the other 1an. I did not e:en see hi1 co1in7. I stru772ed 4ut a22 I cou2d do 6as to 1a=e the 7rip ti7hten 1ore. It 7ot di55icu2t to 4reathe. I hears a 2ot o5 shoutin7 and I cou2d see the =ni5e[1en s2appin7 Ah Go6. Re2uctant23; Ah Go6 opened the dra6er 6here he =ept his cash and the =ni5e-1an 2eaned o:er and 1ade a 7ra4 o5 cash. That 6as a 4i7 1ista=e he 1ade. For a 52eetin7 1o1ent; his =ni5e 6as 5or7otten and in that short ti1e Ah Go6 seiJed his chance. Ah Go6s hu7e ri7ht hand ca1e do6n hard o:er the 4ac= o5 the 2eanin7 1ans head ri7ht do6n hard on the ta42e. There 6as a sic=enin7 thud 6hen 5ace 1et ta42e. The =ni5e1ans head re4ounded 2i=e a ru44er 4a22 5ro1 the ta42e and I cou2d see 42ood a22 o:er his 5ace. *e 6as 4ad23 hurt. The =ni5e dropped 5ro1 2i5e2ess hands on the 52oor. Mo:in7 6ith surprisin7 speed; Ah Go6 7ra44ed a 4ott2e o5 to1ato =etchup 5ro1 a she25 and =noc=ed the 1ans head. The red to1ato =etchup sp2attered a22 o:er the p2ace. I cou2d not distin7uish ho6 1uch o5 the red stu55 on the 1ans 5ace 6as his o6n 42ood; or to1ato =etchup. S2o623 he san= to the 52oor and 2a3 sti22. I stru772ed to 7et 2oose. It 5e2t so eas3. Then I rea2iJed that hands no 2on7er he2d 1e. I turned around and sa6 the dar= 5i7ure o5 a 1an runnin7 out o5 the shop and disappearin7 to the se1idar=ness. I 6as a4out to 7o in pursuit 4ut Ah Go6 stopped 1e. *e said it 6as use2ess pursuin7 so1e4od3 in the dar=. Moreo:er the 1an cou2d 4e ar1ed and that 6ou2d 4e dan7erous. Ten 1inutes 2ater; the shop 6as 5i22ed 6ith curious peop2e 6antin7 to =no6 6hat had happened. The =ni5e-1an 6as herded in the po2ice car. Ah Go6 and I had to 7i:e our state1ents to the po2ice. 0hen I arri:ed ho1e ha25 an hour 2ater; 13 1other 6as 6aitin7 i1patient23 5or 1e. I to2d her e:er3thin7 and she s1i2ed. She said she 6as 72ad I 6as not inEured. I 6i22 ne:er 5or7et 5or the rest o5 13 2i5e.

Sa1p2e Essa3 % M# Favo rite (olida# .estination M3 5a:ourite ho2ida3 destination is Lan7=a6i; 6hich is 1ade up o5 '' is2ands on Ma2a3sias 6est coast. It is the countr3s 4est-=no6n ho2ida3 destination. Surrounded 43 stunnin7 tur<uoise sea; it is the 1ost popu2ar and is 5re<uented 43 4oth 2oca2 and 5orei7n tourists. The si7htseein7 attractions in Lan7=a6i certain23 6i22 not disappoint :isitors. One o5 the interestin7 p2aces I 2o:e to 7o is the +nder6ater 0or2d Y Ma2a3sias 2ar7est a<uariu1 Y 6hich 5eatures 2.. di55erent species o5 1arine and 5resh6ater creatures. It is 2ocated at Lan7=a6is 1ost popu2ar 4each; !antai Cenan7; 6here :isitors can enEo3 the :arieties o5 6ater sports or si1p23 stro22in7 a2on7 the 6hite sand3 4each. Mahsuris To14 is another tourist attraction 6hich preser:es the historica2 past o5 Lan7=a6i. This 1e1oria2 is 4ui2t in honour o5 Mahsuri; a 5air 1aiden 6ho 6as accused o5 adu2ter3 and unEust23 put to death. Accordin7 to 2e7end; she 42ed 6hite 42ood as a si7n o5 her innocence and she cursed Lan7=a6i 5or se:en 7enerations. Besides; 3ou can :isit the )a1at Factor3 near43 6here 3ou can purchase a 6ide :ariet3 o5 this traditiona2 Ma2a3 1edicine. Must # =i2o1eters a6a3 5ro1 Mahsuris To14; the Fie2d o5 Burnt Rice is another 1ust-:isit p2ace. It is 4e2ie:ed that 6hen the Sia1ese ar13 in:aded Lan7=a6i; the 2oca2 chie5 ordered that a22 the rice in the 2and 4e cut and 4urnt to pre:ent it


5ro1 5a22in7 into ene13 hands. To this da3 3ou can purported23 sti22 see the 4urnt rice on the 7round durin7 hea:3 rain-5a22. ,our :isit to Lan7=a6i is not co1p2ete 6ithout e9periencin7 the 7ondo2a ride at Orienta2 /i22a7e; ho1e o5 the ca42e car. It ta=es 3ou 5ro1 the 5oot o5 )unun7 Machinchan7 to its ape9. Fro1 the pea=; 3ou 6i22 7et a 4irds e3e :ie6 o5 Lan7=a6is thic= 7reener3 and a2so the Te2a7a TuEuh 6ater5a22s. I5 3ou are a nature 2o:er; 3ou can enEo3 a 72i1pse o5 the 2ush 52ora and 5auna o5 the Gi2i1 Nature !ar=. This trip 6i22 ta=e 3ou on a 5ascinatin7 Eourne3 to e9p2ore the par=s natura2 inha4itants as 6e22 as its natura2 2i1estone ca:es. Fina223; i5 3ou are intent on cartin7 o55 dut3-5ree per5u1es; i1ported dishes; 4ati= and choco2ates; then this is the p2ace to 4e. There are 1an3 shops o55erin7 these ite1s at 7ood prices; especia223 in Guah To6n. It is indeed a shoppin7 hea:en especia223 5or 2adies. Lan7=a6i is de5inite23 13 5a:orite ho2ida3 destination. Besides 4ein7 a dut3-5ree is2and and 4eauti5u2 tourist spots to 7o; it is a p2ace 6here I can re2a9 and 5ee2 as i5 I a1 in another 6or2d. I 6i22 de5inite23 spend 13 ho2ida3s in Lan7=a6i a7ain.

Sa1p2e Essa3 &

Internet The Internet or the 0or2d 0ide 0e4 is indeed a 6onder5u2 and a1aJin7 addition in our 2i:es. The Internet can 4e =no6n as a =ind o5 72o4a2 1eetin7 p2ace 6here peop2e 5ro1 a22 parts o5 the 6or2d can co1e to7ether. *o6e:er; there are ad:anta7es and disad:anta7es o5 usin7 the internet. One o5 the thin7s that 3ou can do :ia the Internet is e-1ai2. 0ith e-1ai2 3ou can send and recei:e instant e2ectronic 1essa7es; 6hich 6or=s 2i=e 6ritin7 2etters. ,our 1essa7es are de2i:ered instant23 to peop2e an36here in the 6or2d; un2i=e traditiona2 1ai2 that ta=es a 2ot o5 ti1e. There are a2so 1an3 Xchat roo1s on the 6e4 that can 4e accessed to 1eet ne6 peop2e; 1a=e ne6 5riends; as 6e22 as to sta3 in touch 6ith o2d 5riends. It is a 7reat 6a3 to 1eet up 6ith peop2e o5 si1i2ar interest and discuss co11on issues. In5or1ation is pro4a423 the 4i77est ad:anta7e internet is o55erin7. An3 =ind o5 in5or1ation on an3 topic under the sun is a:ai2a42e on the Internet. The Xsearch en7ines on the Internet can he2p 3ou to 5ind data on an3 su4Eect that 3ou need. A2on7 6ith 7ettin7 in5or1ation on the Internet; 3ou can a2so shop on2ine. There are 1an3 on2ine stores and sites that can 4e used to 2oo= 5or products as 6e22 as 4u3 the1 usin7 3our credit card. ,ou do not need to 2ea:e 3our house and can do a22 3our shoppin7 5ro1 the con:enience o5 3our ho1e.


Besides; 6e can a2so do6n2oad so5t6are 5ro1 internet. This is one o5 the 1ost happenin7 and 5un thin7s to do :ia the Internet. ,ou can do6n2oad 7a1es; 1usic; :ideos; 1o:ies; and a host o5 other entertain1ent so5t6are 5ro1 the Internet; 1ost o5 6hich are 5ree. *o6e:er; there are certain cons and dan7ers re2atin7 to the use o5 Internet. I5 3ou use the Internet; 3our persona2 in5or1ation can 4e accessed 43 other peop2e. I5 3ou use a credit card to shop on2ine; then 3our credit card in5or1ation can a2so 4e Xsto2en 6hich cou2d 4e a=in to 7i:in7 so1eone a 42an= chec=. Besides; porno7raph3 is a :er3 serious issue concernin7 the Internet; especia223 6hen it co1es to 3oun7 chi2dren. There are thousands o5 porno7raphic sites on the Internet that can 4e easi23 5ound and can 4e har15u2 to chi2dren. Such i22e7a2 acti:ities are 5rustratin7 5or a22 Internet users; and so instead o5 Eust i7norin7 it; 6e shou2d 1a=e an e55ort to tr3 and stop these acti:ities so that usin7 the Internet can 4eco1e 1uch sa5er. In conc2usion; the ad:anta7es o5 the Internet 5ar out6ei7h the disad:anta7es; and 1i22ions o5 peop2e each da3 4ene5it 5ro1 usin7 the Internet 5or 6or= and 5or p2easure.

Sa1p2e Essa3 '

,rite a stor# 1e"innin" with, LI $o ld not 1elieve m# e#esM5 I cou2d not 4e2ie:e 13 e3es as I sa6 the s=inn3 2ad3 6ho 6as 6a2=in7 s2o623 to6ards the 1edicine counter. She 2oo=ed o2d; ha77ard and depressed. She 2oo=ed so 5a1i2iar to 1e; 4ut a 3oun7er; happier :ersion. There 6as no 6a3 I cou2d 4e 6ron7. 8uiet23; she sat on one o5 the chairs and 6aited patient23 5or her turn to co22ect her 1edicine. I sudden23 re1e14ered; it had to 4e (iana; 13 4est 5riend in secondar3 schoo2. But this person 2oo=ed too o2d to 4e .. An36a3; I 4ra:ed 13se25 to approach her. *earin7 13 5ootsteps; she 2oo=ed up s2o623. C,ou are (iana ,uso5; arent 3ouUD She nodded her head si2ent23. C*e22o; A1iraU ,ou are 2oo=in7 7ood.D *er re1ar=s re1inded 1e o5 ho6 4eauti5u2 she had 4een once. (iana had 4een the schoo2 4eaut3. E:er3one had ad1ired her 5or her 2oo=s; her 4rains and her 4eauti5u2 character.


One da3; (iana had stopped co1in7 to schoo2. No one =ne6 6here her 5a1i23 had 7one and 6h3 the3 had 2e5t so sudden23. Ta=in7 a seat ne9t to her; I 6ondered 6hat had happened to her. C0h3 did 3ou 2ea:e so sudden23; (ianaU 0h3UD She 2oo=ed at 1e ner:ous23. I cou2d sense that she 6as re2uctant to ta2= and e9pose a part o5 her 2i5e. A5ter a 2on7 si2ence; 5ina223; she started te22in7 1e her stor3. *er 1other had 4een dia7nosed 6ith cancer and there 6as nothin7 the doctors cou2d do. The3 said that she had on23 three 1onths to 2i:e. *er 5ather decided to return to their ho1eto6n; to 2et her 2i:e in peace. *er 5ather; distressed 43 his 6i5es death; started to ne72ect his o6n hea2th and three 1onths 2ater; he too died; 2ea:in7 (iana in the care o5 her aunt. Tears ro22ed do6n (ianas chee=s as she re2ated the di55icu2t 3ears 6ith her aunt. *er aunt treated her 4ad23. She 5orced her to <uit schoo2 and to 6or= at a restaurant. The crue2 o2d 2ad3 o5ten 4eat her. *er cousins; Eea2ous o5 her 4eaut3; 6ere nastier than their 1other. No6 that the aunt 6as o2d; her 5i:e chi2dren had 2e5t her 6hen the3 rea2ised that she needed specia2 care. (espite her aunts poor treat1ent o5 her; (iana 5e2t sorr3 5or her. CShe has no one e2se;D she said. CI ha:e pro1ised to ta=e care o5 her.D I 2oo=ed at (iana and sa6 her 7oodness. Instead o5 seein7 a 7aunt and 6ear3 5i7ure; I sa6 an a1aJin723 4eauti5u2 hu1an 4ein7. M3 heart 6ent out to her. Must then; her na1e 6as ca22ed. She 7ot up and co22ected the 1edicine 6hich; I =ne6; 6as 5or her aunt. *er stor3 re1inded 1e o5 so1ethin7 13 1other used to sa3; CLi5e is 2i=e an onionA ,ou pee2 it o55 one 2a3er at a ti1e; and so1eti1es 3ou 6eep.D Be5ore 2ea:in7; (iana turned and s1i2ed sad23 at 1e. I ne:er sa6 her a7ain a5ter that.

Sa1p2e Essa3 1. Foot1all H M# favo rite sport H Interest Manchester +nitedU Li:erpoo2U Arsena2U GedahU ItIs Tuesda3 1ornin7. (o 3ou 5ind 3ourse25 2on7in7 5or the 6ee=endU Not 4ecause the idea o5 ha:in7 t6o da3s o55 5ro1 schoo2; 4ut 4ecause 3our 2i:in7 roo1 te2e:ision is 4o14arded 43 5oot4a22 1atches; 4oth 2oca2 and internationa2 scenes. Foot4a22 is the 7reatest sport o5 a22 ti1e and has endured the test o5 ti1e; datin7 4ac= to the ancient )reece. *ere are the 2itt2e thin7s that 7et 1e throu7h the 6ee= and reasons 6h3 I 2o:e 5oot4a22.


First23; I 2o:e 5oot4a22 4ecause it is si1p23 5ar 1ore entertainin7 than an3 other sport in the 6or2d. Its the 6or2ds 1ost popu2ar sport; si1p2e. As a sport it is 5ar 2ess predicta42e than 1ost. Its a sport 6here upsets can and do occur on a re7u2ar 4asis. Besides; it is a si1p2e and ine9pensi:e sport that an3one can p2a3. A22 3ou need are shoes and a 4a22. O4:ious23 a1on7 other reason; 13 5a1i23 and I share a 2o:e 5or 5oot4a22 6hich 1eans 5a1i23 7atherin7s o5 6atchin7 our 5a:orite tea1s durin7 5oot4a22 season. M3 1other 6ou2d prepare so1e crac=ers and hot; 42ac= co55ee; a22o6in7 us to enEo3 the 1atch despites her 5a:ourite Ma2a3 dra1a is p2a3in7 on the other channe2. Foot4a22 is a2so source o5 nationa2 pride. A 7reat e9a1p2e o5 this is Ira<. E:en thou7h their countr3 6as in shreds; the3 sti22 1ana7ed to piece to7ether a nationa2 soccer tea1 to represent in the O231pics. I re1e14er 6hen the3 ca1e out durin7 the openin7 cere1on3 and recei:ed a standin7 o:ation; it 6as :er3 touchin7. It sounds 2i=e an o2d c2ichH; 4ut 5oot4a22 rea223 is a sport that unites a22. The 7a1e o5 5oot4a22 is p2a3ed 43 1ore 6or2d6ide than an3 other sport. There5ore; 6hen the 0or2d Cup arri:e in BraJi2 in the su11er o5 2.1"; 5or those t6o 6ee=s; ci:i2 6ars 6i22 cease and peop2e 6i22 7ather and 6atch their nationa2 tea1s p2a3 5or the 1ost co:eted troph3 on the p2anet. Its a 4eauti5u2 thin7. I do not 2i=e 5oot4a22. I si1p23 2o:e it.

Sa1p2e Essa3 11 The 'erson I Admire Most The person I ad1ire 1ost is none other than 13 1aterna2 aunt; Ma= Su Midah. She is 13 1others 3oun7est sister. I 2o:e Ma= Su Midah 4ecause she is a responsi42e and understandin7 person. Ma= Su Midah stands 1$1 c1; 6ith a petite; s2i1 5i7ure. She has 5air co1p2e9ion; s1i2in7 e3es and 2ustrous; 42ac=; shou2der-2en7th hair. *er 5ace is as s1ooth as si2=; and she has ros3 chee=s and pin= 2ips. Bein7 a success5u2 4usiness6o1an; she ho2ds herse25 :er3 6e22 and has the char1 and 7race to 7o 6ith it. Ma= Su Midah o6ns a chain o5 4a=eries in Mohor Bahru. She is a person 6ho a26a3s puts her 4est 5oot 5or6ard and she is p2annin7 to e9pand her 4usiness to other 1aEor cities 2i=e Me2a=a; Sere14an and Sin7apore. As a sin72e 1other; Ma= Su Midah a26a3s 6or=s hard to pro:ide 5or her three sons. A2thou7h she is 4us3 6ith her 4usiness; she a26a3s 5inds ti1e to spend 6ith the1. She 1a=es sure the3 ha:e dinner to7ether. (urin7 schoo2 ho2ida3s; Ma= Su Midah 6ou2d a2so ta=e so1e ti1e o55 to ta=e her sons 5or a :acation. *er sons are doin7 :er3 6e22 in schoo2 as the3 are :er3 discip2ined and 5ocused. Ma= Su Midah is a 7ood ro2e 1ode2 not on23 to 1e; 4ut a2so to her sons. A2thou7h she is :er3 success5u2; Ma= Su Midah is :er3 hu142e; 1odest and respect5u2 to e:er3one. She is a2so supporti:e to6ards her si42in7s and ne:er 5ai2s to he2p an3one 6ho is in trou42e. So1eti1e a7o; 13 5ather 6as in a 5inancia2 distress and Ma= Su Midah stepped up and he2ped hi1 to so2:e his pro42e1. I ha:e 2earnt to 4e 2i=e her in this respect. She a26a3s sa3s that he2pin7 others 4rin7s her Eo3.


Ma= Su Midah is a2so a26a3s understandin7 and supporti:e to6ards 1e. As a 3oun7 chi2d; I used to p2a3 6ith her and I e:en 4ro=e her 5a:ourite :ase; 4ut she 6as :er3 patient 6ith 1e and ne:er 2ost her te1per. Besides that she a26a3s encoura7es 1e to stud3 hard and re1inds 1e to sta3 5ocused. She is 2i=e a 5riend to 1e and a2so the 5a:ourite aunt o5 a22 her nephe6s and nieces. To 1e; she is 13 ro2e 1ode2. 0hen I 7ro6 up; I 6ant to 4e 2i=e her. That 6ou2d certain23 1a=e 13 parents :er3 happ3 Y to ha:e a dau7hter 6ho is not on23 success5u2; 4ut a2so respect5u2 to e:er3one.

Sa1p2e Essa3 12

(ari Ra#a )ele1ration One o5 the 4i77est ce2e4rations in Ma2a3sia is Eid or 1ore co11on23 =no6n as *ari Ra3a Aidi25itri or *ari Ra3a !uasa. *ari Ra3a 2itera223 1eans ICe2e4ration (a3I. It is ce2e4rated 43 Mus2i1s on 1 S3a6a2 o5 Mus2i1 Ca2endar a5ter a 1onth o5 5astin7. Shoppin7 1a22s and 4aJaars are usua223 5i22ed 6ith peop2e da3s ahead o5 *ari Ra3a; 6hich creates a distincti:e 5esti:e at1osphere throu7hout the countr3. This is the ti1e 6hen 13 1other and I 6i22 do our 2ast 1inute shoppin7 5or c2othes and de2icacies. Then; 6e 6i22 return to our ho1e to6n to ce2e4rate the 5esti:a2. The ni7ht 4e5ore *ari Ra3a is 5i22ed 6ith the sounds o5 the ta=4ir in the 1os<ues. Must 2i=e in 1an3 parts o5 Ma2a3sia; especia223 in the rura2 areas; I 6i22 2it oi2 2a1ps and p2ace the1 outside and around 13 7rand1others ho1e. M3 4rothers; to7ether 6ith 13 cousins; 6i22 2i7ht traditiona2 4a14oo cannon or 5irecrac=ers 6hich are notorious23 2oud and can 4e :er3 dan7erous. M3 1other and aunts 6i22 4e 4us3 preparin7 specia2 dishes 2i=e =etupat; dodo2; rendan7 and other de2icacies to ser:e on the ne9t da3. M3 5a:ourite is de5inite23 2e1an7 6hich is a t3pe o5 72utinous rice coo=ed in 4a14oo. On the 1ornin7 o5 *ari Ra3a; 6e 6i22 6ear our traditiona2 c2othin7; 4aEu =urun7. Be5ore headin7 to the 1os<ue 5or pra3er; 6e 6i22 7reet one another and as= 5or 5or7i:eness 5or sins 6hich 6e 1a3 ha:e co11itted. Once the pra3er is co1p2eted; it is co11on 5or 1an3 Mus2i1s to :isit the 7ra:es o5 2o:ed ones. (urin7 this :isit; 6e 6i22 c2ean the 7ra:e; recite ,assin; and a2so per5or1 the tah2i2 cere1on3. A22 these are done as a 1eans to as= )od to 5or7i:e 4oth the dead and the 2i:in7 5or our sins. The rest o5 the da3 is spent :isitin7 re2ati:es or ser:in7 :isitors. *ari Ra3a is a :er3 Eo3ous da3 5or 1e and other chi2dren as 6e 6i22 4e 7i:en to=en su1s o5 1one3; a2so =no6n as Tduit ra3aT; 5ro1 our parents or e2ders. I tru23 enEo3 the *ari Ra3a ce2e4ration 6hich is a rea223 uni<ue 5esti:a2. It is 1ore than a re2i7ious ce2e4ration as it 5osters c2oser re2ation in a 5a1i23 as 6e22 as the nei7h4ourhood.

Sa1p2e Essa3 1


M# s$hool M3 schoo2; Se=o2ah Menen7ah Ge4an7saan Sri Ce1pa=a is 2ocated in Ta1an Indah; a4out three =i2o1eters a6a3 5ro1 the to6n center. It 6as 4ui2t in 1'$1; the 5irst secondar3 schoo2 in the district. It is a 7rade A schoo2 and has 1ore than 2... students. To cater such a 4i7 popu2ation; there are thirt3 c2assroo1s 6ith 4us3 sessions 4oth in the 1ornin7 and a5ternoon as 6e22. As 3ou enter the schoo2 co1pound; 3ou 6i22 i11ediate23 co1e to the o55ice. It is on the 7round 52oor o5 a three store3 4ui2din7 6hich a2so ho2ds the 2i4rar3 and t6o Science 2a4oratories. The schoo2 ha22 6hich can seat 1... students is ne9t to the o55ice. The ha22 has 6itnessed a 2ot o5 72orious 1o1ents e:er since it 6as 4ui2t 2# 3ears a7o. There is a spacious 7arden 4ehind the o55ice 42oc=. It is a 4eauti5u2 7arden 6ith e9otic pa21 trees and a 5ish pond. Each o5 uni5or1 4od3 in the schoo2 ta=es turn to c2ean the 7arden e:er3 6ee=end. Must 4eside the 7arden is the schoo2 canteen. It is a 2ar7e canteen and se22s :arieties o5 5ood. I particu2ar23 2o:e the La=sa. It is :er3 de2icious. The schoo2 5ie2d is 6e22-e<uipped. It has a 5oot4a22 5ie2d; a hoc=e3 5ie2d; a 4as=et4a22 court and t6o :o22e34a22 courts. It is not surprisin7 as the students in this schoo2 are acti:e in sports. Man3 o5 the students p2a3 5oot4a22; 4as=et4a22 and hoc=e3 5or the state. The schoo2 is a2so the cha1pion in the district ath2etics 7a1es 5or three consecuti:e 3ears. A2thou7h the schoo2 is o2d; it has a proud histor3 o5 producin7 4ri22iant students 6ho are 7ood in sports and in their studies. I 2o:e the schoo2 4ecause o5 the 5riend23 students and dedicated teachers there. I 6i22 de5inite23 1iss this schoo2 6hen I 2ea:e it at the end o5 this 3ear.

Sa1p2e Essa3 1" An -nfor"eta1le E!perien$e Ma3 2# 2..1 is a da3 I 6i22 ne:er 5or7et. It 6as the da3 6hen 13 5a1i23 su55ered a tra7ed3. The da3 4e7an 2i=e an3 other da3 and 6e a22 7ot read3 5or schoo2 6hi2e 13 5ather 7ot read3 to 7o to 6or=. 0e a22 had 4rea=5ast to7ether; enEo3in7 our 5a:ourite 4anana panca=es and hot choco2ate; 4e5ore 2ea:in7 the house. M3 sister and I 7ot on our schoo2 4us 6hi2e I sa6 5ather 7ot into his car to 7et to 6or=; 2ea:in7 13 1other doin7 her usua2 house chores. At 1.... a.1.; I 6as ha:in7 a Mathe1atics 2esson 6hen a teacher ca1e and to2d 1e 13 5ather 6as at the canteen 6aitin7 to ta=e 1e ho1e. I cou2d sense so1ethin7 4ad had happened. Fearin7 the 6orst; and thin=in7 o5 a22 =inds o5 4ad thin7s that cou2d ha:e happened; I 1et 13 5ather 6ho had a2read3 5etched 13 sister. *er 5ace 6as 6hite as a sheet. XOur house 6as 4urnt do6n and 1o1 is in the hospita2; e9p2ained 13 5ather sad23. *is :oice shoo= as he spo=e. I 6as so shoc=ed. 0e rushed to the hospita2 and the doctor to2d us that 1o1 6as a22 ri7ht. 0e than=ed )od that nothin7 serious had happened to her. She on23 su55ered 1inor inEuries. *o6e:er; 6e 2ost e:er3thin7 in the 5ire; our co1puter; 5urniture; 4oo=s and c2othes. I 5ound 13 pi773-4an= in the ashes and the coins 6ere sti22 inside. That 6as a22 I had 2e5t. M3 5ather co15orted us 43 sa3in7 that the house cou2d 4e 4ui2t and the thin7s inside cou2d 4e 4ou7ht. XMother is a22 ri7ht and that is the 1ost i1portant thin7; he said. That is 6h3 Ma3 2# is a da3 I 6i22 ne:er 5or7et.


Sa1p2e Essa3 1# The .on" Festival Chinese ce2e4rate than=s7i:in7 on 22nd (ece14er 5or the (on7 Festi:a2. It is the da3 o5 1erri1ent; 5eastin7 and 7i:in7 than=s. It is a2so a da3 5or settin7 out hopes 5or the co1in7 3ear and 5or ancestor 6orship. In ancient ti1es; accordin7 to tradition; the E1peror had to 5ast on the e:e o5 (on7 to prepare 5or the cere1onia2 ritua2s and ancestor 6orship; 6hich 6as carried out on the A2tar o5 *ea:en in BeiEin7. On the da3 itse25; the E1peror 6ou2d o55er sacri5ices at the Te1p2e o5 *ea:en. I5 the da3 6as dr3 and c2ear; the co1in7 3ear 6ou2d 4e peace5u2. (on7 is a 5a1i23 ce2e4ration 6ith a 5a1i23 dinner 5or those 6ho 2i:e near43 or are 5ree to co1e. !ra3ers are o55ered at the 5a1i23 a2tar. The da3 is 1ar=ed 43 the preparation o5 Xton7 3uen; a dish o5 72utinous rice 52our 4a22s in s3rup. The process in:o2:ed the 1a=in7 o5 7round 72utinous po6der into dou7h. Then; ha25 o5 the dou7h 6ou2d 4e co2oured red and the rest 2e5t 6hite. The roundness o5 the 4a22s s314o2iJes 5a1i23 co-operation and union. +sua223 there 6ou2d 4e t6e2:e 2ar7er 6hite 4a22s s314o2iJin7 the nu14er o5 1onths o5 the 3ear. The rice 4a22s 6ou2d 4e 4oi2ed unti2 the3 are coo=ed. E:er3one 1ust eat at 2east one such 4a22 to indicate that one is a 3ear o2der. I can reca22 those ear23 3ears 6hen I he2ped to 1a=e the rice 4a22s. It 6as a 5un acti:it3 6hen 6e 6ou2d co1pete to see 6ho cou2d ro22 the roundest and the 1ost nu14er o5 4a22s. Mother 6ou2d 4e the Eud7e and 7i:e a re6ard to the 6inner. 0hen she had enou7h o5 the rice 4a22s; 6e 6ere a22o6ed to shape the 4a2ance into an3 shape 6e 2i=e. The3 6ou2d a2so 4e 4oi2ed and 6e 6ou2d eat our o6n creations. No6ada3s; (on7 is not ce2e4rated 2i=e it shou2d 4e. The 4a22s 6ith 5i22in7s can 4e 4ou7ht read31ade. !eop2e are too 4us3 to o4ser:e traditions and custo1s. It is not a pu42ic ho2ida3 and 1an3 3oun7 peop2e tend to 5or7et that such a 5esti:a2 e:en e9ists. Moreo:er; no one 6ants to eat Xton7 3uen as it is taste2ess and not attracti:e at a22. 0e see1 to ha:e 4eco1e too sophisticated to enEo3 the si1p2e p2easures o5 2i5e as a 5a1i23.

Sa1p2e Essa3 1$ )hroni$les of Rina 3 MotherIs walk Of +ife The post1an 6as at the door 6ith a parce2 5or 1e. It 6as 5ro1 13 sister 6ho 6as pursuin7 a de7ree in London. I tore the pac=a7in7 paper and 6hat I had in 13 hand 6as a 4oo= that traced 13 1others 6a2= o5 2i5e 5ro1 the da3 she 6as 4orn up to toda3. There 6ere a22 to7ether #. pa7es 5or each 3ear o5 her 2i5e. I had e-1ai2ed a22 the docu1ents; photo7raphs and e:en couriered a host o5 other thin7s that I cou2d not e-1ai2. She had uti2iJed a22 that she needed into treasure o5 a 1o1ent 5or Ma1a or Mothers (a3. The co:er 6as a stained 72ass rose desi7n o5 a 5usion o5 Ma1as 5a:ourite co2ours. As I turned the pa7es; I 6as ta=en on a 6a2= do6n 1e1or3 2ane. The 5irst 5i:e pa7es sho6ed her entr3 into this 6or2d; her 4irth certi5icate; photos o5 4irthda3s; rides; s6i1 and cries. The ne9t 5e6 pa7es i22ustrated her 3ears in =inder7arten; the concerts and her 7raduation photo7raph. She capped 6ith her 1orta2 4oard and ho2din7 a scro22 6hich had a tooth3 7rin.


*er thirteen 3ears in pri1ar3 and secondar3 schoo2 6ere 6ritten in pictures. There are sports acti:ities; 4ic3c2e rides; schoo2 e9cursions; science proEects o5 pressed 52o6ers and 2ea:es as 6e22 as candid photo7raphs o5 her teena7ed peer acti:ities. She ne9t 2e5t to pursue tertiar3 education in Gua2a Lu1pur 6here she 1et !apa. I 1ana7ed to 5ind photos o5 the1 to7ether cu21inatin7 in their 6eddin7 cere1on3. She 6as sp2endid in her 6eddin7 attire; so 6as !apa in his Ma2a3 suit. She started a teachin7 career and I 5o22o6ed her postin7 to the interior o5 !ahan7. Bein7 3oun7 and ine9perienced; she enEo3ed in her 6or= 6hich 6e read a4out in her 2etters. These 2etters 6ere to her 5a1i23; re2ati:es and 5riends. Then 6e ca1e on the scene; the 5i:e o5 us; co11encin7 6ith 13 e2dest 4rother and 6ndin7 6ith 1e. She has her 5a:ourite photo7raphs and Lia =ne6 Eust the one each o5 us to inc2ude in the chronic2es o5 e:ents. Ne9t 6ere photo7raphs o5 Rahi1s 7raduation 6ith our proud parents. It 6as 5o22o6ed i11ediate23 43 Rah1ahs entr3 to the 1edica2 pro5ession and Rah1ans settin7 up his accountanc3 5ir1. Then; ca1e photo7raphs o5 !apa and Ma1as pi27ri1a7e to Mecca 6ith XOpah and XAtu=. The serene 2oo=s on their 5aces 6ere cr3sta2 c2ear to us. The chi2dren sponsored Ma1a and !apas 5irst o:erseas tour o5 0estern 6or2d. A2thou7h 6e sta3ed ho1e; 6e 6ere the ar1chair tra:e2ers 6hen the3 sho6ed us the candid shots o5 their tour. The 2ast pa7e o5 the ne:er-endin7 CSa7aD 6as the ce2e4ration o5 the 2#th 6eddin7 anni:ersar3 o5 !apa and Ma1a. It 6as a Eo3ous occasion 5or e:er3one and the e1otiona2 outpourin7s cou2d 4een on their 5aces and heard in the recordin7 1ade on the C(. The sou:enir ended 6ith the 6ords; Cthe sa7a continues- *app3 Mothers da3VD and to acco1pan3 it 6as another C( 6ith 1essa7es 5ro1 a22 her 5i:e chi2dren. I c2osed the 4oo=; 6rapped it up 6ith 4ati= c2oth; tied it up 6ith ri44on; 2ar7e23 6ritten 6ith the 6ords; X0E LO/E ,O+.


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