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Basic Skills Quality Mark ProgrammeVisit Feedback Report

In May 2012, we achieved the Quality Mark standard for the 4th time in a row! Below you can read the feedback report from the Basic Skills Agency: Good practice identified in relation to the 10 Elements of the Quality Mark:

The school has a 3 year development plan which focuses on raising standards. The self-evaluation processes and analyses of all aspects of the school are rigorous, robust and accurate. Pupil tracking and assessment procedures are well-structured to gain maximum information to further develop pupils learning; The tracking data is analysed across all groups within the school to ensure that all groups of pupils are achieving and attaining Assessment sheets and examples of work are moderated by the Leadership Team to ensure consistency across the school. Setting takes place in some year groups but the membership of each set is flexible to enable movement in and out of sets after Parents are kept well-informed of pupil targets and children have ready access to their targets through displays and personal Assessment procedures in Early Years are very strong with a comprehensive range of planned opportunities undertaken by all Holistic books; Portfolios; Learning Journals are used across the phases to record assessed progress. APP strategies are used across the school; these are most secure in Writing and Maths. Pupil progress meetings are held each half-term; these provide opportunities for class teachers and members of the Leadership The children show high levels of involvement and engagement in their lessons and in the extensive range of extra-curricular op Children with SEN receive their full entitlement and all reviews and meetings are conducted appropriately and documented well. Staff are highly motivated, working well together alongside the outstanding drive of the Headteacher and the Leadership Team. Staff development is a high focus in the school with all staff involved in high quality CPD. The Headteacher includes the school Training days are used for a range of opportunities including moderating, marking and self-evaluation. Additional weekly meetings A wealth of rich and fulfilling extra-curricular activities and events are available for the pupils to enjoy. School staff give their Many learning opportunities are offered during the pupils lunch break. Parents are closely involved with their childs progress at school and are given strategies to support their childs learning at School staff provide many levels of communication to support parents in the development of their own skills through workshops, The school is involved in extensive global links with other learning environments. Pupils and staff have made numerous visits The school is a vibrant learning community where the acquisition of basic skills is a priority.
Suggested areas for development in preparation for the next Quality Mark visit: abroad and have entertained many children and teachers from other countries. classroom-based activities and other varied learning opportunities. home. time freely and there is an excellent level of pupil participation in these opportunities. include Faculty meetings and Professional Development meetings. in as many new and appropriate initiatives as possible as long as they are of benefit to the development of stakeholders. Pupils are involved in the setting and reviewing of their targets. portunities. team to discuss the progress of each individual pupil and plan any necessary interventions to support and develop their learning. relevant staff. bookmarks. close monitoring of pupil progress. success. the trackers show predictions for pupils from Y3 to Y6 outcomes.

To ensure that the pupil outcomes for Maths and English are consistently above the national averages. To further develop and sustain the local, national and international partnerships in which the school is currently involved. To sustain the positive and inclusive learning ethos and environment of the school.


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