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Information & Communication Technology (ICT)

Our two ICT suites enable us to continually develop and extend the use of ICT in our curriculum. Classes use the upstairs suite for ICT lessons, family learning and community based projects. The downstairs suite is used for group work and adult/family learning. Additional technology in the suites, halls and classrooms enable us to enhance school events and assemblies.

Peer to Peer Links

Our ICT facilities are utilised in making and maintaining links with schools and school children in the UK and abroad. Pupils connect to peers in other schools via video conferences. We began using video conferencing to communicate with children in Russia and our class teacher, Ms Littley, during her visit to the school. Class 17 began a video conferencing project with a school in Marseille, France, using a French educational platform. In 2012, our video conferencing links with Russia have expanded to years 2 and 3. In 2013, we began to regularly Skype our children visiting our partner schools in Hungary and Belgium. We have also written and received Christmas and New Year cards from our partner schools in Uganda and Martinique. We have also begun creating blogs and using shared platforms to support our international projects.

Our Moodle or VLE (Virtual Learning Environment) has been launched in selected year groups and will expand to the rest of the school and parents this academic year. It provides a central platform where pupils can access class work and homework online.

Mathletics and Education City

All children in years 3 to 6 have access through individual usernames and passwords to both Education City and Mathletics. Both are websites that offer our children a range of engaging and challenging activities linked to their class lessons. Their class teachers have access to the websites and can allocate appropriate work to each child. If a child doesnt have internet access then booklets of appropriate work can be printed off and given to the child to complete by the class teacher.

Pupil Progress & Tracking

At Birchfield we constantly strive to improve the way in which we record our pupils achievements, progress and academic targets, as well as other important information. CMIS enables teachers to record and track pupil progress. Targets are set using the teachers knowledge of their pupils. To ensure that our pupils receive the highest standards of education, these targets are reviewed throughout the year. The E-Portal system enables teachers to record attendance automatically on a computer at the click of a button! Using this facility, we are also able to produce individual pupil progress reports for parents. Soon, parents will be able to view their childs attendance record and report online using E-Portal. Parents will be given individual usernames and passwords which will allow them to access their childs details.

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