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Our New Library

Literacy & Our Jacqui Westlake Library

Literacy is central to our curriculum in every year group, from pre-school academy to year 6. Reading and writing skills are promoted across the curriculum though all subjects. In order to nurture a love of reading and writing in our children, we have had a brand new library specially built next to reception which houses over 20,000 books. The new library was opened last year and has wonderful facitilites including: new interactive computerised 60 inch screen, new furniture and self contained toilets. The library provides a stimulating environment and an exciting collection of fiction and non-fiction titles to suit all ages and abilities, including numerous classics by celebrated authors. Books are chosen to be relevant to the curriculum and to reflect positive images in terms of race, gender and disability whenever possible. We also try to provide a wide range of dual language books including books written in Gujerati, Bengali, Hindi, Spanish, Punjabi, French, Chinese, Polish, and Somali. Every class visits the Library on a weekly basis and children may take up to two books from the Library. Our Library is computerised so that children may borrow independently, as well as during their class visits. In May 2007, our wonderful teacher, librarian and Citizenship Coordinator, Mrs Jacqui Westlake (1949 2007) sadly passed away. She had dedicated her life to our library for seven years and helped to shape it into the plentiful resource that it is today. As well as spending much of her time in the library, she was also responsible for holding many of the special events that have taken place in the school such as, Red Nose Day, the Lord Mayors visit, the Young Peoples Parliament, non-uniform day and meetings of School Councillors and Prefects. She also maintained our School House system. In light of this great loss, we at Birchfield renamed our school library The Jacqui Westlake Library and we feel it is appropriate to retain her name for our new library. There will be an after-school library club one night a week (date TBC). This is not intended to be a formal teaching club but one where children can freely avail themselves of the facilities. They may pop in for a quick visit to change books or they may stay for an hour to participate in various activities, such as, internet research, help with homework or simply play suitable games. All family members will be welcome and may also borrow books if they wish. You are the blossom in my tree, You were always sweet as honey to me. You were always kind and gentle, You were an inspiration to everyone, Although she has gone she still lives in our hearts and in our lives, She still is a big part of all of us. Mrs Westlake - I mean our Super Westlake, You were one of a kind.

By Ansar

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