Affidavit of Undertaking

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AFFIDAVIT OF UNDERTAKING I, Mia B. Solayao, of legal age, married, Filipino and residing at ________________________, after being sworn to in accordance with law, depose and say that: 1. I am a member of the faculty of the teaching allied courses$ ni!ersity of "ebu # Banilad "ampus

%. In the second semester of &' %(1%)%(1*, I was teaching Math %(& with +,"ode ./%0% and scheduled %:*( -M # *:*( -M M1F$ *. 2ne of my students in the abo!e)mentioned class was a BS34M student named 4ubelle ". +ugenio$ /. &fter the final 5uncture of the semester, I inad!ertently placed an incorrect grade of *.( in the space allotted for 4ubelle ". +ugenio$ 6. I tried all efforts to determine the correct final grade of the pre!iously mentioned student using all a!ailable documents, papers and scores$ 7. 8he e9act and true grade that the said student got is %./$ and

.. I am e9ecuting this sworn statement, as re:uired, to enable me to correct my unintentional mista;e. I< 1I8<+SS 13+4+2F, I ha!e hereunto set my hand this ___ day of __________, %(1/, in the "ity of "ebu, -hilippines.

MI& B. S2=&'&2 Affiant JURAT S BS"4IB+, and S124< to before me, this ___ day of __________, %(1/, in the "ity of "ebu complainant showing to me his __________________ with I, <umber __________ issued at __________________ on _________ as his competent e!idence of identity.

,oc. <o. ___$ -age <o. ___$ Boo; <o. ___$ Series of %(1/.
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