Bulletin, Sunday, Feb. 9, 2014 - Knox

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Church Opening Today: Tim Pauli Church Opening Next week: Tim Pauli Ushers this week: Dale

Lynn Bast, John Waldie & Bill Forbes Ushers next week: Dale Lynn Bast, John Waldie & Bill Forbes Greeters this week: Doug & Kathy Baker Greeters next week: Ed & ra!e "oth#ell Coffee this week: Doug & Kathy Baker CONGREGATIONA ETTER $ letter %rom the Kno& Board o% 'anagers regarding our insuran!e is a(ailable %or )i!k u) in the narthe&* Please remember to )i!k u) your letter and read through it* The !ongregation #ill be asked to (ote on the ne&t ste) in the )ro!ess based on the in%ormation shared in this letter* +% you ha(e any ,uestions, )lease email Phil $n#ender at an#ender*)*e-gmail*!om OUR !EE" # $I%%ION & Don.t %orget to sto) at the Food Bank table and )ur!hase an item* $ll %ood items ha(e )ri!es marked* /im)ly make your !hoi!e and )la!e it in a bo& belo#* Then )ay by )utting the money into the !ash bo&* /o sim)le but ea!h donation makes su!h a di%%eren!e in the li(es o% those in need* "INTAI ON T'E ROA( Last July, #e had a %antasti! 0 days #ith 1Kintail 2n The "oad3* Thanks to the good #ork o% the )lanning team, (olunteers and the Kintail /ta%%, #e had an ama4ing time* We )lan to ha(e K2T" at our !hur!h again this summer* We are in need o% members %or our Planning Team, in!luding someone to !o5!hair #ith Be( 6ider* Please s)eak #ith 'ark ed!ke, Be( 6ider or 'ary Dougall to learn more* "NO) *'OTO (IRECTORIE% We ha(e some e&tra !o)ies o% our !hur!h )hoto dire!tory* We ha(e a %e# a(ailable %or sale at 789 ea!h* The remainder #ill stay #ith "e(* 'ark to be used as gi%ts to ne# members to hel) them get to kno# our !hur!h %amily* $inister: "e(* 'ark ed!ke 08: 0;0 <<8; or by email at mged!ke-kno&strat%ord*!om (irector of $usic: /u4anne /trahan Office Ad+inistrator: Kathy Baker Treasurer: /hannon $r!her Office: ,-.&/0-&1202 kno&s-#ightman*!a O33ICE 'OUR% .a+& -p+ Tuesday through 3riday

"NO) *RE%4#TERIAN C'URC' 3e5ruary .6 /1-7 --:11 a+ 'inister5 "e(* 'ark ed!ke 'usi! Dire!tor = /u4anne /trahan *RE*ARATION 3OR !OR%'I* 5 Prayer, 'editation and >isiting *RE U(E: 2 Per%e!t Lo(e = arr* 6o)son2 Per%e!t Lo(e = arr* 6o)son

!E CO$E AN( ANNOUNCE$ENT% CA TO !OR%'I*: Leader: We !ome seeking the holy lo(e o% od, that #e may be!ome #hole and lo(ing* People: As Jesus Christ has shared the life of earth, through Christ we may share the life of God, in growing holiness, justice, and love. Leader: +n a#e, %aith, and thanksgi(ing, let us re?oi!e in od.s )resen!e and share od.s li%e@ People: Let us worship God. A"uth B* Du!k, Tou!h 6oliness, "esour!es %or Worshi), ed* by "uth B* Du!k, 'aren B* Tirabassi, The Pilgrim PressC O*ENING '#$N: DE8F od is lo(e: !ome hea(en adoring


2ur Father #ho art in hea(en, hallo#ed be thy name, thy kingdom !ome, thy #ill be done on earth as it is in hea(en* i(e us this day our daily bread* Forgi(e us our tres)asses as #e %orgi(e those #ho tres)ass against us* Lead us not into tem)tation but deli(er us %rom e(il* For thine is the kingdom, the )o#er and the glory %ore(er and e(er* $men
*A%%ING O3 T'E *EACE: Leader: The Pea!e o% Bhrist be #ith you Congregation: And also with you. ANT'E$: 6alleluya@ Pelo Tsa "ona = trad* /outh $%ri!an, arr* $nders Gyberg

C'I (REN9% '#$N: D HF8 2ne more ste) along the road + go C'I (REN9% TI$E: 2lym)i! Fan%are and Theme = Leo $rnaud &
John Williams

%CRI*TURE REA(ING: enesis F:85: 'atthe# 0:I85IH %ER$ON: Will Jou Be 'yK**

'#$N: DHEI 6el) us a!!e)t ea!h other O33ERING O33ERTOR#: The i%t o% Lo(e = arr* 6o)son od

O33ERTOR# *RAI%E: DFI0 We )raise you, 2

*RA#ER O3 (E(ICATION AtogetherC ra!ious Breator, in this o%%ering #e )arti!i)ate in your generous !are %or )eo)le in the #orld* We take a ste) to#ards the !om)assionate )eo)le you long %or us to be* 6el) us to kee) %aith%ul in our ?ourney together* $men '#$N: D;9; 'ore lo(e to thee A(8C *RA#ER% O3 T'E *EO* E C O%ING '#$N: DF0; Go# thank #e all our 4ENE(ICTION '#$N: DH:F This is my !ommandment This is my commandment, that you love one another that your joy may be full. This is my commandment, that you love one another that your joy may be full. that your joy may be full, that your joy may be full. This is my commandment, that you love one another that your joy may be full. *O%T U(E: 'artial $ir = 6* Pur!ell, arr* /* Drummond Wol%% od

GUE%T %*EA"ER 2n /unday, February IE, 'ike 'asse #ill be our guest* 6e is a leader o% the Brossing Bridges )rogram that runs at our !hur!h and su))orts youth in our !ommunity* "e(* 'ark #ill hel) lead /unday /!hool that day* A thank you to e(eryone #ho has signed u) to set5u) and !lean5u) !o%%ee and treats on /unday mornings* + still re,uire I )eo)le %or February 80H & IE as #ell as the month o% June* The /ign5u) sheet is in the !hur!h o%%i!e or !onta!t $nne 'arieLTim Pauli at either 08:5I;85H;8< or at tim)auli-rogers*!om TI$E I% GETTING C O%E Pre)aration o% the $nnual "e)ort #ill begin shortly* For those #ho #ill be submitting re)orts, )lease do so as soon as )ossible* The %inal deadline %or your re)ort is this !oming Friday, 3e5ruary -7: Jour re)ort is to be gi(en to Kathy Baker in the o%%i!e* Thank you to the )eo)le #ho ha(e already submitted their re)orts* #OUT' GROU* GOE% TU4ING Today, the youth #ill be ha(ing lun!h in the Ban,uet 6all %ollo#ing #orshi)* Then, #e go to the "i(er >alley Winter Tube /lide in /t* 'arys* The !ost is 78; )lus ta& )er )erson* +% you ha(e any ,uestions, )lease s)eak #ith one o% the leaders: /hannon or Wendell $r!her, 'ark ed!ke, 6eather 6islo) or /arah 6islo)* Special thanks to Nadine Schumont, Tom Drake and Heather Hislop for their contributions towards our lunch.
L C!"#$ % APP#"$!& $! #' !()*! *, +$#, P( *-.! ("A$ C/)(C/, *!(A!'#(0 An annual con re ational meetin of the church will be held on Sunday, !arch ", "#$%. At said meetin , the con re ation shall elect and appoint Nine &'( Trustees for a one &$( year term in accordance with the )ri inal Trust Deed. *andidates must be members of +no, -resbyterian *hurch, Stratford in full communion. Nominations will be received in the church office up to $".## p.m. on Thursday, /ebruary "0, "#$%. Nomination forms are available in the office. Nominee name&s( must be submitted on the form provided, must be a member of +no, -resbyterian *hurch, Stratford in full communion and be supported by two &"( members and1or adherents of +no, -resbyterian *hurch, Stratford. Trustees that were elected for the "#$2 term are 3lmer Dred e, 4illiam /orbes, -atrick Scott, David Strahan and 5ohn 4aldie.

A(U T %TU(# GROU* 2ur study grou) met again on Thursday, February Hth %or about an hour* 2ur resour!e is 1Embra!ing an $dult Faith3 by 'ar!us Borg on What it 'eans to be Bhristian* Ea!h session, #e #ill #at!h a D>D )resentation and then share in !on(ersation and )rayer* There is a #orkbook that #ill hel) us in our shared ?ourney* +% you ha(e any ,uestions, )lease s)eak #ith "e(* 'ark* We #ill meet again on February 8Eth, I;th, 'ar!h Hth, 8Eth I9th, and I;th* Please ?oin us at 8:99 )*m*
A *CC $I%%ION $O$ENT 4itnessin in -alestine and 6srael The E!umeni!al $!!om)animent Program in Palestine and +srael brings )eo)le %rom around the #orld to )ro(ide a )rote!ti(e )resen!e to (ulnerable !ommunities, monitor and re)ort human rights abuses and su))ort Palestinians and +sraelis #orking together %or )ea!e* With su))ort %rom -resbyterians Sharin , +nternational 'inistries has re!ently sent Jake Fraser %rom 'ontreal and 'egan 6ay!o!k %rom Lloydminster, $lberta* Jake shares, 1The o))ortunity to sit and talk #ith Palestinians #ho ha(e li(ed through so mu!h ad(ersity in their li(es yet remain strong and de%iant is in!redible* + %eel e&tremely %ortunate to ha(e e&)erien!ed this ama4ing !ulture and )eo)le*3 Please )ray %or the )eo)le in Palestine and +srael #ho are #orking %or )ea!e* -resbyterians Sharin promotes

/1-7 ENTEN CO$$UNIT# UNC'EON% &78.## per person 9 held at 6mmaculate *onception :.*. *hurch( 'ar!h 0 = Fr* Da(id Butler A/t* Jose)h.sL+mma!ulate Bon!e)tion "BBC 'ar!h 8I = "e(* Elaine Blark5/iberry A reen#ood BourtC 'ar!h 8: = "e(* Pirie 'it!hell ABentral MnitedC 'ar!h IH 5 "e(* 'i!helle Do#n A/t* John.s MnitedC $)ril I 5 Pastor Bhad '!Laren ABethel Pente!ostalC $)ril : 5 "e(* Daniel Bo#yer A/t* Paul.s $ngli!anC

Photos taken by Kristen Frank A/unday /!hool E&!ursion to Bho!olate Barr.s /unday, February I, I98FC

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