Lesson 9: From Seed To Growing Tree: G3Q4 - Plants and Trees Unit

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G3Q4 Plants and Trees Unit Lesson 9: From Seed to Growing Tree

HCPSS Elementary Science Office

2/7/14 9:52 AM

Essential Objectives: The student will be able to: Identify and describe a science problem related to seeds. Explain the function of different parts of a seed. Identify and describe parts of a plant (i.e., roots, stems, trunks, leaves, and flowers.) Describe the functions of different parts of the plant (i.e., roots, stems, trunks, leaves, and flowers.) Explain that plants need air, water, nutrients, and light to survive. Explain that green plants grow best in environments that meet their basic needs. Describe how animals depend on plants (e.g. food, shelter, oxygen). Explain that plants help humans meet a basic need and that using plants to meet ones wants and needs has consequences. Use science knowledge to make decisions and/or devise a plan to solve a problem. Teacher Background: To review concepts, refer to previous Teacher Background in Lessons 1-8.

G3Q4 Plants and Trees Unit Lesson 9: From Seed to Growing Tree
HCPSS Elementary Science Office

2/7/14 9:52 AM

Teacher Preparation: Use chart paper to make four placemat charts for engagement activity using the model provided on TRG p. 53 Placemat Strategy. There should be four charts labeled, Ways Seeds Travel, Parts of Seeds and their Functions, Parts of Plants and Trees and their Functions, Needs of Plants and Trees. Each group of students will need a different color marker for the placemat activity (e.g., Group A red, Group B blue, etc.) Students will need to detach the last page of the Student Response Booklet. The last page is the front and back of the pamphlet, "From Seed to Growing Tree." The pamphlet pages are not numbered. Be aware that brochures should be folded along the dotted lines, beginning with the right side, so that the cover, From Seed to Growing Tree will be on the front. MATERIALS Needed for: Nonconsumables Provided in the KIT: Consumables To be ordered from Science Resource Center:

Locate in your SCHOOL:

Teacher Group of 4 Students Pair of Students Individual Students -4 markers of the same color

G3Q4 Plants and Trees Unit Lesson 9: From Seed to Growing Tree
HCPSS Elementary Science Office

! 2/7/14 9:52 AM

Engagement: 1. Explain to students they will be using a cooperative learning strategy called placemat to share the information they have learned during the last few weeks. 2. Using TRG p. 48 Placemat Strategy as a model, the teacher will have made four charts each with the following titles: Ways Seeds Travel, Parts of Seeds, Parts of Plants and Trees, Needs of Plants and Trees. 3. Divide students into four groups giving each member a marker of the same color. Each group should have a different color marker. 4. In two-minute intervals have groups travel to the four different charts and add information they have learned about each topic. Be sure to tell students each group must come up with different responses, there can be no repeat information. Signal the students when it is time to rotate. 5. After each group has added information to all the charts, have students post the charts and gather in the discussion area. 6. Discuss with students the information that was written on the four charts. 7. Brainstorm with students the different ways they can share all the information about plants and trees they have put on the KWL chart and the placemat charts (e.g., posters, informative letters, class books, brochures - provided on TRG 58-59, etc.). Be sure to lead students to choose brochures as the best idea. 8. Gather students in the discussion area and review the problem scenario on SRB p. 1 with them. Explain to students that this activity will be the final project in this unit. They will now have the opportunity to apply the knowledge that they have gathered throughout this unit. The information that they will share is an important factor in educating other students about the School Yard Habitat and trees and plants in general. 9. Using the KWL and the placemat activity from Lesson 8, have students Think-Pair-Share the following questions to develop criteria for completing the brochure: What important information about seeds should be shared in the brochure? What important information about plants and trees should be shared in the brochure?

What important information about the consequences of using trees to meet wants and needs should be shared in the brochure?

Exploration: There is no exploration step in this lesson. Explanation: 1. Have students open to SRP p. 8, From Seed to Growing Tree Procedures. Explain that they will be reading to perform a task to complete their brochures, From Seed to Growing Tree. 2. Explain all directions for the activity and allow students to work independently. 3. Students could be given other options to present their information. They could create mobiles, flip books, table tent displays, etc. that follow the same criteria as the brochure. Extension: Have students write to persuade the fourth grade team to share the brochures or products with other students by displaying them on a bulletin board along with other information on The School Yard Habitat. Time permitting, have students share their brochures with the class. Evaluation: 1. Observation of students participation and cooperation during the placemat activity (Answer key TRG pp. 54-57). 2. SRB Brochure, From Seed to Growing Tree. (Answer Key TRG p. 6061)

G3Q4 Plants and Trees Units Lesson 9: From Seed to Growing Tree
HCPSS Elementary Science Office

2/7/14 9:52 AM

2/7/14 9:52 AM

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