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Clements High School

Volume 2 Issue 5

February 2014

Restaurant secret menus revealed


Who is your celebrity crush? p. 15

Heartbreak instinctive, inevitable part of life p. 8

Love exists, takes time vs. Love overrated, marriage obsolete

p. 6-7

From The Editors Desks

Abstract art defies any labels... p. 4 Progression in gender equality still needed... p. 4

x e d n I



Heartbreak instinctive, inevitable part of life... p. 8 Music review: Lux Courageous steps out of shadows... p. 8 Impress girls with these tips... p. 9 Learn science behind love phenomenon... p. 9
PUBLICATION POLICY The Round Up, a feature magazine published by the students in Clements High Schools Magazine Journalism class, is a designated forum for student expression. The Round Up is distributed to its readers and the student body at no cost. PRINTING AND DISTRIBUTION SERVICES The Round Up is printed eight times a year in October, November, December, January, February, March, April and May. All Round Up is archived-and available at http://rangerwire. wordpress.com.

Top Secret: Restaurant secret menus revealed... p. 11 Black Heritage Organization enriches culture for all... p. 11 Senior leaves legacy for future Rangers... p. 12 Sabrina Sha emobodies optimism, participation... p. 12



News in Brief... p. 5


Love exists, takes time... p. 6 Love overrated, marriage obsolete... p. 7


Rivalries between NFC, AFC heat up... p. 13 Trophy hunters-soccer boys are back... p. 13 Amber Wange believes: practice, practice, practice... p. 14 Ryan Oujesky strives to reach fullest potential... p. 14

Who is your celebrity crush?... p. 15

From the Editors desks Abstract art dees any labels

By SAMANTHA JREIJ Co-Editor-in-Chief Deep in the city, nestled in a small neighborhood of all places, near the University of St. Thomas in the Neartown area of Houston is an art museum by the name of the Menil Collection. I visited this art museum awhile back and it astounded me. It manifested the very definition of abstract, of the idea that anything and everything can be art. There were nearly blank canvases hung on the walls, faintly coated in a very fine layer of light blue oil, and it was art. There was a sculpture of a seemingly deformed woman at first, simply seated in a chair as if she was real, as if she was staring straight into your heart, and it was art. There was a wooden canvas painted completely black, and it was art. There were strings of yarn hung from the ceiling and attached into the floor, and it was art. There were portraits of people, depicting only the upper portion of their faces, and it was art. art. all was It More than anything, it baffled me how I could stare for hours into a painting of a myriad of colors- except it was not a mess. It was brilliance and tragedy all at once. The thing about abstract art is that it can be anything, and that makes me surprisingly happy and amazed. There are no bounds to it. How much more wonderful is that than structure and defined edges? How much more creative People stare into the depths of an abstract painting or sculpture and find themselves trying to subconsciously figure out what the painting is, except that it, by its very definition, does not need to be anything at all. It does not need to be defined, and therein lies its very beauty. Abstract art makes many people uncomfortable, makes them squirm within their small mindedness, because it defies every rule of society. It defies the human necessity to examine and classify everything. It says that there is no need to define everything, because by the very act of defining something,

whether in art or in life, we are confining it to the very word with which we label it. How fascinating how utterly incredible that art can be nothing and absolutely everything all at once.

Progression in gender equality still needed

of some. A common fallacy of feminism is that it is synonymous to misandry, or the hatred of men. If you were to analyze why this fallacy has come to be, you would find that this idea derives from the reaction to the early U.S. feminist groups. These women demanded the right to vote and to own land. This was a radical idea at the time, and these women were dismissed and labeled as antifamily, anti-God, and, of course, anti-men. This unjust rationalization attests to the fact that people who do believe in this fallacy are misinformed about the feminist movement. The following are examples of gender inequality in the world. In Saudi Arabia, women are not allowed to drive. In Afghanistan, girls have very little, if any, access to education. In the U.S., women earn only 77 percent of what men are paid for the same job. Sexual harassment, domestic abuse and rape is still widespread in our society, yet they are met with victim blaming and apathy. Only 22 percent of CEOs in major companies are women. According to the Center of American Women and Politics, the proportion of women in state legislature is 23.4 percent. In 2013, women held 18.5 percent of seats in congress. Despite making up half the global population, women only hold 15.6 percent of elected parliamentary seats in the world. Women often face limitations regarding promotions in the workplace. If that is not cause for rage, anger, or lividity, I do not know what is. The patriarchal society we live in has forced roles upon women for centuries. Now that women are trying to break free of the stereotype, there is suppression. For instance, when a male boss is strict, he is seen as a good leader. On the other hand, a strict female boss is perceived as bossy. It is this kind of double standard that is halting the progress of gender equality. Women have made lots of progress in the past decade, however. For example, Angela Merkel is Germanys first woman Chancellor, and is currently in her third term. In 2010, Kathryn Bigelow became the first woman to win an Oscar for Best Director. These women give inspiration to other females around the world and promise to a just future. Although every victory counts, there still needs to be a greater understanding regarding feminists and what they stand for.

By YASMEEN YAHYA Co-Editor-in-Chief The struggle for equality is an ongoing one. Although this country has evolved its societal views, we still have a long way to go before comprehensive equality is reached. A concept that the U.S. seems to struggle with is that men and women should have equal rights and opportunities. People who believe this concept to be true are called feminists. There is stigma attached to the word feminist. To identify as a feminist has 4 become something shameful in the eyes

NEWS... in brief

ProGrad Style and Talent Show Clements ProGrad will be hosting a style and talent show on Wednesday, February 26, 2014 at Sweetwater Country Club. There will also be a silent Auction. The event starts at 6:00 p.m. Tickets can be purchased online at www.clementsprograd.com Proceeds from the event will help fund Clements High School Project Graduation which will be held on June 7 at the Main Event in Katy. End of Course Testing Altered Governor Bill Perry has signed House Bill 5 (HB 5) into law, changing high school testing requirements and providing students with more flexibility in selecting the courses they want to take in order to earn a diploma. The new state law reduces, from the current 15 to five, the number of End-of-Course (EOC) tests that students must pass in order to graduate, and it will give students more opportunities to pursue career and vocational courses. No longer required for graduation are the following courses: English III, geometry, Algebra II, chemistry, physics, world geography, and world history.

CHS seniors Garrett Moorer and Bradlee Borgfeldt get ready for the annual Prograd Style and Talent Show.

Clements Idol Chooses Half of Its Contestants Five contestants have been chosen for this years annual Clements Idol, sponsored by the CHS broadcast program. These contestants are: Jadha Gunnewan, the singing duo Jasmine McLam and Valencia Vara, Emma Millard, Ooha Nakka, Mara Nisnisan, and Taahira ONeil. On March 5 after school in room 2812, five more contestants will be chosen. Anyone can try out with a school-appropriate act. Clements Idol will be May 2 in the auditorium at 7 p.m. Tickets will be sold at the door for five dollars. The public is invited. The winner will be chosen by audience vote. Need Help With College Loan Forms? Fort Bend ISD will host nine FAFSA/ TASFA Workshops this semester. Financial aid staff from area colleges, universities, and financial aid institutions will be available to help complete and submit forms before the March 31 deadline. The Clements Workshop will be help on Feb. 20 from 4 p.m. until 7:30 p.m. Students must pre-register online Student Trainers Honored Student athletic trainers Rachel Craigand Aliya Hamiltonwere named Academic AllState Student Athletic Trainers at Klein High School. Both girls are seniors. The Clements Student Training Staff represented the sports medicine team by finishing third overall, with over 1,000 students competing from the Greater Houston Area.

College Freshmen Need Shots The passage of Senate Bill (SB) 1107, 82nd Texas Legislature, Regular Session, requires that all students entering Texas institutions of higher education to be vaccinated against bacterial meningitis within the last five years and at least 10 days prior to the first day of class. If you have received the meningitis immunization (Menactra) after September 2009, you meet the minimum criteria. If not, schedule your appointment early. The school will NOT be sponsoring a meningitis clinic to update these shots. Vaccines through Texas Vaccines for Children program are no longer available to vaccinate students with insurance. Choir Students Excel Matthew Cramerus, Amy Farrell, Emily Garvin, Madeline Gonynor, and Gabby Young made All State Choir and will sing at the TMEA Convention in San Antonio in February. This is the highest honor a high school choir student can achieve. Academic Speech Team The Clements Academic Speech Team has recently been excelling in the most impressive of circumstances. The team has earned first place sweepstakes awards at both the Dulles Tournament, which took place on January 3 and 4, as well as the Mayde Creek Tournament, January 17 and 18. Also, more students have qualified to compete at the Texas Forensic Association State Meet. This particular meet will take place in March, bringing the teams total number of qualifications to 27.


Jennifer Nguyen has recently been chosen Rookie Teacher of the Year. Nguyen teaches English I. Pictured from left are: Karen Grisdale, Molly Perkins, Phil Morgante, Jennifer Nguyen, David Yaffie, Lori Hubert, and Elizabeth Howell. 5


Love exists, takes time

By YASMEEN YAHYA Co-Editor-inChief It is easy to be a cynic, especially when it comes to a topic as controversial as love. Many go their whole lives searching for love, or what they think is love; I think that is part of the problem. Men and women alike hunt for love instead of letting it grow organically. Despite these truths, love is not overrated. In fact, it is one of the easiest, and most intrinsic, things to do. We see this in nature and within the animal kingdom. F o r example, elephants have been known to mourn when a family member or friend dies. Also, anyone who doubts that dogs do not love their owners is seriously mistaken. K n o w i n g this, it is natural to ask why love has become so complicated, controversial, and even frustrating. It is because we make it so. Society has a fixation on regulating everything, even something as particular as love. First comes love, then comes marriage This idea has been engrained into our way of thinking and has become something to strive for. Anyone who has read Pride and Prejudice, remembers the desperate character of Mrs. Bennet whose only goal in life is to see her daughters get married. Her character acts as a device to show the pressures put on young women by 18th century society to marry, not even for love, but for good fortune. It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife. This famous sentence in literature is an accurate description of the social conventions of the time. And although times have changed, we are still on the pursuit to find true love. Love may or may not be around the corner, or under your nose, or in that one drawer you stuff everything into. Just like everything else, love is not certain, but that does not mean we should shut it out. To live in a world without love is to live in a world that is cold and numb. To anyone who has ever doubted love, I offer the example of my grandparents, who have been married for 55 years. They are still as much in love as they were on their wedding day, if not more. Their relationship is one I admire. They are not only husband and wife;

t h e y are best friends. I have grown up watching them care for each other and laugh together. They give me hope. And although I do have hope for a romantic love, it is not something that I expect, or rather, believe that I am entitled to. Love exists in the way your parents are proud of you. Love even exists between each irritated word that your brother or sister spats at you. Love exists in the way your dog looks at you when you come home. Love exists in all these subdued forms. And like all great, complicated things, love is not easy, but it is worth it. Love is something to be given and shown through respect and compassion. Love is not overrated, because it is everything.

Love overrated, marriage obsolete

By SAMANTHA JREIJ Co-Editor-in-Chief I am sure that within the dictionary there lies an official definition of love, but they actually say it cannot be defined. It is so boundless, they say. They say crazy, wild things about love. They say it is the wind beneath our feathers. They say that the greatest thing we could ever learn is to love and be loved in return. They say that everything can be solved with love. Barbara de Angelis similarly once said, Love is a force more formidable than any other. It is invisible - it cannot be seen or measured, yet it is powerful enough to transform you in a moment, and offer you more joy than any material possession could. How many people actually believe those things? Society is an imitation of a majority, a mocking trial of childhood peer pressure. The only reason that love has been ruined is because it has been defined by what we are supposed to do with it. We must first date, and there are so many rules and procedures that we are obligated to follow by some unwritten code of conduct. Next, college, and only then are we expected to get married and get jobs and reproduce, having beautiful children who will one day grow up and follow the exact same steps that society once pressured us to Why is marriage necessary? Has marriage ruined and destroyed the true meaning of love? Friedrich Nietzsche once said, It is not a lack of love, but a lack of friendship that makes unhappy marriages. In that sense, how many people strive for friendship in their marriage? Can we not love one another without an official piece of paper? Thus the ultimate question: w h e n will love return to its purest form? Love h a s

follow. But how many people get married only to divorce soon after? How many people do not even want to get married but do so just because that is what they are expected to do?

become an overrated, clichd expectation. No one waits anymore. No one waits with all the patience in the world to ensure that their love is true before they finalize it. And in this way, love has become overrated. Love has become a boundary. Love has nearly ceased to exist, replaced by its underlying, uncut stepsibling named marriage.

Heartbreak instinctive, inevitable part of life
By DELFINA BARBIERO Features Editor Love is single handedly one of the most powerful feelings of our human existence. It is universally recognized for its strength, but often very misunderstood. Love is ultimately just a feeling, a feeling that is just as powerful as the high of cocaine. Receiving affection and love is the most addictive drug in the world and its effects are certainly powerful. However for most, heartbreak is inevitable. Therefore, detoxification begins. Regardless of age, heartbreak hurts. However, one must remember that it is heart break that hurts - not love. Love is not a package that comes with respect, trust, and a guarantee of forever. Thus, one should not hate love, because it is simply not its fault. Love is not evil with a destiny to bring people together to ultimately destroy and break the relationship. Instead, love should be seen as an ingredient to a cake that needs other essential components to make that mouthwatering triple chocolate layer of enjoyment, trust, and respect. For that reason, love should not be seen as an experience that one should be cautious of, but an entirely wild adventure with someone that is trustworthy. Therefore, first love and true love are not the same thing. Although repeated numerous times in every other film, the chance of true love for mate with. Though, this approval could be wrong and that is why many do not consider their first love to be their true love. Each individual human being is incredibly different with different instincts that tell them when they have met the one. Love is an instinct that helps find the right mate; trial and error is essential in narrowing down the options to find the perfect fit. Therefore, a heartbreak is just another instinct that indicates that particular person is not what you needed and not a reliable mate. Moving on is not meant to be easy and different for everyone. What psychologists have noticed is that during the period of heartbreak it is extremely important that no one should start blaming themselves or believe that they were not enough for their last partners or anyone for that matter. This often leads to many ending up in relationships that are abusive, and manipulating. The best way to survive heartbreak is to act with confidence. It will help to recognize that the relationship simply did not work out and move on in the hopes of finding someone that will in turn, treat you better.

each individual is probable. Scientist has concluded that the feeling of love is a human instinct that is basically an approval that that particular person is a good person to

Music review: Lux Courageous steps out of shadows

just two friends and plenty of frustration at the music of the early 2000s. Hoping to spark a revolutionary change in the music industry, Adam LoPorto and PJ Tepe decided to take the

By Meghan Beytebiere Copy Editor Their YouTube videos do not cross the threshold of more than three thousand views and no Wikipedia page can be found on them. The band Lux Courageous does not remain anonymous because of bad quality. Rather because of their small town start that produced an eclectic mix of pop, rock and alternative, the band has remained small and unknown but great despite the lack of fame. 8 The diverse band started up in 2001 with

Lux Courageous wanted to make an impact on the music of today.

first step and start their own band. Picking up members, Chris Valentino and Jani Zubkavs, both longtime friends and talented musicians,

along the way the band was formed. With plenty of local backing, the band was signed by Triple Crown Records in 2001. They already had one independently released selftitled EP often called The Lion EP, in 2003. The EP features four tracks which range in genre and in style. Lux Courageous released their first and only full album in March of 2005, titled Reason That Keep the Ground Near. Neither are chart toppers and the EP cannot be bought on iTunes, but the search for the music is well worth the while. Lux Courageous music is comparable to the songs of Outsmarting Simon, Jenoah, Adelphi, The Weakend, and Remember Maine. All of these bands are indie as well and usually have a smaller fan base because of their small start. Though the band has since split apart since the release of their album in 2005, they reached their initial goal. Lux Courageous wanted to make an impact on the music of today.

Impress girls with these tips

By ANNE MARIE PLUNKETT Copy Editor Valentines Day is, for most girls, a big event, and they look forward to it. Most males do not. They generally put off planning a date or buying a gift for their girlfriends. Some are clueless and horror of horrors, some are dateless and clueless. Never fear. There is help, fellas. Here is some practical advice for getting a girl, and it is just in time for Valentines Day. The first move a boy would want to do is to give the girl a small token of his affections, write a little note that is short and sweet, not mushy, and then give both to her confidently. Be warned, shyness can give off the wrong vibe. The girl might mistake it for a lack of interest. It is important to get up the courage to make small talk and show her interest. On the other hand, although some women appreciate an arrogant guy here and there, more times than not it is a turn off. There is a difference between confidence and arrogance. Everyone pretty much agrees that it is awkward when somebody is turned down. Understanding body language to see if the girl likes the boy is a crucial step before asking her out. Touching a guy playfully, and smiling a lot around him are a few signs that will tell you if she is intersted or not. Asking her to go to dinner or hang out is the best plan. Putting on pressure by calling it a date can ruin the whole night, making the two people awkward around each other. The girl will probably tell him to let her think about it, and he has no control over what happens after. She will probably go to her friends and make a pros and cons list in her head. If she winds up saying yes, then the pressure is all on the first date, because that is going to decide whether there will be a second. Whether picking her up or meeting her somewhere, greet her with a compliment on her hair or clothes, and try to be gentlemanly throughout the date. While on the date, make sure to act interested in her and her interests, but be sure that on the date everyone stays true to who they are. Having differences is normal and nothing to be worried about. Try to make sure the guy limits how often he talks about himself, because again, it can come off as arrogant. At the end of the night, before saying good bye, see if she is interested in another date. Dont be afraid to ask. Good luck!

Learn science behind love phenomenon

Chemically, the serotonin eects of being infatuated have a similar chemical appearance to obsessivecompulsive disorder; which could explain why people experiencing infatuation cannot think of anyone else. If youve ever been in love, youve probably at least considered classifying the feeling as an addiction. And guess what? Youre right -- its the same chemical process taking place. When you really think about it, kissing is pretty gross -- its rooted in saliva and mucous membranes. Yet anthropologists report that 90 percent of the people in the world kiss. Researchers claim that falling in love only takes about a fth of a second. Studies show that women nd symmetrical facial features attractive. In particular, women like masculine qualities such as a prominent chin and cheekbones, a symmetrical and muscular body, with shoulders wider than the hips. We develop relationship patterns in childhood that can come back to haunt us as adults. 9

Findings suggest falling in love can elicit not only the same euphoric feeling as using cocaine, but also aects intellectual areas of the brain.

: t e r c e s p o t
By JENNIFER MATHEW Perspectives Editor Ever imagined having a Ferrero Rocher Frappuccino, a Sour Patch Kids juice, or even a Waffle Taco, but then realize that they do not exist and get heavily depressed? Well, no need to worry about that anymore, because although only a few people know about it, many stores such as Starbucks, Jamba Juice, and Subway have secret menus with foods such as these on it. Starbucks secret menu includes many different items from the Ferrero Rocher Frappuccino, a favorite for many chocolate lovers, to the Pink Starburst Frappuccino. They also have other drinks such as the Willy Wonka Frappuccino, the Smores Frappuccino, the Fog Nog Latte, and the Terrys Chocolate Orange Frappuccino. Starbucks also has an assortment of secret teas including the Coldbuster, which is known to sooth sore throats and sinuses. Other teas they have include Peach Ring Tea, Strawberry Lemonade Tea, Pumpkin

Restaurant secret menus revealed

Spice Choco-Chai, and London Fog. Starbucks even has secret sizes such as the short, which is smaller and less expensive than the tall, and trenta, which is 31 ounces, but is only available for iced drinks. The trenta is only 50 cents more than a venti. Another store that has a large variety of items on their secret menu is Jamba Juice. Jamba Juice has many drinks including a Sourpatch Kids drink, a Skittles drink, and a Tootsie Roll drink. They even have flavors such as Apple Pie and Peanut Butter and Jelly. Taco Bells secret menu includes options such as a Cheesarito, the Hulk, and even a Waffle Taco. The Cheesarito, one of Taco Bells most popular secret menu items, includes melted cheese, scallions and taco sauce rolled up in a soft tortilla. The Hulk is a cheese burrito loaded with guacamole. The Waffle Taco is a sausage patty and scrambled eggs wrapped in a waffle. Secret menus offer many new and exciting options that vary from normal eating options, and people just have to look for them.

Ferrero Rocher Frapuccino

Fog Nog Latte

Pink Starburst Frappucino Coldbuster

Black Heritage Organization enriches culture for all

about African American culture and spread cultural diversity in CHS. Students have the chance to learn more about the background of African Americans and spread the word about it. Each week the club talks about current events and they also provide opportunities to help volunteer in the community. BHO is an opportunity for learning about the African culture and lifestyle. We have had a lot of successful meetings where we have addressed African Americans and our culture, taken part in interactive games, and volunteered as a club. We have discussed entrepreneurs, poets, inventors, and various other topics. We are looking forward to taking part in different service projects around Clements and in the community and just growing as a group, said Jennifer Adigwe, junior Recruitment Director. The BHO is a great way to meet new people and learn new things. Anyone who is interested in the culture and background of the African American society can join. It helps students understand African culture in a fun and entertaining environment. Just like any culture, it is important to learn new things about each country and BHO is an opportunity for learning about the African culture and lifestyle. My experience with the Black Heritage Organization has been amazing. I have met different people and really broadened my horizons by trying to help educate others. I have learned a lot and have really grown as a person, said Diael Thomas, vice president. New members are welcome anytime throughout the year and are encouraged to join. Meetings are held every other Tuesday in the downstairs lecture hall at 7 a.m. and are open to all. BHO will host many events to raise awareness for the club throughout the year. It is a different approach to learning about a new culture and an opportunity to gain more knowledge about the lifestyle of the African culture.

Diael Thomas, vice president.

By HAANIYA DAWOODALLY Reporter The Clements student body is famous for the diversity of cultures it holds. So it is logical that CHS houses the Global Studies Academy along with a wide variety of organizations representing a specific country or culture. One of those clubs is the Black Heritage Organization, or BHO. This club helps inform students


Senior leaves legacy for future Rangers

By CHANDNI THAKKAR Ads Editor Senior Michael Wang, is very involved in and out of the community. This year, Michael is on the varsity football team, varsity track and field team, and is the National Honor Society President. Michael is also involved in many activities outside of school such as being a Boy Scout, specifically an Eagle Scout. He is also a part of Shape Up Fort Bend and Grant-A-Starr Teen Board. Wang hopes to attend either UT or Stanford once he graduates from Clements. I absolutely loved the Stanford campus when I visited this past summer, said Wang. He would like to either be a general manager of a professional sports team or an investment banker. His ideal job consists of being able to travel and see the world while working at the same time. Wangs favorite memory at CHS was going up on the stage and doing the senior cheer/dance at the Homecoming pep rally. Everyone had a good laugh out of it. He will really miss his friends, some of whom he has known since the first grade. Wang also said, What I will not miss are the classrooms without windows. He has learned many life lessons throughtout his high school career. When asked about his senior year so far, Wang said, It has not been as easy as it was made out to be, but overall, I have had a great senior year so far. Wangs advice to underclassmen and incoming freshman is to get involved in a couple of clubs that you are passionate about and obtain leadership positions. Be involved in and around the community; the connections that I made helped me tremendously later on. Also, there will be times of failure and you will make mistakes. Just remember that life goes on; it is not the end of the world. Do not take classes or courses just to get the higher GPA credit, take them because they interest you. And finally, hard work pays off. The results may not be there immediately but trust me, they will come in due time.

Sabrina Sha embodies optimism, participation

By Sangeetha Puthigai Voices Editor Sabrina Sha is a happy, well rounded senior. She is an officer in the Clements Thespian Troupe 3689 where she helps organize and participate in many different theatre activities. In theatre club, members work together to help organize each school play. Even though it is time consuming, Sha still finds time for her many hobbies. Some of her hobbies would include, I like to hoop and roller skate in my free time and I dabble in paper mch, said Sha. Sha is also a part of the National Honor Society, an organization where students with outstanding grades are recognized for their hard work. While working hard as an officer in theatre, she still manages to keep her grades up, earning herself a place in this society. Motivated by this club, Sabrina volunteers outside of school with NHS. When asked about what she wants in life, Sha said, What matters to me most is finding an answer, and knowing everything is going to work out. During her time in high school, Sha has gained not only an education, but she has also gained a lot of friends and good memories. She reminisces on her junior year often because she met many new people that made her life even better. Sha would always look forward to going to class so she could see these unforgettable people. So far, Shas high school experience has opened her up to many noteworthy friends. Sha is hoping to go to Trinity University in the fall of 2014 to major in anthropology and womens studies. These subjects have always been of interest to her, and she feels that everyone should do what makes them happy, not something that is not of interest to them. Sha works hard at many different things and because of all that, has a bright future ahead of her. In spite of all the hours she spends studying and volunteering, she finds time to make friends and gain new skills.


Rivalries between NFC, AFC heat up

By RABAB ZEHRA Sports Editor Vince Lombardi is a phenomenal figure in football history, especially Super Bowls. Lombardi is considered to be one of the best and most successful coaches in NFL history. What achievements has this man earned and why is the National Football Leagues Super Bowl trophy named in his honor? Lombardi played football as a teenager in high school and in university. He later went on to coach in that particular order. Then came the big leagues achievements comprise of induction into the Professional Football Hall of Fame and the Green Bay Packers Hall of Fame. The most magnificent achievement however was having the Super Bowl trophy renamed in his honor. Even until now the Vince Lombardi trophy is awarded to either the winning NFC or AFC team. The Super Bowl is an intense rivalry between two conferences. This year the conference game for the National Football Conference was a battle between the Seattle Seahawks and the San Francisco 49ers. In the American Football Conference, the teams who played each other anticipated match of the season. Similarly the Seahawks and 49ers have a long and intense rivalry because they both compete for the NFC West. Pete Carroll, who once used to be the defensive coordinator for the 49ers, has brought his team very far the past couple of years. The Seahawks are said to be the number one threat in the NFL. The 49ers are not shy of a threat themselves, as they made it to the conference for a second year in a row. Jim Harbaugh, who has been coaching the

position and his first of coaching was with the New York Giants in 1954. Five years later Lombardi accepted the position of head coach and general manager for the Green Bay Packers. His accomplishments with the Packers include winning five championships, two Super Bowls, and being named NFL Coach of the Year in his rookie season. Other

in order to advance onto the Super Bowl were the New England Patriots and the Denver Broncos. Brady and Manning are the two most highly concentrated quarterbacks in the NFL. With these two teams playing against one another the AFC championship was certainly the most

49ers since 2011, has led his team to great extents. Now that the Super Bowl XLVIII hype has died down, everyone says goodbye to the football season until next September. Preparations for Major League Baseball have already started.

Trophy hunters-soccer boys are back

By EVELYN LAZARIS Reporter The victorious yells of their teammates pulse through their ears as they toss the worn ball carelessly behind them. The cool of their new trophy metal is a bit of a shock to their calloused fingertips. They new sparkling award raise their into the air above their heads. Clements soccer T h e teams are craving this moment r i g h t now. Soccer season is starting again and Rangers are working hard. Their goals are set higher than ever for this upcoming season, and they intend to accomplish them. We would like to repeat as district champions and make an appearance in the Regional Tournament, said Todd Ericson, soccer coach. Riding off their many previous wins of last year, the boys varsity team is confident in themselves and their strategy and is looking forward to a successful season. Ericson said, The more they put into practice, the more they will get out of the games. With their coaches pushing them, the teams desire to win is greater than ever. All eighteen members of the boys varsity soccer team are excited to win and they will work hard to ensure that they do. I am excited since this group of kids has been together on varsity for a long time and are some of the hardest working and most dedicated players I have had over my twenty- five years of coaching, said Ericson. In order to strategize for the upcoming season, the team is trying a different game They are hoping plan this year. that this special tactic will them the title guarantee of district champions. W e will look at playing with one forward a n d

five midfielders this year, said Ericson. All of the teams hope for huge crowds along with huge wins.

Amber Wang believes: practice, practice, practice

quite overwhelming to juggle sports along with her classes, but she has many friends that help her. At a golf tournament, I usually arrive at the course about an hour to an hour and a half hour prior to my tee time so that I can warm up and practice. Then, at the designated time, I tee off, playing with two to four other players for eighteen holes. Usually, the tournaments are two or three days long and each round lasts for around four to five hours. After the last day, when everyone has finished, awards are handed out and everybody celebrates, said Wang. To her, the most challenging part about golf is the mental pressure that each player has. Since it is mostly an individual sport, it can become quite frustrating at times. Unlike many other sports, the frustration of missing a hole can become very difficult because the players have no one to rely on but themselves. Even with the struggle of the pressure, Wang has found this sport very thrilling to be a part of. The most memorable experience in high school so far was when our team won regionals last year, which was pretty amazing and unexpected. I think everyone was shocked after the first day, when we were leading. We managed to maintain our lead and place first overall. It was rewarding because what we worked towards all year finally paid off in the end, said Wang. The person that she can look back on and thank is her mother because she was the one that pushed Wang to join golf. Her greatest achievement was when she was in an AJGA (American Junior Golf Association) tournament this past summer. It had many competitive players from around the nation and Wang was able to place third. She feels very proud of herself to be third because it had many tough competitors, but she was able to pull through and get the spot that she deserved. She is also truly grateful for her family and friends. I never imagined this to be my life. Golf was not anything serious for me at all in the beginning, but it quickly grew on me. Now it is the biggest part of my life. It is funny how things work out. I am thankful for everyone who has supported me, including my mom who has put in probably the most effort into this, and my sister who is with me every step of the way, said Wang. Even in ten years, she knows that she will continue to play golf either competitively or as a hobby. I am planning on playing colligate golf, but I am not sure yet. My academics are important to me and I would like to go to a good school as well as play golf in college. If it all works out, hopefully I can play for the school I want, said Wang. Through the good and the bad of golf, Wang wants to be able to continue this sport through college and possibly as a profession. She has her hopes set high of being able to compete against the professional players such as Tiger Woods.

By SAMEEN SIDDIQUI Reporter Amber Wang is a junior golf player. Her love for this sport began when she was in the sixth grade. At first, she was not very serious about golf, but with the help of her mom, sister and friends, she began to enjoy it very much. I do not think there has been a day when I do not practice, said Amber Wang, junior. Through this, it is clear that she is ardent towards golf. She believes that it can get

Ryan Oujesky strives to reach fullest potential

By KASEY VOLLMERING Ads Editor Ryan Oujesky is not just the star baseball stud but also is involved in many other activities here at Clements High School. Along with NHS and DECA, I have dedicated most of my time at Clements to baseball and FFA, I have been playing baseball since before I can remember. Its a huge part of my life and I love everything about it, said Ryan. Ryan has been apart of the Clements FFA for all four years of his high school career. He puts a lot of hard work into the program and does all he can to help out. The Clements FFA program has taught me determination and discipline. I have been raising animals since 2nd grade and 14 the experience and people Ive met through it are unforgettable, said Ryan. Outside of school Ryan spends his time volunteering with mentally challenged kids. This year he started with a program called Hope For 3 Organization. Hes apart of the teen council with where he helps mentor and support families with autism. Some of the huge events are called Striking Out Autism. Volunteering was not just for service hours, it taught me how to put others first and that giving is important, said Ryan. After high school Ryan plans on going to college where he hopes he can then live his dream of pursuing a baseball career. Clements has raised me to be a go getter and to strive for my fullest potential these last four years, and thats something Ill always be able to remember, said Ryan.

Who is your celebrity crush?

Orlando Bloom. Thiri Lwin, junior.

Emma Watson. Michael Rosario, freshman.

Obama. Maria Tyas, sophomore.

Michael Ealy, man candy beauty chocolate man. Diael Thomas, junior.

Channing Tatum. Nikhil Agarwal, freshman.

Sharhrukh Khan, all the way. Sindhu Sathees, junior.

Harrison Ford. Ellion Tomasello, senior.

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