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THESE QUESTIONS ALSO APPEARED OFTEN IN QUATERLY, HALFYEARLY AND PRE-BOARD EXAINATION S OF DIFFERENT PUBLIC SCHOOLS OF DELHI. (Generally five-, three-, two- and one- marks questions are generated from the theory and derivation part of the questions mentioned below including final formula

1. 2. &.

Which physical quantity has the unit Wb/m2 ? Is it a scalar r or vector quantity?**
[ Ans: The physical quantity is ma netic !iel" in"uction an" it is a vector quantity#

What is the $ I unit o! ma netic pole stren th. %e!ine ma netic "ipole moment. 'o( "oes the )i* pose stren th an" )ii* ma netic moment o! each part o! a bar ma net chan e i! it is curt into t(o equal pieces transverse to len th?***
[Ans: )i*the pole stren th remain s unchan e" + since pole stren th "epen"s )as number o! atoms in cross,sectional area* )ii* The ma netic moment is re"uce to hal! #


A bar ma net is cut into t(o equal parts. .ne part is /ept over the other in such a (ay so that the N,pole o! one is above S,pole+ an" on other si"e S,pole is over the N, pole. I! M is the ma netic moment o! the ori inal ma net+ (het (oul" be the ma netic moment o! the combination.
[ Ans:The net moment o! the combination 0 )1/2* 2 )1/2* 0 3 #

4. 6.


<. =.

%e!ine the term ma netic moment o! a current loop. Write the e5pression !or the ma netic moment (hen an electron revolves a t a spee" v aroun" an" orbit o! ra"ius r in hy"ro en atom. ** %i!!erentiate %ia+ 7ara an" 8erro ma netism. 9ive the characteristics o! %ia an" 7ara ma netic substances (hen place" in ma netic !iel". %e!ine :urie temperature. %istin uish the ma netic properties o! "ia, + para, an" !erroma netic substances in terms o! )i* $usceptibility+ )ii* 1a netic permeability an" coercivity. 9ive an e5ample o! each o! these materials.%r( the !iel" lines "ue to e5ternal ma netic !iel" near a )i* %iama netic an" )ii* 7arama netic substance.*** %istin uish bet(een a "iama netic substance an" a parama netic substance+ satin t(o point s o! "i!!erence.**** %e!ine ma netic susceptibility o! a material. >ame t(o elements+ one havin positive susceptibility an" the other havin ne ative susceptibility. What "oes ne ative susceptibility si ni!y?****
[Ans: Iron has positive susceptibility (hile copper has ne ative susceptibility.#

2 13. The susceptibility o! a ma netic material is ,0.085 . I"enti!y the ma netic type o! the material. A specimen o! this material is place" in a uni!orm ma netic !ile". %ra( the mo"i!ie" !iel" pattern.** 11. Write any three characteristics+ a !erroma netic substance shoul" posses i! it is to be use" to ma/e a permanent ma net. 9ive one e5ample o! such a material.**
[ Ans:It must have hi h permeability+ hi h retentivity an" hi h coerciveity. ?5ample is $teel#

12. What is earth@s ma netic element? %erive the relations bet(een them. *********** 1&. ?5plain (ith the help o! "ia ram the terms ma netic "eclination at a iven place.*** 1-. %e!ine the term ma netic inclination. %e"uce the relation connectin the horiAontal component an" inclination (ith the help o! a "ia ram.***** 14. %e!ine the tem an le o! "ip. What is the value o! the an le o! "ip at the ma netic equator? What "oes it mean?**** 16. 'o( "oes the value to "ip vary !rom earth@s equator to the >orth 7ole?
[Ans: The vlue o! "ip an le increases !rom 3o to =3o as (e move mort equator to pole#

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