Keong Mas - Drama

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Keong Mas

One day, there was a boy named Galoran, no one underestimated him because his richness and his father status. On the other hand, Galoran was very lazy and extravagant. He only wasted his parents wealth. Galoran : Good morning dad!

Galorans father : Good morning my son! What are you going to do? Galoran : Im going to take a walk around dad.

Galorans father : Hey, dont you want to do some jobs? Galoran : What? No way, Ill never do any jobs in my life. Ive been rich already. Why should I do some jobs? Galorans father : Because you must have some job experiences which can help you in your life. Galoran : Ah, never mind bout that. Okay, I must go now dad, bye!

Galorans father : Bye! Be careful my son! Until his parents died, Galoran still didnt feel conscious about his life. His activities only ate and slept with no spirit to live happily at all. Many villagers felt pity to him. Moreover, they offered Galoran to do some jobs but he always refused those offers. Until one day he met a widow.. Galoran : Ups, Im sorry, Im not watching my steps.

Jambeans mom : Thats all right. Im not watching my steps too. Hey, are you Galoran? Galoran : Yes, I am. And you are?

Jambeans mom :I am Jambeans mom. Oh my God, youre very handsome Galoran. Do you want to be my husband? Galoran : (thinking for a while)

At that time, Galoran thought that if he got married with Jambeans mom who was a very rich widow, then he shouldnt work and he could get money easily from his wife. Jambeans mom : Its okay whether you cant answer it now. Okay then, see you. Galoran : Wait!!!! Okay, I want to be your wife.

Jambeans mom : Really? But Ive already had 1 daughter. Its that okay with you?? Galoran : Thats okay. I can take care of her.

Jambeans mom : Thank you so much my husband.

From that day on, Galoran lived with Jambean whose her handmade woven cloth was very famous and her mom. At first, he was glad because he could live there without anyone disturbing him. However, when Galoran was sleeping.. Jambean Galoran Jambean : Hey, wake up! Dont be too lazy, you must work hard so you can live better. : Youre disturbing my sleep, get out of here now! : (Sighed) Lazy old man!

Jambeans mom : Whats wrong Galoran? Galoran : Your daughter is very excessive. I dont like it.

Jambeans mom : No, Galoran, she just reminds you to get some jobs and work. She isnt an excessive girl, she is kind girl, and she never disappointed me as a mom. Galoran : Bullshit! Now you must choose between her and me.

Jambeans mom : Ill choose both of those, because all of them are worthy for me. Galoran : Ill kill your daughter than. After Jambean arrived at home, her mother looked sad, so Jambean asked her mother.. Jambeans mom : (cried) T.T Jambean : Why are you crying? Is there anything happens? Jambeans mom told her if Galoran would kill her because he doesnt like Jambean at all. Jambeans mom : Your father will kill you my daughter. Jambean : Thats okay mom. Its been my destiny form God; you shouldnt be distressed with that, because something true must be winning at the end.

Jambeans mom : But Jambean : Its okay mom. If I die, you should throw my corpse in the river.

And the day when Jambean was killed has come, and as she said, her mother threw her corpse away in the river. Suddenly it turned into a golden snail and washed away to Dadapan river One day, in Dadapan village there were 2 widows whose job was taking woods and leaves from the forest near Dadapan river. They were Sambega and Sembadil. They were very poor , suddenly.. Sembadil Sembaga Sembadil : Look Sembaga! Over there! : What is it? : Its a golden snail. I like its color.

Sembaga Sembadil

: Just bring it home and take care of is it okay? : Of course its okay. Its very okay.

At home, they kept the golden snail in a place which was full of mud. Days after they found the golden snail, they became richer and richer. Moreover, every time they went home from working, there were delicious foods on the table. As a result, they felt anxious about that. One morning, they pretended to go working, but theyve decided to go back home earlier because they wanted to know who prepared the foods for them. Suddenly.. Sembaga Sembadil Sembaga : Look! Look! : OMG, the golden snail turned into a beautiful girl. : Come on! We must capture it before it turns back into a snail.

When they captured Jambean.. Sembadil Sembaga Jambean : Who are you? : Are you a fairy? Youre very beautiful, young lady. : No, Im not a fairy, Im just an ordinary girl. Im Jambean. I was killed by my father, so I became a golden snail. : You can be my daughter if you want. Right Sembaga? : Yes, Sembadil, thats right. : Thank you very much mothers.

Sembadil Sembaga Jambean

Since then, Jambean helped Sembadil and Sembaga by making woven clothes, which are very good and the woven clothes became very famous until one day a young King knew about that woven clothes. As a result, the King wanted to met Jambean, after he knew that Jambean was a kind girl, they got married and they lived happily ever after.

Group 7 Michele Nathania Ivan Kristianto Clairine Nathania Stephanie Dju. Vely Tania (07) (14) (21) (28) (35)

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