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Andrew Iden 951 Glenwood Ave. SE #1502 Atlanta, GA 30316 0 !5"3!

660 @A#Iden
Comprehensive understanding of Final Cut Pro/non linear editing systems Experienced in live television production techniques and logistics Thorough knowledge of news-gathering and editorial processes for reaking news !killed researcher Thorough knowledge of media/content and asset management "nowledge of content management systems #$ordPress% &logger% etc' Thorough understanding of interviewing techniques% esta lishing relationships with newsmakers and sources Experienced in working with high profile news anchors and talent Experienced in coordinating production resources from the field etween clients and networks Proven a ility to as a dynamic team mem er% with a passion for creativity and colla oration

!hepherd College - !ept( )***-+ay )**, B.A. Mass Communications Journalism Minor

C-- Experience
Freelance .ssignment Editor% /ct( )*0,-Present Generate news leads and sources Gather/obtain editorial information for network show teams, CNN Wire service and CNN s di!ital "latforms

Coordinate covera!e "lans/field crew de"lo#ment with editorial mana!ers Collaborate with network resources to develo" editorial strate!ies Producer--ancy 1race &ehind &ars% Fe ( )*0,-.pril )*0, $versaw the entire "roduction of three "art Nanc# Grace %"ecial Wrote, "roduced mana!ed stor# structure Mana!ed/directed edit sessions %ecured licensin! of music elements &ield "roduced shoots on location, interviewed stor# characters Mana!ed/scheduled field crews and "ersonnel Producer% 23-/-ancy 1race% +ay )**4-.pril )*0, Coordinate news!atherin! strate!ies for covera!e Mana!e show field crews and "roducers 'dit video elements for broadcast (roduce se!ments for show s di!ital e)tensions %erved as secondar# line "roducer/control room lead .ssociate Producer% 23-/-ancy 1race5 Fe ( )**6-+ay )**4 %earch/edit/com"ile video elements for broadcast Maintain show s video archive/librar# for reference *esearch stories and editorial information +edia /perations Feeds Coordinator% 7uly )**8-Fe ( )**6 Coordinated incomin! video feeds from domestic/international bureaus Mana!ed in!est of video into internal network video edit servers Mana!ed metadata of video contained in network servers 9ideo 7ournalist% !ept( )**,-7uly )**8 Mana!e studio floor durin! national/international newscasts $"erate tele"rom"ter +istribute scri"ts to on,air talent/anchors

Freelance Production Experience

Producer% /utside Film% !ept( )**:-;ec( )*00

Coordinated "roduction for The Athens Music Project +ocumentar#, (roduced field shoots/-nterviewed documentar# sub.ects %"earheaded "roduction "ublicit# efforts <ndependent Producer (roduced and wrote inde"endent "roduction of (ick A %trin!/ 0he %tor# $f 'verett s Music Barn Coordinated all as"ects of "roduction, castin! and interviewin! of stor# sub.ects $versaw edits and "ost "roduction "rocess

$riting Experience
&logger5 Wrote and edited 0he 'm"t# Note"ad Blo! %elected for Word(ress 1&reshl# (ressed Best Blo!/ +ec. 2 , 3456

Contri utor% C-- Entertainment% +ay )**:-/cto er )*00 Wrote features on musicians and artists $riter% The &luegrass !ituation% .ugust )*0,-Present

Write and produce features following The Bluegrass Situation's editorial vision and mission. Secure interviews with musicians through publicity representatives and agents. Cover music industry events and conventions Sports Writer, Byrd Newspapers, August 1997-August 2000 Contributing correspondent for The Winchester Star sports section Sports editor/columnist/reporter for the Warren Sentinel Worked with photographers and designers to design and construct sports pages and sections Wrote features as well as spot news stories.

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