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9th Grade Course Selections

The Arts English

6th February 2014

The Arts

ACS English Courses

Which course should you take next?

What are your goals?

University in the USA University in the UK University elsewhere Other post-secondary school activity

Students can reach their goals with one of the following:

Graduate from ACS with a High School Diploma OR Graduate from ACS with an IB Diploma

Which way is BEST for you? If you are unsure about which route is best for you, consider this information!..

To graduate with a HS Diploma, you need:

To graduate with an IB Diploma, you need:

Either IB English A Literature in 11th and 12th grades or IB English A Language and Literature in 11th and 12th grades or IB English B in 11th and 12th grades

Paths to Your Goal

The HS/AP Path


ENGLISH 11 ENGLISH or 12 AP or ENGLISH ENGLISH AP Language & ENGLISH 10 ADVANCED Composition Literature & Composition *


*British universities usually require 3 AP courses in 12th grade

The IB Path





Teacher recommendation required

English 11
Students focus on
techniques to analyze a wide variety of texts including American literature and writing in various forms such as literary essays, researched reports, expository (informative) essays, or creative assignments. studying vocabulary and grammar.

English 12
Students focus on
techniques to analyze a wide variety of texts including British literature and nonfiction writing in various forms such as literary essays, researched reports, expository (informative) essays, and creative assignments. studying vocabulary and grammar.

Are IB or AP Courses Right for You?

Entry into IB/AP courses is a privilege not a right. A good IB/AP student must be:
Hard working Well organised Self motivated Mature

Performance in Grade 10
Generally speaking, we expect potential IB/ AP students in Grade 10 to have:
A/B average or above Good study habits Good time management skills A positive attitude

AP Language
AP English LANGUAGE and Composition focuses on rhetorical strategies, argument, persuasion, and writing. Study includes novels, short stories, essays, speeches, and visual texts. A typical week involves daily reading and written homework; a typical semester includes several essays on literary and rhetorical strategies used in the books or essays discussed in class. AP Language has an external exam in May.

AP Literature
AP English Literature and Composition engages students in the careful reading and critical analysis of literature. Through the close reading of selected texts, students deepen their understanding of the ways writers use language. The course includes intensive study of literary works from various genres and periods. This course has an external exam in May.

IB A1 Literature
IB English Literature The English A1 programme is a literature course studied as part of the IB Diploma when English is the first language of the student or the language in which the student is most competent. You study up to 13 major texts over two years. The formal IB assessment is based on two written exams, two World Literature essays and two orals.

IB A Language and Literature

IB English A Language and Literature is a new IB course for first language students or when English is the language in which the student is most competent. This course combines a study of the English language with texts form both literary and media sources. It has four parts: Language in cultural context, Language and mass communication, Literature Texts and contexts, Literature Critical study. The course is assessed through two written exams, two oral exams and the submission of two written tasks.

IB English B
IB English B is an English course for students for whom English is their second or second best language. This course is appropriate for students who are taking another language as their A1 option in the IB Diploma. It involves the development of advanced English skills through a wide variety of activities using texts from both media and literary sources. It is assessed through two written exams, the submission of an externally assessed written assignment and two oral exams.

Explore in the course selection booklet and on forum. Talk to your English teacher and your parents. Make an informed choice to help you reach your goals.

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