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Contact: Rodolfo Martinez rmartinez@gohrmc.

com 305-573-0882

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Travelpro Voted Worlds Best Lu a e !" #re$%er Traveler Ma a&%ne

-Premier Traveler Readers Voted Travelpro Platinum Magna Collection the Worlds Best uggage! "#ard-

Boca Raton' Fla( ) Fe!ruar" *' +,-. ) Travelpro, the original inventor of Rolla oard! l"ggage and a mar#et leader in innovative, high-$"alit% l"ggage de&ign, 'a& honored to receive the Worlds Best uggage "#ard for it& (latin"m! Magna) l"ggage collection from (remier Traveler Magazine*& reader-&elected +,e&t of 20-3 li&t.. Travelpro /01, Ro Ran#in, 'a& on hand to receive the a'ard at (remier Traveler Magazine*& fe&tive gala event, cele rating the "pper echelon of the glo al travel ind"&tr%, held at the 2ofitel 3o& 4ngele& 5otel. 1ver -6,000 (remier Traveler &" &cri er& 'ere invited to vote for the ,e&t of 20-3 4'ard& in a &"rve% po&ted on premiertravel"& from 7"ne -&t thro"gh 2eptem er 20th, 20-3. The &"rve% con&i&ted of open-ended $"e&tion& onl%, 'ith no compan% name& given or choice& provided. 4& a re&"lt, the l"ggage (remier Traveler reader& favored mo&t 'a& Travelpro, the l"ggage choice of flight cre'& and fre$"ent traveler& and it& innovative (latin"m Magna collection. 89e 'ant to than# (remier Traveler &" &cri er&, o"r c"&tomer&, retail partner& and the media for all their complementar% comment& on o"r prod"ct&,. &aid 2cott 4pple ee, Travelpro:& ;ice (re&ident of Mar#eting, after receiving the a'ard from (remier Traveler reader&. +,% li&tening to c"&tomer feed ac# via &ocial media, prod"ct revie'& and o &ervational re&earch, 'e 'ere a le to identif% the implicit need& of the c"&tomer that led to the development of the innovative (latin"m Magna magnetic 8-'heel &pinner &%&tem, 'hich eliminate& the drifting and p"lling effect that i& t%picall% &een in other 6- and 8'heel 2pinner l"ggage.. The (latin"m Magna /ollection introd"ce& fo"r revol"tionar% patent-pending feat"re&, incl"ding the MagnaTrac) magnetic 8-'heel &pinner &%&tem, 'ith "&er remova le and replacea le 2pinner 'heel&, a& 'ell a& the <"raframe! framing &%&tem, the (o'er2cope e=ten&ion handle and the /onto"r handle grip. The end re&"lt of the&e feat"re& i& the l"ggage i& ea&ier to move, more d"ra le, lighter 'eight and more comforta le to grip. The entire gro"nd rea#ing (latin"m Magna collection i& ac#ed % the Travelpro! +9orr%->ree. lifetime 'arrant%. >or additional information on the Travelpro (latin"m Magna /ollection or an% other of Travelpro*& e=pan&ive line of l"ggage, contact or dial 305-573-0882. A!out Travelpro >or over 25 %ear&, Travelpro ?nternational ha& prided it&elf on de&ign innovation and d"ra ilit% in crafting the highe&t $"alit% l"ggage for traveler& 'orld'ide. 2ince tran&forming the ea&e of modern da% travel 'ith The 1riginal Rolla oard! 'heeled l"ggage, Travelpro! ha& een the rand of choice for flight cre'& and fre$"ent traveler& 'orld'ide. Travelpro i& dedicated to "ilding a lifelong relation&hip 'ith it& c"&tomer& % con&i&tentl% "nder&tanding and e=ceeding their need&. Travelpro 'a& honored to receive

the @e' (rod"ct ?nnovation 4'ard from the Travel Aood& 4&&ociation BTA4C in March 20-3 for the revol"tionar% (latin"m! Magna) l"ggage collection. (lea&e vi&it Travelpro at ''' for a f"ll li&t of the late&t prod"ct& and retail location&. >ollo' "& on >ace oo# at '''.face oo#.comDTravelpro?@T3 and T'itterE @Travelpro?ntl A!out #re$%er Traveler (remier Traveler 'a& de&igned 'ith it& reader& in mindE fre$"ent traveler& 'ho are perpet"all% on-the go B oth dome&ticall% and a roadC, 'ho have high e=pectation& and a ta&te for l"="r%. 9ith a foc"& on e=cellence in 'riting and re&pon&e to reader re$"e&t&, Premier Traveler provide& val"a le and relevant in&ight& in an intelligent, energetic &t%le. The magazine i& noted for re&ponding to it& reader&, % providing detailed informational &"rve%&, in&ider revie'& and in-depth an&'er& to i&&"e& concerning fre$"ent traveler&. FFF

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