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Maybeck HS Biology Sp 2014 Exam 1 Name___________________________________ MULTIPLE CHOICE.

Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question. 1) The str ct re o! a protei" is #etermi"e# by 1) _____ $) the se% e"ce o! the ami"o aci#s it co"tai"s& B) the " mber o! ami"o aci#s it co"tai"s& ') the ! "ctio" o! the " cleic aci#s it co"tai"s& () the " mber o! !atty aci#s it co"tai"s& 2) The se% e"ce o! e)e"ts i" the process o! protei" sy"thesis is s ally 2) _____ $) (N$ *N$ protei"& B) *N$ protei" (N$& ') +rotei" *N$ (N$& () *N$ (N$ protei"& ,) -hich o! the !ollo.i"g compleme"tary base pairi"gs occ r" (N$ a"# *N$/ ,) _____ $) ' to 0 a"# $ to T B) 1 to ' a"# $ to 0 ') $ to T a"# ' to 1 () T to ' a"# $ to 1 4) The *N$ molec le that carries the se% e"ce o! " cleoti#es "ee#e# to #etermi"e the or#er o! ami"o aci#s i" a protei" is $) ribosomal *N$& ') messe"ger *N$& 4) _____

B) tra"s!er *N$& () tra"slator *N$&

2) *N$ polymerase bi"#s to the ________ to begi" the process o! tra"scriptio"& 2) _____ $) str ct ral ge"e B) promoter ') co#o" () a"tico#o" 3) -hich o! the !ollo.i"g ser)es as the template # ri"g tra"scriptio"/ 3) _____ $) m*N$ B) (N$ ') t*N$ () polymerase 4) -hat is the ! "ctio" o! t*N$ molec les # ri"g tra"slatio"/ 4) _____ $) They e"co#e the i"str ctio"s !or protei" sy"thesis& B) They "5ip #o ble-stra"#e# m*N$& ') They ser)e as the starti"g poi"t !or *N$ polymerase& () They carry ami"o aci#s to the ribosome& 6) -hat sig"al .he" prese"t at the ribosome ca ses protei" sy"thesis to e"#/ 6) _____ $) t*N$ B) a stop co#o" ') *N$ polymerase () (N$ 7) 'o"si#er a stra"# o! (N$ .ith the se% e"ce 1$$TT'11'$& -hat is the se% e"ce o! the compleme"tary stra"#/ $) 'TT$$1''1T ') $11''T$$T1 7) _____

B) $'11'TT$$1 () 1$$TT'11'$

10) -hich o! the !ollo.i"g is a !eat re o! (N$/ 10) _____ $) $#e"i"e 8$) !orms a base pair .ith cytosi"e 8')& B) The backbo"e o! each stra"# is compose# o! alter"ati"g s gar a"# phosphate gro ps& ') (N$ remai"s co"#e"se# i" a short li"ear !orm both be!ore a"# a!ter cell #i)isio"& () 'ompleme"tary stra"#s are hel# together by io"ic bo"#s& 11) The term 9semico"ser)ati)e replicatio"9 re!ers to the !act that 11) _____ $) the (N$ molec le i"cl #es a pare"tal stra"# a"# " create# (N$ stra"#& B) the mo#e o! (N$ replicatio" is o"ly te"tati)ely #escribe#& ') (N$ is "ot : st o"e stra"# b t t.o compleme"tary stra"#s& () (N$ is create# !rom o"ly !o r o! "i"e a)ailable " cleoti#es&

12) N cleoti#es i" opposi"g stra"#s o! (N$ that bi"# to each other are calle# 12) _____ $) compleme"tary& B) sister chromati#s& ') semico"ser)ati)e& () co":oi"e#&

1,) (N$ polymerase mo)es alo"g the le"gth o! the ".o "# helix; starti"g at the e"# o! o"e stra"# a"# !i"ishi"g at the e"# o! the other stra"#& $s sho." i" this !ig re; .hat is the res lt o! this phe"ome"o"/ 1,) _____ $) <ree " cleoti#es are a##e# to o"e stra"# o! pare"tal (N$ b t "ot to the other& B) ="e res lti"g #o ble stra"# o! (N$ is compose# o! "e. (N$; a"# o"e is compose# o! pare"tal (N$& ') (N$ polymerase is #estroye# as it bi"#s " cleoti#es to !orm each #a ghter stra"#& () The (N$ polymerase mo)es the ".o "# helix o" o"e stra"# o! (N$ a"# a.ay !rom it o" the other stra"#& 14) *eplicatio" i" prokaryotes #i!!ers !rom replicatio" i" e karyotes !or .hich o! the !ollo.i"g reaso"s/ 14) _____

$) +rokaryotic chromosomes ha)e histo"es; .hereas e karyotic chromosomes #o "ot& B) +rokaryotes ha)e telomeres; a"# e karyotes #o "ot& ') +rokaryotes pro# ce =ka5aki !ragme"ts # ri"g (N$ replicatio"; b t e karyotes #o "ot& () The rate o! elo"gatio" # ri"g (N$ replicatio" is i" prokaryotes tha" i" e karyotes& E) +rokaryotic chromosomes ha)e a si"gle origi" o! replicatio"; .hereas e karyotic chromosomes ha)e ma"y& 12) $" =ka5aki !ragme"t has .hich o! the !ollo.i"g arra"geme"ts/ 12) _____ $) ,> *N$ " cleoti#es; (N$ " cleoti#es 2> B) primase; polymerase; ligase ') (N$ polymerase ?; (N$ polymerase ??? () 2> (N$ to ,> E) 2> *N$ " cleoti#es; (N$ " cleoti#es ,>

13) -hich e"5yme cataly5es the elo"gatio" o! a (N$ stra"# i" the 2> ,> #irectio"/

13) _____ $) helicase B) primase ') topoisomerase () (N$ polymerase ??? E) (N$ ligase

14) -hat is the ! "ctio" o! (N$ polymerase ???/ 14) _____ $) to ".i"# the (N$ helix # ri"g replicatio" B) to seal together the broke" e"#s o! (N$ stra"#s ') to re:oi" the t.o (N$ stra"#s 8o"e "e. a"# o"e ol#) a!ter replicatio" () to a## " cleoti#es to the ,> e"# o! a gro.i"g (N$ stra"# E) to #egra#e #amage# (N$ molec les 16) -hat is the role o! (N$ ligase i" the elo"gatio" o! the laggi"g stra"# # ri"g (N$ replicatio"/ 16) _____ $) ?t cataly5es the le"gthe"i"g o! telomeres& B) ?t ".i"#s the pare"tal #o ble helix& ') ?t sy"thesi5es *N$ " cleoti#es to make a primer& () ?t :oi"s =ka5aki !ragme"ts together& E) ?t stabili5es the ".o "# pare"tal (N$& 17) ?! a cell .ere "able to pro# ce histo"e protei"s; .hich o! the !ollo.i"g .o l# be a likely e!!ect/ 17) _____ $) $mpli!icatio" o! other ge"es .o l# compe"sate !or the lack o! histo"es& B) Spi"#le !ibers .o l# "ot !orm # ri"g prophase& ') +se #oge"es .o l# be tra"scribe# to compe"sate !or the #ecrease# protei" i" the cell& () There .o l# be a" i"crease i" the amo "t o! 9satellite9 (N$ pro# ce# # ri"g ce"tri! gatio"& E) The cell>s (N$ co l#">t be packe# i"to its " cle s& 20) The lactose opero" is likely to be tra"scribe# .he" 20) _____ $) there is gl cose b t "o lactose i" the cell& B) the cyclic $M+ le)els are lo.& ') the c$M+ le)el is high a"# the lactose le)el is lo.& () there is more gl cose i" the cell tha" lactose& E) the cyclic $M+ a"# lactose le)els are both high .ithi" the cell& 21) $lter"ati)e *N$ splici"g 21) _____ $) i"creases the rate o! tra"scriptio"& B) is # e to the prese"ce or abse"ce o! partic lar s"*N+s& ') is a mecha"ism !or i"creasi"g the rate o! tra"scriptio"& () ca" allo. the pro# ctio" o! similar protei"s !rom #i!!ere"t *N$s& E) ca" allo. the pro# ctio" o! protei"s o! #i!!ere"t si5es a"# ! "ctio"s !rom a si"gle m*N$& 22) ?" compari"g (N$ replicatio" .ith *N$ tra"scriptio" i" the same cell; .hich o! the !ollo.i"g is tr e o"ly o! replicatio"/ 22) _____ $) ?t ses *N$ polymerase& B) ?t makes a "e. molec le !rom its 2> e"# to its ,> e"#& ') The process occ rs i" the " cle s o! a e karyotic cell& () The e"tire template molec le is represe"te# i" the pro# ct& E) The process is extremely !ast o"ce it is i"itiate#& 2,) =! the !ollo.i"g; .hich is the most c rre"t #escriptio" o! a ge"e/ 2,) _____ $) a "it o! here#ity that ca ses !ormatio" o! a phe"otypic characteristic B) a (N$ s b "it that co#es !or a si"gle complete protei" ') a (N$-*N$ se% e"ce combi"atio" that res lts i" a" e"5ymatic pro# ct () a #iscrete "it o! here#itary i"!ormatio" that co"sists o! a se% e"ce o! ami"o aci#s E) a (N$ se% e"ce that is expresse# to !orm a ! "ctio"al pro# ct either *N$ or polypepti#e

24) -hich o! the !ollo.i"g stateme"ts is tr e abo t protei" sy"thesis i" prokaryotes/ 24) _____ $) +rokaryotic cells ha)e complicate# mecha"isms !or targeti"g protei"s to the appropriate cell lar orga"elles& B) Exte"si)e *N$ processi"g is re% ire# be!ore prokaryotic tra"scripts ca" be tra"slate#& ') Tra"slatio" re% ires a"tibiotic acti)ity& () 0"like e karyotes; prokaryotes re% ire "o i"itiatio" or elo"gatio" !actors& E) Tra"slatio" ca" begi" .hile tra"scriptio" is still i" progress& 22) -hich o! the !ollo.i"g is the !irst e)e"t to take place i" tra"slatio" i" e karyotes/ 22) _____ $) co)ale"t bo"#i"g" the !irst t.o ami"o aci#s B) base pairi"g o! acti)ate# methio"i"e-t*N$ to $01 o! the messe"ger *N$ ') bi"#i"g o! the larger ribosomal s b "it to smaller ribosomal s b "its () elo"gatio" o! the polypepti#e E) the small s b "it o! the ribosome recog"i5es a"# attaches to the 2> cap o! m*N$ 23) -hat is the ! "ctio" o! the release !actor 8*<)/ 23) _____ $) ?t releases the ribosome !rom the E* to allo. polypepti#es i"to the cytosol& B) ?t separates t*N$ i" the $ site !rom the gro.i"g polypepti#e& ') ?t bi"#s to the stop co#o" i" the $ site i" place o! a t*N$& () ?t s pplies a so rce o! e"ergy !or termi"atio" o! tra"slatio"& E) ?t releases the ami"o aci# !rom its t*N$ to allo. the ami"o aci# to !orm a pepti#e bo"#& 24) Tra"scriptio" !actors i" e karyotes s ally ha)e (N$ bi"#i"g #omai"s as .ell as other #omai"s that are also speci!ic !or bi"#i"g& ?" ge"eral; .hich o! the !ollo.i"g .o l# yo expect ma"y o! them to be able to bi"#/ 24) _____ $) t*N$ B) repressors ') $T+ () protei"-base# hormo"es E) other tra"scriptio" !actors 26) $llolactose; a" isomer o! lactose; is !orme# i" small amo "ts !rom lactose& $" E. coli cell is prese"te# !or the !irst time .ith the s gar lactose 8co"tai"i"g allolactose) as a pote"tial !oo# so rce& -hich o! the !ollo.i"g occ rs .he" the lactose e"ters the cell/ 26) _____ $) $llolactose bi"#s to the reg lator ge"e& B) *N$ polymerase attaches to the reg lator& ') $llolactose bi"#s to the repressor protei"& () The repressor protei" attaches to the reg lator& E) The repressor protei" a"# allolactose bi"# to *N$ polymerase& 27) -hat is the se% e"ce o! the m*N$ ma#e !rom the ge"e TT$'$11T''/ 27) _____ $) 11$1T11$'' B) 00$'$110'' ') $$010''$11 () $$T1T''$11 ,0) -hich o! the !ollo.i"g 9 "5ips9 the #o ble helix o! (N$/ ,0) _____ $) m*N$ B) *N$ polymerase ') a" a"tico#o" () t*N$

1) $ 2) $ ,) B 4) ' 2) B 3) B 4) ( 6) B 7) $ 10) B 11) $ 12) $ 1,) ( 14) E 12) E 13) ( 14) ( 16) ( 17) E 20) E 21) E 22) ( 2,) E 24) E 22) E 23) ' 24) E 26) ' 27) ' ,0)

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