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Riddle 1: Four men were in a boat on the lake.

The boat turns over, and all four men sink to the bottom of the lake, yet not a single man got wet! Why? Solution: > > > > > Top 100 riddles and brain teasers> > > > > > e!ause they were all married and not single Riddle ": what is the end of everything?? Solution: > > > > > Top 100 riddles and brain teasers> > > > > > the end of everything is g! Riddle #: What$s full of holes but still holds water? Solution: > > > > > Top 100 riddles and brain teasers> > >

> > > % s&onge! Riddle ': % woman has ( !hildren, half of them are boys. )ow !an this be &ossible? Solution: > > > > > Top 100 riddles and brain teasers> > > > > > *Them* refers to the all the &eo&le mentioned.... a woman and ( !hildren. Riddle +: ,y voi!e is tender, my waist is slender and -$m often invited to &lay. .et wherever - go must take my bow or else - have nothing to say. What am -? Solution: > > > > > Top 100 riddles and brain teasers> > > > > > violin Riddle /: - !an be !ra!ked, - !an be made. - !an be told, - !an be &layed. What am -? Solution: >

> > > > Top 100 riddles and brain teasers> > > > > > - am a 0oke. Riddle (: % basket !ontains + a&&les. 1o you know how to divide them among + kids so that ea!h one has an a&&le and one a&&le stays in the basket? Solution: > > > > > Top 100 riddles and brain teasers> > > > > > give the four kids their res&e!tive a&&les ... for the last kid, give him the basket with the a&&le in it Riddle 2: 3nly two ba!kbones and thousands of ribs. Solution: > > > > > Top 100 riddles and brain teasers> > > > > >

Railroad Riddle 4: What goes u& and down stairs without moving? Solution: > > > > > Top 100 riddles and brain teasers> > > > > > 5ar&et Riddle 16: What !an bring ba!k the dead7 make us !ry, make us laugh, make us young7 born in an instant yet lasts a life time? Solution: > > > > > Top 100 riddles and brain teasers> > > > > > ,emories. Riddle 11: %n iron horse with a fla8en tail. The faster the horse runs, the shorter his tail be!omes. What is it? Solution: > > > > > Top 100 riddles and brain teasers>

> > > > > A needle and thread. Riddle 1": the maker does not need it, the buyer does not use it, and the user does not see it. what is it? Solution: > > > > > Top 100 riddles and brain teasers> > > > > > a coffin Riddle 1#: 0a!k and 0ill are lying on the floor inside the house, dead. They died from la!k of water. There is shattered glass ne8t to them. )ow did they die? Solution: > > > > > Top 100 riddles and brain teasers> > > > > > Jack and Jill are goldfish. Riddle 1': Take off my skin, - won$t !ry, but you will. What am -? Solution:

> > > > > Top 100 riddles and brain teasers> > > > > > An onion Riddle 1+: The more you take the more you leave behind. Solution: > > > > > Top 100 riddles and brain teasers> > > > > > Footsteps Riddle 1+: -f you throw me from the window, - will leave a grieving wife. ring me ba!k, but in the door, and .ou$ll see someone giving life! Solution: > > > > > Top 100 riddles and brain teasers> > > > >

> The letter 'n'. wi dow ! widow door ! do or Riddle 1/: - !an be 9ui!k and then -$m deadly, - am a ro!k, shell and bone medley. -f - was made into a man, -$d make &eo&le dream, - gather in my millions by o!ean, sea and stream. Solution: > > > > > Top 100 riddles and brain teasers> > > > > > Sand Riddle 1(: 3n!e you hear about me, you want me. 3n!e you have me you want to share me. you do, - no longer e8ist. What am -? Solution: > > > > > Top 100 riddles and brain teasers> > > > > > A secret. Riddle 12: What kind of !ake always smiles for the !amera?

ut if

Solution: > > > > > Top 100 riddles and brain teasers> > > > > > cheese cake Riddle 14: Though li9uid in nature, don:t &ush me too far7 for then - will break, and the damage may s!ar. What am -? Solution: > > > > > Top 100 riddles and brain teasers> > > > > > "lass Riddle "6: What is yours but your friends use it more than you do? Solution: > > > > > Top 100 riddles and brain teasers> > > > >

> #our na$e% Riddle "1: What gets wetter and wetter the more it dries? Solution: > > > > > Top 100 riddles and brain teasers> > > > > > A towel Riddle "": -$m the &art of the bird that$s not in the sky. - !an swim in the o!ean and yet remain dry. What am -? Solution: > > > > > Top 100 riddles and brain teasers> > > > > > A Shadow Riddle "#: Why is %labama the smartest state in the ;<%? Solution: > > > > > Top 100 riddles and brain teasers>

> > > > > &ecause it has ' A's and one &% Riddle "': % man was found dead in his study. )e was slum&ed over his desk and a gun was in his hand. There was a !assette re!order on his desk. When the &oli!e entered the room and &ressed the &lay button on the ta&e re!order they heard: *- !an$t go on. - have nothing to live for.* Then there was the sound of a gunshot. )ow did the dete!tive immediately know that the man had been murdered and it wasn$t a sui!ide? Solution: > > > > > Top 100 riddles and brain teasers> > > > > > The cassette had started at the beginning of the $an's utterance. So$eone else had to be there to rewind the tape. Riddle "+: .ou hear it s&eak, for it has a hard tongue. What is it? Solution: > > > > > Top 100 riddles and brain teasers> > > > > > ( a$ a &ell.

ut it !annot breathe, for it has not a lung.

Riddle "/: What !an run but never walks? )as a mouth but never talks? )as a bed but ne!er slee&s? )as a head but never wee&s? Solution: > > > > > Top 100 riddles and brain teasers> > > > > > % river= a river runs has a mouth when it meges into the sea )as a river bed and has a head at it$s mouth Riddle "(: Why don$t lobsters share? Solution: > > > > > Top 100 riddles and brain teasers> > > > > > They$re shellfish Riddle "2: % man killed himself. When the dete!tives !ame they found the vi!tim hanging and a &uddle of water underneath him. 5an you solve this easy riddle. Solution: > > > > >

Top 100 riddles and brain teasers> > > > > > )e &robably was standing on i!e that melted Riddle "4: >ive it food and it will live7 give it water and it will die. Solution: > > > > > Top 100 riddles and brain teasers> > > > > > Fire Riddle #6: -t is the beginning of eternity, the end of time and s&a!e, the beginning of the end, and the end of every s&a!e. What is it? Solution: > > > > > Top 100 riddles and brain teasers> > > > > > The ?etter @ Riddle #1: What do you fill with em&ty hands? Solution: >

> > > > Top 100 riddles and brain teasers> > > > > > "lo)es Riddle #": <i8 glasses are in a row. The first three are full of Aui!e7 the se!ond three are em&ty. y moving only one glass, !an you arrange them so em&ty and full glasses alternate? Solution: > > > > > Top 100 riddles and brain teasers> > > > > > *our the +uice fro$ the second glass into the fifth glass. Riddle ##: What is it that everybody does at the same time? Solution: > > > > > Top 100 riddles and brain teasers> > > > > > grow older

Riddle #': What turns everything around, but does not move? Solution: > > > > > Top 100 riddles and brain teasers> > > > > > a $irror Riddle #+: What is it that everyone re9uires, everyone gives, everyone asks and that very few take? Solution: > > > > > Top 100 riddles and brain teasers> > > > > > ad)ice Riddle #/: What animal doesn$t &lay fair? Solution: > > > > > Top 100 riddles and brain teasers> > > >

> > the cheetah Riddle #(: What starts with T ,1eals with T,and ends with T Solution: > > > > > Top 100 riddles and brain teasers> > > > > > teapot Riddle #2: - dig out tiny !aves, and store gold and silver in them. - also build bridges of silver and make !rowns of gold. They are the smallest you !ould imagine. <ooner or later everybody needs my hel&, yet many &eo&le are afraid to let me hel& them. Who am -? Solution: > > > > > Top 100 riddles and brain teasers> > > > > > ,entist Riddle #4: -f there are three a&&les, and you take away ", how many do you have? Solution: > > >

> > Top 100 riddles and brain teasers> > > > > > Riddle '6: -f a red house is made from red bri!ks, and a blue house is made from blue bri!ks and a bla!k house is made from bla!k bri!ks and a &ink house is made from &ink bri!ks, what is a green house made of? Solution: > > > > > Top 100 riddles and brain teasers> > > > > > glass Riddle '1: Two bo8ers are in a bo8ing mat!h Bregular bo8ing, not ki!k bo8ingC. The fight is s!heduled for 1" rounds but ends after / rounds, after one bo8er kno!ks out the other bo8er. .et, no man threw a &un!h. )ow is this &ossible? Solution: > > > > > Top 100 riddles and brain teasers> > > > > > oth bo8ers are women

Riddle '": - know a word of three letters, add two and a fewer there will be. Solution: > > > > > Top 100 riddles and brain teasers> > > > > > few Riddle '#: What two words !ontain thousands of letters? Solution: > > > > > Top 100 riddles and brain teasers> > > > > > Dost offi!e Riddle '': )ow is your mother$s brother$s brother in law related to you? Solution: > > > > > Top 100 riddles and brain teasers> > >

> > > ;n!le in law Riddle '+: efore ,ount @verest was dis!overed, what was the highest mountain on earth? Solution: > > > > > Top 100 riddles and brain teasers> > > > > > ,ount @verest, it Aust hadn$t been dis!overed! Riddle '/: -f you look, you !an$t see me. -f you see me, you !annot see anything else. - !an make you walk if you !an$t. <ometimes - s&eak the truth. %nd sometimes - lie. Solution: > > > > > Top 100 riddles and brain teasers> > > > > > Sleepwalk... The answer is drea$. Riddle '(: 3n a sunday afternoon, a mother enters he daughters room to find her dead. % dete!tive !omes over and asks what everybody was doing. The maid said she was dusting, the brother Bwho was not fond of his sisterC said he was &laying video games, the other sister said she was &laying with her dolls, the dad said he was getting the mail, and !ook said he had been making dinner. Who did it?

Solution: > > > > > Top 100 riddles and brain teasers> > > > > > The dad $urdered the daughter because there is no $ail on Sunda.. Riddle '2: % man lives on the "/th floor of a building. When he goes to work, he rides all the way down to the elevator. ut when he wants to go ba!k to his room, he rides all the way to "6th floor, and takes the stairs for the last / floors. Why? Solution: > > > > > Top 100 riddles and brain teasers> > > > > > /e is a dwarf and could not reach too far up to press the higher buttons. Riddle '4: - have a heart that never beats, - have a home but - never slee&. - !an take a mans house and build anothers, %nd - love to &lay games with my many brothers. - am a king among fools. Who am -? Solution: > > > > > Top 100 riddles and brain teasers> >

> > > > The 0ing of /earts in a deck of cards. Riddle +6: % murderer is !ondemned to death. )e has to !hoose between three rooms. The first is full of raging fires, the se!ond is full of assassins with loaded guns, and the third is full of lions that haven$t eaten in # years. Whi!h room is safest for him? Solution: > > > > > Top 100 riddles and brain teasers> > > > > > 1rd.lions can't sur)i)e 1 .ears without food.. Riddle +1: Daul is "6 years old in 1426, but only 1+ years old in 142+. )ow is this &ossible? Solution: > > > > > Top 100 riddles and brain teasers> > > > > > /e was -0 in 1230&4 and 15 in 1235&4 Riddle +": There is one word in the @nglish language that is always &ronoun!ed in!orre!tly. What is it? Solution: >

> > > > Top 100 riddles and brain teasers> > > > > > incorrectl. Riddle +#: - !an be long - !an be short - !an be grown - !an be bought - !an be &ainted or left bare.What am -? Solution: > > > > > Top 100 riddles and brain teasers> > > > > > A fingernail Riddle +': What ha&&ened on the /th of ,ay 14(2 at thirty=four minutes &ast twelve am What was it? Solution: > > > > > Top 100 riddles and brain teasers> > > > > >

At the $o$ent6 the ti$e and da. could be written as: 1-:1'6 578793 Riddle ++: What is bla!k when you get it red when you use it and white when your through with it? Solution: > > > > > Top 100 riddles and brain teasers> > > > > > coal Riddle +/: There was a man who wanted to &rove his love to his wife. <o, he !limbed the highest mountain, swam the dee&est o!ean and walked the biggest desert. What do you think his wife said? Solution: > > > > > Top 100 riddles and brain teasers> > > > > > othing. She di)orced hi$ for ne)er being at ho$e. Riddle +(: -f a boy and his father are driving down a road and they run into a tree. The father died instantly and the boys is rushed to the hos&ital. %t the hos&ital the rotor !omes in and says oh my god that$s my son!!! )ow are they related Solution: > > >

> > Top 100 riddles and brain teasers> > > > > > The doctor is the bo.s $other%%% Riddle +2: Where is the only &la!e that yesterday always follows today? Solution: > > > > > Top 100 riddles and brain teasers> > > > > > (n a dictionar. Riddle +4: There is a !ertain !rime, that if it is attem&ted, is &unishable, but if it is !ommitted, is not &unishable. What is the !rime? Solution: > > > > > Top 100 riddles and brain teasers> > > > > >Suicide. Riddle /6: .oung 0ohn=0ohn Eennedy was named after me. .et my name is neither 0ohn nor

Eennedy. )ow !an that be? Solution: > > > > > Top 100 riddles and brain teasers> > > > > > /e was born later than (. Therefore he was na$ed after $e Riddle /1: Why !an$t you take a &i!ture of a -ndian woman with hair !urlers? Solution: > > > > >:Top 100 ;iddles and &rain Teasers< > > > > > #ou can't take a picture with hair curlers .ou need a ca$era% Riddle /": )ow many birth days does the average man have? Solution: > > > > > >:Top 100 ;iddles and &rain Teasers< > > > > =ne6 he $a. ha)e $an. &irthda.s6 but onl. one birth da.%

Riddle /#: -t is everything to someone, and nothing to everyone else. What is it? Solution: > > > > > >:Top 100 ;iddles and &rain Teasers< > > > > #our $ind Riddle /': )ow !an this be? % woman shoots her husband. Then she holds him under water for over + minutes. Finally, she hangs him. ut + minutes later they both go out together and enAoy a wonderful dinner together. )ow !an this be? Solution: > > > > > >:Top 100 ;iddles and &rain Teasers< > > > > The wo$an is a photographer. She shot7took a picture of hi$6 de)elops it and hang it..

Riddle /+: % woman went to visit her bank manager and she took her young daughter with her. The bank manager said that the womans daughter !ould stay with his se!retary during the meeting. When the woman and her daughter left, the se!retary turned to the other se!retary and said to her, *That little girl was my daughter.* )ow !ould that be? Solution: > > > > >

>:Top 100 ;iddles and &rain Teasers< > > > > The secretar. was the girl's father. Riddle //: There is a word in the @nglish language in whi!h the first two letters signify a male the first three letters signify a female the first four signify a great man and the whole word a great woman. What is the word? Solution: > > > > > >:Top 100 ;iddles and &rain Teasers< > > > > /eroine Riddle /(: What is as big as you are and yet does not weigh anything? Solution: > > > > > >:Top 100 ;iddles and &rain Teasers< > > > > #our shadow. Riddle /2: What ty&es of words are these: ,adam, !ivi!, eye, level. Solution: > > >

> > >:Top 100 ;iddles and &rain Teasers< > > > > The. are palindro$es> the. read the sa$e both wa.s. Riddle /4: -t is an inse!t, and the first &art of its name is the name of another inse!t. What is it? Solution: > > > > > >:Top 100 ;iddles and &rain Teasers< > > > > &eetle. Riddle (6: -t$s made in your own it$s a &i!ture too and it !an &roAe!t to others something about you Solution: > > > > > >:Top 100 ;iddles and &rain Teasers< > > > > ($age Riddle (1: What grows when it eats, but dies when it drinks? Solution:

> > > > > >:Top 100 ;iddles and &rain Teasers< > > > > candle Riddle (": " fathers and " sons go fishing. @a!h of them !at!hes one fish. <o, why do they bring home only # fish? Solution: > > > > > >:Top 100 ;iddles and &rain Teasers< > > > > 1 grandpa6 his son6 and his son. Riddle (#: ,om and 1ad have four daughters, and ea!h daughter has one brother. )ow many &eo&le are in the family? Solution: > > > > > >:Top 100 ;iddles and &rain Teasers< > > > > Se)en. The four daughters ha)e onl. one brother6 $aking fi)e children6 plus $o$ and dad.

Riddle (': What @nglish word retains the same &ronun!iation, even after you take away four of its five letters? Solution: > > > > > >:Top 100 ;iddles and &rain Teasers< > > > > ?ueue. Riddle (+: When is it bad lu!k to meet a white !at? Solution: > > > > > >:Top 100 ;iddles and &rain Teasers< > > > > @hen .ou're a $ouse. Riddle (/: The more of them you take, the more you leave behind. What are theyA Solution: > > > > > >:Top 100 ;iddles and &rain Teasers< > > > > footsteps

Riddle ((: Fame three keys that unlo!k no doors. Solution: > > > > > >:Top 100 ;iddles and &rain Teasers< > > > > ,onke.6 Bonke.6 Turke. Riddle (2: What word looks the same u&side down and ba!kwards? Solution: > > > > > >:Top 100 ;iddles and &rain Teasers< > > > > S@(BS Riddle (4: - !an siGGle like ba!on, - am made with an egg, - have &lenty of ba!kbone, but la!k a good leg, - &eel layers like onions, but still remain whole, - !an be long, like a flag&ole, yet fit in a hole, What am -? Solution: > > > > >

>:Top 100 ;iddles and &rain Teasers< > > > > A snake Riddle 26: What kind of room has no windows or doors? Solution: > > > > > >:Top 100 ;iddles and &rain Teasers< > > > > Bushroo$ Riddle 21: What is the longest word in the @nglish language? Solution: > > > > > >:Top 100 ;iddles and &rain Teasers< > > > > <miles :there's a $ile between the first and last letter< Riddle 2": What is the !enter of gravity? Solution: > > > > >

>:Top 100 ;iddles and &rain Teasers< > > > > H Riddle 2#: What do you serve that you !annot eat? Solution: > > > > > >:Top 100 ;iddles and &rain Teasers< > > > > % tennis ball Riddle 2': What doesn$t get any wetter, no matter how mu!h rain falls on it? Solution: > > > > > >:Top 100 ;iddles and &rain Teasers< > > > > Water Riddle 2+: Who !an shave "+ times a day and still have a beard? Solution: > > > >

> >:Top 100 ;iddles and &rain Teasers< > > > > % barber Riddle 2/: .ou heard me before, .et you hear me again, Then - die, Til you !all me again. What am -? Solution: > > > > > >:Top 100 ;iddles and &rain Teasers< > > > > - am @!ho. Riddle 2(: What ty&es of animals !an Aum& higher than a house? Solution: > > > > > >:Top 100 ;iddles and &rain Teasers< > > > > %?? ... )ouses !an$t Aum&. Riddle 22: From what number !an you take half and leave nothing? Solution: > > >

> > >:Top 100 ;iddles and &rain Teasers< > > > > 2. Take the to& half away and the *o* is left Riddle 24: )ow !an you tell the differen!e between a !an of !hi!ken sou& and a !an of tomato sou&? Solution: > > > > > >:Top 100 ;iddles and &rain Teasers< > > > > Read the label Riddle 46: Three guys run into a bar, the fourth man du!ks. Why does he du!k? Solution: > > > > > >:Top 100 ;iddles and &rain Teasers< > > > > )e didn$t want to hit the bar Riddle 41: - am taken from a mine, and shut u& in a wooden !ase, from whi!h - am never released, and yet - am used by almost everybody. Solution: >

> > > > >:Top 100 ;iddles and &rain Teasers< > > > > % &en!il lead. Riddle 4": Fame three !onse!utive days without using the words ,onday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, <aturday, or <unday. Solution: > > > > > >:Top 100 ;iddles and &rain Teasers< > > > > .esterday, Today, and Tomorrow. Riddle 4#: The answer - give is yes, but what - mean is no. What was the 9uestion? Solution: > > > > > >:Top 100 ;iddles and &rain Teasers< > > > > The 9uestion is: 1o you mind? Riddle 4': Who are the two brothers who live on o&&osite sides of the road yet never see ea!h

other? Solution: > > > > > >:Top 100 ;iddles and &rain Teasers< > > > > @yes Riddle 4+: What fastens two &eo&le yet tou!hes only one? Solution: > > > > > >:Top 100 ;iddles and &rain Teasers< > > > > % wedding ring Riddle 4/: )ow do you &ut a giraffe in a refrigerator? Solution: > > > > > >:Top 100 ;iddles and &rain Teasers< > > > > 3&en the door, &ut him in, !lose the door Riddle 4(:

)ow do you &ut an ele&hant in a refrigerator? Solution: > > > > > >:Top 100 ;iddles and &rain Teasers< > > > > 3&en the door, take the giraffe out, &ut him in, !lose the door Riddle 42: %ll of the animals go to a meeting for the ?ion Eing. 3ne animal doesnt show u&.Whi!h animal doesn$t !ome? Solution: > > > > > >:Top 100 ;iddles and &rain Teasers< > > > > The ele&hant, he$s in the refrigerator Riddle 44: .ou !ome to a river that aligators live in. There is no boat, raft, bridge, nor material to make them. )ow do you get a!ross? Solution: > > > > > >:Top 100 ;iddles and &rain Teasers< > > > >

0um& in, swim a!!ross, get out. The aligators are at the meeting Riddle 166: When one does not know what it is, then it is something7 but when one knows what it is, then it is nothing. Solution: > > > > > >:Top 100 ;iddles and &rain Teasers< > > > > % riddle

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