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Company Name: Rolling On Productions Production Title: Blank Canvas Producer Name: George Lawley Date of Risk Assessment: 03/02/2014 Production Date(s) Director Name: Sam Ryder-Smith. Co-Directors: George Lawley, Louis Jarivs Risk Assessment conducted by: Sam Ryder-Smith


Persons who may be harmed

Property which may be damaged

Risk controls already in place

Risk Assessment LOW, MODERATE, HIGH, EXTREME (see table)


Further action required to control risk ***

Point out all equipment to be wary of

Tripping over or breaking Medical equipment

Actors and crew

Medical Equipment, camera

No medical equipment is to be touched

Burns from hot lighting

Actors and crew

Lights and camera

Identify all of the light placement


Be wary of lighting placement

Tripping over filming equipment

Actors and crew

Camera and lights

Always know where the camera is


Always know where the camera is

Constrained or choked by bandages



Communication on the tightness of the bandages, avoid strangulation areas


Make sure the bandages are not too tight. Communicate with actor

Copy to additional sheet(s) if further space is needed ***Where further actions are required, complete the action plan on the following page

FILM PRODUCTION RISK ASSESSMENT Essential Contact Numbers Emergency Services Fire Brigade Ambulance Police Coastguard Transport Police Chemist Out of hours chemist Veterinary Surgeon 999 999 999 999 999

Our of hours veterinary surgeon

Delete contents of table below and input details specific to your production
Persons / property Contact name & Relationship (if applicable) Business Hours Mobile Out of hours

Actors Louis Jarvis Sam Ryder-Smith Equipment Camera Glass vials Locations Medical wing

Mr Dixs - Housemaster Burr Mr Settle - Housemaster Skipwith Mr Milburn Medical wing Medical wing

0118 940 2455 0118 940 2455

0118 940 2455 0118 940 2455 0118 940 2455

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