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DIY: Purse Organizer!

Posted on August 12, 2010 by Fresh Crush If youre like me, maybe you have a purse or t o of the slou!hy variety" #ou kno , that bag that seemed so !asual, and fun in the store $ and then you get it home, start using it, and reali%e that it is a deep dark abyss of a pit, that seems to en&oy !onsuming keys and !ell phones" 'o you ever hear your phone ringing hile youre out and about, and say to yourself, (Ah, hats the point, Ill never find it in time any ay)* + ,e too) I think this little 'I# e-periment might be made for you+ .o here are the !ontents of my bag regularly tossed around, and diffi!ult to lo!ate/

A !ereal bo- ill !ome to the res!ue as the support for my ne organi%er) 0he short side of the bo- ill be the base of the organi%er, and the front and ba!k of the bo- ill fold up ards to !reate the sides of the organi%er, and ill hold the po!kets) Ive !ut the bo- to si%e, and planned ho the !ontents might fit here)

1e-t, 2 e2ual s2uare pie!es of fabri! are needed for the interior and e-terior of the organi%er)

Ive determined the height for the po!kets from averaging out the si%e needed to !ontain the most !ommon items I !arry around in my bag daily) Ive !hosen to make my po!kets from the same fabri! as above, but you might ant to use a !omplimentary fabri! instead) I first !ut strips of the fabri! in my desired height, and then hemmed the top and bottom)

I then took the strips of fabri! for the po!kets and si%ed the po!kets by a!tually rapping the fabri! around the item, and pinning it in pla!e) 0hese po!kets are pinned atop the first s2uare fabri! pie!e I !ut earlier)

3ere are the first ro of po!kets se n) 1e-t, repeat the steps above on the se!ond side of the organi%er)

1o for that se!ond s2uare pie!e e prepared earlier) 0ake that pie!e of fabri!, and &oin it right4 side to right4side ith the pie!e that has the po!kets atta!hed) .e 5 of the 6 sides !losed, as sho n here/

1e-t turn the organi%er right4side4out, and through the one open side, insert the !ereal bo!ardboard, and se !losed)

'one7 0ime to load up ith all your mu!h needed, and not4so4needed stuff7 0he interior side ill keep a ide open spa!e, in my !ase, for my allet+

And, the e-terior edges of the organi%er !ontains the oh4so4needed po!kets77

And, inside the purse"" 8rgani%ation at its best77 9ust look at everything in its pla!e) :ove) It)

I think this pro&e!t !ould be easily modified to hang off the arm of your !ou!h for your remote4 !ontrols, or perhaps slid bet een your mattress and bo- spring for maga%ines, books, lip balm or anything else thats getting in your ay) 0he best part is, this pro&e!t !ost ne-t to nothing to !omplete, as the fabri! as s!raps of fabri! I already had, and the !ereal as long gone, and the bo- needed re!y!ling any ay) ;ive yourself an afternoon to get your o n purse, bag, brief!ase, or tote in order7 #ou ont be disappointed7

3ave your o n go4to organi%ational tools" .hare ith the rest of the !lass in the !omments, or on our fa!ebook page7 For those of you ho like my !hoi!e of fabri!, it is 3eather <aileys 1i!ey 9ane in <lue) :ook for it on =uilt 3ome7

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