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EnglishForEveryone.Org 2008

Name________________ Date________________

Exercise 1
Using the Verb "To be" Write the correct form of the verb "To be" in present tense.

2) I (be) _____ h ngry. 3) I (be) _____ late! Example: "e # $he # It (be) is

10) %ohn (be) _____ e&cited. 11) Tiffany and 'ma (be) _____ my friends. 12) (icardo) %ohn and I (be) _____ *atching a movie. 13) "adil (be) _____ +ind. 14) ,lisa (be) _____ yo ng. 15) The hammer (be) _____ ne*.

Example: I (be) am happy.

happy. 4) "e (be) _____ cool. 5) $he (be) _____ pretty. 6) It (be) _____ fast.

1) I (be) _____ tired.

Now well use nouns instead of pronouns

16) -y mother and father (be) _____ coo+ing dinner. 17) (achel (be) _____ driving to school. Example: .o # We # They (be) are happy.

7) .o (be) _____ nice. 8) We (be) _____ sleepy. 9) They (be) _____ f nny. 18) /i++os and 0illy (be) _____ playing at the par+.

19) The st dents (be) _____ st dying English. 20) The test (be) _____ hard!

21) -y best friend (be) _____

coming to my ho se.



EnglishForEveryone.Org 2008

Name________________ Date________________

Using the Verb "To be" 1hoose the correct form of "to be" in present tense.

Example: I (be) am e&cited. Example: %essica and ,+bar (be) are happy. Example: The ne* car (be) is nice.

1 !

The bag (be) ________ bl e. "# am $# are %# is

The roc+s (be) ________ hard. "# am $# are %# is

& !

The children (be) ________ yo ng. "# am $# are %# is

' ! Thomas (be) ________ nice. "# am $# are %# is ) ! They (be) ________ tired. "# am $# are %# is + ! $ san and % an (be) ________ married. "# am $# are %# is 1-! We (be) ________ in English class. "# am $# are %# is

( !

The game (be) ________ diffic lt. "# am $# are %# is

* !

I (be) ________ thirty years old. "# am $# are %# is

, !

Teddy (be) ________ my friend. "# am $# are %# is



EnglishForEveryone.Org 2008

Name________________ Date________________

Exercise &
Using the Verb "To be" Write the correct form of the verb "to be" in present tense.

Note: The verb can be positive (2) or negative (3). 'se not to form the negative.

Example: -y teacher (be) is nice. (2) Example: The cat (be) not) is not h ngry. (3)

1! The old man (be) ________ *ise.

3) The children

eating bananas. They (be) not) ____ ____ eating apples.

(be) ________

5) The racecar (be) ________ fast. It (be) not) ____ ____ slo*.

11) The boo+s

_______ _ at her ho se.

7) I (be) ________ at the beach *ith my family. It (be) ________ hot and s nny o tside. The ocean *ater (be) ________ *arm.

(be) ________ ne*. They (be) not) ____ ____ old.

15) .o (be) ________ finished *ith the 8 i9!

9) The library (be) ________ open

13) 0eatrice

ntil 5677 p.m.


! The s n (be) ________ hot.

8) ;o and %acob (be)

4) I (be) ________ happy. I (be) not) ____ ____ sad.

________ very smart. ;o (be) ________ a scientist and

6) -y friend (be) ________ b ying a ne* car. "er old car bro+e do*n. It doesn:t *or+ anymore.

%acob (be) ________ an engineer.

10) The school (be) ________ small. It (be) not) ____ ____ big.

1 ! Tommy) $teven) and Teddy (be) ________ acting in the school play.

1'! It (be) ________ hot o tside. It (be) not) ____ ____ cold o tside.

1)! % dith (be) not) ____ ____ at home. $he (be) ________ school.



EnglishForEveryone.Org 2008

Name________________ Date________________

Exercise '
Using the Verb "To be" Write the correct form of "to be" in present tense.

-y name (be) ________(<) %ohn. I (be) ________(=) fifteen years old. I live on a farm. It (be) ________(>) in the co ntry. It is 8 iet in the co ntry. It (be) not)

____ ____(?) lo d in the co ntry.

I *a+e p early. $ometimes) I *a+e p before the s n rises. $ometimes) it (be) ________(@) still dar+ *hen I *a+e p. 0 t I donAt mind. I li+e *a+ing p that early. I li+e the *ay the co ntry loo+s in the morning.

The first thing I do after I *a+e p is mil+ the co*. ,fter I (be) ________ (B) finished mil+ing the co*) I bring the mil+ to my mom. I thin+ she ses it to ma+e brea+fast. $he ma+es a delicio s brea+fast. -y mom

(be) ________(C) a really good coo+.

/e&t) I feed the pigs. One time) I as+ed my mom ho* come my little sister doesnAt feed them. $he said it is beca se my sister (be) not) ____ ____ (D) strong eno gh. 0 t I still donAt nderstand. $he is almost as strong as me! I g ess my mom doesnAt *ant my sister to get h rt. ,fter all) the pigs can (be) ________ (5) pretty ro gh) especially *hen they (be) ________ (<7) h ngry.

The last thing I do (be) ________(<<) feed the chic+ens. That (be)

________(<=) easy. I E st thro* some food do*n on the gro nd and they r n o t and eat it. While the chic+ens (be) ________(<>) eating) I go into their ho se to collect their eggs. 1hic+en eggs (be) ________ (<?) really good to eat. They (be)

________(<@) easy to coo+ too. That is *hat I do in the mornings. I (be)

________(<B) pretty b sy.



EnglishForEveryone.Org 2008

Name________________ Date________________

Exercise (
Using the Verb "To be" Write the correct form of "to be" in present tense.

Tess and %en ________(<) best friends.

They do everything together. They spend every day together. One day they meet on the b s to school. They start tal+ing.

F"ey %en)G says Tess. F"o* ________(=) yo HG

F"ey girl)G says %en. FI ________(>) doing fine. What ________(?) going onH What ________(@) yo doing todayHG

FOh)G says Tess) FI _____ _____ (B) doing anything special. I donAt have any plans.G

FThat ________(C) cool.G

F.eah)G says Tess. F0 t I have something to tell yo .G F(eally! 1an I try to g essHG

F'mmIG says Tess. FWellIG FO+ay) I get three g esses. (eadyHG

F'mm) *ellIo+ay.G

F________(D) *e eating dinner togetherHG F/o) that _____ _____



FO+ay. ,re *e going to the soccer game togetherHG

F/o. It ____ ____(<7) that either.G Tess loo+s nervo s. "er eyes loo+ sad. , tear starts to fall do*n her chee+.

FOh)G says %en) *iping a tear from her o*n eye. F/o* I +no*. .o ________ (<<) moving a*ay.G



EnglishForEveryone.Org 2008

Name________________ Date________________

Exercise )
Using the Verb "To be" 1hoose the correct form of "to be" in past tense.

Example: .o # We # They (be) *ere sic+ yesterday. Example: I # "e # $he # It (be) *as sic+ yesterday.

1 ! I (be) ________ tired yesterday. .# *as E# *ere

.o (be) ________ happy yesterday. "# *as $# *ere

&! We (be) ________ sad yesterday.

' ! They (be) ________ b sy yesterday.

"# *as $# *ere ( ! "e (be) ________ angry yesterday. "# *as $# *ere

"# *as $# *ere ) ! $he (be) ________ sleepy yesterday. "# *as $# *ere

7) It (be) ________ cold yesterday. 1. *as 2. *ere

Jractice *riting sentences sing the verb Fto beG in past tense.

1) ______________________________________________________________ 2) ______________________________________________________________ 3) ______________________________________________________________



EnglishForEveryone.Org 2008

Name________________ Date________________

Exercise *
Using the Verb "To be" 1hoose the correct form of "to be" in past tense.

Example: .o # We # They (be) *ere sic+ last night. Example: I # "e # $he # It (be) *as sic+ last night.

1) I (be) ________ tired last night. 6. *as 7. *ere

4. *ere

scary. I don:t *ant to *atch it again. 3. *as 4. *ere

5) % lian (be) ______ __ angry yesterd ay.

9) %onathan (be)

3. *as 4. *ere 3) (ichard and I (be) ________ e&cited last night. 3. *as

________ h ngry. $o) he ate a sand*ich. 1. *as 2. *ere

7) The movie (be) ________

2) .o (be) _______ _ happy last night. 3. *as 4. *ere

(oberto (be) ________ la9y last night. 3. *as 4. *ere

4) %avier


6) (achel (be) _______

_ sleepy yesterday. 3. *as 4. *ere

8) ;o) Teddy) and Jeter (be) ________ tired after the long drive. 1. *as 2. *ere

10) -y mom (be) ________ helping the

teacher at school yesterday.

1. *as 2. *ere



EnglishForEveryone.Org 2008

Name________________ Date________________

Exercise +
Using the Verb "To be"

1hoose the correct form of "to be" in past tense.

Example: -y dog (be) *as sic+ last night. (positive) Example: 1arlos (be) not) *as not at *or+ yesterday. (negative)

*ee+end. 1) The party (be) ________ f n last

7) The movie (be) ________ really 3) %essie (be) ________ tired. $o) he boring. It *ent to sleep.

9) I (be) not) ____ ____ eating a sand*ich *hen yo

5) -y friends and I (be) ________ st dying English last night.

(be) not) ____ ____ entertaining. We stopped *atching it before it *as

called. I (be) ________ eating a salad.


2) They (be) ________ *atching a movie *hen Ernesto called. They (be) not) ____ ____ *atching TK.

6) ;endra (be) ________ in my si&th grade

8) ,fter playing o tside) my dog (be) ________ very

4) When she *as a little girl) -argo (be) ________ very good at tennis. $he practiced every day.

English class. We (be) ________ good friends

dirty. $he came into the ho se and ran into my room. It (be)

before she moved a*ay.

________ s ch a mess!

10) The st dents (be) not) ____ ____ ready to ta+e the test. They needed to st dy more.

Jractice *riting sentences sing the verb Fto beG in past tense.

1) ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ __ 2) ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ __ 3) ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ __



EnglishForEveryone.Org 2008

Name________________ Date________________

Exercise ,
Using the Verb "To be" Write the correct form of "to be" in past tense.

Example: -y dog (be) *as sic+ last night. (positive)

Example: 1arlos (be) not) *as not at *or+ yesterday. (negative)

1) Teddy (be) ________ driving home *hen I sa* him.

3) Who (be) ________ sleeping in my bedH It (be)

not) ____ ____ %ames. It (be) not) ____ ____ % lio. Oh) I +no*! It (be) 2) -ac+) ________ (oger!


*hen yo called.

5) ,t C677 *e (be) ________ eating dinner and *atching T.K.

and %avier (be) ________ *al+ing their dog *hen I tal+ed to them

last $at rday.

4) I (be) ________ going to the grocery store

6) When he *as a +id) Ivan (be) not) ____ ____ very social. "e did not spend time *ith his friends. "e spent a lot of time alone. "e (be) ________ al*ays reading a boo+ or listening to m sic in his room.

7) When I (be) ________ in the ninth grade) I (be) ________ five feet tall.

8) Lola (be) _______ _ a very nice girl.

$he helped her parents) did her home*o

r+) and even too+ care of her little brother. It is a shame she had to move a*ay.

9) The cat (be) ________ faster than the mo se.

$o) the cat ca g ht

the mo s e. 'nl c+y

mo s e! 1-! The *eath

er (be) ____ ____ hot. We (be) ____ ____ s*ea ting. I as+e d my mom to roll the *ind o* do* n.



EnglishForEveryone.Org 2008

Name________________ Date________________

Exercise 1Using the Verb "To be" 1hoose the correct form of "to be" in present tense or past tense.

Example: -y dog (be) is sic+ today. (present tense) Example: -y dog (be) *as sic+ last night. (past tense)

1) The clo ds moved a*ay) and the s n shone thro gh. The s+y *as f ll of pretty colors. It (be) ________ bea tif l. 2) ,rt ro and (yo (be) ________ at the party last night. 3) (be) ________ Taylor going to the pool laterH 4) The old ho se (be) ________ b ilt in <5BC. 5) 1hristopher) *here (be) ________ yo last nightH I (be) ________ loo+ing all over for yo . 6) .esterday (be) ________ the best day of my life! 7) I (be) ________ ready to go. When (be) ________ *e leavingH 8) Who (be) ________ at the pool yesterdayH 9) I (be) ________ very tired. I (be) ________ tired yesterday too. I thin+ I (be) ________ getting sic+. 10) I (be) ________ driving to the office this morning *hen I noticed that I *as getting lo* on gas. $o) I stopped to get more. , +ind man filled the tan+ for me. "e (be) ________ very nice.



EnglishForEveryone.Org 2008



Exercise 11
Using the Verb "To be"
Write the correct form of "to be" in present tense or past tense.

Example: -y dog (be) is sic+. (present tense) Example: -y dog (be) *as sic+ last night. (past tense)

1) $arah (be) ________ at the party last night. Li3/ing and ,+mo d (be) ________ there too.

7) -y family and I 3) -alli+a and I (be) ________ at (to be) %enny:s ho se yesterday. /o*) *e (be) ________ at -ellissa:s ho se.

pset) b t I +ne* he *as right.

5) When she (be) ________ yo ng) /isha (be) ________ interested in science. "o*ever) she (be) not) _____ _____ interested in science anymore. /o*) she (be) ________ interested in math.

________ s*imming in the pool *hen it began to th nder. The lifeg ard told s *e had to get o t. I (be) ________

2) ,very (be) ________ my best friend. $he and I (be) ________ in the same English class. It meets from <7677 to <76@7.

6) Tennis (be) ________ my favorite

+! Lenny (be)

4) %ohan and I (be) ________ in the mo ntains. We (be) ________ on a camping trip together. I hope *e don:t see a bear!

sport *hen I *as in high school. /o* my favorite sport (be) ________ soccer.

________ at the football game last night. "e (be) ________

cheering for his favorite team. ,fter the ________ s nny. h ,nd I a ( p b p e y ) b _ e _ c _ a _ ,! It rained all day yesterday. I _ (be) s _ e ________ sad beca se I co ld _ not _ I go o tside. "o*ever) today it (be) c a n g o o t s i d e !



EnglishForEveryone.Org 2008

Name________________ Date________________

Exercise 1
Using the Verb "To be" Write the correct form of "to be" in present tense or past tense.

FI ________(<) going o tside)G said %erry.

FWait!G said %erryAs mom. MonAt forget to *ear yo r Eac+et. It ________(=) cold o t there. F0 t mom)G said %erry. FI donAt *ant to *ear it.

I *ill be fine *itho t it. 0esides) it _____ _____


that cold today.G

%erry opened the door. The *ind ________ (?) blo*ing and the trees ________ (@) sha+ing. Leaves ________(B) falling to the gro nd. "e shivered a little and stood behind the door.

F%erry!G sho ted %erryAs mom. F.o close that door and get yo r coat yo ng man.G

F0 t mom!G said %erry. F0 t *hatHG said %erryAs mom. FI donAt nderstand *hy yo donAt *ant to *ear yo r ne* coat. ________(C) there something *rong *ith itH

%erryAs face t rned red. F/o!G he said. F/othingAs *rong *ith it!G Then he covered his mo th *ith his hand.

FWell thenIG said %erryAs mom. FWhy donAt yo *ant to *ear itHG

FWell) mom)G said %erry. FI +ind ofI*ellIgave it a*ay.G

F.o *hatHG said %erryAs mom. F.o gave it a*ayHG

F.eah. 0 t donAt *orry. It ________(D) o+ay. I gave it to -arvin. ,nd he really needs it.G


FWell) every time I see him) he loo+s cold. "e ________ (5) al*ays cold) act ally. "is parents cannot afford to b y him a Eac+et.G

FWell) that ________(<7) a very nice thing for yo to do) dear. 0 t no* *hat________(<<) yo going to do *itho t a Eac+etHG

FI donAt +no*. -aybe IAll *ear my old Eac+et for a little *hile.G



EnglishForEveryone.Org 2008

Name________________ Date________________

"nswer /e0
Using the Verb "To be" This is the ans*er +ey to 'nit < 3 'sing the verb "To 0e."

E&ercise <

1) am =) am >) am ?) are @) are B) are C) is D) is 5) is <7) is <<) are <=) are 13) is <?) is <@) is <B) are <C) is <D) are <5) are =7) is =<) is

E&ercise =

<) c =) b >) b ?) c @) c B) b C) a D) b 5) c <7) b

E&ercise >

1) is =) is >) are) are not ?) am) am not @) is) is not B) is C) am) is) is D) are) is) is 5) is <7) is <<) are) are <=) are <>) is <?) is) is not <@) are <B) is not) is

E&ercise ?

1) is =) am >) is ?) is not @) is B) am C) is D) is not 5) be <7) are <<) is <=) is <>) are <?) are <@) are <B) am

E&ercise @

<) are =) are >) am ?) is @) are B) am not C) is D) ,re 5) is not <7) are

E&ercise B

<) a =) b >) b ?) b @) a B) a C) a

E&ercise C

<) a =) b >) b ?) b @) a B) a C) a D) b 5) a <7) a

E&ercise D

1) *as =) *ere) *ere not >) *as ?) *as @) *ere B) *as) *ere C) *as D) *as) *as 5) *as not) *as <7) *ere not

E&ercise 5

<) *as =) *ere >) *as) *as not) *as not) *as ?) *as @) *ere B) *as not) *as C) *as) *as D) *as 5) *as <7) *as) *ere

E&ercise <7

<) *as =) *ere >) Is ?) *as @) *ere) *as B) *as C) am) are D) *as 5)

am) *as) am <7) *as) *as

E&ercise <<

<) *as) *ere =) is) are >) *ere) are ?) are) are @) *as) *as) is not) is B) *as) is C) *ere) *as D) *as) *as) is 5) *as) is) am <7) *ere) are

E&ercise <=

<) am =) is >) is not ?) *as @) *ere B) *ere C) Is D) is 5) is <7) *as <<) are

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