SAP Toastmasters

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SAP Toastmasters

D I S T R I C T 4 , A R E A C 3 , C L U B 5 9 6 0 6 9 O C T . 2 0 0 9

SAP Toastmasters Club Contests Fall ‘09
by Amitabh Mishra (ACS), Next was Club Humorous Speech tics. Nick Rose stepped up effort-
Facebook Donna Vigil (CC, CL) & Contest. We had several things lessly to his role as Sergeant At Arms,
Linked In Mario Herger (ACB) going for us: first, the date: just days after his return from wedding
09/09/09 - we mean, could we and honeymoon. Most of us know
have hoped for or planned a more how sobering the first post-
memorable date? Then, we had honeymoon days are. Rahul Kabra
(SAP Toastmasters conducted two
great attendance. Anticipation was and Danai Wiriyayanyongsuk per-
highly successful club contests in the
in the air, not to mention excite- formed the very important role of
month of September: Evaluation
ment. Even a corporate SAP event timer admirably, and Mario Herger
Contest and Humorous Speech
in the adjoining room, complete and Joshua Johanson went about
Contest. Here’s a report.)
with lights and cameras, failed to their task of ballot counting with a
impress Toastmasters who were stern look on their face, ensuring that
What's chocolate cake got to do
convinced this was the better there'd be no allegations of ballot-
with Toastmasters? Elaine Lung,
ticket in town. tampering or requests for a recount.
Area C4 Governor, test speaker
Many other toastmasters stepped to
for the Club Evaluation Contest
Congratulations to Fariya Ali for the fore by performing little leadership
on Sept. 02, made a vivid presen-
winning first prize for a wonder- acts to ensure a fluent meeting. I recall
tation that had many listeners
fully crafted and funny speech on Donna DJ Vigil organizing a migra-
drooling over the aroma & taste
stalking a foreign film star shoot- tion of chairs into the room before
of chocolate cake. She then
ing on location in San Francisco. the meeting, and out of the room
INSIDE THIS surprised everyone by proceed-
She moves on to represent the afterwards.
ing to explain why being involved
ISSUE: club at the Area Humorous
with Toastmasters could be an
Speech Contest on Oct. 2nd.
equally satisfying experience.
SAP Toastmas- 1 Hiren Kotadia delivered an
ters Club Con- energetic and hilarious speech on
The contestants, Manish Garg,
tests Fall ‘09 so-called 'arranged marriages'. If
Joshua Johanson, Markus
Fariya's speech excelled in struc-
Lintermanns and Amitabh
ture and writing, Hiren's scored in
Mishra were not unduly dis-
Testimonial— 2 terms of content. Emmanuel
tracted by the chocolate meta-
”Sunday School Mayssat gave a funny speech on
phor and each went on to pro-
his adventures on aging and anti-
vide thoughtful, constructive
feedback. It was a tough job for
the judges but Amitabh was
Member News 2 Mohini Wettasinghe and
awarded second place while
David Brutman performed
Manish, a first time contestant
Club 2 incredibly important roles as Evaluation Contest (L to R): Mario Herger (Contest Chair),
but long time Toastmaster, won
Toastmaster and Chief Judge, Manish Garg (winner), Amitabh Mishra (runner-up)
first place. Manish goes on to
respectively. Mohini conscien-
represent our club at the Area
Club 2 tiously conducted the meeting and
C3 Evaluation Contest on Friday,
Information nd interviewed the contestants at the
October 2 .
end. David juggled his many re-
sponsibilities with aplomb - brief-
We appreciate the help of the
ing the judges, timers, ballot
following volunteers for the
counters, et al, and ensuring that
evaluation contest: Donna Vigil
the judging and tallying process
(Toastmaster), Rahul Kabra
went off without a hitch. It is to
(Chief Judge), Heather Cowan
the credit of the entire team of
(Sergeant At Arms), Hiren Ko-
volunteers, and specifically of
tadia & Birgit Starmanns
these two Toastmasters, that the
(Timers), Bill Copeland &
contestants could give their
Adish Abnave (Ballot Count-
speeches unencumbered by logis- Humorous Speech Contest (L to R): Hiren Kotadia (runner-
ers). up), Amitabh Mishra (Contest Chair), Fariya Ali (winner)
Testimonial— “Sunday School Teacher”
by Joshua Johanson
Last Sunday, our teacher didn’t that was intelligible and spiri- even practice giving evaluations
show up to teach our class at tual. Several people came up or running a meeting.
church. Since I am in a leader- to me afterwards and told me
ship role, the responsibility how my lesson had helped But as challenging as the activi-
landed on me to teach the them. ties are, the environment is
lesson. I was not prepared. I even more encouraging. Every-
am a person who really likes I did not join Toastmasters to one is learning together. We
to have things prepared and work on my impromptu are all in the same boat and we
when I find myself in situations speaking skills, but it definitely all want each other to suc-
like this I usually get so nerv- came in handy last Sunday. ceed. This provides the safety
ous that I can’t even think. and security that we need to
This club gives the perfect take the chance to spread our
This time, I was able to pre- environment for you to thrive. wings and fly. Then, when the
sent with clarity and confi- You can work on speeches need arises outside, you will be
dence. I could actually think that are serious or humorous, ready.
clearly enough to give a lesson prepared or impromptu, or

Member News learn how to assist in setting up and

Mario Herger, our club Oct. 02, 6 PM: Area C3
Treasurer, was seen collect- Contest — Be there at HP running a booth, not to mention
ing club dues conscien- Hilltop Toastmasters at 3000 being noticed! Contact Sri Govin-
Have an idea for a darajan for more details on how
tiously, after stepping up to Hanover St, Palo Alto, to
cheer on Fariya Ali and you can help!
contribution? take the role over from
Manish Garg in the Humor-
Madhuri. Manish Garg did ous Speech & Evaluation Con-
Send it to us, this is a special Table Topics ses- test, respectively. For more
YOUR newsletter! sion in a “debate” format, details, contact Area C3 Gov-
asking members to speak on ernor Bill Copeland at
“pros” and “cons” of a vari-
ety if topics. Bill Copeland
is chief organizer for the Oct. 22: SAP Diversity
Area C3 Contest (see insert Day — SAP Toastmasters will
at right). put up a booth at SAP Diver- Club Calendar
sity Day. This is your chance to

Club Information
Toastmasters International Officers Newsletter Editor:
Amitabh Mishra, ACS
District 4 President: Donna “DJ” Vigil, CC, CL VP Education: Rahul Kabra, CC
SAP Toastmasters VP Membership: Sri Govindarajan Newsletter Committee: VP PR: Amitabh Mishra, ACS Niyati Bedekar
Club Meetings Secretary: Mohini Wettasinghe, CC Birgit Starmanns, ACB, ALB
Wednesdays, 12:00-1:00 pm Donna (DJ) Vigil, CC
Treasurer: Mario Herger, ACB
SAP, Building 2 Sergeant-at-Arms: Fariya Ali Page 1 photos: Amitabh
3412 Hillview Avenue Video Officer (honorary role): Mishra
Room: Lombard (2nd floor) Ingo Sauerzapf Page II photos: Joshua Jo-
hanson, Birgit Starmanns
Palo Alto, CA 94304

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