Letter From Department of Finance

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February 7, 2014

Honorable Mark Leno, Chair Joint Legislative Budget Co ittee !enate Budget and Fis"al #evie$ Co Honorable %evin de Le&n, Chair !enate '((ro(riations Co ittee

Honorable )an"y !kinner, Chair 'sse bly Budget Co ittee ittee Honorable Mike *atto, Chair 'sse bly '((ro(riations Co ittee

Employment Development DepartmentUnemployment Insurance Program +n re"ent $eeks, $e have re"eived a nu ber o, -uestions ,ro legislators and legislative sta,, regarding e,,orts to i (rove "usto er servi"e at the . (loy ent /evelo( ent /e(art ent 0.//12 3he Joint Legislative Budget Co ittee is "urrently revie$ing one "o (onent o, the de(art ent4s overall e,,orts, a !e"tion 11200 '((li"ation ,or its 5ne (loy ent +nsuran"e Moderni6ation 7ro8e"t2 3he 'd inistration is "o itted to aking substantial i (rove ents in the o(eration o, the 5ne (loy ent +nsuran"e 05+1 (rogra , and + $anted to (rovide a ,uller (i"ture o, our a((roa"h2 's a result o, the ,ederal ,unding odel, the state "ontinues to re"eive less than the ,ull a ount o, ,ederal ,unding needed to (ro(erly ad inister the 5+ (rogra 2 3his has resulted in an inability to ade-uately address the de and ,or servi"es, resulting in bene,it delays and unans$ered "alls2 9hile the *overnor4s Budget (ro(osed a :;4 illion (a"kage o, e,,i"ien"ies and su((le ental ,unding, the (rogra "ontinues to re"eive a greater de and ,or servi"es2 !in"e the release o, the *overnor4s Budget, it has be"o e "lear that both additional resour"es are needed and the enhan"ed e,,orts ust begin sooner2 's outlined in the atta"hed letter ,ro the !e"retary o, the Labor and 9ork,or"e /evelo( ent 'gen"y, the 'd inistration (lans to take i ediate ste(s to address "urrent servi"e levels2 Co (ared to the *overnor4s Budget< .// $ill s(end an additional :4=24 illion ,ederal ,unds in the "urrent year to a>i i6e servi"e2 .// $ill use its e>isting '(ril #evise (ro"ess to aug ent its ,ederal ,und a((ro(riation2 +n addition, as (art o, the '(ril #evise (ro"ess, the 'd inistration $ill re-uest *eneral Fund resour"es?likely in the tens o, illions o, dollars?to aintain a higher level o, servi"e in 2014@1A2 .// $ill also sub it an additional !e"tion 11200 '((li"ation outlining a revised e>(enditure (lan to ,urther a""elerate ,i>es to its lega"y "o (uter syste s2 3his $ill lead to a s oother rollout o, the e>ternal "o (onent o, its Continued Clai s #edesign

@2@ 7ro8e"t2 3his $ill (rovide 5+ "lai ants additional tools to anage their a""ounts $hile si ultaneously ,reeing u( .// sta,, to (rovide other "riti"al 5+ servi"es2

@=@ +, you have any -uestions or need additional in,or ation regarding this Mark 3olle,son, 7rin"i(al 7rogra Budget 'nalyst, at 0B1;1 =22@22;=2 M+CH'.L CCH.) /ire"tor By< atter, (lease "all

%..LD M2 BC!L.# Chie, /e(uty /ire"tor 'tta"h ent ""< Honorable Ji )ielsen, Ei"e Chair, !enate Budget and Fis"al #evie$ Co ittee Honorable Je,, *orell, Ei"e Chair, 'sse bly Budget Co ittee Honorable Loni Han"o"k, Chair, !enate Budget and Fis"al #evie$ !ub"o ittee )o2 A Honorable 3o /aly, Chair, 'sse bly Budget !ub"o ittee )o2 4 Mr2 Ma" 3aylor, Legislative 'nalyst 0=1 Mr2 Mark +bele, !ta,, /ire"tor, !enate Budget and Fis"al #evie$ Co ittee Mr2 Mark M"%en6ie, !ta,, /ire"tor, !enate '((ro(riations Co ittee Mr2 !eren 3aylor, !ta,, /ire"tor, !enate #e(ubli"an Fis"al C,,i"e Mr2 Craig Cornett, !enate 7resident (ro 3e (oreFs C,,i"e 021 Mr2 Christian *ri,,ith, Chie, Consultant, 'sse bly Budget Co ittee Mr2 *eo,, Long, Chie, Consultant, 'sse bly '((ro(riations Co ittee Mr2 .ri" !$anson, !ta,, /ire"tor, 'sse bly #e(ubli"an Fis"al Co ittee Ms2 /eborah *on6ale6, 7oli"y and Fis"al /ire"tor, 'sse bly #e(ubli"an Leader4s C,,i"e Mr2 Christo(her 92 9oods, 'sse bly !(eakerFs C,,i"e 021 Mr2 /avid Lanier, !e"retary, Labor and 9ork,or"e /evelo( ent 'gen"y Ms2 Marisa /uek, 'ssistant !e"retary ,or Fis"al 7oli"y, Labor and 9ork,or"e /evelo( ent 'gen"y Mr2 *reg 9illia s, /e(uty /ire"tor, 'd inistration Bran"h, . (loy ent /evelo( ent /e(art ent Mr2 3ad 'llred, Chie,, Fis"al !ervi"es, . (loy ent /evelo( ent /e(art ent


C'7@CFF+C., FC, !H.L3C), MC)#C., 3CLL.F!C), /')+.L, CGF 0=1, !5!7.)!., F+L.

M'C#C 5!./< H<H7#C/H3.M7L'3.H!.C@7#CE2M'CM

GvarG$$$Ga((sG"onversionGt (Gs"rat"hI2G20B74AJB;2do"

.@22 Honorable Mark Leno, Chair Joint Legislative !enate Budget and Budget Fis"al Co #evie$ ittee Co ittee 'ttention< !tate Ca(itol, 7eggy #oo Collins, A1007rin"i(al Consultant 1020 ) !treet, #oo AA=

.@22 Honorable %evin de Le&n, Chair !enate '((ro(riations Co ittee !tate Ca(itol, #oo A0A0

.@24 Honorable )an"y !kinner, Chair 'sse bly Budget Co ittee !tate Ca(itol, #oo ;02;

.@24 Honorable Mike *atto, Chair 'sse bly '((ro(riations Co !tate Ca(itol, #oo 2114


.@22 Honorable Ji )ielsen, Ei"e Chair !enate Budget and Fis"al #evie$ Co !tate Ca(itol, #oo 40;2


.@24 Honorable Je,, *orell, Ei"e Chair 'sse bly Budget Co ittee !tate Ca(itol, #oo ;0=1

.@22 Honorable Loni Han"o"k, Chair !enate Budget and Fis"al #evie$ !ub"o !tate Ca(itol, #oo 20J2

ittee )o2 A

.@24 Honorable 3o /aly, Chair 'sse bly Budget !ub"o ittee )o2 4 !tate Ca(itol, #oo 21;0

B@2B Mr2 Ma" 3aylor, Legislative 'nalyst C,,i"e o, the Legislative 'nalyst B2A L !treet, !uite 1000

.@22 Mr2 Mark +bele, !ta,, /ire"tor !enate Budget and Fis"al #evie$ Co !tate Ca(itol, #oo A01B


.@22 Mr2 Mark M"%en6ie, !ta,, /ire"tor !enate '((ro(riations Co ittee !tate Ca(itol, #oo 220;

.@22 Mr2 !eren 3aylor, !ta,, /ire"tor !enate #e(ubli"an Fis"al C,,i"e 1020 ) !treet, #oo 2=4

.@22 Mr2 Craig Cornett !enate 7resident (ro 3e (oreFs C,,i"e !tate Ca(itol, #oo 20A

.@24 Mr2 Christian *ri,,ith, Chie, Consultant 'sse bly Budget Co ittee !tate Ca(itol, #oo ;02;

.@24 Mr2 *eo,, Long, Chie, Consultant 'sse bly '((ro(riations Co ittee !tate Ca(itol, #oo 2114

.@24 Mr2 .ri" !$anson, !ta,, /ire"tor 'sse bly #e(ubli"an Fis"al Co !tate Ca(itol, #oo ;027


.@24 Ms2 /eborah *on6ale6, 7oli"y and Fis"al /ire"tor 'sse bly #e(ubli"an Leader4s C,,i"e !tate Ca(itol, #oo =104

!tate Ca(itol, #oo


.@24 Mr2 Christo(her 92 9oods 'sse bly !(eakerFs C,,i"e

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