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JAI Meeting 9.10.

1. President’s Report
• New Member Welcome(s)
• Year One Report (4 Page Summary)
• Orit Hofshi Update
o The Israeli Consulate has agreed to help bring artist
Orit Hofshi to Los Angeles. JAI will help to support her
as an artist-in-residence. She is hoping to arrive in
the late spring 2010 (March-April).
• Report on Summer and Fall Programs:
o Openings, August 30:
o HUC Fresh Voices and Big Questions new works by
Gilah and Elizabeth
 Both exhibits and the opening was listed as an
Editor’s Pick in the Jewish Journal
 Attendance was around 70 people total
(roughly 80/100 each event with about 20%
cross over traffic)
• 18 JAI members in attendance
• 4 new members =Adrienne Adar, Kate
McKinney, Baila & Max
o Victor lead JAI in a discussion about our website and
online activities
 JAI members are encouraged to create their
artist profiles
 An exhibit will be selected from the artist
profiles you have until January 1, 2010 to
create your artist profile to be considered for
this exhibit
 If you are uncertain how do this or need help
please contact Chris or Anne

2. Jan Tichy
• Elizabeth reported
• There were 6 people in attendance
• The artist was interesting engaging
• She encouraged more JAI members to take advantage
of guest speakers

3. Website Update (Victor)

o General Update on new system
o We are passing around a sign-up sheet if you need
Chris to help you set up your member profiles. Since
we launched the new website only 3 members have
added new profiles.
 We currently have 50 members and only 27
profile links.

4. Artist Beit Midrash

o Josh Abarbanel reported on the Artist Beit Midrash
the planning process and results from the first
 Meeting lead by Josh Abarbanel & Miriam
Terlinchamp (5th year HUC/LA rabbinic student)
 Program outline: A variety of rabbinic scholars
will lead various sessions over the year relating
to a yearlong theme (possibly Yetzer
Tov/Yetzer HaRah). Then JAI members will
create artwork responding to session and share
regarding to their creative process at the
following session.
 Group will meet once a month beginning in
o Sign -Up Sheet was passed around

5. Emerging Artist Havurah (Anne)

 Announcing group & Mentorship program (brief
description) (please see attached)
 Sign-up sheet to be a mentor

6. JAI Office (Eileen Levinson)

• Eileen Levinson told us a bit about the unique work
she designed for the Fresh Voices Exhibit at HUC-
• She created a commandment scorecard and together
as a group JAI members filled out the card. Then
those interested went to the JAI office and hung it.
 Tour of JAI Office (for interested members)

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