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Emerging Artist Havurah*/Emerging Artist Program

*chavurah or havurah (Hebrew: "fellowship") is a small group of like-minded Jews who assemble for the purposes of sharing communal experiences

• Mentoring Program
• Leadership & Professional Development
• Possible Exhibition Opportunities
• Possible Emerging Artist International Exchange (i.e. Virtual Havurah or trip)

Mentoring Program

The best way of learning and integrating valuable life and professional experience is by
learning from the experience of others through the mentoring process.

This program is designed for emerging Jewish artists in the beginning stages of their
careers and those who are moving closer to becoming a mid-career artist. Participants
will be able to develop new skills and form professional relationships. For those artists
ready to move their career to the next level, this program will help these artists create
career goals along with new ideas about how to achieve their goals. The JAI mentorship
program will also encourage new and ‘seasoned’ professionals to develop friendships that
promote exchange, guidance, and wisdom by pairing young artists with mid career and
established artists for invaluable one-on-one guidance. Mentors and mentees will be
paired based on the aspirations of the protégé and the experience of the mentor,
considering such factors as artistic medium, life stage, and additional related professional

One unique aspect of this mentorship program is both mentors and mentees will be
required to attend two JAI programs together. When Protégés and mentors experience
programs together this will build lasting bonds and strengthen the intergenerational
nature of JAI.

Mentors should speak with their respective Protégé once per month and they should meet
in person at least four times during the program.

Program Guidelines
• We will begin with a Pilot Program late Fall 2009-May
• Program will follow an academic calendar September – May

Protégé Expectations:
• Mentees are expected to attend two sponsored Mentor Program Events- Training
Session and the Closing Reception
• Protégés will meet once a month for professional development
• Communicate with your mentor at least once a month (email or phone)
• Share a meal and/or casual time with your mentor at least twice
• Attend at least two JAI sponsored events with your mentor
• Fill out a mid-point and end of year survey

Mentor Expectations:
• Mentors are expected to attend two sponsored Mentor Program Events- Training
Session and the Closing Reception
• Communicate with your protégé at least once a month (email or phone)
• Share a meal and/or casual time with your protégé at least twice
• Attend at least two JAI sponsored events with your protégé
• Fill out a brief end of year survey
• Recommended but not required that the mentor host the protégé for a day/few
hours to give protégé a behind the scenes look into your career

Applicant Qualifications
The mentoring program is looking to build relationships between emerging Jewish arts
leaders and established Jewish artists. For the purpose of this program we will define
“emerging” as any Jewish artist living in Southern California who is 40 years of age or
younger or who has seven or less years of exhibition experience not including years spent
in college or graduate programs. This program is open to Jewish professional artists from
all mediums (visual, performance, music, dance, theater, literature/poetry/spoken word).

Applicants need to be members of JAI.

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