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BAHIA: A LAND BLESSED BY GOD (Source: GAMEI) In Bahia everything is colourful: its people, music, dance, religion, nature

and cuisine !he authentic representative of the Bra"ilian race, the #$aiano#(a person $orn in the State of Bahia) is as sensual as an Indian, happy as an African and poetic as a %ortuguese Bahia has a population of over &' million inha$itants (n April, )), &*'', %ortuguese navigators +crossing seas never sailed $efore + sa, -Monte %aschoal#, sailed around -%orto Seguro# and landed on -%raia da .oroa /ermelha# (0ed .ro,n Beach) !oday, that magical and historical paradise (1*2 3ilometres from Salvador, Bahia4s capital city) can $e easily visited $y car or plane Salvador is the capital of the State of Bahia and ,as until &156 the first capital of Bra"il Everything in Bahia is $eautiful and famous: its 76) 3ilometers of sunny seacoast $eaches, the songs of Gil$erto Gil and .aetano /eloso, the voices of Margareth Mene"es and Gal .osta, the $oo3s of the novelist 8orge Amado (9ona :lor and ;er !,o ;us$ands and Ga$riela , .love and .innamon) and much more Bahia has a ,onderful fol3lore $orn of the mysticism of the African gods of -.andom$l<#, - .apoeira# (an Afro=Bra"ilian dance=fight created $y slaves to the sound of a $erim$au), -Maculel># and -Sam$a de 0oda# (a very Bahian style 3ind of sam$a) According to the Bahian song,riter 9orival .aymmi, Bahia has 65* churches (one church for each day of the year) ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

BAHIA: A LAND BLESSED BY GOD (Source: GAMEI) In Bahia everything is colourful: its people, music, dance, religion, nature and cuisine !he authentic representative of the Bra"ilian race, the #$aiano#(a person $orn in the State of Bahia) is as sensual as an Indian, happy as an African and poetic as a %ortuguese Bahia has a population of over &' million inha$itants (n April, )), &*'', %ortuguese navigators +crossing seas never sailed $efore + sa, -Monte %aschoal#, sailed around -%orto Seguro# and landed on -%raia da .oroa /ermelha# (0ed .ro,n Beach) !oday, that magical and historical paradise (1*2 3ilometres from Salvador, Bahia4s capital city) can $e easily visited $y car or plane Salvador is the capital of the State of Bahia and ,as until &156 the first capital of Bra"il Everything in Bahia is $eautiful and famous: its 76) 3ilometers of sunny seacoast $eaches, the songs of Gil$erto Gil and .aetano /eloso, the voices of Margareth Mene"es and Gal .osta, the $oo3s of the novelist 8orge Amado (9ona :lor and ;er !,o ;us$ands and Ga$riela , .love and .innamon) and much more Bahia has a ,onderful fol3lore $orn of the mysticism of the African gods of -.andom$l<#, - .apoeira# (an Afro=Bra"ilian dance=fight created $y slaves to the sound of a $erim$au), -Maculel># and -Sam$a de 0oda# (a very Bahian style 3ind of sam$a) According to the Bahian song,riter 9orival .aymmi, Bahia has 65* churches (one church for each day of the year)

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