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Frustrated by society's failure to

protect its most vulnerable citizens,
Foreskin Man has taken up the fight
against male genital mutilation.
Aided by the power of his
technologically advanced plasma
boots, Foreskin Man flies above the
city to hunt down criminals who cut
the genitals of innocent boys.
It is the dawn of a new era.
Circumcisers, beware!

@ 2010 MGMb/J).org.

Mil66 Haetwlck is a former
corporate scientist who now
heads the Museum of Genital
Integrity on a small island
surrounded by San Diego's
famous beach66.
Unbeknownst to the public, Miles
is also Foreskin Man, an
intactivist superhero who r66cues
innocent boys from the clutch66
of the worlds cleverest and most
dangerous circumcisers.

@ .:z010


Forever scarred by the infant
circumcisions that she has been
forced to witness, Nurse Jenny
Sparldett is now the eyes and ears
for Foreskin Man at San Diego
General Hospital.
When circumcision appears to be
imminent, Jenny uses her secret
hot line to call for help.

But Jenny is also Foreskin Man's

old flame ...and the fire still burns!

@ 2010 MGMb/J).org.


Doctor Edric Griswold is a
crumpled physician who has never
been known for his bedside
manner. But few would guess the
startling transformation that
takes place inside of him when he
sees the intact foreskin of a
young boy.
Watch Doctor Griswold trade
medicine for madness as he
metamorphosizes into the crazed
and demented Dr. Mutilator!

@ 2010 MGMb/J).org.

In his never-ending quest to

amputate healthy foreskins, Dr.

Mutilator shows no mercy while he
performs circumcision on helpless
baby boys.
Once the metamorphosis
has begun, it is believed that Dr.
Mutilator cannot transform back
into Edric Griswold until his grisly
surgery is completed.

But perhaps there is another

@ 2010 MGMb/J).org.

Amber Young is thrilled to be the
mother of a healthy baby boy. But
when a routine checkup with her
doctor turns into a circumcision
nightmare, Amber quickly realizes
that she has nowhere to turn for

As Dr. Mutilator decides which of
his prized scalpels he will use to
make the cut, Amber wishes she
had never set foot inside San
Diego General Hospital.

@ 2010 MGMb/J).org.


Little Orlando Young thought his
new life was going to be okay. His
mom hugged him each morning,
fed him when he was hungry, and
sang to him before he fell asleep.
But now an evil doctor wants to
cut him, and there is nothing he
can do to stop it.
Is Orlando doomed to become

another victim of male genital


@ 2010 MGMb/J).org.

After inheriting her deceased

husband's fortune, Aurora Tattington

stepped in to take his place as a
major stockholder at BioFlesh
When Aurora later discovered that
the company is involved in the
trafficking of infant foreskins, she

began selling her shares to help

finance new intactivist
projects... including the infamous
opening exhibit at the Museum of
Genital Integrity!

@ 2010 MGMb/J).org.

Nothing excites Monster Mohel
more than cutting into the penile
flesh of an eight-day-old infant
boy. And after the glorified brit
milah is complete, the delicious
metzitzah b'peh provides the icing
on the cake.
Intactivists have been pressuring
Monster Mohel to retire, but that
will never happen. They will have to
pry the scissors from his cold,
dead hand.

@ 2010 MGMb/J).org.

Sarah Sack6 tries to see the best
in her husband, sometimes to a
fault. Although being married to
Jethro hasn't gone quite the way
she planned, he has always
provided for her, and she is the
envy of all her friends.
Now Sarah has a son to look
after, and she will soon have to
make a difficult choice that will
alter the course of his life. Which
future will she choose?

@ 2010 MGMb/J).org.

Jethro Sack6 didn't get rich by
taking orders, and he is not about
to listen to someone else's advice
on whether or not to circumcise
his own son.
Jethro built his computer
software company through years
of hard work, dedication, and
trusting his own gut instincts.
Sure, a few people got stepped on
along the way, but that wasn't
personal. It was just business.

@ 2010 MGMb/J).org.

I '



Miah Redstone has always been
passionate about protecting boys
from circumcision, although lately
it hasn't helped her social life. Her
boyfriend just dumped her after
she got into an argument with his
best friend, and last week she had
a big blowout with her brother-inlaw over plans for Glick's bris.

Fortunately, things are starting

to look up again - especially since
she met Miles Hastwick.

@ 2010 MGMb/J).org.

During his first week of life, Glick
Sacks enjoyed the best of
everything. He had a loving
mother, a comfortable home, and
plenty of friends and family who
held him and brought him gifts.

All of that is about to change.

Soon, Glick will come face to face
with a monster. And no matter
how this encounter ends, it will
haunt him with nightmares for the
rest of his life.

@ 2010 MGMb/J).org.

Amanda Pagan is a street smart
Mexican American news reporter
living in San Diego. While she has
adopted many American customs,
circumcision is not one of them.
Amanda helps promote genital
integrity by reporting on
intactivist events. As her
popularity soars, she must keep a
close eye on her pro-circumcision
editor, who is looking for any
excuse to get her fired.

@ 2010 MGMb/J).org.

Yerik is Monster Mohel's right
hand man and heir apparent. His
cunning and depravity make him
extremely useful when situations
get out of control.
Some have whispered that Yerik is
even more dangerous and sadistic
than Monster Mohel himself. But
Yerik has proven his loyalty time
and time again, even though he
sometimes gets carried away.

@ 2010 MGMb/J).org.

Jorah is the newest member of
Monster Mohel's trio, and he is
still in training. He's not as bright
as Yerik, which makes him suitable
for more menial tasks.
Unfortunately, sometimes even

the simplest directive is too much

for Jorah to handle. He has a
tendency to miss important
details, and he often finds himself
being scolded by Yerik for
messing things up.

@ 2010 MGMb/J).org.

ria Kumming is leader of the
Intactivist Underground, a
shadowy band of San Francisco
rebels dedicated to stamping out
forced circumcision of children.
Tia's current mission is to rid
California's largest hospitals of
their infant circumstraints. Her
journey ends in San Diego, where
the collected torture devices will
be assembled for a long awaited

@ 2010 MGMb/J).org.

Warrior is in charge of operations
for the Intactivist Underground.
Once the mission plans are in
place, it is his responsibility to
carry them out by any means

Caring little for rules, protocol, or

even the law, Warrior has one
primary objective: to stop child
circumcisers dead in their tracks.

@ 2010 MGMb/J).org.

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