Ax BXC: Quadratic Equation

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Quadratic Equation

Standard Form

ax 2 + bx + c = 0
The value of variable x is called the root of the equation. A quadratic equation has got two roots.

b b 2 4ac x= 2a
Relation between Roots and Coefficients

ax 2 + bx + c = 0
Let =

b + b 2 4ac and b b 2 4ac , then = 2a 2a

(i ) + = (ii ) = c a b a

Note: If one root is m + n , then the other root will be m n . If a = c , then roots are reci rocal to each other. If b = 0 , then roots are equal in !agnitude but o osite in sign. b If c = 0 , then one root is 0 and other root will be . a b = 0 and c = 0 If , then both roots are 0. c If a + b + c = 0 , then one root is " and other root will be . a

Forming quadratic equation from roots

If the roots given are and , then equation is

x 2 ( + ) x + = 0

x 2 Sx + P = 0

Nature (Behavior of the roots

The quantit# b 2 4ac deter!ines the nature of solution of the quadratic equation ax 2 + bx + c = 0 , and is $nown as the discriminant.

ax 2 + bx + c = 0
&ind If
%eal, rational and equal



If is a erfect square
%eal, rational and unequal

If is not a erfect square

%eal, irrational and unequal

S!mmetric Functions of the Roots

A function of the roots and is called s#!!etric if it re!ains unaltered on . interchanging and &or e'a! le, the functions , + , 2 + 2 , ( + ( , 2 + 2 , + are s#!!etric functions of and . Let and be the roots of the equation ax 2 + bx + c = 0 , then we can find b c + = and = . a a )ow, we can find the following functions of and b# using + and .

= 2 2 =

( + )


( + ) 4 ( + ) 2 2 + 2 = ( + ) 2
( ( =

( + )

( + ( = ( + )

} ( ( + ) = ( + ) { ( + )

{( + )

Equations Reducible to Quadratic Form

*' "+

Substituting values in the original equation verifies that these are all valid solutions"


*' 2+

*' (+

Note: &o solve a radical equation if both sides of the equation are squared then it is necessar! to verif! the values of the un'nown b! substituting it in the equation" &he value of the un'nown which does not satisf! the equation is 'nown as extraneous root" E#$ %:


(f an! equation which is arranged in order of magnitude of the $ower of x) the magnitudes of the coefficients of the terms equidistant from the beginning and the end are equal then the above method is followed"

E#$ *:

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