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ibAwpwrI bsuDw ija iPrqw ] (255-5, gaVI, mhlw 5)

he is merely a peddler wandering !er "he ear"h# swDs$ig ijh ham% mwrI ] (255-5, gaVI, mhlw 5) &u" ne wh ' nquers his eg in "he ( mpany ) "he * ly, nwn+ qw +a imly murwrI ]2,] (255-5, gaVI, mhlw 5) - .ana+, mee"s "he / rd# 002,00 sl +u ] (255-1) 2hal +3 4wlw5y ai6 nwmu jip inis bwsur AwrwiD ] (255-1, gaVI, mhlw 5) 7ise early in "he m rning, and 'han" "he .aam8 w rship and ad re "he / rd, nigh" and day# +wr9w qu4% n ibAwpe: nwn+ im"% apwiD ];] (255-1, gaVI, mhlw 5) An<ie"y shall n " a))li'" y u, - .ana+, and y ur mis) r"une shall !anish# 00;00 paVI ] (255-=) Pauree3 44w 4>rnu im"% qumwr ] (255-=, gaVI, mhlw 5) 4*A4*A3 % ur s rr ws shall depar", rwm nwm isa +ir ibahwr ] (255-=, gaVI, mhlw 5) when y u deal wi"h "he / rd?s .ame# 4>rq 4>rq sw+q m>Aw ] (255-@, gaVI, mhlw 5) 6he )ai"hless 'yni' dies in s rr w and pain8 jw +% ird% h q &wa bIAw ] (255-@, gaVI, mhlw 5) his hear" is )illed wi"h "he l !e ) duali"y# 4rih +s$ml pwp qyry mn>Aw ] (255-@, gaVI, mhlw 5) % ur e!il deeds and sins shall )all away, - my mind, A$m#q +Aw s$qs$ig sun>Aw ] (255-@, gaVI, mhlw 5) lis"ening " "he ambr sial spee'h in "he 2 'ie"y ) "he 2ain"s# 4rih +wm +B D d#Cs"we: ] (255-D, gaVI, mhlw 5) 2e<ual desire, anger and wi'+edness )all away, nwn+ jw +a Epw guswe: ]25] (255-D, gaVI, mhlw 5) - .ana+, )r m "h se wh are blessed by "he $er'y ) "he / rd ) "he F rld# 002500 sl +u ] (255-D) 2hal +3 Gqn +rhu qum Ain+ ibiD rhnu n pw!hu mIq ] (255-D, gaVI, mhlw 5) % u 'an "ry all s r"s ) "hings, bu" y u s"ill 'ann " remain here, my )riend# jI!q rhhu hir hir &jhu nwn+ nwm prIiq ];] (255-;H, gaVI, mhlw 5) &u" y u shall li!e ) re!erm re, - .ana+, i) y u !ibra"e and l !e "he .aam, "he .ame ) "he / rd, *ar, *ar# 00;00 p!VI ] (255-;H) Pauree3 G$Gw Gw<hu ##VI shI ibnis jwq eyh hyq ] (255-;;, gaVI, mhlw 5)

.%A.%A3 Jn w "his as abs lu"ely ' rre'", "ha" "ha" "his rdinary l !e shall ' me " an end# g<qI g<a n gi< s+a Ki6 isDwry +yq ] (255-;;, gaVI, mhlw 5) % u may ' un" and 'al'ula"e as mu'h as y u wan", bu" y u 'ann " ' un" h w many ha!e arisen and depar"ed# G pyJa s ibnsqa +w isa +rIA% s$gu ] (255-;;, gaVI, mhlw 5) Fh e!er I see shall perish# Fi"h wh m sh uld I ass 'ia"eL Gw<hu ieAw ibiD shI i'q 4>6a mwieAw r$gu ] (255-;2, gaVI, mhlw 5) Jn w "his as "rue in y ur ' ns'i usness, "ha" "he l !e ) $aya is )alse# Gw<q s e: s$qu suie &7m qy +Ii'q i&Mn ] (255-;2, gaVI, mhlw 5) *e al ne +n ws, and he al ne is a 2ain", wh is )ree ) d ub"# A$D +>p qy iqh +Nhu ijh h !hu sup7sMn ] (255-;O, gaVI, mhlw 5) *e is li)"ed up and u" ) "he deep dar+ pi"8 "he / rd is " "ally pleased wi"h him# Gw +% hwiA smrA qy +wrn +rn% j g ] (255-;O, gaVI, mhlw 5) 5 d?s *and is All-p wer)ul8 *e is "he (rea" r, "he (ause ) 'auses

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