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Paper & ,nternational -istory, &#+.!/((( 0o dditional 1aterials are required. READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS FIRST Write your name and PDG on all the work you hand in, including this cover sheet. Write the question numbers of the questions attempted on this cover page. Write in dark blue or black pen. Start each answer on a fresh piece of writing paper. Section A nswer Question 1. Section B nswer any three questions. Start each answer on a fresh piece of writing paper. Draw a right!hand margin on every page of your answer script.

0121/.1 3314/.1
Thurs 12 Se#tem5er *.1* 2 hours

t the end of the e"amination, fasten the answer to each question separately, with this cover sheet attached on top of your answer to the first question. ll questions in this paper carry equal marks. You are reminded o the need or !ood En!"ish and c"ear #resentation in $our ans%ers&

Question No& Section A 1 Section B

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Name 2 3333333333333333333333333333333333 +D) 2 3333333333333333333333333333333333 4his document consists of 7 printed pages, including this page. B(AN9 +A)E

5 nderson 6unior 7ollege

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Section A You must answer Question 1.

The United Nations and Somalia

1 Read the sources carefully before answering the question. Source A Resolution 794 (1992 !he "ecurity #ouncil$ %etermining that the magnitude of the human tragedy caused by the conflict in "omalia$ further e&acerbated by the obstacles being created to the distribution of humanitarian assistance$ constitutes a threat to international 'eace and security$ %etermined to establish as soon as 'ossible the necessary conditions for the deli(ery of humanitarian assistance where(er needed in "omalia$ %etermined further to restore 'eace$ stability and law and order with a (iew to facilitating the 'rocess of a 'olitical settlement under the aus'ices of the )nited *ations$ aimed at national reconciliation in "omalia$ 1. Reaffirms its demand that all 'arties$ mo(ements and factions in "omalia immediately cease hostilities maintain a ceasefire throughout the country$ and coo'erate with the "'ecial Re'resentati(e of the "ecretary+,eneral as well as with the military forces to be established2. .cting under #ha'ter /00 of the #harter of the )nited *ations$ authori1es the "ecretary+ ,eneral and 2ember "tates coo'erating to-use all necessary means to establish as soon as 'ossible a secure en(ironment for humanitarian relief o'erations in "omalia. )nited *ations Resolution 794$ "3R4"3794 (1992 $ 5 %ecember 1992. Source B !he culmination was on 6ctober 5$ when )" Rangers$ on yet another mission to ca'ture .ideed$ were caught in a firefight with "omali militia. "e(enteen .mericans were 7illed and many more wounded. !he death of the .mericans caused a strong outcry in the )" #ongress and wide criticism in the media. Res'onding to these de(elo'ments$ 8resident 9ill #linton ga(e orders to the )" forces in "omalia:without consulting the )nited *ations :to sto' hunting .ideed. "ubsequently$ he announced that all )" forces would be
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withdrawn by the end of 2arch 1994. !he "ecurity #ouncil decided$ in turn$ that em'hasis should again be 'laced on a 'olitical solution to the "omalia 'roblem$ im'lying that military enforcement measures would not be 'ursued. ,eneral .ideed emerged from hiding and was flown in an .merican 'lane to 'artici'ate on equal terms in a further conference on national unity in .ddis .baba. !here was no longer a designated enemy. 9ut the unha''y de(elo'ments that led to this return to im'artiality had raised serious questions as to the (iability of the conce't of 'eace enforcement. ;ames ". "utterlin$ The United Nations and the Maintenance of International Security$ 2<<5. Source C =e then returned to the issue of "omalia. 9ecause of the )nited "tates> declaration that it would withdraw by 2arch 51$ 1994$ se(eral 4uro'ean and other go(ernments decided to 'ull out as well. !he "ecurity #ouncil$ of which the )nited "tates was the ma?or member$ had called u'on me to offer a 'lan on what should be done ne&t. @Aow can 0 'lan if you ?ust wal7 out of "omaliaBC 0 as7ed. !he )nited "tates had ended the )nited *ations> effort to restore "omalia to nationhood. !here was nothing to do but try to hel' the )nited "tates de'art with as little lasting harm as 'ossible. !he )nited "tates> de'arture from "omalia 'reci'itated a stam'ede of other nations 'ulling out as well$ demonstrating that the international community did not ha(e the will to act in su''ort of a failed state. "ecretary+,eneral 9outros 9outros+,hali$ in his boo7$ Unvanquished: A US-UN Saga$ 1999. Source D %uring its two+year duration )*6"62 00 ()nited *ations 6'eration in "omalia had cost the )nited *ations more than )"D1.E billion. .bout 1F< of its 'ersonnel had been 7illed and it had been res'onsible directly or indirectly for the deaths of many times this number of "omalis$ both guilty and innocent. 0t must of course be ac7nowledged that )*6"62 00: and 'erha's more so )*0!.G ()nited *ations !as7 Gorce before it:also hel'ed sa(e many li(es. !he humanitarian role of the international military inter(ention$ howe(er im'erfect$ rescued thousands of "omalis from famine. !his was done$ moreo(er$ while the (ictims> com'atriots sought to 'er'etuate their 'light for their own 'olitical 'ur'oses. *orrie 2acqueen$ a 9ritish academic in his boo7 The United Nations and Peacekeeping in Africa since !"#$ 2<<2. Source E .fter congratulating itself on a number of successes$ the )* suddenly faced a series of catastro'hic failures$ and the international media did not hesitate to hea' criticism on the 6rgani1ation. "omalia$ Rwanda and 9osnia are e&am'les of the inability of the )* to co'e with new and festering internal conflicts where the 'arties had no interest in finding a 'eaceful solution. 8ressured by the catastro'hic humanitarian crisis in "omalia$ the )* (and the )nited "tates entered a situation in which there was no ceasefire and no reliable consent from the 'arties. !he international force became caught u' in the conflict by going the offensi(e against one of its 'arties$ remo(ing its legitimacy as an im'artial facilitator.
5 nderson 6unior 7ollege #$%&'(& ) **&+'(&

!he debacle in "omalia contributed to the humiliating failure of the )* to res'ond some months later to the genocide in Rwanda in 1994. 8leas to the )* "ecurity #ouncil went unheeded as the )nited "tates$ fearing another "omalia$ refused to ac7nowledge that genocide was ta7ing 'lace. ;ean 4. Hrasno$ The United Nations: $onfronting the $hallenges of a %lo&al Society$ 2<<4. Now answer the following question 'o( far do sources A-) sho( that United Nations efforts in So*alia failed &ecause of the lack of political (ill+ Section B You must answer three questions from this section. 2. I0t was the unyielding (ision of Pa, A*ericana that caused the #old =ar.> Aow far do you agreeB 5. I!he rise of ,orbache( s'elled the end of the #old =ar.> %o you agreeB 4. Aow far was o(erde'endence on the )nited "tates the 7ey 'roblem in the global economy in the 'eriod 197<+2<<<B F. I!he 0ndo+8a7istani conflict remained 'rotracted due to the unchanging struggle to 'reser(e national ideology.> %iscuss. E. I!he rise of religious fundamentalism stemmed 'rimarily from threats to national identity.> %iscuss the (alidity of this statement with reference to the 2iddle 4ast and "outh .sia.

5 nderson 6unior 7ollege

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