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Integrated Environmental Solutions Ltd

<Virtual Environment> Documentation Constructions

Shading Devices
Internal Shading Device - Blinds/Curtains ..........................................................................................................2 Profile Group for Blind/Curtain Operation ..........................................................................................................2 Incident Radiation to Lower Device ...................................................................................................................2 Incident Radiation to Raise Device ....................................................................................................................2 Nighttime Resistance .........................................................................................................................................2 Daytime Resistance ...........................................................................................................................................3 Shading Coefficient ............................................................................................................................................3 Short-Wave Radiant Fraction.............................................................................................................................3 Table 8 - Shading Coefficient and Short-wave Radiant Fraction for Blinds and Curtains ................................4 External Shading Devices Shutters/Blinds/Louvres ........................................................................................5 Profile Group for Shutter Operation ...................................................................................................................5 Nighttime Resistance .........................................................................................................................................5 Daytime Resistance ...........................................................................................................................................5 Ground Diffuse Transmission ............................................................................................................................5 Sky Diffuse Transmission...................................................................................................................................5 Transmission Factors at 15 Increments ...........................................................................................................5 Table 9 - Transmission Factors for External Miniature Louvres ........................................................................6 Local Shading Device Projection/Window Recessing......................................................................................7 Window Width ....................................................................................................................................................7 Window Height ...................................................................................................................................................7 Overhang Projection ..........................................................................................................................................7 Overhang Offset .................................................................................................................................................7 Left Fin Projection ..............................................................................................................................................7 Left Fin Offset.....................................................................................................................................................7 Right Fin Projection............................................................................................................................................7 Right Fin Offset ..................................................................................................................................................7 Balcony Height ...................................................................................................................................................7 Balcony Depth....................................................................................................................................................7

Registered in Scotland No. SC151456 | Registered Office - Helix Building, West Of Scotland Science Park, Glasgow G20 0SP

Integrated Environmental Solutions Ltd

<Virtual Environment> Documentation Constructions

Internal Shading Device - Blinds/Curtains

Apache models both the shading effect and the reduction in U-value resulting from the use of blinds or curtains. Internal shading devices need not necessarily mean devices used for shading purposes, and could simply refer to the use of curtains at night. If the shading effect is not to be modelled then the shading coefficient and radiant fraction must both be set to 1. The shading coefficient is applied to the direct component of solar radiation that has passed through the window, i.e. as if the shading device were on the room side of the glazing system. Values of shading coefficient and radiant fraction for mid-pane blinds must be corrected to account for this method of calculation (see Table 8 below for typical values).

Profile Group for Blind/Curtain Operation

This is a percentage-profile group which must have been defined in the project database. Whenever the percentage is greater than 50, then the device is considered to be operating (i.e. lowered into position). Whenever the percentage is less than or equal to 50, then the device will not operate unless the incident solar radiation is above the value of 'Incident Radiation to Lower Device' entered in cell 3 on this line. If no profile set then the blinds will only operate when the incident solar radiation goes above the 'Incident Radiation to Lower Device'. The combination of the profile group with the solar set points is essentially an 'OR' function. If either the profile group has a value greater than 50% OR the incident solar radiation is greater than the value of 'Incident Radiation to Lower Device' then the device will operate.

Incident Radiation to Raise Device

The shading device is taken out of operation (i.e. raised) whenever the intensity of total incident solar radiation goes below this value. This value must be less than or equal to the 'Incident Radiation to Lower Device' value. If the 'Incident Radiation to Raise Device' and the 'Incident Radiation to Lower Device' are both entered as zero the device is assumed to operate only according to the timed operation profile and its operation is not affected by solar radiation.
Warning Limits 0.0 - IRL Error Limits 0.0 - IRL

Units W/ m2

Where: IRL = value entered for Incident Radiation to Lower Device'

Nighttime Resistance
This is the additional thermal resistance (if any) due to the device when it is in operation at night. The thermal resistance may be different for day and night so that changes in the method of use of the device from day to night may be modelled. Such changes may simply be the closing up of adjustable louvre blades at night or using special reversible louvre blades with a heat reflecting coating on one side. If you are uncertain what value to specify, leave this cell in its default state or enter zero. ETSU Measurements have shown that net curtains and venetian blinds have minimal insulation effect on the glazing (<10% reduction for single glazing). The thermal effect of these blinds can therefore be ignored for most applications. The effect of heavyweight curtains/blinds should be included however.
Warning Limits 0.0 - 2.5 Error Limits 0.0 - 1000.0

Incident Radiation to Lower Device

The shading device operates (i.e. is lowered into position) whenever the intensity of the total incident solar radiation is greater than this value. If the 'Incident Radiation to Raise Device' and the 'Incident Radiation to Lower Device' are both entered as zero the device is assumed to operate only according to the timed operation profile and its operation is not affected by solar radiation.
Units 2 W/m Warning Limits 0.0 - 600.0 Error Limits 0.0 - 1200.0

Units 2 m K/W

Registered in Scotland No. SC151456 | Registered Office - Helix Building, West Of Scotland Science Park, Glasgow G20 0SP

Integrated Environmental Solutions Ltd

<Virtual Environment> Documentation Constructions

Daytime Resistance
This is the additional thermal resistance (if any) due to the device when it is in operation during the day. This extra resistance affects not only the U value, but also the retransmitted component of absorbed solar radiation. If you are uncertain what value to specify, leave this cell in its default state or enter zero. ETSU Measurements have shown that net curtains and venetian have minimal insulation effect on the glazing (<10% reduction for single glazing). The thermal effect of these blinds can therefore be ignored for most applications. However, the effect of heavyweight curtains/blinds should be included.
Units 2 m K/W Warning Limits 0.0 - 2.5 Error Limits 0.0 - 1000.0

The solar radiation which passes through the blind is distributed into the room according to the shortwave radiant fraction. Some blind manufacturers give short-wave solar transmission and absorptance data for their products. As an example, consider a blind which allows 40% of short-wave solar radiation to pass, absorbs 30% and re-reflects the rest back out of the window. For internal blinds, about two thirds of the heat absorbed by the blinds will be retransmitted into the room by convection and long-wave radiation (all of the convective component and about half of the long-wave radiant component). In this case the shading coefficient should be entered as: 0.4 + 0.667 x 0.30 0.60 The short-wave radiant fraction should be entered as: 1 - (0.667 x 0.30) / 0.6 = 0.67 Some typical blind shading coefficients are listed in Table 8.
Units Warning Limits 0.2 0.95 Error Limits 0.0 1.0

Shading Coefficient
Blinds and curtains (refered to as blinds below) reduce solar penetration into the space by reflecting short-wave solar radiation back out of the window. In doing this they warm up and transfer some heat into the room by convection and by long-wave radiation (this is called retransmitted heat in APACHE). The blinds may also allow some short-wave heat to pass through directly. The shading coefficient describes the amount of directly transmitted (i.e. short-wave) solar gain passing through the glazing layers into the room. A shading coefficient of 0 means full shading and a coefficient of 1 means no shading. The solar retransmitted gain passing through the glazing is modelled in APACHE as approximately one-third convective and two-thirds (long-wave) radiant (the exact split depends on the internalsurface properties). The internal blind is not considered to affect the long-wave radiation and convective heat transfer through the glazing. The shading coefficient therefore only acts on the directly transmitted (short-wave) solar radiation which passes through the glazing.

Short-Wave Radiant Fraction

The short-wave radiant fraction defines the proportion of the solar radiation passing through the blind which is to be directly transmitted into the room as short-wave heat. A value of 1.0 means that the blind transfers all solar radiation passing through the blind as shortwave radiant heat. In this case the blind absorbs no heat and so convection and long-wave heat radiation from the blind are zero. A value of 0.0 means that all solar heat passing through the blind is transfered into the room as re-transmitted heat (i.e. approximately one third convective heat and two thirds long-wave radiant) For an example of how to calculate short-wave radiant fraction from manufacturers data see Shading coefficient.
Warning Limits 0.0 1.0 Error Limits 0.0 1.0

Units -

Typical values are listed in Table 8 below.

Registered in Scotland No. SC151456 | Registered Office - Helix Building, West Of Scotland Science Park, Glasgow G20 0SP

Integrated Environmental Solutions Ltd

<Virtual Environment> Documentation

Table 8 - Shading Coefficient and Short-wave Radiant Fraction for Blinds and Curtains

Shading device

Shading Coefficient 0.81 0.61 0.54 0.40 0.44 0.76 0.85 0.83 0.56 0.49

Short-wave Radiant Fraction 0.5 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.4

Dark green open-weave plastic blind Venetian blind White cotton curtain Cream Holland linen blind Mid-pane Venetian blind (From BRE data) Net curtain (fine) Net curtain (open weave) Venetian blind (open) Venetian blind (closed) Light curtain (closed) (From ETSU data for white room 1987)

Note: A shading coefficient of 0 means full shading, and a coefficient of 1 means no shading.

Registered in Scotland No. SC151456 | Registered Office - Helix Building, West Of Scotland Science Park, Glasgow G20 0SP

Integrated Environmental Solutions Ltd

<Virtual Environment> Documentation

External Shading Devices Shutters/Blinds/Louvres

External shading devices could include window shutters, external blinds, miniature or other louvre systems. They could also include fixed overhanging horizontal louvre systems if required, since the transmission characteristics are specified as a function of vertical shadow angle.

Profile Group for Shutter Operation

This is a percentage-profile group from the project database. Whenever the percentage is greater than 50, then the device is considered to be operating (i.e. lowered into position). Whenever the percentage is less than or equal to 50, then the device will not operate unless the incident solar radiation is above the value of 'Incident Radiation to Lower Device' entered in cell 3 on this line. When blank the blinds will only operate when the incident solar radiation goes above the 'Incident Radiation to Lower Device'. The combination of the profile group with the solar set points is essentially an 'OR' function. If either the profile group has a value greater than 50% OR the incident solar radiation is greater than the value of 'Incident Radiation to Lower Device' then the device will operate.

Ground Diffuse Transmission

This is the transmission factor for ground reflected diffuse solar radiation. It is, to some extent, a measure of the view of the ground from the window. 'Ground' means everything below the horizon. For example, if a person's view of the ground were completely obscured by a solid opaque shading device, then the transmission factor should be zero; however, if their view of the ground were unobstructed, then the factor should be one. For partial views or semi transparent devices, the factor should be between zero and one. Note that if the item is left in its default state, then a default transmission factor is used which is equal to the average transmission factor for direct solar radiation.
Warning Limits 0.0 - 1.0 Error Limits 0.0 - 1.0

Units -

Sky Diffuse Transmission

This is the transmission factor for diffuse solar radiation from the sky. It is, to some extent, a measure of the view of the sky from the window. 'Sky' means everything above the horizon. Where there would be an unobstructed view of the sky, enter a value of one. Where the shading device partially obscures the diffuse light transmission from the sky, a factor between zero and one should be entered. Note that if the factor is left in its default state then a default transmission factor is used which is equal to the average transmission factor for direct solar radiation.
Units Warning Limits 0.0 - 1.0 Error Limits 0.0 - 1.0

Nighttime Resistance
This is the additional thermal resistance (if any) due to the device when it is in operation at night. The thermal resistance may be different for day and night so that changes in the method of use of the device from day to night may be modelled. Such changes may simply be the closing up of adjustable louvre blades at night or using special reversible louvre blades with a heat reflecting coating on one side. If you are uncertain what value to specify, leave this cell in its default state or enter zero.
Units m2K/W Warning Limits 0.0 - 2.5 Error Limits 0.0 - 1000.0

Daytime Resistance
This is the additional thermal resistance (if any) due to the device when it is in operation during the day. This extra resistance affects not only the Uvalue, but also the retransmitted component of absorbed solar radiation. If you are uncertain what value to specify, leave this cell in its default state or enter zero.
Units 2 m K/W Warning Limits 0.0 2.5 Error Limits 0.0 - 1000.0

Transmission Factors at 15 Increments

This is the fraction of the direct solar radiation transmitted through the shading device. The vertical shadow angle is defined as the angle in the vertical plane normal to the irradiated surface made by the ground and the projection of the sun's rays onto that plane. When the azimuth of the irradiated surface is the same as the solar azimuth, the vertical shadow angle is the same as the solar altitude. When a figure is entered for 0 only, the program assumes it to be a standard default figure for all angles. Typical values for louvres are listed in Table 9, below.
Units Warning Limits 0.0 - 1.0 Error Limits 0.0 - 1.0

Registered in Scotland No. SC151456 | Registered Office - Helix Building, West Of Scotland Science Park, Glasgow G20 0SP

Integrated Environmental Solutions Ltd

<Virtual Environment> Documentation

Table 9 - Transmission Factors for External Miniature Louvres

Vertical Shadow Angle ( ) 0 15 30 45 60 75 90

Transmisson Standard Low-Sun Angle Koolshade KoolShade 0.65 0.4 0.2 0 0 0 0 0.5 0.2 0 0 0 0 0

From Colt KoolShade leaflet.

Registered in Scotland No. SC151456 | Registered Office - Helix Building, West Of Scotland Science Park, Glasgow G20 0SP

Integrated Environmental Solutions Ltd

<Virtual Environment> Documentation

The area of a typical window unit (i.e. width times height) does not have to match the area of glazing defined on the rooms data. When the program is calculating the solar gain through a window it first calculates the fractional shading of a typical window unit as defined here, then it multiplies the solar gain for the whole of the window area by that fraction. The program assumes that the overhang or balcony extends far beyond the left and right limits of the window, and that the fins extend far beyond the top and bottom limits. The shading of beam solar radiation is calculated from the solar geometry at each hour of the day. The shading of sky diffuse radiation is calculated from the view factor of the sky. Ground reflected radiation is unaffected by local shading since the projections are assumed to reflect as much radiation as the ground. In cases where the window slopes (i.e. is not vertical), all the local shading projections are assumed to slope equally. Thus, the shading projections are referenced at all times to the window, not the ground. 'Left' and 'right' refer to the sides of the window as viewed from outside.

Local Shading Device Projection/Window Recessing

Window Width
This is the width of a typical window unit.
Units m Warning Limits 0.1 10.0 Error Limits 0.01 - 1000.0

Left Fin Offset

This is the distance between the left side of the window and the fin. If there is no left fin leave this cell in its default state (0.0).
Units m Error Limits 0.01 - 1000.0 Warning Limits 0.1 5.0 Error Limits 0.0 - 100.0

Window Height
This is the height of a typical window unit.
Units m Warning Limits 0.1 10.0

Right Fin Projection

The fin projection, (or window recess), is the perpendicular distance from the plane of the window surface to the furthest point of the fin. If there is no right fin leave this cell in its default state (0.0).
Units m Warning Limits 0.1 5.0 Error Limits 0.0 - 100.0

Overhang Projection
An overhang is assumed to be a solid horizontal projection above the top of the window. This value is the perpendicular distance from the plane of the window's surface to the furthest point of the overhang. If there is no overhang leave this cell in its default state (0.0).
Units m Warning Limits 0.1 5.0 Error Limits 0.0 - 100.0

Right Fin Offset

This is the distance between the right side of the window and the fin. If there is no right fin leave this cell in its default state (0.0).
Units m Warning Limits 0.1 5.0 Error Limits 0.0 - 100.0

Overhang Offset
This is the distance between the top of the window and the base of the overhang. If there is no overhang leave this cell in its default state (0.0).
Units m Warning Limits 0.1 5.0 Error Limits 0.0 - 100.0

Balcony Height
A balcony is assumed to consist of a floor, which projects horizontally away from the building, and a solid upstand at the furthest edge of the floor. This value is the height from the bottom of the window (not the bottom of the balcony) to the top of the balcony upstand. If there is no balcony leave this cell in its default state (0.0).
Units m Warning Limits 0.1 5.0 Error Limits 0.0 - 100.0

Left Fin Projection

A fin is assumed to be a solid vertical projection to one side of the window. The fin projection, (or window recess), is the perpendicular distance from the plane of the window surface to the furthest point of the fin. If there is no left fin leave this cell in its default state (0.0).
Units m Warning Limits 0.1 5.0 Error Limits 0.0 - 100.0

Balcony Depth
This is the perpendicular distance between the plane of the window and the upstand (i.e. the projection of the balcony floor). If there is no balcony leave this cell in its default state (0.0).
Warning Limits 0.1 5.0 Error Limits 0.0 - 100.0

Units M

Registered in Scotland No. SC151456 | Registered Office - Helix Building, West Of Scotland Science Park, Glasgow G20 0SP

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