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Curriculum Vitae

Sanjeev Kumar
Permanent Address Address for Correspondance Mobile Phone Email Basti Hazoor Singh, Near Bus Stand, Distt.Fazilka, Fazilka, Punjab -15 1 ! : "1, Po#er $olon%-1, Patiala-1&"''1 : ())) "*"15 : '1*!) *&(&( : sanjee+gold%!,g-ail..osanjee+gold%,hot-ail..oOBJEC !VE Seeking a .areer #ith a gro#th oriented organization #here the a./uired skills and e01erien.e .an be e22e.ti+el% utilized to 2uel the gro#th o2 the organization. P"O#ESS!O$A% E&PE"!E$CE Punjabi 'niversit()Patiala)Pursuing PhD in 4ngineering ,$ourse 5ork $o-1leted Bhai *urdas !nstitute of En+ineerin+ and echnolo+(, San+rur 6ssistant 4ngineering De1art-ent ' .'). '1' - Present *uru e+ Bahadur Khalsa Pol(technic Colle+e Chappian-ali .Malout/ %ecturer 1(.' . ''"-!1.'". '') 0onda Siel Cars !ndia %td1*reater $oida Jr1E2ecutive 1'.'1. ''5-(.'1. ''* :

"ollform E3uipments Pvt1%td1 .*ha4iabad, 'ttarpardesh/ En++1 rainee 7une

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hapar !nstitute of En+ineerin+ and echnolo+(, Patiala 34- Produ.tion and 8ndustrial 4ngineering, '')- '1' Punjab echnical 'niversit( B1 ech 6 2ro- Saheed Bhagat Singh $ollege o2 4ngineering 9 :e.hnolog% Feroze1ur ;Punjab< 5*= -arks in 7une ''&. Punjab School Education Board, Mohali .Punjab/ High S.hool 40a-ination #ith "5 = -arks. !$5'S "!A% "A!$!$* Purolator !ndia %td1, Par-anoo 1 7une ''! > 1 7an. ''& Si0 -onths 8ndustrial :raining-3aintenan.e 9 Produ.tion De1art-ent Escorts !ndia %td1, Bahadur+arh .Patiala/ ?ne -onth 8ndustrial :raining in $%linder @iner 3a.hine Sho1. COMP' E" K$O7%E5*E Pro2i.ient #ith the use o2 5indo#s, 3S ?22i.e, 8nternet , Auto Cad 8999, Pro)E S "E$* 0S Hard#orking and .o--itted #ith an abilit% to stri+e 2or a.hie+ing desired goals. 6bilit% to take u1 and handle .hallenges. 6bilit% to .onstantl% #ork to#ards in.reasing kno#ledge base and honing the skill sets. Strong leadershi1 skills #ith an abilit% to -oti+ate tea-s in a.hie+ing targets and goals. Strong .o--uni.ation, orator% and inter1ersonal skills.

PE"SO$A% 5E A!%S Date o2 birth: @anguages kno#n: Father Na-e Nationalit%: 3arital Status ! 7ul% 1()1 4nglish, Hindi and Punjabi Sh.Harinder Sa.hde+a 8ndian 3arried



6ttended 8nternational $on2eren.e on e-erging trends in 4ngineering at :ha1ar Ani+ersit%, Patiala "E#E"E$CES 1. Dr.Bina% Cu-ar Du1ta > Pro2essor , 4ngineering De1art-ent Punjabi Ani+ersit% ,Patiala . Dr.:ajeet Singh ,Pro2essor , 4ngineering De1art-ent , SBS$4:,Feroze1ur !. 4r. Daura+ Dhuria 6ssistant Pro2essor , D.6.B institute o2 4ngineering 9 :e.hnolog%, 7alandhar. &. Dr. Eahul $hhibber ,6ssistant Pro2essor ,88: 7odh1ur

8 sole-nl% de.lare that the abo+e in2or-ation is true and .orre.t to the best o2 -% kno#ledge. Date : Sanjee+ Cu-ar Pla.e :

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