PE Examination Questions

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Obtain the V-I characteristics of a unidirectional device by conducting a suitable experiment & find the holding current, latching current & forward resistance. 1. onduct a suitable experiment to obtain the VI characteristics of a !ni-directional fourlayer device for two gate currents. "etermine brea#down voltage & holding current, for both the cases. 1. $o plot the static characteristics of %. .& and find holding current, latching current. 1 $o find holding current, latching current and forward resistance of given %. .&.


(lot the static characteristics of )O%*+$. !sing that find the threshold voltage & "rain resistances of the )O%*+$.


onduct a suitable experiment to plot the transfer characteristics and drain characteristics of )O%*+$.


*ind $rans-conductance and output resistance of given )O%*+$.


Verify the characteristics of I,-$ and plot transfer characteristics and output characteristics of I,-$


onduct a suitable experiment to draw to draw the V-I characteristic of the given )O%*+$. !sing that find the $hreshold voltage and "rain-resistance of the )O%*+$.


$o plot the transfer characteristics and output characteristics of I,-$


onduct a suitable experiment to draw the V-I characteristic of the given I,-$ using that find the $hreshold voltage, ollector resistance and $rans-resistance of the I,-$.


onduct a suitable experiment to $urn O/ %. .& using %ynchroni0ed !1$ &elaxation Oscillator and plot a graph of Vo V2% *iring angle. alculate theoretical voltage.

3. $o trigger the given % & by digital triggering circuit, operating on 4 supply a. 5alf wave rectifier voltages too. b. *ull wave rectifier (lot the graph of output " voltage V2% delay angle. *ind the respective theoretical

onduct a suitable experiment on single phase full wave rectifier with &esistive load 2 &-7 load. (lot the output " voltage V2% delay angle graph.

onduct a suitable experiment to obtain output voltage waveform of fully controlled bridge using &-7 load. (lot the output " voltage V2% delay angle graph i8 9ithout freewheeling diode , ii8 9ith free wheeling diode

:. $o verify the operation of 4


ontroller using "I4 -$&I4


connected to & 2 &-7 loads. (lot the output voltage V2% delay angle graph

3. $o control the speed of a separately excited " motor using an I,-$2)O%*+$ chopper. (lot the graph of "uty ycle Vs %peed. V ; ------volts

onduct a suitable experiment so that control is exercised on 4 theoretical one.

using $riac- "iac

combination, draw graph of Vrms Vs firing angle & ompare rms output voltage with its

%etup a circuit to control rms voltage across incandescent lamp using $riac- "iac combination. (lot the graph of load voltage Vs delay angle.


$o study the stepper motor operation and to calculate i. alculate +rror in speed. iii.Verify truth table ii. (rogramming for 1=, '= steps.

>. $o control the speed of !niversal )otor2%ingle phase Induction )otor using $&I4 - "I4 > ombination .(lot the graph of load voltage Vs %peed

ontrol the speed of !niversal )otor2%ingle phase Induction )otor using 4. voltage controller. (lot the graph of load voltage Vs %peed


onduct a suitable experiment to obtain 4 output using %eries and (arallel Inverter. 4lso find resonance fre?uency


onduct a suitable experiment to obtain 4 output at low fre?uency and high fre?uency. *ind resonance fre?uency.

1'. onduct an experiment on controlled full wave rectifier to vary the " power fed to load by using & triggering. (lot output voltage v2s firing angle.

1.. onduct an experiment to produce variable "

output voltage @chopper8, plot output

voltage v2s duty cycle for variable fre?uency @-------A8 and fixed fre?uency @-----508.

1B. "esign and conduct suitable experiment to perform " 1ones hopper with turn off time e?uals to ..BCsec.

16. "esign and conduct an experiment to perform Voltage commutation using % & with $ off ; '.:Csecs.

1:. onduct an experiment to perform 7oad side commutation chopper using % & with and without freewheeling diode

13. "esign and conduct suitable experiment to turn off % & for different values of 7 and @71;1==m5, 7' ; '==m5 and ; 1C*8

1<. onduct a suitable experiment to obtain VI characteristics of the three layer bidirectional switch. "etermine the brea# over voltage in I and III ?uadrants and comment on its sensitivity.

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