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ISSN 2319 1953 International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science Applications and Management Studies

Enhancing Security using Steganography with High Avalanche Effect Encryption Algorithm
Suresh D , Prasanth E
UG Scholars ,Dept of CSE, Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College, Perambalur, Tamil Nadu,India. ,
Abstract To increase the security of messages sent over the internet steganography is used. This paper discusses a method based on the LSB(least significant bit) and a new encryption algorithm. Through matching data to an image, there is less chance of an attacker being able to use steganalysis to recover data. Prior to hiding the data in an image the application first encrypts it. Here our algorithm that combines the process of scrambling of bits and substitution boxes resulting in high avalanche effect. Keywords- Steganography; LSB; Cryptography; Avalanche Effect



In the digital world, data is the heart of computer communication and global economy. To ensure the security of the data, the concept of data hiding has fascinated people to come up with creative solutions to protect data from falling into wrong hands. Digital data can be delivered over computer networks from one place to another without any errors and interference. The distribution of digital media raised a concern over the years as the data are attacked and manipulated by unauthorized person. Digital data can be copied without any loss in quality and content. Thus it poses a big problem for the security of data and protection of intellectual property rights of copyright owners. The Internet provides a method of communication as means to distribute information to the masses. As a consequence of spreading of Internet around the world, motivation of hiding secret message in different multimedia and secure communication via Internet is increased. Techniques for information hiding are increasing day by day with more sophisticated approach. The digital media which are utilized for secret communication includes text, images, audio and videos which provide excellent carriers for hidden information. Due to the growth of data communication over computer network, the security of information has turn into a major concern. Thus to protect data from unauthorized access and use, the data confidentiality and integrity are required. Steganography and cryptography are the two different information hiding techniques which provide confidentiality and integrity of data. Steganography method aims to transmit a message on a channel, where some other type of information is already being transmitted. The goal of steganography is to hide messages inside other harmless digital media in a way that does not allow any person to even detect the presence of secret message. The main goal of steganography is to communicate securely in such a way as to avoid drawing suspicion to the Volume 3, Issue 1 (January 2014)

transmission of a hidden data. Cryptography hides the contents of a secret message from an unauthorized person but the content of the message is visible. In cryptography, the structure of a message is scrambled in such a way as to make it meaningless and unintelligible manner .Basically, cryptography offers the ability of transmitting information between persons in a way that prevents a third party from reading it . Steganography does not alter the structure of the secret message, but hides it inside a medium so that the change is not visible. In other words, steganography prevents an unintended recipient from suspecting that the data exists and the security of the steganography system relies on secrecy of the data encoding system. Once the encoding system is known, the steganography system is defeated. While cryptography protects messages from unauthorized individual by changing the meaning, steganography techniques enable concealment of the fact that a message is being sent through digital media. Steganography is the invisible communication between the sender and the receiver . In Steganography, only the sender and the receiver know the existence of the message, while in cryptography the existence of the encrypted message is visible to the world. For this reason, steganography removes the unwanted attention coming to the media in which the message is hidden. Steganography and Cryptography are different in their way of data hiding but they are in fact complementary techniques. No matter how strong the encryption algorithm may be, if secret message is discovered, it will be subject to cryptanalysis . Likewise, how well a message is concealed inside a digital media there is possibility of the hidden message to be discovered by the third party. By combining Steganography and Cryptography we can achieve better security by concealing the existence of an encrypted message . The resulting stegoobject can be transmitted without revealing that secret information is being exchanged. Furthermore, even if an attacker were to detect the message from the stego-object, he at first have to decode the message from digital media and then he would still require the cryptographic algorithm to decipher the encrypted message . II. CRYPTOGRAPHY

The Cryptography is an important element of any strategy to address message transmission security requirements. Cryptography is the study of methods of sending messages in disguised form so that only the intended recipients can remove the disguise and read the message .It is the practical art of


ISSN 2319 1953 International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science Applications and Management Studies converting messages or data into a diverse form, such that no If both letters are the same (or only one letter is left), one can read them without having access to the 'key'. The add an "X" after the first letter. Encrypt the new pair as message may be converted using a 'code' (in which case each well as continue. character or group of characters is substituted by an alternative If the letters appear on the same row of the table, one), or a 'cypher' or 'cipher' (in which case the message as a substitute them with the letters to their immediate right. whole is transformed, rather than individual If the letters appear on the same column of your table, characters). Cryptology is the science underlying cryptography. substitute them with the letters immediately below. Cryptanalysis is the science of 'breaking' or 'cracking' If the letters are not on the similar row or column, encryption schemes, i.e. finding out the decryption key. replace them with the letters on the same row Cryptographic systems are generically categorized along two respectively but at the other pair of corners of the independent dimensions. rectangle defined by the original pair Methodology for transforming plain text to cipher text. 2) Caesar Cipher: In cryptography, a Caesar cipher, also Every one of encryption algorithms are based on two recognized as the shift cipher, is one of the simplest and most general principles: substitution, in which every element in extensively known encryption methods. It is a type of the plaintext is mapped into one more element, and substitution cipher in which each letter in the plaintext is transposition, in which elements in the plaintext are replaced by a letter some fixed number of positions down the rearranged. The basic requirement is that no information alphabet. For instance, with a shift of 3, A would be be lost. substituted by D, B would become E, and so on . Methodology for number of keys used. 3) Vigenere Cipher: The Vigenere Cipher is the process There are some standards methods which is used with of encrypting alphabetic text by using a series of different cryptography such as secret key, public key, digital Caesar ciphers based on the letters of a keyword. To encrypt, signature and hash function. a Vigenere square is used. It consists of the alphabet Secret Key (Symmetric): written out 26 times in different rows, every alphabet shifted With secret key cryptography, a single key is used for both cyclically to the left compared to the preceding alphabet, encryption and decryption. The sender utilizes the key to corresponding to the 26 possible Caesar ciphers. At dissimilar encrypt the plaintext and input sends the cipher text to the points in the encryption process, the cipher utilizes a different receiver. The receiver applies block. A stream cipher processes alphabet from one of the rows. The alphabet used at every the input elements the same key to decrypt the message and point depends on a repeating keyword. recover the plaintext. Because a single key is used for both For Example: substitution functions, secret key cryptography is also called as KEY : SRIRAMSR symmetric encryption. TEXT : DISASTER Public Key: CIPHERTEXT: WABSTGXJ(after encryption) Public key cryptography has been said to be the most significant new development in cryptography in the last 300III. STEGANOGRAPHY 400 years. Current Public Key Cryptography was first Steganography is a science, which dates back to ancient described publicly by Standford University professor Martin times. It has been used by ordinary people, spies, rulers, Hellman and graduate student Whitfield Diffie in 1976. Their governments, armies, etc down through the ages. It is the study illustrated a two-key crypto system in which two parties original method of information concealment. Information has could engage in a secure communication over a insecure been hidden in drawings, paintings, books, newspapers, in communications channel without having to share a secret a speech, in written word, even in postage stamps . key. The Greeks, from the histories of Herodotus, wrote text on A. Classical Encryption Techniques wax-covered tablets. In one story, Demeratus required to notify Classical encryption techniques use scrambling of bits in Sparta that Xerxes intended to occupy Greece. To avoid order to encipher the message. In this section, we discuss three capture, he scraped the wax off the tablets and wrote a message important classical cryptographic techniques. on the underlying wood. He after that covered the tablets with 1) Playfair Cipher: The Playfair cipher uses a 5 by 5 table wax again. The tablets appeared to be blank as well as unused containing a key word or phrase. To produce the key table, one so they passed inspection by sentries without question. would first fill in the spaces in the table with the letters of the The Egyptians, used illustrations to conceal messages. The keyword (dropping any duplicate letters), after that fill the idea being that one party might send the illustration to the other remaining spaces with the rest of the letters of the alphabet in in reasonable confidence that if the messenger was questioned order (put both "I" and "J" in the same space). The key can be then the illustration would not arouse any interest from his written inside the top rows of the table, from left to right, or in enemies. some new pattern, such as a spiral beginning in the upperleftThe Chinese, would often write on thin silk or paper, which hand corner and ending in the center. Then the message is they rolled into a ball and covered in wax. A messenger hid the taken and is encrypted using the following rules: ball someplace on his person, sometimes by swallowing it. IJSRCSAMS Volume 3, Issue 1 (January 2014)

ISSN 2319 1953 International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science Applications and Management Studies Steganography is the art of communicating messages by A. Cryptography Phase(Encryption and Decryption): embedding them into multimedia data (usually digital images ). Here high avalanche effect algorithm is used. The proposed It is desired to maximize the amount of hidden information algorithm uses the positive features of the classical (embedding rate) while preserving security against detection by cryptographic algorithm like scrambling of bits and combines it unauthorized parties. Steganography system Like the Least with the main advantage of a modern cryptographic algorithm, Significant Bit LSB should fulfill the same requirements i.e., the usage of a key. In this algorithm, the key is of 64-bits posed by the "Kerckhoff principle" in cryptography. Types of or more. The actual message to be encrypted is split into block steganograpy: There are the main types of steganography of 64-bits (8 alphabets). Every block is enciphered using a Playfair cipher. The resulting encrypted text undergoes Text steganography using digital files is not used very intensive scrambling as shown in figure. The scrambled text, often since text files have a very small amount of which is also 8 bits, is further enciphered using a Vigenere redundant data. cipher. Audio/Video steganography is very complex in use. Image steganography is widely use for hiding process of data. Since it is quite simple and secure way to transfer the information over the internet. Image steganography has following types: a. Transform domain b. Image domain (Two types) i. LSB and MSB in BMP ii. LSB and MSB in JPG It is most efficient (in term of data hiding ) method of image steganography. As the intensity of image is only change by 1 or 0 after hiding the information. Change in intensity is either 0 or else 1 because the change at last bit. IV. PROPOSED SYSTEM
Figure 2. Scrambling of input text

In this paper we propose a method of combining cryptography and steganography to solve the problem of unauthorized data access. Steganography is not the same as cryptography Data hiding techniques have been widely used to transmission of hiding secret message for long time. Guarantee data security is a big challenge for computer users. Business men, professionals, as well as home users all have some important data that they want to secure from others. Even while both methods provide security, to append multiple layers of security it is always a good practice to use Cryptography and Steganography together. By combining, the data encryption be able to be done by a software and then embed the cipher text in an image or any other media with the help of stego key. The combination of these two techniques will enhance the security of the data embedded. This combined chemistry will satisfy the requirements such as capacity, security as well as robustness for secure data transmission over an open channel.

The Vigenere ciphered text (d0d1d7) is split into 2 parts of 4 bits each. These 2 parts are utilized for selecting the particular value in the 16 X 16 Substitution Box (fig 3). The first part (first 4 bits) is taken as the row and the second part (last 4 bits) is taken as the column. The resultant 64 bit is virtually unrecognizable and unbreakable using brute force approach.

Figure 1. Proposed system architecture

Figure 3. 16 x 16 S-Box

Volume 3, Issue 1 (January 2014)

Now the 64 bits are XOR-Scrambled M times (M=1, 2 or 3) (fig 4). Then, the 64-bits are further spilt into 4 blocks of 16 IJSRCSAMS

ISSN 2319 1953 International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science Applications and Management Studies bits each which are then XOR-ed block-wise as shown in fig 5. 2) Calculation of Avalanche Effect: The blocks are further combined and XOR-ed again as shown. Avalanche Effect refers to a desirable property of The entire process is performed N times. cryptographic algorithms where, if an input is changed slightly In our experiment we take the value of N between 1 and 16. (for example, flipping a distinct bit) the output changes Finally the output is further scrambled using the same S-Box as significantly (e.g., more than half the output bits flip). In our shown in fig 3. case, we take the input plain text as DISASTER. Flipping one bit from the plain text, we get DISCSTER (on flipping A (01000001) to C (01000011)). The key used is SRIRAMSR. KEY: SRIRAMSR 010100110101001001001001010100100100000101001101 0101001101010010 PLAIN TEXT 1: DISASTER 010001000100100101010011010000010101001101010100 0100010101010010 PLAIN TEXT 2: DISCSTER 010001000100100101010011010001010101001101010100 0100010101010010
Figure 4. XOR scrampling

a) Playfair Cipher: CIPHER TEXT 1: KDRMAOCA 010010110100010001010010010011010100000101001111 0100001101000001 CIPHER TEXT 2: KDRBAOCA 010010110100010001010010010000100100000101001111 0100001101000001 We can clearly see that the avalanche effect is 4 bits, that is, 6.25%. b) Vigenere Cipher: CIPHER TEXT 1: VZARSFWI 010101100101101001000001010100100101001101000110 0101011101001001 CIPHER TEXT 2: VZATSFWI 010101100101101001000001010101000101001101000110 0101011101001001 The Avalanche Effect is 2 bits, that is, 3.125%. c) Ceaser Cipher: CIPHER TEXT 1: GLVDVWHU 010001110100110001010110010001000101011001010111 0100100001010101 CIPHER TEXT 2: GLVFVWHU 010001110100110001010110010001100101011001010111 0100100001010101 The Avalanche Effect, in this case, is 1 bit only, that is, 1.56%. d) DES: CIPHER TEXT 1:

1) Calculation of Avalanche Effect: The Avalanche Effect is calculated as:

Figure 5. 16 x 16 S-Box

010000001100011011111000101101110111011001001001 1010010111111111 IJSRCSAMS

Volume 3, Issue 1 (January 2014)

ISSN 2319 1953 International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science Applications and Management Studies CIPHER TEXT 2: The change is only one bit so that the intensity of image is not affected too much and we can easily transfer the data. 011000100011111011101001010000111000111000111110 Steps To Insert Data In Image : 1000111000101000 After 16 Rounds of DES, there are 35-bits flipped. Hence the Avalanche Effect is 54.68%. e) Blowfish: The average Avalanche Effect in a blowfish algorithm is 28.71%. That is, there is a change of approximately 19 bits. f) Proposed Technique: CIPHER TEXT 1: 010011110101110000100110100100000010000011100011 1111000001011111 CIPHER TEXT 2: 000001100001001110011001101001011000010001010100 0001101001000101 We can clearly see that there is a difference of 45 bits. The Avalanche Effect is calculated as 70.31%. 3) Result: When the number 200, which binary version is 11001000, is embedded into the least significant bits of this part of the image, the resulting grid is like follows: 00101101 00011101 11011100 10100110 11000101 00001101 11010010 10101100 01100011 V. CONCLUSION a. Take an input image. b. Find out the pixel values. c. Select the pixel on which we want to insert data. This process of selection of pixel is done as user?s choice he may choose pixel continuous or alternate or at a fixed distance. Insert the data values in pixels For instance a grid for 3 pixels of a 24-bit image can be as follows: 00101101 00011100 11011100 10100110 11000100 00001100 11010010 10101101 01100011

In this paper we have proposed a algorithm to increase the security of messages sent over the internet steganography is utilized. This paper discussed a technique based on the LSB(least significant bit) and a new encryption algorithm. Through matching data to an image, there is less chance of an attacker being able to use steganalysis to recover data. Prior to hiding the data in an image the application first encrypts it. Here our algorithm that combines the process of scrambling of bits and substitution boxes resulting in high avalanche effect. REFERENCES
[1] Figure 6. Comparison of various algorithm

Finally this encrypted Message is transferred to the Steganography phase. B. Steganography Phase(Embedding and Extraction): After the converting our information in secret code or encrypted form we need to patch that data in the image. We utilize least significant bit for the patching of data because of following reason. 1. Because the intensity of image is only change by 1 or 0 after hiding the information. 2. Change in intensity is either 0 or 1 because the change at last bit .e.g. 11111000 11111001

[2] [3]

[4] [5] [6]


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IJSRCSAMS Volume 3, Issue 1 (January 2014)

ISSN 2319 1953 International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science Applications and Management Studies
Dharmendra Kumar Gupta , Sumit Kumar Srivastava, Vedpal Singh- New Concept of encryption algorithm A hybrid approach of Caesar Cipher and Columnar transposition in multi stages Journal of Global Research in Computer Science, Volume 3 , No. 1 , January 2012 , P. No. 60-66 [9] Fauzan Saeed , Mustafa Rashid- Integrating Classical Encryption with Modern Technique IJCSNS, Volume 10, No. 5, May 2010
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IJSRCSAMS Volume 3, Issue 1 (January 2014)

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