Business Terminology For Resume Workshop

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Finance/Accounting Terminology Constructed multi-scenario financial models Asset divestitures Equity and debt financings Analyzed the strategic

rationale, risks, and potential synergies of ______ Deal value ranging from ! amount" Due diligence ______ #urpassed revenue goals $ncreased _____ portfolio revenue by _____% E!panded ______ from _____ to _______ &repared and analyzed ______ #upported Client 'egotiations Employed (ultiple &arameters including)) *iquidity ratios Capital structure &rofitability and pro+ected gro,th Accretion-dilution analysis $nstrumental in revenue and income gro,th of)). Directed domestic and international affiliates /inancial and #trategic &lanning Auditing and Compliance 0perating and 1orking Capital (erger and Acquisition 'egotiations Cash /lo, (anagement and (odeling 2usiness 3aluations Developed rapport ,ith interested clients #treamlined quarterly revie, of consolidated financial statements by). Created and maintained financial models to) (anaged risk analysis $mplemented operational changes in the reporting process #ensitivity analysis Assisted in maintaining ___% accuracy of) (anaged the financial restructuring of) (aintained account financials and presented the information in ,eekly meetings &lanned, performed, and supervised e!ternal financial statements 4enerated division5s income statement and balance sheet &rogressive lean accounting system 6econciled company bank accounts (anaged all accounting including sales reports and profit margin control 2uilt model to calculate profitability of) 0,ned and presented financial strategy and cost analysis of)pro+ect Developed investment strategies for 7! portfolio Efficient frontier analysis #ecured 7! in ne, business relationships $ncreased revenue per client by !%

Marketing Terminology &roduct management 2rand management $nitiated various promotional campaigns Arranged and directed _______ marketing events 2rand Equity 2rand E!tension 2rand 6ecognition Cannibalizing 4uerrilla (arketing #ocial (arketing #kimming &ricing *ine E!tension Distribution channels (arket #egmentation (ulti-Channel (arketing &enetration &ricing #trategy 3iral (arketing Communications platform &roduct portfolio management Customer profile and needs 2rand e!tension analysis $mproved forecasting accuracy by over __% Created customized product report templates Conducted site ,alkthroughs ,ith clients and prospects 8elped drive market share of primary products Analyzed profitability ratios in 9 products 6eengineered product and client mi! &erformed competitive analysis 6esearched emerging category opportunity *aunched national campaign) Coordinated and scheduled consumer event promotions Conducted post promotional analysis Coordinated packaging stimulus, sensory testing, and qualitative e!it intervie,s for) Analyzed sales and consumer data to asses product-category performance /acilitated ideation sessions to produce :; product and packaging ideas Developed ,ord-of-mouth strategy to increase sales by 7! Developed strategy to increase household penetration and raise consumer a,areness for... *ed team of ! analysts through landscape assessment and creative development process Crafted primary research studies to determine insights among target audience <uantified sales lift from national promotional campaign Defined influencer segment for brand 9 to drive high 60$ Ensured successful e!ecution of retail marketing initiatives (anaged national ads, direct mail and retail marketing campaign $mproved competitive positioning Developed comprehensive marketing strategy for ne, product offering

Consulting Terminology Created storyboard for ) Analyzed potential of entry into ! market 6ecommended a strategic course of action resulting in a 7! opportunity Analyzed and quantified) 6evie,ed company-,ide sales results and compiled for presentation at board meeting Engineered modifications to) Drafted distilled E$( outline for lay audience) 6esearched and compiled materials for company-,ide reference library Demonstrated ability to maintain absolute integrity &roven track record of being highly effective in collaborative environments Demonstrated entrepreneurial spirit and skills E!perienced in dealing ,ith ambiguity Demonstrated ability to be successful in high-pressure, high-stakes environment #uccessfully navigated unfamiliar environment Demonstrated proficiency in managing high-value client relationship &roven track record of breaking do,n, structuring, and resolving ambiguous problems $ntervie,ed and elicited buy-in from ,ide array of client representatives $mproved communications and tracking of) #pearheaded ne, and efficient methodology to) E!hibited professional attitude &roven track record of completing difficult pro+ects on schedule Accomplished &ublic #peaker #killfully communicated &roven track record in selling ne, ideas Conducted comprehensive research on). Advised ma+or global bank on strategic implementation of partnership ,ith) &erformed due-diligence on e!isting product line 2enchmarked Developed a balanced scorecard Drilldo,n Developed pilot strategy for supply chain, ,orking ,ith client team Change management Enterprise resource planning =otal <uality (anagement 3alue-based (anagement 3alue-added 3alue migration &rocess (apping #treamlined the creation of) &erformed profitability analysis of) *ed an information technology cross-functional team Coordinated development of monthly corporate cost allocation reports /acilitate the communication of audit results to company5s management Documented all technical processes and procedures for) *ocated, forecasted, and procured limited resources for)

Human Resources Terminology Contributed effective strategies for screening and recruitment $mproved employee benefits program $mproved employee morale =rained ne, or e!isting staff members $mproved employee retention and satisfaction $nitiated-developed a ne, 86 policy Coordinated 0rientation and e!it intervie,s Acted as a liaison bet,een union employees and management #upervised ne, hire process recruiting, intervie,ing, negotiating, orientating" (aintained a turnover rate of less than __% Delivered business related presentations to ! employees &rovided logistics support, scheduling, training and coordination for) Developed E!cel model to quantify strength of succession plans &resented ,orkforce planning recommendations Conducted and analyzed data from leadership intervie,s Created database to monitor effectiveness of a 7! annual sales program #pearheaded system to track career path progression for) 6evised training program, resulting in % decrease in departmental turnover Created developmental plans for team members Administered 7! retirement plan ,ith over y participants $ncreased overall employee investment plan participants by !% by instituting automatic enrollment program Coached managers on employee performance issues &repared and presented benefits participation reports to senior management Certified 2enefits &rofessional Certified Compensation &rofessional 4&86 4lobal &rofessional in 8uman 6esources" 4lobal 6emuneration &rofessional &86 &rofessional in 8uman 6esources"

Operations/Supply Chain Terminology Analyzed the procurement system and recommended streamlining of suppliers 6estructured the)process to reduce time to market by !% 6eengineered the delivery system for)product, resulting in !% cost reduction Certified #i! #igma 4reen-2lack 2elt professional (anaged inventory and ten ,arehouses ,ith equipment valued at 7! Designed solution to address production bottleneck $dentified problem causing stock losses, proposed and implemented solution cutting monthly losses by !% Effectively managed daily operations on production floor *ed cross-departmental multi-functional team (anaged site logistics for) (anaged store operations $dentified, analyzed, and prioritized production performance issues, resulting in !% imbalance correction Developed and e!ecuted quality control procedures Analyzed supply chain process improvement opportunities Developed pilot supply chain strategy, demonstrating 7! in value 'egotiated buy-in from senior management for business improvement pro+ect ,orth 7! Documented all technical processes and procedures for) *ocated, forecasted, and procured limited resources for) &rocess (apping #treamlined the creation of) *ed &rocess $mprovement &ro+ect utilizing #i! #igma methodology to eliminate redundancy 6educed delivery schedule for product ! by t,o ,eeks and established standardized protocols >aizen 2litz program 3alue stream mapping $ncreasing capacity 2usiness process changes Accelerated $mprovement 1orkshops &roduction &reparation &rocess Directed 0rder (anagement #ystems $mproved material flo, through assembly operation by applying *ean and ?# principles 1orked ,ith critical suppliers to reduce material non-conformance by @A% Drove #upply Chain process improvement initiatives including demand planning and (6& system improvements

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