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Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Baling Chemistry Form 4 Acids and Bases Drilling Exercise Set 2

b!ecti"e #$estions %& 'hen 2&( g o) sodi$m hydroxide are *resent in +(( cm, o) its sol$tion-.hat is its molarity/ 0 1elati"e atomic mass 2 3a- 2, 4 - %54 6 - % 7 A (&((% moldm8, 2& B (&(% moldm8, C (&% moldm8, D %&( mol dm8,

Calc$late the n$mber o) moles o) s$l*h$ric acid in %(( cm, (&2 moldm8, o) its sol$tion / 0 1elati"e atomic mass 2 6-% 4 S- ,2 4 - %5 7 A (&(% B (&(2 C (&%( D (&2(


'hat is the concentration o) hydroxide ions .hen 9&++ g o) bari$m hydroxide is dissol"ed in .ater to *rod$ce 2+( cm, o) sol$tion / 0 1elati"e atomic mass 2 Ba- %,: 4 - %5 4 6- % 7 A (&(% B (&(+ C (&2( D (&4(


2(( cm, o) (&+ moldm8, o) hydrochloric acid .as *re*ared )rom a standard sol$tion o) 2 moldm8, hydrochloric acid& Calc$late the "ol$me o) the standard sol$tion needed to be dil$te .ith acid / A +( cm, B :+ cm, C %(( cm, D %+( cm,


'hat is the mass o) *otassi$m hydroxide *o.der $sed to *rod$ce %(( cm, o) (&+ moldm8, *otassi$m hydroxide sol$tion / 0 1elati"e atomic mass 2 - %54 K- ,;- 6-% 7

A %&4 B 2&9 C 4&2 D +&5 , Calc$late the "ol$me o) .ater needed to be added to 4( cm o) 2&( moldm8, s$l*h$ric acid to obtain 9( cm, o) % moldm8, s$l*h$ric acid & A 2( cm, B 4( cm, C 5( cm, D 9( cm,

Questions 7 and 8 are based on the information below : <inc *o.der reacts .ith hydrochloric acid to *rod$ce =inc chloride and hydrogen gasaccording to the e>$ation 2 <n?s@ A 2 6Cl?a>@ :&

<nCl2 ?a>@ A 62 ?g@

Calc$late the mass o) =inc chloride that is )ormed .hen %&, g o) =inc *o.der reacts .ith excess hydrochloric acid& 0 1elati"e atomic mass 2 <n- 5+4 Cl- ,+&+ 7 A %&,5 B 2&:2 C ,&49 D 5&:2

Calc$late the "ol$me o) the hydrogen gas released at room conditions .hen %&, g o) =inc *o.der reacts .ith excess hydrochloric acid& 0 Molar "ol$me 2 24 dm,mol8% at room conditions 7

A ;&

%2( cm,

24( cm,

C ,5( cm,

D 49( dm,

2 63 , A Ba? 6@2 Ba?3 ,@2 A 2 62 2+ cm, o) (&+ mol dm8, nitric acid reacts .ith 2+ cm, o) bari$m hydroxide sol$tion& 'hat is the concentration o) bari$m hydroxide sol$tion / A (&2+ moldm8, B (&+ moldm8, C %&( moldm8, D 2&( moldm8,


62S 4 A 2 Bi 6 Bi2S 4 A 2 62 +( cm, o) (&% moldm8, s$l*h$ric acid is ne$trali=ed by %(( cm, o) lithi$m hydroxide sol$tion& 'hat is the concentration o) lithi$m hydroxide sol$tion $sed in the reaction / A (&((+ moldm8, B (&% moldm8, C (&2 moldm8,

D (&(2+ moldm8,



A 2 6Cl

2 3aCl A C

A 62

Based on the e>$ation abo"e- .hat is the "ol$me o) gas released at room condition i) 2+ cm, o) (&+ moldm8, hydrochloric acid reacts .ith sodi$m carbonate / 0 1elati"e atomic mass 2 6- %4 C- %24 - %54 3a-2,4 Cl ,+&+4 % mol o) gas occ$*ies 24dm, at room condition 7 A (&%+ %2& B (&,( C (&24 D (&+(

Che e>$ation belo. re*resents the reaction bet.een hydrogen s$l*hide and nitric acid& , 62S A 2 63

,S A 2 3

A 4 62

'hat is the mass o) nitrogen monoxide gas released i) 24( cm, o) hydrogen s$l*hide gas com*letely reacts .ith nitric acid at room condition / 0 1elati"e atomic mass 2 3- %44 - %54 % mol o) gas occ$*ies 24 dm, at room condition 7 A (&2 %,& B (& 2, C (&, D (&,4

Dn the reaction belo.- +( cm, o) hydrochloric acid com*letely reacts .ith magnesi$m ribbon to *rod$ce %2( cm, o) hydrogen gas at room condition& Mg A 2 6Cl

Mg Cl2 A 62

'hat is the concentration o) the hydrochloric acid $sed / 0 % mol o) gas occ$*ies 24 dm, at room condition 7 A %4& (&((+ B (&(% C (&% D (&2

62S 4 A Eb?3 ,@2 EbS 4 A 2 63 , Calc$late the "ol$me o) (&2 moldm8, s$l*h$ric acid- 62S 4 that is needed to react com*letely .ith %( cm, o) (&+ moldm8, o) lead?DD@ nitrate- Eb?3 ,@2 sol$tion& A + cm, B %( cm, C %+ cm, D 2+ cm,


Calci$m carbonate reacts .ith hydrochloric acid according to the chemical e>$ation2 CaC

A 2 6Cl



A 62

'hat is the mass o) calci$m carbonate that is re>$ired to *rod$ce 5(( cm, o) carbon dioxide gas at room conditions .hen it reacts .ith excess hydrochloric acid /

0 1elati"e atomic mass 2 Ca- 4(4 C- %2 conditions 7 A 2&+ g %5& B ,&+ g

- %5& Molar "ol$me 2 24 dm,mol8% at room D 2+ g

C 5&+ g

+ cm, o) lead ?DD@ nitrate sol$tion re>$ires 2( cm, o) (&, moldm8, *otassi$m iodide sol$tion to react com*letely according to the ionic e>$ation belo. 2 Eb2+ ?a>@ A 2 D- ?a>@

EbD2 ?s@

'hat is the concentration o) the lead?DD@ nitrate sol$tion in moldm8, / A %:& (&, B (&5 C (&; D %&2

C$ A 2 63 , C$?3 ,@2 A 62 Co**er ?DD@ oxide *o.der reacts .ith excess nitric acid to *rod$re co**er?DD@ nitrate and .ater &D) %%&29 g o) co**er?DD@ nitrate is )ormed- calc$late the mass o) co**er ?DD@ oxide $sed in the reaction& 0 1elati"e atomic mass4 C$- 544 3- %44 - %5 7 A 2&4 g B 4&9 g C 5&( g D %4&4 g


Ag3 , A KD AgD A K3 , Calc$late the mass o) sil"er iodide- AgD *rod$ced .hen 2+ cm, o) %&+ moldm8, sil"er nitrateAg3 , is mixed .ith +( cm, o) (&+ moldm8, *otassi$m iodide- KD sol$tion& 0 1elati"e atomic mass 2 Ag -%(94 D- %2: 7 A 2&+ g B ,&:+ g C +&9:+ g D 9&9%, g


3itric acid reacts .ith metal F to *rod$ce a salt according to the chemical e>$ation belo.2 F A 2 63


, 2

A 62

Calc$late the "ol$me o) %&+ moldm8, nitric acid that is needed to com*letely react .ith (&+4 g o) metal F& 0 1elati"e atomic mass 2 F- 24 7 A 2(& %+ cm, B 2( cm, C ,( cm, D 4+ cm,

%( cm, o) (&2+ moldm8, C? 6@x sol$tion is ne$trali=ed by + cm, o) %&( moldm8, 6xG sol$tion& Che salt *rod$ced )rom the reaction is A CG B C2G C CG2 D C3G2

Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Baling Chemistry Form 4 Acids and Bases Drilling Exercise Set 2 2 %& C 2& B

,& D 4& A +& B 5& B :& B 9& D ;& A %(& B %%& A %2& A %,& D %4& D %+& A %5& B %:& B %9& C %;& C 2(& B

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