Key For Mcqs I Ii Iii Iv V Vi Vii Viii Ix X

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Key for MCQs i

Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 d c c b d c b c

d c b c a b b d

d d c a d c d c

d d c b d b d b

d a d c c b d b

a c b d d b d b

c d c c d d d c

c b d d c d b b

d c c d b b d

d c c a c d d

Acid is a substance that can donate a proton to a base. Alkenes The family of hydrocarbons which contain one carbon-carbon duble bond. Alkyl group a group of atoms that contains one less hydrogen atom than its parent alkane. Aqueous solutions are the mixtures in which substances are dissolved in water. Base a substance that can accept a proton from an acid. Carboxyl group the COOH functional group Enhanced greenhouse effect an upset in the natural balance of the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Ethylene -the industrial name for ethene. Fatty Acids are carboxylic acids which contain three or more carbon atoms in their chain. Functional groups are groups of atoms in an organic molecule which give particular properties. Hard Water water containing dissolved calcium and magnesium salts which produce scum with soap. Hydrocarbons -compounds containing only carbon and hydrogen. Page | 215

Indicators chemicals that change colour as pH of a solution changes. Organic Compounds -compounds containing carbon except carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and carbonates. Saturated hydrocarbons every carbon atom present in the hydrocarbon attached to four atoms. Side groups groups of atoms such as CH3 group, which are attached to the main chain of carbon atoms in the molecule. Structural formula shows the arrangements of atoms in a molecule. Unsaturated hydrocarbons molecules containing only carbon and hydrogen in which at least two carbon atoms form double or a triple bond. Fossil fuels fuels made from the remains of decayed animal and plant matter compressed over millions of years. Fraction -a collection of hydrocarbons that have similar molecular masses and boil at similar temperatures. Fractional distillation -separating a mixture on the basis of differences in boiling points. Isomer -a compound having the same molecular formula but different structures. pH Scale scale based on hydrogen ion concentration. Salt an ionic compound made from the reaction of an acid and a base. Universal indicator -an indicator that changes colour at each pH value. Acid rain is formed when air pollutants dioxide are dissolved in rain water. Acid salts are formed by the incomplete neutralization of an acid. Alkanes the simplest hydrocarbons in which all carbon-carbon bonds are single. Alkynes unsaturated hydrocarbons with a carbon-carbon triple bond. Amino Acids organic compounds containing both amino and carboxyl groups. Arrhenius Acid a substance that produces H+ ions in water. Arrhenious base a substance that produces OH ions in water. Page | 216

Bronsted lowry acid a substance that can donate a proton. Bronsted lowry base a substance that can accept a proton Carbohydrates -polyhyroxy aldehydes or ketones. Catenation -linking of carbon atoms with one another to form long chains or rings of carbon atoms. Cehmical equilibrium -a state of a chemical reaction at which rate of forward reaction equals the rate of reverse reaction. Concentration -separation of mineral from the gangue.

Crude oil a dark brownish viscous liquid. Destructive distillation -heating a substance in the absence of air. Equilibrium constant is the ratio of the product of concentration of products to the product of concentration of reactants each raised to power equal to the coefficient in a balanced chemical equation. Hydrogenation is addition hydrogen in alkenes and alkynes. Law of mass action the rate at which a substance reacts is directly proportional to its active mass and the rate at which the reaction proceeds is directly proportional to the product of the active masses of the reactants. Lewis acid a substance that can accept a pair of electrons. Lewis base a substance that can donate a pair of electron. Lipids -any component of plant or animal tissue that is insoluble in water, but soluble in solvents of low polarity such as ether, hexane, benzene and carbon tetrachloride. Metallurgy is the art of extracting metals from their ores. Mineral a naturally occurring metallic compound. Monosaccharides the simple sugars that can not be hydrolyzed. Normal salts salt formed by the complete neutralization of an acid and a base. Page | 217

Oligosaccharides carbohydrates that on hydrolysis give 2 to 9 monsaccharide molecules. Ore a solid deposit containing a sufficiently high percentage of a mineral to make extraction of metal economically feasible. Ozone an allotropic form of oxygen that contains three oxygen atoms. Permanent hardness in water is due to the presence of sulphates and chlorides of calcium and magnesium. Petroleum a dark brownish viscous liquid. pH is the negative logarithm of molar concentration of the hydrogen ions. Pollutants are substances that have adverse effect Polysaccharides -carbohydrates that contain hundreds to thousands of monosaccharide units. Proteins -organic compounds which on complete hydrolysis form amino acid units. Refining -a process of separation of crude oil into useful fractions. Roasting -the heating of concentrated ore in the presence of air. Smelting -the heating of roasted ore in presence of a reducing agent. Soft water produces good lather with soap. Temporary hardness is due to the presence of hydrogen carbonates of calcium and magnesium.

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A Acid-29 Acid rain-158 Acid salts-45 Active mass-7 Alcohol- 74 Aldehyde-75 Alkanes-63, 92 Alkenes-63, 98 Alkyl radicals-68 Alkynes-63,103 Amine-77 Amino acids-124 Atmosphere-148 Auto-ionization-32 B Base-24 Basic salts-45 Bessemerization-196 Bronsted acid-26 Bronsted base-26 C Carbohydrates-118 Carboxy1 group-76 Catenation-58 Chemical equilibrium-5 Chemical fertilizers-202 Clarks method-176 Closed chain hydrocarbons-70 Coal-66 Coal gas-66 Coal tar-66 Coke-66 Combustion-97 Concentration-194 Condensed formula-60 Crude oil-205 D Detergents-178 Deoxyribonucleic acid-132, 133 Destructive distillation-66 Dextrose-119 Domestic effluent-178 Dynamic equilibrium state-5 E Electro-refining-197 Electromagnetic separation-194 Equilibrium constant-8 Ester-76 Ether-75 Essential amino acids-124 F Fatty acids-128 Forward reaction-5 Fractional distillation-206 Froth flotation-195 Fructose-119 Functional group-72 G Glucose-119 Gangue-194 Global warming-157 Greenhouse effect-157 H Halogenation-96 Hard water-174 Hydrocarbons-91 Hydrogenation-95 I Indicator-36 Industrial effluents-178 Isomerism-58 K Ketone-75 L Law of mass action-6 Lewis acid-29 Lewis base-29 Lipids-128 M Matte-196 Metallurgy-194 Mesosphere-149 Minerals-194 Monosaccharides-118 N Natural fertilizers-202 Page | 219

Natural gas-66 Neutralization reaction-42 Non-essential amino acids-124 Normal salts-45 Nucleic acids-132 O Oligosaccharides-119 Open chain hydrocarbons-69 Organic compounds-57 Ores-194 Ozone-154 Ozone hole-161 P pH scale-33 Permanent hardness-174 Petroleum-66, 205 Peptide-125 Pollutants-152 Polysaccharides-121 Proteins-123 R Reduction-196 Refining of copper-197 Reverse reaction-5 Reversible reactions-4 Ribonucleic acid-132, 133 Roasting of ore-196 S Salts-41, 42 Saturated hydrocarbons-63 Smelting-196 Sodium zeolite-177 Soft water-173 Solvays process-198 Stratosphere-149 Structural formula-60 T Temporary hardness-174 Thermosphere-150 Troposphere-149 U Unsaturated hydrocarbons-63 Urea-202 V Vitamins-134

W Washing soda-177 Waterborne diseases-183 Water pollution-178

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