Secrets of The Giza Pyramids - Part 2

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Galleries Forum Secrets of the Giza Pyramids 4 February 5, 2014 4 Post image for Secrets of the Giza Pyramids Part 2 Introduction: Intelligent Origin of the Foot Official value for the equatorial circumference of the Earth: 40,075 kilometers This value is expressed in modern units of length called meters Part 2

(defined in 1791).

Originally, the meter was defined as one ten-millionth (1/10,000,000) of a quadr ant, the distance between the Equator and the North Pole. In other words, meter was defined as 1/10,000,000 of the distance from the Earth s equator to the North Pole measured on the circumference through Paris. The imperial unit of measure called foot was defined in ancient times and reveals knowledge about 3 important numbers: 1,000 (10 base system of counting), 360 (number of degrees in a circle) and 365.24 (number of days in a year) 1,000 x 360 x 365.24 feet = = 131,486,400 feet = = 40,077km In other words, 1 foot is unit of length defined as 1/1,000 of degree measured o n surface of the Earth divided further by 365.24 (number of days in a year)!!! Expressed in meters: 1 foot = 0.3048 m It is incredible how our ancestors embedded their precise knowledge about the Ea rth in this unit (foot) of measure (the size, period of orbital cycle, and decim al system of counting). Copyright Secrets of the Giza Pyramids Part 2 by Charles Marcello I believe the Pyramids have three different messages intertwined within them I be lieve one of the three is a three dimensional mathematical equation passed forwa rd by our truly ancient ancestors regarding our Solar System, (the great pyramid

), Time (the Second Pyramid) and light (The Third Pyramid.) Still working on the significance of the Red Pyramid, though I believe I might have solved that as w ell. The answers are absolutely unbelievable. It seems completely ridiculous tha t a civilization existed in our distant past that was more advanced even then ou r own. [ source >> ] Note: The following post is based on some of the most recent comments by Charles Marcello we would like to bring to the spotlight for further discussion

December 3, 2013 I was gonna wait until my Secrets of Giza Pyramids blog part 2 comes out next ye ar to mention this but I always love giving information away for free to see if others are willing to look just a little deeper. To add to your list go to Genes is Chapter 11 and add up all the ages Our go to my other blog December 3 2012 and the Pyramids at Giza (quickly located to the right) and scroll down to Part 3 No w take those totals and divide them into the Sun. And then compare that answer t o the Great Pyramid. Obviously people can argue so what But now that you ve been sh own a different way to look at the collection of ages, is there more than one an swer hidden inside the Bible? Enjoy the ride! Charles Marcello December 31, 2013 Above I asked people to divide the ages of Genesis Chapter 11 into the physical dimensions of the Sun and compare those answers to the Great Pyramid if you did so you would ve discovered these answers; 432,000/2996 equals 144 and 864,000/2996 equals 288. So I began to think, what if the original dimension of the Great Pyramid was 288 before missing its capstone? So then I was like, is it possible there is a hidd en formula for figuring out the true dimensions of the Great Pyramid inside the bible? I know our history books state standard mathematics was invented by Rome Y et, if what is revealed below is true, there is no way in hell Rome invented the inch, foot, mile because they didn t build the Pyramids or Write the book of Gene sis. So the big question becomes does the Bible and Standard Mathematics reveal the Di mensions of the Great Pyramid and if so just how old is the standard measurement system? With a follow up question using the formula below could that suggest the buil ders of those pyramids did in fact build ALL the Pyramids at Giza to represent o ur three dimensional reality? And if so does this demand someone in our very distant past hide these secre ts inside Genesis Chapter 11 or perhaps our not so ancient ancestors misunderstood the science that was p assed forward by the survivors of some catastrophic worldwide event? If any of that is true, how is this secret revealed? Well the Above Answer takes the ages in Genesis Chapter 11 and then divides it i nto the Standard Mathematical measurements of the Sun which, I now believe, equa ls the true physical height of the Great Pyramid if it had its missing capstone. If that is true how do we find the other measurements of the Pyramids. Well fir st I have to point you to my blog the Secrets of the Giza Pyramids for even more c

lues. Inside that I stated, to my mind, there are three undeniable truths regard ing the Pyramids at Giza. First, the pyramids are 1/6 the true physical measurement of a cube that equ als the true hidden secret/knowledge left behind by our very ancient ancestors. Meaning this knowledge wasn t hidden from them, but it has been purposely hidden fr om us. The Second, that whomever built those Pyramids had to of flown in space, per iod! And lastly, to my mind the evidence is overwhelming they only accepted and a cknowledge our three dimensional reality while at the same time they knew our Ea rth perfectly mimics the Sun in every way possible. Which is kind of embarrassin g for our time we rightfully deny the Earth is flat yet we use flat earth/univers e mathematics to define our three dimensional reality. I wonder if that is going to change anytime soon? How to reveal the rest of the secrets hidden within Genesis Chapter 11 using Sta ndard Mathematics for the Great Pyramid followed quietly by could this simple disc overy create some very embarrassing questions for science, our history books, Eg yptologists and worldwide religions? Before we begin we must agree on some very basic truths. I suggest you check the se facts out for yourself do the total Ages of Genesis Chapter 11 equal 2996 and are there 5,280 feet in a mile? Next we need to agree that 2996 times 2 equals 5992. Read the rest of Genesi s Chapter 11 to find why by 2. So if we take 5992 and subtract 5280 we get 712. I was amazed when I saw the second measurement of the Great Pyramid. Oh wait, th at s right I should probably divide 712 in half, which equals 356. A second physic al dimension of the Great Pyramid. Dimensions of the Great Pyramid in Royal Egyptian Cubits Yet I was still not convinced. So I played around some more and this is what I f ound. Take 5992 and divide 5280 into it which equals 1.13484848 all by itself that numb er seemed like it equaled nothing, until I decided to multiply 369 (take the pyr amids and sequence them, 3, 3 plus 3 = 6, 3 plus 3 plus 3 = 9 ie 369 times 1.134 84848 equals 418.7590909 or to keep things simple 418. The third physical dimensi on of the Great Pyramid, that convinced me the pyramids were created to represen t a cube. Do the math without cubic measurements and see what you get. While the 440 base measurement as many others have discovered equals the physica l measurements of our planet if multiplied by a variant of the Sun s physical dime nsions in miles. The question becomes what are the odds that all the physical dimensions of the G reat Pyramid can be found hidden inside Genesis Chapter 11 using nothing but Sta ndard Mathematics and the Pyramids physical setup? And yes I could ve given these answers years ago, yet I did not want these answers associated with 2012. Let alone are there still many hidden answers awaiting discovery for example if we subtract Shem s age from the total and divide that into the Suns physical dimensi ons we get 864,000 / 2,396 equals 360.601001 or 360 degrees perhaps. Are there other answers? Yes there are, but the rest are for you to find. Some d ay soon I will give examples on how our truly ancient ancestors could ve used 3 di

mensional mathematics to improve there lives greatly and how if we use three dime nsional mathematics it will do the same for us, both physically and mentally. If you re impatient jump ahead play with three dimensional mathematics I promise you will be Charles Marcello January 2, 2014 For those who aren t familiar with my style of revealing things that I believe I ve discovered, the above comment may appear that I m attempting to have my cake and e at it to. When I said I now believe the real height of the Great pyramid is 288. And then give measurements that only shows the pyramid without it s capstone. I p robably should ve just said I believe the All Seeing Eye equals the missing measur ements that allows us to finally break the Pyramid code and how parts of the Bib le was written to help us do just that. How so Well let us start simple. 440 + 356 + 288 = 1084. Or perhaps g another earth Sun connection using standard mathematics. Now let s ore complicated. I said the pyramids at Giza are actually 1/6th of a e measurements for the All Seeing Eye is 8. So that s 8 6 = 48 6 ill give you the speed of light in standard mathematics. 108.4 equalin be a little m cube and th = 288 6= 1728 ? W

[ Note: Speed of light 299,792,458 m/s = 186,000 miles/second when divided by 17 28 gives respectively 173,491 and 107.64 ] I would show you more but I m now confident I ve now shown more then enough to help those who want to see, see While at the same time helping the so called illuminat ed to see something that s been hidden from them in plain site. BTW to see the all seeing eye, overlap the pyramids by the scale represented with this discovery. If you do you ll begin to understand why we are all one and how everything is conn ected And why every culture on earth created their own version to save the knowle dge of three dimensional mathematics/knowledge/very ancient wisdom, that over ti me has been corrupted by those seeking to bend mankind to the own will. I hope y ou look for the rest of answers.

144,000/666=216,216216216 144,000 * 6 = 864,000 and 144 * 6 = 864 144,000 / 6 = 24,000 and 144 / 6 = 24 24, 000 / 6 = 4,000 and 24 / 6 = 4 4,000 / 6 = 666.66 and 4 / 6 = .666 144,000 * 36 = 5,184,000 and 144 144,000 / 36 = 4000 and 144 / 36 24,000 / 36 = 666.66 and 24 / 36 4,000 / 36 = 111.11 and 4 / 36 = 144,000 144,000 24, 000 4,000 / * 216 / 216 / 216 216 = * 36 = 5,184 = 4 = .666 .111

= 31,104,000 and 144 * 216 = 31,104 = 666.66 and 144 / 216 = .666 = 111.11 and 24 / 216 = .111 18.5185 and 4 / 216 = .0185185

144,000 * 666 = 95,904,000 and 144 * 666 = 95,904 144,000 / 666 = 216.216 and 144 / 666 = .216 24,000 * 666 = 15,984,000 and 24 * 666 = 15,984 24,000 / 666 = 36.036 and 24 / 666 = .0360 4,000 * 666 = 2,664,000 and 4 * 666 = 2,664 4000 / 666 = 6.006 and 4 / 666 = .006006

666 666 666 666 666 666

* / * / * /

6 = 3,996 6 = 111 36 = 23,976 36 = 18.5 216 = 143,856 216 = 3.083

with the added bonus of 6*6*6 = 216; 216*432,000 = 93,312,000 432,000/216 = 2000. Charles Marcello To my young friend (via email) and everyone else: I m trying my best to make this a worldwide discovery and that is why I use the ve rbiage that I do. If I only give you half the answer and you discover the rest t hen that part of the discovery belongs to you. The answer is not 316 it s 480. You really think the so called secret numbers 322 and 233 is some hidden ref erence to 666, really? You really believe all those weird pointed hats used by religions around the world are used to honor some extinct culture instead of something a lot more po werful Or that the obelisk at the Vatican, Washington D.C. and hundreds of other pl aces around the world is there to honor some dead dude s/gods penis, really? Its never occurred to any of you that those hats and obelisks represent the light bearer and the true source of power for the ancient world? To understand what I m suggesting humor me by adding the 8 extra Royal Cubits and see what kind of design you have for the great pyramid. And then perhaps you might reconsider why I mentioned capturing the Suns light a s an ancient power source. Charles Marcello - -

I m Petros Petrosyan from Armenia. I now live in Chicago. Attention please! I established 1. The pyramid is not a sepulcher of Pharaoh and the purpose of its construction was not on this plane. 2. The huge volume of the information is ciphered with use of the geometrical fo rm of a pyramid. 3. The basic model of the Pyramid cipher was established. 4. The basic model of the code of a pyramid is formed of 365 small pyramids whic h consist at 14 steps of model of the code. Pyramid is ciphered message, It is simply improbable. Please Go to: Full Article: The code of the pyramid like starry gates can open the way to the stars, but it

can be a weapon of self-destruction for our civilization as well. The full history of science shows, that many scientific discoveries didn t only se rve for mankind, but were against people and civilizations. Thanks, Petros M.Petrosyan - -

Feb 4, 2014 Hello Petros M. Petrosyan, I really enjoyed your blog, however with all due respect, can you please provide me with a few basic visual facts. First, can you show me a video, any video, of known ancient style copper tools being able to chip or carve hard granite? Ever y person I ve seen attempt it cannot even scratch the surface of hard granite with copper tools, yet seeing how your blog demands you ve solved the how, you must ha ve a video somewhere of you or someone in your group carving hard granite with c opper tools, please provide the scientific evidence that it can be done. Yet I a m a little confused, because the most talked about written account of building P yramids by slaves for Pharaohs, (even though according to some scholars, the rea l power belonged to the Female lineage of Ancient Egypt, and the male, ie. Phara ohs were nothing short of a modern day version of ceremonial first (lady) dude. Which ever the case, because it matter not regarding the version of written hist ory, only the the science of how is in question No one can deny pharaohs demanded slave bake mud/straw bricks, and we see all over Egypt those decrepit broken do wn, fallen over mud brick pyramids. Yet where is the evidence, the modern day ev idence anyone at any time throughout history could carve granite with copper too ls? Please I beg of you provide just one video. Regarding The Pyramids matching Orions Belt. Years ago asked Robert Bauval to pl ease give me the exact date he used for Orion s Belt and it matched all three Pyra mids at Giza Orion_-_pyramids Representation of the central tenet of the Orion Correlation Theory the outline of the Giza pyramids superimposed over a photograph of the stars in Orion s Belt. The validity of this match has been called into question by Hancock s critics (as you can see this is not perfect match at all). Now I m sure he s a busy man which may explain why he never responded even though he (or someone responded, ((I m sure I have it saved somewhere if someone wants proof )), responded to my email were I showed him the dead on Alignment with December 3, 2012 Mercury, Venus and Saturn convergence. To which he, or one of his handle rs replied, So what do you want me to do with it? Be that as it may the real life December 3, 2012 show was way better then I ever thought possible. When I present the Next Great Alignment Date that is relative ly coming soon, only then will I show how December 3, 2012 was absolutely perfec t, perfect, with its spacing and dead center alignment with all three Pyramids a t Giza. Seeing how Robert Bauval and his all of his supporters I ve talked with ab solutely refuse, THEY REFUSE to give the exact date, I was hoping maybe could pr ovide that exact date all three stars of Orion s Belt touches all three Pyramids a t Giza. I ve gone back 10,500 years and I could only get 2 stars to touch 2 pyrami ds I even went back several thousands more years beyond 10,500 years, yet I could NEVER ever get all three stars to touch all three Pyramids. To be fair and comp letely honest I did not do a day by date analysis. Also to provide full disclosu re I ve talked with three other people who found the same results I have, that only two stars of Orion s Belt touches only 2 Pyramids and never all three. Those two

people also frequent this website. So if you please I would love to put this to bed just saying they do is not science or even factual unless others can reproduce the same results, so please, please provide the exact date you discovered that all three stars touch all three pyramids at Giza And perhaps you might want to me ntion the program you use its possible I and the others are not using the most so phisticated software, so perhaps that s the real issue. I m prepared at any moment t o declare Orion s Belt a success, so far however I ve had zero luck confirming that rumor. Other then those two requests I enjoyed reading your blog. I will patiently awai t your answers. Thank you so much for commenting within my blog, and thanks in a dvance for providing the much sought after evidence that copper tools could chip , cut or ever carve hard granite. And also allow me to give a premature thank yo u for providing the exact date you used for proving the Orion s Belt /Giza Pyramid rumor Its about time that the whole world will be able test this theory for them selves. Everything I ve discovered I eventually put it all out for people to destr oy or debunk if they can, yet to date everyone has been able to confirm everythi ng I ve asked them to check out for themselves just as they did for December 3, 201 2, and just like they will do do again when I present the next date that is comi ng. Well that s if someone doesn t claim it for themselves first, which I honestly h ope someone does. BTW down here in the comments sections I posted a scenario hypothesis, you might not want to see it as a hypothesis as all to help you find that answer remember I saiah 29, verses 15 through 16: 15 They carry out their schemes in secret and think no one will see them or know what they are doing. 16 They turn everything upside down Thank you again and I can t wait to read your answers. Charles Marcello cube_pyramidFebruary 7, 2014 The Scenario Hypothesis by Charles Marcello Introduction I would like to present a scenario hypothesis for everyone to consider. Before I do however I would like to explain some simple mathematical truths rega rding three dimensional mathematics. There are 12 inches in a foot, 144 inches in a square foot and 1728 inches in a cubic foot. Understanding that is a mathematical fact could that simple truth be used to pass a message forward in time? For instance as a long distance measuring tool, like New York City is 1 and 2/3 c ubic feet from Los Angeles. Also there are 5,280 feet in a mile, 27,878,400 feet in a square mile and 147,19 7,952,000 feet in a cubic mile. That is another mathematical truth. If I wanted to use one cubic mile as a message, couldn t I use just one sixth of t hat cubic to save on materials and still pass my message forward? Because things are fixed like the distance to your nearest neighbor for instance r

egardless of the measuring concept you use, if your neighbor s house does not move and the distance is set could I not reach the same answer regardless of what kin d of collective measuring system is being practiced or possibly passed forward i n time? We use standard and metric both explain both. There are many other ancient measur ing systems. If location and universal velocities are set, could we not pass a m essage in time? If we can, why couldn t our truly ancient ancestors do the same? The Scenario Hypothesis Here in the United States we are officially 16 trillion dollars in debt and some put the actual unofficial total to well over 26 trillion with fractional lending we could add 2 zeros to the end of either of those totals. For the sake of this scenario let s say all of that money is in my bank account and what s more the whole world knows it. Because I have more money then sense, on Se ptember 1st of this year I purchased TV and radio commercial ads for every chann el in every country in Europe, Asia, and in all the countries in the Americas. T his commerical was slated for the 6pm news slot and was paid to run for three da ys straight. The commercial was only five minutes long and below is what it said . Hello everyone as everyone knows I m incredibly rich, and now I wish to create a wo rldwide monument. In order to make this dream a reality I will give any person, company or organization one trillion dollars if you or they can solve the mathem atical problems such an ambitious concept will surely face. I want to permanentl y stamp our moment in time with stone. I want to create a monument that will sur vive for a million generations so in many years from now our ancestors will know we truly existed. Here is my idea. I would like to use the core of our earth as the scaled model to represent our S un and I would like to stamp a world holiday, a day in time represented by our so lar system, all around our world by using the physical location of all the plane ts in our solar system as they exist and their exact location on that day. I wou ld like for those monuments to be perfectly scaled as well. Meaning, where the c ore of our Earth is being used to show the physical size of our Sun to scale I wa nt these monuments to be perfectly scaled in size and distance from our Sun also . The problem you will face is the vast distances and the massive size of some o f our planetary neighbors. No easy task which is why the reward is so great. Once those mathematical issues are resoveled I will give one trillion dollars to each country these monuments need to be created within. One top of that, I will pay for all materials, labor and construction equipment that is needed. Also, all material will be generated locally if available, and regionally if no t. If these monuments need to be created in a already occupied location, I will double the true market price. Plus all labor will be hired in country. So there w ill be no cost to you or your citizenry and only benefits. Also we will incorpor ate the scientific knowledge our world collectively chooses to interwove within these monuments. But first we need to solve the dimensional to scale issues. Tho ugh I will assume all the finical burden, this is not to glorify me. This is a g ift to our whole world. No names, not even mine will be etched therein. We are a ll of one planet, so too will these monuments equally represent us all. I thank you for your time, and anxiously await your solution. If that were to happen today, how would you solve the problem, does the answer a lready exist? Enjoy The Ride Charles Marcello

earth_pyramids PS Sunlight Collector by Charles Marcello I am thinking about seeking a person/or creating a team to discover if what I be lieve I ve discovered regarding the fountain of youth , is in fact true. This team wi ll need to have someone with a lot of capital and no real illusions that what I believe I ve discovered is actually real. I just want to test the first three poss ibilities and if possible to either learn how I m wrong, or maybe how to make this more effective/longer lasting. That is one the things I plan to start working on immediately. Not to mention this summer I am going to see what happens when massive amounts o f sunlight is forced to stay/captured inside a prism. I will start with a simple hexagon styled sphere, with no inner sphere and no gases. I want to see how muc h mass can be generated within one of week of continuous sunlight collection if any. (Well I know damn well there will be a growth in mass, no doubt whatsoever on that score, whether it can generate energy however that I don t know Now I plan t o use one way mirrors around the sphere and place open ended mirrors laying arou nd this spherical styled collector. I just want to see how much mass can be create d by doing nothing else but collecting sunlight. From there I should be able to figure out the mathematics on how to make the correct style of spheres to create the type of energy I envision well maybe. Just so you know I will use the same m aterials people use to create stain glass windows. I only mention the how I plan to go about testing my hypothesis is so others can try the same if they so whic h. This is important, if I m understanding ancient texts correctly, which is the o nly reason i believe this could work this apparatus must be able to release the s unlight quickly just in case the energy is greater than anyone can predict. What I mean is, my apparatus, at the top of the hexagon styled sphere will be free f loating, meaning it will not be permanently fastened to the structure, rather, i f the mass or energy levels increase too rapidly then I can remove the top so as to release that energy without causing harm to myself and/or the surrounding ar eas. Well at the moment these are my thoughts and my plans for the next couple of mon ths. Come fall or early winter I will start talking about the pyramids again I wa nt to give people adequate time to do there own research. In the meantime, any f ailures or successes will be shared here on Plus I will mos t likely youtube the whole captured sunlight process. I will be taking classes o n how to create stain glass structure here shortly. I don t know what to expect fr om either of these concepts, yet it seems like harmless fun that just might equa l something important. I honestly doubt it, but as always time will reveal the t ruth. Charles Marcello To Be Continued Subject Related Links Articles Decoding Decoding Decoding by Charles Marcello Giza Pyramids Part 1 Giza Pyramids Part 2 Giza Pyramids Part-3

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Daniel Moore February 6, 2014 at 12:07 pm Charles Very interesting articles. I ve seen some other work about encoding of t he pyramids. This is not my area, but I have no doubt that the ancients passed o n megalithic messages to us. I am a firm believer that our ancestors before the Cataclysm developed a high level of civilization, though their science and techn ology may well have been along different lines than ours. I m glad you use the Bib le though I don t agree with the Bishop Ussher school of dating Creation and the Flood . I tend to agree with Plato/Solon on the date. The real problem in archeology i s to identify any pre-Cataclysm structures left, and to differentiate them from post-Flood ruins. Tiwanaku would seem to be one of the former. Regarding copper tools and granite . . . Chris Dunn has done some important work in Egypt and elsewhere demonstrating that some form of power tools must hav e been used, with concommitant technology. Surveying, engineering measurements, and examination of toolmarks showed him that copper tools were useless for build ing the Great Pyramid and other megaliths.

Daniel Moore Reply Ron O. Cook February 7, 2014 at 8:07 am Daniel, you are well informed and I hope you come here with more of your knowledge. I often look at the Carolina Bays Event situated around 12,900 years ago as a point of departure to our present day starting point. If a comet or so me other condition started us on this trek toward today, then our world could ha ve been swept away by massive tsunamis that washed the Earth clean and at the sa me time deposited over 600 feet of water level to the surface of the planet. Sin ce most civilizations build near the Oceans, much could have been lost in the ca taclysm . There are other scenarios to the above but whatever happened, few of the engineers survived and some of them might have been genetic engineers to boot. There is high evidence that they already had a 3-d printing or extrusion capabil ity also. The few survivors (Military?) must have had a discipline that they tri ed to convey to the stragglers, that later became what we call MASONS. Even toda y, we see parts of this WAY shining through. We beings here are indeed much more than residents of this planet. I believe we are the remains of explorers and un iversal engineers who must traverse the realms in whatever forms we can develop to move in physicality. We have things to accomplish for a very high order. Ron O. Reply Ron O. Cook February 6, 2014 at 7:17 am Charles, I complement you on your constant endeavor to discover the how, whe n and why of our existence. It is not easy to see the reality of being and becom ing. I too have been receiving data in my mentality that is constantly amplifyin g my knowledge of our true mission/s. The true secret number is 137. What is going on here in Time/Space is awesome, but that is only the tip of the universe. This massive broadcast of mentality is much larger and gestalt in nature. At times, I see the whole plan in a flash of light, but conversion to th e onboard computer (human brain) is not working as it should. I just cannot hold on to the data long enough to convert it into our present syntax. I hope you ca n do that for us. It is indeed becoming clearer in these days of the BURGEONING, that we may just see through to our true reality. NOT THAT ONE IS, BUT THAT WHEREBY Is, is. Ron O. Reply Alex February 5, 2014 at 11:24 pm The Great Pyramid reveals units of measure called Royal Egyptian Cubits whic h are defined by the Pi . Dimensions of the GP expressed in the REC are 440 (base) and 280 (height). Using approximation of Pi = 22/7 = 3.142857 divided by 6 we ge t 0.5238. This number in meters gives the value of 1 Royal Egyptian Cubit (0.523 8 m = 20.622 ). Official value of 1REC is 20.62? (based on the average of measure ments of Giza pyramids). According to measurements by Petrie, the GP height is 5 776 inches = 280 Royal Egyptian Cubits, the base is 9068? = 439.8 REC. Here is another amazing connection of the REC and the size of our planet:

A circle has 360 degrees (each degree has 60 minutes and each minute has 60 seconds.) One degree of arc has length = Circumference /(360) = (2*Pi*R)/360 For equatorial circumference of the Earth = 40,077,000 m (radius= 6,378,453 m ) 1 degree of arc / 1,000 = 111.325 m = 365.24 feet There are 1,296,000 seconds of arc in a circle. If we divide it by 2*Pi we g et Radius of earth equal 206,264.81 seconds of arc. Curiously, this is the length of the Royal Cubit in English inches multiplie d by 10,000. (10,000 X 20.625 = 206,250.) It is not by coincidence that feet and inches and Royal Egyptian Cubit are c onnected with dimensions of our planet! Reply Leave a Comment Name * E-mail * Website Sign up to our newsletter! Previous post: Cosmic Abandonment All Time Favorites How many major races are there in the world?How many major races are the re in the world? 364036 view(s) 2012 and the Pyramids At Giza2012 and the Pyramids At Giza 205731 view(s ) How billionaires spend money?How billionaires spend money? 86386 view(s) Ancient Weapons of Mass Destruction & The MahabharataAncient Weapons of Mass Destruction & The Mahabharata 68752 view(s) Secrets of the Giza PyramidsSecrets of the Giza Pyramids 65832 view(s) The Marijuana ConspiracyThe Marijuana Conspiracy 62630 view(s) Mystery of the Great Pyramid missing capstoneMystery of the Great Pyrami d missing capstone 58652 view(s) 2012 and the Old Equator2012 and the Old Equator 56799 view(s) 10 Insane Ancient Achievements that Science Can t Explain10 Insane Ancient Achievements that Science Can t Explain 55263 view(s) The Flower of LifeThe Flower of Life 54201 view(s) Mysterious Nazca-like Site near Dunhuang in ChinaMysterious Nazca-like S ite near Dunhuang in China 43589 view(s) The World Economy is Saved!!!The World Economy is Saved!!! 42189 view(s) How did Egyptians build the Great Pyramid?How did Egyptians build the Gr eat Pyramid? 41108 view(s) Top 10 unexplained ancient artifacts Fact or Fiction?Top 10 unexplained ancient artifacts Fact or Fiction? 39491 view(s) The World PopulationThe World Population 37102 view(s) The Forbidden Book of EnochThe Forbidden Book of Enoch 35617 view(s) Gobekli Tepe 6000 years older than StonehengeGobekli Tepe 6000 years old er than Stonehenge 35380 view(s) PROMETHEUSPROMETHEUS 31295 view(s) How many people have ever lived on earth?How many people have ever lived on earth? 28988 view(s)

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