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PASSIVE VOICE The passive is formed with the appropriate tense of the verb to be + past participle.

Only transitive verbs (verbs which take an object) can be put into the passive. TENSES Present Simple Present Continuous Past Simple Past Continuous Future Simple Present Perfect Past Perfect Future Perfect Present Infinitive Perfect Infinitive -ing form Perfect -ing form Modal !e p"p" ACTIVE VOICE He gives lectures. He is giving a lecture. He gave a lecture. He was giving a lecture. He will give a lecture. He has given a lecture. He had given a lecture. He will have given a lecture. He should give a lecture. He should have given a lecture. She remembers him giving a lecture. Having given the lecture,... He must give a lecture. PASSIVE VOICE Lectures are given. A lecture is being given. A lecture was given. A lecture was being given. A lecture will be given. A lecture has been given. A lecture had been given. A lecture will have been given. A lecture should be given. A lecture should have been given. She remembers a lecture being given. The lecture having been given,... The lecture must be given.

Present Perfect ontinuous! "uture ontinuous and Past Perfect ontinuous are not normally used in the passive. Get is used in collo#uial $n%lish instead of be to e&press somethin% happenin% by accident. She'll get killed if she goes on driving like that. T#E PASSIVE IS $SE% when the person who performs the Her flat was broken into yesterday. by action (a%ent) is unknown! unimportant a burglar ! obvious agent" or obvious from the conte&t to emphasise the a%ent Her wedding dress was delivered to her

by the dressmaker herself yesterday. to make statements more formal or #y dress has been ruined. more $olite polite than saying %&ou have ruined my dress'." when we are more interested in the A (hristmas ba)aar will be held action than the a%ent! such as in news tomorrow. reports! formal notices! instructions! processes! headlines! advertisements etc.

C#AN&IN& F'OM ACTIVE INTO PASSIVE The object of the active verb becomes the subject in the passive sentence. The active verb chan%es into a passive form and the subject of the active verb becomes the a%ent! which is either introduced with 'by' or is omitted. Active Voice Passive Voice Su!(ect Ver! O!(ect Su!(ect Ver! Agent *ohn $osted the letters. The letters were $osted by *ohn. ) *+ + a%ent is used to say who or what did the action. She was knocked over by a car. ,it- + instrument (material is used to say what the a%ent used or after past participles such as coloured! crammed! crowded! filled! flavoured! packed etc. She was killed with a hammer. )y + a%ent is omitted when the a%ent is unknown! unimportant! obvious from the conte&t or referred to by words such as* someone! people! +! etc. They revealed the truth. , The truth was revealed. %by them' is omitted" ) -erbs which take who objects give, offer etc" form their passive in two ways. it

is more usual to start the sentence with the person object! not the thin% object. They offered Ann a bunch of flowers. , Ann was offered a bunch of flowers. more usual than+ A bunch of flowers was offered to Ann." ) -erbs followed by a preposition accuse of, take down etc" take the preposition immediately after them when turned into the passive. She took down the minutes of the meeting. , The minutes of the meeting were taken down. ) +n passive #uestions with who! whom or which we do not omit by. ,ho gave you this information- , ,ho were you given this information by) /ear! help! make! see are followed by a to0infinitive in the passive. She made me work overtime. , . was made to work overtime. 1ote that hear! see! watch can be followed by a present participle in the active and passive. ,e saw her crying. / She was seen crying.

2rite sentences in the passive as in the e&ample* 3. (/er hair(dye(at the moment) , /er hair is bein% dyed at the moment. 4. (The 5ueen(not drive(to the embassy(yet) 6. (The /ay 2ain(paint( onstable) 7. (8ost olives(%row(the 8editerranean) 9. (The convict(take(to prison(now) :. (/is wound(not treat(yet) ;. (8y car(break into(last ni%ht) <. (The trees(prune(a tree sur%eon(last week). =. (>eservations(can(make(by diallin% ??3 now) 3?. (Our house(clean(weekly) 33. (/e(brin% up(his %randparents) 34. (The book(not write(yet) 36. (The buildin%(demolish(by ne&t year) 37. (The new school(open(ne&t week(the mayor) 39. (@allyAs shoes(re0heel(last @aturday) 3:. (The dustbins(empty(recently) 4. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct passive form. 3. /olland said... (say) to be one of the prettiest countries in $urope. 4. + hate BBBBBBBBBBBB.. (tell) lies. 6. 8y television BBBBBBBBBB...... (deliver) tomorrow. 7. Their telephone BBBBBBBB.. (install) yesterday.

9. Teachers ou%ht BBBBBBBB.. (pay) a hi%her salary. :. /otel rooms must BBBBBBBBBB (vacate) by 34 noon. ;. The villa BBBBBBBBBB.... (sell) by public auction ne&t week. <. @he hopes her home BBBBBB.. (build) by 8ay. =. /eartbreak /ouse BBBBBBBB. (write) by Ceor%e )ernard @haw. 3?. 8y car BBBBBBBBB... BB. (respray) at the moment. 33. /opefully! she BBBBBBBB.. (promote) by the end of ne&t month. 34. + wish + BBBBBBBBB (teach) how to type when + was at school. 36. Dour application should BBBB... (hand in) last 8onday. +tAs too late now +Am afraidE 37. The weddin% reception must BBB. (book) a month before the weddin%. 39. The buildin% BB (evacuate) ten minutes before the e&plosion took place. 3:. Polar bears BBBBBBB.. (hunt) for their fur. 3;. F lecture BBBBBBBB.. (%ive) in the main hall at the moment. 3<. Ffter ................... (award) a medal for bravery! he became a local hero. 3=. /er ankle BBBBBBBBBB. (hurt) when she fell down. 4?. @he thinks her car BBBBBBBBB... (steal) by someone she knows. 43. The apartment BBBBBBBB... (sell) last week. 44. + hate BBBBBBB.. (lie to) by my friends. 46. 1urses really ou%ht BBBBBBBBB.. (pay) more than they are. 47. The music must BBBBBBBB. (turn down) by 34 oAclock at the latest. 49. Dour free %ift BBBBBBB (send) to you in the ne&t few days. 4:. + wish + BBBBB....... (teach) how to use a computer when + was at school. 4;. /uman bones BBBBBBBBB. (find) by archaeolo%ists yesterday. 4<. 8y car BBBBBBB (repair) at the moment! so + canAt %ive you a lift. 4=. 1ew Dork BBBBB... (say) to be one of the most dan%erous cities in the world. 6?. /opefully! all forms of discrimination BB (wipe out) by the end of this century. 6. han%e the sentences from the active into the passive. Omit the a%ent where it can be omitted. 3. The )ritish eat over thirty million hambur%ers each year. ...Over thirty million hambur%ers are eaten by the )ritish each year.... 4. 2ho wrote 'One /undred Dears of @olitudeG' 6. The bad weather has spoiled my holiday plans. 7. Ho they pay their workers on timeG 9. The children picked the strawberries. :. @he saw them %o out. ;. Dou should wash those walls before you paint them. <. Pen%uin have translated all her books into $n%lish. =. /e objects to people tellin% him what to do. 3?. Tesco are convertin% the old bank into a supermarket. 33. They told him not to say anythin% to her.

34. Hid they %ive you a reward for findin% their catG 36. The nurses take very %ood care of the patients. 37. $veryone heard her shoutin% at the students. 39. 2hy have they %iven him a promotionG 3:. + love people %ivin% me presents. 3;. 2hen we %ot to the theatre! they had sold all the tickets. 3<. The police have just arrested the man who broke into our house. 3=. 2hat did he tell you to doG 4?. O&lam will hold a fashion show ne&t week. 43. They are holdin% the ne&t 2orld up in "rance. 44. 2hen did they demolish that buildin%G 46. The officers took the suspect in for #uestionin%. 47. 2ill they hand out free T0shirts at the concertG 49. Hoes the school provide accommodation for all new teachersG 7. han%e the sentences from the passive into the active. 3. 2hy was Iames asked to leave the clubG ...2hy did they ask Iames to leave the clubG... 4. They love bein% invited to parties. 6. The best cream cakes are made by @ayers. 7. )y the end of the party all the food had been eaten. 9. @ancheJ was beaten by Craff in the 2omenAs Tennis "inal. :. 8y %lasses must have been thrown away by mistake. ;. The buildin% is bein% e&amined by /ealth and @afety e&perts this week. <. 2ho was the television invented byG =. @he was heard complainin% about the new timetable. 3?. @he was sent a tele%ram by the 5ueen on her 3??th birthday. 33. The $n%lish lan%ua%e is now spoken by over two billion people worldwide. 34. 8y overdraft is bein% e&tended by the bank tomorrow. 36. /undreds of free %ifts are bein% %iven away by Honels this @aturday. 37. 2hy havenAt the beds been made yetG 39. + hate bein% taken for %ranted. 3:. The tickets should have been booked weeks a%o. 3;. F new shoppin% centre is bein% built on the outskirts of town. 3<. 2hy wasnKt + told about the meetin%G 3=. "urther information can be obtained from your local post office. 4?. 2hen will you be interviewed for the postG 43. 2ho was Cilbert interviewed byG 44. @he hasnAt been christened yet. 46. F new shampoo is bein% developed in the lab. 47. The awards will be presented by Tom /anks. 49. >ainforests are bein% cut down in the FmaJon. 9. "ill in LbyK or LwithK. 3. This suit was desi%ned Frmani.

4. This cake is filled BBBB.fresh cream. 6. 2ho was Fustralia discovered BBBB.G 7. "ord cars are made BBBB e&perts. 9. The baby was covered BBBBB. a blanket :. A armenK was composed BBB... )iJet. ;. The coat was lined BBBB fur. <. The food will be provided BBB... caterers. =. The stew was flavoured BBBB. %arlic. 3?. The >oyal 2eddin% was watched BBBB.......


6. Change the sentences from the active into the passive. Omit the agent where it can be omitted. 3. @anta laus will leave your presents in the stockin%. ...&our $resents will be left in the stocking by Santa (laus0 4. )ad or%anisation spoiled their holiday. 6. Teachers mark hundreds of e&am papers every year. 7. 2ho wrote 1omeo and *uliet9. Dou should dry your hair before you %o out. :. Dou mustnAt tell him the truth. ;. @he likes people takin% her to the theatre. <. 2hy didnAt they %ive her the jobG =. @he told them not to tell anyone. 3?.They should have %iven us a bonus. 33.The doctors will brin% him in for an e&amination. 34. "o% has delayed all fli%hts. 36.@he didnAt send me any parcels. 37.@he had cleaned the house before + %ot there. 39.2hen we arrived at the hotel! they had filled all the rooms. 3:.2hy havenAt you invited 8ary to the partyG 3;.Paula will help you finish your project. 3<.The mayor is openin% the new community centre ne&t week 3=.2e heard her complainin% stron%ly to the mana%er. 4?.Dou can leave your ba%s at the left0lu%%a%e office. 43.2orkmen found some anti#ue vases in the old house. 44.The architects have drawn up plans for the new library. 46.2ho %ave him the new carG 47.They are %oin% to set the lion free ne&t week. 49.2hat time do you e&pect him to arriveG 7. Change the sentences from the passive into the active. 3. 2ho was the 8ona Misa painted byG ...,ho $ainted the #ona Lisa-... 4. The old barn has been pulled down.

6. The results will be published in Iuly. 7. The trip was ruined by bad weather. 9. The letter should have been posted last week. :. 2ho was the money raised byG ;. 2hy hasnAt the house been painted yetG <. @he was heard shoutin%. =. /ow much were you paidG 3?./is car has been stolen. 33.+ canAt bear bein% cheated. 34.F famous actress will be chosen to advertise the product. 36.Iohn was made to do the washin% up. 37.The oJone layer is %radually bein% destroyed by pollution. 39.F brin%0and0buy sale is bein% held ne&t month. 3:.Our house was done up by a famous interior decorator. 3;.The cracks in the wall were caused by the earth#uake. 3<.Thousands of rare birds are killed by hunters every year. 3=./er purse was stolen on the bus. 4?.2hen will we be told the time of his arrivalG 43.Fn ancient villa%e has been uncovered by archaeolo%ists. 44.2hy hasnAt the dishwasher been repaired yetG 46.F new dru% is bein% developed by scientists. 47.F new breed of cow is to be introduced into the country by farmers. 49.The furniture will have been removed by noon. 4:.2ho were you %oin% to be replaced byG 4;.The island is bein% ruined by tourists.

4<.Two rooms had been booked for her by her travel a%ent. 4=.@he was seen to leave the buildin%. 6?.@eats should have been reserved a week a%o. . !ill in "by# or "with#. 3. The #agus was written Iohn "owles. 4. 2ho was the radio invented BBBB..G 6. The cyclist was knocked down BBBBB a bus. 7. @oup is eaten BBBB.. a spoon. 9. The car was fi&ed BBBB. a mechanic. :. The %lass was cut BBBBB.. a special tool. ;. /er hair is coloured BBBB.. henna. <. L)orn in the N@FK was sun% BBBBB. @prin%stin%. =. The roast was flavoured BBBBBB wine. 3?.8usic will be played BBBBBBB the local band. $. Change into the passive. A Police are investi%atin% a series of break0ins in the /attersby area. >esidents have heard noises! but nobody has actually seen anythin% suspicious. The recent rise in crime in the nei%hbourhood has shocked residents. Mocals are discussin% matters of security with the police and they have re#uested %reater police presence in the area. % F wealthy businessman has just bou%ht the )lack @wan /otel. The )arrett family owned it for many years! and they should have restored the buildin% many years a%o! but they couldnKt find enou%h money. The new owner is closin% the hotel for a few months for redecoration. Ft the moment workmen are polishin% the floors and redecoratin% all the rooms. C 8r Owen Cibbon has discovered a valuable oil paintin% in the attic of his house in >ochester. Ceor%e @tubbs! the famous animal artist! painted the work in 3;:?. 8r CibbonAs %reat0%randfather bou%ht the picture in the 3<=?s! but after his death the family stored it away in the attic. Frt historians are e&aminin% the paintin%! and have valued it at O9??!???. 8r Cibbon has offered the work to the 1ational Callery! where e&perts will restore the picture to its former beauty. They will have finished the restoration work by Iune. & The 2inter Production ompany has finally released the film which the public has been waitin% for so lon%* The Hawk. The 2inter ompany was ori%inally %oin% to release the film in Fu%ust but they decided to wait until October! as they know that fewer people %o to the cinema in the summer. >ichard Fble directed The Hawk and critics are encoura%in% people to see it. inemas report that )ritish audiences have bou%ht a lot of tickets and that they are sure The Hawk will be a success. ' Over the past ten years oil spills have polluted the seas surroundin% )ritain. The tankers spill oil onto the coast and this harms many forms of wildlife. $nvironmentalists say

that they need a lot of volunteers if they are to minimise the dama%e. +n future! the %overnment has promised that it will prosecute the owners of any tankers that pollute the 1orth @ea in this way. The %overnment also hopes that they can prevent such incidents by buildin% more li%hthouses alon% the coastline. (). Change into the passive. A Mast month @amuel )lock opened a restaurant in the centre of 8acclesfield. /e had planned it for over five years but he only completed it after local businessmen raised a lar%e sum of money. F top hotelier has trained the waiters and they will wear specially desi%ned uniforms to fit in with the restaurantAs modern look. They have brou%ht in a famous chef from "rance and they are %oin% to %ive him complete control over the daily menu. % Ffter 4? years of civil war the Mebanese %overnment is rebuildin% )eirut. They will construct new offices and hotels. The authorities must also e&pand )eirut airport. Muckily! bombin% did not destroy archaeolo%ical sites. )y the year 4???! buildin% companies will have completed most of the work. MebanonAs new look will attract many tourists in the future. F few %roups have already visited this 8iddle $astern paradise. C The critics have %reeted with enthusiasm 'Turnin% Point'! 8arvin 8orionAs new play. They re%ard it as his most mature work. 8orton wrote it after he had studied peopleAs behaviour for a considerable time. On the openin% ni%ht the audience called 8orton onto the sta%e and applauded him loudly. They are sta%in% the play at the Fpollo Theatre where they e&pect thousands of people to see it. "ilm companies have asked 8orton to write a script for a film based on the play. 2e do not know yet whether 8orton will seriously consider the proposal. ((. *ut the transitive verbs into the passive. &o not mention the agent unless it seems necessary. 3. The milkman brin%s the milk to my door but the postman leaves the letters in the hall. 4. +n future! perhaps! they wonAt brin% letters to the houses! and we shall have to collect them from the Post Office. 6. People steal thin%s from supermarkets every day. someone stole twenty bottles of whisky from this one last week. 7. 1ormally men sweep this street every day! but nobody swept it last week. 9. The postman clears this bo& three time a day. /e last cleared it at 4.6?. :. @omeone turned on a li%ht in the hall and opened the door. ;. 2omen clean this office in the evenin% after the staff have left. they clean the upstairs offices between seven and ei%ht in the mornin%. <. 2e never saw him in the dinin%0room. F maid took all his meals up to him. =. @omeone left this purse in a classroom yesterday. the cleaner found it. 3?.2e build well over 3!??? new houses a year. Mast year we built 3!9??. 33.2e serve hot meals till 3?.6?! and %uests can order coffee and

sandwiches up to 33.6?. 34.Passen%ers leave all sorts of thin%s in buses. The conductors collect them and send them to the Most Property Office. 36.Fn ambulance took the sick man to hospital. #ention ambulance.) 37.2e kill and injure people on the roads every day. anAt we do somethin% about thisG 39.Ho%s %uard the warehouse. The other day a thief tried to %et in and a do% saw him and chased him. A thief who B) 3:.The watchman called the police. The police arrested the man. 3;.Tom had only a sli%ht injury and they helped him off the field. but Iack was seriously injured and they carried him off on a stretcher. Tom, who had. . . ! but *ack, who was . . ." 3<.Dou canAt wash this dress. you must dry0clean it. 3=.They are demolishin% the entire block. 4?./e recommends fittin% new tyres. (2se should) 43./e su%%ested allowin% council tenants to buy their houses. 44.8en with slide rules used to do these calculations. now a computer does them. 46.The court tried the man! found him %uilty and sent him to prison. 47.The hall porter polishes the knockers of all the flats every day. 0 2ell! he hasnAt polished mine for a week. 49.They are repairin% my piano at the moment. 4:.Passen%ers shouldnAt throw away their tickets as inspectors may check these durin% the journey. 4;.They invited Iack but they didnAt invite Tom. 4<.The %uests ate all the sandwiches and drank all the beer. They left nothin%. 4=./as someone posted my parcelG 6?.2hy did no one inform me of the chan%e of planG 63.Tom @mith wrote the book and )rown and o. published it. 64.2e shall have to tow the car to the %ara%e. 66.+Am afraid we have sold all our copies but we have ordered more. 67.2e will prosecute trespassers. 69.@omeone stole my car and abandoned it fifteen miles away. /e had removed the radio but done no other dama%e. 6:.Dou must keep do%s on leads in the %ardens. (+. *ut the transitive verbs into the passive. &o not mention the agent unless it seems necessary. 3. They havenAt stamped the letter. 4. They didnAt pay me for the work. they e&pected me to do it for nothin%. 6. /e escaped when they were movin% him from one prison to another. 7. @he didnAt introduce me to her mother. 9. F fri%htful crash wakened me at 7 a.m. :. 2hen they have widened this street the roar of the traffic will keep residents awake all ni%ht.

;. They threw away the rubbish. <. F Iapanese firm makes these television sets. =. Fn earth#uake destroyed the town. 3?.F machine could do this much more easily. 33.-isitors must leave umbrellas and sticks in the cloakroom. 34.2e ask tenants not to play their radios loudly after midni%ht. 36.2e canAt repair your clock. 37.2e cannot e&chan%e articles which customers have bou%ht durin% the sale. Articles..." 39.2e have to pick the fruit very early in the mornin%. otherwise we canKt %et it to the market in time. 3:.The police shouldnAt allow people to park there. 3;.They are watchin% my house. 3<.The e&aminer will read the passa%e three times. 3=. andidates may not use dictionaries. 4?.Dou need not type this letter. 43.This used to be number 36! but now + see that someone has crossed out L36K and written L34FK underneath. 44.Dou mustnAt move this man. he is too ill. DouAll have to leave him here. 46.They searched his house and found a number of stolen articles. 47.1obody has used this room for a%es. 49.They took him for a "renchman! his "rench was so %ood. 4:. Dou should have taken those books back to the library0. 4;.They brou%ht the children up in +taly. 4<.They have taken down the "or @ale notice! so + suppose they have sold the house. 4=.@omeone broke into his house and stole a lot of his thin%s. 6?.2e have warned you. 63.F lorry knocked him down. 64.They returned my keys to me. someone had picked them up in the street. 66.2e had to %ive the books back. they did not allow us to take them home. 67.Dou shouldnAt leave these documents on the desk. Dou should lock them up. 69.They handed round coffee and biscuits. 6:.They have tried other peopleAs schemes. 2hy have they never tried my schemeG (,. Change into the passive with phrasal verbs. 3. The %overnment has called out troops. 4. "o% held up the trains. agent re3uired" 6. Dou are to leave this here. @omeone will call for it later on. 7. 2e called in the police. 9. They didnAt look after the children properly. :. They are flyin% in reinforcements. ;. Then they called up men of 4<.

<. $veryone looked up to him. agent re3uired" =. Fll the ministers will see him off at the airport. (agent re3uired" 3?./e hasnAt slept in his bed. 33.2e can build on more rooms. 34.They threw him out. 36.They will have to adopt a different attitude. 37./eAs a dan%erous maniac. They ou%ht to lock him up. 39./er story didnAt take them in. agent re3uired" 3:. )ur%lars broke into the house. 3;.The manufacturers are %ivin% away small plastic toys with each packet of cereal. 3<.They took down the notice. 3=.They frown on smokin% here. 4?.Ffter the %overnment had spent a million pounds on the scheme they decided that it was impracticable and %ave it up. #ake only the first and last verbs $assive." 43.2hen + returned + found that they had towed my car away. + asked why they had done this and they told me that it was because + had parked it under a 1o Parkin% si%n. four $assives" 44.People must hand in their weapons. 46.The crowd shouted him down. 47.People often take him for his brother. 49.1o one has taken out the cork. 4:.The film company were to have used the pool for a#uatic displays! but now they have chan%ed their minds about it and are fillin% it in. #ake the first and last verbs $assive." 4;.This colle%e is already full. 2e are turnin% away students the whole time. 4<.Dou will have to pull down this skyscraper as you have not comlied with the town plannin% re%ulations. The verbs believe, e-pect, feel, hope, know, report, say, think etc are used in the followin% passive patterns in personal and impersonal constructions. subject (person) + passive verb + to , The $olice re$ort that she is in 4rance. inf (personal construction) She is re$orted to be in 4rance. it + passive verb + that0Plause .t is re$orted that she is in 4rance. (impersonal construction) (.. /urn the following sentences into the passive as in the e-ample0 3. They think he is lyin%. /e Bis thought to be lyingB. +t Bis thought that he is lyingB 4. They believe he %ot lost in the forest. /e BBBBBBBBB +t BBBBBBBBB 6. They say she has been very ill. @he BBBBBBBBB +t BBBBBBBB.. 7. They said the president had been shot.

The president BBBBB +t BBBBBBBBB 9. They believe she was takin% dru%s. @he BBBBBBBBB +t BBBBBBBBB :. They e&pect he will pass his drivin% test. /e BBBBBBBBBB +t BBBBBBBBBB ;. They said she was wron%ly accused. @he BBBBBBBBB +t BBBBBBBBB.. <. They believe he is leavin% soon. /e BBBBBBBBBB +t BBBBBBBBB =. They say his health is very poor. /is health BBBBBBB.. +t BBBBBBBBB 3?.They report that some papers have been stolen. @ome papers BBBBBBB +t BBBBBBBB 33.They say he is a millionaire. /e BBBBBBBBBB +t BBBBBBBBB 34.They e&pect the plane will be landin% soon. The plane BBBBBBB +t BBBBBBBBB 36.They believe he was workin% ille%ally. /e BBBBBBBBBB +t BBBBBBBBB 37.They say he is feelin% better. /e BBBBBBBBB +t BBBBBBBBBB 39.They thou%ht he had been brave to do so. /e BBBBBBBBB +t BBBBBBBBB.. 3:.They think he has escaped from prison. /e BBBBBBBBB +t BBBBBBBBB 3;.They e&pect heAll pass his e&ams. /e BBBBBBBBB +t BBBBBBBBB 3<.They say she lied to the police. @he BBBBBBBBB +t BBBBBBBB 3=.They say they miss too many lessons. They BBBBBBBBB +t BBBBBBBB 4?.They know she was always late for work. @he BBBBBBBBB +t BBBBBBBB Causative Form .-ave somet-ing done/ 2e use have + object + past participle to say that we arran%e for someone to do somethin% for us He asked Sally to ty$e the letters. He had the letters ty$ed. He didn't do it himself ! Sally did it." TENSES Present Simple Present Continuous ACTIVE VOICE She makes dresses. She is making a dress. CA$SATIVE FO'M She has dresses made. She is having a dress

Past Simple Past Continuous Future Simple Future Continuous Present Perfect Present Pert" Cont" Past Perfect Past Perfect Cont" Infinitive -ing form

She made a dress. She was making a dress. She will make a dress. She will be making a dress. She has made a dress. She has been making dresses. She had made a dress. She had been making dresses. She can make dresses. She likes making dresses.

made. She had a dress made. She was having a dress made. She will have a dress made. She will be having a dress made. She has had a dress made. She has been having dresses. She had had a dress made. She had been having dresses made. She can have dresses made. She likes having dresses made.

The verb to -ave! used in the causative! forms its negations and 0uestions with do1does (Present @imple) or did (Past @imple). He doesn1t have his shirts ironed. &id he have the brakes checked) &et is often used in the causative instead of -ave" 5id you have2get your nails $olished6 The causative can be used instead of the passive to e&press accidents and misfortunes" He had his nose broken in a fight. His nose was broken in a fight."

(3. 4rite the sentences in the causative as in the e-ample0 3. Their weddin% reception was or%anised by caterers. ...They had their wedding rece$tion organised by caterers0 4. +All ask her to make the appointment for "riday. 6. /e was mendin% the table for @ophie. 7. /e took his boots to be re0heeled. 9. /as your le% been Q0rayedG :. + will tell Iames to cancel the meetin% tomorrow. ;. HonAt ask them to post the letters. <. +All %et the men to move this for you by this evenin%. =. The mechanic is repairin% her car. 3?.They renovated the @mithsA house last year. 33.They are %oin% to clean our swimmin% pool. 34.2here do they take their photo%raphs to be developedG 36./e doesnAt mind the barber cuttin% his hair short. 37.Dou should ask someone to water your plants while you are on holiday. 39.2ill she %et someone to deliver the computerG 3:.@he prefers sendin% her clothes to the dry0cleanerKs. 3;. 8y father likes people takin% his photo%raph.

3<.Our cooker was bein% repaired when the li%hts went off. 3=.2ould you like someone to do the shoppin% for youG 4?.The beautician polished the modelAs nails. (6. 4rite sentences in the causative as in the e-ample. 3. The doctor e&amined PaulKs ankle. 2hat did Paul doG 0He had his ankle e7amined0 4. @omeone delivers her %roceries once a week. 2hat does she doG 6. F hairdresser has cut and styled PamelaAs hair. 2hat has she doneG 7. @omeone will repair our leakin% roof. 2hat will we doG 9. @omeone cut the lawn for them while they were away. 2hat did they doG :. @omebody had serviced their car before they went on holiday. 2hat had they doneG ;. F builder will do up IanAs attic. 2hat will Ian doG <. @omeone is desi%nin% some furniture for him. 2hat is he doin%G =. F detective investi%ated the case for her. 2hat did she doG 3?.@omeone has written the actorAs life story for him. 2hat has he doneG 33.@omeone is or%anisin% a birthday party for her. 2hat is she doin%G 34.The secretary had prepared the minutes for him before the meetin%. 2hat had he doneG 36./e was buildin% their swimmin% pool. 2hat were they doin%G 37./e had someone paint his dau%hterAs portrait. 2hat did he doG ) Ma2e1#ave o!(ect !are Infinitive are used to e&press that someone causes someone else to do somet-ing3 !ut t-eir meaning is slig-tl+ different" She made 5ohn do the sho$$ing. She insisted that *ohn should do the sho$$ing." She had 5ohn do the sho$$ing. She asked *ohn to do the sho$$ing." ) &et o!(ect to -inf s-o4s t-at someone persuades someone else to do somet-ing" She got Ann to tidy her room. She $ersuaded Ann to tidy her room." (7. 6ephrase the following using have, get or make as in the e-ample0 3. @he insisted that they %o to the meetin%. B@he made them go to the meeting0 4. 2e are %oin% to ask the plumber to install a new shower. 6. 2e persuaded Paul to lend us some money. 7. The teacher asked @am to open the window. 9. The dentist insisted that Ceor%e sit still. :. 8rs Iones will ask the attendant to fetch her car. ;. The doctor persuaded her to %o to hospital. <. 8y brother insisted that + %ive him back his book. =. @he persuaded her friend to help her with the cleanin%. 3?.2eKll ask the receptionist to %ive him his key. 33./e insisted on them keepin% #uiet.

34.8y father persuaded me to help him wash his car. 36.8r @mith insisted that Iane stay late at work. 37.+All ask Pam to turn down the radio. 39.@ue persuaded the caretaker to fi& the door. ( . Complete the sentences using the words in hold. 7se two to five words. 3. The hairdresser will have to cut your hair. -ave DouAll ...have to have your hair... cut. 4. F lar%e do% has attacked my cat. !een 8y cat BBBBBB. a lar%e do%. 6. /er mother insisted that she buy a new dress for the party. -er /er mother BBBBB.. a new dress for the party. 7. @omeone will steal your purse if you donAt look after it. !e Dour purse BBBBB. if you donAt look after it. 9. Iane insisted that + have some more cake. made Iane BBBBB.. some more cake. :. They are resurfacin% our drive tomorrow. resurfaced 2e BBBBBB.tomorrow. ;. Our furnace will need servicin% soon. -ave 2e will need ........................ soon. <. @omeone cleans my house every week. -ave + BBBBBB.. every week. =. /ow did he persuade you to do itG get /ow BBBBBB do itG 3?.@he %ot a friend to make her an evenin% dress. made @he BBBB.. by a friend. 33.Their house had been bur%led when + last saw them. -ad They BBBBBB when + last saw them. 34.+ asked my parents to pay for my fli%ht home. -ad + BBBBBB. for my fli%ht home. 36./ooli%ans attacked )arney outside the stadium. got )arney BBBB.. outside the stadium. 37.@he doesnAt like ironin% so the cleaner does it for her. done @he doesnAt like ironin% so BBBB.. by the cleaner. 39./e arran%ed for a friend to brin% his books over from $n%land. -ad /e BBBBBBB from $n%land. 'EVISION ($. 8ook at the notes, then write a report using the passive. &et again we e7$erienced an earth3uake last night. F remote area in northern @pain(shake(by an earth#uake last ni%ht. @everal villa%es(totally destroy(and many people(leave(homeless. The total e&tent of the dama%e(still not known(but luckily few casualties( report as people warn(of the dan%er earlier and many villa%es(evacuate. -ictims of the earth#uake now( offer(shelter in local churches(where food and drink(provide. +). 8ook at the prompts and make sentences using the passive. 4rite a report. 9ou can also use your own ideas.

(ues+ sea(pollute 0 waste(dump ( for years 0 companies(fine(last year 0 action(take 0 new laws( introduced(soon 0 protest marches(or%anised(recently 0 people(ask not swim(at present 0 fishermen(advise( fish elsewhere 0 hope(problem solve(two years 0 volunteers(ask(help(clean up +(. Complete this conversation with verbs in a suitable tense, active or passive. indy and Petra are members of a volleyball team. +1HD* 2hy wasnAt lare at the trainin% sessionG P$T>F* /avenAt you heardG @heKs been thrown... (3) out for stealin%. +1HD* 1oE >eallyG P$T>F* Des. @he (4)..........................takin% money from someoneAs ba% in the chan%in% room. +1HD* 2ho byG P$T>F* The sports club mana%er. @he (6) BBBBB throu%h the chan%in% room when she (7).............................. lare with RarenAs ba%. +1HD* Oh dear. ThatAs terrible. P$T>F* lare said she (9) fetch the money by Raren but when Raren (:) BB.. about it! she said she (;) BB..... (not) what lare was talkin% about. +1HD* )ut how stupid of Raren to leave money in the chan%in% roomE P$T>F* Des. @he (<) BBBB that by the mana%er too. +1HD* @he (=) ....................... (not) it a%ain! anyhow. P$T>F* 1o! + %uess not. 2hat do you think lare (3?) BB. nowG +1HD* + donAt know. This is the second club she (33) B to 3eave! isnKt itG P$T>F* Des. +tAs hard to know what can (34) B.. for someone like lare. ++. Complete the sentences using the words in bold. 7se two to five words. 3. The teacher scolded Iim for not payin% attention. 4as Iim ...was scolded by the teacher... for not payin% attention. 4. /er parents named her after her %randmother. 4as @he BBBBBBBBB her %randmother. 6. 8ost people think that broken homes cause a lot of social problems. t-oug-t +t BBBBBBBBBB cause a lot of social problems. 7. Fn editor will check the article. !e The article BBBBBBBBBB an editor. 9. The traffic warden will %ive you a ticket if you park there. !e Dou BBBBBBBBBBB. if you park there. :. F lot of men enjoy football. is "ootball BBBBBBBB. a lot of men. ;. The builder will have finished the e&tension by Iuly. !een The BBBBBBBBBB.. by Iuly. <. The teacher has %iven the students their homework. -ave The BBBBBBBBB their homework. =. They are blamin% 8artin for the accident. is 8artin BBBBBBBBB.. for the accident.

3?.They are %oin% to preview the film tomorrow evenin%. is The film BBBBBBBBBBB tomorrow evenin%. 33.They will have settled the matter by this afternoon. !een The matter BBBBBBBB... by this afternoon. +,. Choose the correct answer. 3. A2as Tom pleased with the newspaper article about himGA A1o. /e was an%ry because his name ..%... wron%.A A spelt * had been spelt C is spelt 4. AHid you buy that pictureGA A1o! it me for my birthday.A A was %iven * %ave C is %iven 6. AFre you %oin% to buy a weddin% dressGA A1o. 8y dress BBBBB. by my mother.A A is bein% made * is made C made 7. A/ave you arran%ed the party yetGK ADes. Fll the invitations BBBBBB.. A A are sent * have been sent C sent 9. A@o! have you had your book publishedGA ADes. +t BBBBB. in all bookshops from Iune 3stA A will be * is C is bein% :. AHo your cats eat a lotGA A1o. They BBBB.. once a day! thatAs all.A A is fed * are fed C fed ;. APaul is takin% me to a ball this weekend.A A+ would love BBBBB.. to a ballEA A take * to take C to be taken <. AHid you hear about the bur%lary last weekGA ADes. The thieves BBBB now! havenAt theyGA A have been cau%ht * cau%ht C are cau%ht =. A an you swimGA AOh yes. + BBhow to swim when + was five.A A tau%ht * am tau%ht C was tau%ht 3?. AHoctors have to do a lot of work.A ADes! but they BBBwell.A A be paid * are paid C pay 33. A2here does that lady keep her jewelleryGA A+t BBBB.. in a safe somewhere in her house.A A is kept * are kept C was kept 34. A2hat is happenin% over thereGA AOh! a new cinema BBBBBB A A is bein% built * is built C was built 36.A/ow is RevinGA A2ell! his car BBBBB.. last ni%ht! so heAs upset today.A A is stolen * has been stolen C was stolen 37.A2hat should you do if you are lostGA

ADou should stay where you are and wait BBBB... A A was found * to find C to be found 39.A/ave you %ot laireAs phone numberGA ADes. +t BBBB. on this piece of paper.A A is written * written C be written +.. 6ead the situations, then write sentences using the causative form. 3. The optician is testin% her eyes. 2hat is she doin%G ...She's having her eyes tested.... 4. +f he doesnAt drive more carefully! the police will take away his licence. 2hat will happen to himG 6. This time tomorrow an artist will be paintin% her sonAs portrait. 2hat will she be doin%G 7. @omeone is cuttin% down the tree in our %arden at the moment. 2hat are we doin%G 9. They can vaccinate your children a%ainst smallpo&. 2hat can you doG :. @he will hire someone to build a shed for her. 2hat will she doG ;. The dentist is polishin% TomAs teeth. 2hat is Tom doin%G <. The police are towin% away his car. 2hat is happenin% to himG =. @omeone dry0cleans his suits every month. 2hat does he doG 3?./e has been payin% a therapist to massa%e his back. 2hat has he been doin%G 33.@ally %ets a hairdresser to dye her hair every month. 2hat does she doG +3. :ost of these sentences contain one mistake. Correct it or write rig-t" 3. 8y nei%hbour is very proud of her new %randson who born last week. 4. +Am very fond of this old brooch because it was belon%ed to my %randmother. 6. 8y family live in @cotland bur + was educated in "rance. 7. +Am afraid + canAt lend you my camera. +tAs repairin% this week. 9. The brid%e was collapsed durin% the floods but fortunately no one was usin% it at the time. :. +f you arenAt careful what youAre doin% with that hammer someone will hurt in a minuteE ;. The word AstupidA was in my report but it wasnAt referred to you. <. +Am sorry +Am late. + %ot held up in the traffic. =. 2hen did you discover that the money had been disappearedG 3?. hildren under the a%e of seven do not allow in this pool. +6. *ut the verbs into a suitable tense in the passive. 8ary has just arrived home from work. 1eil is already there. 8F>D* /iE +Am back. @orry +Am late. 1$+M* /ello. 2hat kept youG 8F>D* + had to use the rin% road and + (l)BB (stick) in a traffic jam for forty minutes. 1$+M* 2hy didnAt you use the usual routeG 8F>D* )ecause the road (4) BB.. (close) until work on the access road to the new hospital (6) BB.. (complete).

1$+M* 2hen is it due to (7) BB (finish)G 8F>D* 2ell! the access road (9) BBB. (open) by the 8ayor ne&t week! accordin% to the newspaper! and the /ealth 8inister (:) BBB(invite) to open the hospital on the same day! but they donAt know yet whether sheAs definitely comin%. 1$+M* F lot of money (;) BB. (waste) if she doesnAt come. 8F>D* 2hyAs thatG 1$+M* /avenAt you seen all those rose bushes that (<) BB.. (plant) round the hospitalG 8F>D* @oG TheyAll be lovely for the patients. 1$+M* )ut the patients wonAt be able to see them! because theyAre round the entrance! and the wards look out in the other direction. F lot of people protested about it! but all their complaints (=) BB (i%nore) until it was too late. 8F>D* +f they had money to spare! it (3?) BB.. (spend) on facilities for patients! not on makin% the front look pretty for the 8inister. 1$+M* Fbsolutely. +tAs typical of this local council. They (33) B.. (elect) to save money! but they do just the opposite. 8F>D* Perhaps they (34) BB (throw) out at the ne&t election. 1$+M* + hope so. 1ow! are you ready for supperG +7. 6ead this letter from :aurice, who is on holiday in %ritain, to his sister ;ally in <ew =ealand. *ut the verbs in a suitable tense, active or passive. Hear @ally! /ow are youG 2eAve been havin% a lovely time. 2eAre bein% very well looked after by our hosts. 2e (3) BBBB (take) si%htseein% and we (4) BBB (introduce) to some of their friends! who (6) BBB.. (make) us feel very welcome. Mast ni%ht we (7) BBB (show) round a cattle! by the ownerE 8ost of the land in this area (9) BBB.. (belon%) to his family for about five hundred years. Fpparently! the land (:) BBB. (%ive) them after one of his ancestors (;) BB.. (kill) while tryin% to save the kin%As life. 5uite romantic! isnAt itG The castle itself was a little bit disappointin%! to be absolutely honest. The owner told us that it (<) BB.. (suffer) serious dama%e durin% a fire about thirty years a%o. 2hen it (=) BB.. (restore) they (3?) ... (add) central heatin% and thin%s like that. @o once youAre inside (33) B (not feel) much! different to any other lar%e! old house. )ut the owner is a real character. /e told us lots of stories about thin%s that (34) BB. (happen) to him when he was youn%. /e (36) BB.. (send) abroad to work in a bank! but he hated it! so he (37) BB.. (behave) very badly in order to (39) BB.. (sack). /e kept us lau%hin% for hours. + hope he (3:) BBB (invite) here before we leave. +All have lots more to tell you when we %et back. Take care. Dours affectionately! 8aurice + . 6ewrite the following passages in the passive. A @omeone broke into the 1ational Callery late last ni%ht. The thieves had broken the alarm system before they climbed throu%h a window. They stole some priceless works of art. They used a %etaway car to escape. The police have #uestioned some suspects. They have not cau%ht the thieves yet.

% Mast week! the Prime 8inister visited Hawston. The 8ayor of the town %reeted him when he arrived and %ave him a tour. /e introduced the Prime 8inister to important businessmen and took him to lunch in a local restaurant. +n the afternoon! the 8ayor held a meetin% and the Prime 8inister addressed the citiJens of Hawston. /e told them that he had enjoyed his visit very much. +$. Complete the sentences, as in the e-ample. 3. +t is said that this orchestra is the best in the world. This orchestra said to be the best in the world0 4. +t is believed that the thieves have left the country. The thieves BBB 6. The fire is reported to have started by accident. +t BB.. 7. /e is known to be makin% a lot of money. +t BBB. 9. +t is e&pected that they will arrive in time for dinner. They BBB.. :. @he is said to know a lot about %ardenin%. +t BBBB.. ;. +t is thou%ht that he will be attendin% the meetin%. /e BB. <. +t is believed that we are able to win the competition. 2e BB.. =. The company is thou%ht to be makin% a bi% profit. +t BBBB 3?.+t is reported that the %overnment has reached a decision. The %overnment BB 33.+t is said that they were responsible for the dama%e. They BB 34.@he is e&pected to break the world record. +t BBB 36./e is known to have several forei%n bank accounts. +t BBB. 37.They are reported to have financial problems. +t BBB. ,). !ill in by or with. 3. @he was woken up BB. a loud noise. 4. The parcel was tied up BBB.. strin%. 6. Iohn was told off BBBBB his mother. 7. This picture was painted BBBB. a famous artist. 9. The chair was covered BBBB. a woollen blanket. :. The walls were decorated BBB.. posters. ;. 8y car was repaired BBB. my father. <. This dessert was made BBBBB fresh cream.

Nouns and Articles 1ouns S1ouns are* a!stract (love! freedom! etc.)! proper (Ioe! $urope! etc.)! group (family! team! crowd! etc.) or common (chair! hat! boy! etc.) . SMost nouns 4-ic- refer to (o!s3 social status3 etc" -ave t-e same form for men and 4omen e.%. doctor! teacher! etc. Ot-ers -ave different forms5 Fctor0actress (bride) %room0bride Huke0duchess /ero0heroine /ost0hostess Rin%0#ueen 8onk0nun Prince0princess! etc.

ountable 1ouns and Nncountable 1ouns SCounta!le nouns are nouns 4-ic- S$ncounta!le nouns are nouns 4-ic4e can count" T-e+ -ave singular and 4e cannot count" T-e+ do not -ave plural forms" ,e usuall+ form t-e different plural forms" $ncounta!le plural !+ adding-s" nouns include5 a/ man+ t+pes of food5flour! cheese! rice! butter! spa%hetti! etc. !/ li0uids5 coffee! wine! oil! petrol! etc. c/ materials5 wood! china! silver! etc. d/ a!stract nouns5 justice! freedom! lone! beauty! knowled%e! etc. e/ ot-ers5 lu%%a%e! money! jewelry! information! fun! advice! news! etc. SIrregular Plurals5 man0men! woman0 4omen! foot0feet! tooth0teet-3 louse0 lice! o&0o6en! child0c-ildren! %oose0 geese. SSome nouns -ave t-e same form in t-e singular and t-e plural" T-ese are5 a/ some 2inds of animals (sheep! deer) and fis- (trout! cod! salmon! etc.) !/ t-e 4ords aircraft3 spacecraft3 -overcraft3 etc" c/ some nouns ending in 7s5 crossroads3 means3 series3 species3 4or2s3 etc" S,e use t-e follo4ing nouns 4ituncounta!le nouns to s-o4 0uantit+5 a piece of cake(news( paper! a glass1!ottle of water! a (ar of jam(honey! a ras-er of bacon! a pac2et of rice(tea! a loaf1slice of bread! a pot of yo%hurt! a pot1cup of tea! a 2ilo of meat! a tu!e of toothpaste! a !ar of chocolate(soap! a can of soda! a carton of milk! a !o4l of su%ar(soup! etc. Some of t-e a!ove nouns can also !e used 4it- plural counta!le nouns" e.%. a kilo of tomatoes! a bowl of cherries

ountable nouns* a) can take sin%ular or plural verbs. e.%. The 4indo4 is open. The 4indo4s are open. b) always %o with a1an1t-e1m+3 etc. in the sin%ular. c) an be used alone or with some1an+1man+1fe4 in the plural. e.%. + bou%ht some apples to ma2e a pie" Nncountable nouns* a) always take sin%ular verbs. e.%. &old is more e&pensive than silver. b) do not %o with a1an1one1t4o3 etc. e.%. ,ater is %ood for you. c) can be used alone or with some1an+1muc-1little1t-e1 m+ ! etc. Some nouns can !e used as counta!le or uncounta!le3 4it- a difference in meaning" e.%. @usan has %ot short! dark -air. (all the hair on her head) There is a -air in my soupE ompound 1ouns SCompound nouns are nouns t-at are made of t4o or more parts and are formed as follo4s5 a/ noun noun" T-e plural is usuall+ formed !+ adding 7s1-es to t-e second noun" e.%. ticket inspector0 ticket inspectors !/ 7ing form1ad(ective noun" T-e plural is formed !+ adding 7s1-es to t-e noun" e.%. swimmin% pool , swimmin% pools %reenhouse , %reenhouses c/ noun in-la4" T-e plural is formed !+ adding 7s to t-e noun" e.%. sister0in0law , sisters0in0law d/ noun adver!" T-e plural is formed !+ adding 7s to t-e noun" e.%. runner0up , runners0up e/ ver! adver! particle" T-e plural is formed !+ adding 7s to t-e 4ord" e.%. breakthrou%h , breakthrou%hs

8" Fill in t-e gaps 4it- an appropriate noun 3 a carton8glass89ug of oran%e juice 4a cheese 6a bread 7a coffee 9a water

of to indicate 0uantit+"

:a ;a <a =a 3? a 33 a 34 a

wine chocolate crisps honey meat spa%hetti flour

9" Complete t-e sentences using t-e noun in !rac2ets in t-e singular or plural form and a2an 4-ere necessar+" 3 /e %ave me a bo& of my favourite chocolates.(chocolate) 4 /is favourite food isTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT. (chocolate) 6 @he bou%htTTTTTTTTTTTTT on her way to work. (paper) 7 /e placed all the importantTTTTTTTTTTTTT in his briefcase. (paper) 9 + need someTTTTTTTTTTTTTT to write this messa%e on. (paper) : /urry upE 2e donKt have muchTTTTTTTTTTTTT . (time) ; @he has visited us severalTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT this month. (time) < /e has noTTTTTTTTTTTTTT! but he is keen to learn. (e&perience) = @he had a lot of e&citin%TTTTTTTTTTTTT durin% her travels. (e&perience) 3? 2e went for a walk in theTTTTTTTTTTTT after lunch. (wood) 33 /is desk is made ofTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT. (wood) 34 Iane is in herTTTTTTTTTTTTTT readin% a book. (room) 36 2e have %ot plenty ofTTTTTTTTTTTTT for a party in here. (room) 37 + am %oin% to have myTTTTTTTTTTTT cut tomorrow. (hair) 39 There wasTTTTTTTTTTTTT in my soup. (hair) 3: +Km thirsty. + needTTTTTTTTTTTTT of water. (%lass) 3; @usan only wears herTTTTTTTTTTTTT when she reads. (%lass) 3< This ornament is made of colouredTTTTTTTTTTTTT. (%lass) 3= /elen bou%htTTTTTTTTTTTTT in the sale at the electrical store. (iron) 4? The old %ate was made ofTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT. (iron) :" Cross out t-e e6pressions 4-ic- cannot !e used 4it- t-e nouns3 as in t-e e6ample" 3 There are several3 man+3 much3 plent+ of3 too little thin%s you can do to help. 4 /e has met a couple of3 a fe43 ver+ little3 plent+ of3 too muc- interestin% people. 6 @he earns fe43 -ardl+ an+3 plent+ of3 several3 a great deal of money. 7 2e have %ot no3 man+3 lots of3 a great deal of3 a fe4 work to do. 9 HonKt worry! thereKs a little3 plent+ of3 a couple of3 man+3 a lot of time. : *ot-3 Several3 A large 0uantit+ of3 Plent+ of3 Too muc- students applied for the course. ; /eKs %ot no3 -ardl+ an+3 a little3 some3 a small amount of #ualifications.

< @heKs %ot -ardl+ an+3 several3 a little3 a fe43 a lot of e&perience in dealin% with customers. = There is too much3 a lot of3 -ardl+ an+3 fe43 several salt in this soup. 3? There is a little3 man+3 too muc-3 a great num!er of3 some traffic on the roads today. ;",rite t-e plural of t-e follo4ing 4ords" 3 day , days < church , 39 baby , 4 bo& , = thief , 3: corkscrew , 6kilo , 3? fly , 3; foot , 7 tomato , 33 tooth , 3< life , 9 knife , 34 medium , 3= passer0by , : donkey , 36 shelf , 4? country , ; man , 37 photo , 43 steerin% wheel ,

44 brush , 46 piano , 47 child , 49 cliff , 4: lady , 4; wife , 4< kiss ,

<" $nderline t-e correct ver! form" 3 hemistry are(is my least favourite subject. 4 Dour bathroom scales is(are not very accurate. 6 4???U is(are far too e&pensive for that stereo. 7 Table0tennis is(are sometimes referred to as pin%0pon%. 9 The police is(are comin% to the rescue. : Paper is(are made from wood. ; hildren likes(like playin% %ames. < The scissors donKt(doesnKt work very well. = These trousers is(are terribly unflatterin%. 3? $ducation are(is considered to be very important by almost everyone. 33 8ost people worry(worries about the effect of pollution on the environment. 34 2ater is(are necessary for plants to %row. 36 2hen +Km ill my hair becomes(become %reasy. 37 The rubbish has(have been taken away. 39 The information is(are inaccurate. 3: )inoculars is(are needed to see that far. 3; /is lu%%a%e was(were left on the platform. 3< The stairs is(are very dan%erous. 3= 8umps is(are conta%ious. 4? The news was(were une&pected. 43 /is e&perience of travel is(are limited. =" $nderline t-e correct 4ord" 3 F* + have a Physics e&am tomorrow.

)* Oh dear. Physics is1are a very difficult subject. 4 F* 8y office is three miles from my house. )* Three miles is1are a lon% way to walk to work. 6 F* 8y little brother has %ot measles. )* Oh dear. 8easles is1are #uite a serious illness. 7 F* Iane looked nice today! didnKt sheG )* Des. /er clothes 4ere14as very smart. 9 F* +Kve %ot two pounds. +Km %oin% to buy a H. )* Two pounds is1are not enou%h to buy a H. : F* The classroom was empty when + walked past. )* Des. The classroom 4as14ere all on a outin%. ; F* /ave you just cleaned the stairsG )* Des! so be careful. They is1are very slippery. < F* Hid you ask Iohn to fi& your carG )* Des. /is advice 4as14ere that + take it to a %ara%e. = F* Hid you enjoy your holidayG )* yes! thank you. The weather 4as14ere wonderful. 3? F* These trousers is1are very old. )* Dou should buy a new pair. 33 F* /ow is1are the company doin% latelyG )* Creat. 2e opened up two more branches. 34 F* + am %oin% to travel for two years when + finish school. )* Two years is1are a lon% time to be away from home. >" Finis- t-e sentences3 as in t-e e6ample" 3 Dou need a lot of e&perience to do this job. F lot of e&perience is needed to do this 9ob. 4 They %ave us some interestin% information. The information TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT. 6 @he likes 8ath more than any other subject. 8ath TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT. 7 2e had mild weather this winter. The weather TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT. 9 2e called the police immediately. The police TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT. : + told them some e&itin% news. The news TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT. ; /e was irritated because of the bad traffic. /e was irritated because theTTTTTTTTTTT. < + stayed in very lu&urious accommodation. The accommodation TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT. =The driver took the lu%%a%e out of the car. The lu%%a%e TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT. 3? @he %ave me very sensible advice. The advice she %ave me TTTTTTTTTTTTT.

33 These shorts are too bi% for me. This pair of shorts TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT. 34 The hotel is in ma%nificent surroundin%s. The hotel surroundin%s TTTTTTTTTTTTT. 36 @heKs %ot lon% blonde hair. /er hair TTTTTTTTTTTTTT. ?" Put t-e ver!s in !rac2ets into t-e correct form" 3 The water in this lake looks (look) very clean. 4 8akin% mistakes TTTTTTT (be) only natural. 6 8ath TTTTTTT (not(interest) me very much. 7 Fll of our furniture TTTTT (be) brand new. 9 @u%ar TTTTTTT (dama%e) your teeth. : @now rarely TTTTTT (fall) in this part of the country. ; The applause TTTTTTT (be) very loud. < The news they brou%ht us TTTTTTT (be) %ood. = Dour trousers TTTTTTT (not(match) your shirt. 3? The team TTTTTTT (discuss) strate%y before every %ame. 33 hickenpo& TTTTTTT (%ive) you an itchy rash. 34 )illiards TTTTTTT (be) his favourite %ame. 36 The accommodation here TTTTTTT (seem) very e&pensive. 37 The pliers TTTTTTT (be) in the bo&. 39 Rnowled%e of other lan%ua%es TTTTTTT (help) people in business. 3: Ten minutes TTTTTTT (be) too little time to finish this report. 3; $very time + travel! some of my lu%%a%e TTTTTTT (%et) dama%ed. 3< 2elsh TTTTTTT (be) difficult to learn. 3= The staff TTTTTTT (be) happy with the pay0rise. 4? @ophisticated machinery TTTTTTT (cost) a lot of money. T-e Indefinite Article @AA1AAnA 7 One1Ones ,e use A1An ,e do not use A1An S with sin%ular countable nouns B with uncountable nouns or plural when we talk about them in %eneral. countable nouns. e.%. + want to buy a dress. (any dress) 2e use some instead of a8an. e.%. They bou%ht some flowers.

S with the verbs to !e and -ave .got/ B before an adjective if it is not e.%. 8ary -as .got/ a do%. followed by noun. e.%. This rin% is e6pensive" *ut5 This is an e6pensive ring" S before Mr1Mrs1Miss1Ms when we

refer to an unknown person. e.%. A Mrs Cones called you this mornin%. (F person that we donKt know). S to show* a/ price in relation to 4eig-t (two pounds a kilo)! !/ distance in relation to speed (<?km an hour)! c/ fre0uenc+ ( twice a week). A.n/1One a/ ,e use a1an to refer to an unspecified t-ing 4it- t-e meaning @an+ oneA" ,e use one 4-en 4e are counting3 to put emp-asis on num!er" e.%. /e bou%ht a tie. (2e are not talkin% about a specific tie). e.%. /e bou%ht one tie. (/e didnKt buy two ties). !/ ,e use one 4it- 4ords day, week, month, year, winter, morning, night, etc" or 4it- a specific da+ or mont- to sa+ 4-en somet-ing -appened3 usuall+ in narration" e.%. One summer3 the family decided to %o to Tahiti. ,e can use one day to refer to t-e future" e.%. One da+3 you will re%ret this. c/ ,e use one or one ofD 4-en 4e mean one person1t-ing out of man+" It usuall+ contrasts 4it- anot-er1ot-er.s/" e.%. One bus was full! but t-e ot-ers were empty. One of my collea%ues is from +taly. d/ ,e use a1an or one 4it- no difference in meaning 4-en counting or measuring distance3 4eig-t3 time3 etc" e.%. + paid a1one hundred pounds for this bracelet. 2e bou%ht a1one carton of milk. They spent a1one month cruisin% down the 1ile. One1Ones 2e use one in the sin%ular and 2e use one1ones with t-is1t-at. ones in the plural to avoid e.%. + donKt like this pair of shoes! but repeatin% the noun when it is + like t-at one. clear what we mean. e.%. 8y house is the one with the red front door. 2e use a1an with one when there 2e use 4-ic- one.s/ in is an adjective before one. #uestions. e.%. + want to buy a jacket. + want a e.%. + like the yellow blouse best. leat-er one. ,-ic- one do you likeG

*$T5 + want to buy a jacket. + want one with a fur collar.

E" Fill in a3 an3 one or ones" 3 +Km makin% a sandwich. 2ould you likeTTTTTTTG 4 There was only TTTTTTT sandwich left. Fll the others had been eaten. 6 2e saw TTTTTTT %iraffe and TTTTTTT alli%ator at the Joo. 7 These biscuits are nicer that the TTTTTTT + normally buy. 9 @he paid TTTTTTT thousand pounds for her car. : TTTTTTT day! + will buy a house of my own. ; +Kd love TTTTTTT car like that TTTTTTT over there. < TTTTTTT of my brothers is TTTTTTT policeman. = +Km lookin% for TTTTTTT dress. +Kd like a blue TTTTTTT. 3? + heard TTTTTTT amusin% joke yesterday. 33 + like these three pairs of trousers. 2hich TTTTTTT do you like bestG 34 @imon enjoys swimmin%. /e %oes to his local pool three times TTTTTTTweek. 36 +Km tired. + need TTTTTTT rest. 37 TTTTTTT 8r. Creen came to see you. /eKs waitin% in your office. 39 2e had TTTTTTT e&citin% holiday. +t was better than the TTTTTTT we had last year. 8F" Fill in a3 an3 one or ones" 3 +Km lookin% for a book about animals. Ho you have anyG 4 There was TTTTTTT book about animals! but the others were adventure stories. 6 They saw TTTTTTT old film at the cinema yesterday. 7 + donKt like these boots! but + really like the TTTTTTT youKre wearin%. 9 Tom found TTTTTTT mouse in the kitchen! so he put mousetraps everywhere. : TTTTTTT mornin% there was a power cut. ; +Km lookin% for TTTTTTT ba%. + need a lar%e TTTTTTT. < There were two dresses in the shop + liked! but + only bou%ht TTTTTTT. 88" Fill in a3 an or one" A + bou%ht a set of plates yesterday! but + have broken TTT of them already. + canKt have TTT dinner party without TTT full set of plates. * TTT day! + will buy TTT cotta%e in the country. +t will have TTT bi% %arden so + will be able to keep TTT do%. C + need TTT car. + want TTT with power steerin% and TTT sun roof. + can afford

TTTsecond hand car! but +Kd rather buy TTT new TTT. % @uddenly there was TTT knock at the door. TTT old man stood outside. /e was wearin% TTT suit and carryin% TTT suitcase in TTT hand and TTT umbrella in the other. E There were TTT doJen people in the room and not TTT of them knew how to use TTT computer. F L+ have TTT terrible headache. + think + will take TTT tablet and lie down for half GGG hour.K L+ hate headaches. + had TTT yesterday at work.K

T-e %efinite Article /he 4e use the0 4e do not use the0 with nouns when we are talkin% with uncountable and plural about somethin% specific! that is! countable nouns when talkin% when the noun is mentioned for a about somethin% in %eneral! that second time or is already known. is! when we cannot answer the +n other words! when we can #uestion L2hoGK or L2hichGK. answer the #uestion L2hoGK or e.%. Fis- live in water. L2hichGK e.%. + bou%ht a shirt and a dress. T-e dress is blue and t-e shirt is %reen. with nouns which are uni#ue. e.%. t-e sun! t-e $iffel Tower S with proper nouns. e.%. Mar2 lives in *rig-ton"

with the names of cinemas ( t-e >e&)! hotels (t-e arlton)! theatres (t-e Clobe)! museums (t-e )ritish 8useum)! newspapers(ma%aJines (t-e Time ma%aJine)! ships (t-e 8ary

with the names of sports! %ames! activities! days! month! celebrations! colours! drinks! meals and lan%ua%es (when they are not followed by the word Llan%ua%eK).

>ose)! or%aniJations (t-e $N)! %alleries (t-e Tate Callery) with the names of rivers ( t-e 1ile)! seas (t-e aspian @ea)! %roup of islands (t-e anary +slands)! mountains ran%es (t-e Flps)! deserts (t-e @ahara Hesert)! oceans (t-e Ftlantic)! canals (t-e Panama anal)! countries when they include words such as state, :ingdom, re$ublic, etc. (t-e Nnited Rin%dom) and names or nouns with LofK (t-e Meanin% Tower of Pisa) NOTE5 t-e e#uator! t-e 1orht(@outh Pole! t-e north of $n%land! t-e south(west(north(east. with the names of instruments and dances. e.%. t-e piano! t-e tan%o. musical

e.%. + often play c-ess" 2e speak &erman. with the names of countries (+taly! !ut5 t-e @udan! t-e -atican ity! t-e Mebanon)! cities (Paris)! streets (o&ford @treet! !ut5 t-e /i%h @treet! t-e 8all! t-e F3=)! s#uares (Trafal%ar @#uare)! brid%es ( Tower )rid%e! !ut5 t-e )rid%e of @i%hs! t-e /umber )rid%e)! parks (/yde Park)! railway stations (-ictoria @tation)! mountains ( )en 1evis)! individual islands (Tahiti)! lakes(Make Ceneva)! continents (Ffrica). with possessive adjectives or the possessive case. e.%. That is m+ car. with two0word names when the first word is the name of a person or place. e.%. Catwick Firport! 2indsor astle! !ut5 the 2hite /ouse (because L2hiteK is not the name of person or place). with names of pubs! restaurants! shops! banks and hotels named after the people who started them and end in ,s! or ,Ls. e.%. Mloyds )ank! /arrods! HaveKs Pub. *$T5 the >ed Mion (pub) (because L>edK is not the name of a person or place). with the words bed, church, college ,hos$ital, $rison, school, university ,when we refer to the

with the names of families (t-e 2indsors)! and nationalities endin% in ,sh! 0ch! or ,ese (t-e "renc-! t-e @cottis-! t-e Iapanese3 etc.). Other plural nationalities are used with or without the (the Fmericans! the Creeks! etc.) with titles (t-e Rin%! t-e Prince of 2ales! t-e President). *$T5 @T-eA is omitted before titles with proper names. Hueen Victoria"

with adjectives(adverbs in the superlative form.

e.%. /eKs t-e most respected man in the firm. *$T5 ,-en @mostA is follo4ed !+ a noun3 it does not ta2e @t-eA" e.%. Most children like cartoons.

purpose for which they e&ist. e.%. @arah went to school. (@he is a student.) *$T5 /er father went to t-e sc-ool to see her teacher yesterday. (/e went to the school as a visitor.) with the word work (Vplace of work). e.%. /e is at 4or2"

with the words morning, afternoon, evening, night. e.%. 2e eat dinner in t-e evening" *$T5 at nig-t3 at noon3 at ; oAcloc23 etc" . with historical periods(events. e.%. t-e 8iddle F%es! t-e rimean 2ar . with the words only, last, first (used as adjectives). e.%. /e was t-e first person to arrive.

with the words home, 4ather8#other when we talk about our own home(parents. e.%. Fat-er is at -ome" with by + means of transport* by bus(car train(plane! etc. e.%. @he traveled !+ !us" *$T5 @he left on t-e ? oAcloc2 !us this mornin%. with the names of illnesses. e.%. /eKs %ot malaria. *$T5 flu(t-e flu! measles( t-e measles! mumps( t-e mumps.

89" Fill in t-e gaps 4it- one of t-e 4ords from t-e list adding @t-eA 4-ere necessar+" $se eac- 4ord t4ice" prison, school, bed, hospital 3 The minute we reached the beach! the children ran into the sea to swim. 4 8y brother is in the navy. /e is at TTTTTTT for months sometimes. 6 + usually %o to TTTTTTT at about 33pm to %et a %ood ni%htKs sleep. 7 The cat is sittin% on TTTTTTT. 9 The Prime 8inister visited TTTTTTT yesterday and talked to the prisoners. : The men who robbed the bank are in TTTTTTT now. ; The ambulance took the injured people to TTTTTTT.

< + must %o to TTTTTTT to visit my aunt. @heKs had an operation. = 2e saw the children in their classroom as we walked pass TTTTTTT. 3? + want to %o to university when + leave TTTTTTT. 8:" Fill in a, an or the 4-ere necessar+" 3 F* @hall we %o to the cinema toni%htG )* Des. +tKs a lon% time since + saw TTTTT film. 4 F* /ave you ever been to TTTTT openha%enG )* Des. + think itKs TTTTT prettiest city in $urope. 6 F* Hid you see all TTTTT si%ht in ParisG )* Des! but TTTTT $iffel Tower and TTTTT Mouvre were my favourites. 7 F* 2hat did you have for TTTTT lunch todayG )* + had TTTTT sandwich in TTTTT office canteen. 9 F* Ho you buy TTTTT newspaper every dayG )* Des. + usually buy TTTTT +ndependent and my wife reads TTTTT Times. : F* Hanny plays TTTTT %olf very well! doesnKt heG )* Des! he practices every weekend with his friends. ; F* 2hich station are you meetin% Iohn atG )* TTTTT 2aterloo @tation. +tKs TTTTT bi% place. + hope + find him easily. < F* Fre you %oin% on holiday this summerG )* Des. 2eKve booked TTTTT holiday for three weeks in TTTTT anary +slands. = F* 2hat did you see on your tour todayG )* TTTTT )uckin%ham Palace and TTTTT /ouse of Parliament. 3? F* TTTTT Huponts! who live ne&t door to us! are "rench. )* TTTTT "rench are very friendly people! arenKt theyG 33 F* ThatKs TTTTT beautiful dress. 2here did you %et itG )* +n TTTTT summer sale at TTTTT /arrods! actually. 34 F* 2ho is %oin% to open TTTTT new shoppin% centreG )* + heard that TTTTT 5ueen is %oin% to do it. 8;" 'ead t-e follo4ing prover!s and fill in a, an, the or -" 3 , >ome wasnKt built in TTTTT day. 4 TTTTT actions speak louder than TTTTT words. 6 TTTTT apple TTTTT day keeps TTTTT doctor away. 7 2hen in TTTTT >ome! do as TTTTT >omans do. 9 2here thereKs TTTTT will thereKs TTTTT way. : Dou canKt teach TTTTT old do% TTTTT new tricks. ; Dou canKt %et TTTTT blood out of TTTTT stone. < Dou cannot make TTTTT omelette without breakin% TTTTT e%%s. = TTTTT more you %et! TTTTT more you want. 3? TTTTT more TTTTT merrier. 33 TTTTT home is where TTTTT heart is. 34 "ire is TTTTT %ood servant but TTTTT bad master. 8<" C-oose t-e correct alternative"

3 #istorian1A -istorian is a person who studies -istor+1t-e -istor+" 4 Panda1T-e panda is a lar%e mammal which lives in C-ina1t-e C-ina" Pandas1T-e pandas have black and white fur and eat !am!oo1t-e !am!oo shoots. 6 2e visited 4ildlife par21a 4ildlife par2 last week. +t was interesting e6perience1 an interesting e6perience" 7 @allyKs %oin% to buy t-e ne4 car1ane4 car ne&t month. @he wants one which runs on lead-free petrol1 t-e lead-free petrol" 9 2e stayed at -otel1a -otel by t-e sea1sea" 'oom1T-e room was very comfortable and a vie41t-e vie4 was fantastic. : @imon was last1t-e last person to arrive at part+1t-e part+" /e had been waitin% for t-e ta6i1a ta6i for an hour. ; @usan doesnKt believe in g-osts1t-e g-osts" @he thinks that t-e supernatural1a supernatural is a product1product of peopleAs1t-e peopleAs ima%ination. < Clot-es1T-e clot-es + bou%ht yesterday were very cheap. There was sale1a sale in one of department stores1t-e department stores in a cit+ centre1 t-e cit+ centre" 8=" Fill in t-e gaps 4it- a, an or the. 3 F* /ave you %ot a carG )* Des! + bou%ht TTTTT second0hand one last winter. 4 F* /ow often do you take TTTTT holidayG )* + %o to my house in TTTTT country about twice TTTTT year. 6 F* + canKt find TTTTT shoes + wanted to wear for my party. )* /ave you looked in TTTTT cupboard in TTTTT hallG 7 F* Hid you have fun at TTTTT theatre last ni%htG )* Des! it was TTTTT enjoyable evenin% and TTTTT play was %reat. 9 F* ThatKs TTTTT interestin% paintin%. )* + know. + found it in TTTTT attic. : F* Hid you stay in TTTTT hotel when you went to TTTTT MondonG )* Des. 2e had TTTTT beautiful room in TTTTT Rin% hotel. 8>" Fill in It-eJ 4-ere necessar+" 3 T-e Creat 2all of hina is said to be TTTTT only man0made structure seen from TTTTT space. 4 TTTTT Princess of 2ales visited a shelter for TTTTT homeless yesterday. 6 TTTTT >ock Carden cafW is half way up TTTTT 5ueen @treet! off TTTTT Ceor%e @#uare. 7 TTTTT 5uins are holdin% a ball in TTTTT @herbooke astle on TTTTT fifth of Iune. 9 2hen we arrived at TTTTT 8anchester Firport! >achel was waitin% for us at TTTTT

arrivals %ate. : Iames went to TTTTT hospital to pick up his wife who is a sur%eon there. ; +tKs interestin% to look at TTTTT old maps of TTTTT world and see how TTTTT borders have chan%ed. < +f you %o to TTTTT 1ew Dork! you must visit TTTTT entral Park! TTTTT Cu%%enheim museum and TTTTT 2orld Trade enter! but donKt bother to visit TTTTT Times @#uare. = + was thinkin% of makin% TTTTT lasa%na! but if you prefer we can %o to TTTTT 5ueenKs Frms pub for TTTTT lunch. 3? Fs soon as Iim %ot home from TTTTT school he went strai%ht to TTTTT bed because he felt as if he had TTTTT flu. 33 8ar%aret Thatcher! who was TTTTT Prime 8inister of TTTTT Creat )ritain for 34 years! is now known as TTTTT )aroness Thatcher of Resteven. 34 2eKve decided to %o to TTTTT anary +slands on holiday. Mast year we went to TTTTT rete and liked TTTTT people there very much. 36 + was born in TTTTT 1orth of $n%land! but when + was in TTTTT infant school we moved to TTTTT Mewes! which is in TTTTT $ast @usse&. 37 +n TTTTT office where + work TTTTT most people have a de%ree in TTTTT $n%lish! but my boss! who is TTTTT nicest person +Kve ever worked for! has PhH in TTTTT astronomy. 39 8any people enjoy TTTTT snowboardin% and TTTTT hikin% in TTTTT Flps and TTTTT Pyrenees. 3: +f you have TTTTT %ood weather! TTTTT summer in TTTTT @cotland is beautiful. TTTTT most people! however! prefer TTTTT %uaranteed sunshine of TTTTT 8editerranean. 8?" Fill in Ia1anJ or It-eJ 4-ere necessar+" Hear Hebbie! Thank you for 3) t-e letter you sent me. +Kve just returned home after spendin% 4) TTT fabulous few weeks in 6) TTT Paris. + was stayin% with 7) TTT friend + told you about , Pascal. Ho you remember 9) TTT "rench boy + told you + met on holiday in :) TTT CreeceG /e has ;) TTT wonderful flat with <) TTT %ood view of =) TTT $iffel Tower. Pascal borrowed his friendKs car because + wasnKt happy ridin% on 3?) TTT back of his motorbike. +t was 33) TTT amaJin% oran%e itroen. /e drove me around! showin% me some 34) TTT places of interest! like 36) TTT Mouvre! 37) TTT Pompidou entre and 39) TTT 8useum of 8odern Frt. + had 3:) TTT really wonderful time there. 8eetin% lots of 3;) TTT "rench and 3<) TTT +talian friends Pascal has! and not bein% able to talk to them has made me an&ious to start learnin% 3=) TTT "rench lan%ua%e. /opefully! +Kll be able to afford 4?) TTT private tutor for 43) TTT "rench when + return home. 8aybe +Kll be able to take 44) TTT colle%e ni%ht course in 46) TTT +talian at the start of term as well. +Kve invited Pascal and some of his friends to come over for 47) TTT holiday whenever they

have 49) TTT time. Dou really have to meet them. Please phone me when you %et this letter , we can arran%e to spend 4:) TTT afternoon in 4;) TTT town if you likeE Mots of love! laire 8E" Fill in Ia1anJ or It-eJ 4-ere necessar+" 3 On t-e thirty0first of Hecember! thousand of people %ather in TTT Times @#uare! 1ew Dork! to celebrate TTT comin% of TTT 1ew Dear. 4 Of all TTT countries on TTT continent of TTT 1orth Fmerica! Phil has only visited TTT anada. 6 TTT universities of O&ford and ambrid%e are two of TTT most famous universities in TTT $urope. 7 +f you want to work abroad! why donKt you contact TTT a%ency + went to in TTT Mamb @treetG 9 TTT capital city of TTT @pain! TTT 8adrid! is to TTT north of @eville. : TTT holiday + took in TTT >ome was TTT best +Kve ever had. ; TTT Hetective @herlock /olmes and his assistant! TTT Hoctor 2atson! solved TTT a lot of mysteries. < + would love to spend TTT summer cruisin% in TTT aribbean. = 8rs. /amilton holds TTT flower arran%in% class in TTT athedral on TTT2ednesday evenin%s. 3? The hi%hest mountain in TTT world! TTT 8ount $verest! is in TTT /imalayas. 33 There is TTT wonderful 3=4?Ks style restaurant0cafW in TTT Clas%ow which has some of TTT most charmin% and helpful waiters +Kve ever seen. 34 )elfast is TTT capital of TTT 1orthern +reland and Hublin is TTT capital of TTT >epublic of TTT +reland. 36 TTT )alearic +slands lie to TTT south of @pain. 37 Iulia is TTT e&tremely patient %irl , she will have no problem in her career as TTT nanny. 39 @tephen has TTT seminar on TTT @aturday mornin%! so we are not able to %o to TTT ski0slopes until TTT @unday. 3: On @unday we decided to %o to TTT beach by TTT train! but by the time we %ot to TTT station TTT weather looked so threatenin% that we went to TTT cinema instead. 9F" Find t-e 4ord 4-ic- s-ould not !e in t-e sentence" 3 @usan! who is terrible ballet dancer! is not very %ood at the tap0dancin% either.

4 They drove around the Paris in a car.

8 9 : ; < = > ? E 8F 88 89


6 /e traveled to Misbon! the capital of Portu%al! by a car. 7 + was invited to a dinner %iven to welcome the President of "rance. 9 Our plan was to meet him at afW @andal and not at the home. : +t was nice of you to invite me to %o to the 8alta with you. ; @he was born in the Iuly! 3=;3. < @he has %ot a Plenty of time to reach the station. = an you walk the fasterG 3? Ti%ers are in dan%er of becomin% an e&tinct. 33 + like the active holidays more than rela&in% ones. 34 +t is known that smokin% does a dama%e to your health.

%I'ECT AN% IN%I'ECT SPEEC# %irect SpeecIndirect Speec@ayin% e&actly what someone has said is +ndirect speech (sometimes called called direct speech (sometimes called reported speech)! doesnAt use #uotation #uoted speech). /ere what a person says marks to enclose what the person said appears within #uotation marks ('...') and it doesnAt have to be word for word. and should be word for word. "or "or e&ample* @he said (that) t-at dayKs e&ample* @he said! 'Toda+Ks lesson is lesson 4as on presentations. on presentations.' 'Toda+Ks lesson is on presentations!' she said. TIME C#AN&E +f the reported sentence contains an e&pression of time! you must chan%e it to fit in with the time of reportin%. %irect speecIndirect speectoni%ht that ni%ht this (evenin%! day! etc.) that (evenin%! day! etc.) now that since today that day yesterday the day before! the previous day these (days) those (days) now then (a week) a%o (a week) before last weekend the weekend before last (the previous weekend here there ne&t (week) the followin% (week) tomorrow the ne&t(followin% day the day after tomorrow in two days TENSE C#AN&E Fs a rule when you report somethin% someone has said you %o back a tense* (the

tense on the left chan%es to the tense on the ri%ht)* %irect SpeecIndirect SpeecPresent Simple /e said! X+ go to school every day.Y Past Simple /e said! X+ went to school every day.Y Present Perfect /e said! X+ have gone to school every day.Y Past Simple /e said (that) he went to school every day. Past Perfect /e said (that) he had gone to school every day. Past Perfect /e said (that) he had gone to school every day.

Present Progressive Past Progressive /e said! X+ am going to school every /e said (that) he was going to school every day.Y day. Past Progressive /e said! X+ was going to school every day.Y Future .4ill/ /e said! X+ will go to school every day.Y Perfect Progressive /e said (that) he had been going to school every day. ,ould ver! /e said (that) he would go to school every day.

Future .going to/ Present Progressive /e said! X+ am going to school every /e said (that) he is going to school every day.Y day. Past Progressive /e said (that) he was going to school every day. %irect SpeecHuestions /e said! X&o you go to school every dayGY /e said! >4here do you go to schoolGY Imperative /e said! X@o to school every day.Y Indirect SpeecHuestions /e asked me if2 whether ? went to school every day. /e asked me where ? went to school. Infinitive /e said to go to school every day.

8" "inish the sentences usin% the appropriate tense form of the verbs. 3. Iohn* '8andy is at home.' Iohn said that B 4. 8a&* '+ often read a book.'

8a& told me that B 6. @usan* '+Am watchin% T-.' @usan said that B 7. @imon* 'Havid was ill.' @imon said that B 9. @tephen and laire* '2e have cleaned the windows.' @tephen and laire told me that B :. harles* '+ didnAt have time to do my homework.' harles remarked that B ;. 8r Iones* '8y mother will be 9? years old.' 8r Iones told me that B <. Iean* 'The boss must si%n the letter. Iean said that B =. $mily* '8y teacher will %o to MeipJi% tomorrow. $mily said that B 3?. /elen* '+ was writin% a letter yesterday.' /elen told me that B 33. >obert* '8y father flew to Hallas last year.' >obert said that B 34. 8ichael* '+Am %oin% to read a book this week.' 8ichael told me that B 36. Iason* '+All do my best in the e&ams tomorrow.' Iason told me that B 37. Fndrew* '2e didnAt eat fish two days a%o.' Fndrew said to me that B 39. Flice* '+ spent all my pocket money last 8onday.' Flice complained that B 3:. Havid* 'Iohn had already %one at si&. Havid said that B 9" "inish the sentences usin% the correct form of the +mperative. 3. Teacher* 'Ho your homework.' The teacher told me B 4. Fndrew* ' lean the blue bike.' Fndrew told me B 6. Iessica* '2rite a letter.' Iessica told me B 7. 1elly* '/elp PeterAs sister.' 1elly told me B 9. Fnna* 'Open the window.' Fnna told me B :. )en* ' ome home at <.' )en told me B ;. Tom* 'Hance with me.' Tom told me B

<. @abine* '8eet @andy at the station.' @abine told me B :" "inish the sentences usin% the correct ne%ative form of the +mperative. 3. Raren* 'HonAt play football in the %arden.' Raren told me B 4. Teacher* 'HonAt for%et your homework.' The teacher told me B 6. 8ike* 'HonAt shout at Peter.' 8ike told me B 7. Dvonne* 'HonAt talk to your nei%hbour.' Dvonne told me B 9. Henise* 'HonAt open this door.' Henise told me B :. 8arcel* 'HonAt sin% that son%.' 8arcel told me B ;. Iana* 'HonAt %o to the cinema.' Iana told me <. Homini#ue* 'HonAt rin% >emy on @unday.' Homini#ue told me B ;" >ewrite the followin% sentences in reported speech. ?. X+ canKt stand that boy!Y she said. @he said she couldnKt stand that boy. 3. X+Km havin% a nice time!Y Fnn said. 4. X+Kve booked my summer holiday!Y said )en. 6. X+ failed my drivin% test!Y he said. 7. X+Kll clean my room tomorrow!Y she said. 9. X+Kve been waitin% for you all mornin%!Y he said. :. X+Kll be workin% in Paris ne&t year!Y said >ichard. ;. X+ had done all the work by the time you came!Y 1atalie said. <. X+ first came here last Iune!Y said Iohn. =. X+tKs 8a%%ieKs birthday today!Y said )ill. 3?. X+Km %oin% to start learnin% hinese!Y he said. 33. X2hen + came to her she was sleepin%!Y Flice said. 34. XTomorrow + will be far away from this place!Y he said. 36. X2e were in Poltava last weekend!Y said Rate. 37. X@ome days a%o + thou%ht about you!Y said Iill. <" >ewrite the followin% #uestions in reported speech. 3. hristopher* 'Ho you want to danceG' hristopher asked me B 4. )etty* '2hen did you comeG' )etty asked me B 6. 8ark* '/as Iohn arrivedG'

8ark asked me B 7. >onald* '2here does 8aria park her carG' >onald asked me B 9. $lisabeth* 'Hid you watch the latest filmG' $lisabeth asked me B :. 8andy* ' an + help youG' 8andy asked me B ;. Fndrew* '2ill 8andy have lunch with @ueG' Fndrew asked me B <. Iustin* '2hat are you doin%G' Iustin asked me B =. 8andy* 'Fre you readin% that book nowG' 8andy asked me B 3?. Iason* '2ho %ave you the book yesterdayG' Iason asked me B 33. >obert* 'Fre you leavin% ne&t "ridayG' >obert asked me B 34. Haniel* 'Ho you think it will rain tomorrowG' Haniel asked me B 36. Iennifer* '2here do you play football todayG' Iennifer asked me B 37. 1ancy* '2hy didnAt you %o to 1ew Dork last summerG' 1ancy asked me B 39. )arbara* '8ust + do the homework this weekG' )arbara asked me B 3:. Minda* 'Hid 8a& fly to Mondon two weeks a%oG' Minda asked me B Modal ver!s c-ange %irect Speeccan /e said! X+ can go to school every day.Y ma+ /e said! X+ may go to school every day.Y mig-t /e said! X+ might go to school every day.; must /e said! X+ must go to school every day.Y

Z Indirect SpeecZ could /e said (that) he could go to school every day. Z mig-t /e said (that) he might go to school every day. Z mig-t1 could /e said! X+ might2 could go to school every day.Y Z -ad to /e said (that) he had to go to school every day.

-ave to /e said! X+ have to go to school every day.Y

Z -ad to /e said (that) he had to go to school every day.

s-ould Z s-ould /e said! X+ should go to school every /e said (that) he should %o to school day.Y every day. s-all /e said! X+ shall go to school every day.Y oug-t to /e said! X+ ought to %o to school every day.Y Z s-ould /e said (that) he should %o to school every day. Z oug-t to /e said (that) he ought to %o to school every day.

=" Put the modal verbs in brackets into the correct form. 3. Our father told us that we B (have to) be home by 3? pm. 4. /e said that she B (must) %et a visa to travel to the N@F. 6. )rian asked me whether + B (can) help him. 7. 8ary said that + B (should) rely on 8ark. 9. The teacher said that the student B (can make) the task better. :. /e said that + B (neednKt wait) for him until 6 pm! but + did. ;. 8ike said that + B (should) %et ready for each lesson. >" >ewrite the followin% sentences in reported speech. 3. The waitress said! X@hall + put the leftover piJJa in a ba% for youGY 4. 8y boss said! XDou neednKt attend the meetin% tomorrow.Y 6. The supervisor said! XDou mustnKt overlook such a serious mistake a%ain.Y 7. 8ar%aret said to the airhostess! X2hen shall we be landin%GY 9. 8artin said! X+ can %ive you a definite answer ne&t "riday.Y :. 8y lawyer said! XDou neednKt %ive me your final answer now.Y ;. Peter said! X+ may not finish my project in time.Y <. The chairperson said! X2e must meet a%ain on @aturday afternoon.Y =. The assistant chief said! X2hat shall + do with the e&tra pastry dou%hGY 3?. /e said! XDou must be very hun%ry.Y ?. hoose the correct answer. 3. /e said that + B try harder. 4. /e wondered what he B do. 6. @he said + B worry. 7. /e said it B snow that ni%ht. 9. /e said he B finish it the followin% day. :. /e told me that + B enter that room. ;. /e said that + B try that new restaurant. <. /e said that he B help me.

=. /e asked when they B arrive. 3?. /e said + B %o home. 3. F had to ) must 4. F shall ) will 6. F mustnKt ) wouldnKt have 7. F may ) can 9. F can ) would be able to :. F mustnKt ) couldnKt ;. F may ) can <. F may ) can =. F would ) may 3? F could ) would .

ou%ht to should neednKt mi%ht should be able ou%htnKt must could need mi%ht

H may H would H cannot H should H need H neednKt H should H will H should H may

T-ere is no c-ange in t-e ver! tenses in reported speec- 4-en5 Hirect speech +ndirect speech The sentence e&presses a 8y mother said! X+t %ets 8y mother said (that) it %eneral truth or dark earlier in winter.Y %ets dark earlier in winter. permanent states and conditions. The introductory verb is @he says(will say(has said! @he says(will say(has said in the Present! "uture or X+ can cook well.Y (that) she can cook well. Present Perfect tense. There is Past @imple or @he said! X2hen + was @he said that when she Past ontinuous in a swimmin%! + %ot cramp.Y was swimmin%! she %ot lause of Time. cramp. The sentence e&presses /e said! X$thiopia is a /e said (that) $thiopia sth. which is believed to third0world country.Y is(was a third0world be true. +n this case the (true) country. verb tense can either chan%e or remain unchan%ed. +f the /e said! X$thiopia is a /e said (that) $thiopia sentence e&presses sth. hi%hly developed was a hi%hly developed which is not true! the verb country.Y (false) country. chan%es. +t is up0to0date reportin%. Fnn said! X+Kve %ot a Fnn said (that) sheKs %ot a headache.Y headache. 2hen the followin% verbs /e said! X+ ou%ht to %o /e said (that) he ou%ht to are used* had better, home.Y %o home. could, would, used to, @he said! X+Kd better @he said (that) sheKd needn#t have, should, consult the doctor this better consult the doctor might, ought to. evenin%.Y that evenin%.

E" 8atch the followin% e&amples of unchan%ed reported sentences with their description. 3. /e said that a year consists of 6:9 days. 4. + had better %o to the seaside he said. 6. /e said heKs %ot 4 tickets to the cinema. 7. /e said Fmerica had been discovered by the hinese. + said it was discovered by hristopher olumbus. 9. /e said when he was walkin%! he found 3?? dollars on the road. :. @he says that she will %o to the seaside in summer. a. it is up0to0date report. b. certain verb is used. c. it is a lause of Time. d. sth is true( sth is not true. e. the introductory verb is in the present tense. f. it is a %eneral truth 8F" >ewrite the followin% sentences in the reported speech. ?. XHonKt walk on the white carpet!Y said the mother to her son. The mother told her son not to walk on the white carpet. 3. X$%ypt has a very lon% recorded history!Y she said. 4. XHo you think Terence will join us for dinner toni%htGY Ioanne has asked me. 6. Peter said! XThe waiter has made a mistake with the bill.Y 7. X@top pickin% on your youn%er sister! will youGY he said to his dau%hter. 9. X2ould it be possible to e&tend my club membershipGY he asked the mana%er. :. X+ have no intension of lendin% 1ick my car!Y says Hiane. ;. XDou should pass your e&am in time!Y 8ike said. <. X+t is colder in winter than in summer!Y he said. =. X2hat did the car dealer tell youGY +sabelle asks me. 3?. X2hen + entered the house! there were footprints on the floor!Y she said to me. 33. XPredators eat meat! herbivores eat plants!Y he said. 34. XThe company 8icrosoft distributes software all over the world!Y >obert said. 36. XDou ou%ht to do your homework before %oin% to bed!Y the mother said. 37. XIapan is a hi%hly developed country!Y he said. 39. X+ %o in for baseball! swimmin%! football!Y he says. 3:. XThe N@F is situated in Fsia!Y 8ary said. 3;. XOh! you neednKt have done it for me!Y she said. 3<. + will say! XDou wonKt %et anythin% for dinner unless you apolo%ise for your behaviour.Y 3=. XThe periodical table of chemical elements was created by 8endeleyev!Y he said. 4?. X2hen + solve problems! + %et pleasure!Y Fleksey says.

Pronoun 1 possessive ad(ective c-ange +n reported speech! the pronouns and possessive adjectives often chan%e accordin% to the meanin% of the sentence. "or e&ample* Hirect speech* @he said! '+ teach $n%lish online.' +ndirect speech* @he said she teaches $n%lish online. 88" >ewrite the followin% sentences in reported speech. 3. 8ary said! X+ %o to school every day.Y 4. Iohn said! X+ canKt for%ive her for her betrayal.Y 6. 8y mother says to her son! X+ will cook your favourite soup for you.Y 7. The %randfather said to him! X8athematics is a mother of sciences. Dou should enter the Hepartment of Fpplied 8athematics of the RP+.Y 9. F little %irl said to her cat* XDou should not walk on the table or + will punish you.Y :. >oman said! X+ will do my best to solve my problem.Y 'eporting Ver!s @aid! told and asked are the most common verbs used in indirect speech. 3. 2e use XaskedY to report #uestions and commands*0 "or e&ample* + asked Mynne what time the lesson started. /e asked me not to move. 4. 2e use XtoldY with an object. "or e&ample* Mynne told me she felt tired (XmeY is the object). 6. 2e usually use XsaidY without an object. "or e&ample* Mynne said she was %oin% to teach online. +f said is used with an object we must include XtoY. "or e&ample* Mynne said to me that sheAd never been to hina. [1ote 0 2e usually use told. "or e&ample* Mynne told me that sheAd never been to hina. 2e can use say + infinitive. "or e&ample* The teacher said to study harder. [1ote , 2e cannot use Xsay aboutY. 2e use tell sb. ( speak ( talk about. "or e&ample* /e told us( spoke( talked about his e&perience travelin% in anada. T-e ot-er introductor+ ver!s" F%ree! demand! offer! + infinitive promise! refuse! threaten advice! allow! ask! be%! + object + infinitive command! encoura%e! forbid! instruct! invite! order! /e offered to help me. /e refused to tell me the answer. /e advised me to see a doctor. /e asked me not to

permit! remind! ur%e! warn! want accuse sb of! admit (to)! apolo%ise for! deny! insist on! su%%est complain to sb about a%ree! claim! complain! deny! e&claim! e&plain! inform sb! promise! su%%est e&plain to sb wonder where(what(why(how

shout at him. + %erund /e accused me of havin% lied to him. /e denied losin% the tickets. /e complained to me about my bein% late ( lateness to work. /e a%reed that it was a foolish idea. /e complained that + never listened to him. /e e&plained to me how he had reco%niJed the film star. /e wondered why she was unhappy.

+ %erund(noun + that0clause

+ why( how + clause

+ clause (if the subject of the introductory verb is not the same as the subject in the indirect #uestion) wonder + infinitive (if the /e wondered where to where(what(why(how subject of the buy her a present. introductory verb is the same as the subject in the indirect #uestion) 89" "ill in the blanks with say! tell! speak or ask in the ri%ht form. ?.X+ donKt think he will be on time!Y he said. 3. 8ark likes B about his holidays. 4. @he B the price of the hairdryer that was in the sale. 6. /e B %oodbye to his mother and left for school. 7. "ather used to B us a story before we went to bed. 9. @haron B me to help her with her homework. :. X+ canKt B her secret!Y she B to me. ;. + think he will come home but + canKt B for certain. 8:" >ewrite the followin% sentences in reported speech! usin% an appropriate introductory verb. ?./e said! XDes! +Kll take this job.Y /e a%reed to take that job. 3. XDou must inform me of your decision now!Y she said. 4. @he said! XPlease! donKt shout at me.Y 6. /e said! XPlease! please! donKt punish me.Y 7. /e said! XDou are always late for work.Y 9. /e said! X2hat a terrible colourEY

:. /e said! XThe che#ue for the car is in the post.Y ;. X2ould you like to come to a show with me toni%htGY he said. <. X@hall we buy some new furniture for the studyGY she said. =. X/eKs always moanin% about his mother0in0law!Y she said. 3?. X+Kll %ive you the money back tomorrow!Y she said. 33. @he asked herself! X2hen shall + see him a%ainGY 34. XCive us the money or weKll reveal your secret!Y the blackmailers said to her. 36. XHonKt for%et you have a doctorKs appointment at 33 am!Y + said to him. 37. /e said! XMetKs %o to the park.Y 39. XDou will attend your auntKs weddin%!Y my father said. 3:. X+t is Iohn who wrote this %raffiti on the wall!Y said her brother. 3;. X2e know you were lyin% in your testimony!Y the policeman said. 3<. X1o! + didnKt see the accident!Y he said. 3=. X heatin% in e&ams is a very serious matter!Y the teacher said. 4?. X1o! + wonKt tell you the answer!Y he said. 43. The employer said! XDou may leave earlier today.Y 'eporting e6clamations3 s-ort ans4ers and 0uestion tags" A. $&clamations are introduced in reported speech by e6claim3 sa+3 give an e6clamation3 4it- an e6clamation of surprise1 -orror1 disgust1 delig-t3 t-an23 4is-3 call3 etc" @he said! X/appy )irthdayEY V\ @he wished me a happy birthday. /e said! XDou idiotEY V\ /e called me an idiot. *" ILesJ and INoJ are e&pressed in reported speech by su!(ect appropriate au6iliar+1 introductor+ ver!" X2ill you come with meGY he said. V\ /e asked me if + would %o with him XDes!Y + said. and + said I 4ould" C" Huestion tags are omitted in reported speech. XThat isnKt the first time she has V\ /e reminded me that it was not the made this mistake! is itGY he said. first time she had made that mistake. 8;" Turn the followin% sentences into reported speech. 3. X2ill you lend me your carGY he said. X1o!Y his father said. 4. X2hat a wonderful presentEY "rances said. 6. X2ell doneE That was a wonderful performance!Y she said to them. 7. @he said! X)e careful with that knifeE +tKs sharpEY 9. XCood luck with the test!Y he said. :. XThatKs wonderfulEY he said when he tasted the soup. ;. XThe curry we ate at the restaurant made us ill! didnKt itGY Ioe said. X+t certainly did!Y $liJabeth replied. <. XDou liarEY she said to him. =. X2ill you remind to remind me to phone Iim laterGY he said. XDes!Y + said.

'EVISION *OM" 8<" >ewrite the followin% sentences in reported speech usin% the ne%ative form of the verb. ?. XThe restaurant is e&pensive!Y he said. /e said that it was not e&pensive. 3. XFnn is comin% to the party!Y Iohn said. 4. X)ill passed his e&amination!Y he said. 6. XFnn likes )ill!Y he said. 7. X+Kve %ot many friends!Y she said. 9. XIack and Iill are %oin% to %et married!Y he said. :. XTony works very hard!Y he said. ;. X+ want to be rich and famous!Y she said. <. X+Kll be here ne&t week!Y he said. =. X+ can afford a holiday this year!Y she said. 8=" >ewrite the followin% sentences in reported speech. ?. XMisten carefully!Y he said. /e asked us to listen carefully. 3. X$at more fruit and ve%etables!Y he said. 4. X>ead the instructions before you switch on the machine!Y he said. 6. X@hut the door!Y he said to us. 7. X an you speak more slowlyGY he said. 9. XHonKt come before : oKclock!Y he said. :. XMetKs %o to the beach today!Y he said. ;. X+ allow you to %o to the party today!Y the mother said. <. XPlease! please! donKt %o there!Y he said. 8>" hoose the correct answer. 3. Please tell me B. F. Bwhere is the bus stop. ). B where the bus stop be. . B where stops the bus. H. B where the bus stop is. 4. + told him B. F. B what the homework was. ). B what was the homework. . B what was to be the homework. H. B what is the homework. 6. + think B. F. B will be the plane on time. ). B the plane will be on time. . B the plane to be on time. H. B it will be on time the plane. 7. + didnAt know B.

F. B what he mean. ). B what did he mean. . B what did he meant. H. B what he meant. 9. /e said B. F. B the weather it is colder than usual. ). B the weather was colder than usual. . B the weather be colder than usual. H. B that the weather colder than usual. :. + think B. F. B today it is 2ednesday. ). B that is today 2ednesday. . B today is 2ednesday. H. B today was 2ednesday. ;. /e said B. F. B he went downtown yesterday. ). B he %o downtown yesterday. . B he %oes downtown yesterday. H. B that yesterday he %one downtown. <. + believe B. F. B that he ri%ht. ). B he be ri%ht. . B he is ri%ht. H. B him he is ri%ht. =. @he said B. F. B her was hun%ry. ). B she be hun%ry. . B that she was hun%ry. H. B she hun%ry. 3?. /e told us B. F. B that enjoyed the movie. ). B he be enjoyin% the movie. . B he enjoyed the movie. H. B that he enjoy the movie. 8?" hoose the correct answer. 3. X+ visited my aunt yesterday!Y she said. F. /e had visited his aunt the day before. ). @he had visited her aunt the day before. . @he visited her aunt the day before. H. @he had visited her aunt yesterday. 4. /e said! XDou must always lock the door before you leave.Y F. /e said + must always lock the door before + leaves. ). /e said + can always to lock the door before + leave. . /e said + must always lock the door before + leave.

H. /e said + must always lock the door before + leave. 6. X+ failed my drivin% test!Y he said. F. /e said that he failed his drivin% test. ). /e said that he has failed his drivin% test. . /e said that he had failed his drivin% test. H. /e said that he had failed heKs drivin% test. 7. X+ will do my homework tomorrow!Y he said. F. /e said he would do his homework the ne&t day. ). /e said he would have done his homework the followin% day. . /e said he did his homework the ne&t day. H. /e said he will do his homework the ne&t day. 9. X+ce melts when heated!Y he said. F. /e said that ice melted when heated. ). /e said that ice melts when heated. . /e said that ice will melt when heated. H. /e said that ice melts when heats. :. X8ary has been waitin% for you! )en! for two hours!Y he said. F. /e said 8ary had been waitin% for )en for two hours. ). /e said 8ary has been waitin% for )en for two hours. . /e said 8ary had waited for )en for two hours. H. /e said 8ary has waited for )en for two hours. ;. X@he has seen this film!Y he said. F. /e said she has seen that film. ). /e said she had seen this film. . /e said she had seen that film. H. /e said she saw that film. <. X@he had already typed all the letters before her boss arrived!Y he said. F. /e said she had already typed all the letters before her boss had arrived. ). /e said she had already typed all the letters before her boss arrived. . /e said she had already typed all the letters before her boss arrives. H. /e said she types all the letters before her boss arrives. =. X/e left an hour a%o!Y she said. F. @he said he had left an hour a%o. ). @he said he left an hour a%o. . @he said he left an hour before. H. @he said he had left an hour before. 8E. "inish the sentences havin% reported the %iven sentences. 3. 'Hid you see that film last monthG' Iane asked me ... 4. '+All visit 8ary tomorrow.' /e said that ... 6. 'Open the window! please.' @he ... 7. '+f you %ive me some money! +All help you.' The man said that if + ... 9. 'Ho you want to %o to the cinemaG' Iill asked me ... :. '2ill 8ary arrive by fiveG' "red asked me ... ;. '+f + knew the answer! + would tell you.' 8ary said that ...

<. 'Fre you %oin% to help usG' Iim asked me ... =. '2hen did you find the moneyG' @he asked us ... 3?. 'HonAt touch that flowerE' The old lady ... 33. X2here are you %oin%GY /e asked me... 34. X/ow did you do thatGY They wanted to know... 36. X2ho will come to the cinema with usGY They asked... 37. X2hy are you so sadGY @he asked me... 39. X2hat is the matterGY They wondered... 3:. X/ow could they be so impatientGY + wondered... 3;. X2hich compact disk are you takin% with youGY + asked him... 3<. X2hat am + to doGY /e wondered... 3=. X/ow do you know thatGY + asked him... 4?. XFre you enjoyin% yourselfGY /e asked me...

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