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Founded 1997 Location Zawiya Academy City Campus, Rawalpindi, Pakistan-46000 Hours Mon - un!"!00 am-"!

00 pm Zawiya Academy is one o# t$e leadin% p&epa&ato&y institutes o# t$e count&y' (it$ unmatc$ed &esults, Zawiya $as )een s$apin% you& ca&ee& Description since 1997'*sta)lis$ed in 1997 )y +&' Mu$ammad ,amid, a &enowned education and w&ite& o# wo&ld #ame' General Zawiya $as &emained a co&ne&stone in )uildin% you education ca&ee&s' -u& Information campuses a&e located in cent&al localities o# Rawalpindi and .slama)ad At Zawiya Academy, we )elie/e in %i/in% students #ull con#idence in t$ei& a)ilities' (e $a/e an e0pe&ience o# 11 2ea&s in t$e #ield o# ent&ance test Mission p&epa&ation and tuitions at sc$ool and colle%e le/el' (e $a/e t$e )est #aculty and well mana%ed campuses' Ac$ie/ements +u&in% 3ast 11 yea&s o# ope&ation mo&e t$an 100,00 students o# Zwaiya Academy $a/e )een selected into institution o# &epute like 4.5., 67 8, .9A, 37M , A%a 5$an 7ni/e&sity, Pun:a) Medical Colle%es, 6(;P Medical Colle%es, 7*8 3a$o&e, 7*8 8a0ila, inte&national .slamic 7ni/e&sity, Mu$ammad Ali <anna$ 7ni/e&sity, 9a$i&a 7ni/e&sity etc' = M&' $a$>ad Musta#a %ot 1st position in 67 8 P&e *n%% ?004 ent&y test' = M&' yed Zai%$am A))as %ot 4t$ position in 67 8 P&e *n%% ?006 ent&y test' = M&' yed ;ida ,ussain %ot 1st position in C ?006' = M&' ultan Me$mood %ot 1&d position in Pun:a) Medical Colle%e ent&y test ?001' = M&' $amil Ayu) 7pal %ot ?nd position in P&e *n%%' M&' A)id Ri>/i %ot 1&d in 67 8 @99AA ent&y test ?001' = alman $akoo& Awan B Zaini) Ri>/i %ot 99 pe&centile in 4A8 8est @3eadin% to P$'+A ?007' = -u& students sco&ed 9? in 8-*;3 B A8, 4MA8, 4R* B .*38 sco&es touc$ed ???0, 640, 1410, B "'0 )ands &especti/ely' +u&in% ?00" p&epa&ato&y session mo&e t$an 1"6 students we&e selected in 67 8, 47 in 4.5., 7" in ;A 8 B 1C4 in PMC' = Aima 8a&iD ecu&ed C04 ma&ks .n ;' c E. p&e Medical in ?00"' = ;atima Zia ecu&ed C01 ma&ks .n ;' c E. p&e Medical in ?00"' = uccess &ate o# 9A *n%lis$ is 100 F #o& t$e last two yea&s' = 90 F tudents secu&e A G 4&ade in Mat&ic in ?00" Annual *0ams (e o##e& a /a&iety o# cou&ses, eac$ cou&se $as )een desi%ned to ac$ie/e ma0imum success &ate in e0ams #o& students' 8$e ma:o& cate%o&ies o# ou& cou&ses include' = 7ni/e&sity *nt&y 8est P&epa&ation Cou&ses = .nte&national 8ests Cou&ses = poken *n%lis$



= Mat&ic B ;' c' P&epa&ato&y Classes = Cadet Colle%es *nt&ance P&epa&ato&y Classes = - B A 3e/els Cou&ses = 9'A' 9' c' 9'Com P&epa&ato&y Classes = .8 P&o%&ams t&eet Parking Pa&kin% 3ot Email >awiyaacademycitycampusHya$oo'com Phone 0C14"41179 We site $ttp!IIwww'>awiya'edu'pk

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