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NAT CAT Test 1: Answers

1. 1 19. 5 37. 4 55. 4 73. 5

2. 2 20. 3 38. 2 56. 5 74. 1

3. 4 21. 4 39. 4 57. 2 75. 2

4. 1 22. 5 40. 4 58. 4 76. 3

5. 2 23. 2 41. 3 59. 2 77. 2

6. 1 24. 3 42. 2 60. 5 78. 2

7. 3 25. 1 43. 4 61. 2 79. 3

8. 2 26. 1 44. 1 62. 5 80. 4

9. 3 27. 2 45. 3 63. 4 81. 4

10. 3 28. 4 46. 1 64. 2 82. 2

11. 3 29. 2 47. 5 65. 1 83. 4

12. 3 30. 2 48. 4 66. 3 84. 5

13. 2 31. 1 49. 2 67. 2 85. 2

14. 3 32. 2 50. 2 68. 2 86. 4

15. 2 33. 2 51. 1 69. 5 87. 4

16. 3 34. 3 52. 3 70. 2 88. 1

17. 2 35. 4 53. 2 71. 1 89. 4

18. 1 36. 5 54. 4 72. 2 90. 4

888 A1 A

1. (1)

2. (2)

3. (4)

4. (2)

5. (2)

6. (1)

7. (3)

Answer for Questions (8 – 10)

In the first blank ‘Alienations’ is the correct answer as the sentence talks about the Kashmiri’s association with
India. ‘Trampled on their rights’ is the correct phrase.
In third blank, one can slide back to the bottom hence ‘Precipice’ is the correct option.

8. (2)

9. (3)

10. (3)

11. (3) In line 20, it is clearly given that “God is all powerful and well meaning”, hence the correct answer is
third choice.

12. (3) First and second option can be eliminated. The third option is correct as from the context, it can be
inferred that Camerlengo had logical way to explain the power of God.

13. (2) Second option is the most appropriate and can be inferred from last few lines.

14. (3) The statement given in third choice contradicts the information given in the passage.

15. (2) He is very logical and practical as well as friendly in nature, hence option 2 is correct.

16. (3) 1st can be ruled out as Ben Johnson never stood for Shakespeare. 2nd is also eliminated because it is
framed wrongly. 4th does not have any mention in the passage. Hence 3rd is the most appropriate answer.

17. (2) In last paragraph, Mr. Bate describes that ‘constant theme is Shakespeare’s resistance to definition. Hence
‘2’ is the most appropriate answer.

18. (1) 2nd and 3rd can be eliminated. 1st can be inferred from the para 3. Hence 1 is the answer.

19. (5) Statement ‘b’ and‘d’ are given in the passage hence 5 is the answer.

20. (3) From first line where author says that “Fund managers ………….to be doubtful” it can be inferred that
attitude of fund managers is biased. Hence prejudiced is the most appropriate answer.

888 A2 A
21. (4) 4th option contradicts the information given in the last 3 lines of the passage, “but our policy makers
respond well to the crisis”. Hence 4 is correct answer.

22. (5) All the three statements are visible; hence ‘5’ is the correct answer.
23. (2) The whole passage is focused on deficit and risk associated with it. Hence 2 is the correct answer.

24. (3) Choice ‘3’ can be logically inferred from the passage.

25. (1) CB is linked as one introduces about hate speech and other logically continues it. A is the concluding
statement and C is the opening sentence. Hence choice 1 is correct answer.

26. (1) B is an obvious starter therefore choice 2, 3 and 5 are eliminated. DE is also linked and C must follow B.
Hence 1 is correct answer.

27. (2) A logically continues ‘C’ which is the most appropriate introduction. Hence 2 is correct answer.

28. (4) BAE are linked and F is the most fitting opening sentence hence 4 is correct answer.

29. (2) 2 is the correct answer as A must precede D and E.

30. (2) A can not be opening sentence hence 3 and 4 are eliminated. B is the most appropriate starting sentence.
Hence 2 is correct answer.

888 A3 A

1 1 1 1
31. (1) x = ( a + b) + + (c + d ) +
c d a b
a b a b c d c d
x = + + + + + + +
c c d d a a b b
a c b c a d b d
+ + + + + + +
c a c b d a d b

Min value of each group is 2. So min value of n is 8.

So option a is correct.

32. (3) Number should be greater than 2986 and less than 5017
All digits should be different and last digit should be odd.
a. Number below 3000 = 1 (2987)
b. Numbers between 3000 and 4000 = 1 x 8 x 7 x 4 = 224
Because at first place 3 is fix and for last place only 4 choices 1,5,7 & 9 are possible.
c. Numbers between 4000 and 5000 = 1 x 8 x 7 x 5 = 280
Because at first place 4 is fix and for the last place 5 choices 1,3,5,7 and 9 are possible.
d. Number greater than 5000 = 1 (5013)
So total numbers are = 1 + 224 + 280 + 1 = 506

C 4 x 4! 1
33. (2) =
8! 24

34. (3) Routes real so

b2 – 4ac > 0
64 + 4 log4 N > 0
4 log 4 N > -64
log4 N > -16
n > 4-16

1 1 1 1 1 1
35. (4) : : : : : = 60 : 30 : 20 : 15 : 12 : 10
1 2 3 4 5 6
So minimum number of coins is 60 + 30 + 20 + 15 + 12 + 10 = 147
Second lowest number of coins is 147 x 2
And total value = 147 x 2 x 5
= Rs. 1470

36. (5) Some of digits of this number is = 1 x 50 + 2 x 50 + 3 x 50 + 4 x 50 500 5

While the digital some of any perfect square can be 1, 4, 3, 7 or 0 only.
So these can not be any value which is perfect square.
So option (5) is correct.

37. (4) Min hand 10

Hour hand 16 -17 (more towards 17)
Angle between 10 -16 = 6 x 20 = 1200
It is more than 16:45 so angle is more than 130. But less than 140.
So 1310 is correct.

38. (2) 32,332,3332………. each number is divisible by 9 so seed of each number is 9

888 A4 A
So the value of
seed (seed (32) + seed (332) + seed (3332) + ……..+ seed (3….200 times 32))
= seed (1800)

39. (4) let the initial no of workers are X so now total work is 9X but now work done in following manner as
X = 10

40. (4) General term in the expansion of (a+b+c)30 will be K axbycz where K is a constant. The value of x+y+z
must be 30.
Now we need number of solution of x+y+z=30 where x, y, z are natural numbers.
Which is = 28
28 × 29
= = 406

41. (3)

Area of the field = π x 402 /2 = 800π

Area of the grazed part of the field = 4 x π x 102 – common area = 400π - common area
Common area = 4 ( 25 π -50) = 100 π - 200
Ungrazed area = 800π – 400 π – 100 π + 200 = 300 π + 200 m2

42. (2)

Area of ABCD = 16cm2

1 2
Area of C2, C3, C4 & C5 in side the square ABCD = 4 × π × 2 × 2 = 4π cm
AD = 4 2 = AE + EG + GD
4 2 = 2 + EG + 2
EG = 4 2 - 4
EH = = 4−2 2

888 A5 A
Area of square EFGH = 4 − 2 2 )

= 24 – 16 2
Required Area = 16 – 4π – 24 + 16 2
= 16 2 - 8 – 4π
≈ 2cm2
Answer for Question (43 & 44)

9.09% = 1/11
Now we can form a table for the clarity of the question

Volume Volume Remaining in Evaporate Selling price Revenue

in Sale Evening (Ve) (in Rs.) Generated (in Rs)
Morning (Vs) (Vr) (S)
Day – 1 11000 1000 10000 1000 10 10000
Day – 2 9000 9000/11 90000/11 9000/11 11 9000
Day – 3 8100/11 8100/121 81000/121 8100/121 12.1 8100
General Vm Vm Vr = Vm − Vs Vr S Vs × S = Re venue
Concept Vs = Ve =
11 10
43. (4) It is very clear from the table that revenue generated is in Geometric Progression with first term 10000/-
and Common ratio 0.9. So total selling price = = 100000/-
1 − 0.9
Cost Price = 8 × 11000 = 88000
So percentage profit = × 100 = 13.63%

44. (1) It is clear from the table that volume sale and volume evaporated is same on each day. So answer is

45. (3)

46. (1) After factorization we can write

x4 + (a + 1)x3 + (a + b - 2)x2 + (b – 2a) x – 2b =0
= (x2 + bx + ax + b) (x -1) (x + 2) = 0 ……………..(1)
And x4 + (b - 1) x3 + (a - b - 2)x2 + (a + 2b) x – 2a =0
= (x2 + bx + a) (x +1) (x - 2) ……………..(2)
In equation (1) and (2) root is common in
x2 + ax + b = 0
and x2 + bx + a = 0
Now applying the condition of common root
x x 1
= =
2 2 b−a b−a
a −b

47. (5) For the minimum time first pipe should take 20 min. and second pipe should take 30 min.
And let the volume of the tank is 60 litre.
Rate of the first pipe = 3 litre/min, Second pipe = 2 litre/min. both at a time = 5 litre/ min.

888 A6 A
So tank will filled 10 litres in 3 minutes or 60 litres in 18 minutes (minimum time)
For the maximum time first pipe should take 24 min. and second pipe should take 32 min.
And let the volume of the tank is 96 litre.
Rate of the first pipe = 4 litre/min, Second pipe = 3 litre/min. both at a time = 7 litre/ min.
So tank will filled 14 litres in 3 minutes or 96 litres in 20 minutes (maximum time)
Answers for Questions (48 - 49):

48. (4) We know that

H (a, b, c) ≤ lowest number among (a,b,c) and L (a, b, c) ≥ largest number among (a,b,c) and A (a, b, c)
is always lie between lowest and largest value among (a,b,c) . so H (a, b, c) < A (a, b, c) < L (a, b, c)

49. (2) If Max (a, b, c) = Min (a, b, c), that means a=b=c so
A (a, b, c) = H (a, b, c) = L (a, b, c) = Min (a, b, c)

50. (2) Let N = 2100+3100+5100+7100+9100+………………………..+89100+97100

100 is a multiple of 4 so unit digit of 2100 will be 6 and unit digit of 5100 will be 5 and for the other 23
numbers it is one .
Unit digit of N is = Unit digit of (6+5+23 × 1) = 4

51. (1)
A −1
52. (3) B(A)=
A +1
A −1
Let B(A) = x =
A +1
1+ X
So A = …………..(1)
1− X
aA − 1
Now B (aA) =
aA + 1
1+ x
a −1
1− x
Now from equation (1) B (aA) =
1+ x
a +1
1− x
a + ax − 1 + x
a + ax + 1 − x
x ( a + 1) + a − 1
x ( a − 1) + a + 1
On substituting the value of x
( a + 1) B ( A) + a − 1
( a − 1) B ( A) + a + 1

888 A7 A
Answer for Question (53 & 54)

Sum of the apples is 72. So one person gets exactly 24 apples. Apples can be distributed in following

24 - X 24 24 + X
CASE – 1 Hari Shyam Ram
CASE -2 Hari Ram Shyam
CASE -3 Ram Hari Shyam

53. (2) 24 + X can not be more then 34 so X has 10 possible values in each case and there are three cases so
total number of ways are 30 .

54. (4) It is sure that one person will get exactly 24 apples. One person can get minimum one apple which can
never be Shyam so Shyam receives at most 72-24-1=47 apples. So first statement is correct.
Hari can receive 24 apples also so 2 statements is falls but third statement is correct.

Answer for Question (55 – 56)

Given that P = 658, C = 372, B = 590, P ∩ C =166, P ∩ B = 434, B ∩ C = 126 Using

P∪B ∪ C = P + B + C - P ∩ B - P ∩ C - B ∩ C + P ∩ B ∩ C P ∩ B ∩ C = 106
55. (4) The number of students who failed in Chemistry but not physics = 186 +20
= 206
56. (5) The number of students who failed in Physics or biology but not in chemistry =164+328 +136
= 628

57. (2) With the help of options it is sure that 1 can not be the part of answer and 4/3 must be the part of
answer. After answer elimination only second option is correct.

a+b 7
58. (4) px2 + qx +r=0 let the roots of this equation are a and b. now = or a+b =7
2 2
−q r
= 7 And ab= = 10 now we have 3 unknown and 2 equation so we can not find the value of pqr.
p p

59. (2) Through statement one answer is always zero but at n=4 it is not correct so statement one is not
sufficient. while for second statement it is always one. So statement alone is sufficient. Option (2) is

60. (5) With the help of both the statement we can say that top eight runners are either 1 to 8 or 2 to 9 due to
two cases nothing is sure question can not be answer. Option (5) is correct

888 A8 A

Answer for Question (61- 65)

From the conditions given in the questions following table can be drawn:

Table 1:
Shastri Jones Gavaskar Sidhu
Jaisurya(a) Sehwag(a) Flintoff(a) Sachin(a)
Mccullum(w) Johnson(bow) Jaheer(bow) Harbhajan(bow)
Yuvraj(bat) Jaheer(bow) Dhoni(w) Mccullum(w)
Dhoni(w) Smith(bat) Yuvraj(bat)

61. (2) Jaheer and Johnson

62. (5)

1st case
Shastri Jones Gavaskar Sidhu
Jaisurya(a) Sehwag(a) Flintoff(a) Sachin(a)
Mccullum(w) Johnson(bow) Jaheer(bow) Harbhajan(bow)
Yuvraj(bat) Jaheer(bow) Dhoni(w) Mccullum(w)
Dhoni(w) Smith(bat) Yuvraj(bat)
Smith(bat) Gambhir(bat)
Gambhir(bat) Pointing

2nd case
Shastri Jones Gavaskar Sidhu
Jaisurya(a) Sehwag(a) Flintoff(a) Sachin(a)
Mccullum(w) Johnson(bow) Jaheer(bow) Harbhajan(bow)
Yuvraj(bat) Jaheer(bow) Dhoni(w) Mccullum(w)
Dhoni(w) Smith(bat) Yuvraj(bat)
Smith(bat) Pieterson(bat)
Pointing(bat) Gambhir(bat)

63. (4) 8 ways, after arranging the different cases the answer comes out to be 8.

64. (2) Only condition 1& 3 satisfy as mentioned in the table 1.

65. (1) From table 1 it was clear that smith is surely in Sehwag’s team.

Answer for Question (66-70)

66. (3)
Let others have x% share in total population
Then (x + (5*x)/100)=63
Solving x=60%
Therefore population of karnataka is 3% and of others is 60%

888 A9 A
Let number of others be y per 1000
Then applying the concept of weighted average
Y*0.6 + 0.08*960 + 0.1*945 + 0.12*910 + 0.07*950 + 0.03*975 = 1*940
Solving we get y = 940

67. (2) 4 pairs are possible

Pairs are
1) Gujrat – Rajasthan
2) Gujrat – Tamilnadu
3) Gujrat – Karnataka
4) Karnataka –Tamilnadu

68. (2)
The difference in number of females in Gujrat and Tamilnadu
960 950
= ×8 − × 7 ≈ 50 lakhs
1960 1950

69. (5) cannot be determined.

Since the population of Karnataka is not known therefore we cannot determine.

70. (2)
Percentage change = = (1000 − 910 ) × 100 = 90 ≈ 10%
910 910

Answer for Question (71-75)

Pink – 3 Cream -3 White- 2

Using the condition 1: P>V>S, Q<T
Using the condition 2: T-2, and not pink therefore Q-1
Using the condition 3: W-4, cream and Q -1 cream
Using the condition 4: U<S, U<T, U>Q, U>W therefore P>V>S>U>W>R>T>Q
Using the condition 5: V not white
Using the condition 6: P and V not pink from condition 5 V is cream

Using the above condition the colours can be found

Q- cream : T- white : R- pink : W- cream : U- pink: S- pink : V– cream : P- white

71. (1)

72. (2)

73. (5)

74. (1)

75. (2)

888 A 10 A
Answer for Question (76-80)

Prelims Mains GD Phy. Fit. Interview

Fresh Candidate
Monday 30 30 28 25 19 16
+2| +3 | +6 | +3 | 0|
Tuesday 31 33 37 29 31 25
+9 | +4 | +1 | +6 | 0|
Wednesday 16 25 23 18 18 18
+6 | +6 | +6 | 0| 0|
Thursday 24 30 32 25 25 17
+4 | +13 | 0| +8 | 0|
Friday 23 27 23 27 27 27

The horizontal shows the fresh candidates and the vertical arrows shows the Rollover participants.
Using the data from the above table the question can be answered

76. (3) 124

The fresh participants = 30 + 31 + 16 + 24 + 23

77. (2) 12
The following table provides the data for Wednesday
From round 1 to round 2 Max. possible fresh candidate
Prelims -Mains 16(25-6)
Mains -GD 19(23-4)
GD -Phy. Fit. 17(18-1)
Phy. Fit. - Interview 12(18-6)
Hence the maximum fresh candidate reaching to final interview can be twelve.

78. (2) 29
Since the candidate on Tuesday only participated on Thursday. Hence in such a new situation the following
tables provide the Rollover candidates on Tuesday and Wednesday.
The Rollover candidates for Tuesday and Wednesday are given below:

Prelims Mains G.D. Phy. Fit. Interview

Tuesday 9 4 1 6 0
Wednesday 2 5 0 0 0
Total 11 9 1 6 0

The following table provides data for Thursday.

| +11 |+9 |+1 |+6 |+0

Fresh 30 32 25 25 17
| +7 |+8 |+6 |+8 |+0
Hence the total rollover participants on Thursday = 7 + 8 + 6 + 8 + 0 = 29

79. (3) 25
From the initial table the maximum Rollover participants on Thursday are 25.

80. (4) 0

Answer for Question (80-85)

81. (4) 798

888 A 11 A
Let for all age group the total no. of people who voted for only one card is x
And only two card is y and all three is z.
The constraints given is x + y + z = 200
For only one to be least y should be maximized and z should be minimum
For 20 < a < = 25 x + 2y + 3z = 255
x +2y +3 (200-x-y) = 255
2x + y = 345
Z=1 x+y = 199
Solving we get x = 144
For 25 <a < = 30 x + 2y + 3z = 275
x + 2y + 3 (200-x-y)= 275
2x + y = 325
Z=1 x+y = 199
Solving we get x = 124
For 30 < a < = 40 x + 2y + 3z =218
x +2y +3 (200 – x - y) = 218
2x + y = 382 Z=0 x + y = 200
Solving we get x = 182
For 40 < a < = 50 x + 2y + 3z = 213
x + 2y + 3 (200 – x - y) = 213
2x + y = 387
Z=1 x + y = 199
Solving we get x = 188
For 50 < a < = 60 x + 2y + 3z = 240
x + 2y + 3(200-x-y) =240
2x + y = 360
Z=0 x + y = 200
Solving we get x = 160

82. (2) 12
For 40<a<=50 x+2y+3z=213
Z=1 x + y = 199
Solving we get x = 188
Therefore y = 199 – 188 = 11
Master card and visa both =11+1 =12 (since all three also contain
master card and visa)

83. (4) 20
For 50<a<=60 x+2y+3z=240
For z to be maximum y and x are to be minimum
y=0 x + z = 200
x - z =160
solving the above equation we get x=180 and z=20

84. (5) 40<a<=50

For 20 < a < = 25 x + 2y + 3z = 255
x – z =145
For z to be maximum y and x are to be minimum
y=1 x + z = 199
x – z =145

888 A 12 A
solving the above equation we get x = 172 and z = 28
or 25 < a < = 30 x + 2y + 3z = 275
x +3z + 2 (200 – x - z) = 275
x – z = 125
For z to be maximum y and x are to be minimum
y=1 x + z = 199
x - z = 125
solving the above equation we get x = 162 and z = 38
For 30< a < = 40 x + 2y + 3z = 218
x +3z +2 (200-x - z) = 218
x – z = 182
For z to be maximum y and x are to be minimum
y=0 x + z = 200
x- z = 182
solving the above equation we get x = 191 and z = 9
For 40 < a < = 50 x + 2y + 3z = 213
x + 3z + 2(200- x - z) = 213
x – z = 187
For z to be maximum y and x are to be minimum
y=1 x + z = 199
x - z = 187
solving the above equation we get x = 193 and z = 7
For 50 < a < = 60 x + 2y + 3z = 240
x + 3z + 2 (200- x - z) = 240
x – z = 160
For z to be maximum y and x are to be minimum
y=0 x + z = 200
x – z = 160
solving the above equation we get x = 180 and z = 20

85. (2) 25< a < = 30

For atleast two to be minimum y and z is to be minimum
it is the similar case as in as in above question so calculating the sum of y
and z in all the cases
For 20 < a < = 25 y + z = 29
For 25 < a < = 30 y + z = 39
For 30 < a < = 40 y + z = 9
For 40 < a < = 50 y + z = 8
For 50 < a < = 60 y + z = 20

Answer for Question (86 to 90):

Since A played all the four matches which means he participated in all the singles.
D played two matches which means he played both the doubles.
B & C played three match which means they played one double and two singles each.
The following tables provides all the possible cases of quarter final and semi final.


Case 1 : India – Australia Case-2 India – Australia

Phases Match Played Won Phases Match Played Won
Phase -1 A–H India Phase -1 A–H India
B – (E/G) India C – (E/G) India
Phase-2 D & C– F&(E/G) Australia Phase-2 D & B– F&(E/G) Australia
Phase-3 A – (E/G) India Phase-3 A – (E/G) India
B-H Australia C-H Australia

888 A 13 A

Case 1 : India – France Case-2 India – France

Phases Match Played Won Phases Match Played Won
Phase -1 A–Q India Phase -1 A–Q India
B–P India C– P India
Phase-2 D & C– R & S India Phase-2 D & B– R & S India
Phase-3 A–P France Phase-3 A–P France
B-Q India C-Q India

From the above given tables of the different cases all the questions can be answers.

86. (4) Either (1) or (2)

87. (4) Either (1) or (2)

88. (1) P, Q

89. (4) (1) & (3)

90. (4) France & India

888 A 14 A

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