Introductoin To The Project.: Scope

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INTRODUCTOIN TO THE PROJECT. Project title: - E_music_world. A web portal for music fans and talent generator.

Scope : (1) A music nodes to pri in mo web space where music lo ers can listen the of their choice! see the ideo of choice! ta"e the or see the l#rics of well "nown artists belonging ate album! band! group! concert or songs sung ies in desired language.

($) Portal shall pro ide facilities to upload as well as download their personal preferences in their own repositories as personal web music site. Associated facilities li"e search! elimination! re-induction! and reorgani%ation of their personal preferences would be made a ailable to users for limited period of time as free trial period. (&) 'acilities as mentioned in ($) abo e shall be made a ailable to paid registered user after trial period is o er with allotted space for each "ind of contents that user has made the registration. (() )eb space would be pro ided to new talents b# allowing them to upload their outstanding wor" in different categories of songs * l#rics etc. under arious moods in different Albums * ideos etc.

(+) ,asual -sers would be allowed to listen the songs*music or l#rics uploaded b# new talents b# e.hausti e search engine facilities on portal and can e en ran" their performances. (/) Portal shall maintain and record the hits on particular song! ideo! l#rics accessed b# casual users and shall displa# the ran"ing as popularit# with number of stars. (0) 1pportunit# shall be pro ided to users who wish to ran" the wor" of particular talent to rate the wor". 2ailer agent can send their comments! to talent3s email address! using automatic facilit# made a ailable b# portal. (4) As per ran"ing pro ided b# users their ran"ing can be sent to special talent hunt groups for independent e aluation through mailer agents if talent hunt group ma"es re5uest. (6) A ailabilit# of power search engine which can help user to find it3s choice based on arious combination of searching.

(1) Content spread control module. a. ,ontent definition module. i. 7uild major categor#. ii. 7uild minor categor#. iii. Assign major 8 minor categor# to contents. i . 2odification in assignment as stated abo e. . 9earch and iew assign contents. b. ,ontent i. :efine languages to be used. ii. :efine talent profile. iii. Assign contents to talent pri ate space. i . 7uild search engine to search contents pri ate to talent. (2) ec!an"sm #enerat"on module. a. 7uild ;ideo-streaming facilit#. b. 7uild content control panel for each talent. c. ,ontent transfer module i. 7uild -ploading facilit# 1. 'ile uploading facilit#. $. 7#tes uploading facilit#. a. 9i%e control b. Encr#ption c. ,onfirmation of completion of transmission ii. 7uild :ownloading facilit# 1. 'ile downloading facilit# $. 7#te downloading facilit# a. 9i%e control b. Encr#ption c. ,onfirmation of completion of transmission

($) User aut!ent"cat"on and aut!or"%at"on module a. <eneration of trial user. i. ,reation of trial user profile. ii. Pro ide facilit# for changing profile to trial user. iii. <enerate alidation and restrictions to limit the profile of trial user. i . Assign c abo e to trial user. . <enerate e.piration of trial user after specified trial period is o er. b. -ser registration control module i. 2a"e registration b# getting e.isting profile information a ailable in s#stem. ii. 2a"e registration b# filling new information b# new user. iii. 2a"e pro ision for changing profile of registered user. c. =alent t#pe user3s capabilit# control module. i. Assign facilit# that =alent user can use b# administrator ii. E.tend more facilit# to talent user b# administrator. iii. )ithdrawal of facilities from talent user to reduce profiles! b# administrator. (&) Ran'"n# Control module a. ,reate hit generation for an# wor" of talent user b. 7uild ran"ing polic# c. 7uild ran"ing criterion selection for an# or multiple wor" of talent. d. 7uild ran"ing gi ing mechanism b# an# user to an# talent for one or more wor".

e. 9how ran"ings for an# tas" or tas"s of an# talent. (() Promot"on controller a. <enerate promotional user b. 7uild promotional polic# c. 7uild promotional user applicable polic# d. 2anage contents to be sent as promotion to other users. e. 2anage mailer agent to send promotion material to users f. 'acilit# for stop sending promotional material to those users who declined to see the promotion. ()) Talent !unt sender module a. 7uild talent hunt group who wish to see" information from our portal. b. >ecord talent hunt group interest area. c. >ecord re5uirements for sending fre5uenc# the contents to talent hunt interest group. d. 7uild sending mechanism to send contents to talent hunt groups.

Hardware And Software Requirement


: RAM 512MB, 40 GB HDD, Processor 2.4. : Windows Xp/2000 : SQ S!R"!R 2000. : .#e$ %r&'ewor( 2005 : ASP.#e$)*+,.


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