Section A: Answer All Questions Given in This Sections

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Answer all questions given in this sections.

1. Diagram 1 shows how a vibrating tuning for !ro"uces soun" waves in air. #a$ah 1 menun$u an bagaimana tala bun%i %ang bergetar menghasil an gelombang bun%i "i u"ara.

Tuning 3or Tala +un%i Diagram 1 #a$ah 1

a. &n"erline the correct answer in the brac et to com!lete the sentence below. 'aris $awa!an %ang betul "alam urungan untu meleng a! an a%at "i bawah. (1mark) Soun" wave is a (longitu"inal) transverse* wave. 'elombang bun%i a"alah gelombang (membu$ur) melintang*. b. +ase" on Diagram 1) +er"asar an #a$ah 1. i. Name region ,. Nama an awasan ,.


ii. -ar one "istance which is equal to a wavelength of the soun" waves. .abel the "istance using the s%mbol . N%ata an satu $ara %ang bersamaan "engan satu !an$ang gelombang bagi gelombang bun%i tersebut. .abel $ara itu mengguna an simbol . (1mark)

c. The tuning for in Diagram 1 vibrates in water. /hat ha!!ens to the s!ee" of soun"0 Tala bun%i "alam #a$ah 1 bergetar "i "alam air. A!a ah %ang ter$a"i e!a"a ela$uan bun%i0 (1mark)

1. Diagram 1.1 shows the change of !hase when 1 g of ice is converte" into steam. #a$ah 1.1 menun$u an !erubahan fasa a!abila 1 g ais "itu ar men$a"i stim.

Diagram 1 #a$ah 1

41) 41 an" 42 are the heat energies absorbe" "uring the healing !rocess. 41) 41 "an 42 a"alah tenaga haba %ang "isera! eti a !roses !emanasan itu. a. Name the heat energ%) 41) which is absorbe" from # to S. Nama an tenaga haba) 41) %ang "isera! "art # e S. (1mark) b. State one reason wh% ice tem!erature at # an" S is the same even though heat is su!!lie". N%ata an satu sebab menga!a suhu "i # "an S a"alah sama walau!un haba "ibe al an. (1mark)

c. Calculate the heat energ%) 41) which is absorbe" from S to T. ca!acit% of water) c 6 7 188 9 g:1 ;C:1< =itung an tenaga haba) 41. %ang "isera! "ari S e T. 7 188 9 g:1 ;C:1<

5The s!ecific heat 5-uatan haba tentu air) c 6 (3mark)

2. A !encil is !lace" in front of a concave mirror. Diagram 2.1 shows the image of the !encil in the mirror.

Sebatang !ensel "ileta !a"a cermin itu.

an "i ha"a!an sebuah cermin ce ung. #a$ah 2.1 menun$u

an ime$ !ensel

Diagram 2.1 #a$ah 2.1

a. Name the !henomenon involve" in the formation of the image. Nama an fenomena %ang terlibat "alam !embentu an ime$ itu. (1mark)

b. The image is u!right an" magnifie". State one other characteristic of the image. Ime$ itu a"alah tega "an "i!erbesar an. N%ata an satu lagi ciri ime$ itu. (1mark)

c. Diagram 2.1 shows an incom!lete ra% "iagram. C is the centre of curvature an" 3 is the !rinci!al focus. Com!lete the ra% "iagram to show how the image is forme". #a$ah 2.1 menun$u an ra$ah sinar %ang ti"a leng a!. C ialah !usat eleng ungan "an 3 ialah fo us utama. .eng a! an ra$ah sinar itu untu menun$u an bagaimana ime$ itu terbentu . (3marks)

Diagram 2.1 #a$ah 2.1


7. Diagram 7a) "iagram 7b an" "iagram 7c show a s!ring balance su!!orting a metal bloc ? in three situations. #a$ah 7a) #a$ah 7b "an #a$ah 7c menun$u an sebuah Neraca Newton berbeban an bong ah logam ? !a"a tiga situasi berbe@a.

Diagram 7a

Diagram 7b

Diagram 7c

a. Com!are the rea"ings of the s!ring balance in "iagram 7a an" "iagram 7b. +an"ing an bacaan neraca tersebut !a"a ra$ah 7a "an 7b. (1 mark)

b. Name two forces that act on ? when it is !artiall% or totall% in water. Nama an "ua "a%a %ang bertin"a !a"a bong ah logam ? a!abila tenggelam sebahagian atau se!enuhn%a (2 marks)

c. State an" eA!lain the relationshi! between the forces in (b*. N%ata an "an terang an hubungan antara "a%a B "a%a %ang bertin"a %ang "in%ata an "i (b* (2 marks) ". Name the !rinci!le involve" in (c*. Nama an !rinsi! %ang terlibat %ang "in%ata an "i (c* (1mark)

>. Diagram > shows air bubbles !ro"uce" b% an air !um! in an aquarium fille" with fresh water.

#a$ah > menun$u an gelembung:gelembung u"ara "ihasil an oleh !am u"ara "i "alam sebuah a uarium berisi air tawar.

Diagram > #a$ah >

a. EA!lain wh% the volume of an air bubble increases as it moves towar"s the surface. Terang an menga!a isi!a"u gelembung u"ara bertambah a!abila bergera mengham!iri !ermu aan. (2marks)

b. Name the !h%sics law involve" in 7(a*. Nama an hu um fi@i %ang terlibat "i 7(a*.


c. /hat is the change in the volume of an air bubble at level # when the fresh water is re!lace" b% sea water of higher "ensit%0 A!a ah !erubahan "alam isi!a"u gelembung u"ara !a"a !aras # a!abila air tawar "iganti an "engan air laut %ang mem!un%ai etum!atan lebih tinggi0 (1mark)

". An air bubble of volume > cm2 is release" b% an air !um! at a "e!th of 8.> m. Calculate the volume of the air bubble when it reaches the surface of the water. 5Assume that the atmos!heric !ressure is 18 m water< Satu gelembung u"ara %ang mem!un%ai isi!a"u > cm2 "ibebas an oleh !am u"ara !a"a e"alaman 8.> m. =itung an isi!a"u gelembung u"ara itu a!abila sam!ai "i !ermu aan air. 5Angga! te anan atmosfera a"alah 18 m air< (3marks)

C. Diagram C.1 an" Diagram C.1 show a light ra% !assing through !rism D an" !rism 4) res!ectivel%. Drism D an" !rism 4 are ma"e of glass with "ifferent "ensities. #a$ah C.1 "an #a$ah C.1 masing:masing memm$u an satu sinar caha%a melalui !risma D "an !risma 4. Drisma D "an !risma 4 "i!erbuat "ari!a"a aca %ang berbe@a etum!atan.

Diagram C.1 #a$ah C.1

Diagram C.1 #a$ah C.1

a. EA!lain wh% the light ra% "oes not ben" when it enters both !risms at !oint A. 9elas an menga!a sinar caha%a ti"a beng o semasa memasu i e"ua:"ua !risma "i titi A. (1 mark)

b. +ase" on Diagram >.1 an" Diagram >.1. how can the angle of inci"ence at !oint + be ma"e equal to the critical angle0 +er"asar an #a$ah >.1 "an #a$ah >.1. bagaimana ah su"ut tu$u "i titi + "i$a"i an sama "engan su"ut genting0 (2 marks) Drism DFDrisma D

Drism 4FDrisma 4.

c. Diagram C.1 shows the light ra% !assing from glass to air at !oint +. Com!are the "ensit% of glass with the "ensit% of air. #a$ah C.1 menun$u an sinar caha%a itu merambat "ari aca e u"ara "i titi +. +an"ing an etum!atan aca "engan etum!atan u"ara. (1 mark)

". +ase" on Diagram C.1 an" Diagram C.1) what ha!!en to the light ra% after !assing !oint +0 +er"asar an #a$ah >.1 "an #a$ah >.1) a!a ah %ang berla u !a"a sinar caha%a itu sele!as melalui titi +0 (2 marks) Diagram > .1F#a$ah >.1

Diagram > .1F#a$ah >.1

e. Name the !henomenon shown in Diagram C.1. Nama an fenomena %ang "itun$u #a$ah C.1. (1 mark)

an "alam

Section + Answer all the questions from this section E. 3igure E.1 shows the bright an" "ar ban"s of the waveHs !attern forme" on the screen when !lane waves !ass through the narrow an" wi"e ga!s. #a$ah E.1 menun$u an $alur terang "an $alur gela! bagi cora gelombang %ang terbentu !a"a tabir a!abila gelombang satah melalui celahan ecil "an celahan besar.

3igure E.1

a. EA!lain how the "ar an" light ban"s are forme" on the screen. Terang an bagaimana $alur terang "an $alur gela! terbentu !a"a tabir. (4marks) b. Observe 3igure E.1. Com!are the waves !atterns an" the wavelength of the waves before an" after the% !ass through the ga!s. #elate the si@e of the ga!s) the waves !atterns an" the wavelengths to "e"uce a relevant !h%sics conce!t. Derhati an #a$ah E.1. +an"ing an cora gelombang "an !an$ang gelombang sebelum "an sele!as gelombang air itu melalui celah:celah itu. =ubung ait an antara sai@ celahan) cora gelombang "an !an$ang gelombang untu men%im!ul an suatu onse! fi@i %ang sesuai. [5marks] c. Name the wave !henomenon shown in 3igure E.1. Nama an fenomena gelombang %ang "itun$u an !a"a #a$ah E.1. (1mark)

". 3igure E.1 shows the seashore of a fishing village. During the rain% season) waves are big) One %ear the waves ero"e" the seashore) cause" the $ett% to colla!se an" "amage" the fishermenJs boats. #a$ah E.1 menun$u an !antai bagi satu am!ung nela%an. Semasa musim teng u$uh) sai@ gelombang a"alah besar. Da"a suatu tahun gelombang ini mengha is !antai meruntuh an $eti "an merosa an bot:bot nela%an.

3igure E.1

To !revent similar "amage in the future) the fishermen suggest buil"ing retaining walls an" relocating the $ett%. -a e further suggestions of wa%s to hel! the fishermen solve their !roblems. Kou shoul" use %our nowle"ge of reflection) refraction an" "iffraction of waves to eA!lain these suggestions) to inclu"e the following as!ectsL &ntu mengela an erosa an %ang seru!a berulang !a"a masa ha"a!an) nela%an:nela%an itu berca"ang untu membina benteng "an memin"ah an $eti e tem!at %ang baru. +uat ca"angan selan$utn%a tentang cara untu membantu nela%an : nela%an itu mengatasi masalah mere a. An"a !erlu mengguna an !engetahuan tentang !antulan) !embiasan "an !embelauan gelombang bagi menerang an ca"angan itu) %ang merang umi as!e :as!e beri utL (10marks)

the "esign an" structure of the retaining wall) re a bentu "an stru tur benteng) the location of the new $ett%) lo asi $eti %ang hen"a "ibina) the si@e or energ% of the waves. sai@ atau tenaga gelombang. SECTION C Answer all the questions from this section

G. Diagram G.1 shows the s!ee" limit an" the loa" limit of heav% vehicles such as buses an" lorries. #a$ah G.1 menun$u an ha"la$u "an ha" muatan bagi en"eraan berat se!erti bas "an lori.


Diagram G.1 a. /hat is meant b% s!ee"0 A!a ah %ang "ima su" an "engan la$u 0


b. &sing the conce!ts of momentum an" inertia) eA!lain wh% the s!ee" limit an" the loa" limit must he im!ose" on heav% vehicles. Dengan mengguna an onse! momentum "an inersia) terang an menga!a ha" la$u "an ha" muatan mesti "i ena an e atas en"eraan berat (4 marks) c. Diagram G.1 shows four tan ers) D) 4) # an" S) with "ifferent s!ecifications. Kou are require" to "etermine the most suitable tan er to "eliver oil safel%. Stu"% the s!ecifications of all the four tan ers from the following as!ectsL #a$ah G.1 menun$u an em!at lori tang i) D. 4. # "an S "engan s!esifi asi %ang berbe@a. An"a "i ehen"a i menentu an lori tang i %ang !aling sesuai "iguna an untu menghantar min%a "engan selamat. ?a$i s!esifi asi eem!at em!at lori tersebut "ari as!e beri utL

The t%!e of bra es 9enis bre The number of t%res +ilangan ta%ar The number an" si@e of the tan s +ilangan "an sai@ tang i The "istance between the trailer an" the tractor 9ara antara treler "an e!ala lori

EA!lain the suitabilit% of the as!ects. 9ustif% %our choice. Terang an esesuaian as!e :as!e itu. +eri an sebab bagi !ilihan an"a. (10 marks)


Tan er D T%!e of bra eL Air .ori tang i D 9enis bre L &"ara

Tan er 4 T%!e of bra eL Air .ori tang i 4 9enis bre L &"ara

Tan er # T%!e of bra eL A+S .ori tang i # 9enis bre L A+S (Antiloc +rea S%stem*

Tan er S T%!e of bra eL A+S .ori tang i S 9enis bre L A+S (Antiloc +rea S%stem*

Diagram G.1



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