Prep of Time 966

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Prepositions of time
Prepositions of time for, since, ago, during, by, until
We use for and since to say how long something continues. We use for + a period of time, and since + a point of time. Shes been learning English for three months. Hes lived in London since 1 !. We use ago to talk about a point of time in the past. The" got married t#o "ears ago. We use during to say that something happens in the middle of a certain period or event. Sue fainted during the $o$ concert. We use b" to say not later than. %&ou must finish "our home#ork by 'rida"( said the teacher. We use until to say how long something continues and when it finishes. Tom sta"ed out until one oclock in the morning. 1 Complete the sentences with for, since or ago. 1 Hes been a computer programmer he left school. ! "hey hadnt seen each other many years. # $an first walked on the moon over thirty years . % "he pop concert went on three hours. & 'aul visited his relatives in (ustralia a couple of years . 2 Complete the sentences with for or during. 1 )raham has been travelling around *urope three months. ! "hree people were arrested the student demonstration. # + fell asleep a flight to ,ew -ork. When + woke up the plane had landed. % .lare waited for )reg at the caf/ over an hour. & $ark is visiting his parents ne0t weekend. He hasnt seen them a while. 3 Complete the sentences with by or until. 1 "he football match wont begin eight oclock. ! !11%, everyone will be using the +nternet. # 2iona didnt stop reading she had finished the book. % + have to be at the train station 3.#1 p.m. & "im had to finish the painting the end of the week. 3 $y parents are away ne0t week. Why dont we have a party4 5 +ll be twenty6one in the year !113. then +ll probably have a 7ob, and + may even be married8 9 + cant come out + finished writing this essay. 4 Complete the newspaper extracts with for, since, ago, during, by and until. .inema is celebrating another birthday. *0actly 11& years 1 , the :umi;re brothers opened the first cinema in 'aris. ! then, cinema has become the most popular entertainment in the world.

(n earth<uake hit "okyo # the early hours of this morning. +t is the first earth<uake % several years and has caused millions of pounds worth of damage.

& the year !111, the Hilton )roup plans to open a hotel on the moon. ( holiday there could cost up to =!1,111. *0perts say that 3 there is a cheaper way of getting there, most of the rooms will be empty.

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