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approxmatey what % of the words gdp s

spent on pro|ects
whch of the foowng s not a potenta
advantage of usng good PM
ower cost of capta
a______s a temporary endeavor undertaken
to create a unque preoduct, servce or
whch of the foowng s not an attrbute of
a pro|ect
pro|ects nvove no uncertanty
whch of the foowng s not part of the
trpe constrant of PM
meetng communcatons goas
________s the appcaton of knowedge,
sks, toos, and technques to pro|ect
actvtes to meet pro|ect requrements
pro|ect management
pro|ect portfoo management
adresses_______goas of an organzaton,
whe PM adresses______goas
strategc, tactca
severa ndvdua housng pro|ects done n
the same area by the same frm mght best
be manages as part of a
what s the most sgnfcant characterstc
or attrbute of an effectve pro|ect manager
eads by exampe
what os the certfcaton program caed
that the PMI provdes
pro|ect management professona PMP
best practce
optma way recogzed by ndustry to
acheve a stated goa or ob|ectve
set of prncpes that gude our decson,
based on persona vaues of what s rght
and wrong
person who focuses on ong term goas and
bg pcture ob|ectves, whe nsprng
peope to reach those goas
deas wth day to day detas of meetng
specfc goas
coecton of pro|ects or programs and other
work that are grouped together to factate
effectve management of that work to meet
strategc busness ob|ectves
a group of pro|ects managed n a
coordnated way to obtan benefts and
contro not avaabe from managng them
a temporary endeavor undertaken to
create a unque product, servce, resut
pro|ect management
the appcaton of knowedge, sks, toos,
and technques to pro|ect actvtes to meet
pro|ect requrements
pro|ect manager
person responsbe for workng wth the
pro|ect sponsor, the pro|ec team, and the
other prope nvoved n a pro|ect to meet
pro|ect goas
PMI pro|ect management nsttute
nternatona professona socety for
pro|ect managers
pro|ect management knowedge areas
pro|ect ntegraton management, scope,
tme, cost, quaty, HR,
communcatons,rsk, and procurement
pro|ect management professona PMP
certfcaton provded by PMI that requres
documentng pro|ect experence, agreeng
to foow the PMI code of ethcs, and
passng a exam
pro|ect management toos and technques
methods avaabe to assst PM and ther
teams; some toos n the tme mgmt
knowedge area ncude Gantt charts,
network dagrams, crtca path anayss,
and pro|ect management software
pro|ect portfoo mgmt
the groupng and managng of pro|ects and
prorgams as a portfoo of nvestments that
contrbute to the entre enterprses success
pro|ect sponsor
the person who provdes the drecton and
fundng for a pro|ect
peope nvoved n or affected by pro|ect
trpe constrant
baancng scope, tme, and cost goas
a arge company contnues to be successfu
by provdng new products and servces for
ts market nche of brdes. what s ts man
compettve strategy
the ast step n the four stage pannng
process for pro|ects s
resource aocaton
ts very mportant to start at the top og the
four stage pannng process pyramd to
seect pro|ects that support the
busness strategy
whch of the foowng statements s fase
concernng the fnanca anayss of pro|ects
the requred rate of return s the dscount
rate that resuts n an NPV of zero for the
a______s a methodoogy that converts an
organzatons vaue drvers, such as
customer servce, nnovaton, operatona
effcency, and fnanca performance, nto
a seres of defned metrcs
a baanced scorecard
whch of the foowng s not a ma|or beneft
of groupng pro|ects nto programs
ncreasng revenues
a coege approved pro|ect to provde
dscounts for facuty, students, and staff to
use the ctys new ght ra system, under
what exstng program mght ths pro|ect
naturay ft
transportaton program
the goa of pro|ect portfoo mgmt s to hep
maxmze busness vaue to ensure_____
enterprse success
many organzatons fnd dupcate or
unneeded pro|ects after they perform
whch step n pro|ect portfoo mgmt
puttng a pro|ects n one st
baanced scorecard
a methodoogy that converts an orgz vaue
drvers to a seres of defned metrcs
cash fow
ncome mnus expenses
the new requrements mposed by
management, government, or some
externa nfuence
dscount factor
a mutper for each year based on the
dscount rate and year
dscount rate
the rate used n dscountng future cash
nterna rate of return IRR
the dscount rate that resuts n an NPV of 0
for a pro|ect
mnd mappng
a technque that uses branches radatng
out from a core dea to structure thoughts
and deas
NPV anayss
method of cacuatng the expected net
monetary gan or oss from a pro|ect by
dscountng a expected future cash nfows
and outfows to the present pont n tme
payback perod,
the amount of tme t w take t recoup, n
the form of net cash nfows, the tota
doars nvested n a pro|ect
requred rate of return
the mnmum acceptabe rate of return of
an nvestment
benefts mnus costs dvded by costs
n whch of the 5 pro|ect management
process groups s the most tme and money
usuay spent
n whch of the 5 pro|ect managment
process groups are actvtes performed
that reate to each knowedge are
the best or "apha" PM spend more tme on
every process group than other PM except
for whch one
what documents provdes |ustfcaton for
nvestng n a pro|ects
busness case
what document formay recognzes the
exstence of a pro|ect and provdes
drecton on the pro|ects ob|ectves and
pro|ect charter
what s a cruca part of the pro|ect charter-
a secton n whch key pro|ect stakehoders
acknowedge ther agreement on the need
for the pro|ect
whch pro|ect document shoud not be
made avaabe to a key pro|ect
stakehoders due to senstvty
stakehoder mgmt strategy
a pro|ect meetngs wth ma|or
stakehoders shoud ncude
an agenda
preparng a stakehoder regster and mgmt
strategy e part of whch knowedge area
pro|ect communcatons mgmt
whch of the foowng s not an output of
ntatng the PMBOK gude, 4th ed
kck off meetng
age methodooges
popuar software deveopment
methodooges that use an teratve
workfow and crementa devery of
software n short teratons
busness case
document that provdes |ustfcaton for
nvestng n a pro|ect
senor manager who acts as a key
proponent for a pro|ect
cosng processes
the actons that nvove formazng
acceptance of the pro|ect or phase and
brngng t to an end
product/servce produced or provded as
part of a pro|ect
executng processes
the actons that nvove coordnatng
peope and other resources to carry out the
pro|ect pans and produce the deverabes
of the pro|ect
ntatng process
the actons to begn pro|ects and pro|ect
a pan that descrbes how thngs shoud be
done to manage a pro|ect
montorng and controng processes-
actons taken to measure profress towward
achevng goas, montor devaton, take
correctve acton
dstnct stage n pro|ect deveopment
pannng processes
the actons than nvove devsng and
mantanng a workabe scheme to ensure
that the pro|ect meets s scope, tme, cost
goas, orgz needs
document that formay recognzes the
exstnece of a pro|ect and provdes
summaty of ob|ectves
PMO pro|ect management offce
an organzatona entty created to assst
PM n achevng goas
pro|ect mgmt process groups
the progresson from ntatng actvtes to
pannng actvtes, executng actvtes,
montorng and controng actvtes, and
cosng actvtes
ratona unfed process RUP framework
a pro|ect mgmt methodoogy that uses an
teratve software deveopment process
that focuses on team producttvty and
devers software best practces to a team
sx sgma
systemt for achevng, sustanng, and
maxmzng busness success..
understandng customer needs
a document that descrbes best practces
for what shoud be done to manage a
Chapter 5
Makng ethca decsons s an
mportant part of our persona and
professona ves because t
generates trust and respect wth
other peope.
Severa ndvdua housng pro|ects
done n the same area by the same
frm mght best be managed as part
of a _______________.
What s the most sgnfcant
characterstc or attrbute of an
effectve pro|ect manager?
eads by exampe
A ________ s a ad managed n a
coordnated way to obtan benefts
and contro that are not avaabe
from managng them ndvduay.
Portfoo managers hep ther
organzatons make wse nvestment
decsons by hepng to seect and
anayze pro|ects from a(n)____
A _______________ s a temporary
endeavor undertaken to create a
unque product, servce, or resut.
__________ s the tenth pro|ect
management knowedge area that
PMI added n 2012.
pro|ect stakehoder management
__________ coordnate the work of a
other pro|ect management
knowedge areas.
Pro|ect ntegraton management
Whch of the foowng statements s
You can earn the Certfed Assocate
n Pro|ect Management (CAPM)
wthout havng work experence.
By groupng pro|ects nto ____,
organzatons can better te ther
pro|ects to meetng strategc goas.
Pro|ect ____ management nvoves
workng wth a approprate
stakehoders to defne, gan wrtten
agreement for, and manage a the
work requred to compete the
pro|ect successfuy.
Students can |on PMI at a reduced
fee and earn the CAPM credenta
wthout work experence.
In the past, pro|ect management
prmary focused on provdng
schedue and resource data to top
management n the mtary and
constructon ndustres.
Effectve program managers
recognze that managng a program
s much more compex than
managng a snge pro|ect.
_________ s a totay web-based too
wth no downoad requred.
Whch of the foowng s not part of
the trpe constrant of pro|ect
meetng communcatons goas
__________ s a set of prncpes that
gude our decson makng based on
persona vaues of what s "rght"
and "wrong."
Human reatons or ________ sks
ncude effectve communcaton,
eadershp, motvaton, and
negotaton sks.
Stakehoders are most often
characterzed as havng unform
needs and expectatons.
If t s cruca to meet tme and cost
goas, the ____ must be fexbe.
Pro|ect ____ work wth the pro|ect
sponsors, the pro|ect team, and the
other peope nvoved n a pro|ect to
meet pro|ect goas.
What s the certfcaton program
caed that the Pro|ect Management
Insttute provdes?
Pro|ect Management Professona (PMP)
Pro|ect managers and ther teams
must deveop knowedge and sks n
a ____ pro|ect management
knowedge areas.
Strategc goas are generay more
specfc and short-term than tactca
PMI recenty added a tenth
knowedge area, pro|ect ____
PMI recenty added a tenth
knowedge area, pro|ect ____
Whch of the foowng s not an
attrbute of a pro|ect?
pro|ects nvove no uncertanty
Many organzatons cam that usng
pro|ect management ____.
ower cost
Key eements of the pro|ect
management framework ncude the
pro|ect stakehoders, process groups,
pro|ect management ____, pro|ect
management toos and technques,
pro|ect success, and contrbuton of
a portfoo of pro|ects to the success
of the entre enterprse.
knowedge areas
In a home constructon pro|ect, the
pro|ect ____ woud be the potenta
new homeowners.
Two mportant concepts that hep
pro|ects meet enterprse goas are
the use of programs and pro|ect ____
The ____ area of pro|ect
management knowedge refers to
the doman or ndustry to whch
pro|ect management s apped.
The targets for scope, tme, and cost
are defned n the mdde of a
The targets for scope, tme, and cost
are defned n the mdde of a
fnanca and anaytca
____ provde robust capabtes to
hande very arge pro|ects, dspersed
work groups, and enterprse
functons that summarze and
combne ndvdua pro|ect
nformaton to provde pro|ect
portfoo management nformaton.
Hgh-end toos
Most organzatons cam that pro|ect
management devers hgher proft
margns at the expense of worker
The pro|ect ____ usuay provdes the
drecton and fundng for the pro|ect.
Makng ethca decsons s an
mportant part of our persona and
professona ves because t
generates trust and respect wth
other peope.
Conductng work n a(n) ____ manner
heps the professon earn the
confdence of the pubc, empoyers,
empoyees, and pro|ect team
A ________ s a group of reated
pro|ects managed n a coordnated
way to obtan benefts and contro
that are not avaabe from managng
them ndvduay.
Portfoo managers are requred to
have prevous experence as pro|ect
or program managers.
A 2001 report showed that the
Unted States spends ____ on
pro|ects every year, and the word as
a whoe spends neary $10 tron on
pro|ects of a knds.
$2.3 tron
About ____ of the word's gross
domestc product s spent on
Indvdua pro|ects often address ____
goas, whereas pro|ect portfoo
management addresses strategc
Gven a program for budng one
hundred resdenta snge famy
homes n a partcuar neghborhood,
each home s a separate ____ for a
specfc homeowner.
____ provde basc pro|ect
management features and generay
cost ess than $200 per user.
ow-end toos
In a popuar study nvovng 100
pro|ect managers, respondents
agreed that effectve pro|ect
managers never contest the
drectves of top management.
By the end of December, 2011 there
were ____ certfed pro|ect
management professonas.
Whch of the foowng questons
woud not be addressed by pro|ect
portfoo management?
Are pro|ects on tme and on budget?
Key eements of the pro|ect
management framework ncude the
pro|ect stakehoders, process groups,
pro|ect management ____, pro|ect
management toos and technques,
pro|ect success, and contrbuton of
a portfoo of pro|ects to the success
of the entre enterprse.
knowedge areas
_______________ s the appcaton of
knowedge, sks, toos and
technques to pro|ect actvtes to
meet pro|ect requrements.
Pro|ect Management
A pro|ect has a defnte begnnng
and a defnte end.
Pro|ect managers must focus on
teamwork sks to use ther peope
____ management s a soft sk
requred to acheve hgh
performance on pro|ects.
The concepts and toos of pro|ect,
program, and portfoo management
are ony mpemented wthn the
computer ndustry ocated n the
Unted States.
Accordng to a study by
Prcewaterhouse Coopers,
approxmatey what percentage of
pro|ects fa?
The term "operatons" refers to work
done n an organzaton to sustan a
Pro|ects that address compettve
____ are much more key to be
successfu because they w be
mportant to the organzaton's
compettve poston.
What famous fm drector vewed
three moves as part of a program
nstead of separate pro|ects to save
a ot of tme and money? (Hnt: Lord
of the Rngs)
Peter |ackson
From the vewpont of NPV ony, f
Pro|ect 2 has a hgher NPV than
Pro|ect 1, Pro|ect 1 shoud be chosen.
____ perod s the amount of tme t
w take to recoup-n the form of
net cash nfows-the tota doars
nvested n a pro|ect.
There shoud not be any pro|ects n
the ower-rght quadrant of a bubbe
chart because they have ______ vaue
and _____ rsk.
The ___________ cost of capta s the
return avaabe by nvestng the
capta esewhere.
Gven dscounted benefts of
$130,000 and dscounted costs of
$100,000 your ROI s ____.
One method for seectng pro|ects
based on broad organzatona needs
s to frst determne whether they
meet three mportant crtera: need,
____, and w.
____ s the resut of subtractng the
pro|ect costs from the benefts and
then dvdng by the costs.
return on nvestment
Whch of the foowng s a beneft of
program management?
savng tme
|ust as pro|ects are unque, so are
pro|ect portfoos.
____ are new requrements mposed
by government, management, or
some externa nfuence.
In portfoo management the "____"
step shoud occur frst.
put a pro|ects n one st
Whch of the foowng s not a ma|or
beneft of groupng pro|ects nto
ncreasng revenues
An organzaton can vew pro|ect
portfoo management as havng ____
eves, from smpest to most
A weghted scorng mode s a too
that provdes a systematc process
for seectng pro|ects based on many
You can create a __________ wth
branches radatng out from a core
dea to hep perform a SWOT
mnd map
You cacuate cash ____ by
subtractng costs from benefts, or
expenses from ncome.
An organzaton shoud consder ony
pro|ects wth a ____ NPV f fnanca
vaue s a key crteron for pro|ect
Accordng to the ____ vaue of
money, a doar today s worth more
than a doar tomorrow.
Many organzatons fnd dupcate or
unneeded pro|ects after they
perform whch step n pro|ect
portfoo management?
puttng a pro|ects n one st
The frst step n the four-stage
pannng process for pro|ects s ____.
strategc pannng
Most cruca pro|ects, such as drug
deveopment or ma|or transportaton
pro|ects, w acheve payback n ess
than a year.
A postve NPV means the return
from a pro|ect exceeds the ____ cost
of capta-the return avaabe by
nvestng the capta esewhere.
Assume a student's grade s
cacuated bassed on two exams, the
frst exam s worth 60% of the grade
and the second s worth 40% of the
grade. If the student scored 80% on
the frst exam and 90% on the
second exam, what s the weghted
In practce, organzatons usuay use
a snge approach to seect pro|ects.
Wth respect to NPV, a
organzatons start dscountng n
Year 0 (mmedatey).
|ust as pro|ects are unque, so are
pro|ect portfoos.
Three prmary methods for
determnng the pro|ected fnanca
vaue of pro|ects ncude net present
vaue anayss, return on nvestment,
and ____ anayss.
A(n) ____ scorng mode s a too that
provdes a systematc process for
seectng pro|ects based on many
Organzatons-both arge and sma
-cannot undertake most of the
potenta pro|ects dentfed because
of resource mtatons and other
Pro|ects wth hgher NPVs are
preferred to pro|ects wth ower NPVs
f a other factors are equa.
Low- or medum-prorty pro|ects that
can be fnshed n ess tme than
hgh-prorty pro|ects shoud aways
be competed frst.
Whch of the foowng formuas s
used by Exce to cacuate NPV?
=npv(dscount rate, range of cash
It s very mportant to start at the top
of the four-stage pannng process
pyramd to seect pro|ects that
support the organzaton's
busness strategy
Pro|ect managers must be sure to
check wth ther organzaton to fnd
out ts gudenes for when
dscountng starts, what dscount
rate to use, and what ____ the
organzaton prefers.
A _______________ s a methodoogy
that converts an organzaton's vaue
drvers-such as customer servce,
nnovaton, operatona effcency,
and fnanca performance-nto a
seres of defned metrcs.
baanced scorecard
After assgnng weghts for the
crtera and scores for each pro|ect,
you cacuate a weghted score for
each pro|ect by mutpyng the
weght for each crteron by ts score
and ____ the resutng vaues.
You can use Exce's ________ functon
to fnd the nterna rate of return of a
pro|ect by settng the NPV to zero
and varyng the dscount rate.
goa seek
A coege approved a pro|ect to
provde dscounts for facuty,
students, and staff to use the cty's
new ght-ra system. Under what
exstng program mght ths pro|ect
naturay ft?
transportaton program
A pro|ect n the ____ category coud
hep transform the busness.
Whch of the foowng s not part of a
SWOT anayss?
You can estabsh mnmum scores or
____ when usng a weghted scorng
When usng the herarchca
four-stage pannng process for
seectng pro|ects, you must start at
the bottom of the pyramd.
Low- or medum-prorty pro|ects that
can be fnshed n ess tme than
hgh-prorty pro|ects shoud aways
be competed frst.
The requred rate of return s the
mnmum acceptabe rate of return
on an nvestment.
Assumng the vaue of a doar s
worth more today than n the future,
the net present vaue of a mut-year
pro|ect shoud be _______ the sum of
ts cash fows.
ess than
A ____ rate s the rate used n
dscountng future cash fows.
If you assgn weghts to crtera
based on percentage, the sum of a
the crtera's weghts must tota 100
|ust as pro|ects are unque, so are
pro|ect portfoos.
The goa of pro|ect portfoo
management s to hep maxmze
busness vaue to ensure
enterprse success
Core pro|ects are those that are
requred to run the busness.
A pro|ect n the ____ category must
be accompshed to run the busness.
If a pro|ect cost s ony $100 up front
and ts annua benefts are $20/year,
what s ts payback perod?
5 years
You can use Exce's ________ functon
to fnd the nterna rate of return of a
pro|ect by settng the NPV to zero
and varyng the dscount rate.
goa seek
You can estabsh mnmum scores or
____ when usng a weghted scorng
A ____ rate s the rate used n
dscountng future cash fows.
A coege approved a pro|ect to
provde dscounts for facuty,
students, and staff to use the cty's
new ght-ra system. Under what
exstng program mght ths pro|ect
naturay ft?
transportaton program
Whch of the foowng s not a ma|or
beneft of groupng pro|ects nto
ncreasng revenues
The man goa of programs s to
obtan benefts and contro not
avaabe from managng pro|ects
Organzatons shoud ony pursue
pro|ects that have the best fnanca
A(n) ____ scorng mode s a too that
provdes a systematc process for
seectng pro|ects based on many
Payback occurs n the year when the
cumuatve benefts mnus costs
reach ____.
When usng the herarchca
four-stage pannng process for
seectng pro|ects, you must start at
the bottom of the pyramd.
What does the S stand for n a SWOT
In practce, organzatons usuay use
a snge approach to seect pro|ects.
Pro|ects wth hgher NPVs are
preferred to pro|ects wth ower NPVs
f a other factors are equa.
The goa of pro|ect portfoo
management s to hep maxmze
busness vaue to ensure
enterprse success
Accordng to Dr. Robert Kapan and
Dr. Davd Norton, a baanced
scorecard re|ects most tradtona
fnanca measures.
In whch of the fve pro|ect
management process groups s the
most tme and money usuay spent?
A stakehoder anayss
power/nterest grd can be created
durng ntaton.
The best or "apha" pro|ect
managers spend more tme on every
process group than other pro|ect
managers except for whch one?
Pro|ects nvove fve pro|ect
management process groups:
ntatng, pannng, ____, montorng
and controng, and cosng.
It s good practce to send kck-off
meetng mnutes to a meetng
partcpants and other approprate
stakehoders wthn a day or two of a
Typcay ncuded n the pro|ect
charter, the ____ secton descrbes
how the pro|ect ob|ectves w be
met, provdes a st of mportant
assumptons, and often gves
references to reated documents.
It s hepfu to start preparng a
stakehoder management strategy
durng ntaton and addng
nformaton to t durng the ____
Preparng a stakehoder regster and
a stakehoder anayss are part of
whch knowedge area?
pro|ect stakehoder management
Goba Constructon beeved they
coud reduce tranng costs and
mprove productvty by successfuy
mpementng a pro|ect to provde
____ tranng on key topcs.
Whch of the foowng s not an
output of ntatng n the PMBOK
Gude, Ffth Edton?
kck-off meetng
In whch of the fve pro|ect
management process groups are
actvtes performed that reate to
each knowedge area?
One of the most mportant and most
dffcut aspects of pro|ect management s
defnng the ________ of the pro|ect.
________ can be product-reated, such as a
pece of hardware or software, or
process-reated, such as a pannng
document or meetng mnutes.
Whch of the foowng processes of pro|ect
scope management nvoves defnng and
documentng the features and functons of
the products produced durng the pro|ect
as we as the processes used for creatng
them?See page 178
Whch of the foowng processes of pro|ect
scope management nvoves subdvdng
the ma|or pro|ect deverabes nto smaer,
more manageabe components?
Key pro|ect stakehoders, such as the
customer and sponsor for the pro|ect,
nspect and then formay accept the
deverabes of the pro|ect durng the
________ process of pro|ect scope
Whch of the foowng processes of pro|ect
scope management nvoves revewng the
pro|ect charter and premnary scope
statement created durng the ntaton
process and addng more nformaton
durng the pannng process as
requrements are deveoped and change
requests are approved?See page 179
________ s the frst step n pro|ect scope
management and s often the most
The pro|ect scope statement, stakehoder
requrements documentaton, and
organzatona process assets are the
prmary nputs for creatng a ________.
scope basene -- work package -- WBS --
A ________ represents the owest eve of
work that the pro|ect manager s usng to
montor and contro the pro|ect.
One approach for constructng a WBS s the
________, n whch you use a smar
pro|ect's WBS as a startng pont.
In whch approach to creatng a WBS do
team members frst dentfy as many
specfc tasks reated to the pro|ect as
Most pro|ect managers consder the
________ of WBS constructon to be
conventona; you start wth the argest
tems of the pro|ect and break them nto
ther subordnate tems.
Instead of wrtng tasks down n a st or
mmedatey tryng to create a structure for
tasks, the ________ aows peope to wrte
and even draw pctures of deas n a
nonnear format.
Whch of the foowng s a basc prncpe
that appes to creatng any good WBS and
ts WBS dctonary?
The approved pro|ect scope statement and
ts assocated WBS and WBS dctonary
form the ________.
Even when the pro|ect scope s fary we
defned, many nformaton technoogy
pro|ects suffer from ________, whch s the
tendency for pro|ect scope to keep gettng
bgger and bgger.
The pro|ect management pan,
requrements documentaton, the
requrements traceabty matrx, and
vadated deverabes are the man nputs
for ________.
________ s the dfference between panned
and actua performance.
________ uses hghy organzed and
ntensve workshops to brng together
pro|ect stakehoders - the sponsor, users,
busness anaysts, programmers, and so on
- to |onty defne and desgn nformaton
________ s a process for dentfyng and
modeng busness events, who ntated
them, and how the system shoud respond
to them.
anaogy approach
creatng a WBS by usng a smar pro|ects
WBS as a startng pont
bottom-up approach
creatng a WBS by havng team members
dentfy as many specfc tasks reated to
the pro|ect as possbe and then nto
hgher-eve categores
subdvdng pro|ect deverabes nto
smaer peces
|ont appcaton desgn (|AD)
usng hghy organzed and ntensve
workshops to brng together pro|ect
stakehoders e.g. sponsors, users, busness
anaysts, programmers and so, to |onty
defne and desgn nformaton systems
pro|ect scope management
processes nvoved n defnng and
controng what work s and s not ncuded
n the pro|ect
deveopng a workng repca of the system
or some aspect of the system to hep
defne user requrements
a condton or capabty that must be met
or possessed by a system, product, servce,
resut, or component to satsfy a contract,
standard, specfcaton, or other forma
requrements management pan
a pan that descrbes how pro|ect
requrements w be anayzed, documented
and managed
requrements traceabty matrx (RTM)
a tabe that sts requrements, varous
attrbutes of each requrement and the
status of the requrement to ensure that a
requrements are a rest
a of the work nvoved n creatng the
products of the pro|ect and the processes
used to create them
scope basene
the approved pro|ects scpoestatement and
ts assocated WBS and WBS dctonary
scope creep
the tendency for pro|ects scope to keep
gettng bgger
top-down approach
creatng a WBS by startng wth the argest
tems of the pro|ect and breakng them
down nto ther subordnate tems
use case modeng
a process for dentfyng and modeng
busness events, who ntated them and
how the system shoud respond to them
the dfference between panned and actua
WBS dctonary
a document that descrbes detaed
nformaton about each WBS tem
work breakdown structure (WBS)
a deverabe-orented groupng of the work
nvoved n a pro|ect that defnes the tota
scope of the pro|ect
work package
a task at the owest eve of the WBS
_________refers to a the work nvoved n
creatng the products of the pro|ect and the
processes used to create them.
Deverabes -- mestones -- SCOPE --
product deveopment
whch too or technque for coectng
requrements s often the most expensve
and tme-consumng
INTERVIEWS -- focus groups -- surveys --
a_______ s a deverabe orented groupng
of the work nvoved n a pro|ect that
defnes the tota scope of the pro|ect
scope statement -- WBS -- WBS dctonary --
work package
what approach n deveopng a WBS
nvoves wrtng down or crawng deas n a
nonnear format
top-down -- bottom-up-- anaogy -- MIND
Assume you have a pro|ect wth a ma|or
categores caed pannng, anayss, desgn
, testng. What eve of the WBS woud
these tems fa under
whch of the foowng s not a best practce
that can hep n avodng scope probems
on nformaton technoogy pro|ects
what ma|or restaurant chan termnated a
arge pro|ect after spendng $170 mon on
t, prmary because they read t reaze
that the pro|ect scope was too much to
scope_________ s often acheved by a
customer nspecton and then sgn off on
key deverabes
whch of the foowng s not a suggeston
for mprovng user nput
pro|ect management software heps you
deveop a_______, whch serves as a bass
for creatng Gantt charts, assgnng
resources, and aocatng costs
Chapter 4
1 Pro|ect ________ management nvoves
coordnatng a of the other pro|ect
management knowedge areas throughout
a pro|ect's fe cyce.
Scope--quaty -- INTEGRATION -- tme
2 Whch of the foowng prmary processes
of ntegraton management nvoves
dentfyng, evauatng, and managng
changes throughout the pro|ect fe cyce?
montorng and controng the pro|ect. --
capta n drectng and managng pro|ect
pro|ect management pan
3 Whch of the foowng prmary processes
of ntegraton management nvoves
carryng out the pro|ect management pan
by performng the actvtes ncuded n t?
Montorng and controng the pro|ect work
EXECUTION --performng ntegrated change
contro -- deveopng the premnary
pro|ect scope state and
4 Whch of the foowng prmary processes
of ntegraton management nvoves
overseeng actvtes to meet the
performance ob|ectves of the pro|ect?
deveopng a premnary pro|ect scope
statement -- drectng and managng the
pro|ect executon -- performng ntegrated
change contro -- MONITORING AND
5 ________ management nvoves dentfyng
and managng the ponts of nteracton
between varous eements of the pro|ect.
confguraton -- INTERFACE -- ntegraton
6 Whch of the foowng nvoves
determnng ong-term ob|ectves by
anayzng the strengths and weaknesses of
an organzaton, studyng opportuntes and
threats n the busness envronment,
predctng future trends, and pro|ectng the
need for new products and servces?
pro|ect pannng -- confguraton
management -- STRATEGIC
PLANNING--Pro|ect ntegraton
7 After dentfyng strategc goas, the next
step n the pannng process for seectng
nformaton technoogy pro|ects s to
perform a ________.
swot anayss -- net present vaue anayss
-- hs stakehoder anayss --BUSINESS AREA
8 One method for seectng pro|ects based
on broad organzatona needs s to
determne whether they frst meet three
mportant crtera: need, ________, and w.
costs -- quaty -- schedue -- FUNDING
9 It s often easer to get approva and
fundng for pro|ects that address ________
because the organzaton must respond to
these categores of pro|ects to avod
hurtng ther busness.
probems opportunty -- opportuntes or
probems, opportuntes, and drectves
10 An organzaton shoud consder ony
pro|ects wth a postve ________ f fnanca
vaue s a key crteron for pro|ect seecton.
payback anayss-- cost of capta -- NET
11 Whch of the foowng descrbes
benefts mnus costs or ncome mnus
payback anayss-- cost of capta -- net
present vaue --CASH FLOW
12 Whch of the foowng s aso caed the
captazaton rate or opportunty cost of
cash fow -- net present vaue -- DISCOUNT
RATE-- dscount factor
13 In net present vaue (NPV) anayss, the
________ s a mutper for each year based
on the dscount rate and year.
cost of capta -- DISCOUNT FACTOR-- cash
fow-- dscount rate
14 ________ s the resut of subtractng the
pro|ect costs from the benefts and then
dvdng by the costs.
net present vaue -- RETURN ON
INVESTMENT-- requred rate of return --
nterna rate of return
15 You can determne a pro|ect's ________
by fndng what dscount rate resuts n an
NPV of zero for the pro|ect.
net present vaue -- return on nvestment --
requred rate of return -- INTERNAL RATE OF
16 A ________ s a too that provdes a
systematc process for seectng pro|ects
based on many crtera. These crtera can
ncude factors such as meetng broad
organzatona need or addressng
probems, opportuntes, or drectves.
rate -- baanced scorecard --change contro
17 A(n) ________ s a methodoogy that
converts an organzaton's vaue drvers,
such as customer servce, nnovaton,
operatona effcency, and fnanca
performance, to a seres of defned metrcs.
weghted scorng mode -- IRR -- BALANCED
SCORECARD--change contro board
18 After top management decdes on whch
pro|ects to pursue, t needs to create and
dstrbute documentaton to authorze
pro|ect ntaton. Ths documentaton can
take many forms, but one common form s
the ________.
a pro|ect management pan -- PRO|ECT
CHARTER-- scope statement -- team
19 A ________ conssts of an approved
pro|ect management pan pus approved
scope statement -- Pro|ect charter --
BASELINE--weghted scorng mode
20 ________ nvoves dentfyng, evauatng,
and managng changes throughout the
pro|ect fe cyce.
confguraton management -- a change
contro board -- INTEGRATED CHANGE
MANAGEMENT -- a change contro system
whch of the foowng processes s not part
of Pro|ect ntegraton management
deveop the pro|ect charter -- deveop the
pro|ect management pan -- cose the
pro|ect or phase
what s the ast stab at a four stage
pannng process for seectng nformaton
technoogy pro|ects?
nformaton technoogy strategy pannng
busness area anayses -- mnd mappng --
resource aocaton
whch of the foowng s not a best practce
for seectng product deveopment
agn pro|ects and resources wth busness
strategy -- focus on customer needs when
dentfy pro|ects -- assgn pro|ect managers
to ead pro|ects--SELECT PRO|ECTS THAT
a new government aw requres an
organzaton report data n a new way.
Under whch category wth eght new
nformaton system pro|ect to provde ths
day the fa?
probem -- opportunty -- DIRECTIVE --
f estmates tota dscount t beneft for
pro|ects are $120,000 and a tota
dscounted costs are $100,000, what s the
estmated return on nvestment (ROI)?
$40,000 -- $120,000 -- TWENTY PERCENT --
A___________- s a document that formay
recognzes the exstence of a pro|ect and
provde drecton on the pro|ect ob|ectves
and management.
PRO|ECT CHARTER-- contract -- busness
case -- Pro|ect management pan
whch of the foowng tems s not normay
ncuded n the pro|ect charter?
the name of the pro|ect manager -- budget
nformaton -- stakehoder sgnatures -- A
________nsures that the descrptons of
pro|ects products are correct and compete.
change contro -- ntegraton management
-- a change contro Board
whch of the foowng s not a suggeston
for performng ntegrated change contro?
use good confguraton management --
MINIMIZE CHANGE-- estabsh a forma
change contro system -- vew of pro|ect
management as a process of constant
communcaton and negotaton
what too and technque s used for a of
the other pro|ect management processes
pro|ect management software -- tempates
-- EXPERT |UDGEMENT-- a of the above
baanced scorecard
and methodoogy that converts an
organzaton's vaue drvers nto a seres of
defne metrcs
the approved pro|ect pan pus approved
Busness Servce Management (BSM) toos
toos that hep track the executon of
busness process fows and expose how the
state of supportng IT systems and
resources s mpactng and to add busness
process performance n rea tme
cash fow
benefts mnus costs or ncome mnus
change contro Board (CCB)
nforma group of peope responsbe for
provdng a re|ectng changes on a pro|ect
confguraton management
a process that ensures that the descrpton
of the pro|ect's products are correct and
cost of capta
the return avaabe by nvestng the capta
new requrements posed by management,
government, or some externa nfuence
dscount factor
mutper for each year based on the
dscount rate and the year
dscount rate
the rate used n dscountng cash fow; aso
caed the captazaton rate or the
opportunty cost of capta
ntegrated change contro
dentfyng, evauatng, and managng
changes through out the pro|ect fe cyce
nterface management
dentfyng and managng the ponts of
nteracton between varous eements of
the pro|ect
nterna rate of return (IRR)
the dscount rate that resuts n a net
present vaue of zero for a pro|ect
mnd mappng
a technque that uses branches radate out
from a core dea to structure thoughts and
deas wth her on a
net present vaue anayss
and method of cacuatng the expected net
monetary gan or oss from a pro|ect by
dscountng a expected future cash fows
and outfows to the present pont n tme
chances to mprove the organzaton
opportunty cost of capta
the rate used n dscountng future cash
fow; aso caed the dscount rate or
captazaton rate
organzatona process assets
forma and nforma pans, poces,
procedures, gudenes, nformaton
systems, fnanca systems, management
systems, essons earned, and hstorc w
nformaton that can be used to nfuence of
pro|ects success
payback perod
the amount of tme t w take to recoup, n
the form of net cash nfuence nfows, the
doar tota nvested n a pro|ect
undesrabe stuatons that prevent the
organzaton from achevng ts goas
Pro|ect charter
a document that formay recognzes the
exstence of a pro|ect and provdes
drecton on the pro|ect ob|ectves and
Pro|ect ntegraton management
processes that coordnate a pro|ect
management knowedge areas through out
the fe of the pro|ect, ncudng deveopng
the pro|ect charter, deveopng the
premnary pro|ect scope statement,
deveopng the pro|ect management pan,
drectng and managng the pro|ect,
montorng and controng the pro|ect, we
provdng ntegrated change contro, and
cosng the pro|ect
pro|ect management pan
a document that use used to coordnate a
pro|ect pannng documents and gude
pro|ect executon and contro
requred rate of return
the mnma acceptabe rate of return on
return on nvestment (ROI)
benefts mnus costs dvded by costs
strategc pannng
determnng ong-term ob|ectves by
anayzng the strengths and weaknesses of
an organzaton, studyng opportuntes and
threats n the busness envronment,
predctng future trends, and pro|ectng the
need for new products and servces
SWOT anayss
anayzng Strengths, Weaknesses,
Opportuntes, Threats; use to ad n
strategc pannng
weghted scorng mode
a technque that provdes a systematc
process for basc pro|ects of acton or
numerous crtera
A team contract
Heps promote teamwork and carfes team
The man purpose of pro|ect pannng
To gude pro|ect executon
Pro|ect teams deveop a _____ to coordnate
a other pro|ect pans.
Pro|ect management pan
Work Breakdown Structure
A deverabe-orented groupng of the work
nvoved n a pro|ect that defnes the tota
scope of the pro|ect
Work package
A task at the owest eve of the WBS that
represents the eve of work that the
pro|ect managers uses to montor and
contro the pro|ect
What s the frst step n pannng a pro|ect
Deveopng an actvty st
Most common type of dependency between
Crtca path
A network dagram technque used to
predct the tota pro|ect duraton
Condton or capabty that must be met or
possesed by a system, product, servce, or
resut to satsfy a a constract standard,
specfcaton, etc.
The entre pro|ect s caed eve _ n a
Mestone st
Ensure that a ma|or actvtes are
accounted for
Formua for determnng PERT weghted
(optmstc tme + 4 x most ke tme +
pessmstc tme)/ 6
(T/F) Pro|ect pannng ncudes tasks for
every snge knowedge area
(T/F)A team contract can be used to hep
promote teamwork and carfy team
communcatons as part of the pannng
(T/F)A work breakdown structure can be
shown n chart form, ke an organzatona
chart, or tabuar form, ke an ndented st.
(T/F)Severa methods for coectng
requrements ncude ntervews,
questonnares, and prototype
Startng pont, measurement, or
observaton that s documented so that t
can be used for future comparson
Gantt Chart
A standard format for dspayng pro|ect
schedue nformaton by stng pro|ect
actvtes and ther correspondng start and
fnsh dates n a caendar format.
A schedung technque used to cacuate
an actvty's ate start and ate fnsh
Backward pass
Crtca path
the ongest path through a newtwork
dagram scheue, whch ncudes those
actvtes that have zero days of foat. The
crtca path determnes the overa pro|ect
Network dagram
A schematc dspay of the ogca
reatonshps among, or sequencng of,
pro|ect actvtes
Work Breakdown Structure
A deverabe-orented groupng of the work
nvoved n a pro|ect that defnes the tota
scope of the pro|ect.
Foat or stack
____The amount of tme an actvty may be
deayed wthout deayng a succeedng
actvty or the pro|ect fnsh date.
Top-down estmate
____the estmates that use the actua cost
of a prevous, smar pro|ect as the bass
for estmatng the cost of the current
Addtona tme to compete a task, added
to an estmate to account for varous
____ A technque for makng cost and
schedue trade-offs to obtan the greatest
amount of schedue compresson for the
east ncrementa costs.
Crtca path
____the seres of actvtes that determne
the earest tme by whch the pro|ect can
be competed; t s the ongest path
through the network dagram and has the
east amount of sack or foat
Two technques used to create a network
Actvty -on-arrow method and the
actvty-on-node method.
Pro|ect ntegraton management
Invoves coordnatng a the pro|ect
management knowedge areas throughout
a pro|ect's fe span.
Man pannng tasks for pro|ect ntegraton
Deveopng pro|ect management pan
Creatng team contract
Topcs covered n a team contract
Code of conduct, partcpaton,
communcaton, probem sovng, meetng
Pro|ect management pan
a document used to coordnate a pro|ect
pannng documents and to hep gude a
pro|ect's executon and contro
Pro|ect management pans factate
communcaton among stakehoders and
provde a basene for progress
measurement and pro|ect contro
startng pont, a measurement, or an
observaton that s documented so that t
can be used for future comparson
Attrbutes of pro|ect management pans
Receptve to change
Common eements n pro|ect management
Pro|ect organzaton
Management and technca processes
Work to be performed
Schedue nformaton
Budget nformaton
References to other pro|ect pannng
Pro|ect scope management
defnng and controng what work s or s
not ncuded n a pro|ect
Pannng tasks for pro|ect scope
pannng scope management, coectng
requrements, defnng scope, and creatng
the WBS
Pro|ect scope outputs
requrements documents, a requrements
management pan, a requrements
traceabty matrx, and a scope basene,
whch s composed of an approved scope
statement, a WBS, and a WBS dctonary
Scope basene
Composed of an approved scope
statement, a WBS, and a WBS dctonary
What s the purpose of pannng the
process of scope management?
Determne how the pro|ect scope w be
defned, vadated, and controed
condtons or capabtes that must be met
by the pro|ect or present n the product,
servce, or resut to satsfy an agreement or
other formay mposed specfcaton"
Outputs of coectng requrements
Requrements document
Requrements traceabty matrx
Requrements traceabty matrx
whch s a tabe that sts requrements,
varous attrbutes of each requrement, and
the status of the requrements to ensure
that a of them are addressed
Why s good scope defnton cruca to
pro|ect success?
Heps mprove that accuracy of tme, cost,
and and resource estmates
Defnes a basene for pro|ect measurement
and contro
Ads n communcatng cear work
Scope creep
whch s the tendency for pro|ect scope to
contnuay ncrease
Work package
task at the owest eve of the WBS
Approaches to deveopng WBD's
Top-down approach, bottom up approach,
anaogy approach, mnd mappng approach
Anaogy approach
Revew WBSs of smar pro|ects and taor
to your pro|ect
Top-down approach
Start wth the argest tems of the pro|ect
and break them down
Bottom-up approach
Start wth the specfc tasks and ro them
Mnd-mappng approach
Mnd mappng s a technque that uses
branches radatng out from a core dea to
structure thoughts and deas
Why s t dffcut to create a good WBS?
The pro|ect manager and the pro|ect team
must decde as a group how to organze the
work and how many eves to ncude n the
It s often better to focus on gettng the top
eves of the WBS done we to avod beng
dstracted by too much deta
Many peope confuse tasks on a WBS wth
specfcatons or thnk t must refect a
sequenta st of steps
WBS dctonary
Document that descrbes each WBS task n
Pro|ect tme management
nvoves the processes requred to ensure
tmey competon of a pro|ect
Scope basene
approved scope statement, WBS, and WBS
Pro|ect management man pannng tasks
pannng schedue management, defnng
actvtes, sequencng actvtes, estmatng
actvty resource, estmatng actvty
duratons, and deveopng the pro|ect
Pro|ect management output
schedue management pan, an actvty st
and attrbutes, a mestone st, a pro|ect
schedue network dagram, the actvty
resource requrements, the actvty
duraton estmates, and a pro|ect schedue
A sgnfcant event n a pro|ect
Best practces suggest mestones shoud
Chapter 3
In whch of the fve pro|ect management
process groups s the most tme and money
usuay spent?
In whch of the fve pro|ect management
process groups are actvtes performed
that reate to each knowedge area?
the best or "apha" pro|ect managers spend
more tme on every process group than
other pro|ect managers except for whch
what document provdes |ustfcaton of
nvestng n a pro|ect
busness case
What document formay recognzes the
exstence of a pro|ect and provdes
drecton on the pro|ect's ob|ectves and
pro|ect charter
what s a cruca part of the pro|ect
charter---a secton n whch key pro|ect
stakehoders acknowedge ther agreement
on the need for the pro|ect?
whch pro|ectg document shoud not be
made avabe to a key pro|ect
stakehoders due to ts senstve nature?
stakehoder management strategy
A pro|ect meetngs wth ma|or
stakehoders shoud ncude.
an agenda
Preparng a stakehoder regster and
management strategy are part of whch
knowedge area?
pro|ect communcatons management
whch of the foowng s not an output of
ntatng the PMBOK Gude, Fourth Edton?
kck-off meetng
Popuar software deveopment
methodooges that use an teratve
workfow and ncrementa devery of
software n short nteractons.
Age methodooges
a document that provdes |ustfcaton for
nvestng n a pro|ect
busness case
a senor manager who acts as a key
proponent for a pro|ect.
the actons that nvove formazng
acceptance of the pro|ect or phase and
brngng t to an ordery end
Cosng processes
a product or servce produced or provded
as part of a pro|ect
The actons that nvove coordnatng
peope and other resources to carry out the
pro|ect pans and produce the deverabe
of the pro|ect
executng processes
the actons to begn pro|ects and pro|ect
ntatng processes
A meetng hed at the begnnng of a
pro|ect so that stakehoders can meet each
other, revew the goas of the pro|ect, and
dscuss future pans.
Kck-off meetng
a pan that descrbes how thngs shoud be
done to manage a pro|ect
The actons taken to measure progress
toward achevng pro|ect goas, montor
devaton from pans, and take correctve
montorng and controng processes
A dstnct stage n pro|ect deveopment
the actons that nvove devsng and
mantnng a workabe scheme to ensure
that the pro|ect meets t scope, tme, and
cost goas as we as organzatona needs
pannng processes
A seres of actons drected toward a
partcuar resut
a document that formay recongnzes the
exstence of a pro|ect and provdes a
summary of the pro|e'ts ob|ectves and
Pro|ect charter
An organzaton entty created to assst
pro|ect managers n achevng pro|ect
Pro|ect management offce(PMO)
the progresson from ntatng actvtes to
pannng actvtes, executng actvtes,
montorng and controng actvtes, and
cosng actvtes.
Pro|ect management process groups.
A pro|ect management methodoogy wth
eght process groups deveoped n the U.K.
Pro|ects In contoed
A pro|ect management methodoogy that
uses and teratve software deveopment
process that focuses on team productvty
and devers software best practces to a
team members.
Ratona Unfed Process(RUP) framework
a comprehensve and fexbe system for
achevng, sustanng, and maxmzng
busness success; unquey drven by cose
understandng of customer needs,
dscpned use of facts, data, and statstca
anayss, and dgent attenton to
managng, mprovng, and renventng
busness processes.
Sx sgma
a document that ncudes dts reated to
the dentfed pro|ect stakehoders
Stakehoder regster
An approach to hep ncrease the support of
stakehoders throughout the pro|ect.
Stakehoder management strategy
A document that descrbes best proatces
for what shoud be done to manage a
A fe wth a preset format that serves as a
startng pont for creatng varous
documents so that the format and structure
do not have to be re-created.
Chapter 7
Actua cost (AC)
The tota of drect and ndrect costs
ncurred n accompshng work on an
actvty durng a gven perod; formery
caed the actua cost of work performed
Anaogous estmate
A cost-estmatng technque that uses the
actua cost of a prevous, smar pro|ect as
the bass for estmatng the cost of the
current pro|ect; aso caed top-down
The orgna pro|ect pan pus approved
Bottom-up estmate
A cost-estmatng technque based on
estmatng ndvdua work tems and
summng them to get a pro|ect tota.
Budget at competon (BAC)
The orgna tota budget for a pro|ect.
Budgetary estmate
A cost estmate used to aocate money
nto an organzaton's budget.
Cash fow anayss
A method for determnng the estmated
annua costs and benefts for a pro|ect.
A newer, computerzed cost-estmatng too
based on Barry Boehm's orgna mode that
aows one to estmate the cost, effort, and
schedue when pannng a new software
deveopment actvty.
Computerzed toos
Cost-estmatng toos that use computer
software, such as spreadsheets and pro|ect
management software.
Constructve Cost Mode (COCOMO)
A parametrc mode deveoped by Barry
Boehm for estmatng software
deveopment costs.
Contngency reserves
Doars ncuded n a cost estmate to aow
for future stuatons that may be partay
panned for (sometmes caed known
unknowns) and are ncuded n the pro|ect
cost basene.
Cost basene
A tme-phased budget that pro|ect
managers use to measure and montor cost
Cost budgetng
Aocatng the overa cost estmate to
ndvdua work tems to estabsh a
basene for measurng performance.
Cost contro
Controng changes to the pro|ect budget.
Cost estmatng
Deveopng an approxmaton or estmate
of the costs of the resources needed to
compete the pro|ect.
Cost management pan
A document that descrbes how cost
varances w be managed on the pro|ect.
Cost performance ndex (CPI)
The rato of earned vaue to actua cost;
can be used to estmate the pro|ected cost
to compete the pro|ect.
Cost varance (CV)
The earned vaue mnus the actua cost.
Defntve estmate
A cost estmate that provdes an accurate
estmate of pro|ect costs.
Drect costs
Costs that can be drecty reated to
producng the products and servces of the
Earned vaue (EV)
The percentage of work actuay competed
mutped by the panned cost; formery
caed the budgeted cost of work performed
Earned vaue management (EVM)
A pro|ect performance measurement
technque that ntegrates scope, tme, and
cost data.
Estmate at competon (EAC)
An estmate of what t w cost to compete
the pro|ect based on performance to date.
Functon ponts
Technoogy-ndependent assessments of
the functons nvoved n deveopng a
Indrect costs
Costs that are not drecty reated to the
products or servces of the pro|ect, but are
ndrecty reated to performng the pro|ect.
Intangbe costs or benefts
Costs or benefts that are dffcut to
measure n monetary terms.
Learnng curve theory
A theory that states that when many tems
are produced repettvey, the unt cost of
those tems normay decreases n a reguar
pattern as more unts are produced.
Lfe cyce costng
Consders the tota cost of ownershp, or
deveopment pus support costs, for a
Management reserves
Doars ncuded n a cost estmate to aow
for future stuatons that are unpredctabe
(sometmes caed unknown unknowns).
The addtona percentage or doar amount
by whch actua costs exceed estmates.
Parametrc modeng
A cost-estmatng technque that uses
pro|ect characterstcs (parameters) n a
mathematca mode to estmate pro|ect
Panned vaue (PV)
The porton of the approved tota cost
estmate panned to be spent on an actvty
durng a gven perod; formery caed the
budgeted cost of work schedued (BCWS).
Proft margn
The rato between revenues and profts.
Revenues mnus expenses.
Pro|ect cost management
The processes requred to ensure that the
pro|ect s competed wthn the approved
Rate of performance (RP)
The rato of actua work competed to the
percentage of work panned to have been
competed at any gven tme durng the fe
of the pro|ect or actvty.
Doars ncuded n a cost estmate to
mtgate cost rsk by aowng for future
stuatons that are dffcut to predct.
Rough order of magntude (ROM) estmate
A cost estmate prepared very eary n the
fe of a pro|ect to provde a rough dea of
what a pro|ect w cost.
Schedue performance ndex (SPI)
The rato of earned vaue to panned vaue;
can be used to estmate the pro|ected tme
to compete a pro|ect.
Schedue varance (SV)
The earned vaue mnus the panned vaue.
Source Lnes of Code (SLOC)
A human-wrtten ne of code that s not a
bank ne or comment.
Sunk cost
Money that has been spent n the past.
Tangbe costs or benefts
Costs or benefts that can be easy
measured n doars
3 Pro|ect Management Processes
1 - Estmatng the cost
2 - Determnng the budget
3 - Controng costs
Outputs of estmatng costs
actvty cost estmates
bass of estmates
pro|ect document updates
Outputs of determnng the budget
cost performance basene
pro|ect fundng requrements
pro|ect document updates
Outputs of controng costs
work performance measurements
budget forecasts
organzatona process asset updates
change requests
pro|ect management pan updates
pro|ect document updates
Why do many pro|ects never fnsh?
Cost management probems cause many
probems to never fnsh.
What are most executves concerned wth
more than other ssues?
When do organzatons have a hstory of
not spendng enough money and what does
t mpact?
They have a hstory of not spendng
enough money n the eary phases of
pro|ects and t mpacts the tota cost of
Why s cash fow mportant?
If top management seects too many
pro|ects that have hgh cash fow needs n
the same year, the company w not be
abe to support a of ts pro|ects and
mantan proftabty.
Why s t mportant to defne ceary the
year on whch the company bases ts doar
If a company bases a costs on a prevous
years estmates t woud need to account
for nfaton and other factors when
pro|ectng costs and benefts n future-year
3 basc types of estmates
1 - Rough order of magntude (ROM)
2 - Budgetary estmate
3 - Defntve estmate
Tom DMarco's 4 reasons for pro|ect cost
estmate naccuraces.
1 - Estmates often are done too qucky
before cear system requrements have
been produced.
2 - The person dong the estmatng often
has a ack of estmatng experence.
3 - Peope have a tendency to
underestmate. An experenced person may
estmate based on how he/she woud do
the task, but the task may be performed by
an nexperenced worker.
4 - Management desres accuracy. They are
not ookng for bapark fgures and often
that s what they are gven.
Earned vaue management nvoves
cacuatng whch three vaues for each
actvty or summary actvty from a
pro|ect's WBS?
1 - Panned Vaue
2 - Actua Cost
3 - Earned Vaue
Earned vaue formua
EV = PV to date * RP
Cost varance formua
CV = EV - AC
Schedue varance formua
SV = EV - PV
Cost performance ndex (CPI) formua
Schedue performance ndex (SPI) formua
Estmate at competon (EAC) formua
Estmated tme to compete formua
Orgna tme estmate / SPI
Fve eves of pro|ect portfoo management
from smpest to most compex
1 - Put a your pro|ects n one database
2 - Prortze the pro|ects n your database
3 - Dvde your pro|ects nto two or three
budgets based on type of nvestment, such
as uttes or requred systems to keep
thngs runnng, ncrementa upgrades, and
strategc nvestments.
4 - Automate the repostory
5 - Appy modern portfoo theory, ncudng
rsk-return toos that map pro|ect rsk on a
_______ s a resource sacrfced or foregone
to acheve a specfc ob|ectve or
somethng gven up n exchange.
What s the man goa of pro|ect cost
to compete a pro|ect wthn an approved
Whch of the foowng s not a key output
of pro|ect cost management?
a - actvty cost estmates
b - a cost management pan
c - updates to the pro|ect management
d - a cost performance basene
b - a cost management pan
If a company oses $5 for every $100 n
revenue for a certan product, what s the
proft margn for that product?
______ reserves aow for future stuatons
that are unpredctabe.
You are preparng a cost estmate for a
budng based on ts ocaton, purpose,
number of square feet, and other
characterstcs. What cost estmatng
technque are you usng?
______ nvoves aocatng the pro|ect cost
estmate to ndvdua work tems over
Pro|ect cost budgetng
_____ s a pro|ect performance
measurement technque that ntegrates
scope, tme, and cost data.
Earned vaue anayss
If the actua cost for a WBS tem s over
$1500 and ts earned vaue was $2000,
what s ts cost varance, and s t under or
over budget?
The cost varance s $500, whch s under
If a pro|ect s hafway competed and ts
schedue performance ndex s 110 percent
and ts cost performance ndex s 95
percent, how s t progressng?
It s ahead of schedue and over budget.
The ________ s the addtona percentage or
doar amount by whch actua costs exceed
cost overrun
Whch of the foowng processes of pro|ect
cost management nvoves aocatng the
overa cost estmate to ndvdua work
tems to estabsh a basene for measurng
cost budgetng
Whch of the foowng processes of pro|ect
cost management nvoves deveopng an
approxmaton of the costs of the resources
needed to compete a pro|ect?
cost estmatng
The man outputs of the ________ process
are work performance measurements,
budget forecasts, organzatona process
asset updates, change requests, pro|ect
management pan updates, and pro|ect
document updates.
cost contro
To ncrease ________, a company can
ncrease revenues, decrease expenses, or
try to do both.
A company mght compete a pro|ect to
deveop and mpement a new customer
servce system n one or two years, but the
new system coud be n pace for ten years.
Pro|ect managers shoud create estmates
of the costs and benefts of the pro|ect for
ten years. Ths s an exampe of ________.
fe cyce costng
Avod ________ when decdng what pro|ect
to nvest n or contnue.
sunk costs
________ for pro|ects often ncude tems ke
goodw, prestge, and genera statements
of mproved productvty that an
organzaton cannot easy transate nto
doar amounts.
Intangbe costs
________ are used for makng many
purchasng decsons for whch accurate
estmates are requred and for estmatng
fna pro|ect costs.
Defntve estmates
Whch type of estmate s done very eary
n a pro|ect or even before a pro|ect s
offcay started?
rough order of magntude (ROM) estmate
The drawback wth ________ s that they are
usuay tme-ntensve and therefore
expensve to deveop.
bottom-up estmates
A ________ mght provde an estmate of
$50 per ne of code for a software
deveopment pro|ect based on the
programmng anguage the pro|ect s usng,
the eve of expertse of the programmers,
the sze and compexty of the data
nvoved, and so on.
parametrc mode
Whch type of estmate uses the actua cost
of a prevous, smar pro|ect as the bass
for estmatng the cost of the current
top-down estmate
A(n) ________ s a tme-phased budget that
pro|ect managers use to measure and
montor cost performance.
cost basene
The ________ s an estmate of the vaue of
the physca work actuay competed.
earned vaue (EV)
Suppose a pro|ect ncuded a summary
actvty of purchasng and nstang a new
Web server. Suppose further that,
accordng to the pan, t woud take one
week and cost a tota of $10,000 for the
abor hours, hardware, and software
nvoved. The ________ for that actvty that
week s, therefore, $10,000.
panned vaue (PV)
Whch of the foowng s the earned vaue
mnus the actua cost?
cost varance (CV)
Whch of the foowng s the rato of earned
vaue to panned vaue and can be used to
estmate the pro|ected tme to compete
the pro|ect?
schedue performance ndex (SPI)
Whch of the foowng s the earned vaue
mnus the panned vaue?
schedue varance (SV)
Whch of the foowng s the rato of earned
vaue to actua cost and can be used to
estmate the pro|ected cost of competng
the pro|ect?
cost of performance ndex (CPI)
Studed by50 peope

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375 terms rta pmp questons
CHAPTER TWO Pro|ect Management Framework
Four pro|ect managers are havng unch together and dscussng
ther pro|ects. Most of the tme they are |ust companng about
how hard pro|ects are to manage n ther company. Some
compan about the stakehoders and the number of changes they
cause. Others tak about how hard t s to get peope to cooperate
and perform. One pro|ect manager wants to focus on the
advantages of the matrx-type organzaton they a work n for
ther pro|ects. Whch of the foowng woud he menton?
A. Improved pro|ect manager contro over resources
B. More than one boss for pro|ect teams
C. Communcatons are easer
D. Reportng s easer
Answer A
Expanaton Remember that f the queston doesn't state what t s
comparng to, t s comparng to a functona organzaton.
Two pro|ect managers have |ust reazed that they are n a weak
matrx organzaton and that ther power as pro|ect managers s
qute mted. One fgures out that he s reay a pro|ect expedter
and the other reazes he s reay a pro|ect coordnator. How s a
pro|ect expedter dfferent from a pro|ect coordnator?
A. The pro|ect expedter cannot make decsons.
B. The pro|ect expedter can make more decsons.
C. The pro|ect expedter reports to a hgher-eve manager.
D. The pro|ect expedter has some authorty.
Answer A
Expanaton The pro|ect coordnator reports to a hgher-eve manager and
has authorty to make some decsons. The pro|ect expedter has no
authorty to make decsons.
In a pro|ectzed organzaton, the pro|ect team:
A. Reports to many bosses.
B. Has no oyaty to the pro|ect.
C. Reports to the functona manager.
D. W not aways have a home
Answer D
Expanaton The man drawback of the pro|ectzed organzaton s that at
the end of the pro|ect, the team s dspersed but they do not have a
functona department (home) to whch to return.
A pro|ect manager s tryng to compete a software deveopment
pro|ect, but cannot get enough attenton for the pro|ect.
Resources are focused on competng process-reated work and
the pro|ect manager has tte authorty to propery assgn
resources. What form of organzaton must the pro|ect manager
be workng n?
A. Functona
B. Matrx
C. Expedter
D. Coordnator
Answer A
Expanaton In a functona organzaton, the pro|ect manager has the
east support for the pro|ect and has tte authorty to assgn resources.
Choces C and D are roes n a weak matrx organzaton.
A pro|ect manager has very tte pro|ect experence, but he has
been assgned as the pro|ect manager of a new pro|ect. Because
he w be workng n a matrx organzaton to compete hs
pro|ect, he can expect communcatons to be:
A. Smpe.
B. Open and accurate.
C. Compex.
D. Hard to automate.
Answer C
Expanaton Because a pro|ect done n a matrx organzaton nvoves
peope from across the organzaton, communcatons are more compex.
A pro|ect team member s takng to another team member and
companng that many peope are askng hm to do thngs. If he
works n a functona organzaton, who has the power to gve
drecton to the team member?
A. The pro|ect manager
B. The functona manager
C. The team
D. Tght matrx
Answer B
Expanaton In a functona organzaton, the functona manager s the
team member's boss and probaby aso the pro|ect manager's boss.
Who has the MOST power n a pro|ectzed organzaton?
A. The pro|ect manager
B. The functona manager
C. The team
D. They a share power
Answer A
Expanaton In a pro|ectzed organzaton, the entre company s organzed
by pro|ects, gvng the pro|ect manager the most power.
A of the foowng are characterstcs of a pro|ect EXCEPT:
A. Temporary.
B. Defnte begnnng and end.
C. Interreated actvtes.
D. Repeats tsef every month.
Answer D
Expanaton Choce D mpes that the whoe pro|ect repeats every month.
Generay, the ony thngs that mght repeat n a pro|ect are some
actvtes. The whoe pro|ect does not repeat.
A of the foowng are parts of the team's stakehoder
management effort EXCEPT:
A. Gvng stakehoders extras.
B. Identfyng stakehoders.
C. Determnng stakehoders' needs.
D. Managng stakehoders' expectatons.
Answer A
Expanaton Gvng stakehoders extras s known as god patng. Ths s
not effectve stakehoder or quaty management.
A manager and the head of engneerng dscuss a change to a
ma|or work package. After the meetng, the manager contacts
you and tes you to compete the paperwork to make the change.
Ths s an exampe of:
A. Management attenton to scope management.
B. Management pannng.
C. A pro|ect expedter poston.
D. A change contro system.
Answer C
Expanaton Ths s an exampe of a pro|ect expedter poston because
you are not evauatng the change, ookng for mpacts, etc. You are
merey mpementng others' requests. In ths case, you are actng as the
pro|ect expedter.
The pro|ect s n the pannng process group when three
stakehoders come to the pro|ect manager askng for nformaton
on the company's new pro|ect management methodoogy. They
want to know where t came from and why t s dfferent from the
way they currenty manage pro|ects. These stakehoders are aso
frends of the pro|ect manager, and the entre group has worked
together for years. The pro|ect s usng some new terms ke
correctve acton that are makng some stakehoders nervous, as
they are unsure whether the way pro|ects w be managed s
gong to change aong wth new terms. What shoud the pro|ect
manager do?
A. Advse the stakehoders that she w keep them n the
communcaton oop for the pro|ect.
B. Suppy a st of new terms and ther defntons.
C. Notfy the pro|ect management offce (PMO).
D. Make sure she mantans her authorty as the pro|ect manager
even though the stakehoders are her frends.
Answer C
Expanaton Some students may thnk ths queston has more than one
rght answer. It does not. There are many thngs the pro|ect manager can
do, but what shoud be done? The company poces are managed by the
pro|ect management offce and the pro|ect manager shoud make sure
the stakehoders have cear nformaton by sendng them drecty to the
authorty on company poces for pro|ect management.
A pro|ect manager s managng hs second pro|ect. It started one
month after the frst and both are ongong. Though hs frst
pro|ect s sma, ths one seems to be growng n sze every day.
As each day passes, the pro|ect manager s begnnng to fee
more and more n need of hep. The pro|ect manager has recenty
heard that there was another pro|ect n the company ast year
that s smar to hs second pro|ect. What shoud he do?
A. Contact the other pro|ect manager and ask for assstance.
B. Obtan hstorca records and gudance from the pro|ect
management offce (PMO).
C. Wat to see f the pro|ect s mpacted by the growth n scope.
D. Make sure the scope for the pro|ect s agreed to by a the
Answer B
Expanaton There are many thngs the pro|ect manager coud do. Choce
A s not the best choce, as the other pro|ect manager mght not be an
experenced mentor. Hs advce mght not be adequate to hep ths pro|ect
manager. Choce C s reactve, whe a pro|ect manager shoud be
proactve. Choce D s not the best choce. It woud be hepfu, but does
not specfcay address the ssues n ths stuaton. If the PMO s
contacted, the pro|ect manager can receve the knowedge of many
pro|ect managers, hstorca nformaton from many pro|ects, and have
the assstance of someone whose |ob t s to hep.
The pro|ect fe cyce dffers from the product fe cyce n that the
pro|ect fe cyce:
A. Does not ncorporate a methodoogy.
B. Is dfferent for each ndustry.
C. Can spawn many pro|ects.
D. Descrbes pro|ect management actvtes.
Answer B
Expanaton The pro|ect fe cyce does ncorporate a methodoogy-for
dong the work-so choce A cannot be best. It s the product fe cyce that
spawns many pro|ects, so choce C cannot be best. Pro|ect management
actvtes are descrbed n the pro|ect management process, so choce D
cannot be best. The pro|ect fe cyce s dfferent for each ndustry, so
choce B s the best answer.
Management by ob|ectves works ony f:
A. It s supported by management.
B. The rues are wrtten down.
C. The pro|ect does not mpact the ob|ectves.
D. The pro|ect ncudes the ob|ectves n the pro|ect charter.
Answer A
Expanaton The best answer s the need for management to support the
Your management has decded that a orders w be treated as
pro|ects and that pro|ect managers w be used to update orders
day, to resove ssues, and to ensure that the customer formay
accepts the product wthn 30 days of competon. Revenue from
the ndvdua orders can vary from US $100 to US $150,000. The
pro|ect manager w not be requred to perform pannng or
provde documentaton other than day status. How woud you
defne ths stuaton?
A. Because each ndvdua order s a temporary endeavor:' each
order s a pro|ect.
B. Ths s program management snce there are mutpe pro|ects
C. Ths s a recurrng process.
D. Orders ncurrng revenue over $100,000 woud be consdered
pro|ects and woud nvove pro|ect management.
Answer C
Expanaton Because orders are numerous and of short duraton, ths
stuaton s a process, not a pro|ect.
The prevous pro|ect manager for your pro|ect managed t wthout
much pro|ect organzaton. There s a ack of management contro
and no ceary defned pro|ect deverabes. Whch of the foowng
woud be the BEST choce for gettng your pro|ect better
A. Adopt a fe cyce approach to the pro|ect.
B. Deveop essons earned for each phase.
C. Deveop specfc work pans for each work package.
D. Deveop a descrpton of the product of the pro|ect.
Answer A
Expanaton Choce B woud hep mprove subsequent phases, but woud
do nothng for contro and deverabes. Choce C woud hep contro each
phase, but woud not contro the ntegraton of the phases nto a cohesve
whoe. Choce D woud hep, but not hep both contro and deverabes for
each phase. Effectve pro|ect management requres a fe cyce approach
to runnng the pro|ect. Choce A s the ony answer that covers both
contro and deverabes.
A pro|ect team s workng on manufacturng a new product, but
they are havng dffcuty creatng a pro|ect charter. What s the
BEST descrpton of the rea probem?
A. They have not dentfed the pro|ect ob|ectves.
B. They are workng on a process and not a pro|ect.
C. The end date has not been set.
D. They have not dentfed the product of the pro|ect.
Answer: B
Expanaton Ths work has entered the manufacturng stage.
Manufacturng s generay consdered a process, not a pro|ect, as t s not
temporary. A pro|ect charter w not be approprate here.
One of your team members nforms you that he does not know
whch of the many pro|ects he s workng on s the most
mportant. Who shoud determne the prortes among pro|ects n
a company?
A. The pro|ect manager
B. The pro|ect management team
C. The pro|ect management offce
D. The team
Answer C
Expanaton Because the queston taks about prortes among pro|ects,
ths cannot be the roe of the pro|ect manager (choce A), the pro|ect
management team (choce B), or the pro|ect team (choce D).
A market demand, a busness need, and/or ega requrement are
exampes of:
A. Reasons to hre a pro|ect manager.
B. Reasons pro|ects are ntated.
C. Reasons peope or busnesses become stakehoders.
D. Reasons to sponsor a pro|ect.
Answer B
Expanaton These are a reasons pro|ects are ntated.
Operatona work s dfferent from pro|ect work n that t s:
A. Unque
B. Temporary
C. On-gong and repettve.
D. A part of every pro|ect actvty.
Answer C
Expanaton Operatona work s that whch s ongong to sustan an
Company procedures requre the creaton of a essons earned
document. Whch of the foowng s the BEST use of essons
A. Hstorca records for future pro|ects
B. Pannng record for the current pro|ect
C. Informng the team about what the pro|ect manager has done
D. Informng the team about the pro|ect management pan
Answer A
Expanaton Notce that ths queston asks about the use of a too of
pro|ect management. Many peope can earn from a book what a essons
earned document s, but questons ke ths can more ready be answered
f you actuay use the too and know from experence ts vaue. Ask
yoursef about the other toos of pro|ect management. Why are they
benefca? The BEST use of essons earned s choce A. There are other
toos that are better for accompshng the thngs sted n the other
Lessons earned are BEST competed by:
A. The pro|ect manager.
B. The team.
C. The sponsor.
D. The stakehoders.
Answer D
Expanaton The best answer s stakehoders, as ther nput s crtca for
coectng a the essons earned on each pro|ect. The term stakehoders
ncudes a the other groups.
Consderaton of ongong operatons and mantenance s crucay
mportant to products of pro|ects. Ongong operatons and
mantenance shoud:
A. Be ncuded as actvtes to be performed durng pro|ect
B. Have a separate phase n the pro|ect fe cyce, because a arge
porton of fe cyce costs s devoted to mantenance and
C. Not be vewed as part of a pro|ect. A pro|ect s temporary wth
a defnte begnnng and end.
D. Be vewed as a separate pro|ect.
Answer C
Expanaton Remember the defnton of a pro|ect: temporary and unque.
Operatons and mantenance are consdered on-gong actvtes, not
temporary. Therefore, such work s not consdered a pro|ect or part of a
What s a program?
A. An ntatve set up by management
B. A means to gan benefts and contro of reated pro|ects
C. A group of unreated pro|ects managed n a coordnated way
D. A government reguaton
Answer B
Expanaton Dd you seect choce C? If so, you mssed the word
unreated:' Programs are groups of reated pro|ects.
A company s makng an effort to mprove ts pro|ect performance
and create hstorca records of past pro|ects. What s the BEST
way to accompsh ths?
A. Create pro|ect management pans
B. Create essons earned.
C. Create network dagrams
D. Create status reports
Answer B
Expanaton Lessons earned hep to avod future ptfas and use the good
deas of past pro|ects. Ths eads to mprovements n future pro|ects.
Pro|ect Management Processes CHAPTER THREE
In whch pro|ect management process group s the detaed
pro|ect budget created?
A. Intatng
B. Before the pro|ect management process
C. Pannng
D. Executng
Answer C
Expanaton Notce the use of the word "detaed." Such a budget s
created durng the pannng process group.
The pro|ect charter s created n whch pro|ect management
process group?
A. Executng
B. Pannng
C. Cosng
D. Intatng
Answer D
Expanaton The pro|ect charter s needed before pannng and executon
of the work can begn.
The pro|ect team has |ust competed the nta pro|ect schedue
and budget. The NEXT thng to do s:
A. Identfy rsks.
B. Begn teratons.
C. Determne communcatons requrements.
D. Create a bar (Gantt) chart.
Answer C
Expanaton Communcatons requrements and quaty standards are
needed before rsks (especay rsks reatng to communcatons and
quaty) can be determned (choce A). Iteratons (choce B) cannot begn
unt the rsks are dentfed, quafed, quantfed, and responses
deveoped. These then create the need to revse the WBS and other parts
of the pro|ect management pan. A bar chart (choce D) woud have been
done durng the creaton of the schedue, so t cannot be the next thng.
Of the choces sted, determne communcatons requrements (choce C)
s the best.
A detaed pro|ect schedue can be created ony after creatng
A. Pro|ect budget.
B. Work breakdown structure.
C. Pro|ect management pan.
D. Detaed rsk assessment.
Answer B
Expanaton In the pro|ect management process, the pro|ect budget
(choce A), pro|ect management pan (choce C), and detaed rsk
assessment (choce D) come after the schedue. The ony answer that
coud be an nput s the WBS.
The person who shoud be n contro of the pro|ect durng pro|ect
pannng s the:
A. Pro|ect manager.
B. Team member.
C. Functona manager.
D. Sponsor.
Answer A
Expanaton The pro|ect manager shoud be named eary n the pro|ect,
durng pro|ect ntatng f possbe.
Whch of the foowng s NOT an nput to the ntatng process
A. Company processes
B. Company cuture
C. Hstorca WBSs
D. Pro|ect scope statement
Answer D
Expanaton Notce the queston asks whch s NOT an nput to the
ntatng process group. Dd you read t correcty? The pro|ect scope
statement (choce D) s an output of the pannng process group. Dd you
seect choce A? Companes shoud have processes n pace for hrng
resources, reportng, and managng rsks on pro|ects (to name ony a
few). Does yours?
The pro|ect sponsor has |ust sgned the pro|ect charter. What s
the NEXT thng to do?
A. Begn to compete work packages.
B. Verfy Scope.
C. Start ntegrated change contro.
D. Start to create management pans.
Answer D
Expanaton The pro|ect charter s created durng the ntatng process
group. Therefore the queston s askng what s done next n ether the
ntatng process group or the pannng process group. For ths type of
queston, you shoud ook for the choce that occurs cosest to the process
group you are n. Choce A s done durng the executng process group.
Choces Band C are done durng the montorng and controng process
group. Choce D s the best choce, as t s part of the pannng process
The hgh-eve pro|ect schedue constrants have |ust been
determned. What pro|ect management process group are you n?
A. Intatng
B. Pannng
C. Executng
D. Montorng and controng
Answer A
Expanaton Hgh-eve pro|ect constrants are determned durng the
ntatng process group.
The WBS and WBS dctonary are competed. The pro|ect team
has begun workng on dentfyng rsks. The sponsor contacts the
pro|ect manager, requestng that the responsbty assgnment
matrx be ssued. The pro|ect has a budget of US $100,000 and s
takng pace n three countres
usng 14 human resources. There s tte rsk expected for the
pro|ect, and the pro|ect manager has managed many pro|ects
smar to ths one. What s the NEXT thng to do?
A. Understand the experence of the sponsor on smar pro|ects.
B. Create an actvty st.
C. Make sure the pro|ect scope s defned.
D. Compete rsk management and ssue the responsbty
assgnment matrx.
Answer B
Expanaton Look at the order of pannng the pro|ect the team has
chosen. Though understandng the experence of the sponsor (choce A)
mght sound ke a good dea, the sponsor s a stakehoder and
understandng the stakehoders s part of stakehoder anayss. That
shoud have occurred before the creaton of a WBS. In pannng the
pro|ect, the pro|ect scope s defned (choce C s another way of sayng
fnaze the pro|ect scope statement) and woud come before creatng a
WBS. Choce D cannot be best, as that work does not come next n the
process. Other work, ke creatng a network dagram, shoud be
competed before rsk management can effectvey be done. The ony
correct choce s the actvty st (choce B).
A pro|ect manager does not have much tme to spend pannng
before the mandatory start date arrves. He therefore wants to
move through pannng as effectvey as possbe. Whch of the
foowng woud you recommend?
A. Make sure you have a sgned pro|ect charter and then start the
B. Create an actvty st before creatng a network dagram.
C. Document a the known rsks before you document the
hgh-eve assumptons.
D. Fnaze the quaty management pan before you determne
quaty metrcs.
Answer B
Expanaton Ths queston s askng whch of the choces s the most
effectve way to move through the pannng process. Choce A skps the
mportant steps of defnng the scope and other actvtes. Hgh-eve
assumptons are determned pror to rsk dentfcaton n the pannng
process, makng choce C ncorrect. Metrcs are part of the quaty
management pan, makng choce D ncorrect. Choce B s best, as the
actvty st s created mmedatey before the network dagram.
The BEST tme to assgn a pro|ect manager to a pro|ect s durng:
A. Executng.
B. Cosng.
C. Intatng.
D. Pannng.
Answer C
Expanaton The pro|ect manager must be assgned durng ntatng.
A pro|ect manager gets a ca from a team member notfyng hm
that there s a varance between the speed of a system on the
pro|ect and the desred or panned speed. The pro|ect manager s
surprsed because that performance measurement was not
dentfed n pannng. If the pro|ect manager then evauates
whether the varance warrants a response, he s n what pro|ect
management process?
A. Intatng
B. Executng
C. Montorng and controng
D. Cosng
Answer C
Expanaton Even though the measurement was not dentfed n pannng,
the pro|ect manager woud st have to nvestgate the varance and
determne f t s mportant. Therefore, the pro|ect manager s n the
pro|ect montorng and controng process group.
A team member notfes the pro|ect manager that the actvtes
comprsng a work package are no onger approprate. It woud be
BEST for the pro|ect manager to be n what part of the pro|ect
management process?
A. Correctve acton
B. Integrated change contro
C. Montorng and controng
D. Pro|ect cosng
Answer C
Expanaton If you chose another part of the pro|ect management
process, you probaby forgot that the stuaton needs to be evauated by
the pro|ect manager before recommendng a change or enterng
ntegrated change contro.
Durng a team meetng, a team member asks about the
measurements that w be used on the pro|ect to |udge
performance. The team member fees that some of the measures
reated to actvtes assgned hm are not vad measurements.
The pro|ect s BEST consdered n what part of the pro|ect
management process?
A. Cosng
B. Montorng and controng
C. Executng
D. Intatng
Answer C
Expanaton Ths stuaton does not descrbe an actua measurement (a
montorng and controng actvty) but rather a meetng occurrng durng
pro|ect executng takng about contro ssues.
Whch of the foowng woud be the MOST approprate thng to do
durng the ntatng process group?
A. Create a detaed descrpton of the pro|ect deverabes.
B. Get famar wth the company cuture and structure as t
reates to the pro|ect.
C. Identfy the root cause of probems.
D. Ensure a pro|ect management processes are compete.
Answer B
Expanaton Choce A occurs durng the pannng process group as part of
creatng the pro|ect scope statement. Snce you must aready have
probems n order to determne ther root cause, choce C must occur
durng the montorng and controng process group, not ntatng. Choce
D occurs durng the cosng process group.
Whch of the foowng s a characterstc of pro|ect management
A. Iteratve
B. Unque
C. Unnecessary
D. Standardzed
Answer A
Expanaton As the pro|ect fe cyce progresses, more nformaton
becomes avaabe, aowng the team to manage the pro|ect to a more
detaed eve.
Whch pro|ect management process group normay takes the
MOST pro|ect tme and resources?
A. Pannng
B. Desgn
C. Integraton
D. Executng
Answer D
Expanaton Dong the actua work w normay take the MOST pro|ect
tme and resources.
A of the foowng must be performed durng pro|ect ntatng
A. Identfy and document busness needs.
B. Create a pro|ect scope statement.
C. Dvde arge pro|ects nto phases.
D. Accumuate and evauate hstorca nformaton.
Answer B
Expanaton A pro|ect scope statement (choce B) s generay created n
pro|ect pannng.
Cosure ncudes a of the foowng EXCEPT:
A. Determnng performance measures.
B. Turnng over the product of the pro|ect.
C. Documentng the degree to whch each pro|ect phase was
propery cosed after ts competon.
D. Updatng the company's organzatona process assets.
Answer A
Expanaton Performance measures are determned earer n the pro|ect
so they can be used to measure progress durng the pro|ect, makng
choce A the ony correct answer to ths queston.
The frst phase of your pro|ect has come to an end. What shoud
you ensure s done BEFORE begnnng the next phase?
A. Verfy that the resources are avaabe for the next phase.
B. Check the pro|ect's progress compared to ts basenes.
C. Confrm that the phase has reached ts ob|ectves, and have ts
deverabes formay accepted.
D. Recommend correctve acton to brng the pro|ect resuts n
ne wth pro|ect expectatons.
Answer C
Expanaton A phase or pro|ect must be formay cosed and accepted.
In whch process group does the team measure and anayze the
work beng done on the pro|ect?
A. Intatng
B. Executng
C. Montorng and controng
D. Cosng
Answer C
Expanaton Durng the montorng and controng process group, pro|ect
performance s measured, and needed changes are dentfed and
Whch process groups must be ncuded n every pro|ect?
A. Pannng, executng, and cosng
B. Intatng, pannng, and executng
C. Intatng, pannng, executng, montorng and controng, and
D. Pannng, executng, and montorng and controng
Answer C
Expanaton A fve process groups are addressed n each pro|ect. It s the
responsbty of the pro|ect manager to determne the eve of attenton
to gve to each process group.
Contro Schedue, Report Performance, and Admnster
Procurements are parts of whch process group?
A. Intatng
B. Pannng
C. Executng
D. Montorng and controng
Answer D
Expanaton A of these processes are part of montorng and controng.
Whch process group focuses on competng the requrements of
the pro|ect?
A. Intatng
B. Pannng
C. Executng
D. Cosng
Answer C
Expanaton The executng process group s where work s done to
produce the product of the pro|ect.
A of the foowng occur durng the pannng process group
A. Deveop Pro|ect Charter.
B. Create WBS.
C. Estmate Costs.
D. Sequence Actvtes.
Answer A
Expanaton Deveop Pro|ect Charter (choce A) occurs n the ntatng
process group.
Integraton Management CHAPTER FOUR Answer
Effectve pro|ect ntegraton usuay requres an emphass on:
A. The persona careers of the team members.
B. Tmey updates to the pro|ect management pan.
C. Effectve communcatons at key nterface ponts.
D. Product contro.
Answer C
Expanaton Ths queston s askng for the most mportant of the choces.
Thnk about what s nvoved n ntegraton: pro|ect management pan
deveopment, pro|ect management pan executon, and ntegrated
change contro. In order to ntegrate the pro|ect components nto a
cohesve whoe, communcaton s key when one actvty w nterface
wth another, one team member w nterface wth another, and any other
form of nterfacng w occur. Choces Band D are parts of the montorng
and controng process group, whe ntegraton ncudes more than
contro. Choce A fas under pro|ect management pan executon.
The need for s one of the ma|or drvng forces for communcaton
n a pro|ect.
A. Optmzaton
B. Integrty
C. Integraton
D. Dfferentaton
Answer C
Expanaton The pro|ect manager s an ntegrator. Ths s a queston about
your roe as an ntegrator and communcator.
Whch of the foowng descrbes the BEST use of hstorca
records from prevous pro|ects:
A. Estmatng, fe cyce costng, and pro|ect pannng
B. Rsk management, estmatng, and creatng essons earned
C. Pro|ect pannng, estmatng, and creatng a status report
D. Estmatng, rsk management, and pro|ect pannng
Answer D
Expanaton Hstorca records are not generay used for fe cyce costng
(choce A), essons earned (choce B), or creatng status reports (choce
When t comes to changes, the pro|ect manager's attenton s
BEST gven to:
A. Makng changes.
B. Trackng and recordng changes.
C. Informng the sponsor of changes.
D. Preventng unnecessary changes.
Answer D
Expanaton Pro|ect managers shoud be proactve. The ony proactve
answer here s preventng unnecessary changes.
A pro|ect manager has managed four pro|ects for the company
and s beng consdered to |on the pro|ect management offce
team. The foowng s dscovered durng the evauaton of hs
performance. The pro|ect manager's frst pro|ect had an endng
cost varance of -500, used two crtca resources, needed to
rework the pro|ect charter durng pro|ect executng and was
ranked 14th n prorty wthn the company. The second pro|ect
fnshed wth a schedue varance of +100, was competed wth a
vasty compressed schedue, and receved a etter of
recommendaton from the sponsor, but the product of the pro|ect
was not used. The thrd pro|ect had 23 percent more changes
than expected, had an SPI of 0.90, and 25 open tems n the ssue
og when the pro|ect was competed.
Each of these pro|ects had a cost budget of US $1,000 and 20 to
28 percent more changes than others of ts sze. The pro|ect
management offce decded not to add ths pro|ect manager to
the team. Whch of the foowng BEST descrbes why ths mght
have happened?
A. The pro|ect manager has ony managed ow-prorty pro|ects,
and he had to compress the schedue, showng that he does not
have the sk to work n the pro|ect management offce.
B. Issue ogs shoud not be used on pro|ects of ths sze, showng
that the pro|ect manager does not have the knowedge to work n
a pro|ect management offce.
C. The pro|ect manager dd not effectvey nvove the
stakehoders, showng that he does not have the knowedge to
work n the pro|ect management offce.
D. The pro|ect manger had two crtca resources on hs team and
st needed to rework the pro|ect charter, showng that he does
not have the dscpne to work n the pro|ect management offce.
Answer C
Expanaton Ths s a very confusng queston. Notce a the dstracters
that mayor may not
be reevant? Snce most pro|ect schedues are compressed by the pro|ect
manager durng pro|ect pannng, choce A s not a ogca reason and so
cannot be the best choce. Issue ogs can be used on smaer pro|ects,
whch means choce B s not the best choce. The number of crtca (or
hard-to-get) resources noted n choce D has no bearng on the need to
rework the pro|ect charter. Snce t does not make ogca sense, t cannot
be the best choce. Take another ook at the second and thrd pro|ects. In
the second pro|ect, the product of the pro|ect was not used. Ths mpes
many thngs, ncudng the possbtes that ether the pro|ect manager
dd not dentfy the requrements of a the stakehoders or that the
busness need of the pro|ect changed dramatcay and the pro|ect
manager dd not notce. Ths ndcates a ma|or faw n the pro|ect
manager's abtes. In the thrd pro|ect, there were 25 concerns of the
stakehoders that were not addressed before the pro|ect was competed.
Agan, ths shows a ma|or ack of pro|ect management knowedge. The
needs of the stakehoders and not |ust the sponsor must be taken nto
account on a pro|ects. Ths makes choce C the best choce.
A of the foowng are parts of an effectve change management
A. Procedures
B. Standards for reports
C. Meetngs
D. Lessons earned
Answer D
Expanaton A change management pan ncudes the processes and
procedures that aow smooth evauaton and trackng of changes.
Lessons earned (choce D) are revews of the processes and procedures
to mprove them; they are not part of the system.
A work authorzaton system can be used to:
A. Manage who does each actvty.
B. Manage what tme and n what sequence work s done.
C. Manage when each actvty s done.
D. Manage who does each actvty and when t s done.
Answer B
Expanaton Who does each actvty (choces A and D) s managed wth
the schedue and responsbty assgnment matrces. The pro|ect
schedue manages when each actvty s done (choce C). A work
authorzaton system s used to coordnate when and n what order the
work s performed so that work and peope may propery nterface wth
other work and other peope.
A pro|ect s pagued by changes to the pro|ect charter. Who has
the prmary responsbty to decde f these changes are
A. The pro|ect manager
B. The pro|ect team
C. The sponsor
D. The stakehoders
Answer C
Expanaton The sponsor ssues the pro|ect charter and so he or she
shoud hep the pro|ect manager contro changes to the charter. The
prmary responsbty es wth the sponsor.
Integraton s done by the:
A. Pro|ect manager.
B. Team.
C. Sponsor.
D. Stakehoders.
Answer A
Expanaton Integraton s a key responsbty of the pro|ect manager, so
choce A s the best answer.
Whch of the foowng BEST descrbes the pro|ect manager's roe
as an ntegrator?
A. Hep team members become famar wth the pro|ect.
B. Put a the peces of a pro|ect nto a cohesve whoe.
C. Put a the peces of a pro|ect nto a program.
D. Get a team members together nto a cohesve whoe.
Answer B
Expanaton Integraton refers to combnng actvtes, not team members
(choce D). Coud the pro|ect manager smash two team members
together and create one bg team member? (I |ust wanted to see f you
are st aughng about ths PMP thng!)
Approved correctve acton s an nput to:
A. Verfy Scope.
B. Drect and Manage Pro|ect Executon.
C. Deveop Pro|ect Charter.
D. Deveop Schedue.
Answer B
Expanaton Choce B s the ony correct response.
Doube decnng baance s a form of:
A. Deceerated deprecaton.
B. Straght ne deprecaton.
C. Acceerated deprecaton.
D. Lfe cyce costng.
Answer C
Expanaton We need to know that doube decnng baance s a form of
deprecaton. That emnates choce D. We aso know that doube
decnng baance s a form of acceerated deprecaton, emnatng
choces A and B. Therefore, C s the correct response.
You are a new pro|ect manager who has never managed a pro|ect
before. You have been asked to pan a new pro|ect. It woud be
BEST n ths stuaton to rey on durng pannng n order to
mprove your chance of success.
A. Your ntuton and tranng
B. Stakehoder anayss
C. Hstorca nformaton
D. Confguraton management
Answer C
Expanaton Because you have no experence, you w have to ook at the
experence of others. Ths nformaton s captured n the hstorca records
from prevous pro|ects.
Whch of the foowng BEST descrbes a pro|ect management
A. A prntout from pro|ect management software
B. A bar chart
C. Rsk, staffng, process mprovement, and other management
D. The pro|ect scope
Answer C
Expanaton The pro|ect management pan contans more than |ust a bar
or Gantt chart and the pro|ect manager's pan for competng the work. It
ncudes a the management pans for the pro|ect.
You are takng over a pro|ect and determne the foowng: Actvty
B has an eary fnsh (EF) of day 3, a ate fnsh (LF) of day 6, and
an eary start (ES) of day 2. Actvty L s beng done by a
hard-to-get resource. The cost performance ndex (CPI) s 1.1, and
the schedue performance ndex (SPI) s 0.8. Based on ths
nformaton, what woud you be more concerned about?
A. Foat
B. Resources
C. Cost
D. Schedue
Answer D
Expanaton You may not understand ths queston unt you revew the
rest of the book. Come back to t. Ths queston tres to ntegrate a ot of
nformaton and test your abty to dscern
what nformaton s reevant to the queston. Though some fgures to
cacuate foat are provded (choce A), there s no nformaton to say that
the foat s a probem. Most pro|ects have hard-to-get resources (choce
B). The queston does not gve an ndcaton that havng hard-to-get
resources s a probem. CPI (choce C) s greater than one, so cost s not
somethng to worry about. SPI s ess than one, so choce D s the best
A pro|ect management pan shoud be reastc n order to be used
to manage the pro|ect. Whch of the foowng s the BEST method
to acheve a reastc pro|ect management pan?
A. Sponsor creates the pro|ect management pan based on nput
from the pro|ect manager.
B. Functona manager creates the pro|ect management pan
based on nput from the pro|ect manager.
C. Pro|ect manager creates the pro|ect management pan based
on nput from senor management.
D. Pro|ect manager creates the pro|ect management pan based
on nput from the team.
Answer D
Expanaton If we were to rephrase the queston, t s askng, Who creates
the pro|ect management pan? The best answer s that pro|ect
management pans are created by the pro|ect manager but requre nput
from the team.
You are takng over a pro|ect durng the pannng process group
and dscover that sx ndvduas have sgned the pro|ect charter.
Whch of the foowng shoud MOST concern you?
A. Who w be a member of the change contro board
B. Spendng more tme on confguraton management
C. Gettng a snge pro|ect sponsor
D. Determnng the reportng structure
Answer B
Expanaton Ths stuaton mpes that there are sx areas concerned wth
ths pro|ect. In addton to added communcatons requrements, you
shoud be concerned wth competng needs and requrements mpactng
your efforts on confguraton management.
The pro|ect charter for a pro|ect was approved for pannng and
you have |ust been assgned as pro|ect manager. Reazng that
pro|ect pannng s an ongong effort throughout the pro|ect,
whch processes are you MOST key to combne?
A. Create WBS and Defne Actvtes
B. Estmate Actvty Duratons and Deveop Schedue
C. Deveop Human Resource Pan and Estmate Costs
D. Estmate Costs and Determne Budget
Answer A
Expanaton The Create WBS process conssts of subdvdng ma|or pro|ect
deverabes (scope) nto smaer, more manageabe work packages. The
Defne Actvtes process defnes the actvtes that must take pace to
produce those deverabes.
A of the foowng are parts of Drect and Manage Pro|ect
Executon EXCEPT:
A. Identfyng changes.
B. Usng a work breakdown structure.
C. Impementng correctve actons.
D. Settng up a pro|ect contro system.
Answer D
Expanaton A pro|ect contro system (choce D) s set up durng the
pannng process group, not durng pro|ect executng. Dd choce B
confuse you? A WBS s created n pro|ect pannng, but can
be used to hep manage the pro|ect durng pro|ect executng. The wordng
here was not creatng the
WBS but usng the WBS:'
A pro|ect manager s apponted to head a hghy technca pro|ect
n an area wth whch ths person has mted famarty. The
pro|ect manager deegates the processes of Deveop Schedue,
Estmate Costs, Defne Actvtes, and Estmate Actvty Resources
to varous pro|ect team members, and bascay serves as an
occasona referee and coordnator of actvtes. The resuts of ths
approach are key to be:
A. A team functonng throughout the pro|ect at a very hgh eve,
demonstratng creatvty and commtment.
B. A team that ntay experences some amounts of confuson,
but that after a perod of tme becomes a cohesve and effectve
C. A team that s not hghy productve, but that stays together
because of the work envronment created by the pro|ect
D. A team that s characterzed by poor performance, ow morae,
hgh eves of confct, and hgh turnover.
Answer D
Expanaton A pro|ect manager must manage a pro|ect. If a actvtes are
deegated, chaos ensues and team members w spend more tme
|ockeyng for poston than competng actvtes.
You are n the mdde of executng a ma|or modfcaton to an
exstng product when you earn that the resources promsed at
the begnnng of the pro|ect are not avaabe. The BEST thng to
do s to:
A. Show how the resources were orgnay promsed to your
B. Repan the pro|ect wthout the resources.
C. Expan the mpact f the promsed resources are not made
D. Crash the pro|ect.
Answer C
Expanaton Choces B and D are essentay deayng the stuaton.
Instead, the pro|ect manager shoud try to prevent the stuaton by
showng the consequences f the resources are not avaabe (choce C).
Ths s a more effectve strategy than sayng but you gave them to me:'
as n choce A.
You have been assgned to manage the deveopment of an
organzaton's frst Web ste. The ste w be hghy compex and
nteractve, and nether your pro|ect team nor the cent has much
experence wth Web ste deveopment.
The tmene s extremey aggressve. Any deay w be costy for
both your frm and the cent. You have a pro|ect sponsor and
have acheved agreement and Sgn-off on both the pro|ect
charter and the pro|ect management pan. Cent personne have
been kept fuy nformed of the pro|ect's progress through status
reports and reguar meetngs. The pro|ect s on schedue and
wthn the budget, and a fna perfunctory revew has been
Suddeny you hear that the entre effort may be canceed
because the product deveoped s totay unacceptabe. What s
the MOST key cause of ths stuaton?
A. A key stakehoder was not adequatey nvoved n the pro|ect.
B. The pro|ect charter and pro|ect management pan were not
thoroughy expaned or adequatey revewed by the cent.
C. Communcatons arrangements were nadequate and dd not
provde the requred nformaton to nterested partes.
D. The pro|ect sponsor faed to provde adequate support for the
Answer A
Expanaton A snge hgh-eve executve can end an entre pro|ect f he or
she s not satsfed wth the resuts, even f that person has, by choce,
been ony tangentay nvoved n the pro|ect. It s crtca to ensure that
a of the fna decson makers have been dentfed eary n a pro|ect n
order to ensure that ther concerns are addressed.
The pro|ect manager has |ust receved a change from the
customer that does not affect the pro|ect schedue and s easy to
compete. What shoud the pro|ect manager do FIRST?
A. Make the change happen as soon as possbe.
B. Contact the pro|ect sponsor for permsson.
C. Go to the change contro board.
D. Evauate the mpacts on other pro|ect constrants.
Answer D
Expanaton The other mpacts to the pro|ect shoud be evauated frst.
Such mpacts ncude scope, cost, quaty, rsk, resources, and customer
satsfacton. Once these are evauated, the change contro board, f one
exsts, can approve or deny the change.
Your company |ust won a ma|or new pro|ect. It w begn n three
months and s vaued at US $2,000,000. You are the pro|ect
manager for an exstng pro|ect. What s the FIRST thng you
shoud do once you hear of the new pro|ect?
A. Ask management how the new pro|ect w use resources.
B. Resource eve your pro|ect.
C. Crash your pro|ect.
D. Ask management how the new pro|ect w affect your pro|ect.
Answer D
Expanaton As you work on a pro|ect, you need to constanty reevauate
the pro|ect ob|ectves and how the pro|ect reates to other concurrent
pro|ects. Is your pro|ect st n ne wth corporate ob|ectves? If the other
pro|ect w mpact yours, you need to be proactve and work on optons
You are a pro|ect manager who was |ust assgned to take over a
pro|ect from another pro|ect manager who s eavng the
company. The prevous pro|ect manager tes you that the pro|ect
s on schedue, but ony because he has constanty pushed the
team to perform. What s the FIRST thng you shoud do as the
new pro|ect manager?
A. Check rsk status.
B. Check cost performance.
C. Determne a management strategy.
D. Te the team your ob|ectves.
Answer C
Expanaton Before you can do anythng ese, you have to know what YOU
are gong to do. Deveopng the management strategy w provde the
framework for a the rest of the choces presented and the other
actvtes that need to be done.
You are assgned as the pro|ect manager n the mdde of the
pro|ect. The pro|ect s wthn the basenes, but the customer s
not happy wth the performance of the pro|ect. What s the FIRST
thng you shoud do?
A. Dscuss t wth the pro|ect team.
B. Recacuate basenes.
C. Renegotate the contract.
D. Meet wth the customer.
Answer D
Expanaton Frst, you need to fnd out why the customer s not happy.
Then meet wth the team and determne optons.
It s the mdde of the pro|ect when the pro|ect manager s
nformed by her scheduer that the pro|ect contro mts are
secure. That same mornng she receves a note from a team
member about a probem he s havng. The note says, "Ths
actvty s drvng me crazy, and the manager of the accountng
department won't hep me unt the actvty's foat s n |eopardy."
In addton, the pro|ect manager has e-mas from a mnor
stakehoder and 14 e-mas from team members. Whe she s
readng the e-mas, a team member waks nto the pro|ect
manager's offce to te her a correctve acton was mpemented
by a team member from the pro|ect management offce, but was
not documented. What shoud the pro|ect manager do NEXT?
A. Report the documentaton voaton to the pro|ect management
offce, evauate the securty of the contro mts, and revew the
e-mang rues n the communcatons management pan.
B. Carfy the reasonng behnd documentaton beng a probem,
get the accountng department to assst the team member, and
respond to the mnor stakehoder.
C. Add the mpemented correctve acton to the hstorca
records, dscuss the vaue of documentaton at the next team
meetng, and smooth the team member wth the accountng
department probem.
D. Fnd out who caused the probem wth the accountng
department, respond to the mnor stakehoder before respondng
to the other e-mas, and revew the process sted n the
communcatons pan for reportng concerns wth the team
member havng the documentaton probem.
Answer C
Expanaton Notce how many stuatons are thrown at you n ths
queston. It s mportant to practce readng through questons to dscover
what s mportant and what s |ust background nformaton. In ths
queston, the ony thng reevant was the correctve acton taken. Once
you dscover what the ssue s, ook at the choces to fnd out whch s
best for addressng the ssue. What s the ssue here? Dd you reaze that
the team member's note s about a non-crtca path actvty? (Unt the
pro|ect foat s n |eopardy means that there s foat and, thus, t s not on
the crtca path.) So s the ssue the non-crtca path actvty or the
documentaton? You mght dsagree wth the ogc, but n ths case the
answer s the documentaton. In the rea word, probems often repeat.
Wthout a record of what was done, there s no opportunty to consder
the same souton for future probems. Documentaton s crtca to
pro|ects. Because documentaton becomes part of the hstorca records
database, choce C s correct.
The cent demands changes to the product specfcaton that w
add ony two weeks to the crtca path. Whch of the foowng s
the BEST thng for the pro|ect manager to do?
A. Compress the schedue to recover the two weeks.
B. Cut scope to recover the two weeks.
C. Consut wth the sponsor about optons.
D. Advse the cent of the mpact of the change.
Answer C
Expanaton Do you remember what to do when there s a change?
Evauate frst. You woudn't take acton before gettng approva, so
compressng the schedue (choce A) and cuttng scope (choce
B) woud happen after choces C and/or D. You woud not go to the
customer before gong to your nterna management, so choce D s not
the correct thng to do next. The next step s to dscuss optons wth the
sponsor (choce C).
Durng pro|ect executng, the pro|ect manager determnes that a
change s needed to matera purchased for the pro|ect. The
pro|ect manager cas a meetng of the team to pan how to make
the change. Ths s an exampe of:
A. Management by ob|ectves.
B. Lack of a change management pan.
C. Good team reatons.
D. Lack of a cear work breakdown structure.
Answer B
Expanaton The pro|ect manager s askng how to make a change. The
procedures, forms, sgn- offs, and other smar requrements for handng
changes shoud have aready been defned n the change management
pan (choce B). Because they weren't, the pro|ect manager w waste
vauabe work tme tryng to fgure t out after the fact.
The pro|ect was gong we when a of a sudden there were
changes to the pro|ect comng from mutpe stakehoders. After
a the changes were determned, the pro|ect manager spent tme
wth a the stakehoders to fnd out why there were changes and
to dscover any more.
The pro|ect work has queted down when a team member
casuay mentons to the pro|ect manager that he added
functonaty to a product of the pro|ect. Do not worry he says, I
dd not mpact tme, cost, or quaty! What shoud a pro|ect
manager do FIRST?
A. Ask the team member how the need for the functonaty was
B. Hod a meetng to revew the team member's competed work.
C. Look for other added functonaty.
D. Ask the team member how he knows there s no tme, cost, or
quaty mpact.
Answer D
Expanaton Notce that the frst paragraph s extraneous. Aso notce that
the queston states that the change has aready been made. Your actons
w be dfferent than f the change had not been made. It s the pro|ect
manager's |ob to nvestgate mpacts, as the pro|ect manager s the ony
one who can te how a change mpacts the pro|ect as a whoe. Choces A,
B, and C coud a be done, but they do not address the mmedate
concern. Choce D s the best answer snce t begns the pro|ect
manager's anayss of the mpacts to the pro|ect as a whoe by fndng out
what anayss has aready been done. He can then determne how he
must fnaze the anayss as t appes to the entre
pro|ect. Can you see that?
You are asked to prepare a budget for competng a pro|ect that
was started ast year and then sheved for sx months. A the
foowng woud be ncuded n the budget EXCEPT:
A. Fxed costs.
B. Sunk costs.
C. Drect costs.
D. Varabe costs.
Answer B
Expanaton Sunk costs (choce B) are expended costs. The rue s that
they shoud not be consdered when decdng whether to contnue wth a
troubed pro|ect.
Whch of the foowng sequences represents straght ne
A. $100,$100,$100
B. $100,$120,$140
C. $100,$120,$160
D. $160, $140, $120
Answer A
Expanaton Straght ne deprecaton uses the same amount each tme
Ths pro|ect s chartered to determne new ways to extend the
product fe of one of the company's medum-producng products.
The pro|ect manager comes from the engneerng department,
and the team comes from product management and marketng
The pro|ect scope statement and pro|ect pannng are competed
when a stakehoder notfes the team that there s a better way to
compete one of the work packages. They even suppy a technca
revew etter from ther department provng that the new way to
compete the work package w actuay be faster than the od
The pro|ect manager has had smar experences wth ths
department on other pro|ects, and was expectng ths to happen
on ths pro|ect. What s the FIRST thng the pro|ect manager
shoud do?
A. Contact the department and compan agan about ther
mssng the deadne for submsson of scope.
B. Look for how ths schedue change w mpact the cost to
compete the work package and the quaty of the product of the
work package.
C. See f there s a way to change from a matrx envronment to a
functona organzaton so as to emnate a the nterference from
other departments.
D. Ask the department f they have any other changes.
Answer B
Expanaton Choce A coud be done, but notce that t s not proactve? It
woud be hepfu to get to the root cause of why ths department aways
comes up wth such deas or changes after the pro|ect begns. However,
ths s not the mmedate probem, the change s, and therefore choce A
s not best. The type of pro|ect organzaton descrbed s a matrx
organzaton. There s not anythng nherenty wrong wth such an
organzaton, nor s there anythng wrong n ths partcuar stuaton that
woud requre t to be changed, so choce C cannot be best. The
department's hstory makes choce D somethng that shoud defntey be
done, but the proposed change needs more mmedate attenton. Ony
choce B begns ntegrated change contro by ookng at the mpact of one
change on other pro|ect constrants.
Pro|ect A has an nterna rate of return (IRR) of 21 percent. Pro|ect
B has an IRR of 7 percent. Pro|ect C has an IRR of 31 percent.
Pro|ect D has an IRR of 19 percent. Whch of these woud be the
BEST pro|ect?
A. Pro|ect A
B. Pro|ect B
C. Pro|ect C
D. Pro|ect D
Answer C
Expanaton Remember, the nterna rate of return s smar to the nterest
rate you get from the bank. The hgher the rate s, the better the return.
An output of the Cose Pro|ect or Phase process s the creaton of:
A. Pro|ect archves.
B. A pro|ect charter.
C. A pro|ect management pan.
D. A rsk anayss pan.
Answer A
Expanaton The pro|ect charter (choce B) s created n ntatng. The
pro|ect management pan (choce C) s an output of the pannng process
group. You have not seen the term rsk anayss pan (choce D) n ths
book, so t s unkey to be the best answer.
A of the foowng woud occur durng the Cose Pro|ect or Phase
process EXCEPT:
A. Creatng essons earned.
B. Forma acceptance.
C. Reducng resource spendng.
D. Performng beneft cost anayss.
Answer D
Expanaton Beneft cost anayss (choce D) s done earer n the pro|ect
to hep seect between aternatves. A the other choces are done durng
cosng. Therefore choce D must be the best answer.
Whch of the foowng s ncuded n a pro|ect charter?
A. A rsk management strategy
B. Work package estmates
C. Detaed resource estmates
D. The busness need for the pro|ect
Answer D
Expanaton Ths queston may seem smpe, but t s reay testng f you
know what s a correct pro|ect charter. Choces A and B do not come unt
pro|ect management pannng, after the pro|ect charter. A pro|ect charter
may ncude the names of some resources (the pro|ect manager, for
exampe), but not detaed resources (choce C).
A pro|ect manager s tryng to convnce management to use more
forma pro|ect management procedures and has decded to start
mprovng the company's pro|ect management by obtanng a
pro|ect charter. Whch of the foowng BEST descrbes why the
pro|ect charter woud hep the pro|ect manager?
A. It descrbes the detas of what needs to be done.
B. It sts the names of a team members.
C. It gves the pro|ect manager authorty.
D. It descrbes the pro|ect's hstory.
Answer C
Expanaton The exam w ask questons ke ths to make sure you know
the benefts you shoud be gettng out of the process and toos of pro|ect
management. The detas of what needs to be done (choce A) are found
n the WBS dctonary. The names of team members (choce B) are
n the responsbty assgnment matrx and other documents. Pro|ect
hstory (choce D) s found n
the essons earned and other pro|ect documents.
Lnear programmng s an exampe of what type of pro|ect
seecton crtera?
A. Constraned optmzaton
B. Comparatve approach
C. Beneft measurement
D. Impact anayss
Answer A
Expanaton Constraned optmzaton uses mathematca modes. Lnear
programmng s a mathematca mode.
You have created the pro|ect charter, but coud not get t
approved. Your manager and hs boss have asked that the pro|ect
begn mmedatey. Whch of the foowng s the BEST thng to
A. Set up an ntegrated change contro process.
B. Show your manager the mpact of proceedng wthout
C. Focus on competng pro|ects that have sgned pro|ect
D. Start work on ony the crtca path actvtes.
Answer B
Expanaton The best thng to do woud be to show the mpact. Ths s the
ony choce that prevents future probems-aways the best choce. The
other choces |ust pretend the probem does not exst.
The engneerng department has uncovered a probem wth the
cost accountng system and has asked the systems department
to anayze what s wrong and fx the probem. You are a pro|ect
manager workng wth the cost accountng programs on another
pro|ect. Management has ssued a change request to the change
contro board to add the new work to your pro|ect.
Your exstng pro|ect has a cost performance ndex (CPI) of 1.2
and a schedue performance ndex (SPI) of 1.3 so you have some
room to add work wthout deayng your exstng pro|ect or gong
over budget. However, you cannot see how the new work fts
wthn the pro|ect charter for your exstng pro|ect. After some
anayss, you determne that the new work and exstng work do
not overap and can be done concurrenty. They aso requre
dfferent sk sets. Whch of the
foowng s the BEST thng to do?
A. Deveop a pro|ect charter.
B. Reestmate the pro|ect schedue wth nput from the
engneerng department.
C. Verfy the scope of the new work wth the hep of the
D. Identfy specfc changes to the exstng work.
Answer A
Expanaton How ong dd t take you to read ths queston? Expect
ong-wnded questons on the exam. Take another ook at the choces
before you contnue readng. Dd you notce that each of the choces
occurs durng a dfferent part of the pro|ect management process?
Ths queston s essentay askng f the new work shoud be added to the
exstng pro|ect. There may be many busness reasons to try to do ths,
but from a pro|ect management perspectve, ma|or addtons to the
pro|ect are generay dscouraged. In ths case, the queston s tryng to
mpy that the new work s a sef-contaned unt of work, has no overap
wth the exstng work and needs a dfferent sk set. Therefore, t s
generay best to make t a new pro|ect. The frst step to answerng ths
queston s to reaze that the work shoud be a separate pro|ect. The
second step s to ook at the choces and see whch reates to ntatng a
new pro|ect. Choce B sounds ke the best choce, but ony f you dd not
reaze that the new work shoud be a separate pro|ect. Choce C s done
durng pro|ect montorng and controng. Choce D s done durng pro|ect
executng. The pro|ect charter s deveoped n the ntatng process
A technca work s competed on the pro|ect. Whch of the
foowng remans to be done?
A. Verfy Scope
B. Pan Rsk Responses
C. Create a staffng management pan
D. Compete essons earned
Answer D
Expanaton Dd you pck choce A? Then you may have forgotten that the
Verfy Scope process s done durng the montorng and controng
process group, not the cosng process group. The other pans (choces
Band C) are done earer n the pro|ect. The essons earned (choce D) can
ony be competed after the work s competed.
Your company can accept one of three possbe pro|ects. Pro|ect A
has a net present vaue (NPV) of US $30,000 and w take sx
years to compete. Pro|ect B has an NPV of US $60,000 and w
take three years to compete. Pro|ect C has an NPV of US $90,000
and w take four years to compete. Based on ths nformaton,
whch pro|ect woud you pck?
A. They a have the same vaue.
B. Pro|ect A
C. Pro|ect B
D. Pro|ect C
Answer D
Expanaton Remember, pro|ect ength s ncorporated when computng
NPV. You woud choose the pro|ect that provdes the most vaue, n ths
case the pro|ect wth the hghest NPV.
Scope Management CHAPTER FIVE Answer
A work breakdown structure numberng system aows the pro|ect
staff to:
A. Systematcay estmate costs of work breakdown structure
B. Provde pro|ect |ustfcaton.
C. Identfy the eve at whch ndvdua eements are found.
D. Use t n pro|ect management software.
Answer C
Expanaton The numberng system aows you to qucky dentfy the eve
n the work breakdown structure where the specfc eement s found. It
aso heps to ocate the eement n the WBS dctonary.
The work breakdown structure can BEST be thought of as an
effectve ad for communcatons.
A. Team
B. Pro|ect manager
C. Customer
D. Stakehoder
Answer D
Expanaton The term stakehoder encompasses a the other choces. In
ths case, t s the best answer snce the WBS can be used (but does not
need to be used) as a communcatons too for a stakehoders to see
what s ncuded n the pro|ect.
Whch of the foowng s a KEY output of the Verfy Scope
A. A more compete scope management pan
B. Customer acceptance of pro|ect deverabes
C. Improved schedue estmates
D. An mproved pro|ect management nformaton system
Answer B
Expanaton The output of the Verfy Scope process s customer
acceptance of pro|ect deverabes. The other choces a happen durng
pro|ect pannng, we before the tme that the Verfy Scope process takes
Durng pro|ect executng, a team member comes to the pro|ect
manager because he s not sure of what work he needs to
accompsh on the pro|ect. Whch of the foowng documents
contan detaed descrptons of work packages?
A. WBS dctonary
B. Actvty st
C. Pro|ect scope statement
D. Scope management pan
Answer A
Expanaton Actvty sts (choce B) may st the work package they reate
to, but they do not contan detaed descrptons of the work packages.
The pro|ect scope statement (choce C) defnes the pro|ect scope, but t
does not descrbe the work a team member s assgned. The scope
management pan (choce D) descrbes how scope w be panned,
managed, and controed. It does not ncude a descrpton of each work
package. The WBS dctonary defnes each eement n the WBS. Therefore,
descrptons of the work packages are n the WBS dctonary.
Durng what part of the pro|ect management process s the
pro|ect scope statement created?
A. Intatng
B. Pannng
C. Executng
D. Montorng and controng
Answer B
Expanaton The pro|ect scope statement s an output of the Defne Scope
process, whch occurs durng pro|ect pannng.
The program was panned years ago, before there was a massve
ntroducton of new technoogy.
Whe pannng the next pro|ect n ths program, the pro|ect
manager has expanded the scope management pan because as
a pro|ect becomes more compex, the eve of uncertanty n the
A. Remans the same.
B. Decreases.
C. Decreases then ncreases.
D. Increases.
Answer D
Expanaton Not a questons w be dffcut. The eve of uncertanty n
scope ncreases based on the scae of effort requred to dentfy a the
scope. For arger pro|ects t s more dffcut to catch everythng.
Durng a meetng wth some of the pro|ect stakehoders, the
pro|ect manager s asked to add work to the pro|ect scope. The
pro|ect manager had access to correspondence about the pro|ect
before the pro|ect charter was sgned and remembers that the
pro|ect sponsor specfcay dened fundng for the scope
mentoned by these stakehoders. The BEST thng for the pro|ect
manager to do s to:
A. Let the sponsor know of the stakehoders' request.
B. Evauate the mpact of addng the scope.
C. Te the stakehoders the scope cannot be added.
D. Add the work f there s tme avaabe n the pro|ect schedue.
Answer C
Expanaton Based on the nformaton presented, there s no reason to try
to convnce the sponsor to add the work (choces B and D). Though one
coud et the sponsor know (choce A) the best choce woud be to say no.
A better choce woud be to fnd the root cause of the probem, but that
choce s not sted here.
A new pro|ect manager s beng mentored by a more experenced
certfed pro|ect management professona (PMP). The new pro|ect
manager s havng dffcuty fndng enough tme to manage the
pro|ect because the product and pro|ect scope are beng
progressvey eaborated. The PMP- certfed pro|ect manager
mentons that the basc toos for pro|ect management, such as a
work breakdown structure, can be used durng pro|ect executng
to assst the pro|ect manager. For whch of the foowng can a
work breakdown structure be used?
A. Communcatng wth the customer
B. Showng caendar dates for each work package
C. Showng the functona managers for each team member
D. Showng the busness need for the pro|ect
Answer A
Expanaton A WBS does not show dates or responsbty assgnments
(choces B and C). Those are ncuded on the bar chart and possby n the
communcatons management pan. The busness need (choce D) s
shown n the pro|ect charter. Never thought that a WBS coud be shown to
the customer? Made you thnk! Of course t coud be used for that
In ths stuaton, the product and pro|ect scope are beng fne tuned. It
woud save the pro|ect manager tme to effectvey manage progressve
eaboraton f the WBS was used to assst. The WBS heps ensure
everyone understands the scope of the work.
Durng a pro|ect team meetng, a team member suggests an
enhancement to the scope that s beyond the scope of the pro|ect
charter. The pro|ect manager ponts out that the team needs to
concentrate on competng a the work and ony the work
requred. Ths s an exampe of:
A. Change management process.
B. Scope management.
C. Ouaty anayss.
D. Scope decomposton.
Answer B
Expanaton The team member s suggestng an enhancement that s
outsde the scope of the pro|ect charter. Scope management nvoves
focusng on dong the work and ony the work n the pro|ect management
pan that meets the ob|ectves of the pro|ect charter. The pro|ect manager
s performng scope management.
When shoud the Verfy Scope process be done?
A. At the end of the pro|ect
B. At the begnnng of the pro|ect
C. At the end of each phase of the pro|ect
D. Durng the pannng processes
Answer C
Expanaton The Verfy Scope process occurs durng the montorng and
controng process group, so choces A, B, and D cannot be correct. Verfy
Scope s done at the end of each phase (the end of desgn,
mpementaton, etc.), makng choce C the best answer.
The pro|ect s mosty compete. The pro|ect has a schedue
varance of 300 and a cost varance of -900. A but one of the
quaty contro nspectons have been competed and a have met
the quaty requrements. A tems n the ssue og have been
resoved. Many of the resources have been reeased. The sponsor
s about to ca a meetng to obtan product verfcaton when the
customer notfes the pro|ect manager that they want to make a
ma|or change to the scope. The pro|ect manager shoud:
A. Meet wth the pro|ect team to determne f ths change can be
B. Ask the customer for a descrpton of the change.
C. Expan that the change cannot be made at ths pont n the
D. Inform management.
Answer B
Expanaton Do not |ump nto the probem wthout thnkng. The customer
ony notfed the pro|ect manager that they want to make a change:' They
dd not descrbe the change. The pro|ect manager woud need to
understand the nature of the change and have tme to evauate the
mpact of the change before dong anythng ese. Of these choces, the
frst thng to do s to determne what the change s (choce B) and then
meet wth the team (choce A), but ony f ther nput s requred. The
pro|ect manager shoud not |ust say no (choce C) unt he knows more
about the possbe change.
He aso shoud not go to management (choce D) wthout more
You have |ust |oned the pro|ect management offce after fve
years of workng on pro|ects. One of the thngs you want to
ntroduce to your company s the need to create and utze WBSs.
Some of the pro|ect managers are angry that you are askng
them to do extra work. Whch of the foowng woud be the BEST
thng you coud te the pro|ect managers to convnce them to use
A. Te them t w prevent work from sppng through the cracks.
B. Te them that t s not needed.
C. Te them t s requred ony f the pro|ect nvoves contracts.
D. Te them t s the ony way to dentfy rsks.
Answer A
Expanaton Choce C s not generay true. Every pro|ect must have a
WBS. Rsks can be dentfed usng varous methods. Therefore, choce D
s an ncorrect statement and not the best answer.
Choce A, preventng work from beng forgotten (sppng through the
cracks) s ONE of the reasons the too s used.
A new pro|ect manager has asked you for advce on creatng a
work breakdown structure. After you expan the process to her,
she asks you what software she shoud use to create the WBS
and what she shoud do wth t when she s fnshed creatng t.
You mght respond that t s not the pcture that s the most
vauabe resut of creatng a WBS. It s:
A. A bar chart.
B. Team buy-n.
C. Actvtes.
D. A st of rsks.
Answer B
Expanaton The WBS s an nput to a of these choces. However, team
buy-n (choce B) s a drect resut of the WBS creaton process, whe the
other choces use the WBS to assst n ther competon. The best answer
s choce B.
To manage a pro|ect effectvey, work shoud be broken down nto
sma peces. Whch of the foowng does NOT descrbe how far to
decompose the work?
A. Unt t has a meanngfu concuson
B. Unt t cannot be ogcay subdvded further
C. Unt t can be done by one person
D. Unt t can be reastcay estmated
Answer C
Expanaton The owest eve of the WBS s a work package, whch can be
performed by more than one person.
A pro|ect manager may use to make sure the team members
ceary know what work s ncuded n each of ther work
A. The pro|ect scope statement
B. The product scope
C. A WBS dctonary
D. A schedue
Answer C
Expanaton The pro|ect scope statement (choce A) descrbes work on a
hgh-eve bass. Work packages need to be specfc to enabe team
members to compete ther work wth ess god patng. The product scope
(choce B) woud not te team members what work s assgned to them.
The team shoud have a copy of the schedue (choce D), but a schedue
w not show them what work s ncuded n each of ther work packages.
Work packages are descrbed n the WBS dctonary (choce C). NOTE: Do
not thnk of the WBS dctonary as a dctonary of terms.
A pro|ect manager has |ust been assgned to a new pro|ect and
has been gven the pro|ect charter.
The FIRST thng the pro|ect manager must do s:
A. Create a pro|ect scope statement.
B. Confrm that a the stakehoders have had nput nto the
C. Anayze pro|ect rsk.
D. Begn work on a pro|ect management pan.
Answer B
Expanaton Ths queston can be trcky, especay f you have spent so
much tme studyng that
you have forgotten some good pro|ect management practces. A quck
ook at Rta's Process Chart n ths book mght draw you to concude that
the FIRST thng woud be to start pannng. Woudn't t be smart to make
sure what you have n the pro|ect charter s cear and compete before
movng on? Ths s why choce B s the best choce.
The constructon phase of a new software product s near
competon. The next phases are testng and mpementaton. The
pro|ect s two weeks ahead of schedue. What shoud the pro|ect
manager be MOST concerned wth before movng on to the fna
A. Verfy Scope
B. Contro Ouaty
C. Create Performance Reports
D. Contro Costs
Answer A
Expanaton The Verfy Scope process deas wth acceptance by the
customer. Wthout ths acceptance, you w not be abe to move nto the
next pro|ect phase.
You are managng a sx-month pro|ect and have hed bweeky
meetngs wth your pro|ect stakehoders. After fve-and-a-haf
months of work, the pro|ect s on schedue and budget, but the
stakehoders are not satsfed wth the deverabes. Ths stuaton
w deay the pro|ect competon by one month. The MOST
mportant process that coud have prevented ths stuaton s:
A. Montor and Contro Rsks.
B. Contro Schedue.
C. Defne Scope.
D. Contro Scope.
Answer C
Expanaton Choces A, B, and D are processes n the montorng and
controng process group. Ths stuaton asks how to prevent the probem.
Ths woud have been done durng the pannng processes. The pro|ect
deverabes are defned n the Defne Scope process (choce C), whch s a
part of pro|ect pannng. Good pannng reduces the kehood of a
stuaton ke the one descrbed by ncudng the rght peope and
spendng adequate tme n carfyng the pro|ect scope.
A of the foowng are parts of the scope basene EXCEPT the:
A. Scope management pan.
B. Pro|ect scope statement.
C. Work breakdown structure.
D. WBS dctonary.
Answer A
Expanaton The scope management pan s not part of the scope
One of the stakehoders on the pro|ect contacts the pro|ect
manager to dscuss some addtona scope they woud ke to add
to the pro|ect. The pro|ect manager asks for detas n wrtng and
then works through the Contro Scope process. What shoud the
pro|ect manager do NEXT when the evauaton of the requested
scope s compete?
A. Ask the stakehoder f there are any more changes expected.
B. Compete ntegrated change contro.
C. Make sure the mpact of the change s understood by the
D. Fnd out the root cause of why the scope was not dscovered
durng pro|ect pannng.
Answer B
Expanaton Notce that there are many thngs that the pro|ect manager
coud do sted n the choces. The queston asks what s the BEST thng to
do NEXT. Though they are great thngs to do, choces A, C, and D are not
next. Management of the change s not compete when the Contro Scope
process s competed. It s mportant to ook at the mpact of the change
on other parts of the pro|ect such as tme and cost. Therefore, choce B s
the best thng to do next, probaby foowed by C and then D and A.
Durng the competon of pro|ect work, the sponsor asks the
pro|ect manager to report on how the pro|ect s gong. In order to
prepare the report, the pro|ect manager asks a the team
members what percent compete ther work s. There s one team
member who has been hard to manage from the begnnng. In
response to beng asked what percent compete he s, the team
member asks, Percent compete of what? Beng tred of such
comments, the pro|ect manager reports to the team member's
boss that the team member s not cooperatng. Whch of the
foowng s MOST key the rea probem?
A. The pro|ect manager dd not get buy-n from the manager for
the resources on the pro|ect.
B. The pro|ect manager dd not create an adequate reward
system for team members to mprove ther cooperaton.
C. The pro|ect manager shoud have had a meetng wth the team
member's boss the frst tme the team member caused troube.
D. The pro|ect manager does not have work packages.
Answer D
Expanaton Is ths a hard queston? The whoe dscusson of the team
member and hs actons s a dstracter. The rea probem s not that the
team member s beng uncooperatve. He s askng a queston that many
team members want to ask n the rea word. How can I te you how
thngs are gong f I do not know what work I am beng asked to do? The
rea probem s the ack of a WBS and work packages; otherwse the team
member woud not have to ask such a queston. Choce A cannot be the
answer because the pro|ect manager s not osng resources (what s
mped by gettng the manager's buy-n). Though a reward system
(choce B) woud hep wth cooperaton, the rea probem here s not
cooperaton. Choce C cannot be the answer because t does not sove the
probem at hand (the team member not knowng what he s to do). It
soves another probem. If you chose C, be very carefu! You can get 10 to
20 questons wrong on the exam smpy because you do not see the rea
The preparaton of the scope basene can BEST be descrbed as
A. The functona managers.
B. The pro|ect team.
C. A the stakehoders.
D. The pro|ect expedter.
Answer B
Expanaton After the customer's nput, the performng organzaton's
pro|ect team s responsbe for scope basene preparaton. The scope
basene ncudes the WBS, WBS dctonary, and pro|ect scope statement.
Whch of the foowng s an output of the Coect Requrements
A. Requrements traceabty matrx
B. Pro|ect scope statement
C. Work breakdown structure
D. Change requests
Answer A
Expanaton The pro|ect scope statement (choce B) s an output of the
Defne Scope process. The work breakdown structure (choce C) s an
output of the Create WBS process. Change requests (choce D) are an
output of the Verfy Scope and Contro Scope processes.
A scope change has been suggested by one of the stakehoders
on the pro|ect. After carefu consderaton and a ot of argung,
the change contro board has decded to re|ect the change. What
shoud the pro|ect manager do?
A. Support the stakehoder by askng the board for the reason for
the re|ecton.
B. Suggest to the stakehoder that the next change they request
w be approved. C. Record the change request and ts resut.
D. Advse the change contro board to make sure they create
approva processes before the next change s proposed.
Answer C
Expanaton One coud do choce A, but there s no reason to thnk that
the board's re|ecton woud not contan an expanaton aready, snce
provdng that nformaton s commony done. Suggestng a change
process that crcumvents the change contro board's authorty (choce B)
s not ethca. There s no reason to thnk that approva processes are not
aready n pace (choce D). A re|ected change shoud be recorded for
hstorca purposes, n case the dea s resurrected ater, and for other
A pro|ect manager's scope management efforts are beng
audted. The cost performance ndex (CPI) on the pro|ect s 1.13,
and the beneft cost rato (BCR) s 1.2. The pro|ect scope was
created by the team and stakehoders. Requrements on the
pro|ect have been changng throughout the pro|ect.
No matter what the pro|ect manager has tred to accompsh n
managng the pro|ect, whch of the foowng s he MOST key to
face n the future?
A. Havng to cut costs on the pro|ect and ncrease benefts
B. Makng sure the customer approved the pro|ect scope
C. Not beng abe to measure competon of the product of the
D. Havng to add resources to the pro|ect
Answer C
Expanaton There are many peces of data n ths queston that are
dstracters from the rea ssue. Though t s common to have to cut costs
(choce A) and add resources to a pro|ect (choce D), nothng n the
queston shoud ead you to thnk these w be requred n ths stuaton.
Customers do not generay approve the pro|ect scope (what you are
gong to do to compete ther requrements); nstead, they approve the
product scope (ther requrements), so choce B cannot be best. Snce the
requrements are a measure of the competon of the product of the
pro|ect (choce C), not havng competed requrements makes such
measurement mpossbe. Ths s why choce C s the best choce.
Verfy Scope s cosey reated to:
A. Perform Ouaty Contro.
B. Sequence Actvtes.
C. Perform Ouaty Assurance.
D. Tme Management.
Answer A
Expanaton Perform Ouaty Contro checks for correctness, and Verfy
Scope checks for acceptance.
Whch of the foowng can create the MOST msnterpretaton n
the pro|ect scope statement?
A. Imprecse anguage
B. Poor pattern, structure, and chronoogca order
C. Sma varaton n sze of work packages or deta of work
D. Too much deta
Answer A
Expanaton Much of the work on the pro|ect s dctated by the pro|ect
scope statement. Any mprecson n such a key document w ead to
dfferng nterpretatons.
Whch of the foowng s CORRECT n regard to the Contro Scope
A. Effectve scope defnton can ead to a more compete pro|ect
scope statement.
B. The Contro Scope process must be done before scope
C. The Scope Contro process must be ntegrated wth other
contro processes.
D. Controng the schedue s the most effectve way of
controng scope.
Answer C
Expanaton Though t s a correct statement, choce A cannot be the
answer because t does not
dea wth contro. Snce scope pannng occurs before the Contro Scope
process, choce B cannot be the answer. Snce controng the schedue s
not the best way to contro scope, choce D s not the best answer. The
contro processes do not act n soaton. A change to one w most key
affect the others. Therefore, choce C s the best answer.
Whch of the foowng BEST descrbes the Verfy Scope process?
A. It provdes assurances that the deverabe meets the
specfcatons, s an nput to the pro|ect management pan, and s
an output of Perform Ouaty Contro.
B. It ensures that the deverabe s competed on tme, ensures
customer acceptance, and shows that the deverabe meets
C. It ensures customer acceptance, shows that the deverabe
meets specfcatons, and provdes a chance for dfferences of
opnon to come to ght.
D. It s an output of Perform Ouaty Contro, occurs before Defne
Scope, and ensures customer
Answer C
Expanaton Snce the pro|ect management pan s competed before the
Verfy Scope process, choce A cannot be best. Snce Verfy Scope does
not dea wth tme, but rather acceptance, choce B cannot be best. Snce
the Verfy Scope process does not occur before the Defne Scope process,
choce D cannot be best. Ony the statements n choce C are competey
correct, makng that the best answer.
Whch of the foowng BEST descrbes product anayss?
A. Workng wth the customer to determne the product
B. Mathematcay anayzng the quaty desred for the pro|ect
C. Ganng a better understandng of the product of the pro|ect n
order to create the pro|ect scope statement
D. Determnng f the quaty standard on the pro|ect can be met
Answer C
Expanaton Snce you need to have a product descrpton before you can
do product anayss, choce A cannot be best. Choce B s reated to Pan
Ouaty. Choce D s Perform Ouaty Assurance.
Tme Management CHAPTER SIX
To contro the schedue, a pro|ect manager s reanayzng the
pro|ect to predct pro|ect duraton. She does ths by anayzng the
sequence of actvtes wth the east amount of schedung
fexbty. What technque s she usng?
A. Crtca path method
B. Fowchart
C. Precedence dagrammng
D. Work breakdown structure
Answer A
Expanaton There are ony two choces reated to schedung: A and C.
Choce C, however, s a dagrammng technque that deas wth the
reatonshp between actvtes, not schedue fexbty.
A dependency requrng that desgn be competed before
manufacturng can start s an exampe of a:
A. Dscretonary dependency.
B. Externa dependency.
C. Mandatory dependency.
D. Scope dependency.
Answer C
Expanaton Snce the dependency s requred, t coud not be
dscretonary (choce A) and therefore must be mandatory. No menton s
made that the dependency comes from a source outsde the pro|ect, so
externa (choce B) s not correct. Scope dependency (choce D) s not a
defned term. The key word n ths queston s requres:' The queston
defnes a mandatory dependency.
Whch of the foowng are GENERALLY ustrated BETTER by bar
charts than network dagrams?
A. Logca reatonshps
B. Crtca paths
C. Resource trade-offs
D. Progress or status
Answer D
Expanaton The bar chart (or Gantt chart) s desgned to show a
reatonshp to tme. Ths s best used when demonstratng progress or
status as a factor of tme.
If the optmstc estmate for an actvty s 12 days, and the
pessmstc estmate s 18 days, what s the standard devaton of
ths actvty?
A. 1
B. 1.3
C. 6
D. 3
Answer A
Expanaton The standard devaton s computed by (P - 0)/6. Therefore,
the answer s (18 - 12)/6 = 6/6 = 1.
A heurstc s BEST descrbed as a:
A. Contro too.
B. Schedung method.
C. Pannng too.
D. Rue of thumb.
Answer D
Expanaton A heurstc s a rue of thumb. Exampes are cost per ne of
code, cost per square foot of foor space, etc.
Lag means:
A. The amount of tme an actvty can be deayed wthout
deayng the pro|ect fnsh date.
B. The amount of tme an actvty can be deayed wthout
deayng the eary start date of ts successor.
C. Watng tme.
D. The product of a forward and backward pass.
Answer C
Expanaton Tota foat and free foat (choces A and B) are the tme an
actvty can be deayed wthout mpactng the entre pro|ect or the next
actvty. Crtca path method (choce D) s a network anayss technque,
not watng tme. Choce C s the correct answer.
Whch of the foowng s the BEST pro|ect management too to
use to determne the ongest tme the pro|ect w take?
B. Network dagram
C. Bar chart
D. Pro|ect charter
Answer B
Expanaton The bar chart (choce C) may show an end date, but t s not
used to determne dates and show progress. The pro|ect charter (choce
D) may ncude any requred end dates, but not a ogca determnaton of
how ong the pro|ect w take. The network dagram (choce B) takes the
work packages from the work breakdown structure (choce A) and adds
dependences. The dependences aow us to ook at the varous paths
through the dagram. The ongest duraton path s the crtca path. Choce
B s the best answer.
Whch of the foowng s CORRECT?
A. The crtca path heps prove how ong the pro|ect w take.
B. There can be ony one crtca path.
C. The network dagram w change every tme the end date
D. A pro|ect can never have negatve foat.
Answer A
Expanaton Ths queston tests your knowedge about a number of topcs.
There can often be more than one crtca path (choce B) but you mght
ad|ust to decrease rsk and have ony one crtca
path. Choce C uses the word w. The network dagram may change or t
may not, dependng on
the amount of schedue reserve and the reason for the change to the
schedue. You can have negatve foat (choce D) f you are behnd
schedue. Ony choce A s correct.
What s the duraton of a mestone?
A. Shorter than the duraton of the ongest actvty
B. Shorter than the actvty t represents
C. There s no duraton
D. Same ength as the actvty t represents
Answer C
Expanaton A mestone shows the competon of a seres of actvtes or
work packages. Therefore, t takes no tme of ts own. Wth ths n mnd,
choce C s the best answer.
Whch of the foowng BEST descrbes the reatonshp between
standard devaton and rsk?
A. Nothng
B. Standard devaton tes you f the estmate s accurate.
C. Standard devaton tes you how unsure the estmate s.
D. Standard devaton tes you f the estmate ncudes a pad.
Answer C
Expanaton Choce A s not best, as the standard devaton tes you the
amount of uncertanty or rsk nvoved n the estmate for the actvty. An
estmate can have a wde range (choce B) and st be accurate f the
tem estmated ncudes rsks. Choce D cannot be the best answer snce
there s no such thng as a pad n proper pro|ect management. An
estmate mght be nfated, but t s because of rsks, not paddng.
The foat of an actvty s determned by:
A. Performng a Monte Caro anayss.
B. Determnng the watng tme between actvtes.
C. Determnng ag.
D. Determnng the amount of tme the actvty can be deayed
before t deays the crtca path.
Answer D
Expanaton Ths queston does not specfy what type of foat. Tota foat s
the amount of tme an actvty can be deayed wthout mpactng the end
date of the pro|ect. Free foat s the amount of
tme an actvty can be deayed wthout mpactng the eary start of the
next actvty. The ony choce matchng ether of these defntons s
choce D.
A pro|ect has three crtca paths. Whch of the foowng BEST
descrbes how ths affects the pro|ect?
A. It makes t easer to manage.
B. It ncreases the pro|ect rsk.
C. It requres more peope.
D. It makes t more expensve.
Answer B
Expanaton Though havng three crtca paths COULD requre more
peope (choce C) or cost more (choce D), the answer that s defntey
and aways true s choce B. Because you need to manage three crtca
paths, there s more rsk that somethng coud happen to deay the
If pro|ect tme and cost are not as mportant as the number of
resources used each month, whch of the foowng s the BEST
thng to do?
A. Perform a Monte Caro anayss.
B. Fast track the pro|ect.
C. Perform resource eveng.
D. Anayze the fe cyce costs.
Answer C
Expanaton Fast trackng (choce B) woud affect tme and cost. Monte
Caro anayss and fe cyce costs (choces A and D) do not drecty dea
wth resources. Leveng (choce C) s the ony choce
that w defntey affect resources.
When woud a mestone chart be used nstead of a bar chart?
A. Pro|ect pannng
B. Reportng to team members
C. Reportng to management
D. Rsk anayss
Answer C
Expanaton Pro|ect pannng (choce A) woud use both types of charts.
Team members (choce B) need to see detas and so they need a bar
chart rather than a mestone chart. Rsk anayss (choce D) COULD make
use of both charts. A mestone chart s used nstead of a bar chart for any
stuaton where you want to report n a ess detaed way (choce C). Bar
charts can scare peope wth ther compexty and often show too much
deta to be worthwhe on a management eve. Mestone charts are
more effectve for reportng to management.
Your pro|ect management pan resuts n a pro|ect schedue that
s too ong. If the pro|ect network dagram cannot change but you
have extra personne resources, what s the BEST thng to do?
A. Fast track the pro|ect.
B. Leve the resources.
C. Crash the pro|ect.
D. Monte Caro anayss.
Answer C
Expanaton Leveng resources (choce B) generay extends the schedue.
Monte Caro anayss (choce D) does not drecty address the constrants
of ths stuaton. To compress the schedue, you coud ether crash or fast
track. However, the stuaton says that the network dagram cannot
change. Ths emnates the fast trackng opton (choce A), eavng choce
C as the best answer.
Whch of the foowng s the BEST thng to do to try to compete a
pro|ect two days earer?
A. Te senor management that the pro|ect's crtca path does not
aow the pro|ect to be fnshed earer.
B. Te your boss.
C. Meet wth the team and ook for optons for crashng or fast
trackng the crtca path.
D. Work hard and see what the pro|ect status s next month.
Answer C
Expanaton Ths s another queston that asks about probem sovng.
Ony choce C reates to evauate:' Choces B and D do not try to sove the
rea probem. Choce A s |ust an untrue statement.
In attemptng to compete the pro|ect faster, the pro|ect manager
ooks at the cost assocated wth crashng each actvty. The BEST
approach to crashng woud aso ncude ookng at the:
A. Rsk mpact of crashng each actvty.
B. Customer's opnon of whch actvtes to crash.
C. Boss's opnon of whch actvtes to crash and n whch order.
D. Pro|ect fe cyce phase n whch the actvty s due to occur.
Answer A
Expanaton You mayor may not need your customer's (choce B) or your
boss's (choce C) nput, but you w defntey need to ncude an anayss
of rsk. Choce A s broader than choce D and therefore s better.
Whch of the foowng processes ncudes askng team members
about the tme estmates for ther actvtes and reachng
agreement on the caendar date for each actvty?
A. Sequence Actvtes
B. Deveop Schedue
C. Defne Scope
D. Deveop Pro|ect Charter
Answer B
Expanaton By the tme ths process s takng pace, Sequence Actvtes
(choce A), Defne Scope (choce C), and Deveop Pro|ect Charter (choce
D) woud be competed.
A pro|ect manager s n the mdde of the executng process of a
very arge constructon pro|ect when he dscovers that the tme
needed to compete the pro|ect s onger than the tme avaabe.
What s the BEST thng to do?
A. Cut product scope.
B. Meet wth management and te them that the requred date
cannot be met.
C. Work overtme.
D. Determne optons for schedue compresson and present
management wth hs recommended opton.
Answer D
Expanaton Ths queston tests whether you know how to sove probems,
especay f you are one of those pro|ect managers who has not reazed
that an unreastc schedue s somethng you shoud dea wth before
begnnng work. Snce cuttng product scope affects the customer, choce
A has a great negatve effect and s therefore not best. A pro|ect
manager's |ob s to determne optons for meetng any end date or tme,
therefore choce B cannot be correct. Workng overtme (choce C) s
expensve and unnecessary when there are so many other choces that
coud be seected frst. Choce D coud have the east negatve effect on
the pro|ect.
Durng pro|ect pannng, you estmate the tme needed for each
actvty and then add the estmates to create the pro|ect
estmate. You commt to competng the pro|ect by ths date.
What s wrong wth ths scenaro?
A. The team dd not create the estmate, and estmatng takes too
ong usng that method.
B. The team dd not create the estmate, and a network dagram
was not used.
C. The estmate s too ong and shoud be created by
D. The pro|ect estmate shoud be the same as the customer's
requred competon date.
Answer B
Expanaton Tme estmates for the actvtes shoud be created by the
team and shoud not be added. Some actvtes may take pace
concurrenty. Therefore, choce B must be the correct answer.
You are a pro|ect manager on a US $5,000,000 software
deveopment pro|ect. Whe workng wth your pro|ect team to
deveop a network dagram, you notce a seres of actvtes that
can be worked n parae but must fnsh n a specfc sequence.
What type of actvty sequencng method s requred for these
A. Precedence dagrammng method
B. Arrow dagrammng method
C. Crtca path method
D. Operatona dagrammng method
Answer A
Expanaton The queston mpes a fnsh-to-fnsh reatonshp between
actvtes. The arrow dagrammng method (choce B) does not support
these types of reatonshps. Choce C s not a dagrammng method, and
choce D s a made-up term.
You are a pro|ect manager on a US $5,000,000 software
deveopment pro|ect. Whe workng wth your pro|ect team to
deveop a network dagram, your data archtects suggest that
quaty coud be mproved f the data mode s approved by senor
management before movng on to other desgn eements. They
support ths suggeston wth an artce from a eadng software
deveopment |ourna. Whch of the foowng BEST descrbes what
ths type of nput s caed?
A. Mandatory dependency
B. Dscretonary dependency
C. Externa dependency
D. Heurstc
Answer B
Expanaton The stuaton s nether mandatory (choce A), nor drven by
an externa source (choce C). A rue of thumb (choce D) s somethng
that can be used consstenty. Ths stuaton s a unque occurrence. The
stuaton s a suggeston of a preferred method, so choce B s the best
Based on the foowng, f you needed to shorten the duraton of
the pro|ect, what actvty woud you try to shorten?
Actvty / Precedng Actvty / Duraton In Weeks
Start ....... None ........ 0
A ............. Start ........ 1
B ............. Start ......... 2
C ............. Start ......... 6
D ............. A ............. 10
E ............. B,C ........... 1
F ............. C .............. 2
G ............ D .............. 3
H ............ E .............. 9
I ............. F .............. 1
End ........ G,H,I ......... 0
A. Actvty B
B. Actvty D
C. Actvty H
D. Actvty C
Answer D
Expanaton Ths s one of the two-stage questons you w fnd on the
exam. Frst you need to draw the network dagram and fnd the crtca
path, and then make a decson. The network dagram woud be:
Paths Duraton n Weeks
Start, A, D, G, End 14
Start, B, E, H, End 12
Start, C, E, H, End 16
Start, C, F, I, End 9
Many peope mmedatey ook for the ongest duraton actvty on the
pro|ect to cut. Here actvty D s the ongest, at 10 weeks. However, that
actvty s not on the crtca path, and cuttng t woud not shorten the
pro|ect's duraton. You must change the crtca path. In ths case, both
actvty C and actvty H are on the crtca path. If you have a choce, a
thngs beng equa, choose the earer opton. Therefore, actvty C (choce
D) s the best answer.
You have a pro|ect wth the foowng actvtes: Actvty A takes 40
hours and can start after the pro|ect starts. Actvty B takes 25
hours and shoud happen after the pro|ect starts. Actvty C must
happen after actvty A and takes 35 hours. Actvty D must
happen after actvtes Band C and takes 30 hours. Actvty E
must take pace after actvty C and takes 10 hours. Actvty F
takes pace after Actvty E and takes 22 hours. Actvtes F and D
are the ast actvtes of the pro|ect. Whch of the foowng s
TRUE f actvty B actuay takes 37 hours?
A. The crtca path s 67 hours.
B. The crtca path changes to Start, B, D, End.
C. The crtca path s Start, A, C, E, F, End.
D. The crtca path ncreases by 12 hours.
Answer C
Expanaton Dd you notce how dffcut ths queston was to read? Such
wordng s ntentona, to prepare you for nterpretng questons on the
rea exam. Lookng at ths stuaton, you see that there are three paths
through the network. They are Start, A, C, E, F, End wth a duraton of 40
+ 35 + 10 + 22 = 107; Start, A, C, D, End wth a duraton of 40 + 35 + 30
= 105; and Start, B, D, End wth a duraton of 25 + 30 = 55. If the
duraton of actvty B changes from 25 to 37, the actvty w take 12
hours onger. As the actvty s ony on the thrd path, t w ony change
the duraton of that path from 55 to 55 + 12 = 67 hours. Snce the
duraton of the crtca path s 107 hours, the deay wth actvty B w
have no mpact on the pro|ect tmene or the current crtca path.
A pro|ect manager has receved actvty duraton estmates from
hs team. Whch of the foowng does he need n order to
compete the Deveop Schedue process?
A. Change requests
B. Schedue change contro system
C. Recommended correctve actons
D. Reserves
Answer D
Expanaton Deveop Schedue ncudes a work and uses a nputs
needed to come up wth a fnazed, reastc schedue. One woud need
tme reserves (choce D) n order to compete a schedue. A of the other
tems are parts of Contro Schedue and occur after Deveop Schedue.
Midterm 2
what can pro|ects teams create to hep
promote teamwork and carfy team
a team contract
the man purpose of pro|ect pannng s to
gude pro|ect executon
pro|ect teams deveop a _______ to
coordnate a other pro|ect pans
pro|ect mgmt pan
a __________ s deverabe orented
groupng of the work nvoved n a pro|ect
that defnes the tota scope of the pro|ect
A _____ s a task at the owest eve of the
WBS that represents the eve of work that
the PM uses to montor and contro the
work package
What s the frst step n pannng a pro|ect
deveopng an actvty st
what s the most common type of
dependency between actvtes
the ______ method s a network
dagrammng technque used to predct
tota pro|ect duraton
crtca path
what cost estmatng technque uses
pro|ect characterstcs n a mahematca
mode to estmate pro|ect costs
parametrc modeng
A_____ s a tme phased budget that PM
use to measure and montor cost
cost performance basene
_____ s defned as the degree to whch a
set o nherent characterstcs fuf
_________ aow orgz to measure ther
performance n certan areas such as:
faure rates, avaabty, and reabty-
and compare them over tme or wth other
a RACI chart s a type of _____
responsbty assgnment matrx
A _____________ descrbes when and how
peope w be added to and taken off a
staffng mgmt pan
Topcs such as who w receve pro|ect
nformaton and who w produce t,
suggested methods or gudenes for
conveyng the nformaton, frequency of
communcaton, and escaaton procedures
for resovng ssues shoud be descrbed n
a ________
communcatons mgmt pan
Suppose you are a member of krstns
team and you are havng dffcuates
communcatng wth one of the supper
mgmt experts who s provdng mportant
content for a cass you are deveopng.
what strategy mght you use to hep
mprove communcatons?
use severa dfferent methods to
communcate wth ths person
what two dmensons shoud you use when
evauatng pro|ect rsks
probabty and mpact
A _______ s a document that contans
resuts of varous rsk mgmt processes,
often dspayed n a tabe or spreadsheet
rsk regster
you can purchase an tem you need for a
pro|ect for 10 000 and t has day
operatng costs of 500, or you can ease
the tem for 700 per day. on whch day w
the purchase cost be the same as the
ease cost?
day 50
you want to have the east rsk possbe n
settng up a contract to purchase goods
and servces from an outsde frm. as the
buyer, what type of contract shoud you
fxed prce
What task was on the crtca path for
budng Dsney's Anma Kngdom theme
growng grass
How many of the nne pro|ect
management knowedge areas ncude
pannng tasks?
What s the formua for determnng a PERT
weghted average?
(optmstc tme + 4 x most ke tme +
pessmstc tme)/6
A __________________ s a condton or
capabty that must be met or possessed
by a system, product, servce, resut, or
component to satsfy a contract, standard,
specfcaton, or other forma document
You estmate the cost to get a masters
degree by consderng factors ke the
quaty of the nsttuton, how ong t w
take, f you w work whe studyng, etc.
What cost estmaton technque are you
parametrc modeng
The entre pro|ect s caed eve _________
n a WBS.
Pro|ect management pans shoud be
B. fexbe (your answer)
C. receptve to change
D. a of the abovw
Pro|ect teams often create a ____________
to ensure that a ma|or actvtes are
accounted for.
mestone st
You deveop a WBS by anayzng a smar
pro|ect. You are usng the _________
___________________ Law states that f
somethng can go wrong, t w.
What document graphcay shows how
many and what type of resources are
estmated to be needed on a pro|ect over
resource hstogram
What type of contractua arrangement dd
the Mnnesota Department of
Transportaton use to hep ensure that an
mportant brdge was but qucky?
Items n whch secton of a
probabty/mpact matrx are often
Who determnes what quaty eve s
acceptabe on a pro|ect?
the customer
Achevng an average course evauaton of
at east 3.0 on a 5.0 scae s an exampe of
one of these.
Dark couds start appearng n the sky, a
___________ that t mght ran.
In the comc descrbng poor
communcatons, what dd the woman se
on ebay to get a part for her roomba?
an xBox
What secton of a communcatons
management pan descrbes how ssues
shoud be handed?
escaaton procedures
You bought a aptop assumng t had
appcaton software oaded so you coud
use t rght away, but t dd not. What
quaty consderaton dd the aptop not
ftness for use
On a RACI chart, whch etter can ony
appear once for a task?
Pro|ect pannng ncudes tasks for every
snge knowedge area.
Growng grass was on the crtca path for
Dsney's Anma Kngdom theme park.
A work breakdown structure can be shown
n chart form, ke an organzatona chart,
or tabuar form, ke an ndented st.
Work breakdown structure tasks that are
decomposed nto smaer tasks are caed
work packages.
The PERT weghted average formua takes
the optmstc tme pus pessmstc tme
pus 6 tmes the most key tme a
dvded by 6.
A basene s a startng pont, a
measurement, or an observaton that s
documented so that t can be used for
future comparson.
Severa methods for coectng
requrements ncude ntervews,
questonnares, and prototypes
Estmatng the cost to bud a house based
on the prce per square foot s an exampe
of anaogous estmatng.
In order to use crtca path anayss, you
need to estmate the costs for tasks.
A team contract can be used to hep
promote teamwork and carfy team
communcatons as part of the pannng
A RACI chart shows responsbty,
accountabty, consutaton, and nformed
roes for peope workng on pro|ects.
Escaaton procedures normay suggest
that ssues be resoved at the hghest eve
You shoud ssue an RFP f you want to
soct quotes or bds from prospectve
suppers for standard tems that have
been ceary defned by the buye
Conformance to requrements means that
a product can be used as t was ntended.
A pro|ect dashboard s a graphca screen
summarzng key pro|ect metrcs.
A responsbty assgnment matrx s a
graphca representaton of how authorty
and responsbty s dstrbuted wthn the
Contract causes can hep manage pro|ect
A make-or-buy anayss nvoves
estmatng the nterna costs of provdng a
product or servce and comparng that
estmate to the cost of outsourcng.
A staffng management pan graphcay
shows the number of resources requred
for or assgned to a pro|ect over tme.
Rsks n the ow/ow secton of a
probabty/mpact matrx normay get the
east amount of attenton.
pannng s the most
dffcut and unapprecated process n PM
the man purpose of pro|ect pannng s to
gude pro|ect executon
Pro|ect ntegraton mgmt nvoves
coordnatng a the pro|ect mgmt
knowedge areas throughout a pro|ects fe
pro|ect scope mgmt pannng tasks
defnng and controng what work s or s
not ncuded n a pro|ect
outputs of coectng requrements
a requrements mgmgt pan, a
requrements traceabty matrx RTM
organzatona process assets
eg. poces and procedures reated to PM,
past pro|ect fes
prevent scope creep
tendency for pro|ect scope to contnuay
deveopng WBS, anaogy approach
use smar pro|ects WBS as a startng
top-down approach
start wth argest tems of the pro|ect and
break down
bottom-up approach
start wth specfc tasks and ro them up
the goa of defnng actvtes s to
make sure each team member knows what
they have to do
pro|ect tmt mgmt
ensure tmey competon.--> defnng
actvtes, sequencng events
mestones shoud be
sequencng actvtes
nvoves revewng the actvty st and
dependency, mandatory
reatonshps are unavodabe, ogc
dependency, dscretonary
defned by pro|ect team
dependency, externa
nvoves reatonshp btw pro|ect and non
pro|ect actvtes
dependency, network dagrammng
schematc dspay of ogca reatonshps
among pro|ect actvtes
when two or more actvtes foow a snge
schedue deveopment process uses
resuts of proceedng pro|ect tme mgmt
processes to determne start and end
dates of pro|ect actvtes
crtca path method
network dagrammng technque used to
predct tota pro|ect duraton
sack (foat)
amount of tme actvty that can be
deayed wthout deayng a succeedng
a technque for makng cost and schedue
trade-offs to obtan greatest amount of
schedue compresson for east cost
nvoves dong actvtes n parae of what
you normay do n sequence
theoy of constrants
mgmt book by Godratt
crtca chan schedung
consders mted resources--> removes
buffer and adds
parknsons aw
work expands to f the tme aowed
pro|ect buffers
extra tme before due date
feedng buffer
extra tme before task on crtca chan
pro|ect cost mgmt
esure pro|ect s competed wthn an
anaogous estmate
actua cost of prevous
bottom up estmatng
estmatng ndvdua actvtes
pro|ect cost budgetng
aocatng costs estmate over tme, based
on WBS--> man goa to get cost
performance basene
cost performance basene
tme phased budget that PM use to
measure and montor cost performance
a deverabe orented groupng of the wok
nvoved n a pro|ect that defnes the tota
scope of the pro|ect
top down estmate
break down nto subordnate tems
man output of sequencng
newtwork dagram
three pont estmate ncudes
optmstc, most key, pessmstc
program evauaton and revew technque
nternatona pro|ect management
responsbty assgnment matrx
contgency reserves
extra funds
cost rembursabe contract
payment to seer for drect and ndrect
actua costs
tme and matera contract
hybrd of cost r. and fxed c.
procurement mgmt pan
name, gudenes, standard procure docs,
request for proposa
docs used to soct proposas form
prospectve suppers
request for quote
document used to ask for quotes or bds
aways end the procurement steps wth
a supper evauaton matrx
pro|ect procurement mgmt pannng tasks
acqurng products from a pro|ect outsde
of the orgz. wn wn stu
request for proposa
request for quote
statement of work- descrbes goods to be
pro|ect dashboard
a grahca screen summarzng key pro|ect
Oueston 1
A ________ s a group of reated pro|ects managed n a coordnated way to obtan
benefts and contro that are not avaabe from managng them ndvduay.
Seect one:
a. pan
b. program
c. pro|ect
d. portfoo
Oueston 2
A _______________ s a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unque product,
servce, or resut.
Seect one:
a. program
b. pro|ect
c. portfoo
d. process
Oueston 3
Accordng to a study by Prcewaterhouse Coopers, approxmatey what percentage
of pro|ects fa?
Seect one:
a. three-quarters
b. one-thrd
c. one-haf
d. one-quarter
Oueston 4
Approxmatey what percentage of the word's gross domestc product s spent on
Seect one:
a. 50%
b. 25%
c. 75%
d. 10%
Oueston 5
Human reatons or ________ sks ncude effectve communcaton, eadershp,
motvaton, and negotaton sks.
Seect one:
a. management
b. soft
c. hard
d. warm
Oueston 6
Portfoo managers must have strong ____________ sks and understand how
pro|ects and programs can contrbute to meetng strategc goas.
Seect one:
a. fnanca and anaytca
b. busness and organzatona
c. tactca and strategc
d. eadershp and management
Oueston 7
Pro|ect portfoo management addresses _______________ goas of an organzaton,
whe pro|ect management addresses _______________ goas.
Seect one:
a. externa, nterna
b. nterna, externa
c. tactca, strategc
d. strategc, tactca
Oueston 8
Severa ndvdua housng pro|ects done n the same area by the same frm mght
best be managed as part of a _______________.
Seect one:
a. nvestment
b. program
c. portfoo
d. coaboratve
Oueston 9
What s the certfcaton program caed that the Pro|ect Management Insttute
Seect one:
a. Pro|ect Management Mentor (PMM)
b. Pro|ect Management Expert (PME)
c. Pro|ect Management Professona (PMP)
d. Mcrosoft Certfed Pro|ect Manager (MCPM)
Oueston 10
What s the most sgnfcant characterstc or attrbute of an effectve pro|ect
Seect one:
a. s a strong communcator
b. s decsve
c. eads by exampe
d. s vsonary
Oueston 11
A coege approved a pro|ect to provde dscounts for facuty, students, and staff to
use the cty's new ght-ra system. Under what exstng program mght ths pro|ect
naturay ft?
Seect one:
a. academc enrchment program
b. entertanment program
c. fund-rasng program
d. transportaton program
Oueston 12
A arge company contnues to be successfu by provdng new products and servces
for ts market nche of brdes. What s ts man compettve strategy?
Seect one:
a. customer servce
b. cost eadershp
c. focus
d. quaty
Oueston 13
A ___________ s a pro|ect seecton methodoogy that converts an organzaton's
vaue drvers nto metrcs.
Seect one:
a. vaue matrx
b. baanced scorecard
c. weghted scorng mode
d. pro|ect dashboard
Oueston 14
A _______________ s a methodoogy that converts an organzaton's vaue
drvers-such as customer servce, nnovaton, operatona effcency, and fnanca
performance-nto a seres of defned metrcs.
Seect one:
a. weghted scorng mode
b. baanced scorecard
c. drectve
d. net present vaue anayss
Oueston 15
Assumng the vaue of a doar s worth more today than n the future, the net
present vaue of a mut-year pro|ect shoud be _______ the sum of ts cash fows.
Seect one:
a. doube
b. more than
c. the same as
d. ess than
Oueston 16
If a pro|ect cost s ony $100 up front and ts annua benefts are $20/year, what s
ts payback perod?
Seect one:
a. 5 years
b. 4 years
c. 6 years
d. 3 years
Oueston 17
It s very mportant to start at the top of the four-stage pannng process pyramd to
seect pro|ects that support the organzaton's _______________.
Seect one:
a. cuture
b. fnanca poston
c. vson
d. busness strategy
Oueston 18
Many organzatons fnd dupcate or unneeded pro|ects after they perform whch
step n pro|ect portfoo management?
Seect one:
a. appyng modern portfoo theory, ncudng rsk-return toos that map pro|ect rsk
b. dvdng the pro|ects nto severa categores based on type of nvestment
c. puttng a pro|ects n one st
d. prortzng the pro|ects n ther st
Oueston 19
The goa of pro|ect portfoo management s to hep maxmze busness vaue to
ensure _______________.
Seect one:
a. enterprse success
b. compettve advantage
c. proft maxmzaton
d. rsk mnmzaton
Oueston 20
The ast step n the four-stage pannng process for pro|ects s _______________.
Seect one:
a. pro|ect pannng
b. strategc pannng
c. busness area anayss
d. resource aocaton
Oueston 21
A pro|ect meetngs wth ma|or stakehoders shoud ncude __________.
Seect one:
a. an agenda
b. food
c. name tags
d. a of the above
Oueston 22
Based on a 2010 study, approxmatey what percent of U.S. companes have pro|ect
management offces?
Seect one:
a. 64%
b. 24%
c. 54%
d. 84%
Oueston 23
How shoud you manage stakehoders wth a hgh nterest n your pro|ect and a hgh
amount of power?
Seect one:
a. keep satsfed
b. manage cosey
c. keep nformed
d. montor
Oueston 24
In whch knowedge area do the best or apha pro|ect managers spend amost twce
as much tme as typca pro|ect managers?
Seect one:
a. anayzng
b. pannng
c. controng
d. executng
Oueston 25
In whch of the fve pro|ect management process groups are actvtes performed
that reate to each knowedge area?
Seect one:
a. executng
b. ntatng
c. pannng
d. cosng
Oueston 26
In whch of the fve pro|ect management process groups s the most tme and
money usuay spent?
Seect one:
a. montorng and controng
b. ntatng
c. executng
d. pannng
Oueston 27
In whch process group do you normay produce the man deverabes of a pro|ect?
Seect one:
a. executng
b. ntatng
c. pannng
d. cosng
Oueston 28
Preparng a stakehoder regster and a stakehoder anayss are part of whch
knowedge area?
Seect one:
a. pro|ect communcatons management
b. pro|ect stakehoder management
c. pro|ect ntegraton management
d. pro|ect human resource management
Oueston 29
The best or "apha" pro|ect managers spend more tme on every process group than
other pro|ect managers except for whch one?
Seect one:
a. ntatng
b. pannng
c. executng
d. montorng and controng
Oueston 30
The __________ secton of a pro|ect charter s mportant because t acknowedges
stakehoder agreement on the need for a pro|ect.
Seect one:
a. success crtera
b. ob|ectve
c. sgn-off
d. |ustfcaton
Oueston 31
____ ncudes the actua amount of tme spent workng on an actvty pus eapsed
Seect one:
a. Length
b. Duraton
c. Perod
d. Extenson
Oueston 32
19. ___________________ Law states that f somethng can go wrong, t w.
Seect one:
a. Parknson's
b. Murphy's
c. Moore's
d. Godratt's
Oueston 33
A pro|ect management pan s the man output of the pro|ect ________ knowedge
Seect one:
a. scope
b. communcatons
c. ntegraton
d. pannng
Oueston 34
A _________ s a task at the owest eve of the WBS that represents the eve of work
that the pro|ect manager uses to montor and contro the pro|ect.
Seect one:
a. ne tem
b. work package
c. WBS dctonary
d. budget tem
Oueston 35
A __________ s a tme-phased budget that pro|ect managers use to measure and
montor cost performance.
Seect one:
a. cost estmate
b. cash fow anayss
c. cost basene
d. fe-cyce budget
Oueston 36
A _____________ s a deverabe-orented groupng of the work nvoved n a pro|ect
that defnes the tota scope of the pro|ect.
Seect one:
a. contract
b. WBS
c. Gantt chart
d. network dagram
Oueston 37
A __________________ s a condton or capabty that must be met by the pro|ect or
present n the product, servce, or resut to satsfy an agreement or other formay
mposed specfcaton.
Seect one:
a. quaty checkst
b. WBS
c. scope statement
d. requrement
Oueston 38
How many of the ten pro|ect management knowedge areas ncude pannng tasks?
Seect one:
a. 8
b. 10
c. 9
d. 7
Oueston 39
Pro|ect teams deveop a ___________ to coordnate a other pro|ect pans.
Seect one:
a. master pan
b. pro|ect Web ste
c. pro|ect management pan
d. strategc pan
Oueston 40
Pro|ect teams often create a ____________ to ensure that a ma|or actvtes are
accounted for.
Seect one:
a. checkst
b. Gantt chart
c. mestone st
d. pro|ect steerng commttee
Oueston 41
____ are ndcators or symptoms of actua rsk events.
Seect one:
a. Montors
b. Sgnas
c. Trggers
d. Fags
Oueston 42
A RACI chart s a type of _______________.
Seect one:
a. pro|ect organzatona chart
b. responsbty assgnment matrx
c. resource hstogram
d. pro|ect dashboard
Oueston 43
A ________ s the rea or underyng reason a probem occurs.
Seect one:
a. root cause
b. certanty
c. trgger
d. probabty
Oueston 44
A _______________ descrbes when and how peope w be added to and taken off of a
Seect one:
a. staffng management pan
b. pro|ect organzatona chart
c. responsbty assgnment matrx
d. resource hstogram
Oueston 45
A _______________s a document that contans resuts of varous rsk management
processes, often dspayed n a tabe or spreadsheet format.
Seect one:
a. rsk regster
b. rsk event
c. trgger
d. rsk management pan
Oueston 46
Achevng an average course evauaton of at east 3.0 on a 5.0 scae s an exampe
of one of these.
Seect one:
a. metrc
b. dashboard
c. outcome
d. requrement
Oueston 47
Most pro|ect ______ use red, yeow, and green to ndcate the status of each metrc.
Seect one:
a. contro panes
b. rsk regster
c. dashboards
d. contro charts
Oueston 48
On a RACI chart, whch etter can ony appear once for a task?
Seect one:
a. I
b. R
c. C
d. A
Oueston 49
What document graphcay shows how many and what type of resources are
estmated to be needed on a pro|ect over tme?
Seect one:
a. staffng management pan
b. pro|ect organzatona chart
c. resource hstogram
d. RACI chart
Oueston 50
What secton of a communcatons management pan descrbes how ssues shoud
be handed?
Seect one:
a. revson procedures
b. ssue og
c. escaaton procedures
d. arbtraton procedures

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