BMW US 1SeriesConvertible 2013

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ak|ng a t|me|ess open-a|r concept |nto modern t|mes, tne BMW Ser|es Convert|b|e transforms da||y dr|v|ng |nto more
tnan just an exn||arat|ng exper|ence. Natura||y, tne w|nn|ng comb|nat|on of powerfu| eng|nes and stream||ned des|gn |s
an ent|c|ng way to start. ne automat|c softtop turns sunny days |nto re|axat|on tnerapy. For c|earer sk|es and a c|earer
consc|ence BMW Lff|c|entDynam|cs tecnno|ogy adds fue|-max|m|z|ng measures |n a form tnat de||vers tnr||||ng power
w|tn fewer em|ss|ons. A range of w|re|ess commun|cat|ons tecnno|og|es now ne|p you stay |n toucn, as we|| as prov|de
qu|ck and easy access to mus|c, med|a and more. ne Ser|es Convert|b|e: dr|v|ng p|easure, re|mag|ned.
Contents 04 05
BMW 1 Series OonvertibIe
06 Exterior
ne exc|t|ng BMW Ser|es Convert|b|e.
0 HighIights
lnnovat|ve des|gn for a br||||ant dr|ve.
1 0 BMW EfcientDynamics
Susta|nab|||ty |n mot|on.
1 2 Performance
lnsp|r|ng power.
1 4 Driving experience
Perfect|y ne-tuned.
1 6 BMW OonnectedDrive
Your network.
1 Softtop
pen-a|r tnr|||s.
20 The winds of change
ne BMW Ser|es
?B| Convert|b|e w|tn A|r Curta|n.
22 Interior
Qua||ty, e|egance, spac|ousness.
26 Oity, Oountry, Ooast
o Vancouver ls|and |n tne
BMW Ser|es Convert|b|e.
_ bmwusa.coml1 convertibIe
2 BMW EfcientDynamics
ne tecnno|ogy package for |ess fue|
consumpt|on and n|gner power.
30 Engines
Max|mum performance
w|tn m|n|mum consumpt|on.
32 Ohassis and safety
Systems for greater safety
and dr|v|ng p|easure.
36 BMW OonnectedDrive
lnte|||gent network|ng for conven|ence,
|nfota|nment and safety.
40 Pure enjoyment
ne roof of tne BMW Ser|es Convert|b|e.
_ bmwusa.coml1 convertibIe

42 1 35i OonvertibIe features
44 1 35is OonvertibIe High Performance

46 Exterior coIors
47 UphoIstery materiaIs and coIors
4 Interior trimslSofttop coIors
49 Recommended coIor combinations
50 Equipment features and options
5 M Sport Package
_ bmwusa.comlbyo
60 OriginaI BMW Accessories
Wor|d c|ass, yet persona||z|ng.
61 BuiId Your Own
62 TechnicaI data
64 BMW Services and BMW WeIt
Lxc|us|ve offers for BMW customers.
D|scover tne fastest way to deepen tne p|easures of dr|v|ng. Connect
yourse|f to tne outs|de wor|d, even as |t zooms by. And exper|ence
a ven|c|e tnat |ets you dr|ve w|tn a|| your senses. ne BMW Ser|es
Convert|b|e broadens your nor|zons on tne road w|tn a powerfu|
comb|nat|on of e|ements. Muscu|ar eng|ne opt|ons. Sporty nand||ng.
L|egant sty||ng. And at tne toucn of a button, tne freedom of tne open
a|r de||vered |n just ?? seconds. Lverytn|ng you need to fu||y enjoy
wwevery curve and stra|gntaway.
nougn compact |n s|ze, tne tnr||||ng BMW Ser|es Convert|b|e |s every
|ncn an U|t|mate Dr|v|ng Macn|ne.

At f|rst g|ance, |ts d|st|nct|ve contours

and s|gnature k|dney gr|||e |mmed|ate|y |dent|fy |ts race-|nsp|red ner|tage.
lns|de, tne four-seat |nter|or boasts uncomprom|s|ng |uxury, w|tn |av|sn
tr|m and p|usn upno|stery opt|ons. Advanced tecnno|og|es keep you |n
toucn w|tn so mucn more tnan just tne road. Updated components
|ns|de and out ennance tne ven|c|es adventurous persona||ty. And
notn|ng matcnes tne carefree sensat|on of tne open sky above.
ne BMW Ser|es Convert|b|e: |eave tne rest ben|nd you.
_ bmwusa.coml1 convertibIe
BMW1 2i OonvertibIe shown with the foIIowing equipment:
Nom|na| output:
Lxter|or co|or:
lnter|or tr|m:
?4-va|ve BMWS.J-||ter |n||ne s|x-cy||nder eng|ne
?SJ np CooJJ rpm
Star Spoke Sty|e S/ ) ||gnt a||oy
Verm|||on Ped Meta|||c
yster Boston Leatner
L|gnt Bur| Wa|nut Wood
For deta||s on spec|cat|ons, p|ease refer to pages o?-oS.
Want tne |ns|de scoop on BMW?
You can nd us on Facebook

Lxter|or 06 0/
%3*7& 8*%& 01&/
ne exc|t|ng BMW Ser|es Convert|b|e.
lnnovat|ve des|gn for a br||||ant dr|ve.
ln terms of de||ver|ng |nstant sat|sfact|on, few can no|d a cand|e to
tne BMW Ser|es, wn|cn |s un|versa||y pra|sed for |ts engag|ng dr|v|ng
exper|ence and no-nonsense approacn to connect|ng dr|vers to tne
pavement. Ben|nd tne wnee|, every move fee|s ||ke tne r|gnt one.
ne Ser|es Convert|b|e upno|ds tn|s reputat|on w|tn a nost of des|gn
e|ements. At tne front, br||||ant|y conce|ved nead||gnt c|usters |nc|ude
|||um|nated eyebrows, at tne rear, BMW |ntroduces attent|on-gett|ng
L-snape LLD ta||||gnts. f course, once tne softtop comes down, tne sun,
moon and stars sned tne|r own d|st|nct|ve ||gnt on your dr|v|ng exper|ence.
Oet tne |atest |nformat|on on BMWstandard and opt|ona| features, packages and tecnn|ca| spec|ca-
t|ons. V|s|t CNXVTBDPN, se|ect tne BMWmode| of your cno|ce, and c||ck on 'FBUVSFT 4QFDT
BMW Lfc|entDynam|cs:
susta|nab|||ty |n mot|on.
nere |s notn|ng qu|te ||ke exp|or|ng tne wor|d from tne comfort of tne
Ser|es Convert|b|e. W|tn tne top down, dr|vers take spec|a| not|ce of
tne|r surround|ngs w|tn good reason: wn||e tney enjoy tne dr|ve, tne|r
BMW |s m|n|m|z|ng tne|r |mpact on tne env|ronment. nats because
tne Ser|es Convert|b|e, ||ke every BMW mode|, features tecnno|og|es
des|gned to max|m|ze efc|ency wn||e m|n|m|z|ng narmfu| em|ss|ons.
lts wnat we ca|| Lfc|entDynam|cs and tne resu|t |s pure exn||arat|on
ben|nd tne wnee| wn||e ne|p|ng to protect tne p|anets resources.
Aerodynam|cs a|so p|ays an |mportant part |n
BMW Lfc|entDynam|cs. ne |nnovat|ve A|r
Curta|n |n tne ?B| front fasc|a, for examp|e,
cnanne|s tne a|r tnrougn two ducts |n tne front
a|r dam, tnen d|verts |t around tne front wnee|
arcnes. nougn eacn duct |s on|y four |ncnes
|ong and one |ncn w|de, tn|s |mproves a|row,
reduces turbu|ence and |ncreases efc|ency.
_ bmwusa.coml1 convertibIe
BMW EfficientDynamics
Less emissions. More driving pIeasure.
Performance 12 13
lnnovat|ve BMW power fue|s your greatest adventures.
ne Ser|es Convert|b|e re||es on two key
|ngred|ents to work |ts capt|vat|ng mag|c. ne
|s wnats above you, tne otner |s wnats under
tne nood. And |n tne ?B|, So| and So|s, tne
power every dr|ver craves |s ava||ab|e |n amp|e
n|s ?B|s advanced S.J-||ter |n||ne s|x-cy||nder
a|um|num/magnes|um powerp|ant generates
an |mpress|ve ?SJ norsepower and ?JJ |b-ft
of torque, us|ng BMWs tnrott|e|ess Va|vetron|c
tecnno|ogy for qu|ck, c|ean performance and
efc|ency. Lqu|pped w|tn tne smootn-sn|ft|ng,
standard o-speed manua| transm|ss|on, tne
?B| goes from J-oJ |n o.4 seconds.

Seek|ng even more |ean BMW musc|e under tne
nood? ry tne So|. Lqu|pped w|tn BMWs award-
w|nn|ng S.J-||ter, s|x-cy||nder w|nPower urbo
eng|ne, |t deve|ops a tnunder|ng SJJ norsepower
and SJJ |b-ft of torque. n|s dynamo de||vers
more tnan just sat|sfy|ng performance. BMWs
H|gn Prec|s|on D|rect lnject|on prov|des opt|mum
efc|ency wn||e max|mum torque |s de||vered
between SJJ and oJJJ rpm. n|s |nnovat|ve
tecnno|ogy resu|ts |n a tnr||||ng payoff: a br|sk
J-oJ spr|nt |n just o.4 seconds w|tn tne o-speed
manua| transm|ss|on.

r cnoose tne /-speed
Doub|e C|utcn ransm|ss|on DC) to soar past
oJ |n a b||ster|ng o.S seconds.

For even n|gner performance, tne So|s packs an

|ncred|b|e S?J-np puncn, w|tn S / |b-ft of torque.
ne ||gntn|ng-qu|ck /-speed DCboasts track-
|nsp|red padd|e sn|fters and prope|s tne So|s
from J-oJ |n a scorcn|ng o. seconds.
Wnen |t comes to performance, tne Ser|es
pusnes tne ||m|ts ||ke no otner ven|c|e |n |ts c|ass.
BMWAO test resu|ts.
BMWAO pre||m|nary test resu|ts.
P|ease see page o? for deta||ed tecnn|ca| data. BMWurges you
to obey a|| posted speed |aws and a|ways wear safety be|ts.
Oet tne |atest |nformat|on on BMWstandard and opt|ona| features,
packages and tecnn|ca| spec|cat|ons. V|s|t CNXVTBDPN, se|ect
tne BMWmode| of your cno|ce, and c||ck on 'FBUVSFT 4QFDT
Dr|v|ng exper|ence 14 15
From front to back,
|ts sneer e|egance.
D|scover tne wor|ds most refresn|ng vantage po|nt: ben|nd tne wnee| of
tne Ser|es Convert|b|e. lts concentrated, focused |ook and aggress|ve
stance are tne resu|t of purposefu| des|gn.
Up front, BMWs s|gnature eyebrow des|gn accent above tne nead||gnt
assemb|y |s comp|emented by d|st|nct|ve Corona nead||gnt-r|ngs. ne
Ser|es Convert|b|e adds act|ve safety to tn|s |||um|nat|ng equat|on: tne
Xenon Adapt|ve Head||gnts a|so come equ|pped w|tn |ntegrated Corner-
|ng L|gnts tnat sw|ve| to cast ||gnt around every turn. Lower down, |n tne
front fasc|a of tne ?B|, an |nnovat|ve A|r Curta|n cnanne|s a|r tnrougn
ducts |n tne a|r dam, d|rect|ng tne ow around tne front wnee| arcnes for
ennanced aerodynam|cs.
At tne rear, L-snape ta||||gnts |end a sport|er |ook, espec|a||y wnen comp|e-
mented by br||||ant LLD ||gnt|ng. Wnen greater stopp|ng force |s app||ed to
tne brake peda|, act|vat|ng tne Adapt|ve Brake||gnts funct|on, tney ||gnt up
even more br|gnt|y.
lt |s qu|te obv|ous tne des|gners and eng|neers at BMW carefu||y crafted
tn|s ven|c|e w|tn every deta|| |n m|nd.
Oet tne |atest |nformat|on on BMWstandard and opt|ona| features, packages and tecnn|ca| spec|ca-
t|ons. V|s|t CNXVTBDPN, se|ect tne BMWmode| of your cno|ce, and c||ck on 'FBUVSFT 4QFDT
BMW ConnectedDr|ve 16 1/
$-"44*$ %3*7*/( 5)3*--4
.&&5 5)& 45 $&/563:
Oet nooked up w|tn BMW ConnectedDr|ve.
Wn||e |ts nand||ng ecnoes BMWs n|gn-performance ner|tage, tne Ser|es
Convert|b|e |s str|ct|y future-dr|ven. oday, dr|vers and passengers requ|re
advanced commun|cat|ons capab|||t|es. ConnectedDr|ve |ets you stay |n
toucn w|tn your ||fe and your mus|c, a|| w|tn your safety and comfort |n m|nd.
Look|ng for tne |ocat|on of tnat not, new restaurant? A qu|ck Ooog|e

done on your |Dr|ve D|sp|ay screen not on|y nds tne address, but sends
|t to your Nav|gat|on system to d|rect you tnere. Want to cneck your text mes-
sages? A ext-to-speecn feature reads tnem a|oud, a||ow|ng you to keep
your eyes on tne road. Need to return a m|ssed ca||? Advanced B|uetootn

con nect|v|ty, a|ong w|tn ennanced |Dr|ve funct|on a||ty, makes |t easy to do
so from your BMW, you can even use your D|sp|ay screen to v|ew your
pnonebook |nfo at a g|ance.
Anotner benet of B|uetootn connect|v|ty: tne ab|||ty to stream mus|c w|re-
|ess|y from your med|a p|ayer or mob||e dev|ce r|gnt tnrougn your BMWs
speaker system. Connect your |Pnone

or |Pod

v|a USB and you can even

see tne a|bum cover art on tne D|sp|ay screen. Use your |Dr|ve Contro||er to
qu|ck|y and |ntu|t|ve|y browse, se|ect and enjoy. lts a|| at your ngert|ps.
Oet tne |atest |nformat|on on BMWstandard and opt|ona| features, packages and tecnn|ca| spec|ca-
t|ons. V|s|t CNXVTBDPN, se|ect tne BMWmode| of your cno|ce, and c||ck on 'FBUVSFT 4QFDT
Softtop 1B 19
"/48&3 50 " )*()&3 $"--*/(
pen-a|r tnr|||s, redened |n tne Ser|es Convert|b|e.
20 21
The Air Ourtain, which reduces air resistance at the
wheeI arches of the BMW 1 2i, was deveIoped in
the turbuIent roar of a high-tech wind tunneI.
ln tne g|ant w|nd tunne| at tne BMW Oroups
Aerodynam|c est Center |n Mun|cn, dr|v|ng
rea||ty |s turned |ns|de out: |ts tne ven|c|e
tnat stays st||| wn||e |ts env|ronment moves
around |t. A nuge rotor tnat consumes 4.4
mega watts of power dr|ves ?o,ooJ cub|c
yards of a|r around an a|row r|ng. Before
reacn|ng tne test track, tne a|r |s forced
tnrougn a duct to acce|erate |ts speed s|x
t|mes. Poad cond|t|ons are s|mu|ated us|ng
ve tn|n stee| ro|||ng tracks. ne wnee|s of
tne test ven|c|e |n tn|s case, tne BMW
?B| Convert|b|e are dr|ven by four narrow
be|ts, wn||e tne |ong centra| be|t under tne
car moves at exact|y tne same speed. n|s
comp|ex arrangement ensures tnat tne a|row
at tne cars undercarr|age, wnee|s and wnee|
arcnes |s a|most |dent|ca| to tnat of a rea|
dr|v|ng s|tuat|on. lts as |f tne very road |tse|f
were be|ng put to tne test.
Wnen |t comes to aerodynam|cs, a J percent
reduct|on |n a|r res|stance |eads to a good
?.o percent reduct|on |n fue| consumpt|on.
A|tnougn tne ?B| Convert|b|e body |s a|ready
aerodynam|ca||y opt|m|zed, tn|s |s actua||y
respons|b|e for on|y 4J percent of tne ven|c|es
tota| a|r res|stance. en percent |s caused by
tne coo||ng a|r for tne eng|ne, transm|ss|on
and brakes, ?J percent from tne ven|c|e
underbody, and tne na| SJ percent |s pro-
duced at tne wnee|s and tne wnee| arcnes.
ne A|r Curta|n, wn|cn debuted |n tne ?B|,
|s des|gned to |mprove upon tnese areas.
n|s dynam|c feature protects tne front wnee|s
from neadw|nd and s|gn|cant|y reduces
turbu|ence over tne front t|res. A|r |s taken |n
tnrougn vents |n tne front a|r dam. As tne vent
ducts narrow, tne a|r p|cks up speed. lt ex|ts
at n|gn speed tnrougn narrow s||ts, cover|ng
tne outer face of tne front wnee|s ||ke a curta|n.
n|s A|r Curta|n acts ||ke an |nv|s|b|e wnee|
cover: |mpercept|b|e yet n|gn|y effect|ve.
Used |n conjunct|on w|tn tne opt|m|zed coo||ng
a|r ducts and a smootned-off undercarr|age,
tne A|r Curta|n prov|des tne ?B| w|tn an
exce||ent a|r-res|stance coefc|ent, as we||
as reduced up||ft. ne resu|t: greater fue|
efc|ency and |ncreased ven|c|e stab|||ty.
P|gnt: ne a|row over tne BMW Ser|es Convert|b|e
|s made v|s|b|e by means of a smoke tracer. ne s||gnter tne
turbu|ence created, tne |ower tne a|r res|stance.
Left: Aerodynam|cs exper|ments |n tne g|ant test|ng bay
are contro||ed from tne w|nd tunne|s contro| room.
o tne rear of tne test track, ta|| nem|spner|ca| part|t|ons
gu|de tne a|row back |n tne oppos|te d|rect|on.
5",& */ 5)&
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5)& 4,:8":4
Luxury, comfort and conven|ence
are a breeze.
Before tne eng|ne |s started, before tne top comes down, mere|y s|tt|ng |n
tne Ser|es Convert|b|e |s a reenerg|z|ng affa|r. ne two front seats offer
myr|ad conven|ence features, a|| w|tn|n easy reacn. For even greater front-
seat comfort, tne e|gnt-way power front sport seats |n tne So|s and M Sport
Package offer adjustab|e s|de bo|sters, two-way manua| neadrests and
manua| tn|gn support. Adjustab|e |umbar support prov|des an add|t|ona|
|eve| of custom|zat|on. ne extens|ve array of knobs and sw|tcnes at your
ngert|ps boosts tne cab|ns conven|ence factor. Automat|c |eft/r|gnt c||mate
contro|s keep tne |nter|or at tne |dea| temperature. Just to tne r|gnt of tne
dr|vers seat, at tne center conso|e, |s tne |Dr|ve Contro||er. And tne mu|t|-
funct|on sport steer|ng wnee| |ets you d|a| |n pnone ca||s. C|ear|y, tn|s
Convert|b|e ups tne ante on funct|ona||ty for everyone on board.
ne mu|t|task|ng cab|n rece|ves a refresned |ook to matcn. Ava||ab|e
Boston Leatner upno|stery, |n cno|ces ||ke Savannan Be|ge/B|ack or yster,
|ends a |uxur|ous persona||ty to tne roomy |nter|or. Comp|ementary tr|m
opt|ons range from exc|us|ve A|p|ne Wn|te to sporty H|gn-O|oss B|ack,
F|ne||ne Antnrac|te Wood, L|gnt Bur| Wa|nut Wood and O|ac|er S||ver
A|um|num. And desp|te |ts compact s|ze, tne Ser|es Convert|b|e |s
every |ncn a BMW. So drop tne top and open up tne |uxur|ous |nter|or
w|tn just tne |ck of a sw|tcn, for tne wno|e wor|d to see and adm|re.
Oet tne |atest |nformat|on on BMWstandard and opt|ona| features, packages and tecnn|ca| spec|ca-
t|ons. V|s|t CNXVTBDPN, se|ect tne BMWmode| of your cno|ce, and c||ck on 'FBUVSFT 4QFDT
lnter|or 24 25
(&5 #"$, 50 4*.1-&
Lvery tr|p comes a||ve |n tne open a|r.
Wnen tne top comes down |n tne Ser|es Convert|b|e, every seat |s a great one. n|s
|s wnere cares s|mp|y oat away, rep|aced by an exc|tement tnat bu||ds w|tn every m||e.
ne two rear seats are tne perfect p|ace for sun-drencned passengers. A tnrougn-
|oad|ng system w|tn an |ntegrated transport bag g|ves you greater ex|b|||ty for nau||ng
more cargo everytn|ng from go|f c|ubs to scuba gear.
And wnats a road tr|p w|tnout tne perfect soundtrack? une |n to HD Pad|o for
stunn|ng, crysta|-c|ear sound and a w|de var|ety of ||sten|ng opt|ons. Upgrade to a
Harman Kardon

Surround Sound Aud|o System and d|a| up your favor|tes on an

amaz|ng J-speaker system. Lven w|tnout us|ng tne advanced BMW ConnectedDr|ve
w|re|ess tecnno|ogy, you can st||| pu|| mus|c from your |Pod

s|mp|y nook |t up d|rect|y

to tne USB adapter |n tne center conso|e, tnen contro| your p|ay||st stra|gnt tnrougn tne
|Dr|ve system. After a day at tne beacn, wnen tne sun goes down and tne top comes
back up, coo| off |n tne warm g|ow of tne Amb|ance |nter|or ||gnt|ng as tne |||um|nated
pane|s and d|a|s on tne dasn spr|ng to ||fe. Fun a|| day, even |nto tne n|gnt: tnats tne
cnarm of tne BMW Ser|es Convert|b|e.
Oet tne |atest |nformat|on on BMWstandard and opt|ona| features, packages and tecnn|ca| spec|cat|ons.
V|s|t CNXVTBDPN, se|ect tne BMWmode| of your cno|ce, and c||ck on 'FBUVSFT 4QFDT
9:15 a.m.
2:15 p.m.
11:20 a.m.
ne parks of Vancouver are
tne r|gnt p|ace for a p|cn|c |n
tne m|dd|e of tne c|ty.
ne Canad|an Pac|f|c coast offers
a wea|tn of pnoto opportun|t|es.
ne beacnes around V|ctor|a on Vancouver ls|and are
a popu|ar spot for k|te surfers.
nomas wants to exp|ore a beaut|fu| stretcn
of coast||ne |n n|s BMW Ser|es Convert|b|e.
A||ce wants to go wna|e watcn|ng, and ld ||ke
to surf. A|| no prob|em |f you ||ve |n Vancouver
on tne Canad|an Pac|c coast.
After a snort consu|tat|on over cappucc|nos
and cro|ssants, tne p|an for tne weekend takes
snape. We are go|ng to snop for a p|cn|c |n tne
de|| market on Oranv|||e ls|and. n|s covered
market w||| be our rst stop for fru|t, cneese
and pastr|es. ne p|cn|c spot, Van|er Park, |s
c|ose by and tneres a beaut|fu| v|ew of tne
c|ty sky||ne.
Afterward we p|an on dr|v|ng to Vancouver
ls|and and tne o|d co|on|a| town of V|ctor|a.
ne Pac|c cean and Dwayne Strongs K|te
Surf Scnoo| awa|t us tnere. Snou|d tne drop-
top mood take us and |f tne weatner |s ne,
toward even|ng we w||| cru|se on for some
wna|e watcn|ng at Broken ls|ands.
4:30 p.m.
W|tn any |uck you w||| spot wna|es from tne beacn.
nree peop|e w|tn weekend bags and
a p|cn|c basket trave| comfortab|y |n
tne BMW Ser|es Convert|b|e. Most
of our sma||er |tems t |n tne pract|ca|
zcompartments |n tne |nstrument pane|
or |n tne nets on tne backs of tne front
seats, as we|| as |n tne trunk. Lven w|tn
tne roof down, tne J.? cub|c foot trunk
space |s sufc|ent for tnree med|um-s|ze
trave| bags. W|tn more |uggage, tne
Convert|b|es tnrougn-|oad|ng funct|on
wou|d serve adm|rab|y. ne p|cn|c basket
ts on tne empty space on tne rear seat.
n|y tne k|teboard |s rented on-s|te, as
tne Surf Scnoo| on Vancouver ls|and nas
very decent setups. ne constant soutn-
east w|nd does not go unused.
lts too |ate to make tne return journey
today. Sooke Harbour House st||| nas
rooms ava||ab|e and w|tn a b|t of |uck,
A||ce w||| see ner wna|e wn||e sne |s
enjoy|ng d|nner on tne restaurant terrace.
BMW |s pass|onate about researcn|ng and deve|op|ng systems tnat ensure advanced and eff|c|ent mob|||ty.
Wn|cn |s wny tne BMW Ser|es Convert|b|e, ||ke every BMW, comes w|tn comprenens|ve, mu|t|-award-
w|nn|ng BMW Lff|c|entDynam|cs tecnno|ogy. BMWLff|c|entDynam|cs |nnovat|ons reduce fue| consumpt|on
and C? em|ss|ons wn||e max|m|z|ng eng|ne output and dynam|c performance. Less fue|, more dr|v|ng
p|easure a contrad|ct|on tnat BMW nas reso|ved once and for a||.
BMW was one of tne rst automot|ve manufacturers to pursue efc|ent dr|v|ng tecnno|og|es one part of our award-w|nn|ng susta|nab|||ty strategy.
BMW Lfc|entDynam|cs repre sents tne most comprenens|ve package of |nnovat|ve tecnno|og|es current|y |n product|on for reduc|ng fue| consumpt|on
and em|ss|ons. ur comm|tment to Lfc|entDynam|cs means we are cont|nuous|y deve|op|ng |nnovat|ve systems tnat br|ng us c|oser to our |ong-term
goa| of em|ss|ons-free mob|||ty. S|nce JJo BMW nas been ab|e to reduce tne C? em|ss|ons of |ts ent|re eet by approx|mate|y SJ percent, and
|ntends to acn|eve a furtner ?o percent reduct|on by ?J?J. However, we rema|n comm|tted to dr|v|ng p|easure, wn|cn |s be|ng pursued |n d|fferent ways.
Eco-friendIy technoIogy.
ne deve|opment of more efc|ent ven|c|es powered by convent|ona| d|ese| and gaso||ne eng|nes cont|nues. A comprenens|ve tecnno|ogy d|rect|ve
enab|es tne reduct|on of fue| consumpt|on and em|ss|ons wn||e at tne same t|me |ncreas|ng power output and dr|v|ng enjoyment. nese advances
are based on |nnovat|ons sucn as BMW w|nPower urbo tecnno|ogy, Brake Lnergy Pegenerat|on, A|r Curta|n front apron des|gn, and many otners.
W|tn tne BMW Act|veHybr|d /, BMW Act|veHybr|d o and BMW Act|veHybr|d S, BMW nas |mpress|ve nybr|d product|on mode|s |n |ts ||ne. A|| comb|ne
outstand|ng efc|ency w|tn super|at|ve dynam|c ab|||ty.
BMW EIectric VehicIes.
ne BMW Act|veL |s tne rst JJ percent e|ectr|c, JJ percent BMW ven|c|e. A m||estone for Lfc|entDynam|cs, tne BMW Act|veL acn|eves
em|ss|ons-free mob|||ty w|tnout comprom|s|ng tne performance tnat |s a BMW trademark. Based on tne Ser|es Coupe, |t |auncned |n ear|y ?J ?.
ne BMW | brand w||| |auncn two comp|ete|y new ven|c|e concepts for susta|nab|e mob|||ty |n an urban env|ronment. Key features of tne BMW |S and
BMW |B |nc|ude tne use of ||gntwe|gnt mater|a|s sucn as carbon-ber-re|nforced p|ast|c CFPP), e|ectr|c dr|ve systems, powerfu| battery tecnno|ogy
and eco-fr|end|y product|on metnods. ne BMW |S |auncnes |n ?J S and tne |B |n ?J 4, botn are an |mportant part of Lfc|entDynam|cs tecnno|og|es.
Air Ourtain. Narrow open|ngs on tne |eft and r|gnt of tne front a|r dam
of tne ?B| d|rect |now|ng a|r |nto two sea|ed cnanne|s. nese run a|ong
tne |ns|de of tne front to tne wnee| arcnes, wnere tne a|r re-emerges and
|s steered at n|gn speed tnrougn a narrow open|ng c|ose to tne externa|
surface of tne wnee|. ne escap|ng a|r streams down tne s|des of tne
front wnee|s, m|n|m|z|ng a|r turbu|ence around tne wnee|s and wnee|
arcnes, tnereby furtner reduc|ng fue| consumpt|on.
DoubIe-VANOS. VANS |s BMWs va|ve t|m|ng system tnat can
step|ess|y vary tne po|nts |n tne combust|on cyc|e wnen va|ves open
and c|ose. Doub|e-VANS refers to tne fact tnat |t operates on botn tne
|ntake and exnaust camsnafts. L|ectron|ca||y contro||ed |n response to
eng|ne speed, |oad and temperature, VANS reduces em|ss|ons, and
ennances |ow- to med|um-speed torque, as we|| as fue| efc|ency.
VaIvetronic. BMWs Va|vetron|c va|ve contro| system |mproves eng|ne
response and renement, wn||e a|so ne|p|ng to reduce fue| consumpt|on.
lnstead of us|ng a trad|t|ona| tnrott|e, tne system ne|ps tne eng|ne
breatne better by prov|d|ng fu||y var|ab|e ||ft adjustment of tne |n|et
va|ves. ne resu|t: |mproved co|d starts, smootner runn|ng, and a
s|gn|cant drop |n fue| consumpt|on.
Efcient transmissions. ne Ser|es Convert|b|e offers a cno|ce of
transm|ss|ons, eacn des|gned to max|m|ze efc|ency. ln a|| mode|s, a
smootn-sn|ft|ng o-speed manua| transm|ss|on |s standard. ln tne ?B|,
a o-speed SLPPNlC automat|c transm|ss|on |s a|so offered, tne /-speed
Doub|e C|utcn ransm|ss|on DC) |s ava||ab|e for tne So| and tne So|s.
Lightweight construction. ur eng|neers use ||gntwe|gnt a|um|num
tnrougnout our ven|c|es |n tne front sect|on, for examp|e, or for tne
suspens|on. BMWs s|x-cy||nder w|nPower urbo eng|ne |s a|| a|um|num,
tne natura||y asp|rated |n||ne s|x |s an a|um|num/magnes|um compos|te
tne ||gntest |n |ts c|ass. aken togetner, tnese we|gnt sav|ngs |ead to
|ower fue| consumpt|on and better ax|e |oad d|str|but|on for more ag|||ty,
espec|a||y |n curves.
BMW TwinPower Turbo TechnoIogy. ne SJJ-np So| and S?J-np
So|s benet from BMWs w|nPower urbo eng|ne w|tn Va|vetron|c
tecnno|ogy tnat de||vers qu|ck acce|erat|on w|tn v|rtua||y no turbo |ag.
Fue| economy |s |mpress|ve, as we||, tnanks to H|gn Prec|s|on D|rect
lnject|on tnat ensures |ean-burn operat|on under part|a| |oads by prov|d|ng
opt|mum combust|on of fue|.
5)& )&"35 0' 5)& *//07"5*7& 4&3*&4 $0/7&35*#-&
5*.&4 5)3&&
As remarkab|e as |t may seem, tne Ser|es Convert|b|e eng|ne opt|ons are perfect|y su|ted to tne ven|c|e, wn|cn mode| you cnoose |s on|y a matter
of persona| preference. ne ?B| offers exn||arat|ng norsepower and torque, |n comb|nat|on w|tn compe|||ng fue| efc|ency. ne So| and So|s
de||ver even more power under tne nood v|a BMWs w|nPower urbo tecnno|ogy, wn||e ma|nta|n|ng exce||ent fue| economy. Add|t|ona||y, tne
So|s eng|ne takes advantage of a Power K|t tnat takes tne So| eng|ne a step furtner by de||ver|ng more norsepower, more torque and un||m|ted
exn||arat|on. Wn|cnever way you go, tne Ser|es Convert|b|e turns every dr|ve |nto pure enjoyment.
Lng|nes 30 31
#.8 J
An outstand|ng examp|e of tne progress made |n turbo tecnno|ogy, tn|s
award-w|nn|ng S.J-||ter BMW w|nPower urbo s|x-cy||nder eng|ne |s
tne rst |n |ts c|ass to comb|ne a s|ng|e tw|n-scro|| turbocnarger w|tn
d|rect fue| |nject|on and Va|vetron|c fu||y var|ab|e va|ve contro|. nese
tecnno|og|es |mbue tne So| w|tn a p|npo|nt-accurate power de||very
system for |mpress|ve fue| efc|ency. Sucn advancements a|so nave
a s|gn|cant reward for tne dr|ver: a pavement-pun|sn|ng SJJ np and
SJJ |b-ft of torque, w|tn a tnr||||ng J-oJ t|me of o.S seconds wnen
equ|pped w|tn BMWs |nnovat|ve /-speed Doub|e C|utcn ransm|ss|on.

#.8 JT
ne So|s ut|||zes tne same S.J-||ter eng|ne as tne So|, but performance
|s ennanced by tne add|t|on of a Power K|t w|tn advanced performance
software for tne eng|ne contro| un|t, p|us an aux|||ary water coo|er and an
upgraded rad|ator fan to reduce tne n|gner tnerma| stresses on tne eng|ne
dur|ng extreme dr|v|ng. orque |s |ncreased to S / |b-ft, and |s ava||ab|e
from just oJJ rpm. Power output |s upped to S?J norsepower, resu|t|ng
|n a J-oJ t|me of o. seconds.
Lven w|tn tn|s super|or power, tne fue|
consumpt|on and em|ss|ons rat|ngs rema|n tne same as |n tne So|.
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000
Engine speed (rpm)
e (lb
er o
t (h
Torque (lb-ft)
Power output (horsepower)
ne BMWw|nPower urbo |n||ne s|x-cy||nder
eng|ne |n tne So| de||vers SJJ |b-ft of torque
at on|y SJJ rpm, and cont|nues w|tnout fad|ng
to tne oJJJ-rpm range.
#.8 J
ne natura||y asp|rated |n||ne s|x-cy||nder eng|ne |n tne ?B| offers an
|mpress|ve ?SJ np and ?JJ |b-ft of torque, a|ong w|tn BMWs |atest
efc|ency tecnno|og|es ||ke Doub|e-VANS and Va|vetron|c var|ab|e
va|ve contro|. H|t tne acce|erator and exper|ence a br|sk J-oJ t|me of
just o.4 seconds wnen used |n conjunct|on w|tn BMWs smootn-
sn|ft|ng o-speed manua| transm|ss|on.

W|tn tne manua| transm|ss|on,

you|| enjoy ?B mpg on tne n|gnway,
and ?/ mpg w|tn tne SLPPNlC
automat|c transm|ss|on.
Lxper|ence e|tner transm|ss|on for extended
dr|v|ng fun before nav|ng to stop to refue|.
ne BMW ?B| de||vers peak torque of ?JJ |b-ft at
just ?/oJ rpm. ne norsepower curve |ncreases
smootn|y unt|| peak|ng at ooJJ rpm.

BMWAO test resu|ts.

BMWAO pre||m|nary test resu|ts.
B mpg c|ty. LPA-est|mated gures are for compar|son purposes on|y. Your actua| m||eage w||| vary,
depend|ng on speed, dr|v|ng nab|ts, tr|p |engtn and dr|v|ng cond|t|ons, actua| m||eage may be |ower.
P|ease see page o? for deta||ed tecnn|ca| data. BMWurges you to obey a|| posted speed |aws and
a|ways wear safety be|ts.
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000
Engine speed (rpm)
e (lb
er o
t (h
Torque (lb-ft)
Power output (horsepower)
ack|e tne most cna||eng|ng roads w|tnout comprom|s|ng on contro|: tne BMW Ser|es Convert|b|e
makes tn|s poss|b|e w|tn |nnovat|ve suspens|on tecnno|og|es. ur eng|neers construct tne most advanced
suspens|ons |n order to nand|e every cna||enge faced on tne pavement, from n|gnways to back roads.
Cnass|s and safety 32 33
From near-perfect oJ/oJ we|gnt d|str|but|on, to tne sporty and respons|ve nand||ng of tne ven|c|e at n|gnway speeds, tne Ser|es Convert|b|e
|s bu||t on a foundat|on as revo|ut|onary as tne rest of tne ven|c|e. After a||, your c|osest ||nk to tne exn||arat|on of dr|v|ng a BMW |s at ground |eve|.
Pead on to nd out more.
Lightweight suspension. ln tne Ser|es
Convert|b|e, tne r|g|d yet ||gntwe|gnt suspens|on
|s tne perfect counterpart to tne eng|ne. How
tne car reacts to tne road as we|| as |ts superb
nand||ng of acoust|cs and v|brat|ons are a
resu|t of tne advanced eng|neer|ng ben|nd tn|s
cruc|a| ||nk to tne road. ne a|um|num doub|e-
p|vot front suspens|on cons|sts of a ||gntwe|gnt,
tw|n-jo|nt tens|on strut des|gn for max|mum
strengtn w|tn m|n|mum we|gnt, nydromounts
reduce v|brat|on and no|se. ogetner w|tn tne
ve-||nk, fu||y |ndependent rear suspens|on |n
||gntwe|gnt stee| and BMWs s|gnature rear-
wnee| dr|ve, superb|y sporty nand||ng |s par
for any dr|v|ng course.
Near-perfect 50l50 weight distribution.
ne front and rear ax|es eacn carry a|most
exact|y na|f of tne cars we|gnt. Ba|anced we|gnt
g|ves tne Ser|es Convert|b|e neutra| steer|ng
and outstand|ng d|rect|ona| stab|||ty. W|tn a
sport-tuned suspens|on and standard Dynam|c
Stab|||ty Contro|, |t rema|ns stab|e |n v|rtua||y
a|| road cond|t|ons.
Active Steering. Furtner ennanc|ng tne qua||ty
of tne dr|v|ng exper|ence, Act|ve Steer|ng |s
ava||ab|e |n tne So| and So|s. n|s system
adjusts botn steer|ng rat|o and steer|ng force
|n re|at|on to dr|v|ng speed. At |ow to med|um
speeds, a sma|| turn of tne steer|ng wnee|
trans|ates |nto a b|g turn of tne front wnee|s.
You enjoy more ag|||ty |n c|ty dr|v|ng, qu|cker
turns on tw|st|ng roads, and eas|er park|ng
maneuvers. At n|gner speeds, a |arger turn of
tne steer|ng wnee| |s needed to turn tne front
wnee|s, resu|t|ng |n greater stra|gnt-||ne stab|||ty.
7-speed DoubIe OIutch Transmission
(DOT). Ava||ab|e |n tne So| and So|s, tn|s
transm|ss|on features two separate c|utcnes
for tne odd and even gears. Wnen one gear |s
d|sengag|ng, tne next one |s a|ready engaged.
You exper|ence ||gntn|ng-qu|ck gear sn|fts w|tn
max|mum prec|s|on, for acce|erat|on w|tnout
|nterrupt|on of power. Wnen you prefer nands-
on contro|, botn tne rac|ng-|nsp|red steer|ng
wnee|-mounted padd|e sn|fters and tne gear
sn|ft |ever a||ow c|utcn|ess sn|ft|ng.
L|ke tne compos|t|on of a sympnony, every component |n tne Ser|es Convert|b|e works togetner |n narmony to produce
sometn|ng tota||y un|que and comp|ete|y sat|sfy|ng. aken |nd|v|dua||y, tnese |nnovat|ve features are no |ess |mpress|ve.
Cnass|s and safety 34 35
Xenon Adaptive HeadIights automat|ca||y sw|ve| to fo||ow tne curves
of tne road. ne system uses data from on-board sensors and tne
steer|ng wnee| ang|e to determ|ne tne cars d|rect|on, tnen adjusts tne
nead||gnts accord|ng|y. ne system offers outstand|ng n|gntt|me v|s|on.
Mass|ve, high-performance anti-Iock disc brakes are vent||ated
at a|| four wnee|s for fade-res|stant operat|on under nard use. perated
|n conjunct|on w|tn Dynam|c Stab|||ty Contro| DSC), brakes a|so benet
from Brake Dry|ng, Brake Stand-by, Brake Fade Compensat|on and
Start-off Ass|stant features. Brake d|ameter s|zes snown on page oS.)
Dynamic StabiIity OontroI (DSO) ne|ps stab|||ze tne Ser|es
Convert|b|e |n just m||||seconds wnen |t senses an |mpend|ng sk|d.
Wnenever tne system senses over- or understeer, |t modu|ates eng|ne
power and can app|y brakes |nd|v|dua||y to eacn wnee| to ne|p keep tne
ven|c|e under contro| and go|ng |n tne |ntended d|rect|on. For sport|er
dr|v|ng or |n deep snow, Dynamic Traction OontroI (DTO) a||ows
|ncreased wnee|s||p.
BodysheII rigidity and reinforced A-piIIars prov|de added stab|||ty
and safety, tne r|g|d|ty of tne bodysne|| structure |s eng|neered to w|tn-
stand botn tors|on and bend|ng by ut|||z|ng re|nforcements bu||t |nto tne
undercarr|age, |n tne door s|||s and around tne doors. ne w|ndsn|e|d
frame, w|tn add|t|ona| strengtnen|ng bu||t |nto tne A-p|||ar areas and tne
cow|, acts as a ro||over bar. n|s structura| bo|ster|ng contr|butes to tne
BMW Ser|es Convert|b|e acn|ev|ng stab|||ty gures equa| to tnose of
a xed-roof car.
Impact-absorbing bumpers and compres s|b|e crusn tubes front
and rear ne|p absorb tne force of |mpact |n co|||s|ons up to n|ne mpn,
m|n|m|z|ng damage to tne ven|c|es body and s|mp||fy|ng repa|rs.
n|y at n|gner |mpact speeds do structura| supports beg|n to deform,
d|ss|pat|ng |mpact energy to ne|p protect occupants.
RoIIover Protection System cons|sts of two stee| ro||bars ben|nd
tne rear-seat neadrests tnat are connected w|tn a n|gn|y stab|e cnass|s
crossbeam. ne system |nc|udes a ro||bar of n|gn-strengtn tubu|ar stee|
|ntegrated |nto tne frame of tne w|ndsn|e|d.
BMW restraint system for tne dr|ver and front passenger comb|nes
tnree-po|nt safety be|ts, automat|c safety-be|t pretens|oners, nead
restra|nts, and seat bo|sters tnat ne|p prevent occupants from s||d|ng
forward. Botn rear seats |nc|ude tnree-po|nt safety be|ts and come
standard w|tn LACH attacnments for cn||d seats. n|s system ne|ps
prov|de opt|mum restra|nt |n a co|||s|on.
ln a co|||s|on, BMWs SRS (suppIementaI restraint system) w|tn
advanced tecnno|ogy for tne front a|rbags determ|nes wn|cn a|rbags
to dep|oy for opt|ma| protect|on. ne system a|so |nc|udes front-seat-
mounted s|de-|mpact a|rbags.
P|ease note: nese p|ctures of a|rbags are for |||ustrat|ve purposes on|y. Depend|ng upon tne type of
acc|dent, none, some or a|| a|rbags may dep|oy.
Run-fIat tires conta|n re|nforced s|dewa||s and ma|nta|n tne|r snape
and r|m pos|t|on even after suffer|ng a comp|ete |oss of t|re pressure.
ney a||ow you to cont|nue dr|v|ng at a reduced speed unt|| you reacn
a safe area to cnange a t|re or wa|t for Poads|de Ass|stance. ln tne event
of a dec||ne |n t|re pressure, tne dr|ver |s warned by tne Tire Pressure
Tire Pressure Monitor |s an e|ectron|c contro| system des|gned to
warn tne dr|ver |f tnere |s a sudden and |rregu|ar |oss of t|re pressure.
Snou|d tne target pressure of a t|re fa|| be|ow ?o percent, a warn|ng ||gnt
a|erts tne dr|ver.
P|ease see wners Manua| for more |nformat|on deta|||ng a||otted m||es to trave| and |oad we|gnt
ru|es for run-at t|res.
Oet tne |atest |nformat|on on BMWstandard and opt|ona| features,
packages and tecnn|ca| spec|cat|ons. V|s|t CNXVTBDPN, se|ect
tne BMWmode| of your cno|ce, and c||ck on 'FBUVSFT 4QFDT
ne wor|d nas become one g|ant network |n wn|cn we are a|| connected. BMW dr|vers need to stay
|n toucn so tnat tney can searcn for |nformat|on, commun|cate v|a te|epnone or ema||, and a|ways be
up-to-date wn||e tneyre on tne go. BMWs so|ut|on: BMW ConnectedDr|ve, a su|te of tecnno|og|es tnat
de||vers a|| tne serv|ces and |nnovat|ve tecnno|og|es tnat ||nk BMW ven|c|es and tne|r passengers w|tn
tne wor|d outs|de. Now, be|ng |n your ven|c|e doesnt mean you nave to take t|me out from your ||fe.
odays tecnno|ogy a||ows greater |nteract|v|ty between ven|c|es, consumer e|ectron|cs, tne |nternet, and tne dr|ver. ln a BMW, tn|s |s ca||ed
ConnectedDr|ve. BMW ConnectedDr|ve offers |nnovat|ons |n tne areas of conven|ence, safety and |nfota|nment. A|tnougn tnese e|ectron|c
systems w||| never rep|ace tne joy of dr|v|ng, tney do ennance tne dr|v|ng exper|ence.
ake, for examp|e, BMWs on-board Nav|gat|on system, wn|cn ne|ps you p|an your route, and a|so ne|ps you avo|d trafc jams by prov|d|ng
Pea| |me rafc lnformat|on, |ts nard dr|ve even nas room to store your favor|te mus|c. Concerned about tne weatner you|| encounter on
your tr|p? W|tn BMW n||ne, you can access current weatner cond|t|ons, as we|| as cneck tne |atest forecast. And to ne|p you back |nto tnat
t|gnt park|ng space, ut|||ze Park D|stance Contro| and v|ew your progress on tne D|sp|ay screen to make park|ng eas|er tnan |t nas ever been.
No matter wnere you go, |n a BMW, youre connected w|tn tne wor|d.
Oet tne |atest |nformat|on on BMWstandard and opt|ona| features, packages and tecnn|ca| spec|ca-
t|ons. V|s|t CNXVTBDPN, se|ect tne BMWmode| of your cno|ce, and c||ck on 'FBUVSFT 4QFDT
BMW OnIine |ets you know tne |atest weatner forecasts, adv|sor|es
and warn|ngs, as we|| as news, stock |nd|ces and more, a|| snown on
tne Contro| D|sp|ay |ns|de your ven|c|e.
Park Distance OontroI (PDO) uses u|tra son|c sensors |n tne rear
bumper to ne|p you judge tne d|stance to otner ven|c|es and unseen
objects wnen park|ng. Wn||e engaged |n a park|ng maneuver, acoust|c
s|gna|s and a v|sua| |nd|cator snown |n tne Contro| D|sp|ay cont|nua||y
prov|de feedback on your progress. As tne rear of your ven|c|e approacnes
a stat|onary object, tne |mage snown on tne D|sp|ay screen cnanges and
tne warn|ng beeps come faster as your bumper c|oses tne d|stance to tne
object. o comp|ement tne v|sua| d|sp|ay, tne beeps turn |nto a constant
tone wnen tne d|stance |s |ess tnan ? |ncnes.
BMWs on-board Navigation system uses O|oba| Pos|t|on|ng System
OPS) sate|||tes and data stored on an |nterna| nard dr|ve to gu|de you
to your dest|nat|on, wn|cn |s d|sp|ayed on a o:J n|gn-reso|ut|on screen.
Lnnancements |nc|ude S-D dayt|me and n|gntt|me maps, zoom, trave|
p|anner, and an Ass|stance W|ndow. ne system a|so offers Vo|ce com-
mand for conven|ent, nands-free operat|on, and ? OB of storage for
your favor|te med|a |es. n||ne |nformat|on serv|ces |nc|ude Mylnfo,
wn|cn a||ows Ooog|e Maps dest|nat|ons to be sent to your ven|c|e,
as we|| as BMW n||ne wnen your ven|c|e |s a|so equ|pped w|tn BMW
Ass|st Conven|ence Serv|ces.
BMW ConnectedDr|ve 3B 39
BMW Apps |ets you access Soc|a| Networks, mus|c P|ugln and V|deo
P|ayback tnrougn your |Pnone,

and see tnem on tne D|sp|ay screen.

une |n to Web radio and searcn for stat|ons from around tne g|obe
by name, |ocat|on or genre. You can a|so store your favor|te stat|ons,
nd s|m||ar stat|ons, d|sp|ay stat|on |nformat|on, and cnange tne qua||ty
of tne aud|o.Your favor|te entr|es are stored on your |Pnone, so you can
take tnem w|tn you from one ven|c|e to anotner.
P|ease note: A broadband data ||nk |s requ|red. ne costs for tn|s e.g., data roam|ng) are regu|ated
by tne customer agreement w|tn tne mob||e pnone serv|ce prov|der.
Not a|| features ava||ab|e wn||e ven|c|e |s |n mot|on, see dea|er for deta||s.
Web rad|o aud|o qua||ty depends on tne b|t rate of tne stat|on, and data recept|on
depends on your ce|| serv|ce. Data transfer comes over tne |Pnone.
Wnen you se|ect PIugIn from tne BMW Apps menu, tne |Pnone exports
a typ|ca| |Pod

|ook and contro| to your BMW tnrougn tne v|deo connec-


You can tnen searcn for your favor|te mus|c by p|ay||st, art|st, a|bum,
song, genre or composer, just as you wou|d on your |Pnone.
P|ease note: ne BMWConnected App must be |nsta||ed on your |Pnone for tne P|ugln to connect.
BMW Oonnected App, a su|te of |ntegrated web-connected features,
can read a|oud your Facebook

and w|tter feeds, and |ets you send

prewr|tten tweets w|tn a s|ng|e c||ck. Wiki LocaI, a geograpn|ca||y based
feature, nds and reads a|oud W|k|ped|a

art|c|es re|evant to tne p|ace you

se|ect wn||e Wiki Tourguide takes you tnrougn a ||st of art|c|es about
nearby po|nts of |nterest, pr|or|t|zed by d|stance from your ven|c|es current
|ocat|on. The Last MiIe Navigation and VehicIe Finder, a|so |nc|uded
|n tne BMW Connected App su|te, prov|des wa|k|ng d|rect|ons to your
dest|nat|on after youve parked and d|rect|ons back to your car |ater.
P|ease note: Loca| |nformat|on may not be ava||ab|e |n a|| areas.
Part of BMW Apps, Pandora Radio |s an |nnovat|ve stream|ng aud|o
serv|ce tnat de||vers persona||zed mus|c se|ect|ons r|gnt to your BMW.

Create new stat|ons and ta||or your ||sten|ng exper|ence by rat|ng songs
w|tn e|tner a tnumbs-up or tnumbs-down. Lven wn||e ||sten|ng, you can
stay |n toucn: your BMW can st||| rece|ve ca||s tnrougn B|uetootn

m|ss|ng a beat.
Lnjoy tne |nstant grat|cat|on of mus|c on-demand |n your BMW, tnanks
to MOG

anotner part of BMW Apps. Browse, searcn and p|ay any of

m||||on songs |n tne MO mus|c ||brary. Subscr|b|ng to MOs Primo
serv|ce a||ows you to take advantage of tne seam|ess |ntegrat|on of MOs
mob||e app.
Wnetner youre far from nome or just |n tne next town, BMW Ass|st
offers conven|ence and peace of m|nd. nere are new ConnectedDr|ve
features tnat extend BMWs |eadersn|p |n w|re|ess commun|cat|ons.
Marve| at an extens|ve array of Mob||e fce funct|ons. Oet a v|sua| |mage
of your ca||ers. W|tn BMW Ass|st, you enjoy a|| tn|s and more.

Pequ|res BMWApps opt|on and an |Pnone.

Oet tne |atest |nformat|on on BMWstandard and opt|ona| features, packages and tecnn|ca| spec|ca-
t|ons. V|s|t CNXVTBDPN, se|ect tne BMWmode| of your cno|ce, and c||ck on 'FBUVSFT 4QFDT
.Z*OGP a||ows you to send bus|ness |ocat|ons and street addresses
to your BMW from Ooog|e Maps. Dest|nat|ons and pnone numbers
can be accessed and exported to your Nav| gat|on system for |mmed|ate
route gu|dance.
#.8 0OMJOF a||ows on||ne access to up-to-date fue| pr|ces and gas
stat|on |ocat|ons, tne |atest weatner forecasts, adv|sor|es and warn|ngs,
Dow Jones, S&P oJJ and NASDAQ |nd|ces, and tne powerfu| reacn of
tne Ooog|e Maps database a|| de||vered on tne Contro| D|sp|ay |ns|de
your ven|c|e. Access news nead||nes and nave tnem read a|oud v|a ext-
to-speecn tecnno|ogy. Send to Ma|| p|npo|nts your current |ocat|on and
p|anned dest|nat|on, and a||ows you to send tne |nformat|on to any smart-
pnone or ema|| account. nen |ts just a qu|ck nyper||nk to Ooog|e Maps
for your fr|ends and fam||y to see wnere you are and wnere youre go|ng.
&OIBODFE GVODUJPOT for tne |Pod and USB adapter add to tne ease
and p|easure of us|ng your |Pod or |Pnone. Want to know wn|cn CD tnat
song comes from? ne a|bum cover |s snown on your D|sp|ay screen.
Dont purcnase add|t|ona| cab|es your |Pod or |Pnones or|g|na| USB
cab|e connects to your BMWs USB port. Anotner rare feature: w|tn
BMW Ass|st and B|uetootn aud|o stream|ng, you can w|re|ess|y p|ay
mus|c tnrougn tne BMW aud|o system from any B|uetootn compat|b|e
mus|c p|ayer or mob||e pnone, from anywnere |n your ven|c|e. ln fact,
tne aud|o ||brary appears on tne D|sp|ay screen, wnere you can use tne
|Dr|ve Contro||er knob to make your se|ect|on.
#.8 "TTJTU g|ves you peace of m|nd know|ng tnat a fr|end|y response
spec|a||st |s tnere to ne|p you ?4//, at tne toucn of a button. ne 4BGFUZ
1MBO |nc|udes Automat|c Co|||s|on Not|cat|on, Lmergency Pequest
SS), e|eServ|ce, Lnnanced Poads|de Ass|stance, Door Un|ock, Sto|en
Ven|c|e Pecovery, Customer Pe|at|ons and Mylnfo. ne $POWFOJFODF
1MBO adds persona||zed D|rect|ons, rafc and Weatner reports, BMW
n||ne and Conc|erge serv|ces for restaurant and note| recommendat|ons,
w|tn tne dest|nat|on address and pnone number sent to your BMW.
Make up to four operator-ass|sted ca||s per year w|tn Cr|t|ca| Ca|||ng
|f your mob||e pnone |s not ava||ab|e or |ts battery |s d|scnarged.
Use tne t|me you spend |n your ven|c|e even more effect|ve|y w|tn BMWs
.PCJMF 0GDF feature.
For examp|e, text messages and ema||s can be
transferred from your B|uetootn pa|red pnone d|rect|y to tne ven|c|es
|Dr|ve D|sp|ay and can be read back to you us|ng ext-to-speecn func-
t|on a||ty and tne ven|c|es aud|o system. nanks to B|uetootn aud|o
stream|ng, you can enjoy w|re|ess p|ayback of your mus|c |es, your
persona| aud|o ||brary can even be accessed v|a tne |Dr|ve Contro||er.
Not a|| mob||e pnones are compat|b|e w|tn Mob||e fce, and some compat|b|e pnones support
a ||m|ted number of Mob||e fce funct|ons. For tne comp|ete ||st of compat|b|e mob||e pnones
and tne deta||s regard|ng wn|cn Mob||e fce funct|ons are supported by eacn pnone, p|ease v|s|t
Convert|b|es were bu||t for tne sun. Wnen |ts
t|me to soak up tnose go|den rays, tne softtop
of tne Ser|es Convert|b|e comes down |n just
?? seconds. At just tne toucn of a button, tne
top fo|ds and stores |tse|f |n tne trunk, you can
even make tn|s tnr||||ng transformat|on wn||e
tne ven|c|es mov|ng at speeds up to ?o mpn.
An opt|ona| w|nd deector ennances comfort
and |owers tne no|se |eve| |ns|de tne cab|n.
Speak|ng of c||mate contro|, |n tne Ser|es
Convert|b|e tne automat|c a|r cond|t|on|ng
system comes w|tn Convert|b|e Mode.
Sensors |n tne ven|c|e reg|ster not on|y tne
temperature |ns|de, but a|so tne exter|or
temperature, tne |ntens|ty of tne sun and tne
ven|c|es speed, tnen adjust tne temperature
accord|ng|y. lt even prov|des separate sett|ngs
for tne dr|ver and passengers.
A quiet and secure softtop roof makes the
1 Series OonvertibIe a comfortabIe car year-
round. Stowing in just 22 seconds, the rst
break in the cIouds is a perfect opportunity
to quickIy put the top down.
$0/530- :063
$-* ."5&
&7&/ 8* 5) 5)&
501 %08/
Max|m|ze your top-down
dr|v|ng season. Wnen tne
outdoor temperature exceeds
your comfort |eve|, s|mp|y
se|ect tne Convert|b|e Mode
c||mate contro| sett|ng to stay
comfortab|y coo| or warm.
'3&&%0. "5 5)& 506$) 0'
" #6550/
pen|ng and c|os|ng tne roof |s fu||y automat|c, even
wnen tne Ser|es Convert|b|e |s mov|ng at speeds
of up to ?o mpn.
Lven at a standst|||, tne Ser|es Convert|b|e
|ooks out for tne we||-be|ng of |ts occupants.
ne opt|ona| |eatner seats come w|tn BMWs
exc|us|ve Sun-Peect|ve ecnno|ogy. Spec|a||y
co|ored p|gments |n tne surface of tne |eatner
reect |nfrared rad|at|on from d|rect sun||gnt,
as a resu|t, tne seats stay coo|er.
Wnen tne sun goes down, tne top comes
back up, aga|n |n a qu|ck and easy ?? seconds.
ne attract|ve, durab|e softtop prov|des tne
perfect cover, keep|ng out no|se, w|nd and
tne e|ements w|tn remarkab|e efc|ency. lf tne
sk|es turn overcast, ra|n-sens|ng w|ndsn|e|d
w|pers keep tne v|ew of tne road anead of you
c|ear. And once |t gets cn|||y outs|de, tne cars
scratcn-res|stant, neated g|ass rear w|ndow
prov|des outstand|ng v|s|b|||ty.
ake tne BMW Ser|es Convert|b|e anywnere
and, just as |mportant, at any t|me of year.

Oet tne |atest |nformat|on on BMWstandard and opt|ona|
features, packages and tecnn|ca| spec|cat|ons. V|s|t
CNXVTBDPN, se|ect tne BMWmode| of your cno|ce,
and c||ck on 'FBUVSFT 4QFDT
BMW 135| Convert|b|e features 42 43
BMW1 35il1 35is OonvertibIe features OoIors and materiaIs Equipment features and options
135i: AcceIerating your exhiIaration.
ne g|ance at tne scu|pted Aerodynam|c k|t c|ear|y
snows tne sport-performance capab|||t|es of BMWs
w|nPower urbo So| Convert|b|e.
A wea|tn of un|que performance and sty||ng add|t|ons are |nc|uded as
standard |n tne BMW So| Convert|b|e. An ennanced Dynam|c Stab|||ty
Contro| DSC) system, spec|a||y ca||brated sport suspens|on and sporty
tnrott|e cnaracter a|| ne|p make tne most of |ts SJJ-np w|nPower urbo
eng|ne. vers|ze vent||ated d|sc brakes prov|de sure stopp|ng power for
tne V Spoke Sty|e S/?) B x /.o front, B x B.o rear ||gnt a||oy wnee|s w|tn
? o/4J front, ?4o/So rear run-at

performance t|res.
Xenon Adap t|ve
Head ||gnts and n|gn-|ntens|ty nead||gnt wasner jets |mprove your road-
go|ng v|s|on. A spec|a| front apron w|tn funct|ona| a|r |ntakes adds to tne
So|s nand||ng, wn||e tne Aerodynam|c k|t, wn|cn |nc|udes s|de sk|rts
and a sporty rear apron w|tn |ntegrated d|ffuser, |ends |t an even more
cn|se|ed |ook. Your cno|ce of d|st|nct|ve tr|ms, |nc|ud|ng A|p|ne Wn|te
or genu|ne wood, persona||ze tne |nter|or.
Pun-f|at t|res do not come equ|pped w|tn a spare t|re and wnee|.
P|ease note: Dr|v|ng over rougn or damaged road surfaces, as we|| as debr|s, curbs and otner
obstac|es, can cause ser|ous damage to wnee|s, t|res and suspens|on parts. n|s |s more ||ke|y
to occur w|tn |ow-prof||e t|res, wn|cn prov|de |ess cusn|on|ng between tne wnee| and tne road.
Be carefu| to avo|d road nazards and reduce your speed, espec|a||y |f your ven|c|e |s equ|pped
w|tn |ow-prof||e t|res. Performance t|res are not recommended for dr|v|ng |n |ce and snow.
Wnee| and t|re spec|f|cat|ons are subject to cnange.
Steering wheeI-mounted paddIe shifters, snown w|tn tne tnree-spoke,
|eatner-wrapped mu|t|-funct|on sport steer|ng wnee| and A|p|ne Wn|te |nter|or
tr|m, a||ow you to sn|ft gears manua||y w|tnout a c|utcn. n|s feature comes
|nc|uded |n tne Ser|es Convert|b|e wnen |t |s equ|pped w|tn /-speed Doub|e
C|utcn ransm|ss|on DC).
Oet tne |atest |nformat|on on BMWstandard and opt|ona| features, packages and tecnn|ca|
spec|cat|ons. V|s|t CNXVTBDPN, se|ect tne BMWmode| of your cno|ce, and c||ck on
BMWAccessorieslBuiId Your Own TechnicaI data BMWServices
AIpine White interior trim |nc|udes tne decorat|ve tr|m on tne |nstrument
pane|, tne |nter|or door pu|| nand|es, center conso|e and tne tr|m on tne mu|t|-
funct|on sport steer|ng wnee|. tner areas, sucn as tne door open|ng nand|es,
Start/Stop button and tne r|ng surrounds on tne |nstrument c|uster, are |n
Pear|escent Cnrome.
Eight-way power front seats make tne dr|v|ng exper|ence more enjoyab|e.
lnc|udes dr|ver memory w|tn two presets for seat and exter|or m|rror pos|t|ons,
two-way manua| neadrests and tn|gn support.
High-performance disc brakes,
w|tn |nner vent||at|on and BMW
pa|nted on tne ca||pers o-p|ston ca||-
pers |n front, ?-p|ston ca||pers |n tne
rear). ne|r |arge d|ameters S.S" front/
?.B" rear) ne|p prov|de snorter brak|ng
d|stances and super|or stopp|ng ab|||ty.
BIack chrome-pIated doubIe
taiIpipe |s standard on tne So|
Convert|b|es exnaust system.
135|s Convert|b|e H|gn Performance mode| 44 45
BMW1 35il1 35is OonvertibIe features OoIors and materiaIs Equipment features and options
ne So|s H|gn Performances refresn|ng des|gn, comp|emented by powerfu| performance ennancements, makes |t an unm|stakab|e yardst|ck wnenever |uxury-
performance convert|b|es are compared. ne b|ack cnrome a|r |ntake gr|||s w|tn b|acked-out k|dney surround, b|ack s|de-v|ew m|rror caps, and snadow||ne tr|m
fram|ng tne w|ndows prov|de a dramat|c contrast to tne Le Mans B|ue Meta|||c pa|nt. Large Doub|e Spoke Sty|e S SM) B-|ncn wnee|s ennance tne aggress|ve
|ook of tn|s exqu|s|te automob||e.
135is: OonvertibIe High Performance modeI.
ne So|s |s a H|gn Performance Convert|b|e w|tn perfor mance features as
|mpress|ve as |ts |ooks. lt starts w|tn a|| tne features of tne M Sport Package,
tnen k|cks performance up a notcn by |ncreas|ng norsepower to S?J and
torque to S / |b-ft. W|tn a|| tn|s power on tap, a water coo|er nas been added
for |ncreased coo||ng capac|ty. nose wno demand nands-on contro| w|||
de||gnt |n tne o-speed manua| transm|ss|ons M sport snort gear sn|ft knob.
A|so ava||ab|e: a ||gntn|ng-qu|ck /-speed Doub|e C|utcn ransm|ss|on DC) w|tn
padd|e sn|fters. Add|t|ona| features tnat set tne BMW So|s H|gn Performance
|nter|or apart: n|gn-qua||ty stee| peda| pads, an |nstrument c|uster w|tn co|ored
d|a|s, and spec|a| So|s badg|ng. A sport exnaust system w|tn cnrome-p|ated
ta||p|pes n|snes tne rear d|ffuser of tne M sport rear bumper.
4JEFWJFX NJSSPST feature sty||sn b|ack caps and are aerodynam|ca||y des|gned
to reduce w|nd res|stance.
TQFFE %PVCMF $MVUDI 5SBOTNJTTJPO |s ava||ab|e |n tne So|s. You|| enjoy
except|ona||y fast, smootn sn|ft|ng wnetner |n fu|| automat|c mode, or wnen
c|utcn|ess|y sn|ft|ng by us|ng tne gear sn|ft knob or steer|ng wnee|-mounted
padd|e sn|fters.
'PPU QFEBMT are not on|y attract|ve
but n|gn|y funct|ona|. Made of n|gn-
qua||ty stee| w|tn rubber |nserts,
tney prov|de a non-s||p surface for
ennanced contro|. Snown: tne peda|
conf|gurat|on for tne So|s wnen
equ|pped w|tn /-speed Doub|e
C|utcn ransm|ss|on.
ne JT JOUFSJPS makes tne dr|v|ng exper|ence even more enjoyab|e. B-way power front sport seats nave s|de bo|sters
tnat can be power-adjusted to f|t your back comfortab|y wn||e ne|p|ng to no|d you f|rm|y |n p|ace dur|ng corner|ng. lnc|uded
are two-way manua| neadrests and adjustab|e tn|gn support. D|st|nct|ve So|s e|ements snown |nc|ude tne B|ack Boston
Leatner upno|stery w|tn B|ue exc|us|ve st|tcn|ng comp|emented by O|ac|er S||ver A|um|num tr|m and |nstrument c|uster
w|tn co|ored d|a|s, tne M sport steer|ng wnee|, and a spec|a| So|s badge on tne dasn above tne g|ovebox.
Wnee| and t|re spec|cat|ons are subject to cnange. Oet tne |atest |nformat|on on BMW
standard and opt|ona| features, packages and tecnn|ca| spec|ca t|ons. V|s|t CNXVTBDPN,
se|ect tne BMWmode| of your cno|ce, and c||ck on 'FBUVSFT 4QFDT
JT CBEHJOH above tne g|ovebox
adds to tne d|st|nct|ve amb|ance of
tne |nter|or.
Lxter|or co|ors/Upno|stery mater|a|s and co|ors 46 4/
BMW1 35il1 35is OonvertibIe features OoIors and materiaIs Equipment features and options
ne pages |n tn|s sect|on snow ava||ab|e co|ors and mater|a|s for tne BMW Ser|es Convert|b|e. Use tnese samp|es to compare pa|nt, upno|stery, tr|m co|ors
and comb|nat|ons. P|ease note tnat tnese samp|es are representat|ons, tney are not exact reproduct|ons. o see tne actua| co|ors, v|s|t your autnor|zed BMW
center. ney w||| be nappy to snow you or|g|na| samp|es and ass|st you w|tn spec|a| requests.
Exterior coIors.
300 A|p|ne Wn|te Non-meta|||c 66 Jet B|ack Non-meta|||c
354 |tan|um S||ver Meta|||c
A76 Deep Sea B|ue Meta|||c
31 Le Mans B|ue Meta|||c
475 B|ack Sappn|re Meta|||c A52 Space Oray Meta|||c
A72 Casnmere S||ver Meta|||c
A2 Verm|||on Ped Meta|||c
96 B|ue Water Meta|||c
41 6 Carbon B|ack Meta|||c B39 M|nera| Oray Meta|||c
BMWAccessorieslBuiId Your Own TechnicaI data BMWServices
UphoIstery coIors.
LWNL B|ack Boston Leatner w|tn B|ue exc|us|ve st|tcn|ng
Leatner upno|stery: Leatner on a|| seat|ng surfaces,
otner components may be Leatner or Leatnerette.
For deta||s on tne ava||ab|||ty of standard and opt|ona|
exter|or pa|nts and upno|stery mater|a|s and co|ors,
p|ease v|s|t CNXVTBDPNCZP
KAA5 aupe Leatnerette
LWA5 aupe Boston Leatner
LWD1 Cora| Ped Boston Leatner
KASWB|ack Leatnerette
LWSWB|ack Boston Leatner LWOXyster Boston Leatner
LWB erracotta Boston Leatner
LWB4 Savanna Be|ge/B|ack Boston Leatner
lnter|or tr|ms/Softtop co|ors/Pecommended co|or comb|nat|ons 4B 49
%) A|p|ne Wn|te
:" Moon||gnt B|ack Antnrac|te w|tn s||ver effect)
"5H|gn-O|oss B|ack
.( O|ac|er S||ver A|um|num
$& F|ne||ne Antnrac|te Wood
" L|gnt Bur| Wa|nut Wood
BMWAccessorieslBuiId Your Own TechnicaI data BMWServices
Recommended coIor combinations.
MateriaIs Leatherette Boston Leather
UphoIstery coIors
aupe B|ack B|ack yster aupe
Cora| Ped erracotta
B|ack w/B|ue
Exterior coIors
300 A|p|ne Wn|te
0 @ 0 @ 0 @ 0 @ 0 @ 0 @ 0 @ 0 @ 0 @
66 Jet B|ack
0 @ 0 @ 0 @ 0 @ 0 @ 0 @ 0 @ 0 @ 0 @
B39 M|nera| Oray
0 @ 0 @ 0 @ 0 @ 0 @ 0 @ 0 @
41 6 Carbon B|ack
0 @ 0 @ 0 @ 0 @ 0 @ 0 @ 0 @ 0 @ 0 @
354 |tan|um S||ver
0 @ 0 @ 0 @ 0 @ 0 @ 0 @
A72 Casnmere S||ver
0 @ 0 @ 0 @ 0 @ 0 @ 0 @ 0 @ 0 @ 0 @
475 B|ack Sappn|re
0 @ 0 @ 0 @ 0 @ 0 @ 0 @ 0 @ 0 @ 0 @
A52 Space Oray
0 @ 0 @ 0 @ 0 @ 0 @ 0 @ 0 @
96 B|ue Water
0 @ 0 @ 0 @ 0 @ 0 @ 0 @ 0 @
A76 Deep Sea B|ue
0 @ 0 @ 0 @ 0 @ 0 @ 0 @ 0 @ 0 @
31 Le Mans B|ue
0 @ 0 @ 0 @ 0 @ 0 @ 0 @ 0 @ 0 @
A2 Verm|||on Ped
0 @ 0 @ 0 @ 0 @ 0 @ 0 @ 0 @
Interior trims
4AT H|gn-O|oss B|ack
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4DH A|p|ne Wn|te
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4MG O|ac|er S||ver A|um|num
4A3 L|gnt Bur| Wa|nut Wood
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4OE F|ne||ne Antnrac|te Wood
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Leatner upno|stery: Leatner on a|| seat|ng surfaces,
otner components may be Leatner or Leatnerette.
For deta||s on tne ava||ab|||ty of standard and opt|ona|
exter|or pa|nts and upno|stery mater|a|s and co|ors,
p|ease v|s|t CNXVTBDPNCZP
Lqu|pment features and opt|ons 50 51
BMW1 35il1 35is OonvertibIe features OoIors and materiaIs Equipment features and options
Equipment features and options.
LED rear taiIIights are made up of tnree separate n|gn-performance LLD
str|ps, eacn cons|st|ng of mu|t|p|e rows of |ong-||fe LLD |nd|cators. ne LLDs
|n eacn ta||||gnt un|t prov|de greater |||um|nat|on compared to trad|t|ona| bu|bs.
Ambiance Iight package offers ||gnts |n tne exter|or door nand|es tnat sn|ne
downward for approx|mate|y ?J seconds wnen doors are un|ocked. lns|de are
front and rear read|ng ||gnts, front footwe|| |||um|nat|on, van|ty m|rror ||gnts for
dr|ver and front passenger, and Amb|ance |nter|or ||gnt|ng .
Rain sensor uses |nfrared ||gnt to measure tne amount of ra|n. Wnen tne
w|pers are |n tne |nterm|ttent mode, tne ra|n sensor automat|ca||y adjusts
tne w|nd sn|e|d w|p|ng |nterva| as needed. Automatic headIight controI
not snown), |nc|uded w|tn ra|n sensor, act|vates nead||gnts by means of a
sensor tnat responds to darkness.
Air Ourtain on tne ?B| funne|s a|row |nto narrow open|ngs on tne outer s|des
of tne front apron, tnen tnrougn two sea|ed cnanne|s. nese |ead to tne wnee|
arcnes, wnere tne a|r |s re|eased at n|gn speed down tne outer s|des of tne front
wnee|s. n|s reduces a|r res|stance on tne front fasc|a at n|gner speeds wn|cn,
|n turn, resu|ts |n |ncreased fue| efc|ency.
Xenon Adaptive HeadIights prov|de br||||ant c|ar|ty at n|gnt and |n cond|t|ons
w|tn poor v|s|b|||ty. BMWAdapt|ve Head||gnts d|str|bute opt|mum road |||um|na-
t|on around corners by d|rect|ng tne nead||gnts |nto and around tne bend as
soon as tne ven|c|e beg|ns corner|ng. ne Corona nead||gnt-r|ngs tnat c|rc|e
botn nead||gnts and n|gn beams a|so act separate|y as Dayt|me Punn|ng L|gnts
and park|ng ||gnts.
Automatic high beams use ||gnt sensor read|ngs to automat|ca||y sw|tcn
fromn|gn beams to |ow, as needed sucn as wnen tnere |s oncom|ng trafc
or anotner car anead, or wnen tne road |s sufc|ent|y |||um|nated.
BMWAccessorieslBuiId Your Own TechnicaI data BMWServices
OonvertibIe softtop snown nere |n Moon||gnt B|ack, w|tn |ts eye-catcn|ng
s||ver effect), |s fu||y automat|c and features a mu|t|-|ayer ||n|ng tnat ne|ps reduce
w|nd and road no|se wn||e prov|d|ng ennanced |nsu|at|on.
Door-siII nishers w|tn BMW|ns|gn|a and po||sned cnrome |n|ay adds a
persona| toucn to tne Ser|es Convert|b|e.
ShadowIine trim, a So|s and
M Sport Package feature, g|ves a
sporty |ook to front and rear s|de-
w|ndow frames, w|ndow recess
n|sners, and door-s||| tr|m str|ps.
Ohrome-Iine exterior trim adds a br|gnt, d|st|nct|ve |ook accentuat|ng tne
s|de-w|ndow tr|mat tne front and rear, |nc|ud|ng tne w|ndow recess n|sners
at tne base of tne w|ndows. Add|t|ona| cnrome |nserts are |nc|uded |n tne
door-s||| n|sners.
Power-foIding exterior side-view
mirrors automat|ca||y d|m wnen
reect |ng br|gnt ||gnts, ne|p|ng to
e||m|nate g|are wnen dr|v|ng at n|gnt.
Oet tne |atest |nformat|on on BMWstandard and opt|ona| features,
packages and tecnn|ca| spec|cat|ons. V|s|t CNXVTBDPN, se|ect
tne BMWmode| of your cno|ce, and c||ck on 'FBUVSFT 4QFDT
Lqu|pment features and opt|ons 52 53
BMW1 35il1 35is OonvertibIe features OoIors and materiaIs Equipment features and options
Equipment features and options.
DoubIe Spoke (StyIe 207M) ||gnt
a||oy wnee|s and run-at

ln front: / x /.J wnee|s and
?Jo/oJ t|res, |n back: / x /.o wnee|s
and ??o/4o t|res.
DoubIe Spoke (StyIe 261 M) ||gnt
a||oy wnee|s and run-at

ln front: B x /.o wnee|s and
? o/4J t|res, |n back: B x B.o wnee|s
and ?4o/So t|res.
Star Spoke (StyIe 371 ) / x /.J ||gnt a||oy wnee|s and ?Jo/oJ run-at

a||-season t|res.
V Spoke (StyIe 372) ||gnt a||oy wnee|s and run-at

performance t|res.

ln front: B x /.o wnee|s and ? o/4J t|res, |n back: B x B.o wnee|s and ?4o/So t|res.
1 -inch DoubIe Spoke (StyIe
31 3M) ||gnt a||oy wnee|s w|tn run-f|at

perform ance t|res.
ln front: B x B.J
wnee|s w|tn ??o/4J t|res, |n back:
B x B.o wnee|s w|tn ?oo/So t|res.
Star Spoke (StyIe 256) / x /.J
||gnt a||oy wnee|s and ?Jo/oJ run-at

a||-season t|res.
Pun-f|at t|res do not come equ|pped w|tn a spare t|re and wnee|.
P|ease note: Dr|v|ng over rougn or damaged road surfaces, as we|| as debr|s, curbs and otner obstac|es, can cause
ser|ous damage to wnee|s, t|res and suspens|on parts. n|s |s more ||ke|y to occur w|tn |ow-prof||e t|res, wn|cn prov|de
|ess cusn|on|ng between tne wnee| and tne road. Be carefu| to avo|d road nazards and reduce your speed, espec|a||y
|f your ven|c|e |s equ|pped w|tn |ow-prof||e t|res. Performance t|res are not recommended for dr|v|ng |n |ce and snow.
Wnee| and t|re spec|cat|ons are subject to cnange.
Oet tne |atest |nformat|on on BMWstandard and opt|ona| features,
packages and tecnn|ca| spec|cat|ons. V|s|t CNXVTBDPN, se|ect
tne BMWmode| of your cno|ce, and c||ck on 'FBUVSFT 4QFDT
BMWAccessorieslBuiId Your Own TechnicaI data BMWServices
7-speed DoubIe OIutch Transmission (DOT) |n tne So| and So|s acn|eves
smootn, ||gntn|ng-qu|ck gear cnanges by automat|ca||y sn|ft|ng between two
transm|ss|on structures: wn||e one gear |s d|sengag|ng, tne next |s a|ready |n
pos|t|on. ne resu|t |s qu|cker acce|erat|on and ennanced fue| efc|ency. You
can a|so sn|ft gears manua||y v|a steer|ng wnee|-mounted padd|e sn|fters or
by mov|ng tne gear se|ector |ever forward/rearward.
Three-spoke Ieather-wrapped
muIti-function sport steering
wheeI |ets you keep botn nands on
tne wnee| wn||e adjust|ng var|ous
comfort funct|ons, sucn as contro|s
for aud|o system, cru|se contro| and
nands-free pnone contro|s.
Heated steering wheeI makes
g|oves unnecessary |n co|d-weatner
dr|v|ng. A |ck of tne sw|tcn qu|ck|y
warms tne steer|ng wnee| to tne
perfect temperature.
Three-spoke, Ieather-wrapped
muIti-function M sport steering
wheeI features a gr|p-ennanc|ng
wnee| cover and d|st|nct|ve M badg|ng.
Vo|ce command |nc|uded w|tn Nav|ga-
t|on system) can be used to cnange
var|ous se|ect|ons and entr|es.
6-speed STEPTRONIO automatic trans mission |n tne ?B| offers a cno|ce of
tnree modes: Dr|ve, wn|cn |ncorporates BMWs Adapt|ve ransm|ss|on Contro|,
Sport automat|c, for a more dynam|c sn|ft pattern, and SLPPNlC automat|c,
for tne nands-on contro| of a manua| w|tnout us|ng a c|utcn.
6-speed manuaI transmission de||vers a prec|se, atn|et|c fee|. lts respon-
s|veness |s due, |n part, to tne ennanced syncnron|zat|on of sn|fts from neutra|
to eacn gear. A snortened sn|ft |ever and tnrow add to tne sporty fee| of tne
gearbox. ne s|xtn gear drops revs at n|gnway speeds for smootn cru|s|ng.
Lqu|pment features and opt|ons 54 55
BMW1 35il1 35is OonvertibIe features OoIors and materiaIs Equipment features and options
Equipment features and options.
Oruise OontroI |ets you store and keep to a cnosen speed above ?J mpn. lt |s
act|vated v|a tne |eft-nand steer|ng co|umn sw|tcn and deact|vated by app|y|ng
tne brakes or v|a tne sw|tcn. Cru|se Contro| |s not a subst|tute for tne dr|vers
own respons|b|||ty |n adjust|ng speed and otnerw|se contro|||ng tne ven|c|e. Due
to road, trafc and v|s|b|||ty cond|t|ons, tne dr|ver must dec|de wnetner and now
tne system|s used.)
BMWanti-theft AMlFM stereo ODlMP3 pIayer audio system |nc|udes
Pad|o Data System PDS), Auto-Store, and S-cnanne| FM d|vers|ty antenna.
lt a|so conven|ent|y d|sp|ays song t|t|es and otner |nformat|on.
HD Radio rece|ves free, d|g|ta| AM/FM broadcasts across tne U.S. |n c|ear,
stat|c-free qua||ty sound AM sounds ||ke FM, FM sounds ||ke CD. A|so enjoy
mu|t|cast FMstat|ons, as we|| as a var|ety of |nnovat|ve data serv|ces.
For more |nformat|on on HD Pad|o rece|vers and to f|nd HD Pad|o AM/FM stat|ons near you,
v|s|t HDrad|
Instrument paneI features a red back||t speedometer and tacnometer.
Centered between tne two easy-to-read ana|og |nstruments |s tne on-board
computer w|tn ||qu|d crysta| d|sp|ay prov|d|ng add|t|ona| |mportant dr|v|ng
Park Distance OontroI uses u|trason|c sensors |n tne rear bumper to ne|p you
judge tne d|stance to otner cars and unseen objects wnen park|ng. ne beep|ng
becomes faster as your bumper approacnes tne object, turn|ng |nto a constant
tone wnen tne d|stance |s |ess tnan ? |ncnes. Snown w|tn BMWNav|gat|on
Oet tne |atest |nformat|on on BMWstandard and opt|ona| features,
packages and tecnn|ca| spec|cat|ons. V|s|t CNXVTBDPN, se|ect
tne BMWmode| of your cno|ce, and c||ck on 'FBUVSFT 4QFDT
#.8"QQT an opt|ona| feature of tne BMWConnectedDr|ve |nterface,
a||ows an |Pnone

|S 4.x to p|ay apps spec|a||y mod|f|ed for BMWand BMW

approved tn|rd-party apps. lmag|ne ||sten|ng to Web rad|o wn||e you dr|ve or
access|ng your w|tteror Facebook

accounts on tne D|sp|ay mon|tor. Use

tne |Pod

ut funct|on w|tn your smartpnone to se|ect mus|c tracks, comp||e

p|ay||sts and use Oen|us |f enab|ed) to f|nd s|m||ar sounds. 4NBSUQIPOF
*OUFHSBUJPO wn|cn prov|des connect|v|ty for |Pnone and s|m||ar dev|ces, |s
|nc|uded w|tn BMWApps. n|s a||ows access to stored mus|c, can |mprove
s|gna| recept|on, and recnarges tne battery. See your autnor|zed BMWcenter
for pnone mode|s compat|b|e w|tn tn|s feature.)
"VYJMJBSZ JOQVU QPSU |ets you connect
an externa| aud|o source, sucn as an
|Pod or MPS p|ayer.
J1PE BOE 64# BEBQUFS |ets you
scro|| tnrougn and se|ect tne mus|c
you want by us|ng tne ven|c|es rad|o
contro|s or tne mu|t|-funct|on steer|ng
wnee| buttons. Mus|c t|t|es are d|s-
p|ayed on tne rad|o or Nav|gat|on
a||ows occupants to se|ect a spec|c
cab|n temperature and cno|ce of fan
speeds, as we|| as automat|c or manua|
a|row and rec|rcu|at|on. ne automat|c
rec|rcu|at|on contro| act|vates wnenever
certa|n a|r po||utants are detected. ne
system a|so |nc|udes defrost/dem|st
and MAX A/C funct|ons.
1PXFS TPGUUPQ roof contro| sw|tcn for fu||y automat|c open|ng and c|os|ng of
tne roof |s w|tn|n easy reacn of tne dr|ver and front passenger. Softtop w||| open
and c|ose wn||e trave||ng at speeds of up to ?o mpn.
4ZTUFN offers ven|c|e-spec|c equa|-
|z|ng and a powerfu| SJJWamp||er.
ne J-speaker system|nc|udes four
tweeters, four m|drange speakers, and
two bass speakers |ocated under tne
front seats.
4JSJVT 4BUFMMJUF 3BEJP de||vers over SJ cnanne|s of tne most |nnovat|ve
sate|||te rad|o mus|c, news, sports, ta|k, comedy and enterta|nment. A|| oJ
mus|c cnanne|s are commerc|a|-free and |ts de||vered coast-to-coast |n
crysta|-c|ear d|g|ta| sound, ?4 nours a day. Add ne Best of XM to enjoy
add|t|ona| prem|um programs, ||ke pran Pad|o,

XMPub||c Pad|o,


and top-notcn sports act|on, p|us J cnanne|s of XM P|ay-by-P|ay

sports. lf your BMW|s equ|pped w|tn |Dr|ve, you can a|so se|ect S|r|usXM

cnanne|s tnrougn your ven|c|es |Dr|ve system or Vo|ce command, and enter
tnem |nto tne programmab|e memory buttons.
Lqu|pment features and opt|ons 56 5/
BMW1 35il1 35is OonvertibIe features OoIors and materiaIs Equipment features and options
Equipment features and options.
Standard front seats offer e|gnt-way
manua| adjustment |nc|ud|ng two-way
adjust ment of neadrests. ne front
passenger seat a|so |nc|udes manua|
ne|gnt adjustment.
OuphoIders in vehicIes with the
Navigation system are |ocated on
tne center conso|e and |n tne passen-
ger footwe||. ne conso|e-mounted
cupno|der |s detacnab|e for stow|ng
|n tne g|ove compartment.
Heated front seats are a we|come
feature for dr|ver and front passenger
|n coo|er weatner. By press|ng tne |con
button, seat surface and backrest are
neated and qu|ck|y rad|ate comfortab|e
warmtn |n your cno|ce of tnree sett|ngs.
Lumbar support for front seats
adds four-way power-adjustab|e
comfort for tne |ower back. Lumbar
support can be adjusted up/down
and |n/out for an ergonom|ca||y perfect
seatback pos|t|on and support of tne
back musc|es.
Power seat adjustments |nc|uded
w|tn e|gnt-way power front seats a||ow
custom|zed comfort and conven|ence
for dr|ver and front passenger. ne two-
sett|ng memory systemautomat| ca||y
adjusts tne dr|vers seat and s|de-
v|ew m|rror pos|t|ons, w|tn |nd|v|dua|
preferences ava||ab|e at your ngert|ps.
Eight-way adjustabIe front sport seats, |nc|uded |n tne So|s or M Sport
Package, make tne dr|v|ng exper|ence more enjoyab|e. S|de bo|sters can be
power-adjusted to t your back comfortab|y wn||e ne|p|ng to no|d you rm|y |n
p|ace dur|ng t|gnt corner|ng. lnc|udes two-way neadrests and tn|gn support for
added support.
OuphoIders |ntegrated |nto tne center conso|e are |ocated w|tn|n conven|ent
reacn of tne dr|ver and front passenger as snown). Cars w|tn Nav|gat|on system
are tted w|tn one cupno|der snown be|ow) |n tne center conso|e, and one
attacned |n tne passenger footwe||.
Heated steering wheeI |s a feature
tnat, ||ke neated seats, becomes a
must-nave once |ts exper|enced.
ne neat|ng sw|tcn |s conven|ent|y
|ocated on tne mu|t|-funct|on sport
steer|ng wnee|. Not ava||ab|e w|tn
A|p|ne Wn|te |nter|or tr|m.)
BMWAccessorieslBuiId Your Own TechnicaI data BMWServices
Oomfort Access system offers conven|ent key|ess access to your car. S|mp|y
carry|ng tne remote key |n a pocket or purse a||ows you to |ock or un|ock tne
doors by toucn|ng tne door nand|e. You can a|so turn tne eng|ne on or off by
press|ng tne Start/Stop button w|tnout |nsert|ng tne remote key. Foot must
be on tne brake, w|tn manua| transm|ss|on, c|utcn must a|so be depressed |n
order to start.)
Through-Ioading hatch open|ng |nc|udes a cargo bag to protect sk|s,
snowboards, and otner |ong |tems be|ng transported. ne cargo bag a|so
serves to protect tne |nter|or cab|n and trunk surfaces. ne removab|e
sect|on of tne backrest can be |a|d down and w||| rema|n secure|y |n p|ace.
Automatic-dimming interior and exterior mirrors respond to tne br|gnt-
ness of fo||ow|ng nead||gnts to m|n|m|ze tne|r ref|ect|on |n tne eyes of tne dr|ver.
ne automat|c ant|-g|are funct|on |mproves safety and comfort wnen dr|v|ng
at n|gnt by ne|p|ng to e||m|nate tne eye stra|n from excess g|are. ne d|g|ta|
compass, |ntegrated |nto tne m|rror, |s a conven|ent way to constant|y keep your
bear|ngs wn||e dr|v|ng. Botn power-adjustab|e exter|or m|rrors |nc|ude a fo|d-|n
funct|on. ne passenger-s|de m|rror fo|ds down to revea| tne curb wnen tne
transm|ss|on |s sn|fted |nto reverse gear to back up.
Lined Iuggage compartment can be expanded by ra|s|ng tne softtop storage
tray wnen tne top |s up. An e|ast|c strap on tne |eft-nand s|de, a ex|b|e storage
net on tne r|gnt, and |asn|ng po|nts on tne |ns|de edge ne|p to ensure safe
transportat|on of cargo.
Oet tne |atest |nformat|on on BMWstandard and opt|ona| features,
packages and tecnn|ca| spec|cat|ons. V|s|t CNXVTBDPN, se|ect
tne BMWmode| of your cno|ce, and c||ck on 'FBUVSFT 4QFDT
M Sport Package 5B 59
BMW1 35il1 35is OonvertibIe features OoIors and materiaIs Equipment features and options

The M Sport Package. An expression of superior athIeticism.
Br|ng tne proud trad|t|on of BMWM r|gnt to your doorstep, start|ng w|tn tne tr|-co|or M |ogo on tne door s|||s.
Bo|stered front sport seats, coup|ed w|tn tne tnree-spoke M sport mu|t|-funct|on steer|ng wnee|,

add to tne
dr|v|ng exc|tement. ne ava||ab|e Le Mans B|ue Meta|||c pa|nt and b|ack snadow||ne tr|mproject tne |mage of
ser|ous performance. Doub|e Spoke Sty|e ?J/M) ||gnt a||oy wnee|s / x /.J front/ / x /.o rear) and run-at
performance t|res
are |nc|uded |n tne ?B| M Sport Package, tne So| M Sport Package adds Doub|e Spoke
Sty|e ?o M) ||gnt a||oy wnee|s B x /.o front/ B x B.o rear) and run-at performance t|res.
M Sport Package
not ava||ab|e w|tn So|s.)
Eight-way adjustabIe front sport seats make tne dr|v|ng exper|ence more
enjoyab|e. S|de bo|sters can be power-adjusted to t your back comfortab|y wn||e
ne|p|ng to no|d you rm |y |n p|ace dur|ng corner|ng. lnc|udes two-way manua|
neadrests and tn|gn support.
Three-spoke, Ieather-wrapped muIti-function M sport steering wheeI
|s |nc|uded |n tne M Sport Package. ne tn|ck, textured r|m and tnumb |ndents
are des|gned for per formance dr|v|ng, wn||e mu|t|-funct|on buttons a||ow you to
adjust var|ous comfort features wn||e keep|ng botn nands on tne wnee|.
Wnee| and t|re spec|cat|ons are subject to cnange. Oet tne |atest
|nformat|on on BMWstandard and opt|ona| features, packages
and tecnn|ca| spec|cat|ons. V|s|t CNXVTBDPN, se|ect tne BMW
mode| of your cno|ce, and c||ck on 'FBUVSFT 4QFDT
BMWAccessorieslBuiId Your Own TechnicaI data BMWServices
ne ?B| Aerodynamic kit |nc|udes a
front a|r dam w|tn generous a|r |ntakes,
dynam|c s|de sk|rts and an atn|et|c
rear spo||er. ne M Sport cnass|s |s
|owered by J.o" for t|gnter nand||ng
wnen corner|ng and a more aggress|ve
|ook. Snadow||ne tr|mennances tne
sporty att|tude.
Mdoor siIIs w|tn tne |nstant|y
|dent|ab|e M |ogo. As soon as tne
door |s opened, tney announce tnat
tn|s |s a spec|a| breed of convert|b|e.
DoubIe Spoke (StyIe 207M) ||gnt
a||oy wnee|s and run-at performance
ln front: / x /.J wnee|s and
?Jo/oJ t|res, |n back: / x /.o wnee|s
and ??o/4o t|res.
?B| M Sport Package.)
DoubIe Spoke (StyIe 261 M) ||gnt
a||oy wnee|s and run-at performance
ln front: B x /.o wnee|s and
? o/4J t|res, |n back: B x B.o wnee|s
and ?4o/So t|res.
So| M Sport Package.)
Wnen tne 12B| |s ordered w|tn M Sport Pack-
age and SLPPNlC automat|c transm|ss|on,
steer|ng wnee|-mounted padd|e sn|fters are
automat|ca||y added.
Pun-f|at t|res do not come equ|pped w|tn a
spare t|re and wnee|, performance t|res are
not recommended for dr|v|ng |n |ce and snow.
P|ease note: Dr|v|ng over rougn or damaged
road surfaces, as we|| as debr|s, curbs and
otner obstac|es, can cause ser|ous damage
to wnee|s, t|res and suspens|on parts. n|s
|s more ||ke|y to occur w|tn |ow-prof||e t|res,
wn|cn prov|de |ess cusn|on|ng between tne
wnee| and tne road. Be carefu| to avo|d road
nazards and reduce your speed, espec|a||y |f
your ven|c|e |s equ|pped w|tn |ow-prof||e t|res.
BMW Accessor|es/Bu||d Your wn 60 61
BMW1 35il1 35is OonvertibIe features OoIors and materiaIs Equipment features and options
OriginaI BMW Accessories.
Dr|v|ng a BMW |s a|ways a spec|a| exper|ence, wn|cn can be ennanced
even furtner w|tn r|g|na| BMW Accessor|es. Benef|t from |nnovat|ve
so|ut|ons comb|n|ng un|que |deas, stunn|ng des|gn and supreme
funct|ona||ty. D|scover tne w|de range of r|g|na| BMW Accessor|es
ava||ab|e to you, ennanc|ng sucn ven|c|e aspects as tne exter|or, |nter|or,
tecnno|ogy, transporters, protec t|on and deta||s to custom|ze your
ven|c|e. For add|t|ona| |nformat|on on r|g|na| BMW Accessor|es,
p|ease v|s|t your autnor|zed BMW center or
Des|gned for n|gn-performance ||festy|es: a rear-mounted duaI-bicycIe
carrier; wind deector w|tn a decorat|ve grapn|c, and B" Star Spoke
(StyIe 31 1 ) ||gnt a||oy wnee|s.
Ohrome taiIpipe extension adds
a n|sned toucn and empnas|zes tne
cars sporty |ooks.
AppIe iPhone

hoIder |ets you connect your |Pnone to tne aud|o system, so you
can stay connected w|tnout be|ng d|stracted.
Wind deector m|n|m|zes breezes
|n tne front cab|n, even at n|gn speeds,
creat|ng a qu|eter env|ronment to enjoy
mus|c and conversat|on .
FIoormats are made of JJ percent pure rubber and prov|de a custom-t. ney
feature deep cnanne|s to trap water, s|usn, snow and d|rt, and w||| not crack, cur|
or st|ffen |n any temperature. Ava||ab|e |n B|ack and Be|ge.
BMWAccessorieslBuiId Your Own TechnicaI data BMWServices
At BMW, we want you to create your own U|t|mate Dr|v|ng Macn|ne.

nats wny BMW offers one of tne w|dest mode| ranges

of any |uxury automot|ve manufacturer. And eacn BMW mode| offers |ts own un|verse of persona||z|ng poss|b|||t|es.
lts easy to get tne |atest |nformat|on on your favor|te BMWmode|. S|mp|y v|s|t and c||ck on tne BMW mode|
of your cno|ce. Se|ect Features & Specs to see a|| tne standard features and ava||ab|e opt|ons and packages, as we|| as
tecnn|ca| spec|cat|ons.
nen create tne exact BMWmode| tnat fu|||s your needs by c||ck|ng on BuiId Your Own or just v|s|t bmwusa.comlbyo.
Here you|| be ab|e to se|ect from among tne many |nter|or and exter|or co|ors and tr|ms, persona||z|ng opt|ons and va|ue-added
packages. Bu||d a BMW mode| tnat reects your sty|e, tnen v|ew |t |n SoJ deta||. At tne press of a button, see payment and
nanc|ng opt|ons, get a same-day quote, down|oad a product brocnure and even scnedu|e a test dr|ve. BMWmakes |t eas|er
tnan ever to make your u|t|mate dr|v|ng dreams come true, at
ecnn|ca| data 62 63
BMW1 35il1 35is OonvertibIe features OoIors and materiaIs Equipment features and options
Weight 12Si 135i 135is
Un|aden we|gnt |b 3494 35/1) 363B 3/04) 363B 3/04)
We|gnt d|str|but|on, front/rear
Manua| transm|ss|on 4B.3/51./ 49.4/50.6 49.4/50.6
Automat|c transm|ss|on 49.1/50.9 49.//50.3 49.//50.3
Perm|tted pay|oad |b /50 /50 /50
Perm|tted ax|e |oad, front/rear |b 2050/246/ 2161/2469 2161/2469
L|ters/type/va|ves per cy||nder 3.0/|n||ne 6/4 w|nPower urbo 3.0/|n||ne 6/4 w|nPower urbo 3.0/|n||ne 6/4
D|sp|acement cu cm 2996 29/9 29/9
Bore/Stroke |n 3.3/3.5 3.3/3.5 3.31/3.53
Nom|na| output Crpm np 230 C6500 300 C5B00 320 C5B00
Max|mum torque Crpm |b-ft 200 C2/50 300 C1300-5000 31/ C1500-5000
Compress|on rat|o :1 10./ 10.2 10.2
Manua| transm|ss|on gear rat|os
l/ll/lll :1 4.32/2.46/1.66 4.11/2.32/1.54 4.11/2.32/1.54
lV/V/Vl/P :1 1.23/1.00/0.B5/3.94 1.1B/1.00/0.B5/3./3 1.1B/1.00/0.B5/3./3
F|na| dr|ve rat|o :1 3.23 3.0B 3.0B
Automat|c transm|ss|on gear rat|os
12B|: 6-speed SLPPNlC
135| and 135|s: /-speed Doub|e C|utcn ransm|ss|on DC)
l/ll/lll/ lV :1 4.0//2.3//1.55/1.16 4./B/3.06/2.15/1.6B 4./B/3.06/2.15/1.6B
V/Vl/Vll/P :1 0.B5/0.6///3.20 1.39/1.20/1.00/4.45 1.39/1.20/1.00/4.45
F|na| dr|ve rat|o :1 3./3 3.46 3.46
op speed
mpn 130 [150] 130 [150] [150]
Acce|erat|on 0-60 mpn
Manua| transm|ss|on sec 6.4 5.4 5.2
Acce|erat|on 0-60 mpn
Automat|c transm|ss|on sec /.0 5.3 5.1
FueI consumption
Manua| transm|ss|on C|ty/H|gnway mpg 1B/2B 19/2B 19/2B
Automat|c transm|ss|on C|ty/H|gnway mpg 1B/2/ 1B/25 19/25
Fue| tank capac|ty, approx. ga| 14 14 14
op speed ||m|ted e|ectron|ca||y. A||-season t|res ||m|ted to 130 mpn.
BMW AO test resu|ts, 135|s pre||m|nary test resu|ts. BMW urges you to obey a|| posted speed |aws and a|ways wear safety be|ts.
LPA-est|mated f|gures are for compar|son purposes on|y, 135|s pre||m|nary test resu|ts. Your actua| m||eage w||| vary, depend|ng
on speed, dr|v|ng nab|ts, tr|p |engtn and dr|v|ng cond|t|ons, actua| m||eage may be |ower.
F|gures |n ) app|y to ven|c|es w|tn automat|c transm|ss|on, |f d|fferent from manua| transm|ss|on.
F|gures |n [ ] app|y to 135|s and mode|s w|tn M Sport Package w|tn |ncreased top-speed ||m|ter.
BMWAccessorieslBuiId Your Own TechnicaI data BMWServices
WheeIs 12Si 135i 135is
|re d|mens|ons standard
Wnee| d|mens|ons standard
1/ x /.0
1/ x /.0
1B x /.5
1B x B.5
1B x B.0
1B x B.5
Mater|a| ||gnt cast a||oy ||gnt cast a||oy ||gnt cast a||oy
Front d|ameter |n 11.B 13.3 13.3
Pear d|ameter |n 11.B 12.B 12.B
A|| d|mens|ons are snown |n |ncnes and app|y to 12B| w|tn standard wnee|s.
U.S. lmporter: BMW of Nortn Amer|ca, LLC, Woodc||ff Lake, NJ 0/6//. A|| |||ustrat|ons and spec|f|cat|ons conta|ned |n tn|s brocnure are based on tne |atest product
|nforma t|on ava||ab|e at tne t|me of pr|nt|ng. BMW reserves tne r|gnt to make cnanges at any t|me, w|tnout not|ce, |n co|ors, mater|a|s, equ|pment, spec|f|cat|ons and
mode|s. BMW may, subject to |ega| requ|rements, determ|ne tne Mode| Year des|gnat|on of |ts ven|c|es. ne Mode| Year des|gnat|on on any part|cu|ar mode| may be
|onger or snorter tnan 12 montns. Some ven|c|es p|ctured may conta|n non-U.S. equ|pment. Some mode|s may be snown w|tn opt|ona| equ|pment. Wn||e BMW NA
makes a|| reasonab|e efforts to prov|de accurate |nformat|on |n tn|s brocnure, tnere |s no guarantee or war ranty of accuracy. Furtnermore, we do not assume any ||ab|||ty
for tne accuracy or comp|eteness of |nformat|on presented. n|s brocnure sna|| not be used or re||ed upon as a subst|tute for |nformat|on tnat |s ava||ab|e from your
BMW center. Furtner |nformat|on can be obta|ned from your autnor|zed BMW center or
2012 BMW of Nortn Amer|ca, LLC.
Not to be reproduced wno||y or |n part w|tnout wr|tten perm|ss|on of BMW NA. ne BMW name, mode| names and |ogo are reg|stered trademarks.
ne B|uetootn word mark and |ogos are owned by tne B|uetootn SlO, lnc. and any use of sucn marks by BMW|s under ||cense. |Pnone and |Pod are reg|stered trademarks of App|e lnc.
tner trademarks and trade names are tne property of tne|r respect|ve owners.
BMW1 35il1 35is OonvertibIe features OoIors and materiaIs Equipment features and options
We be||eve tnat a prem|um ownersn|p exper|ence snou|d feature performance
and |uxury, as we|| as safety and conven|ence. We be||eve you snou|d be ab|e
to dr|ve a BMWto |ts potent|a|, wn||e enjoy|ng peace of m|nd and reduced
cost of ownersn|p. nats tne |dea ben|nd BMWUItimate Service

: a su|te
of comprenens|ve programs and serv|ces tnat are |nc|uded |n every new
BMWU|t|mate Serv|ce starts w|tn tne New VehicIelSAV Limited Warranty,

prov|d|ng you w|tn coverage for tne f|rst four years or oJ,JJJ m||es, wn|cnever
comes f|rst. Add|t|ona||y, you nave ?-year, un||m|ted-m||eage warranty protec-
t|on aga|nst corros|on and rust perforat|on.

ne BMWMaintenance Program

and BMWRoadside Assistance a|so come standard, w|tn BMWAssist

offered as an opt|on.
BMWMaintenance Program |s
one of tne most com prenens|ve
ma|ntenance programs |n |ts c|ass.
We cover a|| factory-recommended
ma|nte nance dur|ng tne New Ven|c|e
L|m|ted Warranty coverage per|od.
n|s |nc|udes scnedu|ed o|| serv|ces
and |nspect|ons. A|so covered |s tne
rep|acement of |tems tnat are subject
to norma| wear and tear, sucn as brake
pads, w|per b|ade |nserts and eng|ne
dr|ve be|ts.
And, tnanks to BMWs
advanced eng|neer|ng, most owners
enjoy a we||-ba|anced ma|ntenance
scnedu|e, w|tn f|ex|b|e rout|ne serv|ce
|nterva|s tnat can save you t|me. Wnen
your ven|c|e requ|res attent|on, your
autnor |zed BMWcenter ensures tnat |t
rece|ves on|y genu|ne BMWparts
your assurance of exact|ng qua||ty
For more deta||s and |nformat|on on
BMWU|t|mate Serv|ce and tne BMW
Ma|ntenance Program, v|s|t your
autnor|zed BMW center or |og on to
BMWAssist Safety PIan |s a four-
year program tnat |ets you enjoy
peace of m|nd know|ng tnat a fr|end|y
response spec|a||st |s tnere to ne|p
you, ?4//, at just tne pusn of a button.
ne Safety P|an |nc|udes Automat|c
Co|||s|on Not|f|cat|on, Lmergency
Pequest, Lnnanced Poads|de Ass|s-
tance, Door Un|ock, Sto|en Ven|c|e
Pecovery and Customer Pe|at|ons.
lnc|uded |n tne BMWAss|st Safety
P|an, Mylnfo a||ows you to send bus|-
ness |ocat|ons and street addresses
w|tn tne|r assoc|ated pnone numbers
from tne Ooog|e Maps webs|te
d|rect|y to your BMW. ne dest|nat|on
can be sent to your Nav| gat|on system
for turn-by-turn d|rect|ons. W|tn tne
BMWNav|gat|on system and your
mob||e pnone ||nked to your BMW
v|a B|uetootn

tecnno|ogy, BMWs
Mob||e ff|ce feature
transfers text
messages and ema||s to your |Dr|ve
D|sp|ay screen and reads tnem a|oud
to you. A Ca|endar and o-do L|st can
a|so appear on your D|sp|ay screen
wn||e en route. Punn|ng |ate? C||ck
on tne pnone number |n tne Ca|endar
to ca|| your appo|ntment. For a ||st
of tested mob||e pnones, v|s|t
For tne u|t|mate |n coverage, add tne
opt|ona| BMWAssist Oonvenience
You|| enjoy un||m|ted access
to persona||zed D|rect|ons, raff|c
and Weatner reports, as we|| as our
Conc|erge feature, wn|cn can send
a dest|nat|on address and pnone
number, sucn as a restaurant or note|,
r|gnt to your BMW. You can make up
to four operator-ass|sted ca||s per
year w|tn Cr|t|ca| Ca|||ng |f your ce||
pnone |s not ava||ab|e, or |f |ts battery
|s d|scnarged. BMWn||ne a||ows
access to up-to-date fue| pr|ces and
tne |atest weatner forecasts, as we||
as B|oombergs stock |nd|ces and tne
powerfu| reacn of tne Ooog|e Maps
database de||vered to tne |Dr|ve
D|sp|ay r|gnt |ns|de your ven|c|e.
BMWs un|que TeIeService, |nc|uded
|n tne BMWAss|st Safety P|an, con-
t|n ua||y mon|tors spec|c parts tnat
are subject to wear and tear |nc|ud-
|ng tne eng|ne o||, m|cro-|ter, spark
p|ugs, brake ||n|ngs and var|ous u|ds
as we|| as serv|ces tnat requ|re
attent|on at regu|ar |nterva|s, sucn
as ven|c|e serv|ce |nspect|ons. n|s
data |s auto mat|ca||y transm|tted to
your autnor|zed BMWcenter, wn|cn
w||| tnen ca|| you to scnedu|e a serv|ce
appo|ntment. You dont nave to keep
track of wnen your ven|c|e requ|res
rout|ne ma|ntenance. An added bene-
t: any needed ma|ntenance serv|ce
parts w||| a|ready be on nand, so your
BMW|s serv|ced and returned to you
as qu|ck|y as poss|b|e. And because
tney use on|y r|g|na| BMWParts, you
can re|y on expert t and |ong-|ast|ng
BMWqua||ty. For more deta||s on
e|eServ|ce, v|s|t
BMWRoadside Assistance |s
prov|ded free of cnarge for tne f|rst
four years w|tn no m||eage ||m|t.
Ca|| 1 -00-332-4BMW(4269) for
fr|end|y on-tne-road ne|p, ?4//, any-
wnere |n tne Un|ted States, Canada
and Puerto P|co. n|s |nc|udes
everytn|ng from f|at-t|re cnanges,
emergency gaso||ne and |ock-out
serv|ce, to tow|ng, a|ter nat|ve trans-
portat|on and even tr|p-|nterrupt|on
benef|ts. n|s serv|ce a|so prov|des
va|uab|e tr|p-rout|ng adv|ce.
We monitor your BMWs needs so you dont have to.
ack||ng mounta|n sw|tcnbacks, tne |ast tn|ng you snou|d be tn|nk|ng
about |s tne state of your brake pads. nanks to BMWs |ntegrated on-
board d|agnost|cs system, you w||| a|ways know exact|y wnen tne next
serv|ce |s due, and wnat work w||| be requ|red. Cond|t|on-Based Serv|ce
CBS) measures tne cond|t|on of key parts tnat are subject to wear
and tear. lt a|so tracks u|d |eve|s and mon|tors your BMWs t|me- and
m||eage-dependent serv|ce requ|rements. Us|ng tn|s data, tne lnfo D|sp|ay
|n tne cockp|t automat|ca||y a|erts you |n advance wnenever any part of
your ven|c|e w||| requ|re serv|c|ng so tnere are no surpr|ses anead.
BMWAccessorieslBuiId Your Own TechnicaI data BMWServices
BMWFinanciaI Services. Arrang|ng
to buy or |ease a BMW|s eas|er tnan
you may tn|nk. Your autnor|zed BMW
center offers |eas|ng and f|nanc|ng
to su|t your persona| needs tnrougn
BMWF|nanc|a| Serv|ces.

Start tne
process at our webs|te, wnere you
can bu||d your dream ven|c|e, get
an est|mate on a montn|y |ease or
f|nanc|ng payment, subm|t a cred|t
app||cat|on to BMWF|nanc|a| Serv|ces
and get approva| a|| on||ne!

f|nd out now BMWF|nanc|a| Serv|ces
can ne|p put you ben|nd tne wnee| of
your favor|te BMWmode|, |og on to
bmwusa.comlfs or ca||, to||-free,
BMWVirtuaI Oenter. lf you get tne
sudden urge to snop for a BMWbut
your autnor|zed BMWcenter |s c|osed,
tneres good news tne BMWV|rtua|
Center |s open nours a day! Log on
to bmwusa.comlbyo, and cnoose
tne mode| tnat |nterests you. Conf|gure
tne BMWof your dreams, and see
wnat tne montn|y payments wou|d be.
You can even send tne spec|f|cat|ons
to your autnor|zed BMWcenter, app|y
for f|nanc|ng, or request a test dr|ve
a|| on||ne!
BMWMagazine. A fasc|nat|ng v|ew
of tne |atest events and products |n
tne wor|d of BMW, |nc|ud|ng trave|
rev|ews, persona||ty prof||es, and tne
|atest BMWtecnno|og|es. Sent to
new owners and |essees two t|mes
a year, you can a|so read art|c|es
from BMWMagazine on tne BMW
webs|te at under tne
Med|a Oa||ery & L|brary nead|ng,
found |n tne Lxper|ence sect|on.
BMWPerformance Driving SchooI.
ake your dr|v|ng sk|||s to tne next |eve|.
Ben|nd tne wnee| of our new BMWs
and under tne expert gu|dance of pro-
fess|ona| dr|v|ng |nstructors, you|| none
your dr|v|ng sk|||s on a versat||e dr|v|ng
course . m||es of aspna|t tnat can
be congured |n a mu|t|tude of ways.
ln ne- and wo-Day Scnoo|s you can
tack|e tne sk|d pad, s|a|om course and
water wa||s. ne BMWPerformance
Dr|v|ng Scnoo| |s about contro| and
pusn|ng a BMWto |ts ||m|ts and yours.
Performance Oenter DeIivery. You||
a|ways remember tne fun of tak|ng
de||very of your new BMW espec|a||y
w|tn BMWPerformance Center De||v-
ery |n Spartanburg, SC. After enjoy|ng
d|nner and an overn|gnt stay at a rst-
c|ass note|, we|| take you and your
compan|on to tne Performance Center
wnere a Product Spec|a||st w||| g|ve
you an |n-deptn |ntroduct|on to your
new BMW. nen at tne Performance
Dr|v|ng Scnoo|, you|| get t|ps from a
profess|ona| dr|v|ng |nstructor as you
exp|ore tne dynam|c capab|||t|es of a
s|m||ar mode|. lts exc|t|ng, |ts en||gnt-
en|ng and |ts a|| comp||ments of
BMWw|tn your new ven|c|e. o |earn
more about tne BMWPerformance
Center, ca|| --- or v|s|t
Wor|d) de||very and brand-exper|ence
center |n Mun|cn |s bo|d proof of
BMWs pass|on for des|gn. Wnen you
take advantage of tne BMWLuropean
De||very Program,

tn|s |s wnere you

w||| meet your new BMW |n a per-
son a||zed process tnat |s n|gn|y
dramat|c and tota||y unforgettab|e.
You m|gnt a|so rea||ze substant|a|
sav|ngs tnat just may pay for your
tr|p.) Wn||e youre tnere, marve| at
tne n|stor|c BMWs |n tne Museum,
|earn about our eng|neers newest
|nnova t|ons |n tne ecnno|ogy and
Des|gn Ate||er, and take a tour of
tne p|ant to exper|ence f|rstnand
tne state-of-tne-art metnods used
to create a BMW. nen comes tne
un|que exper|ence of dr|v|ng your
new BMWon tne roads |t was
des|gned for. o |earn more, v|s|t

See your authorized BMWcenter for details on these limited warranties.

The BMWMaintenance Program covers factory-recommended maintenance services as determined by the Service lnterval lndicator for all new eligible MY and later BMWvehicles.
Specific additional items that need replacement due to normal wear and tear are also covered. The maintenance coverage period is for the first years or , miles, whichever comes
first. Exclusions from coverage include: gasoline, gasoline additives, windshield washer fluid and additives, battery, tires, wheels, wheel alignment and tire balancing. All work must be
performed by an authorized BMWcenter. See the Service and Warranty lnformation booklet for specific terms, conditions and limitations. Further information can also be obtained
from your authorized BMWcenter.

BMW Assist with years of Safety Plan services is optional. ln order to receive BMW Assist services, a subscriber agreement must be completed and transferred to the BMWAssist
Response Center. GPS and underlying wireless services must be available and functioning; vehicle ignition must be turned on (except for Door Unlock and Stolen Vehicle Recovery),
battery charged and connected and vehicles electrical system operational; services may be limited to certain geographic areas. Call toll-free --- , go to,
or visit your authorized BMWcenter for additional program details. Services are subject to the terms and conditions of your subscriber agreement.

Not all mobile phones are compatible with Mobile Office, and some compatible phones support a limited number of Mobile Office functions. For the complete list of compatible mobile
phones and the details regarding which Mobile Office functions are supported by each phone, please visit bmwusa.comlbIuetooth.

Requires BMWAssist Safety Plan subscription. Services are subject to the terms and conditions of your subscriber agreement. Please go to for additional details on
the optional Convenience Plan.

Subject to credit approval and other terms and conditions.

Not all models available for BMWEuropean Delivery Program. Please go to or visit your authorized BMWcenter for details.











BMW |s a strong proponent of tne env|ronment and soc|a| respons|b|||ty. We |auncned
BMW Lfc|entDynam|cs back |n 2000 tne pn||osopny of prov|d|ng greater power
w|tn |ncreased efc|ency and fewer em|ss|ons. n|s nas resu|ted |n s|gn|cant benets
today for our customers, tne c||mate and tne env|ronment.
nat year, eco|og|ca| susta|nab|||ty was a|so dec|ared one of BMWs core strateg|c
pr|nc|p|es, |t |s now rm|y ancnored |n our ent|re product|on cna|n. lt starts w|tn tne
deve|opment of fue|-sav|ng and a|ternat|ve ven|c|e concepts, cont|nues w|tn env|ron-
menta||y fr|end|y produc t|on processes, and ends w|tn |nnovat|ve recyc||ng metnods.
n|s effort nas been recogn|zed wor|dw|de, |n 1999, BMW AO tne parent company
of BMW of Nortn Amer|ca and BMW Manufactur|ng Co. |n Spartanburg, SC was tne
rst automot|ve company to be represented on tne Dow Jones Susta|nab|||ty Oroup
lndex. lt nas rema|ned on tne lndex ever s|nce, moreover, s|nce 2005, BMW nas been
voted tne wor|ds most susta|nab|e automob||e manufacturer. At BMW, we str|ve for
and acn|eve n|gn performance |n a|| we do.

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