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Childs name: ........................................ Age .............. DOB ....../....../........


Childs name: Age DOB ././. Address: Email . . . Tel No: . Emergency Tel No: .. Name of person collecting your child: ..

Address:.. ............................................ Email . . . Tel No: . Emergency Tel No: .. Name of person collecting your child: ..

Medical problems eg: Asthma, (please enclose further details) Are you on the mailing list for Far Post? Yes / No Do you have any friends who might like a copy of this brochure sent to them? Name: . Address: DATES:Week 1 28 July-1 August Week 2 4 8 August Week 3 11-15 August I would like to book the following course for my child/ren Date of week/s: . Course Number: . I enclose a cheque for Made payable to FPSC I understand that the FPSC or their employees are not under any liability whatsoever in respect of personal injury, loss or damage however caused, whilst attending Far Post. I consent to any emergency medical treatment required by my child during their stay at Far Post. I understand and acknowledge the conditions above and confirm that my child is in good health and consider him/her fit to take part. FPSC promote discipline, respect, fair play and anti-bullying. Signed: . Parent/ Guardian Please send cheque and form to: John Munro, 49. The Grove Edgware Middlesex HA8 9QA. Tel No: 020 8958 6748 Mobile: 0798 931 7404 Email:

Medical problems eg: Asthma, (please enclose further details) Are you on the mailing list for Far Post? Yes / No Do you have any friends who might like a copy of this brochure sent to them? Name: . Address: DATES:Week 1 28 July- 1 August Week 2 4-8 August Week 3 11-15 August I would like to book the following course for my child/ren Date of week/s: . Course Number: . I enclose a cheque for Made payable to FPSC I understand that the FPSC or their employees are not under any liability whatsoever in respect of personal injury, loss or damage however caused, whilst attending Far Post. I consent to any emergency medical treatment required by my child during their stay at Far Post. I understand and acknowledge the conditions above and confirm that my child is in good health and consider him/her fit to take part. FPSC promote discipline, respect, fair play and anti-bullying. Signed: . Parent/ Guardian Please send cheque and form to: John Munro, 49. The Grove Edgware Middlesex HA8 9QA. Tel No: 020 8958 6748 Mobile: 0798 931 7404 Email:

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