Report Water Supply 2013

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A deLalled descrlpLlon and analysls of Lhe waLer lnLake,

waLer LreaLmenL and waLer dlsLrlbuLlon ln kolL-

Passelager. lncludlng an expanded analysls for Lhe
currenL and fuLure slLuaLlon of Lhe supply neLwork.

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B6PMI2 Water Supply
Group 5

This project was written as a part of the spring international semester in Environmental
Construction Engineering at the Aarhus University School of Engineering.
The project is based on knowledge gained from the BTWSPL Water Supply Course.
As technical consultants we were asked by the municipal technical department to provide an
analysis and evaluation of the existing wellfields, waterworks, and water distribution system
in Kolt-Hasselager, Denmark, and suggest a design for a new waterworks.
We would like to express special thanks to Kristian Vestergaard, our main supervisor, and to
Peder Maribo and Michael Pedersen for their support, guidance, effort and valuable
comments throughout the project. All of them have provided us with important information,
which made this piece of work possible.

Fangzhou Liu

Ivan Yelamos Vela

Mareike Demel

Zeina Hawa

B6PMI2 Water Supply
Group E

Kolt-Hasselager is a residential area in the suburbs of Aarhus that is expected to be enlarged
in the future. It is therefore important to examine and assess the current and future
consumption patterns, and the state and operation of the three waterworks and distribution
network, and to what extent they are able to cope with the expected additional demand.
The project is based on real data collected from the Jupiter database, the waterworks and the
waterworks' manager. It consists of four main parts.
The first part concerns the description and evaluation of the water intake situation,
encompassing an overview of the different well fields and wells, the geology and aquifers in
the area, an assessment of the water resource and water quality from each well and an
assessment of a new well field that will be connected to a new waterworks in the area. All
wells were found to belong to the same sand aquifer which is covered by a clay layer,
protecting the groundwater source against surface contamination. The water quality was
found to be adequate, with no requirements for advanced or special treatment.
The second part involves the three waterworks in the area. An analysis and evaluation of the
functioning of the waterworks was performed, including intake, treatment, holding and
distribution capacities, the effectiveness of the different treatment processes, their energy
efficiency and the extent to which the raw water quality is improved. The waterworks were all
found to be working properly and treating water to drinking water standards. However, three
waterworks were found to be redundant, and the smallest waterworks was decided to be shut
down. A new, larger waterworks will be built instead of one the two remaining ones, to
include the treatment of the raw water from the new well field. A preliminary design and
dimensioning of the new waterworks and raw water pipes was presented.
The third part concerns the analysis of water consumption trends in Kolt-Hasselager and an
evaluation of the existing water distribution network. Consumption data varying over periods
of hours, days and years was studied, and consumption patterns and factors were found, in
order to perform an evaluation of the future consumption situation. A simplified model of the
distribution network was built using the MIKE URBAN computer program. Simulations were
performed to test the functionality of the network, and it was found to be working properly,
but with somewhat over dimensioned pipes, leading to slow velocities.
In the final optional part, a more accurate analysis of the future consumption situation was
performed, and a new water distribution network for one of the new planned residential areas
was designed and dimensioned in detail. An extension was added to the existing network
model, and the entire distribution network and waterworks were studied in light of these
extensions. Simulations were performed with different scenarios, and suggestions for the
improvement of the network and supply security were made.
B6PMI2 Water Supply
Group E

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kLIACL ........................................................................................................................................................... 0
A8S1kAC1 ........................................................................................................................................................ 1
1 IN1kCDUC1ICN & C8ILC1IVLS ................................................................................................................ 1
2 DLSCkI1ICN CI 1nL AkLA ..................................................................................................................... 2
3 WLLL IILLDS AND 1nL IN1AkL SI1UA1ICN .............................................................................................. S
3.1 uLSC8l1lCn Cl 1PL CLCLCC? Anu 8LSL8vCl8S .................................................................................................. 6
J.1.1 Ceoloqy ot koltvej ......................................................................................................................... 11
J.1.2 Ceoloqy ot llleqtJsvej ................................................................................................................. 12
J.1.J Ceoloqy ot kolt 5kovvej ................................................................................................................. 12
3.2 uLSC8l1lCn Cl 1PL ln1AkL WLLLS ................................................................................................................. 14
J.2.1 koltvej ............................................................................................................................................ 15
J.2.2 llleqtJsvej ................................................................................................................................... 17
J.2.J kolt 5kovvej ................................................................................................................................... 18
3.3 LvALuA1lCn Cl ACullL8 CPA8AC1L8lS1lCS ...................................................................................................... 20
3.4 LvALuA1lCn Cl WA1L8 CuALl1? l8CM ulllL8Ln1 WLLLS .................................................................................... 24
J.4.1 compotlsoo to Jtlokloq wotet ctltetlo .......................................................................................... 24
J.4.2 loltlol colcolotloos ......................................................................................................................... 27 kolLve[ .................................................................................................................................................. 27 llegrdsve[ ......................................................................................................................................... 28 kolL Skovve[ ......................................................................................................................................... 29
J.4.J volootloo of qeoetol potometets ................................................................................................. J0 kolLve[ .................................................................................................................................................. 31 llegrdsve[ ......................................................................................................................................... 32 kolL Skovve[ ......................................................................................................................................... 32
J.4.4 lJeotlflcotloo of lmpottoot ooJ ctltlcol potometets ...................................................................... JJ kolLve[ .................................................................................................................................................. 33 llegrdsve[ ......................................................................................................................................... 34 kolL Skovve[ ......................................................................................................................................... 34
3.3 LvALuA1lCn Cl 1PL nLW WLLL llLLu .............................................................................................................. 33
J.5.1 uesctlptloo of tbe qeoloqy............................................................................................................. J5
J.5.2 uesctlptloo of tbe lotoke wells ...................................................................................................... J6
J.5.J volootloo of opolfet cbotoctetlstlcs ............................................................................................. J7
J.5.4 volootloo of tbe qtoooJwotet poollty ......................................................................................... J7 Comparlson Lo drlnklng waLer crlLerla................................................................................................. 38 lnlLlal calculaLlons ................................................................................................................................ 39 LvaluaLlon of general parameLers ....................................................................................................... 40 ldenLlflcaLlon of lmporLanL and crlLlcal parameLers ............................................................................ 40
3.6 CCnCLuSlCn .............................................................................................................................................. 41
4 1nL WA1Lk WCkkS .............................................................................................................................. 43
4.1 LvALuA1lCn Cl lunC1lCnlnC Cl LxlS1lnC LAn1S ............................................................................................ 43
B6PMI2 Water Supply
Group E

4.1.1 kow wotet lotoke.......................................................................................................................... 45
4.1.2 Aetotloo ......................................................................................................................................... 46 kolL Skovve[ ......................................................................................................................................... 47 llegrdsve[ ......................................................................................................................................... 48 kolLve[ .................................................................................................................................................. 30
4.1.J lllttotloo ooJ 8ockwosb ................................................................................................................ 50 kolL Skovve[ ......................................................................................................................................... 31 llegrdsve[ ......................................................................................................................................... 34 kolLve[ .................................................................................................................................................. 38
4.1.4 wotetwotks letfotmooce, coosomptloo ooJ cooclosloo ............................................................. 58 Comparlson Lo drlnklng waLer crlLerla................................................................................................. 38
4.2 uLSC8l1lCn Cl 18LA1MLn1 lAClLl1lLS 1C 8L kL1 ............................................................................................ 61
4.3 uLSlCn Anu ulMLnSlCnlnC Cl nLW WA1L8 WC8kS .......................................................................................... 61
4.J.1 kow wotet llpes & well lomps .................................................................................................... 64
4.J.2 Aetotloo polpmeot ...................................................................................................................... 66
4.J.J llltet ueslqo ................................................................................................................................... 68
4.J.4 8ockwosb ltocess.......................................................................................................................... 70
S DIS1kI8U1ICN SS1LM ......................................................................................................................... 71
3.1 ln18CuuC1lCn............................................................................................................................................ 71
3.2 C8!LC1lvLS ................................................................................................................................................ 72
5.2.1 Aoolyze tbe wotet coosomptloo Joto............................................................................................ 72
5.2.2 Aoolyze tbe wotet Jlsttlbotloo oetwotk ........................................................................................ 72
3.3 CCnSuM1lCn uA1A AnAL?SlS ....................................................................................................................... 73
5.J.1 uolly coosomptloo ........................................................................................................................ 74
5.J.2 nootly coosomptloo ...................................................................................................................... 76
5.J.J votlotloo foctots ooJ Jeslqo flow ................................................................................................. 77
3.4 WA1L8 SuL? MCuLLlnC Mlk uk8AN - lAN1 ............................................................................................ 78
5.4.1 8ollJloq tbe moJel ........................................................................................................................ 78 lpe dlmenslons, elevaLlons and demands.......................................................................................... 78 lpe roughness and loss coefflclenLs ................................................................................................... 79 Modellng of Lhe pumps from Lhe waLer works ................................................................................... 80 SLeady sLaLe analysls ........................................................................................................................... 80 LxLended analysls ................................................................................................................................ 82
3.3 ulSCuSSlCn Anu CCnCLuSlCn ....................................................................................................................... 83
6 C1ICNAL Ak1 .................................................................................................................................... 87
6.1 ln18CuuC1lCn & C8!LC1lvLS ........................................................................................................................ 87
6.2 kCL1 PASSLLACL8 MunlClALl1? LAn ........................................................................................................... 88
6.3 uLMAnu LS1lMA1lCn .................................................................................................................................. 91
6.4 1PL nLW SuL? nL1WC8k .......................................................................................................................... 94
6.4.1 xlstloq llpes ooJ coooectloos to tbe xlstloq Netwotk ............................................................... 95
6.4.2 New llpe ulmeoslooloq ................................................................................................................. 96
6.4.J 1be ulsttlbotloo Netwotk MoJel ................................................................................................... 97
6.4.4 volves ............................................................................................................................................ 98
B6PMI2 Water Supply
Group E

6.4.5 5lmolotloos .................................................................................................................................... 99 SlmulaLlon 1 ....................................................................................................................................... 100 SlmulaLlon 2 ....................................................................................................................................... 100 SlmluaLlon 3 ....................................................................................................................................... 101 SlmluaLlon 4 ....................................................................................................................................... 102 SlmulaLlon 3 ....................................................................................................................................... 104 SlmulaLlon 6 ....................................................................................................................................... 104 SlmulaLlon 7 ....................................................................................................................................... 106 SlmulaLlon 8 ....................................................................................................................................... 108 SlmulaLlon 9 ....................................................................................................................................... 109 SlmluaLlon 10 ..................................................................................................................................... 110
6.4.6 Altetootlve ulsttlbotloo Netwotk loyoots ................................................................................... 11J
6.4.7 cooslJetotloos fot lottbet xpoosloo ......................................................................................... 114
7 CCNCLUSICN ....................................................................................................................................... 11S
8 LIS1 CI kLILkLNCLS ............................................................................................................................ 117
ALNDIk .......................................................................................................................................................... I
A. CLCLCClCAL 8CllLL 48 (LuL8SLn, 3, 2013) ................................................................................................... l
8. CCLC8 CCuL lC8 u8lLLlnC LCC Anu CLCLCClCAL 8CllLLS ................................................................................... ll
C. C1Ln1lCML18lC MA Cl AA8PuS Anu Su88CunulnCS ..................................................................................... lll
u. CLCLCClCAL 8CllLLS ln 1PL SCu1P Cl kCL1-PASSLLACL8 .................................................................................. v
L. CvL8vlLW Cl C8CunuWA1L8 CPLMlS18? ........................................................................................................ vl
l. C8CunuWA1L8 8CCLSSLS .......................................................................................................................... vlll
1. ulssolotloo of mloetols ...................................................................................................................... vlll
2. loo excbooqe ....................................................................................................................................... lk
J. lytlte oxlJotloo .................................................................................................................................... k
4. colclte sotototloo ................................................................................................................................ kl
5. 5olfote teJoctloo ................................................................................................................................. kl
6. loo bolooce fot koltvej ....................................................................................................................... kll
C. CLnL8AL A8AML1L8S ................................................................................................................................ xlll
1. AclJ/bose wotet types ....................................................................................................................... klll
2. keJox wotet type .............................................................................................................................. klv
J. cooJoctlvlty ...................................................................................................................................... klv
4. NvOc .................................................................................................................................................. kv
P. C8CunuWA1L8 AnAL?SlS CLnvL!Ln WLLL llLLu ............................................................................................... xv
l. uMlnC 8A1LS ln1C 1PL ulllL8Ln1 WA1L8WC8kS ........................................................................................ xvl
!. Cx?CLn 8LCul8LMLn1 A1 ulllL8Ln1 WA1L8WC8kS ........................................................................................ xx
1. kolt5kovvej ......................................................................................................................................... kk
2. koltvej ............................................................................................................................................... kkl
J. llleqtJsvej ...................................................................................................................................... kkll
k. 18LA1MLn1 Lx1Ln1 Cl CASCAuL AL8A1lCn S?S1LMS ..................................................................................... xxlll
L. uAnlSP u8lnklnC WA1L8 C8l1L8lA .............................................................................................................. xxv
M. llL18A1lCn 8CCLSSLS CALCuLA1lCnS ........................................................................................................ xxvll
B6PMI2 Water Supply
Group E

1. kolt 5kovvej - Ctovlty llltets .......................................................................................................... kkvlll
2. llleqtJsvej - ltessote llltets ........................................................................................................... kkk
J. koltvej - ltessote llltets ................................................................................................................. kkkll
n. 18LA1Lu WA1L8 CuALl1? ........................................................................................................................ xxxlll
1. kolt 5kovvej ................................................................................................................................... kkklll
2. llleqtJsvej ................................................................................................................................... kkkvl
J. koltvej ........................................................................................................................................... kkklk
C. 8ACkWASP 8CCLSSLS & WA1L8 CCnSuM1lCn ............................................................................................ xLll
. LS1lMA1lCn Cl lu1u8L CCnSuM1lCn ........................................................................................................ xLlll
C. uLSlCn Cl nLW 8AW WA1L8 lL .............................................................................................................. xLvl
8. uLSlCn Cl nLW WA1L8WC8kS ....................................................................................................................... Lll
S. uLMAnu LS1lMA1lCn ln ZCnL 22.03.13 8C ................................................................................................... Lll
1. Ateo meosotemeot of Jlffeteot oteos ................................................................................................. lll
2. 5loqle lomlly noosloq ........................................................................................................................ llll
J. Apottmeots ........................................................................................................................................llv
4. lostltotloos
1. nuM8L8 Cl PCuSLS AS SPCWn ln A8LA LAn .................................................................................................. Lx
u. nuM8L8Lu lLS ln nLW SuL? nL1WC8k .................................................................................................... Lxl
v. uLMAnu LS1lMA1lCn ln LACP lL 88AnCP .................................................................................................. Lxll
W. 8LLlMlnA8? lL ulMLnSlCnlnC lC8 nLW SuL? A8LA ................................................................................ Lxv
x. uL1AlLS A8Cu1 MlkL u88An MCuLL ........................................................................................................ Lxxlv
?. lnlC8MA1lCn Cn vALvLS ...................................................................................................................... Lxxvlll
Z. Auul1lCnAL lnlC8MA1lCn Cn lL 8u8S1 SlMuLA1lCn................................................................................. Lxxlx
1. llow colcolotloo ............................................................................................................................. lkklk
2. llpe coooectloo ptoposol ................................................................................................................ lkkk
AA. SlMuLA1lCn 8LSuL1S lC8 lL CLCSu8LS ............................................................................................... Lxxxl
88. SuCCLS1Lu LxAnuLu 8lnC-nL1WC8k ................................................................................................ Lxxxlll
CC. LnCLCSu8LS Cn Cu ......................................................................................................................... Lxxxlv

B6PMI2 Water Supply
Group E

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1A8LL 1: WLLL llLLuS Anu CCnnLC1Lu 8C8LPCLLS ........................................................................................................... 6
1A8LL 2: SuMMA8? Cl u8AW uCWn CALCuLA1lCnS ........................................................................................................ 23
1A8LL 3: S1AnuA8u Anu AuvAnCLu 18LA1MLn1 A8AML1L8S A1 CLu WLLL llLLuS ............................................................. 23
1A8LL 4: CCMA8lSCn Cl 1PL CCnCLn18A1lCnS Cl SLLLC1Lu Su8S1AnCLS ln C8CunuWA1L8 8LlC8L Anu Al1L8 18LA1MLn1 ln 1PL
1P8LL WA1L8WC8kS (CLuS, uAnSkL 8C8lnCL8, 2013) ....................................................................................... 26
1A8LL 3: C8CunuWA1L8 8CCLSSLS A1 kCL1vL! ............................................................................................................ 27
1A8LL 6: C8CunuWA1L8 8CCLSSLS A1 lLLC8uSvL! .................................................................................................... 28
1A8LL 7: C8CunuWA1L8 8CCLSSLS A1 kCL1 SkCvvL! .................................................................................................... 30
1A8LL 8: CLnL8AL A8AML1L8S A1 kCL1vL! .................................................................................................................. 31
1A8LL 9: CLnL8AL A8AML1L8S A1 lLLC8uSvL! ........................................................................................................... 32
1A8LL 10: CLnL8AL A8AML1L8S A1 kCL1 SkCvvL! ........................................................................................................ 32
1A8LL 11: ACullL8 CPA8AC1L8lS1lCS lC8 WLLL nC. 89.1832 .......................................................................................... 37
1A8LL 12: SLLLC1Lu 8LSuL1S l8CM C8CunuWA1L8 AnAL?SlS A1 CLnvL!Ln ........................................................................ 38
1A8LL 13: C8CunuWA1L8 8CCLSSLS A1 CLnvL!Ln WLLL llLLu ........................................................................................ 39
1A8LL 14: CLnL8AL A8AML1L8S A1 CLnvL!Ln .............................................................................................................. 40
1A8LL 13: CvL8vlLW Cl WLLLS Anu ln1AkL Sl1uA1lCn .................................................................................................... 42
1A8LL 16: AvL8ACL uMlnC 8A1LS l8CM WLLL llLLuS ln1C 1PL ulllL8Ln1 WA1L8WC8kS (CLuS, uAnSkL 8C8lnCL8, 2013) .. 43
1A8LL 17: ulllL8Ln1 CAACl1lLS Cl 1PL 1P8LL WA1L8WC8kS .......................................................................................... 44
1A8LL 18: CAACl1lLS Cl WLLL uMS A1 ulllL8Ln1 WA1L8WC8kS ................................................................................. 43
1A8LL 19: AvL8ACL Anu MAxlMuM CCnSuM1lCn Anu 8CuuC1lCn ln 1PL 1P8LL WA1L8WC8kS (C = CCnSuM1lCn) ........... 46
1A8LL 20: llL18A1lCn 8CCLSS A1 kCL1 SkCvvL! ........................................................................................................... 32
1A8LL 21: nLLuLu 8ACkWASP l8LCuLnC? lC8 C8Avl1? llL1L8S A1 kCL1 SkCvvL! ............................................................... 33
1A8LL 22: 8ACkWASP l8LCuLnC? A1 1PL C8Avl1? llL1L8S A1 kCL1 SkCvvL! SPCWlnC 1PL vCLuML 8L1WLLn 8ACkWASPLS Wl1P
ulllL8Ln1 lLCW SCLnA8lCS ............................................................................................................................... 33
1A8LL 23: lnlC8MA1lCn Cn llL18A1lCn 8CCLSS A1 lLLC8uSvL!. ................................................................................. 33
1A8LL 24: l8LCuLnC? Cl 8ACkWASP A1 lLLC8uSvL! uLLnulnC Cn 1PL WA1L8 lLCW 1P8CuCP 1PL llL1L8 ......................... 37
1A8LL 23: nLLuLu 8ACkWASP l8LCuLnC? lC8 1PL ll8S1 llL1L8 A1 lLLCA8uSvL! ................................................................ 37
1A8LL 26: CCMA8lSCn Cl 1PL CCnCLn18A1lCnS Cl SLLLC1Lu Su8S1AnCLS ln C8CunuWA1L8 8LlC8L Anu Al1L8 18LA1MLn1 ln
1PL 1P8LL WA1L8WC8kS (CLuS, uAnSkL 8C8lnCL8, 2013) .................................................................................. 38
1A8LL 27: 8ACkWASP WA1L8 CCnSuM1lCn Anu WA1L8 uSACL ln 1PL 3 WA1L8WC8kS ln 2002 (AA8PuS kCMMunL, 2004) .. 39
1A8LL 28: LnL8C? CCnSuM1lCn Cl 1PL 1P8LL WA1L8WC8kS ln 1PL ?LA8 2002 (AA8PuS kCMMunL, 2004) ....................... 60
1A8LL 29: 1WC 18LA1MLn1 LlnLS CCnnLC1Lu 1C 1PL nLW WA1L8WC8kS Anu 1PL WLLLS ln LACP (MA8l8C, 3, 2013) ............. 62
1A8LL 30: SuMMA8? lC8 1PL lu1u8L CCnSuM1lCn SCLnA8lC A1 kCL1 PASSLLACL8 uu8lnC 1PL uA? .................................. 63
1A8LL 31: MAx uM CAACl1? ln 8C1P 18LA1MLn1 LlnLS Anu CPCSLn lLCW 8A1LS 1P8CuCP LACP ..................................... 64
1A8LL 32: LLnC1P Cl ulllL8Ln1 8AW WA1L8 lL A1PS ................................................................................................. 63
1A8LL 33: CCnCLn18A1lCnS Cl ulllL8Ln1 Su8S1AnCLS Anu ulSSCLvLu CASLS ln 1PL 8AW WA1L8 Ln1L8lnC 1PL nLW
WA1L8WC8kS Anu 1PL Cx?CLn 8LCul8LMLn1 lC8 1PL ulllL8Ln1 WA1L8S ............................................................... 67
1A8LL 34: CululnC MAx CCnCLn18A1lCnS Cl Su8S1AnCLS lC8 1PL lLASl8lLl1? Cl ulllL8Ln1 llL18A1lCn ML1PCuS (MA8l8C, 1,
2012) ............................................................................................................................................................ 68
1A8LL 33: ulMLnSlCnlnC Cl 3 ulllL8Ln1 llL1L8S A1 1PL nLW WA1L8WC8kS ACCC8ulnC 1C 1PL 8LCul8Lu 8LSluLnCL 1lMLS lC8
1PL 18LA1MLn1 Cl AMMCnlA ............................................................................................................................ 69
B6PMI2 Water Supply
Group E

1A8LL 36: LxLC1Lu 8ACkWASP l8LCuLnC? lC8 llL1L8S ln 1PL nLW WA1L8WC8kS ASSuMlnC 8ACkWASP SPCuLu CCCu8 Al1L8
1PL ACCuMuLA1lCn Cl 0.3kC lL/M .................................................................................................................. 70
1A8LL 37: AvL8ACL Anu MAxlMuM lLCWS C8 1PL uAlL? Anu PCu8L? CCnSuM1lCnS ........................................................ 77
1A8LL 38: lnC8LASL ln 1PL nuM8L8 Cl PCuSLPCLuS ln 1PL A8LA Cl PASSLLACL8 kCL1 Anu LS1lMA1lCn Cl 1PL AvAlLA8LL
CAACl1? lC8 Auul1lCnAL PCuSlnC ln LACP A8LA (AA8PuS kCMMunL, 2007) ......................................................... 88
1A8LL 39: LS1lMA1lCn Cl 8ulLuA8LL A8LA Anu nuM8L8 Cl PCuSLS ln LACP A8LA .............................................................. 91
1A8LL 40: LS1lMA1lCn lC8 1PL nuM8L8 Cl PCuSLPCLuS, LCLL, Anu WA1L8 uLMAnu ln LACP nLlCP8Cu8PCCu ................. 93
1A8LL 41: MAln 8LSuL1S lC8 SlMuLA1lCn 1................................................................................................................ 100
1A8LL 42: MAln 8LSuL1S lC8 SlMLuA1lCn 2 ............................................................................................................... 101
1A8LL 43: nLW uLMAnuS AuuLu 1C 1PL LxlSl1nC S?S1LM ............................................................................................. 101
1A8LL 44: MAln 8LSuL1S lC8 SlMuLA1lCn 3................................................................................................................ 102
1A8LL 43: MAln 8LSuL1S lC8 SlMuLA1lCn 4. .............................................................................................................. 103
1A8LL 46: 8LSuL1S Cl SlMuLA1lCn 3 ......................................................................................................................... 104
1A8LL 47: MAln 8LSuL1S lC8 SlMuLA1lCn 8 ............................................................................................................... 108
1A8LL 48: MAln 8LSuL1S lC8 SlMuLA1lCn 9................................................................................................................ 110
1A8LL 49: CCMA8lSCn Cl C8CunuWA1L8 C1Ln1lAL .................................................................................................... lv
1A8LL 30: SuMMA8? Cl C8CunuWA1L8 AnAL?SlS ........................................................................................................... vl
1A8LL 31: lCn 8ALAnCL lC8 WLLL 89.1038 .................................................................................................................. xll
1A8LL 32: SuMMA8? Cl C8CunuWA1L8 AnAL?SlS (CLuS, uCu 89.1734, 2013), (Lu8CllnS MlL!C A/S, 2010) .................. xv
1A8LL 33: ?LA8L? uMLu 8A1LS l8CM 1PL ulllL8Ln1 WLLLS ln1C 1PL 1P8LL WA1L8WC8kS l8CM 1PL ?LA8 1982 (CLuS,
uAnSkL 8C8lnCL8, 2013) ............................................................................................................................... xvl
1A8LL 34: uAlL? WA1L8 ln1AkL l8CM 1PL WLLL llLLuS ln1C 1PL ulllL8Ln1 WA1L8WC8kS, ASSuMlnC nC SLASCnAL C8 uAlL?
ulllL8LnCLS, Anu ASSuMlnC CL8A1lCn LvL8? uA? Cl 1PL ?LA8 .......................................................................... xvlll
1A8LL 33: PCu8L? ln1AkL 8A1LS lC8 1PL ulllL8Ln1 WA1L8WC8kS ASSuMlnC 1PA1 1PL WA1L8WC8kS ALL WC8k 12 PCu8S A uA?
Wl1P unllC8M ln1AkL ln LACP PCu8. ................................................................................................................ xlx
1A8LL 36: Cx?CLn 8LCul8LMLn1 lC8 8AW WA1L8 l8CM WLLL 89.1088 (CLuS, uCu 89.1088, 2013) ............................. xx
1A8LL 37: Cx?CLn 8LCul8LMLn1S lC8 8AW WA1L8 l8CM WLLL 89.1089 (CLuS, uCu 89.1089, 2013) ........................... xxl
1A8LL 38: Cx?CLn 8LCul8LMLn1 lC8 8AW WA1L8 l8CM WLLL 89.1038 (CLuS, uCu 89.1038, 2013) ............................ xxl
1A8LL 39: Cx?CLn 8LCul8LMLn1 lC8 8AW WA1L8 l8CM WLLL 89.1263 (CLuS, uCu 89.1263, 2013) ........................... xxll
1A8LL 60: Cx?CLn 8LCul8LMLn1 lC8 8AW WA1L8 l8CM WLLL 89.1632 (CLuS, uCu 89.1632, 2013) ........................... xxll
1A8LL 61: 1PLC8L1lCAL Cx?CLn uLMAnu lC8 ulllL8Ln1 Su8S1AnCLS ln C8CunuWA1L8 (!LnSLn L. u., 2012)................... xxlll
1A8LL 62: CAS CCnCLn18A1lCn 8LuuC1lCnS l8CM 1?lCAL CASCAuL AL8A1lCn S?S1LMS (MA8l8C, 2, 2012) ...................... xxlll
1A8LL 63: 1PL 8LMCvAL LlllClLnC? k lC8 ulllL8Ln1 CASLS ln A CASCAuL AL8A1lCn S?S1LM AS A lunC1lCn Cl WLl8 PLlCP1 P
(ML1L8S). ln 1PL CASL Cl C
k 8LlL8S 1C 1PL Cx?CLnA1lCn LlllClLnC? (uLLl1 unlvL8lS1?, n/A) ............................ xxlv
1A8LL 64: uAnlSP u8lnklnC WA1L8 C8l1L8lA (8AMSA?, 2011) ..................................................................................... xxv
1A8LL 63: CululnC vALuLS lC8 CPClCL Cl llL1L8 1?L Anu MLulA 8ASLu Cn 1PL CCnCLn18A1lCnS Cl l8Cn, MAnCAnLSL Anu
AMMCnluM ln 1PL 8AW WA1L8 (MA8l8C, 1, 2012) ......................................................................................... xxvll
1A8LL 66: llL18A1lCn 8CCLSS A8AML1L8S lC8 1PL C8Avl1? llL1L8S A1 kCL1 SkCvvL! .................................................. xxvlll
1A8LL 67: LxLC1Lu 8LuuC1lCn ln AMMCnlA CCnCLn18A1lCnS A1 kCL1 SkCvvL! Al1L8 llL18A1lCn................................... xxlx
1A8LL 68: AC1uAL 8LuuC1lCn ln AMMCnlA CCnCLn18A1lCnS Al1L8 18LA1MLn1 A1 kCL1 SkCvvL! (CLuS, PASSLLACL8-kCL1
WW, kCL1 SkCvv, 2013) ............................................................................................................................... xxx
1A8LL 69: llL18A1lCn 8CCLSS A1 lLLC8uSvL! SPCWlnC 1PL A8AML1L8S lC8 CnL llL1L8 .............................................. xxx
B6PMI2 Water Supply
Group E

1A8LL 70: LxLC1Lu 8LuuC1lCn ln AMMCnlA CCnCLn18A1lCnS A1 lLLC8uSvL! Al1L8 llL18A1lCn (CLuS, uCu 89.1263,
2013), (CLuS, uCu 89.1632, 2013) ........................................................................................................... xxxl
1A8LL 71: AC1uAL 8LuuC1lCn ln AMMCnlA CCnCLn18A1lCnS Al1L8 18LA1MLn1 A1 lLLC8uSvL! (CLuS, PASSLLACL8-kCL1
WW,lLLC8uSvL!, 2013)............................................................................................................................. xxxl
1A8LL 72: llL1A1lCn 8CCLSS A1 kCL1vL!. ................................................................................................................ xxxll
1A8LL 73: LS1lMA1Lu ?LA8L? WA1L8 CCnSuM1lCn uu8lnC 8ACkWASP A1 lLLC8uSvL! Anu kCL1 SkCvvL! ........................ xLll
1A8LL 74: lnC8LASL ln 1PL nuM8L8 Cl PCuSLPCLuS ln 1PL A8LA Cl PASSLLACL8 kCL1 Anu LS1lMA1lCn Cl 1PL AvAlLA8LL
CAACl1? lC8 Auul1lCnAL PCuSlnC ln LACP A8LA (AA8PuS kCMMunL, 2007). ...................................................... xLlll
1A8LL 73: AvL8ACL uAlL? WA1L8 CCnSuM1lCn L8 L8SCn ACCC8ulnC 1C CA1LCC8? Cl PCuSLPCLu Anu LlvlnC A8LA
(vLS1L8CAA8u k. , 2013) .............................................................................................................................. xLlv
1A8LL 76: Cu88Ln1 AvL8ACL Anu MAxlMuM CCnSuM1lCn Anu 8CuuC1lCn ln 1PL 1P8LL WA1L8WC8kS .......................... xLv
1A8LL 77: SuMMA8? lC8 1PL lu1u8L CCnSuM1lCn SCLnA8lC A1 kCL1-PASSLLACL8 uu8lnC 1PL uA? Anu 8ASlS lC8 1PL
ulMLnSlCnlnC Cl 1PL nLW WA1L8WC8kS ........................................................................................................ xLvl
1A8LL 78: CPCCSlnC 1PL ulAML1L8 Cl 1PL nLW 8AW WA1L8 lLS ............................................................................... xLvl
1A8LL 79: LLnC1P Cl CSSl8LL A1PS lC8 nLW 8AW WA1L8 lL. ................................................................................. xLvll
1A8LL 80: PLAu LCSS LS1lMA1lCn lC8 1PL 4 CSSl8LL A1PS Cl 1PL 8AW WA1L8 lL .................................................... xLvlll
1A8LL 81: LnL8C? LCSSLS Anu 8LCul8Lu PLAu lC8 1PL nLW WLLL uMS uLLnulnC Cn 1PL A1P CPCSLn lC8 1PL 8AW WA1L8
lLS. ............................................................................................................................................................... Ll
1A8LL 82: 8LCul8Lu 8LSluLnCL 1lMLS ln 1PL llL1L8 lC8 AMMCnlA CxluA1lCn A1 1PL nLW WA1L8WC8kS. ............................ Lll
1A8LL 83: CALCuLA1Lu A8LAS Cl ulllL8Ln1 nLlCP8Cu8PCCuS ln ZCnL 22.03.13 8C. ........................................................ Lll
1A8LL 84: AvL8ACL uAlL? WA1L8 CCnSuM1lCn L8 L8SCn ACCC8ulnC 1C CA1LCC8? Cl PCuSLPCLu Anu LlvlnC A8LA
(vLS1L8CAA8u k. , 2013) .................................................................................................................................Llv
1A8LL 83: CuLA1lCn ln 2010 8? CLnuL8, ACL Anu MunlClALl1? (AA8PuS-kCMMunL, 2010) ........................................Lvl
1A8LL 86: S1A1lS1lCS (AA8PuS-kCMMunL, 2010) .........................................................................................................Lvl
1A8LL 87: 8CC81lCn Cl CPlLu8Ln ln uA? CA8L 8? ACL, ?LA8 Anu CCun18? (PCLM, 2011) .............................................Lvll
1A8LL 88: SuMMA8? Cl CPlLu CA8L CALCuLA1lCnS .......................................................................................................Lvll
1A8LL 89: AvL8ACL uAlL? WA1L8 CCnSuM1lCn L8 L8SCn ln ulllL8Ln1 1?LS Cl lnS1l1u1lCnS (vLS1L8CAA8u k. , 2013). .Lvlll
1A8LL 90: 1C1AL WA1L8 CCnSuM1lCn ln A8LA 8 SPCWlnC 1PL SuM Cl CCnSuM1lCn ln ulllL8Ln1 lnS1l1u1lCnS ................ Llx
1A8LL 91: CCMA8lSCn Cl LS1lMA1Lu nuM8L8 Cl PCuSLS ln LACP Cl 1PL 12 nLlCP8Cu8PCCuS Wl1P 1PL LAnnLu nuM8L8 Cl
PCuSLS ........................................................................................................................................................... Lx
1A8LL 92: LCSS CCLlllClLn1S................................................................................................................................. Lxxlv
1A8LL 93: lnlC8MA1lCn A8Cu1 lLS ln 1PL MlkL MCuLL .......................................................................................... Lxxv

B6PMI2 Water Supply
Group E

-.,+ '( (./01%,
llCu8L 1: MA Cl kCL1-PASSLLACL8 (MlL!CC81AL, 2012) ............................................................................................. 2
llCu8L 2: WA1L8 WC8kS A8Cunu AA8PuS (AA8PuS kCMMunL, 2004) ............................................................................. 3
llCu8L 3: A8LA SuLlLu Wl1P WA1L8 l8CM kCL1-PASSLLACL8 WA1L8 WC8kS (AA8PuS kCMMunL, 2004) ............................ 4
llCu8L 4: CvL8vlLW Cl WLLL llLLuS (CLuS, uAnSkL 8C8lnCL8, 2013) ............................................................................. 3
llCu8L 3: 8LCuA1L8nA8? MA Cl uLnMA8k (LuL8SLn, 1, 2010) .................................................................................. 7
llCu8L 6: SlMLlllLu CLCLCClCAL 8CllLL Cl AA8PuS MunlClALl1? (AA8PuS kCMMunL, 2004) .......................................... 8
llCu8L 7: MALu 8u8lLu vALLL? A8Cunu AA8PuS (AA8PuS kCMMunL, 2004) ................................................................. 8
llCu8L 8: Lx1Lnu Cl 1PL ACullL8 ln 1PL A8LA Cl kCL1-PASSLLACL8 (MlL!CC81AL, 2012) .................................................. 9
llCu8L 9: CLCLCClCAL 8CllLL kCL1-PASSLLACL8 (LuL8SLn, 3, 2013). .......................................................................... 10
llCu8L 10: 18AnSvL8SL 8CllLL A1 kCL1vL! (CLuS, 8C88CllL kCL1vL!, 2013) ............................................................... 11
llCu8L 11: 18AnSvL8SL 8CllLL lLLC8uSvL! (CLuS, 8C88CllL lLLC8uSvL!, 2013).................................................... 12
llCu8L 12: CLCLCClCAL 8CllLL kCL1 SkCvvL! (LuL8SLn, 3, 2013) ............................................................................... 13
llCu8L 13: 18AnSvL8SL 8CllLL kCL1 SkCvvL! (CLuS, 8C88CllL kCL1 SkCvvL!, 2013) ................................................... 14
llCu8L 14: LCCA1lCn Cl WA1L8 WC8kS (MlL!CC81AL, 2012) ....................................................................................... 14
llCu8L 13: WA1L8WC8kS kCL1vL! (MlL!CC81AL, 2012) .............................................................................................. 13
llCu8L 16: CW1 A1 WLLL 89.1038 (CLuS, uCu 89.1038, 2013) ................................................................................ 16
llCu8L 17: WA1L8 WC8kS lLLC8uSvL! (MlL!CC81AL, 2012) ...................................................................................... 17
llCu8L 18: WA1L8 WC8kS kCL1 SkCvvL! (MlL!CC81AL, 2012) ..................................................................................... 18
llCu8L 19: C1Ln1lCML18lC MA Cl kCL1 PASSLLACL8 (uAnlSP-CCvL8nMLn1, 2009) .................................................... 21
llCu8L 20: MA Cl 8LClS1L8Lu CCn1AMlnA1Lu Sl1LS ln 1PL A8LA (MlL!CC81AL, 2012).................................................... 22
llCu8L 21: 18AnSvL8SL 8CllLL lC8 CLnvL!Ln WLLL llLLu (CLuS, 8C88CllL CLnvL!Ln, 2013) ........................................ 33
llCu8L 22: LCCA1lCn Cl 1PL nLW WLLL llLLu (MlL!CC81AL, 2012) ................................................................................ 36
llCu8L 23: CnL SluL Cl 1PL CASCAuL AL8A1lCn S?S1LM A1 kCL1 SkCvvL! (MA8l8C, 4, 2013) ............................................. 47
llCu8L 24: MAxlMuM ulSSCLvLu CASSLS CCnCLn18A1lCnS AS ClvLn 8? uAnlSP u8lnklnC WA1L8 C8l1L8lA (8AMSA?, 2011) .. 48
llCu8L 23: 1C Cl 1PL 8LSSu8L llL1L8 A1 lLLC8uSvL! WPL8L AL8A1lCn CCCu8S ........................................................... 49
llCu8L 26: CCM8LSSC8 A1 lLLC8uSvL! uLLlvL8lnC 8LSSu8lZLu Al8 1C 1PL 1C Cl 1PL llL1L8S (MA8l8C, 4, 2013) ........... 49
llCu8L 27: 8LSSu8L llL1L8S A1 lLLC8uSvL! CCnnLC1Lu ln SL8lLS (MA8l8C, 3, 2012) .................................................... 30
llCu8L 28: C8Avl1? llL1L8S A1 kCL1 SkCvvL!. Slx llL1L8S Wl1P 1WC SlnCLL llL1L8 CLLLS LACP, CCn1AlnlnC SAnu Anu A C8AvLL
LA?L8 A1 1PL 8C11CM. ...................................................................................................................................... 31
llCu8L 29: ulAC8AM Cl llL18A1lCn 8CCLSS A1 kCL1 SkCvvL! ........................................................................................ 34
llCu8L 30: 8LSSu8L llL1L8S A1 lLLC8uSvL!. (MA8l8C, 3, 2012) ................................................................................ 33
llCu8L 31: ulAC8AM Cl CnL 8LSSu8L llL1L8 A1 1PL lLC8uSvL! WA1L8WC8kS (ALLAn !LnSLn, 2013) .............................. 36
llCu8L 32: LCCA1lCn Cl nLW WLLL llLLu ln 8LLA1lCn 1C WA1L8WC8kS Anu CSSl8LL A1PS lC8 1PL 8AW WA1L8 lL ............ 66
llCu8L 33: uAlL? CCnSuM1lCn ln kCL1-PASSLLACL8 uSlnC 1PL C8lClnAL uA1A ............................................................... 74
llCu8L 34.uAlL? CCnSuM1lCn lC8 kCL1-PASSLLACL8 .................................................................................................. 73
llCu8L 33. PCu8L? CCnSuM1lCn ln kCL1-PASSLLACL8 AS A L8CLn1ACL Cl 1PL 1C1AL AvL8ACL uAlL? CCnSuM1lCn .......... 77
llCu8L 36: lMACL Cl 1PL lL nL1WC8k MCuLL ln MlkL u88An ...................................................................................... 79
llCu8L 37: 8LSSu8LS A1 1PL ulllL8Ln1 nCuLS Cl 1PL S?S1LM - vALuLS ln [MWC] ............................................................ 80
llCu8L 38: lL vLLCCl1lLS WPlLL kCL1 SkCvvL! CL8A1LS lC8 1PL MAxlMuM PCu8 uLMAnu - vALuLS ln [M/S] .................... 81
llCu8L 39. PLAuLCSS L8 kM ln 1PL nL1WC8k lLS - vALuLS ln ML1L8S .......................................................................... 81
llCu8L 40. 8LSSu8LS A1 1PL ulllL8Ln1 nCuLS lC8 lLLC8uSvL! ln CL8A1lCn - vALuLS ln [MWC] ................................... 82
B6PMI2 Water Supply
Group E

llCu8L 41. vA8lA1lCn Cl 8LSSu8L ln nCuL 63 ALCnC 1PL uA? - vALuLS lC8 8LSSu8L ln [MWC] ....................................... 83
llCu8L 42: lL vLLCCl1lLS A1 2M WPlLL kCL1 SkCvvL! CL8A1lnC - vALuLS ln [M/S] ....................................................... 84
llCu8L 43. MAln 8lnC ln 1PL lL nL1WC8k S?S1LM Cu1 ln kCL1-PASSLLACL8 .................................................................. 84
llCu8L 44: LAnnLu 8LAS 1C 8L uLvLLCLu ln kCL1 PASSLLACL8: 22.02.09 8C, 22.03.13 8C Anu 22.03.12 8C (AA8PuS
kCMMunL, 2007) ........................................................................................................................................... 88
llCu8L 43: S18uC1u8L Cl A8LA 22.03.13 8C Anu 1?L Cl PCuSlnC ln LACP A8LA (AA8PuS kCMMunL, 2007) ................... 90
llCu8L 46 : LAn Cl nLW A8LA 22.03.13 8C SPCWlnC 1PL 12 ulllL8Ln1 nLlCP8Cu8PCCuS ............................................. 92
llCu8L 47: A8LA LAn SPCWlnC !unC1lCnS A1 WPlCP WA1L8 lS ulS18l8u1Lu 1C LACP nLClP8Cu8PCCu ................................ 94
llCu8L 48: LA?Cu1 Cl 1PL LAnnLu A8LA 22.03.13 8C SPCWlnC PCuSLS Anu 8CAuS, Wl1P LxlS1lnC WA1L8 ulS18l8u1lCn lLS
MA8kLu ln 8Lu (WA1L8WC8kS, 2012) ............................................................................................................... 93
llCu8L 49: CCMLL1L MlkL MCuLL ............................................................................................................................ 97
llCu8L 30: MCuLL Cl 1PL nLW 8LSluLn1lAL A8LA SPCWlnC lL lu'S............................................................................... 98
llCu8L 31: LCCA1lCn Cl vALvLS ln nLW 8LSluLn1lAL A8LA .............................................................................................. 99
llCu8L 32: 8LSSu8LS AC8CSS 1PL Ln1l8L S?S1LM WPLn A lL 8u8S1 lS ln18CuuCLu A1 MAxlMuM uLMAnu. 1PL LCCA1lCn Cl
1PL 8u8S1 lS SPCWn 8? 1PL 8Lu A88CW. ........................................................................................................... 103
llCu8L 33: CLCSLu lL Anu LllLC1 Cn nL1WC8k WPLn kCL1 SkCvvL! lS ln CL8A1lCn .................................................... 107
llCu8L 34: CLCSLu lL Anu LllLC1 Cn nL1WC8k WPLn lLLC8uSvL! lS ln CL8A1lCn .................................................... 107
llCu8L 33: lLCW Anu 8LSSu8L WPLn lnuuS18? PAS uCu8LLu l1S uLMAnu .................................................................... 109
llCu8L 36: 18AClnC Cl CLLu1lCn SCu8CL ln18CuuCLu A1 kCL1 SkCvvL! ...................................................................... 111
llCu8L 37: S8LAu Cl CLLu1lCn SCu8CL ln18CuuCLu A1 lLLC8uSvL! ........................................................................ 112
llCu8L 38: SuCCLS1Lu lL CCnnLC1lCnS lC8 An LxAnuLu 8lnC-nL1WC8k .................................................................. 113
llCu8L 39: CCLC8 CCuL (CLuS, uAnSkL 8C8lnCL8, 2013) ............................................................................................. ll
llCu8L 60: C1Ln1lCML18lC MA (uAnlSP-CCvL8nMLn1, 2009) ................................................................................... lll
llCu8L 61: CLCLCClCAL 8CllLL 49 (LuL8SLn, 3, 2013) ................................................................................................ v
llCu8L 62: CLCLCClCAL 8CllLL 13 (LuL8SLn, 3, 2013) ............................................................................................... vl
llCu8L 63: CA1LCC8lLS Cl PA8unLSS ln C8CunuWA1L8 (8AMSA?, 2011) ......................................................................... lx
llCu8L 64: lCn LxCPAnCL CA1LCC8lLS (8AMSA?, 2011) ................................................................................................. lx
llCu8L 63: ln1L88L1A1lCnS uSlnC 1PL lCn LxCPAnCL 8A1lC (8AMSA?, 2011) ................................................................... x
llCu8L 66: ?8l1L CxluA1lCn CA1LCC8lLS (8AMSA?, 2011) .............................................................................................. x
llCu8L 67: P CA1LCC8lLS lC8 C8CunuWA1L8 CCnul1lCn (8AMSA?, 2011) .................................................................... xlll
llCu8L 68: ALCC8l1PM lC8 8LuCx WA1L8 1?L (8AMSA?, 2011) ................................................................................... xlv
llCu8L 69: CCnuuC1lvl1? CA1LCC8lLS (8AMSA?, 2011) ................................................................................................. xv
llCu8L 70: nvCC CA1LCC8lLS (8AMSA?, 2011) ........................................................................................................... xv
llCu8L 71: CSSl8LL A1PWA?S Cl 1PL 8AW WA1L8 lL l8CM 1PL nLW WLLL llLLu 1C 1PL nLW WA1L8WC8kS ................. xLvll
llCu8L 72: LLLvA1lCn 8CllLL lC8 8AW WA1L8 lL A1P 1 - ?LLLCW. ........................................................................... xLlx
llCu8L 73: LLLvA1lCn 8CllLL lC8 8AW WA1L8 lL A1P 2 - 8Lu. ................................................................................ xLlx
llCu8L 74: LLLvA1lCn 8CllLL lC8 8AW WA1L8 lL A1P 3 - u8LL. ............................................................................ xLlx
llCu8L 73: LLLvA1lCn 8CllLL lC8 8AW WA1L8 lL A1P 4 - C8LLn ................................................................................... L
llCu8L 76: 8CuCP LAn Cl A8LA 8 CCn1AlnlnC lnS1l1u1lCnS Anu SMALL 8uSlnLSSLS (AA8PuS kCMMunL, 2007) .................Lv
llCu8L 77: nuM8L8Lu lLS ln 1PL nLW SuL? A8LA. ................................................................................................... Lxl
llCu8L 78: uLMAnu LS1lMA1lCn ln LACP lL 88AnCP Cl 1PL 12 ulllL8Ln1 A8LAS .......................................................... Lxlll
llCu8L 79: uLMAnu LS1lMA1lCn 1P8CuCP LACP 88AnCP ln LACP Cl 1PL 12 nLlCP8Cu8PCCuS ....................................... Lxlv
B6PMI2 Water Supply
Group E

llCu8L 80: ulS18l8u1lCn nL1WC8k Wl1P A lL 8u8S1 A1 1PL MAln CCnnLC1lCn 8L1WLLn 1PL LxlS1lnC Anu nLW nL1WC8k, Anu
A nLW lL CCnnLC1lnC 1PL LxlS1lnC Anu nLW nL1WC8k 1CCL1PL8. .................................................................. Lxxx
llCu8L 81: CLCSu8L Cl 1WC MAln lLS LLAulnC Cu1 Cl kCL1 SkCvvL! ....................................................................... Lxxxl
llCu8L 82: CLCSu8L Cl MAln lLS LLAulnC 1C 1PL nLW nL1WC8k. ............................................................................ Lxxxll
llCu8L 83: CLCSu8L Cl MAln lLS A8Cunu MAln 8lnC ln LxlS1lnC S?S1LM ................................................................ Lxxxlll
llCu8L 84: SuCCLS1Lu LxAnuLu 8lnC-nL1WC8k u8AWn ln MlkL u88An (ln ?LLLCW) CvL8LA?lnC 1PL MA Cl 1PL LAnnLu
PCuSlnC A8LAS ln 1PL nLW 8LSluLn1lAL A8LA ............................................................................................... Lxxxlv

B6PMI2 Water Supply
Group E

-.,+ '( 2##1%3."+.'*

ADC Average Daily Consumption
avg average
b.t below terrain
CEC Cation exchange capacity
DNN Dansk Normalnul (average sea surface level in Denmark)
EBCT Empty Bed Contact Time
GWT Groundwater table
HGL Hydraulic Grade Line
MAC Maximum Admissible Concentration
mWC meter water column
NVOC Non-volatile organic carbon
B6PMI2 Water Supply
Group 5

1 +,*"-./&*0-, 2 3(4#&*05#)
Drinking water supply is an important issue for the authorities as well as for the whole
population of a country. In Denmark, 97% of the population are connected to the public water
supply network. Therefore, the main challenges for the danish governement and the
municipalities is to ensure a sustainable handling of the resource, and the assurance of the
good quality of the supplied drinking water.

Kolt Hasselager is a popular residential suburb of Aarhus with three of its own waterworks. A
significant population growth is expected as new residential areas are planned in the areas
around it, and a new well field is planned to be connected to the supply system.

This project mainly deals with the description and evaluation of the complete water supply
system in Kolt Hasselager. For this purpose, first, a detailed description of the area, its
geology, the intake situation and the groudwater in the well-fields is presented. Furthermore,
the new well field is evaluated in light of the same parameters, before the exisitng water
treatment facilities are described. The analysis of the groundwater characterisitics builds the
basis for a proprosal for the design of the new water treatment facilities at Kolt Skovvej
including the design of a raw water pipe from the new well field. Next, the performance of the
existing distribution network is evaluated using the modelling softaware EPANET from Mike

Finally, a new supply network will be designed and dimensioned for one of the planned
residential areas in the north of Kolt HAsselager. The functioning of the entire system will be
evaluated, with suggestions for improvement and considerations for future scenarios.

B6PMI2 Water Supply
Group E

2 6#)&"07*0-, -$ *8# '"#%
Kolt-Hasselager is a municipality located 7km in the south-west of Aarhus. Figure 1 shows a
map of Kolt-Hasselager and the surroundings. The distance to the coastline is approx. 8km.
3km north of Kolt-Hasselager is Brabrand Lake and 6km in the south of the area is the
Solbjerg Lake. The average elevation of the terrain is 70-75m above DNN.

Figure 1: Map of Kolt-Hasselager (Miljportal, 2012)
At the beginning of 2010 the population of Kolt-Hasselager was 6011 (Aarhus-Kommune,
2010). It has probably increased slightly since then. The area consists mainly of households.
There is only one large industry which produces meat, which consumes a lot of water and
operates 24h. A new residential area is planned in the north of Kolt-Hasselager, and this
aspect will play a major role in the optional part.
The following Figure 2 shows a map of the greater area around Aarhus. Indicated with blue
dots are all the private water works and the orange dots indicate municipality owned water
works. In total there are 33 private water works and 10 communal water works. As the map
shows they are all located at a fair distance from the city center and sea. This gives some
protection from pollution and salt water intrusion.
B6PMI2 Water Supply
Group E

Figure 2: Water works around Aarhus (Aarhus Kommune, 2004)
B6PMI2 Water Supply
Group E

To each water works one or more wells are connected. In 2004 in the whole area of Aarhus
Commune there were 270 wells and boreholes (Aarhus Kommune, 2004). Even though the
Water Supply Plan is the most recent publication it can be assumed that the number of
boreholes has probably increased since then, while the number of water works has decreased.
In general, water consumption has decreased, therefore the needed demand can be supplied by
a fewer number of water works and in addition pumps and treatment facilities have been
improved enabling larger capacities.
The water supply plan sets several goals, which play a major role in the management of water
supply also in the area of Kolt-Hasselager. The major aspects are:
All citizens shall have the potential to have a steady and stable water supply
Water supply shall be based on clean groundwater, that only needs standard treatment
Usage of pesticides shall be minimized; therefore, pesticide pollution is only allowed
to be treated in special cases
Water consumption shall be reduced to a minimum necessary amount, ensuring
sustainable usage of the existing resources
In Figure 2 it can be seen that in Kolt-Hasselager there are three water works which supply
the water for the whole municipality together. In the future the water works in the west will be
closed than, but the one located in the east of the towns will be enlarged in order to cover the
drinking water demand.
In Figure 3 the blue dashed areas indicate areas supplied by privately owned water works. It
shows the boundaries of the Kolt-Hasselager area. In the north there are two other areas; one
is supplied with water from the Stavtrup water works and the one in the north-west is supplied
by the Ormslev water works. The supply networks are connected in case of emergencies.

Figure 3: Area supplied with water from Kolt-Hasselager water works (Aarhus Kommune, 2004)
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3 9#:: $0#:.) %,. *8# +,*%;# <0*/%*0-,
In the following section the well fields and the intake situation will be described. First, the
basic geology in and around the area of Kolt-Hasselager will be examined before each well
field will be described more detailed, regarding also the aquifer and groundwater
characteristics. For the detailed description the most important tool is the Jupiter database
from the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland - GEUS. In the Jupiter database much
information about boreholes and the associated water works can be found. The desired
boreholes can either be found by searching for their DGU no. or by selecting them from a
map like the one displayed in Figure 4. Water works can be displayed by selecting
Vandinvinding Type Vandvrk when opening the window Danske boringer on the right
hand side.
Figure 4 shows an overview of the well fields that will be examined in this section. The three
existing well fields, Pilegrdsvej, Koltvej and Kolt Skovvej are mostly situated in or close to
the center of Kolt-Hasselager. In the north of Kolt-Hasselgar lies the new well field, referred
to as Genvejen well field. In the following description the existing well fields will first be
examined independently, not regarding the new well field. The new well field will then be
described separately in the last passage of this section.

Figure 4: Overview of well fields (GEUS, Danske Boringer, 2013)
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Lastly, Table 1 shows a list of the well fields and boreholes at Kolt-Hasselager at the present
situation. This allocation should be kept in mind in order to keep an overview of the intake
Table 1: Well fields and connected boreholes
Well field DGU no. Water works
Koltvej 89.1038 Koltvej
Kolt Skovvej
Old Kolt Skovvej and Line
A of new Kolt Skovvej
Line B of new Kolt Skovvej

3.1 Description of the geology and reservoirs
Drinking water supply in Denmark is based entirely on groundwater. For this reason it is
important to know some basics about the geology of the country. Geotectonics and different
climatic periods have shaped the landscape and underground of Denmark in the past. The
result is mostly a layer deposited during the Quaternary period overlaying different previous
layers. (GEUS, Water Supply in Denmark, 2011)
The best way to study the deeper layers is to look at a Prequaternary map like the one in
Figure 5. Typical of the geology in Denmark are Late Cretaceous limestone aquifers in
northern Jutland and Zealand and Tertiary sand and clay deposits in South- and Midjutland.
The Quaternary period was characterized by several ice ages resulting in melt water valleys
mainly in Western-Jutland and many clay deposits covering most parts of Jutland. (Pedersen,
1, 2010)

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Figure 5: Prequaternary map of Denmark (Pedersen, 1, 2010)

Aquifers in melt water valleys are very important for groundwater abstraction, because they
are usually high yielding and widespread, but they can be unprotected. In the area around
Aarhus there are some buried valleys, as can be seen in Figure 6. They usually contain melt
water sand and gravel and can be covered by thick clay layers.
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Figure 6: Simplified geological profile of Aarhus municipality (Aarhus Kommune, 2004)

In Figure 7 the buried valley that is located around Aarhus is indicated by the orange color,
meaning that buried valleys are located underneath this area. On the left hand side of the
picture you can see three blue dots in the area of Kolt-Hasselager indicating the three existing
water works. Two dots are located within the buried valley, which leads to the assumption
that the connected wells abstract groundwater from the aquifer in this valley.

Figure 7: Mapped buried valley around Aarhus (Aarhus Kommune, 2004)
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In order to get a good overview about the geology geological profiles can be studied with
GeoScene 3D. This program plots data from geophysical surveys. The data is stored in a grid
to cover different areas. The area of Kolt-Hasselager for example lies on the horizontal profile
48. Displaying this profile with GeoScene 3D confirms that there is one large sand aquifer
underneath Kolt-Hasselager from which all three well fields abstract groundwater.
Furthermore, in order to estimate the whole aquifers extend, the horizontal profiles in the
north of Kolt-Hasselager were displayed and according to these the aquifer extends to approx.
4.2km from east to west and 4.4km from south to north. It does not only cover the area
underneath Kolt-Hasselager, but also Stavtrup and Ormslev and reaches northwards till Lake
Brabrand. An estimation of the whole aquifer extend, based on the profiles displayed with
Geo Scene, can be seen in Figure 8.

Figure 8: Extend of the aquifer in the area of Kolt-Hasselager (Miljportal, 2012)
Figure 9 below shows a geological profile of the aquifer underneath Kolt-Hasselager. A larger
geological profile can be found in Appendix A, but the part illustrated above shows the most
important parts. It shows the whole profile 48 which crosses Kolt-Hasselager from the east to
the west. Several vertical profiles cross profile 48 from north to south. The three vertical
profiles of concern are the profiles 11, 12 and 13. The vertical scale shows the elevation in
meters, 0 being the Danish sea level, and the horizontal scale shows the distance in meters.
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The red color in the profile indicates sandy soil and therefore shows the main body of the
aquifer. The depth varies, but in the profiles 11, 12 and 13 it appears to be approx. 60m above
sea level. A color code for interpretation of the profile can be found in Appendix B.
Figure 9 also shows that there is a buried valley in the area of Kolt-Hasselager. The buried
valley can be identified by the two rosy tips that reach down to 30m below DNN. The rosy
color represents melt water sand. Above the aquifer lies a clay layer, indicated by brown
color. The thickness of the clay layer varies between 7m and 30m. The clay layer protects the
aquifer from surface contamination, since surface water cannot infiltrate that easily through
the low-permeable clay. The drilling profiles of the essential boreholes can be found in the
profile as well. A more detailed description of the well geology will be based on the drilling
profiles from the Jupiter database.

Figure 9: Geological profile Kolt-Hasselager (Pedersen, 3, 2013).
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3.1.1 Geology at Koltvej
The drilling profiles from GEUS show a more precise vertical profile of the geology. Using
the map shown earlier in Figure 4 the instrument tvrprofil can be selected and by drawing
a line through the desired boreholes a transverse profile like the one illustrated in Figure 10
can be obtained. Some drilling logs are displayed with colors like the borehole 89.1260 for
example. The color code to analyze this profile can be found in Appendix B.
At Koltvej groundwater is only abstracted from the well 89.1038, but close to this well are
two more boreholes which are considered in order to describe the geology as precise as
possible. Even though the GeoScene profile showed a continuous sand aquifer, the drilling
profile indicates a second clay layer that lies within the aquifer. The aquifer is 31m deep and
it is located between 13.1 and 44.1m above DNN. Two clay layers protect the aquifer. One
clay layer, with a thickness of 13.5m lies 5m below terrain. A second clay layer with a
thickness of 15.4m lies just above the aquifer.
All three boreholes show a similar clay layer within the aquifer. Unfortunately, this cannot be
seen in GeoScene, hence it is difficult to say how widespread it is. For the boreholes 89.1038
and 89.256 Jupiter contained information about the groundwater table [GWT]. In both wells it
lies within the sand aquifer and it can therefore be assumed that the aquifer is unconfined. The
GWT in the well 89.256 lies 20m higher than the one in the well 89.1038. This large
difference is probably caused by the fact that groundwater has been pumped from well no.
89.1038. (GEUS, DGU 89.1038, 2013); (GEUS, DGU 89.256, 2013); (GEUS, DGU 89.1260,

Figure 10: Transverse profile at Koltvej (GEUS, Borprofil Koltvej, 2013)
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3.1.2 Geology at Pilegrdsvej
Figure 11 shows a transverse profile of the boreholes around Pilegrdsvej. The color code for
interpretation can again be found in Appendix B. Figure 11 shows that there are no significant
clay layers within the 60m deep unconfined sand aquifer. All three boreholes in this well field
show a similar geology. Two of the boreholes feature an at least 12m thick clay layer, right
below terrain and the profile from well no. 89.940 shows a 14m thick layer containing
bryozoan limestone. There the clay layer lies a little deeper down at depth of 22m below
terrain. The third borehole showed some small clay layers within the main aquifer, but not
large enough to set limits to the aquifer boundaries.
In addition it can be seen that the water level is very similar in the two wells connected to the
water works at Pilegrdsvej (89.1263 & 89.1632). The GWT lies approx. 40m below terrain.

Figure 11: Transverse profile Pilegrdsvej (GEUS, Borprofil Pilegrdsvej, 2013)
3.1.3 Geology at Kolt Skovvej
Comparing the geological profile of Kolt Skovvej from GeoScene 3D with the data from the
drilling logs shows that the drilling logs contain more detailed data. Figure 12 shows the
existing boreholes before the end of 2012 in the context of the geological profile of
GeoScene. While GeoScene only indicates a large clay (brown) layer underneath the surface
and a sand (red) layer deeper down, the drilling profiles show several more clay layers within
the sand layer. At Kolt Skovvej the aquifer seems to be confined, because the GWT lies
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within or above those clay layers as the small blue arrows in Figure 12 indicate. This
statement can be questioned, because it is hard to estimate how widespread the clay layers are
and there is no information to which date the profiles refers, but from now on the aquifer at
Kolt Skovvej will be characterized as a confined one.

Figure 12: Geological profile Kolt Skovvej (Pedersen, 3, 2013)
At present there are six boreholes that contain information about the geology at Kolt Skovvej.
Figure 13 shows the transverse profile of this area. Unfortunately there are no records for well
89.1088, which is why the bar for that well is blank (GEUS, DGU 89.1088, 2013). Borehole
89.665 is not relevant for water abstraction, but it confirms that at least the first 20m below
terrain are clay soil (GEUS, Borprofil Kolt Skovvej, 2013).
The deeper layers vary quite a lot, often sand and clay layers alternate. Because of this it is
hard to define the total aquifer depth. Figure 13 shows again that there is good evidence that
this part of the aquifer is in confined, because the GWT lies either within or above a clay
layer. Noticeable is also that the groundwater potential is approx. 25m in all wells. This is
remarkable because only three of those six wells have been used for groundwater abstraction.
This might be a proof that the part of the aquifer around Kolt Skovvej is confined and not
unconfined like at the other two well fields. In unconfined aquifers pumping of groundwater
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effects the volume of the aquifer immediately, while in confined aquifers there is a change in
pressure than in volume. (Srensen, 2012); (GEUS, DGU 89.1089, 2013); (GEUS, DGU
89.932, 2013); (GEUS, DGU 89.1904, 2013)

Figure 13: Transverse profile Kolt Skovvej (GEUS, Borprofil Kolt Skovvej, 2013)
3.2 Description of the intake wells
The three existing well fields Koltvej, Pilegrdsvej and Kolt Sjovvej are connected to one
water work each. The location of the water works can be seen in Figure 14.

Figure 14: Location of water works (Miljportal, 2012)
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Adding the permits for each water work together in 1993 it was allowed to pump a total of
275m!/h from all the well fields at Kolt-Hasselager. In 1993 a new permit was issued for Kolt
Skovvej, including the new well field at Genvejen. Since then a total abstraction of
325m!/year is permitted. The permit is valid until 2023. (GEUS, Hasselager-Kolt Ww, Kolt
Skovv, 2013)
In order to get an overview of the intake situation the three existing well fields are regarded
3.2.1 Koltvej
The well field at Koltvej water works is
the oldest of the three well fields in Kolt-
Hasselager. Figure 15 shows the building
of the water works and the wells in the
surroundings. Well 89.1038 was drilled
on January 1
1960, but it is uncertain
when groundwater abstraction started.
The Jupiter database contains data of
groundwater samples from 1960, but the
next is only from 1989. Consequently, it
can be assumed that regular groundwater
abstraction only started in 1989. The
abstraction permit allows pumping of
25m!/h from 1993 until December 23

2023. (GEUS, DGU 89.1038, 2013)

According to the Water Supply Plan the well pump capacity is 25m!/h (Aarhus Kommune,
2004). However, this amount of water was only abstracted during pump tests. The normal
pump rate is only 8m!/h according to the plant manager. (Maribo, 3, 2013)

The well in use is 77m deep and the elevation of the terrain is 89.1m above DNN. The filter
for water intake is located at 18.1m above DNN. It is 5m long while the aquifer has a depth of
31m, so the filter only covers 16% of the aquifer. The last measurement of the GWT from
April 19
2010 showed a GWT of 60.95m below terrain. In order to compare the
potentiometric levels from all the wells the groundwater can be expressed in relation to the
Figure 15: Waterworks Koltvej (Miljportal, 2012)
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sea level by subtracting the GWT from the surface elevation. Hence the groundwater potential
in 89.1038 is 28.51m above DNN. Since the first measurement of the GWT it was lowered by
3.59m from an initial value of 32.1m above DNN. (GEUS, DGU 89.1038, 2013)
Looking at the variation of the GWT in the well 89.1038, shown in Figure 16, we can see that
it decreased from 1960 until 1980. The GWT reached a minimum of approx. 20m in 2001 and
2002. At this time the pump must have been at risk of pumping air since the distance to the
filter was only 2m.

Figure 16: GWT at well 89.1038 (GEUS, DGU 89.1038, 2013)
According to the Jupiter database groundwater abstraction from this well has decreased from
a maximum of 113388m!/year in 1990 to only 19839m!/year in 2010. Especially between
1999 and 2000 there has been a significant reduction in the amount of abstracted water.
Probably in order to prevent further groundwater lowering. In 2007 there was no abstraction
at all and in the year 2008 only 231m!/year were abstracted. The reduction led the GWT to
rise from 2005 till 2010. Nevertheless the drastic decline of GWT could be a sign that the
capacity of the aquifer has been exploited. Since 1990 a total volume of 766815m! has been
abstracted from the aquifer at Koltvej. In 2010 19839m! of groundwater were abstracted.
Assuming a pump rate of 8m!/h the raw water pump must operate approx. 6.8h/d in order to
supply the water work with this volume of groundwater. (GEUS, Hasselager-Kolt Ww,
Koltvej, 2013)

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3.2.2 Pilegrdsvej
In the well field around the water works at
Pilegrdsvej there are three borings with the
DGU numbers 89.940, 89.1263 and
89.1632. Figure 17 shows the water works
and the well field at Pilegrdsvej from an
aerial view.
Borehole 89.940 was operated from January
1966 till October 8
2004. The elevation
is 72.8m above DNN and the well was 57m
deep. The last measurement of the GWT
showed a groundwater potential of 32.55m
above DNN.
According to the drill record from GEUS this well can produce 28m!/h (GEUS, DGU 89.940,
2013). But according to the Water Supply Plan, the pump capacity is only 21m!/h (Aarhus
Kommune, 2004). In this case it is not crucial which data is right, since this well was replaced
in the end of October 2004 by the newly drilled well 89.1632. The two mentioned wells are
located very close to each other. The closed well, indicated in pink, can barely be seen in
Figure 17.
The new well 89.1632 is 72m deep and located 74.5m above DNN. The filter is positioned
between 57m and 69m below terrain. Looking at the geological profile in the borehole the
aquifer has a depth of approx. 60m and 20% of it is covered by the filter. The installed raw
water pump has a capacity of 50m!/h. Since the startup there has only been one measurement
of the GWT. This showed a groundwater potential of 34.43m. (GEUS, DGU 89.1632, 2013)
The third well connected to Pilegrdsvej water works is DGU 89.1263. It was drilled on May
1989 and the raw water pump has a maximum capacity of 49m!/h referring to the
information found in the Water Supply Plan (Aarhus Kommune, 2004). The newer
information given by the plant manager state that the raw water pumps capacity is 46m!/h
(Maribo, 3, 2013). Amongst others it is possible that the pump has been changed, or the
efficiency decreased, but for future analysis the newer information will be used.
Well no. 89.1263 is 65m deep, drilled from an elevation of 72.76m above DNN. The filter for
raw water intake is positioned at a depth of 51-63m, respectively the top is situated 21.76m
above DNN. It covers 41% of the aquifer depth at this point. The last heading from April 19

2010 showed a GWT of 39.65m below terrain. This equals to a groundwater potential of
33.11m above DNN. In the past 20 years there has been a variation in groundwater potential
in the range of 28m - 33m. (GEUS, DGU 89.1263, 2013);
Figure 17: Water works Pilegrdsvej (Miljportal, 2012)
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The abstraction permit for the whole well field, issued in 1993, allows pumping of at most
100m!/h until December 23th 2023. The Jupiter database contains information about the
abstracted volume from 1991 till 2011. In this time 3288987m! of groundwater have been
abstracted from the whole well field. Taking the yearly abstraction from the year 2010 of
147132m!/year or 403m!/d and considering a total pump capacity of 96m!/h the raw water
pump must only be in operation for 4.2h/d to supply this amount of groundwater. This leads
to the assumption that either the raw water pumps only operate during a short period or the
real pump rate is much lower than 96m!/h. (GEUS, Hasselager-Kolt Ww,Pilegrdsvej, 2013)
3.2.3 Kolt Skovvej
At Kolt Skovvej the two wells 89.1088 and 89.1089, indicated with blue dots in Figure 18 are
in operation at this moment. The well 89.1118, indicated with a pink dot, used to be
connected to the water works, but groundwater abstraction was stopped in the end of 2012,
because the well is located where new water works facilities shall be constructed (GEUS,
DGU 89.1118, 2013). An approximate location of the new facilities is indicated with the
yellow square in Figure 18. For this reason a new well was drilled a few meters away from
89.1118. This new well has the DGU no. 89.1904 and will be connected with the existing
wells in one of the production lines of the new water works.

Figure 18: Water works Kolt Skovvej (Miljportal, 2012)
The first well in this well field 89.1088 was drilled on January 1
1969. The first permit,
issued in 1967, allowed to abstract 200000m!/year. First measurements have been taken in
1969, but it seems as if permanent groundwater abstraction has only started in 1981, since this
is the first year, for which data for the abstracted volume can be found in the Jupiter database.
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Corresponding to the Water Supply Plan the raw water pump capacity is 27m!/h (Aarhus
Kommune, 2004). However, according to the plant manager the raw water pump capacity for
this well is 39m!/h (Maribo, 3, 2013). Again, the data from the plant manager is more up to
date and will hence be used as reference. The well is 84m deep and located 77.47m above
DNN. The filter for raw water intake is positioned 74-84 m below terrain and the GWT (last
measured in the end of 2004) reached a depth of 52.4 m below terrain. This equals to a
groundwater potential of 25.07m above DNN. From 1988 till 2002 there have been some
fluctuations in the groundwater potential in a range between 18m and 28m above DNN but
compared to the first measurement of the GWT in 1984, when the groundwater potential was
25.62m above DNN, there has been no significant decrease. (GEUS, DGU 89.1088, 2013)

On the 1
of June 1979 a second well with the DGU number 89.1089 was drilled in the well
field. According to the Water Supply Plan the raw water pump capacity is 85m!/h (Aarhus
Kommune, 2004). But, the plant manager notes the raw water pump capacity as 77m!/h
(Maribo, 3, 2013). It is possible that not the entire raw water pump capacity is used, but for
further analysis, the capacity of 77m!/h will be used. The well is 92m deep and the elevation
of terrain is 77.39m above DNN. The raw water filter is positioned in a depth of 78-90m. In
relation to the aquifer depth of 21m the filter covers 57% of it. In 2010 the GWT was at
52.31m below terrain. This equals to a groundwater potential of 25.08m above DNN. Since
the first measurement in 1979 the GWT was lowered approx. 2.3m. (GEUS, DGU 89.1089,
In the Jupiter database data for groundwater abstraction date back to 1981. At that time the
wells 89.1088 and 89.1089 were present with a total pump capacity of 116m!/h. In the first 4
years until the third well was drilled in 1984 305281m!/year were abstracted. In order to
supply this volume both pumps must be working 7.2h/d on average. (GEUS, Hasselager-Kolt
Ww, Kolt Skovv, 2013)
The well 89.1118, drilled on August 1
1984, has a capacity of 35m!/h according to the plant
manager and the Jupiter database. Even though the Water Supply Plan states a capacity of
27m!/h, further analysis will be based on the data from the plant manager. Well no 89.1118
was 90m deep and situated at an elevation of 76.76m above DNN. The filter is located
between 83.7-89.7m below terrain and covers approx. 22m of the 27.5m thick aquifer. At the
end of 2012 the groundwater potential in this well was 24.76m. (Maribo, 3, 2013); (Aarhus
Kommune, 2004); (GEUS, DGU 89.1118, 2013)
Therefore, from 1984 until the end of 2012 the well field around Kolt Skovvej had a total
capacity of 151m!/h. In 1993 a new abstraction permit was issued allowing an abstraction of
150m!/h or 475000m!/year. 386487m! of groundwater were abstracted in the year 2012. If all
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three pumps worked at their full capacity they would be in operation approx. 7h/d on average
to supply this amount of water. In total, 7001858m! of groundwater had been abstracted from
the aquifer since 1981. (GEUS, Hasselager-Kolt Ww, Kolt Skovv, 2013)
Lastly, well no. 89.1904 was drilled on December 5
2012. It is 90m deep and the elevation is
76.92m above DNN. The aquifer depth at this location is approx. 32m and 37.5% of it is
covered by the filter. The filter is installed at the bottom of the aquifer and reaches up till sea
level. The first pump test showed a GWT of 52.2m below terrain. This equals to a
groundwater potential of 24.72m above DNN. (GEUS, DGU 89.1904, 2013)
In 2011 the abstraction permit for the whole well field was extended to a yearly abstraction of
643000m! till the end of 2023. This combines a permit to abstract 423000m!/year from the
two existing wells 89.1088 and 89.1089 and a permit to abstract 220000m!/year from the new
well field, which will be described later. (GEUS, Hasselager-Kolt Ww, Kolt Skovv, 2013)
3.3 Evaluation of aquifer characteristics
When analyzing the aquifer characteristics it is first of all important to find out where the
water in the wells comes from. This information can be obtained from a potentiometric map,
like the one in Figure 21. The map shows the area around Kolt Hasselager (a complete map of
the wider area around Aarhus can be found in Appendix C). In Figure 19 it can be seen that
nearby there are two points of high pressures around 70m above DNN. One is located in the
south of Kolt-Hasselager and the other one in the south-east of the area. Since water flows
perpendicular to the pressure lines the water flow could be in the path indicated by the orange
arrows. The little stars indicate the location of the three waterworks and the numbers refer to
the groundwater potential as stated in (reference other map). In the north of Kolt-Hasselager
decreases the groundwater potentional down to values close to 0 the closer you get to Lake
Brabrand. Hence, the water flows definitely from a south-eastern direction to the well fields.
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Figure 19: Potentiometric Map of Kolt Hasselager (Danish-Government, 2009)

Figure 20 below shows the area of Kolt-Hasselgar with a map of registered contaminated sites
displayed on top. The colors can be interpreted as follow:
Red: Confirmed contaminated sites (detailed information exist)
Blue: Suspected contaminated site. Not investigated in detail yet.
Pink: Area with possible light soil contamination (no ground water risk). Further
analysis required if change of land use is planned or if soil from these areas is
Yellow and dark pink: Area with suspected light contamination (no ground water
risk). Special requirement to reuse/treatment of soil from the area. No further analyses
It is good to see that most areas in the south-east of Kolt-Hasselager are pink, indicating no
ground water risk, but there are still some smaller blue and red spaces which might endanger
the groundwater source.
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Figure 20: Map of registered contaminated sites in the area (Miljportal, 2012)
The evaluation of the geology in section 3.1 showed that the aquifer is protected by a clay
layer at the top, therefore it is unlikely that surface contaminants seep down into the aquifer.
But this does not exclude the fact that groundwater can flow into the aquifer underground.
Taking another look at the geological profiles in the south of Kolt-Hasselager shows that the
aquifer continues southwards, hence we can note that groundwater movement from the south-
eastern direction to the well fields is possible. More information on this topic can be found in
Appendix D.

Furthermore, the transmissivity [T] and the storativity [S] are two important hydrogeological
parameters that help to characterize and aquifer. T describes how much water a fully saturated
aquifer can transmit horizontally. A typical value for T could be 0.001m"/s, hence all values
that are larger indicate a good transmissivity, since the higher T the easier can water flow out
of the aquifer into the pumping well. (Pedersen, 2, 2013)
The storativity describes how much water a can be drained from an aquifer per unit of soil and
change in head, meaning for example how much water would an aquifer give to a pumping
well if the groundwater head is lowered by one meter. For confined aquifers S is in the range
of 0.0002-0.0004 while in unconfined aquifers the stortavity is approx. equal to the porosity
of the soil. (Pedersen, 2, 2013) For further analysis the following values will be used:
confined sand aquifer: S = 0.0002
unconfined sand aquifers: S = 0.2
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Group E

At least for one well per well field the Jupiter database contains information about a pump
test. Given the abstraction volume [Q] and the drawdown [s] and using the excel sheet
drawdown calculations provided by the supervisor Michael R. Pedersen the transmissivity
was estimated. Furthermore, using this value for T, the raw water pump capacity according to
the plant manager, and a pump duration of 24 hours the draw down for this situation [s
] and
the extent of the cone of depression were estimated. The results can be seen in Table 2.
Table 2: Summary of draw down calculations
Koltvej Pilegrdsvej Kolt Skovvej
DGU no.
89.1038 89.1263 89.1632 89.1089 89.1118 89.1904
unconfined unconfined confined
Q [m!/h]
25 29.4 50 55 35 25
Draw down (s) [m]
4.5 3.3 5.53 3 12 15
Transmissivity [m"/s]
0.0013 0.0023 0.0023 0.008 0.0011 0.00063
0.2 0.2 0.2 0.0002 0.0002 0.0002
capacity [m!/h]
8 46 50 77 35 35
Calculated s
2.2 7.48 8.13 5.34 16.24 27.67
Distance till s = 0
36 47 47 2700 1025 780

First of all it can be noted, that only from the pump test data from the Jupiter database it
cannot be distinguished between confined and unconfined aquifers. In general confined
aquifers would have a draw down with a wider range while unconfined aquifers rather have a
steeper draw down. The data displayed in the 3
and 4
row does not confirm this, but in
order to see the width of the cone of depression several observation wells would be required.
Nevertheless, it can be seen that well no. 89.1089 features the best transmissivity, while the
newest well 89.1904 features the worst transmissivity. Remarkable is that those two wells lie
within the same well field, and are therefore located close to each other. Usually T describes
the state of the aquifer, but for most of the wells there is only information for one performed
pump test. Hence, the estimation of T depends highly on the intake situation on that day, and
it is probable that those different transmissivities result from clogged screens or inappropriate
castings hindering the flow into the well.
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The high T value in well 89.1089 could also be explained by the large screen compared to the
aquifer depth. The screen at this well covers 57%, which is the largest screened interval in
comparison to all other wells. In the well 89.1904 the screen covers 37.5%, which is not a lot
less, to explain the huge difference. However, besides for well no. 89.1904 all wells show
transmissivities above the typical range, which speaks in favor of good abstraction conditions.
The last two rows displayed in Table 2 shall give an impression of the effect of the
groundwater pumping. At Koltvej the pump rate is very low and hence the cone of depression
is the smallest, but even such a small abstraction can influences the GWT in a radius of 36m.
At Pilegrdsvej larger amounts of groundwater are pumped, therefore the drawdown is steeper
and wider than at Koltvej. Pumping from both wells at Pilegrdsvej at their full capacity for
24h would lead to a cone of depression of 47m. The distance between both wells is approx.
12m, so the draw down in each borehole is probably even steeper, than the one measured
during the pump test.
Lastly, it can be seen that groundwater abstraction from confined aquifers results in
considerably wider cones of depression as the values for Kolt Skovvej indicate. Moreover,
pumping from wells with a high transmissivity leads to even wider cones of depression as the
results for well 89.1089 show. The draw down can still be noticed in a distance of 2700m,
because a lot of water can be transmitted to the well.
3.4 Evaluation of water quality from different wells
3.4.1 Comparison to drinking water criteria
In order to perform an evaluation of the water quality, at first the results of the groundwater
analysis are compared to drinking water criteria. It is to differentiate between standard and
advanced treatment parameters. Standard parameters are iron, manganese, ammonium,
aggressive carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide and methane. Concentrations of those parameters
will be reduced by standard treatment which contains mostly a simple aeration and filtration
step. Unless the concentrations are extremely elevated these parameters are not critical.
Otherwise, advances treatment parameters are arsenic, fluoride, nickel, nitrate, pesticides, salt,
natural organic matter and radon. If those parameters are elevated, more complex treatment
processes need to be included in the water works. (Ramsay, 2011)
Table 3 shows a summary of the standard and advanced treatment parameters at the existing
well fields. A more detailed list of all groundwater measurements can be found in Appendix
E. The data represents the last groundwater analysis and was abstracted from the Jupiter
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database for each well (GEUS, Danske Boringer, 2013). The column criteria depicts the
Danish drinking water criteria from 2009 (Ramsay, 2011).
Table 3: Standard and Advanced Treatment Parameters at old well fields
Koltvej Pilegrdsvej Kolt Skovvej
Unit criteria 1038 1263 1632 1089 1088 1904
Date of analysis month/

12/09 05/12 09/11 11/03 02/13 01/13
Iron mg/l 0.1 0.002 2.08 2.14 1.3 1.32 1.55
Manganese mg/l 0.02 0.001 0.317 0.221 0.25 0.256 0.295
mg/l 0.05 <0.02 0.1 0.2 0.28 0.24 0.38
aggr. CO
mg/l 2 <2 <5 <5 <2 <5 <5
Dihydrogensulfide mg/l 0.05 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.02 <0.01 <0.01
Methane mg/l 0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.005 <0.01 <0.01
Arsenic g/l 5 1.6 1.9 0.9 12 10 13
Fluoride mg/l 1.5 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.2
Nickel g/l 20 0.6 0.1 0.3 0,31 4.4 0.2
Nitrate mg/l 50 <0.5 0.5 <0.5 <0.1 <0.5 1.2
Pesticides g/l 0.5 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1
Regarding the standard treatment parameters ammonium, iron and manganese concentrations
are slightly elevated in all wells except for 89.1038, which is the one at Koltvej. However, the
concentrations at Koltvej seem to be incorrect, because older data sets show higher iron,
manganese and ammonium concentrations. However, since this well will be closed down in
the future it will not be the main focus of the evaluation.
For all wells, ammonium concentrations never exceed 0.5mg/l which is the significant value
for the simplest filtration. The highest ammonium concentration of 0.38mg/l was measured at
the new well 89.1904. The highest iron concentrations were measured at both wells at
Pilegrdsvej. The concentrations were 2.08mg/l and 2.14mg/l which are only a bit more than a
single-one media filtration could deal with. Furthermore, the highest manganese concentration
of 0.317mg/l was measured at well 89.1263 at Pilegrdsvej. Disregarding the well at Koltvej
the other values are in the range of 0.2 - 0.3mg/l. In general, this would require at least double
filtration in order to reduce the concentrations to a maximum of 0.02mg/l. (Ramsay, 2011);
(Maribo, 1, 2012)
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Furthermore, aggressive CO
is probably slightly elevated in all wells except for the wells
89.1089 and 89.1038. In those two wells the concentration is less than 2mg/l, which fulfills
the drinking water criteria. In the other wells, the concentration is measured at less than
5mg/l. However, simple cascade aeration will already reduce aggressive CO
from 5mg/l to
less than 2mg/l. So this parameter is not at a risk either. (Maribo, 2, 2012)
Concerning advanced treatment parameters, it is significant that all wells around Kolt Skovvej
showed highly elevated arsenic concentrations. Since 2001 the MAC value for arsenic has
been decreased from 50 to 5g/l (GEUS, Water Supply in Denmark, 2011). The
concentrations being 10, 12 and 13g/l at Kolt Skovvej exceed this criterion by at least 50%.
Well no. 89.1088 also shows a high content of Nickel in the water. Both substances can
precipitate with iron compounds during filtration, and since outlet concentrations do not
exceed the drinking water criteria, there is no acute risk.
Overall, the groundwater quality seems to be quite good. In all cases of elevated
concentrations, standard treatment seems to be sufficient, as Table 4 shows. Table 4 only
shows the concentrations of the most critical parameters after the treatment process at the
three waterworks in comparison to the Danish drinking water criteria (Ramsay, 2011). More
details on the treated water qualities in the three waterworks will be introduced in section 4.
Table 4: Comparison of the concentrations of selected substances in groundwater before and after treatment in
the three waterworks (GEUS, Danske Boringer, 2013)
Kolt Skovvej Pilegrdsvej Koltvej
Date of
Date of
Date of
Oxygen >5 8.3 11/12 7.9 30/13 6.1 08/10
Iron 0.1 0.014 12/12 0.021 03/13 0.003 08/12
Manganese 0.02 0.004 12/12 <0.001 11/12 <0.001 08/12
Ammonia 0.05 <0.02 05/12 <0.02 11/12 <0.02 08/12
Aggressive CO
2 <2 11/12 <5 05/12 <2 08/10
Arsenic [g/l] 5 3.3 11/12 0.3 11/12 2.4 08/09

The concentrations of iron, manganese and ammonia have all been reduced well below the
drinking water criteria limits. The oxygen concentrations are also higher than the minimum
required level that should reach consumers. This means that all the filters and compressors are
working well.
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3.4.2 Initial calculations
The second step when analyzing groundwater quality is to perform certain calculations that
help describe major groundwater processes. The calculations and assessment are based upon
the equations that were introduced during the course about groundwater chemistry and the
latest groundwater analysis for each well found in the Jupiter database (Ramsay, 2011);
(GEUS, Danske Boringer, 2013).
In general, all three well fields show a similar pH in the range between 7.2 and 7.6. Hence, the
whole groundwater body appears to be buffered. Typical for a buffered groundwater type is a
medium to high hardness, which is another parameter that was similar in all wells. It varied
between 15 and 17 and is thus in the upper range of middle hard water. A description and
interpretation key of all processes can be found in Appendix F. Koltvej
As mentioned before, the groundwater at Koltvej is buffered with a medium to high hardness.
The degree of ion exchange indicates that the groundwater is rather old and the aquifer is well
protected from surface contamination. Typically ion exchange is in the range of 0.6-0.9. At
Koltvej, it is 1.21 and therefore slightly elevated.
The degree of weathering lies within the typical interval. This means that pyrite oxidation
only takes place to a very little extent. This matches to the slightly elevated degree of ion
exchange because ion exchange normally increases when pyrite oxidation decreases.
(Ramsay, 2011) The results of the initial calculations for Koltvej are summarized in Table 5.
Table 5: Groundwater processes at Koltvej
Parameter 89.1038
pH 7.44
Hardness [dH] 17
Ion exchange 1.21
Degree of Weathering 1.15
Calcite Saturation 0.53
Sulfate [mg/l] 32

The last groundwater process to evaluate is sulfate reduction. Initially in 1949, the sulfate
concentration was 17mg/l but it increased almost steadily in the years after and since the end
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of 2000 the concentration has always been higher than 30mg/l (GEUS, DGU 89.1038, 2013).
As a rule of thumb sulfate reduction takes place when the concentration is less than 30mg/l,
which is not the case at Koltvej.
In order to evaluate the accuracy of the laboratory results the ion balance can be calculated.
The calculation can be found in Appendix F6. The outcome of the calculation of the ion
balance was a percent deviation of 4.27%. Since it is still in the range of 5%, we can assume
the laboratory results to be accurate. Pilegrdsvej
The groundwater abstracted at Pilegrdsvej shows a more typical degree of ion exchange, but
a higher degree of weathering. Table 6 summarizes the results of the calculations for the
groundwater processes.
Table 6: Groundwater processes at Pilegrdsvej
Parameter 89.1263 89.1632
pH 7.45 7.6
Hardness [dH] 16 15
Ion exchange 0.84 0.91
Degree of Weathering 1.32 1.30
Calcite Saturation 0.54 0.61
Sulfate [mg/l] 63 43

The ion exchange indicates that this groundwater is younger than the one abstracted at
Koltvej. There is a higher groundwater flow, and the aquifer is more likely to be vulnerable to
surface contamination. Referring to the geology, this aquifer is covered by an approx. 12m
thick clay layer, whereas the aquifer underneath Koltvej is covered by two thicker clay layers,
which confirms the differences in groundwater properties.
The degree of weathering indicates that pyrite oxidation takes place. This might be caused by
the presence of oxygen or nitrogen. In this aquifer, pyrite oxidation is not critical so far
because the water is not harder or more acidic than the other wells in Kolt-Hasselager.
The degree of calcite saturation shows that there is still enough buffering capacity in the
groundwater and sediments before the pyrite oxidation might lead to acidification of the
aquifer. Looking at the first dataset found in the Jupiter database for well no 89.1263, it can
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be seen that the hardness was only 14.2dH in 1989 (GEUS, DGU 89.1263, 2013). Likewise,
the degree of weathering in 1989 was only 1.15. Eventhough both values are still in a normal
range it could be wise to observe the process of pyrite oxidation in the following years.
Lastly, looking at the sulfate concentration, high concentrations, well above 30mg/l can be
noticed. Especially in the well 89.1632 the concentrations have increased almost steadily
since the well was drilled in 1989. This is often a result of pyrite oxidation, which, in return
confirms that there is no sulfate reduction at Pilegrdsvej.
The charge balance deviation for well 89.1263 is 2.43%. Therefore the results of the latest
groundwater analysis seem to be accurate. However, for the well 89.1632 the deviation is
7.09%, which shows a slight inequality in the number of ions. In this case it is possible that
one or more measurements contain mistakes. Nevertheless, both wells have shown quite
similar results, so that the evaluation of the groundwater in the entire well field should still be
quite accurate. Kolt Skovvej
The groundwater chemistry data for well no. 89.1904 is not complete at the Jupiter database.
There is no value for the pH, but it can be assumed that the pH is similar to the other wells
located at Kolt Skovvej. For further analysis, the average of the pH of the two existing wells
will be used for well no. 89.1904. In addition, the same pH was last measured in the well
89.1118 which is situated closest to well 89.1904. The groundwater analysis also lacked a
value for hardness. This parameter was calculated according to the formula in Appendix F1.
The groundwater at Kolt Skovvej is also buffered with a medium to high hardness. All three
wells show a high ion exchange, the highest at the new well 89.1904. Therefore it can be
assumed that the aquifer at Kolt Skovvej is well protected from surface contamination and the
groundwater is rather old due to little groundwater flow. This correlates with the presence of
the thick clay layers as described earlier. While ion exchange occurs, pyrite oxidation hardly
takes place. In the wells 89.1088 and 89.1904, no pyrite oxidation was observed when the last
groundwater analysis was performed in the beginning of 2013. Well 89.1089 only shows very
little pyrite oxidation since the degree of weathering is 1.04, and according to Appendix F3,
the benchmark is 1.0.
The calcite saturation index shows that all three wells are saturated with calcite. However,
compared to the two other well fields, this well field seems to be the least saturated. A lot of
the existing calcite in the sediments has probably been dissolved already. However, according
to the assumptions included in the calculation of the calcite saturation index, these
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conclusions are only vague. Table 7 summarizes the results of the groundwater process
Table 7: Groundwater processes at Kolt Skovvej
Parameter 89.1088 89.1089 89.1904
pH 7.4 7.2 7.3
Hardness [dH] 16 15 15.3
Ion exchange 1.35 1.39 1.66
Degree of Weathering 0.89 1.04 0.94
Calcite Saturation 0.40 0.25 0.39
Sulfate [mg/l] 20 18 19

In contrast to the other two well fields, the groundwater at Kolt Skovvej features sulfate
reduction. In all three wells, sulfate concentrations have always been below 30mg/l. At
present the concentrations are even below 20mg/l, which indicates a significant rate of sulfate
reduction. This indicates a redox type D (strongly reduced) at this particular part of the
aquifer. (GEUS, DGU 89.1088, 2013); (GEUS, DGU 89.1089, 2013); (GEUS, DGU 89.1904,
2013) However, regarding the results of sulfate reduction, this process does not seem to be
significant in this well because otherwise the concentration of hydrogen carbonate should
have increased. (Ramsay, 2011)
In order to determine whether the analytical results are correct, the ion balance was
calculated. For 89.1088, the charge balance deviation is 9.56%, which is quite high compared
to the desired 5%. Hence, the laboratory results should be regarded carefully. However, the
groundwater quality was evaluated as an average of all three wells, and the deviation for well
89.1089 is 2.02% and for the well 89.1904 it is 2.44%. The major statements can still be
considered as evident.
3.4.3 Evaluation of general parameters
In the third step of a groundwater analysis, an evaluation of general parameters is performed.
This includes looking at the pH, redox type, conductivity and NVOC concentration.
According to the pH, the groundwater is buffered in all aquifers in the area of Kolt-
Hasselager. The buffered water type is the most preferred for drinking water wells. It usually
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features fair calcite saturation and a medium to high hardness. In order to determine the redox
water type, the algorithm in Appendix G2 was used.
Like the evaluation of the groundwater processes, the evaluation of the general parameters is
based upon the latest groundwater analysis for each respective well found in the Jupiter
database and the assessment is conducted with the help of the Water Supply Book (GEUS,
Danske Boringer, 2013); (Ramsay, 2011). A description and interpretation key of all
processes can be found in Appendix G. Koltvej
An overview of the general parameters at Koltvej is given in Table 8.
Table 8: General parameters at Koltvej
Parameter 89. 1038
pH 7.44
Redox Type X
Conductivity [S/m] 54
NVOC [mg/l] 1

The redox type X indicates that there is a redox conflict, which means that at Koltvej the
redox water type cannot be determined exactly. The fact that the last groundwater analysis
showed an iron concentration of only 0.002mg/l leads to this conflict. However, older data
sets show higher iron concentrations, which would rather indicate a redox water type C
(slightly reduced). On the other hand at least the last two measurements from 2009 and 2005
showed high oxygen contents in the groundwater, leading to another redox conflict again,
because that would speak in favor of redox type A (strongly oxidized). However, it is more
probabe that the high oxygen content occurred due to measurement errors, since a sample can
easily get enriched with oxygen between the sampling and the laboratory examination. If the
high oxygen content did not only occur by a measurement error it can easily be related to the
low iron concentration. High oxygen levels lead to a lower solubility of iron, which makes it
possible that the iron concentration decreased. Overall, it is unlikely that the iron
concentration decreased from 2.5mg/l in measured 2005 to 0.002mg/l measured in 2009.
As for the other general parameters, there is nothing exceptional. The conductivity has always
been below 60mS/m, which is a typical level indicating no significant salt water intrusion.
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Also, the NVOC concentration has never reached a higher concentration than 1.1mg/l, which
is rather low. (GEUS, DGU 89.1038, 2013) Pilegrdsvej
At Pilegrdsvej, there is nothing unusual about the general parameters. In both wells, a redox
water type C can be identified. Especially according to the high sulfate concentration, the
groundwater at Pilegrdsvej can be categorized as weakly reduced.
As for the other general parameters, there is again nothing striking. Both, the conductivity and
the NVOC content lie within the typical range. Even if with 1.3mg/l and 1.6mg/l the NVOC
concentration is the highest at Pilegrdsvej, there is no risk of this parameter being critical.
(GEUS, DGU 89.1263, 2013); (GEUS, DGU 89.1632, 2013)
The general parameters are summarized in Table 9.
Table 9: General parameters at Pilegrdsvej
Parameter 89. 1263 89.1632
pH 7.45 7.6
Redox Type C C
Conductivity mS/m] 56 54.8
NVOC [mg/l] 1.3 1.6 Kolt Skovvej
Table 10 shows the general parameters for the three wells at Kolt Skovvej.
Table 10: General parameters at Kolt Skovvej
Parameter 89. 1088 89.1089 89.1904
pH 7.4 7.2 7.3
Redox Type D D D*
Conductivity mS/m] 56.5 56.1 75
NVOC [mg/l] 0.91 0.7 1.4

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According to the latest water samples from the older wells 89.1088 and 89.1089, the
groundwater can be categorized as strongly reduced (Type D). This indicates that the
groundwater contains hardly any oxidants. So far, the hydrogen sulfate and methane
concentrations are not elevated, but those parameters should be observed carefully in the
The redox water type for the moved well 89.1904 cannot be identified explicitly. The sample
contains significant concentrations of nitrogen and oxygen and only a low sulfate
concentration. This leads to a redox conflict between the A and D. However, it is more likely
that the groundwater is strongly reduced. Firstly, this is because the other two wells in this
well field can clearly be categorized as redox type D. Secondly, the well is quite deep and it is
unlikely that there is oxygen present at this depth. And lastly, a sample can easily be enriched
with oxygen before or during laboratory analysis, leading to high oxygen concentrations due
to measuring errors.
Regarding the other parameters, it can be noted that the NVOC concentration is low at the two
older wells, but slightly higher at the newest well. Likewise the conductivity was approx.
56mS/m in the two older wells, while it was 75mS/m in the newer well. In total, all values are
in the typical range.
3.4.4 Identification of important and critical parameters Koltvej
At first sight the water quality at Koltvej seems to show the best results regarding standard
treatment parameters. Low iron, manganese and ammonium contents make this water easy to
treat. However, as mentioned earlier, the results of the latest groundwater analysis need to be
questioned because the iron and manganese concentrations are too low to match with older
measurements. Typical groundwater processes are ion exchange and dissolution of minerals.
This indicates that the aquifer is well protected and the groundwater is rather old, meaning the
groundwater quality is unlikely to deteriorate immensely in the future. The risk with high ion
exchange is that sodium concentrations can exceed drinking water criteria or the pH increases,
but so far there is nothing critical at Koltvej. Overall, it can only be assumed that the well will
rather be closed down because it is depleted as mentioned in 3.2.1 and not because of bad
water quality.
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34 Pilegrdsvej
The groundwater at Pilegrdsvej features high iron concentrations, and one of the wells also
features a high manganese concentration. The values are not extremely high, but double
filtration would be recommended to treat this water. The significant groundwater process is
pyrite oxidation. A moderate degree of weathering indicates that pyrite is oxidized while
calcium carbonate is dissolved. Simultaneously, a low ion exchange indicates that the
groundwater is young and vulnerable to surface contaminations. The groundwater
composition is therefore likely to change in the future. A high degree of weathering can result
in an increase of sulfate, which can be confirmed by looking at older data. Another result of
pyrite oxidation can be acidification of the resource, but so far no parameters indicate acidic
conditions. In the future, pH, hardness and nickel concentrations should be minitored for
prossible increases. Kolt Skovvej
The groundwater at Kolt Skovvej contains moderate concentrations of iron and manganese.
According to the thumb rules, double filtration would be required to deal with the elevated
manganese concentration (Maribo, 1, 2012). Right now, simple gravity filters are in operation
at the water works at Kolt Skovvej leading to satisfactory outlet concentrations. Nevertheless,
this aspect might be important for the planning of the new water works.
Furthermore, the groundwater at Kolt Skovvej can be characterized by a significant degree of
ion exchange and a low degree of weathering. Both indicate a well-protected and old
groundwater source. Likewise at Koltvej, a high ion exchange might lead to high sodium
concentrations. Even though the sodium concentrations are highest at well no. 89.1904, they
are still far from the limits of Danish drinking water criteria.
Critical at Kolt Skovvej is definitely the high arsenic concentration. All three wells showed
higher concentration than the allowed MAC value, and one of the wells also showed a high
nickel content. This did not exceed the allowed value. These parameters should be observed
in the future.
Lastly, the groundwater at Kolt Skovvej appears to be strongly reduced. If sulfate reduction
increases, there might be a risk of increasing hydrogen sulfide and methane contents in the
groundwater, which is undesirable.
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3.5 Evaluation of the new well field
3.5.1 Description of the geology
The new well field located at Genvejen is situated 2km north of Kolt Skovvej. Even though
the two new boreholes are not shown in the geological profile from GeoScene, it can be
expected that they are situated in the same large sand aquifer underneath the Kolt-Hasselager
As the geological profile from the Jupiter database shows (see Figure 21) both wells are again
covered by thick clay layers. At the well 89.1754, it has a thickness of 21m, and at well
89.1852 it has a thickness of 27m. The drilling log of well 89.1852 shows a second clay layer,
but it is only 3m thick and is probably not very widespread because in well no. 89.1754 it
cannot be seen.
In both wells, the GWT lies within the sand layer, meaning the aquifer is unconfined at this
location. At both boreholes the aquifer is very thick. In well 89.1754 it has a thickness of
108m, and in the second well it is 88m thick. In addition, the aquifer reaches very deep down
under the sea level. In well no. 89.1754 the aquifer reaches a depth of 62m below DNN, and
in the other well it reaches down until 42m below DNN. (GEUS, DGU 89.1754, 2013);
(GEUS, DGU 89.1852, 2013)

Figure 21: Transverse profile for Genvejen well field (GEUS, Borprofil Genvejen, 2013)
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3.5.2 Description of the intake wells
The new well field consists of two wells,
89.1754 drilled in October 2010, and well
89.1852 drilled in January 2012. Figure
22 shows an aerial view of the location of
the new well field. Both wells lie in an
empty field. Figure 22 also gives an
impression of the distance to the water
works at Kolt Skovvej.
The two new wells will be equipped with
raw water pumps that can pump 35!/h
each. There will always only be one
pump working at the time, and expected
working hours are 18-20h/d. However,
groundwater abstraction will only start
when the new water works are built.
(Maribo, 3, 2013)

Well no. 89.1754 is 136m deep, and the elevation is 72.2m above DNN. The filter for raw
water intake, located 35.8m below DNN, is 12m long, so it covers only 11% of the aquifer.
The GWT reaches a depth of 50.06m below terrain, which equals to a groundwater potential
of 22.14m above DNN. For this well, there is no information about any pump tests. (GEUS,
DGU 89.1754, 2013)
The second borehole with the DGU no. 89.1852 is 118m deep and the elevation is 72.81m
above DNN. The filter for raw water intake is 9m long and located 33m below DNN. In
relation to the aquifer depth, it covers 10% of the aquifer. In this case, there is the small clay
layer just on top of the filter, which might be the reason why it could not be built longer. The
groundwater potential is 23.11m and therefore one meter higher than in the neighboring well.
Since both wells are 90m apart from each other it is not unusual that there is a difference in
the potentiometric surface. (GEUS, DGU 89.1852, 2013)
The abstraction permit for these wells is included in the extended permit issued in 2011 for
the water works at Kolt Skovvej. It allows to abstract 220000m!/year. Considering a pump
rate of 35m!/h this would equal to 17.2 working hours per day. This approximates the
information given by the plant manager, who states around 18 working hours per day. (GEUS,
Hasselager-Kolt Ww, Kolt Skovv, 2013)
Figure 22: Location of the new well field (Miljportal, 2012)
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3.5.3 Evaluation of aquifer characteristics
For the new well field only one of the wells contains information about a pump test. Hence,
only the well no. 89.1852 can be used to evaluate the aquifer characteristics. As mentioned
before, the aquifer is unconfined at the new well field, so a storativity of 0.2 will be assumed.
Given the abstraction volume and the draw down from the pump test, a transmissivity of
0.00054m"/s is obtained, which is lower than the benchmark of 0.001m"/s. Hence, the aquifer
shows rather poor abilities to transport water. In comparison to the other well fields, this well
showed the lowest transmissivity. The low transmissivity results in a very steep draw down
right at the well, but the draw down does not have a very large effect to the neighboring well
as can be seen in the last two rows in Table 11. As mentioned before in 3.5.2 the two wells are
90m apart from each other, but already after 23m, the drawdown cannot be observed any
Table 11: Aquifer characteristics for well no. 89.1852
DGU no. 89.1852
Aquifer unconfined
Abstraction Q [m!/h] 32m!/h
Draw down s [m] 13.2m
Transmissivity [m"/s] 0.00054
Storativity 0.2
Pump capacity [m!/h] 35
Calculated drawdown [m] 22.17
Distance till s = 0 22.8

3.5.4 Evaluation of the groundwater quality
Like the evaluation of the existing well fields, the assessment of the groundwater quality for
the new well field will be based upon the analysis reports from the Jupiter database and the
criteria as stated in Appendix E and F. For well no. 89.1852 there is no data registered in the
database. In this case a separated analysis report will be used. A summary of this data is
shown in Table 52 in Appendix H. (GEUS, DGU 89.1852, 2013); (Eurofins Milj A/S, 2010)
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38 Comparison to drinking water criteria
In order to given an overview of the groundwater quality at Genvejen, the concentrations of
the most important parameters are listed in Table 12.
Table 12: Selected results from groundwater analysis at Genvejen
unit criteria 89.1852 89.1754
Date of analysis month/year 10/10 12/10 & 05/11
Iron mg/l 0.1 4.2 3.4
Ammonium/Ammoniac mg/l 0.05 0.18 0.2
Manganese mg/l 0.02 0.32 0.28
aggr. CO
mg/l 2 <2 <2
Di-hydrogen sulfide mg/l 0.05
Methane mg/l 0.01 <0.005
Arsenic g/l 5 1.5 1.5
Fluoride mg/l 1.5 0.23 0.23
Nickel g/l 20 2.1 0.11
Pesticides g/l 0.5 <0.01 <0.01

Looking at the ground water analysis from the new well field, it can first be noticed that both
wells show similar results. Regarding Danish drinking water criteria, it can further be noticed
that iron, ammonium and manganese concentrations are elevated in both wells. The iron
concentrations are especially high in this well field, being almost twice as high in comparison
to the existing well fields. According to the rules of thumb, double filtration might not be
sufficient to remove iron concentrations above 2mg/l. For the design of the new water works,
a two media filtration should therefore be considered. (Maribo, 1, 2012)
Aggressive CO
was less than 2mg/l in both samples in the last analysis, but at the well
89.1754, one out of three samples showed a concentration of 3mg/l. The other two standard
treatment parameters, methane and hydrogen sulfide, were either not measured or below the
detection limit.
Remarkable in the water sample of 89.1754 is a high concentration of oxygen. The last
analysis showed a concentration of 4.1mg/l of oxygen, which is not critical but rather
antypical. The second newest analysis showed a concentration of 5.8mg/l, and only the field
measurement contained a rather normal oxygen concentration of 0.3mg/l. This concentration
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is most likely to be true, especially because the well is very deep and it is unlike to have such
high oxygen concentrations in high depths. Furthermore, a sample can easily be enriched with
oxygen after sampling, which is why measurement errors can explain the high contents.
Lastly, regarding the advanced treatment parameters there is nothing critical at the new well
field. Especially nickel and arsenic concentrations are both well below the drinking water
criteria. Initial calculations
In order to identify the most relevant groundwater processes, the ion exchange, degree of
weathering and calcite saturation index have been calculated. The results are summarized in
Table 13.
Table 13: Groundwater processes at Genvejen well field
Parameter 89.1754 89.1852
pH 7.5 7
Hardness [dH] 16 16
Ion exchange 1.23 1.17
Degree of Weathering 1.21 1.17
Calcite Saturation 0.56 0.07
Sulfate [mg/l] 44 43

Both wells neither show a significant degree of ion exchange nor weathering. Ion exchange
occurs very slightly, while pyrite oxidation is the typical range. Disregarding the 20m thick
clay layer on top of the aquifer, this groundwater source does not seem to be well protected. A
better assessment can only be conducted when more groundwater samples are available.
Remarkable is only that in well no 89.1852 the calcite saturation index is very small, meaning
that the groundwater is almost not saturated, while it is definitely saturated in the neighboring
Regarding the sulfate concentration, it can be stated that no sulfate reduction takes place,
since at both wells the concentration is higher than 30mg/l.
Lastly, the ion balance indicates that both sets of analytical results are quite reliable. For well
no. 89.1754 the percent deviation was 6.1% and for well no. 89.1852 it was 4.2%.
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40 Evaluation of general parameters
Table 14 summarizes the general parameters at Genvejen.
Table 14: General parameters at Genvejen
Parameter 89. 1754 89.1852
pH 7.5 7
Redox Type C C
Conductivity mS/m] 58 39
NVOC [mg/l] 2.5 3.1

According to the pH the groundwater can be categorized as buffered. This fits to the medium
to high hardness of 16dH as mentioned in the previous section, but not to the calcite
saturation index in well no. 89.1852. Buffered groundwater is usually saturated with calcite,
which will neutralize released acids. In addition, in well no. 89.1852, the pH is 7, just on the
edge of being neutral and not aggressive. If future analyses confirm this there might be a risk
of acidification, which is not desirable.
The redox water type is weakly reduced (Type C) in both wells. Beside the high oxygen
content in well no. 89.1754 there is no redox conflict. But, as explained before, high oxygen
levels can easily occur due to measurement errors.
Conductivity lies within the typical range, and the NVOC concentration as well. However, it
has to be noted that the conductivity is fairly low in the well 89.1852, and in both wells the
NVOC concentration is higher compared to the existing well fields. Identification of important and critical parameters
The most significant parameter in the new well field is the high iron concentration of 4.2 and
3.4mg/l in both wells. Such high concentrations can hardly be removed by simple filtration
processes and require two media filtration. Both wells lack information about the hydrogen
sulfate concentrations which would be interesting. Furthermore, well no. 89.1754 showed an
elevated level of aggressive CO
in one out of three samples. This parameter should be
observed, especially because pressure aeration does not remove much of the dissolved gases.
However, the levels in the other well were ok, so the risk is not acute.
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As mentioned before in well no. 89.1852 there can be a risk of acidification, because of the
lack of a calcite buffer. This should be kept in mind as well, even though right now, there is
nothing critical at the new well field.
3.6 Conclusion
All well fields in Kolt-Hasselager, the existing ones as well as the new one, are abstracting
groundwater from the same widespread sand aquifer. The sand aquifer is protected against
surface contaminations by a 7-30m thick clay layer. Most parts of the aquifer are unconfined,
except for at Kolt Skovvej where the GWT lies within a clay layer that appears to be thick
enough to confine this part of the aquifer.
According to the potentiometric map in Figure 19 in section 3.3 and the aquifer constitution,
groundwater flows from south-east northwards into the area of Kolt Hasselager.

Overall, the groundwater analysis showed a good groundwater quality in all well fields. Also,
it showed that in all wells the groundwater has very similar characteristics with a neutral pH,
buffered groundwater type and fair calcite saturation in all wells except for well 89.1852. In
most cases there is nothing critical about the water quality. The only parameters at risk are the
arsenic concnetration at Kolt Skovvej and the high iron concentrations at the Genvejen
wellfield. In addition, the groundwater abstracted at Kolt Skovvej is strongly reduced, hence
S and CH
should be observed in the future. A summary of the intake situation can be seen
in Table 15.

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Table 15: Overview of wells and intake situation
Koltvej Pilegrdsvej Kolt Skovvej Genvejen
DGU no. 89.1038 89.1632 89.1263 89.1088 89.1089 89.1904 89.1752 89.1852
Depth [m] 77 72 65 84 92 90 136 118
Age [years] 53 9 24 44 34 0.5 2.5 1
[m a. DNN]
28.51 34.43 33.11 25.05 25.08 24.72 22.14 23.11
25 100 150 70
8 50 46 39 77 35 35 35
19839 147132 192608 - -
unconfined confined unconfined
25 50 29.4 - 55 25 - 32
4.5 5.53 3.3 - 3 15 - 13.2
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4 >8# 9%*#" 9-";)
4.1 Evaluation of functioning of existing plants
There are currently three waterworks that deliver clean water to the areas of Kolt and
Hasselager. The three waterworks are all connected to the entire supply network. The
waterworks on Kolt Skovvej is the largest, with day working hours between 5am and 5pm .
Pilegrdsvej and Koltvej operate together during night time between 5pm and 5am.
Some averages of the yearly rates pumped from the wells into the waterworks are shown in
Table 16 below. Information for Koltvj and Pilegrdsvej is only available for the last 21 years
(since 1990). More information on yearly pumped rates is in Table 53 in Appendix I.
Table 16: Average pumping rates from well fields into the different waterworks (GEUS, Danske Boringer, 2013)
Average pumping
(Last 5 years)
Average pumping
(Last 21 years)
Maximum pumped
Waterworks m!/year m!/year m!/year
Koltvej 10560 36515 113390
Kolt Skovvej 140610 167640 402135
Pilegrdsvej 129870 156618 240781

Pumping rates have generally reduced over the years due to the lower consumption of water.
Previously and especially in the late 1980's, Kolt Skovvej had the largest water intake and was
supplying most of the water to the network. However, today, the water distribution is spread
more evenly between Kolt Skovvej and Pilegrdsvej, probably due to the refurbishment of

The capacities of the three plants for different processes are shown in Table 17 below. Notice
that WSP represents the information provided in the water supply plan, and PM represents the
information provided by the plant manager Allan Jensen.
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Table 17: Different capacities of the three waterworks
Capacities Kolt Skovvej Pilegrdsvej Koltvej
Daily Production m!/d 2500 1400 381.2
Capacity of Network Pumps m!/h 192 160 120 289 27 -
Capacity of Wellfield Pumps (tot) m!/h 139 151 70 96 25 8
Treatment Capacity m!/h 125 100 - 28 -
Capacity of Clean Water Tank m! 500 290 45 24

There are several discrepancies between the data, so a decision has been made to use the data
provided by the plant manager, mainly because it should be more recent and more accurate,
since the plant manager deals with the waterworks directly. Furthermore, some information
from the water supply plan 2004 is out of date. For example, at Pilegrdsvej, the capacity of
the well field pumps given as 70m
/h describes the capacity of the well pumps in boreholes
89.940 as 21m
/h, which has been closed, and the capacity of the well pump in 89.1263
/h). The plant manager provides information about the two wells actually in use right
now, 89.1263 (as 46m
/h) and 89.1632 (as 50m
/h). The decrease in capacity from 49 to 46
for well 89.1263 could be due to a loss of efficiency from the pump, such as a decrease in the
water table, or the blockage of the screen. Furthermore, the capacity of the 6 network pumps
given as 289m
/h by the plant manager can be confirmed by the site visit, and the value of
/h given in the water supply plan could be outdated or reflect the situation before the
plant was renovated.
The capacities of the three wells currently in use at Kolt Skovvej, which are 89.1118, 89.1088
and 89.1089 are given in the water supply plan as 27m
/h, 27m
/h and 85m
/h respectively
(sum 139m
/h). The plant manager gives capacities as 35m
/h, 38m
/h and 77m
respectively. In some cases it is unclear which information is more precise, and although there
are no huge differences in the data (except for at Koltvej), the information from the plant
manager will be considered for further analysis.
Regarding the daily production in each waterworks, the data given in the water supply plan
can also be considered mismatching, since the daily production is often significantly higher
than the hourly pump capacities multiplied by a 12 hour working day. For example, the daily
capacity of Kolt Skovvej assuming a 12 hour working day, by looking at the well field pump
capacities, is 139x12 = 1668m!, which is not the same as the daily production of 2500m!. The
situation is the same for Pilegrdsvej and Koltvej, unless the daily production is calculated in
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a different way, for example considering that the clean water tank is full at the start of
operation. The daily production is often calculated from the yearly production with the
addition of some daily factors, but this still does not explain the mismatch in the data.
In the three waterworks, the capacity of the clean water tank is much larger than the amount
that can be pumped into the plant per hour. This allows for some flexibility in case the
demand for clean water increases in the towns, provided that more abstraction from the wells
is allowed, and the well pumps and treatment processes are able to cope with this additional
Kolt Skovvej is the largest and has the highest daily production, the largest well pump,
treatment and clean water tank capacities. However, Pilegrdsvej has a higher network pump
capacity. Therefore, regardless of all other processes, it can supply the network with the
greatest amount of water per hour, but the rate of refilling of the clean water tank will be
slower than the rate of pumping out of the waterworks. This situation cannot be sustained for
4.1.1 Raw Water Intake
A summary of the raw water intake situation from each well field to each waterworks is
described in the Table 18. This outlines the situation before the plans for the construction of
the new waterworks at Kolt Skovvej were started, i.e. not considering any abstraction from
the new well 89.1904, and considering that the well 89.1118 to be closed is still in use.
Table 18: Capacities of Well Pumps at different Waterworks

Table 19 below summarizes the production and consumption situation. The maximum hourly
consumption for the first two water waterworks has been calculated in different ways. In the
case of Kolt Skovvej, the average hourly consumption was taken into consideration and
multiplied by the hour factor to obtain the maximum hourly consumption. This seems more
Kolt Skovvej Pilegrdsvej Koltvej
Well DGU Nr. Well Pump
Well DGU Nr. Well Pump
Well DGU
Well Pump
89.1118 35 m
/h 89.1263 46 m
/h 89.1038 8 m
89.1088 39 m
/h 89.1632 50 m
89.1089 77 m
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reasonable than dividing the maximum daily consumption by 12 since this cannot capture the
large hourly variations that occur during one day. In the case of Pilegrdsvej, the maximum
daily consumption was divided by 12 hours to obtain the maximum hourly consumption,
since this value turned out to be bigger than the maximum hourly consumption obtained by
using the hourly factor. This is because the day factor for the night time consumption is
significantly larger than that of the day time consumption, which gives a large maximum daily
consumption for the water pumped from Pilegrdsvej.
Table 19: Average and maximum consumption and production in the three waterworks (C = Consumption)
Daily C
Daily C
Hourly C
Hourly C
Well Pump
(Hour Factor = 1.6) m
/day Av.

/day Max. m
/h Av. m
/h Max. m
Calculations ADC

ADC x Day

Kolt Skovvej 551 1.4 771 46 74 151
Pilegrdsvej 385 2.1 808 32 67 96

Comparing the maximum hourly consumption to the sum of the well pump capacities in each
waterworks shows that the waterworks are able to supply much more than is demanded.
However, it is likely that not all the wells connected to a single waterworks are pumped from
at the same time and the waterworks does not actually operate at full capacity, otherwise the
water table will be significantly affected if pumped from at a large rate for too long. For the
purpose of evaluating the performance of the waterworks however, the treatment processes
were analyzed taking into consideration the maximum pump capacities and not the maximum
consumption. This is because we would like to evaluate how the waterworks would perform
in a situation where a lot of water is needed, and the well pumps are being used at full
4.1.2 Aeration
Appendix J shows the oxygen requirement for the groundwater from the different wells
connected to the three waterworks. The concentrations of dissolved gasses such as methane,
hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide are generally very low (except for one case of a more
than average aggressive carbon dioxide concentration in well 89.1088 connected to Kolt
Skovvej). Therefore, there is no need for gas stripping, which makes the treatment process
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simpler. Also, the oxygen requirement for these waters is generally low, not exceeding 7mg/l,
including the minimum amount of 5.5mg/l of oxygen that should be delivered at the tap. Kolt Skovvej
The aeration system at Kolt Skovvej consists of a cascade with two sides facing each other.
Each side contains 3 steps of 0.5m height and approximately 3.5m in length (Allan Jensen,
2013). Figure 23 shows the cascade at Kolt Skovvej.

A typical cascade aeration system should be able to reduce the concentration of aggressive
from around 5mg/l to less than 2mg/l (Maribo, 2, 2012) which is below the Danish
drinking water criteria limit of 2mg/l shown in Figure 24 (Ramsay, 2011). The other dissolved
gasses are either not measured or have generally very low concentrations that do not exceed
the drinking water criteria even before treatment. The well at Koltvej (89.1038) has a
concentration of hydrogen sulfide of 0.07mg/l, above the drinking water criteria (GEUS,
DGU 89.1038, 2013). However, with cascade aeration, this concentration is easily reduced to
below 0.05mg/l.
Figure 23: One side of the cascade aeration system at Kolt Skovvej (Maribo, 4, 2013)
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The rules of thumb for cascade aeration design show that the volume capacity of a system is
about 50m
/h per meter length of step (Maribo, 2, 2012). The steps are about 3.5m long, with
two cascades on either side of the room. This gives a volume capacity for this aeration system
of around 350m
/h, which is around double the capacity of the well pumps.
The general extent for the removal of gasses with different types of aeration is shown in
Appendix K. Pilegrdsvej
Aeration in the waterworks at Pilegrdsvej occurs inside the pressure filters in a cross current
process. Figure 25 shows a draft of the top of the pressure filter with the air inlet from the
compressor and the valve to let out air. A compressor supplies air at the top of the filters, and
the pressure at the top is approximately 0.8bar above atmospheric pressure. At this pressure,
the compressor can supply the water with around 8mg/l of oxygen (Maribo, Questions
Session, 2013). As can be seen from the oxygen requirement for the water type entering
Pilegrdsvej in Appendix J3, this amout is more than enough to oxidize some of the
substances present and improve taste.
Figure 24: Maximum dissolved gasses concentrations as given by Danish Drinking Water Criteria
(Ramsay, 2011)
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Figure 25: Top of the Pressure Filter at Pilegrdsvej where aeration occurs
A valve exists at the top of the filter to let out excess air, and is regulated so that the pressure
in the filter remains high at 1.8bar. This type of aeration is not as effective as other types in
removing large concentrations of unwanted dissolved gasses, such as hydrogen sulfide and
methane. However, this should not be a problem at the waterworks in Pilegrdsvej since the
concentrations of dissolved gasses are low, and no stripping is needed.
The compressors at Pilegrdsvej can be seen in Figure 26.

Figure 26: Compressor at Pilegrdsvej delivering pressurized air to the top of the filters (Maribo, 4, 2013)
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50 Koltvej
Aeration at Koltvej is similar to that at Pilegrdsvej, with a compressor providing air to the
top of the pressure filters. The pressure at the top of the filters is 1bar above atmospheric
pressure (Allan Jensen, 2013). The filters are much smaller than those at Pilegrdsvej, since
the overall capacity of the plant at 8m
/h is low. The filters have a 0.86m diameter and are
shown in Figure 27 below. The concentrations of dissolved gasses in the raw water here are
similar to the raw water entering the other two wells, meaning that this type of aeration is
suitable, and no stripping is required. The raw water already contains around 2mg/l of oxygen
(possibly due to the lowering of the water table in 2007-2008) so a small amount of oxygen is
required to be added. For more information on the oxygenation requirement, see Appendix J2.

Figure 27: Pressure Filters at Pilegrdsvej connected in series (Maribo, 5, 2012)
4.1.3 Filtration and Backwash
Filtration is the heart of the water treatment process, and its purposes are to provide a medium
for the oxidation, sorption and trapping of unwanted substances and particles, such as iron,
manganese, ammonia and other suspended particles. In this way, appearance, taste and texture
are improved, and high levels of manganese, which may be toxic, are reduced.
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51 Kolt Skovvej
The filtration system at Kolt Skovvej consists of gravity filters. There are 6 gravity filters with
two cells each, giving a total of 12 single filter cells (The cells are not connected to each
other, but each pair of cells receives water from one outlet). The filters are distributed evenly
with three on each side of the waterworks, with each set of 3 filters receiving aerated water
from one of the 2 cascades facing each other. A diagram of the filtration system is shown in
Figure 28 below. The filters contain sand and a thin gravel layer at the bottom to prevent the
washing out of the sand. This is therefore a single filtration process with single media filters.
A pipe from each of the cascades extends to three of the filters, with three outlets in each pipe,
delivering the aerated water to the filters.

Figure 28: Gravity Filters at Kolt Skovvej. Six filters with two single filter cells each, containing sand and a
gravel layer at the bottom.
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The depth of the concrete box is 3 meters, with a surface area of 2 by 2 meters for each filter.
The sand only reaches up to 1.17m above the bottom, which is where the reactions take place.
Some of the main processes and parameters for the gravity filters at Kolt Skovvej are
calculated in Appendix M1. The main parameters are shown in Table 20 below.
Table 20: Filtration process at Kolt Skovvej
Parameter Description
Type Single
Media Single - Sand with gravel layer at the bottom
Max Treatment Capacity 125 m
Flow through each of 12 Cells 10.5 m
Filter Velocity 5.2 m/h
EBCT 13.5 minutes
Residence Time 5.4 minutes

The water is then transported to the 250!
clean water tank with a depth of 2.5m, which lies
underground right beside the waterworks building. Another tank (also 250!
) lies near the
main tank.
Backwash is the process of reversing the flow of water through a filter in order to restore its
hydraulic properties and expel the unwanted particles of raw water retained by the filters, such
as iron oxides, other solid particles, excess organisms.
Backwash is done with alternating air and water, and each cell is backwashed seperately until
the water appearing at the surface of the filter is clean. The process usually starts with 1
minute of water in order to flush away as much of the suspended and precipitated solids as
possible. This is followed by 3 minutes of air from a compressor, and finally 3 minutes of
water again (Allan Jensen, 2013). The pattern can continue until the water is clean. Backwash
is usually done twice a week every 3-4 days. Some of the sand particles have significantly
increased in diameter. This can be beneficial to some extent, but ends up reducing the
capacity of the filters if allowed to increase too much.
The theoretical backwash frequency is shown in Table 21 below, assuming that backwash
should occur after the accumulation of 0.5kg Fe/m
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Table 21: Needed backwash frequency for gravity filters at Kolt Skovvej
Iron conc. Filter area Iron load
Days between
Volume between
/h mg/l m
kg Fe/m
/h day m

Max capacity 151 1.5 24 0.009 4.4 8000
Max hourly
74 1.5 24 0.005 9.0 8000
Avg hourly
46 1.5 24 0.003 14.5 8000

The actual time between backwashes of 3.5 days is much shorter than what is needed in
theory. In reality, the water flow rate will be somewhere between the maximum hourly
consumption at Kolt Skovvej and the average hourly consumption, giving a theoretical
backwash frequency of 10 days and 8000m
, which is a long time and a large volume. In
reality, the backwash frequency in terms of volume is shown in Table 22. Even at full
capacity, the volume of water that passes through the filters between backwashes is
significantly lower than the theoretical frequency using 0.5kg Fe/m
as a guideline. It is more
likely that backwash occurs after every 2500m
or 3000m
have passed through the filters,
since the actual flow is lower than the maximum capacity.
Table 22: Backwash frequency at the gravity filters at Kolt Skovvej showing the volume between backwashes
with different flow scenarios
Volume between backwashes m
Days Full Capacity Max Consumption Average Consumption
3.5 6342 3108 1932
Water Flow m
/h 151 74 46

A Diagram outlining the main processes in the waterworks at Kolt Skovvej is illustrated in
Figure 29 below.
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Figure 29: Diagram of filtration process at Kolt Skovvej Pilegrdsvej
Filtration at Pilegrdsvej takes place in two pressure filters connected in series. A picture from
the filters can be seen in Figure 30. The filters have a diameter of 2.9m each and the height of
the cylindrical part where filtration actually takes place is 2m (Allan Jensen, 2013). There are
6 or 7 different sand layers in the filters with a gravel layer at the bottom to prevent the
flushing of sand. Four pipes are connected to each filter, two for the inlet and outlet of water,
and two for the inlet and outlet of backwash water.
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Figure 30: Pressure Filters at Pilegrdsvej. (Maribo, 5, 2012)
Some of the main characteristics are shown in Table 23 below, with a more detailed
explanation and an evaluation of the extent of ammonia removal in Appendix M2.
Table 23: Information on Filtration Process at Pilegrdsvej.
Parameter Description
Type Double
Media Single - 6 to 7 sand layers with gravel at the bottom
Max treatment capacity 100 m
/h well pump capacity is smaller (96 m
Flow through each cell 96 m
Filter velocity 14.5 m/h
EBCT 8 minutes
Residence time 3.3 minutes

The residence time seems a little bit short, but the presence of two filters compensates for
that. Also, the sand in the filters is relatively new and probably still fine grained, meaning a
slightly higher porosity than assumed, giving a residence time in the filters higher than the
one calculated.
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Figure 31: Diagram of one pressure filter at the Pilgrdsvej waterworks (Allan Jensen, 2013)
Backwash is done seperately for each filter, and usually during the day when the plant is not
in operation. The first filter is backwashed after 1300!
of water has passed through it, while
the second is backwashed after 2200!
has flowed through it. This is probably due to the fact
that most of the particles and iron precipitation occurs in the first filter, and it gets dirtier
faster than the second one. Backwash is done with air and water, and there is a powerful
blower supplying air to the filters, while the water is pumped out from the clean water tank.
Dirty backwash water is then transported to a settling tank outside the building before the
water is discharged. Assuming a 12 hour working day for the waterworks, the backwash
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process would be described in Table 24, depending on how much water is pumped from the
Table 24: Frequency of backwash at Pilegrdsvej depending on the water flow through the filter
Volume between Backwashes m
/h Days Between Backwashes

Full Capacity
Max hourly
Average hourly
Filter 1 1300 1.1 1.6 3.4
Filter 2 2200 1.9 2.7 5.7
Water Flow m
/h 96 67 32

The filters would need to be backwashed every 1 day and 2 days if the waterworks were
pumping at full capacity for the entire period of operation. This is frequent but still an
acceptable backwash rate, especially for the amount of water pumped out. It is more likely
that the hourly water flow will be somewhere between the maximum hourly consumption and
the average hourly consumption, meaning in reality, the first filter is backwashed every 2-3
days and the second filter every 3-5 days, which is acceptable.
Table 25 compares the actual backwash frequency with the needed theoretical backwash
frequency for the first filter, assuming that backwash should be done after the accumulation of
0.5kg Fe/m
Table 25: Needed backwash frequency for the first filter at Pilegardsvej
Iron load
Days between
Volume between
/h mg/l m
kg Fe/m
/h day m

96 2.1 6.61 0.030 1.4 1574
Maximum hourly
67 2.1 6.61 0.021 2.0 1574
Average hourly
32 2.1 6.61 0.010 4.1 1574

Table 25 assumes that all of the iron in the raw water is captured and oxidized in the first
filter, which is not entirely true. This will show a faster accumulation of iron than in reality
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which means that the periods between backwashes can be slightly longer than what is shown
here. The actual backwash frequency (every 1300m
) is slightly higher than the needed
backwash frequency in theory (1574m
). The plant manager might perceive it necessary to
backwash more often because the filter gets dirtier more quickly or because the sand is
relatively new and fine. Koltvej
Filtration at Koltvej occurs in series in two small pressure filters, similar to Pilegrdsvej. The
filters have a 0.86m diameter, and although no information is available about the height of the
filters, we can estimate it at about 2.2 times the diameter from Figure 27, giving a height of
1.9 meters. This will allow us to calculate some of the most basic filtration parameters to
assess its performance, since the raw water at Koltvej has the highest concentrations of
substances (such as iron, manganese, hydrogen sulfide and to some extent ammonia) (See
Appendix M3 for more details).
4.1.4 Waterworks Performance, Consumption and Conclusion Comparison to drinking water criteria
The full reports on the treated water qualities in the three waterworks are available in
Appendix N. Table 26 below shows the decrease in concentrations of the most critical
parameters to the treatment process at the three waterworks.
Table 26: Comparison of the concentrations of selected substances in groundwater before and after treatment in
the three waterworks (GEUS, Danske Boringer, 2013)
Kolt Skovvej Pilegrdsvej Koltvej
Parameter (mg/L) Before After Before After Before After
Well Number 89.1088 89.1089 89.1263 89.1632 89.1038
Oxygen 0.1 1.2 8.3 0.3 0.2 7.9 2.4 6.1
Iron 1.32 1.5 0.014 2.08 2.14 0.021 2.75 0.003
Manganese 0.256 0.25 0.004 0.317 0.221 <0.001 0.395 <0.001
Ammonia 0.24 0.28 <0.02 0.1 0.2 <0.02 0.258 <0.02
Aggressive CO
5 4 <2 2 5 <5 - <2
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Group E

The concentrations of iron, manganese and ammonia have all been reduced well below the
drinking water criteria limits, and more than the expected reduction in concentrations. The
oxygen concentrations are also higher than the minimum required levels that should reach
consumers. This means that all the filters and compressors are working well.
Usually the comparison of the most critical concentrations was based on the latest
groundwater analysis. However, the latest data for well 89.1038 was contradictory to older
data, so here an average concentration from the last samples was used. See the note on iron
concentrations in the raw water at Koltvej in Appendix E for further information.
Backwash water consumption is shown in Table 27 below. Koltvej consumes the least water,
probably because it has the smallest filters whereas Pilegrdsvej consumes the most. This
value might reflect the wash water consumption before renovation, meaning that the current
filters at Pilegrdsvej might consume less water than shown below. From the site visit it
seems that the gravity filters at Kolt Skovvej consume a significant amount of water during
backwash, perhaps even more than the pressure filters at Pilegrdsvej. This is because of the
larger surface area of the gravity filters (24m
vs. 6m
) and also their larger depth (3m vs. 2m)
and the backwash pattern with longer intervals of backwash with only water. In the pressure
filters it might be easier to control water usage and backwash might be more efficient with a
good compressor inside the pressurized filter. This is why the wash water consumption values
provided by the water supply plan might not be very accurate.
Table 27: Backwash water consumption and water usage in the 3 waterworks in 2002 (Aarhus Kommune, 2004)
Wash water
cons. (m
% of yearly
Total yearly
cons. (m
% of yearly
Avg production
Kolt Skovvej 1800 1.3 3000 2.1 140610
Pilegrdsvej 2000 1.5 - - 129870
Koltvej 1000 9.5 3000 28.4 10560

In terms of energy consumption, Table 28 shows the water production and energy
consumption of the three waterworks in the year 2002 along with some energy consumption
ratios. The plant manager and the water supply plan say very different things about the energy
consumption per cubic meter of water produced in the three waterworks. While the water
supply plan shows that there is not such a big difference in the consumption/m
of water, with
Kolt Skovvej consuming slightly more energy per m
than the other two waterworks, the plant
manager says that Kolt Skovvej consumes the least energy per m
, while the other two
waterworks consume significantly more energy. One thing to keep in mind is that the water
supply plan is old and probably describes Pilegrdsvej waterworks before it was renovated.
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This would mean that the energy it consumes now per m
of production might be higher than
what it consumed before, because the pressure filters and aeration compressors constantly use
energy. Koltvej was also probably renovated, meaning that its energy consumption stated by
the water supply plan might also describe the situation before renovation. Although the
amount of energy consumed in waterworks largely depends on the amount of water produced,
there is a certain amount of energy that the waterworks consume to operate which cannot be
avoided, such as general lighting, heating, aeration compressors. This tends to be consumed
regardless of the amount of water production. The biggest water production occurs at Kolt
Skovvej (in some years Pilegrdsvej), which means that the energy consumed per m
production is likely to be lower since the fixed energy consumption is divided over a larger
amount of water. This explains to some extent why the energy consumption per m
at Koltvej
is higher than that at Kolt Skovvej or Pilegrdsvej, since Koltvej produces much less clean
water than the other two waterworks. The energy consumption ratio in Table 28 refers to the
amount of energy used by the waterworks to produce one cubic meter of water as compared to
Kolt Skovvej (giving a ratio of 1 for Kolt Skovvej). Pilegrdsvej and Koltvej consume more
than Kolt Skovvej, according to the plant manager. Finally, the ratios provided by
the plant manager are likely more accurate since he deals with the waterworks directly and
knows how they operate.
Table 28: Energy Consumption of the three waterworks in the year 2002 (Aarhus Kommune, 2004)
production in
2002 m
Energy cons.
kWh/year 2002

Energy cons. ratio
produced (PM)
Kolt Skovvej 134341 94657 0.69 1
Pilegrdsvej 159367 103662 0.64 2
Koltvej 20000 16022 0.65 2.5

The good thing about Kolt Skovvej is that it consumes the least energy out of the three
waterworks. This is because it utilizes cascade aeration and gravity filters, both gravity driven
processes. The filter velocities are also quite slow, resulting in lower head losses. There is still
the need for well pumps, transport pumps to the filters, blowers for backwash, and network
pumps to distribute the water. However, compared to the pressure filters and aeration with a
compressor in the two other waterworks, it is clear where the decreased energy consumption
comes from.
All in all, the three waterworks operate well with the quality of the water produced meeting
the criteria for Danish drinking water. It is a good idea to have more than one waterworks.
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However three waterworks for such a small area might be redundant and closing one down or
merging two of them might be a good solution in the long term.
4.2 Description of treatment facilities to be kept
Pilegrdsvej has been recently upgraded and its network distribution capacity greatly
expanded. With a network pump capacity of 289m
/h, the waterworks can easily supply the
entire area of Kolt-Hasselager alone, even with the restriction of 96m
/h set by the well
pumps. Therefore, the waterworks will be able to supply the increased water demand to the
newly developing areas, since it is working well below its capacity at the moment.

The waterworks at Koltvej is quite small, with a total capacity of 8m
/h. It is also highly
energy intensive per cubic meter of clean water produced compared to the other two
waterworks. With two much larger and well-functioning waterworks that can back up each
other in case anything goes wrong with either one, it seems like a waste of resources and
energy to keep a third waterworks in operation. It incurs many additional costs and
responsibilities that can easily be eliminated, like maintenance, energy consumption,
monitoring of water quality and the functioning of the treatment processes and the need to
have an attendant or manager at the waterworks from time to time. Therefore, Koltvej will be
closed down, leaving the waterworks at Pilegrdsvej supplying the network by night, and a
new waterworks with expanded capacity replacing the existing waterworks at Kolt Skovvej
will be built. Together, these two waterworks will be able to supply the existing network and
the additional demand from the planned areas.
The new facility at Kolt Skovvej is planned to include three treatment lines, one of them is a
reserve in case any of the other two malfunctions, so there are already enough backup
4.3 Design and dimensioning of new water works
A new waterworks is planned to be built instead of Kolt Skovvej, with a new well field
containing two new wells connected to it. The new waterworks will have 5 wells supplying
water to it, 89.1088 and 89.1089 which were used before, 89.1904 which was drilled very
near the now closed well 89.1118. These 3 will make up the old well field. Two new wells,
89.1852 and 89.1754 have been drilled some distance away from the waterworks. These will
constitute the new well field. Table 29 below summarizes the wells connected to the new
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Table 29: Two treatment lines connected to the new waterworks and the wells in each (Maribo, 3, 2013)
Line A (Old) Line B (New)
Well Number Capacity Well Number Capacity
89.1088 39 m
/h 89.1852 35 m
89.1089 77 m
/h 89.1754 35 m
89.1118 35 m
Total 151 m
/h Total 35 m

The new waterworks will contain 3 pressure filters, where aeration also occurs. One filter will
treat the water from the existing wells (Line A). Another will treat the raw water from the two
new wells (Line B), and the third filter is a reserve in case anything goes wrong with the first
Each pressure filter will be designed seperately according to the raw water quality from the
different wells and the volume of water flowing through each filter. The new well field will
operate in a way that only one well is pumped from at a time, meaning that the filter will have
to accommodate a maximum flow of 35m
/h, since the pumps from both wells will never be
run at the same time. This gives a very large difference in the flow of water to be dealt with
by each filter, so it would be unreasonable to design identical filters for both treatment lines.
The reserve treatment line C will be designed identical to the larger of the two filters, which
will be Line A (the existing wells). This means that if line A ever fails, filter C will be able to
properly treat the raw water from the existing wells, while if Line B ever fails, filter C will
certainly be able to treat the raw water from the new wells since the flow is much smaller than
what the filter is designed to handle. This will result in a much smaller filter velocity for the
raw water from the new wells, but it will not compromise the quality of the filtration.
In order to determine the chemistry of the raw water entering the different lines, a
combination between the groundwater quality of wells 89.1088, 89.1904 (the well drilled 10
meters away from 89.1118) and 89.1089 will be considered for the existing line A. For the
new line B, only the groundwater from both wells 89.1852 and 89.1754 is taken into account.
Since most of the time, the wells will not be pumped from at the same time, and different
wells will be used at different times, the maximum concentrations of the different substances
entering each line have been considered, found from the groundwater chemistry of the wells
connected to each line. These will be used to dimension the filtration and aeration processes.
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In order to dimension the plant in terms of water flow, two options have been considered. One
is to use the capacity of the raw water pumps to dimension the treatment processes like the
filters and aeration equipment. The advantage of this is that the pump capacity and the
treatment capacity are the same, which means that if ever there is a situation where water
must be pumped out of the wells at the full capacity of the pumps, the waterworks is able to
cope with the amount of water and properly treat it. However, this situation is unlikely to
happen, and even when considering future consumption scenarios, the demand is unlikely to
reach the maximum capacity. This means that all of the treatment processes will be
overdesigned and consume more water and energy than needed, even if they are not used to
their full extent.
The second option is to dimension the plant according to the future consumption scenario in
the area. This has been studied and described in Appendix P. The development plans of the
municipality have been taken into consideration, and additional water consumption has been
estimated apart from the current water consumption situation, which can be seen in Section
4.1.1 Table 19. The current pattern shows that 60% of the consumption occurs during the day,
while only 40% occurs at night. The future consumption pattern can also be based on the
current one, especially because the type of new consumers will be similar to the existing
consumers, with mostly residential areas and few small businesses. The daily factors can also
be assumed similar. Therefore, the portion of the additional consumption entering the new
waterworks is 60% of the total additional consumption (daytime consumption). This is added
to the current daytime consumption, and a maximum daytime consumption is found using the
daytime factor. This assumes that the current operation pattern will continue in the future,
with Pilegrdsvej operating during the 12 hours of the night and the new waterworks
operating during the 12 hours of the day. The summary of the future consumption situation is
shown in Table 30 below. This future consumption builds the basis for the dimensioning of
the new waterworks.
Table 30: Summary for the future consumption scenario at Kolt Hasselager during the day
Consumption Value Unit
Current Daytime Consumption 551 m
Additional Daytime Consumption 502 m
Total Future Daytime Consumption 1053 m
Hourly Future Consumption 88 m
Max Hourly Future Consumption 140 m

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The new waterworks will consequently be dimensioned according to the maximum hourly
future consumption. The total capacity of the well pumps is 186m
/h, and the maximum
hourly consumption of 140m
/h makes up 75% of the capacity of the well pump capacity.
Therefore, we will assume that each treatment line works at 75% of its pump capacity. Table
31 shows that 115m
/h will flow through Line A and only 25m
/h through line B, in a
maximum hourly demand situation.
Table 31: Max pump capacity in both treatment lines and chosen flow rates through each
Unit Line A Line B Total
Total Capacity [m
/h] 151 35 186
Max Hour Pump Rate [m
/h] 115 25 140
Percentage of Total Pump Capacity (%) 77 72 75

The old well pumps will remain the same. The number of pumps in operation depends on the
demand, and the required volume to fill the clean water tank. At the maximum hourly pump
rate, wells 89.1089 (77m
/h) and 89.1088 (39m
/h) can be in operation, supplying a total of
/h (that is if the clean water tank has a low supply). At lower demand situations, pumps
can be used one by one depending on the demand. There should never be a situation where all
3 pumps are in use at the same time, except in emergencies.
The new pumps at the 2 new wells will be able to work at 2 different speeds, 25m
/h and a
maximum of 35m
/h, and only one pump will be used at a time.
The waterworks will be designed to be able to treat water flowing from both lines at the same
time, at the maximum pump rate.
4.3.1 Raw Water Pipes & Well Pumps
The raw water pipes will transport water from the new well field to the new waterworks
situated around 3km south of the well field.
Figure 32 shows the new well field (circled) and possible paths for the raw water pipe to
connect to the waterworks. The main considerations for the raw water pipe is that it should be
as short as possible, with as little bends as possible in order to avoid major losses and save
energy over time. It should also pass through as much publicly owned land as possible to
facilitate the process of obtaining permits and digging.
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Four most likely paths for the pipe were chosen and measured and the results are shown in
Table 32 below.
Table 32: Length of different raw water pipe paths
Path Color Length (km)
1 Yellow 1.23
2 Red 1.32
3 Purple 1.59
4 Green 2

Note that the yellow and red path coincide at the beginning. The red and yellow paths are the
shortest. Appendix Q shows the full details for the design of the new raw water pipes.
The energy losses in each path and pressure requirement at the waterworks have been
summed up to find the maximum head that the pumps need to provide for each path chosen.
The comparison has been used to choose the most energy efficient path, and the best option
has been chosen as the yellow path.
A PE pipe with an outer diameter of 110mm and inner diameter of 96mm has been selected
from the available pipes at Wavin (Wavin, 2013). The 2 new well pumps are required to
supply a head of 135m and a maximum flow of 35m
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Figure 32: Location of new well field in relation to waterworks and possible paths for the raw water pipe
4.3.2 Aeration Equipment
The concentration of different substances in the raw water coming from the different wells is
shown in Table 33 below. The second oxygen requirement shown takes into consideration the
oxygen already in the raw water, meaning that less O
is actually needed.
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Table 33: Concentrations of different substances and dissolved gases in the raw water entering the new
waterworks and the oxygen requirement for the different waters
Line A Line B
Symbol Parameter Unit 1088 1089 1904 Max 1754 1852 Max
Oxygen in GW mg/L 0.1 1.2 2 2 4.1 - 4.1
Fe Iron mg/L 1.32 1.5 1.55 1.55 3.4 4.2 4.2
Mn Manganese mg/L 0.256 0.25 0.295 0.295 0.28 0.32 0.32
Ammonia mg/L 0.24 0.28 0.38 0.38 0.2 0.24 0.24
Methane mg/L <0.01 <0.005 <0.01 0 <0.005 - <0.005
S Hyd. Sulfide mg/L <0.01 <0.02 <0.01 0 - - 0
mg O
/L 6.6 6.8 7.2 7.2 6.8 7.0 7.0
mg O
/L 6.5 5.6 5.2 6.5 2.7 -


<5 <2 <5 <5 <2 - 0

Regarding unwanted dissolved gases, the inlet concentrations of methane and hydrogen
sulfide in the wells are all below the limit concentrations allowed in drinking water (shown in
Appendix L) meaning that no advanced treatment or stripping is required. The detection value
for aggressive CO
is sometimes higher than the maximum allowable concentration of 2mg/l,
which could be problematic if the concentration is actually higher than 2mg/l. However, it is
difficult to tell, and looking at the performance of the three waterworks, it seems that there
have not been any problems with aggressive CO
in the outlets, meaning that there are no
major problems at the inlets. The only risk is that moving from a cascade aeration system to a
pressurized aeration system will actually reduce the amount of aggressive CO
that is
stripped, because it is difficult to strip any dissolved gases with pressurized aeration.

In terms of oxygen demand, the new wells seem to need slightly more oxygen than the
existing ones. Generally, however, the amount of oxygen needed is not very high (below
8mg/l for each treatment line), and can be supplied by a compressor through pressurized
aeration, similar to the way aeration occurs in Pilegrdsvej and Koltvej at the moment. A
more powerful compressor will be needed for line A (old) since the flow rate into filter A will
be much higher than that in B, and a similar concentration of oxygen must be supplied in
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4.3.3 Filter Design
Manganese concentrations in the wells that will be connected to the new waterworks are
lower than the concentrations in the raw water entering the other two waterworks. Again,
those in the new wells are slightly higher than the concentrations in the existing wells. Iron
concentrations are also quite low, except for the concentration of 4.2mg/l in the new well
89.1852 and 3.4mg/l in 89.1754, which are unusually high compared to the other wells.
Ammonia concentrations are higher in the new well 89.1904 than in the rest of the wells.
Single filtration with double media has been chosen, since the concentration of manganese in
the wells (and iron the new wells) exceeds the guideline concentration for single filtration
with single media. Rules of thumb for choosing the right filtration method are shown in Table
34. Single filtration is also more suitable in this case since the plan is to have 3 different lines
dealing with the raw water from different well fields. If double filtration had been chosen, the
waterworks would end up with 6 different filters. This would take up too much space, be too
costly, consume too much water and energy, especially for backwash.
Table 34: Guiding max concentrations of substances for the feasibility of different filtration methods (Maribo, 1,
Filtration method Media Iron mg/l Manganese mg/l Ammonium mg/l
Single 1 < 2 < 0.1 < 0.5
Single 2 < 5 < 0.3 < 0.8
Double 1 and 1 < 2 < 0.3 < 1.5
Double 2 and 1 < 5 < 0.5 < 1.5
Double 2 and 2 < 8 < 0.6 < 1.5

The required residence times in the filters are 12 minutes and 11 minutes for Line A and B
respectively (see Appendix R Table 82), considering the maximum concentration of ammonia
that can flow through the filter. In line A, although 0.38mg/l is the maximum concentration
recorded for well 89.1904, this is the well with the lowest capacity, meaning that its raw water
will likely be mixed with the raw water from other wells, reducing the concentration of
ammonia entering the filter. This is why 0.30mg/l has been chosen as a design concentration.

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Group E

Table 35: Dimensioning of 3 different filters at the new waterworks according to the required residence times for
the treatment of ammonia
At Maximum Pump Capacity Future Consumption
Parameter Unit Line A Line B Line A Line B Line C
Flow m
/h 151 35 115 25 115 or 25
Diameter m 4.5 2.5 5 2.5 5
Filter Area m
15.9 4.9 19.6 4.9 19.6
Depth m 3 3 2 2 2
Filter Velocity m/h 9.5 7.1 5.9 5.1 5.9
EBCT min 19.0 25.2 20.5 23.6 20.5
Porosity - 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
Residence Time min 9.5 12.6 10.2 11.8 10.2

The chosen filter sizes are shown in Table 35 above. 5m diameter x 2m height for line A and
2.5m diameter x 2m height for line B. Line C will be identical to line A to be able to treat both
raw water types/volumes. The sizes are large, especially for line A. However, the expected
maximum flow through line A is also large, and the required residence times are long. The
chosen filter sizes are significantly smaller compared to the ones that would have been needed
if they were to be designed to accommodate the maximum pump capacity (columns 1 and 2).
Similar to the way Pilegrdsvej operates, the well pumps can also be chosen to supply the
required pressure for the filters, thus reducing the need for additional pumps. This can be done
for sure in the new well field and the new well 89.1904. The pumps will have to be powerful
enough to overcome losses, lift the water from the bottom of the well to the top of the filter,
cover the whole distance of the raw water pipes, and deliver the required pressure for the
filters to operate, which is roughly 2bars.
Regarding the old wells 89.1088 and 89.1089, the pumps are already in the wells, and if they
are powerful enough to supply additional pressure or if they were not being used at their full
capacity when connected to the Kolt Skovvej waterworks, then it is possible to keep them.
Otherwise, either an additional pump should be added at filter A to supply the necessary
pressure, or both pumps in the old wells can be replaced with more powerful ones. The
advantage of replacing the pumps is of course long term, and the wells can be refurbished at
the same time. Also, the energy consumed by 2 new more efficient pumps might be lower
than that consumed by 3 pumps, even though the 3 pumps might be working less than the 2
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4.3.4 Backwash Process
A combination of water and air will be used for the backwash of the new filters to maximize
efficiency. Too much water would be consumed without the use of air, and air alone would
not clean the filters well enough. From the iron content of the raw water entering the two
different treatment lines, an approximate backwash frequency can be obtained.
Table 36 shows the approximate number of days and volume that should pass through the
filter between each backwash.
Table 36: Expected backwash frequency for filters in the new waterworks assuming backwash should occur after
the accumulation of 0.5kg Fe/m"

Water flow
Filter area Iron load
Days between
Volume between
Unit m
/h mg/l m
kg Fe/m
/h day m

Line A 115 1.5 19.6 0.009 4.7 6545
Line B 25 3.8 4.9 0.019 2.2 646

As can be seen in Table 36, filter B should be backwashed almost twice as much as filter A.
This is because the concentration of iron in the new wells is significantly higher, and the filter
area is much smaller, meaning iron accumulates much faster. Filter C is similar to A and will
only be backwashed when used.
It should be noted that these flows represent consumption patterns for a large population
increase, and the actual flows in the filters within the next few years will be much lower than
that, roughly half, meaning that the actual backwash frequency in the present will be much
lower than is shown. Also, this backwash pattern is only guiding, and the actual frequency
should be adjusted depending on how clean the water looks after each backwash and how
much the pressure rises before each backwash. If it is possible to reduce the backwash
frequency without undermining the quality of the treated water, then this will save a lot of
energy and water.
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Group E

5 60)*"0(/*0-, <?)*#@
5.1 Introduction
Two of the three main areas in water supply have already been analyzed. In that last
mandatory part, an analysis of the water distribution system in the suburb is performed. In
such a system, high quality treated water is pumped from the water works to the consumer
through a pressurized pipe distribution network.
High quality drinking water is a valuable resource and vital for all societies. Increasing
urbanization and new threats to water resources quantity and quality are setting new
demands for engineers to facilitate proper resource management and to design and optimize
technical systems for safe water handling and reliable distribution to consumers (Vestergaard
K. , Pipe Network, 2013). Thus, the optimization of the water distribution network is of vital
importance for a reasonable use of water through the setting of the right pressure in the
system, in order to minimize the losses through leakages. A well designed distribution system
can also save energy. If the pipes are designed in the wrong way, too many energy losses can
occur. Those energy losses have to be overcome by pumps. Nowadays energy consumption of
pumps accounts for around 10% of the worlds electricity (Grundfos, 2011). Energy can be
saved by designing systems that lose minimal energy, as well as by implementing more and
more efficient pumps that are being developed.
When it comes to designing an efficient distribution system, approximate numbers on water
consumption must be known to carry out a proper dimensioning. If those values are unknown
because there is no information about the consumption of a non-existing area, standard values
are used (Vestergaard K. , 2013). In this particular case, consumption data was available from
the registers at the water works (Jensen A. , 2012).
Modeling the water flow of a distribution system is not an easy task. The calculations for the
pipe hydraulics in such a pressurized system can be complicated and time consuming.
Furthermore, the consumption varies throughout the day and througout the months. In this
study, the software Mike Urban Epanet plays a central role.
All the information about the water distribution system in Kolt-Hasselager had been obtained
through the local waterworks manager, Allan Jensen. It consisted of an AutoCAD file with
detailed information on the streets, pipe locations, diameters and lengths; documents with the
consumption data together with its distribution; and the following relevant information:
B6PMI2 Water Supply
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There is a pressure booster in the network increasing pressure for 8 households in the
highest located area. After the recent increase of output pressure at Kolt Skovvej from 3.5
bars to 4.0 bars, Allan thinks that the booster is no longer needed. He intends to take it out of
operation and see if there are any complaints or problems with the 8 concerned households.
The major industrial consumer is a food industry called Hilton Food producing sliced meat
and other products for sandwiches etc. They operate 24 hours, 7 days, 365 days per year.
Their water consumption was in 2011, 48.000 m
but they have increased production and this
year to date they have consumed approx. 35.000 m
The water loss in the network are approx. 2.5-3.0 m3/h, before it was 19 m3/h, they have
changed a lot of pipes to bring the losses down. (Jensen A. , 2012)

For more information, visit the waterworks website (Hasselager-Kolt Vandvrk, 2013).
5.2 Objectives
5.2.1 Analyze the water consumption data
The water delivered from Kolt Skovvej and Pilegrdsvej was metered and registered at the
distribution pumps of both waterworks. The documents with these data are available for the
ellaboration of this report. The data has to be analyzed in order to:
Handle the data: The registers contain anomalies that have to be modified. Days missing in
the records and erroneous measurements, together with some non-operating periods from one
or the other of the treatment plants, form a block of rough data that has to be smoothed in
order to obtain the right numbers from it.
Define the variation in the consumption: How the consumption varies along the year and
along the days is of importance to define the factors for the dimensioning flow for new areas.
The hourly variation, that is, how the consumption varies within the days, is of importance to
identify the morning and evening rushes, which can be the most stressing situations for the
pipe network.
5.2.2 Analyze the water distribution network
Describe the pipe hydraulics of the system: The water in a supply network needs a certain
pressure in order to ensure a proper flow for all the consumers. In Kolt-Hasselager, neither
B6PMI2 Water Supply
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reservoirs nor booster pumps are present. Despite the relatively flat terrain, an elevation
difference of up to 20m has to be overcome. The adequate pressure has to be set from the
pumps at the waterworks. Whether the system has the necessary pressure or not will be
determined in this analysis.
The water velocity in the system is also of interest for the study, if the water runs extremely
slow, old water could be present. The design velocity should be around the standard
economical flow velocity which is between 0.8 and 1m/s. The speed of the water in the pipes
will be determined as well as the possible reasons for those velocities.
The head losses in the system are also a determining factor. As commented previously, the
bigger the head losses, the more energy is required for pumping, and there will also be a
bigger drop in pressure which can be inconvenient for the proper water supply to all
consumers in all areas.
Evaluate the capacity of the sytem: An answer for whether the system can cope with the
daily rushes in water demand will be sought.
5.3 Consumption data analysis
Data from the waterworks at Kolt Skovej and Pilegrdsvej were available. There were
measurements for two different time steps for each of the treatment plants: daily consumption
and hourly consumption. Also, the consumption variation factors were calculated. The
variation factors, day factor (f
and hour factor (f
), express how big the consumption
variation is in relation to the average consumption. A factor equal to 1 would indicate that
there is no value bigger than the average, meaning that all values are equal. On the other hand,
a variation factor of 2 would indicate that there is at least one value which is two times bigger
than the average. The variation factors were calculated using the formulas:
./0 !

= maximum daily consumption Q
= maximum hourly consumption
= average daily consumption Q
= average hourly consumption

The dimensioning flow (q
can then be calculated using (Vestergaard K. , 2013):
# $

B6PMI2 Water Supply
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5.3.1 Daily Consumption
For the daily consumption, the records encompass data from January 2011 until March 2012.
The daily consumption during one year, from January 2011 to January 2012 is shown in
Figure 33. It can be seen that water distribution is bigger in Kolt Skovvej (blue graph). This is
because the plant supplies water during the day, whereas Pilegrdsvej supplies during

Figure 33: Daily consumption in Kolt-Hasselager using the original data
As can be noticed in the graph, the fluctuations in consumption look different from the
expectations for a population as in Kolt-Hasselager. The consumption should look smoother
due to the buffering effect of several consumers (Vestergaard K. , 2013). That is, when a great
number of inhabitants consume water, the effects resulting from their individual differences in
consumption cannot be aprreciated. It happens because since there is a great amount of
consumption data, the variations are reduced until only the general consumption tendence is
shown. After an analysis of the data, the following changes were made:
1. Values equal to zero have been substituted by values from surrounding days. From that
it was asumed that it was either a mistake from the flow meter or the non-operation of a
waterworks; but it can be acertained that the water consumption in the area was not zero.



Consumpt|on 2011
ko|t-nasse|ager da||y consumpt|on
kolL Skove[
B6PMI2 Water Supply
Group E

2. Isolated low values were also substituted. The criteria was set at 200m
for being two
times below the average.
3. Missing days had been added and filled with surrounding values for consumption.
4. As can be deduced from the graph, during some periods one water work substituted the
other, especially in August. It is not reasonable to consider such a high value around
/day- since it is not representative for the demand. It is the result of an extended
distribution period day and night-, and not an increase in the pressure demand. An
estimated volume was substracted from the substituting waterworks and added to the
other. Changes were applied to 3 days in January, 5 days in February, 1 day in April, 17
days in August and finally 7 days in December.
5. The records from both waterworks were summed up together to obtain the total
consumption of the locality.
Details of the calcuations and modifications to the consumption data can be found in
Appendix CC and on the attached CD.
After applying the changes, and as shown in Figure 36 below, daily consumption varied along
one year. The flows shown represent the sum of the flows from Pilegrdsvej and Kolt Skovvej
waterworks. That is, the flows shown represent the sum of the night and day consumptions,
since the waterworks operate at different times. It was between 1000m
and 1500m
per day
between January and April, and then it was around or above 1500m
per day until November,
when the consumptions seemed to slightly decrease again.

Figure 34.Daily consumption for Kolt-Hasselager



ko|t-nasse|ager da||y consumpt|on
llegrdsve[ +
kolL Skovve[
B6PMI2 Water Supply
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5.3.2 Hourly Consumption
Regarding the hourly consumption, there were measurements from the waterworks within
intervals of 10 minutes, 5 minutes or even every minute. For Kolt Skovej there were
measurements from January 2011 until March 2012, comprising more than one year; whereas
for Pilegrdsvej there were only measurements from December 2011 till March 2012, not
giving a seasonal range.
Due to the big amount of mistakes in the data and the size of it, it was not practical to handle
all of the data. Instead, representative days were selected to define the hourly consumption
with the following approach:

Kolt Skovvej: Since there were measurements from a year span, 3 random days were
selected for three different categories, winter, spring and summer. After that, an average
for every hour was calculated. 10 hours were taken into acount for this waterwork, from
7am till 5pm.
Pilegrdsvej: There are no year comprising measurements, so averages from 12 random
days were calculated for every hour. In principle, the waterworks functions from 5pm till
5am (Allan Jensen, 2013), but the hour range considered here was from 5pm till 6am.
Since Pilegrdsvej does not start working until the pressure of the system has been
lowered at Kolt Skovvej, there is not precise starting time (Allan Jensen, 2013). That is
the reason why 5pm is included in both. On the other hand, Kolt Skovej behaves more
regularly when it comes to start at seven.

As can be seen in Figure 35, the hourly consumption rises after 6am. The percentage of daily
consmumption is higher during the working hours, with its maximum at 9am. After that the
consumption goes steadily down during the night time, showing a small increase at 8pm and a
very peculiar increase at 11pm.
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Figure 35. Hourly consumption in Kolt-Hasselager as a percentage of the total average daily consumption
5.3.3 Variation factors and design flow
Table 37 below shows average consumptions, maximum consumptions and the calculated
factors. The factors had been calculated as stated in section 5.3.
Table 37: Average and maximum flows or the daily and hourly consumptions
Average flow Maximum flow F
Daily consumption (m
/day) 937 1378 1,5
Hourly consumption (m
/hour) 38,5 61 1,6

From the results displayed in Table 37, the design flow can be calculated.
# $
# :;<:6
1 2 3 4 3 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 13 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24



1|me - nours
nour|y consumpt|on |n of da||y consumpt|on
B6PMI2 Water Supply
Group E

5.4 Water supply modeling Mike Urban Epanet
All the simulations were performed with the Epanet component of Mike Urban.
Epanet is a public-domain, water distribution system modeling software package developed
by the United States Environmental Protection Agencys (EPA) Water Supply and Water
Resources Division. Epanet first appeared in 1993, and it performs extended-period
simulation of hydraulics and water quality behavior within pressurized pipe networks and is
designed to be a research tool that improves our understanding of the movement and fate of
drinking-water constituents within distribution systems. (EPA, 2013)
Mike Urban is a GIS-based urban modeling system for water distribution systems and
wastewater collection systems. It was developed by the Danish Hydraulic Institute (DHI,
5.4.1 Building the model Pipe dimensions, elevations and demands
A simplification of the existing pipe network was created in Mike Urban. The pipe locations,
diameters, lengths and materials were all obtained from the AutoCAD file (Waterworks,
2012). The elevations of the terrain for the different points were obtained from Google Earth.
The distribution of the demands/consumption was provided by the plant manager. The flow
was measured by the waterworks company at different places in the network system. From
that data, the percentage from the total consumption was calculated and introduced in Mike
Not all the pipes are needed to observe the behavior of the network. Because of that, a
selection of the most important pipes was made. Pipes bigger than 140mm in diameter were
first selected. After that, pipes with a smaller diameter that seemed relevant in the system,
such as connections between the main rings and some outer parts, were also included. Figure
36 shows the pipe network that was built in Mike Urban. The existing system can be seen as
background in blue. Pipes in the model can be seen on top, and yellow squares indicate the
percent of the yearly demand in every zone of the suburb. The biggest consumption (22%) is
from the meat packing industry as stated in the introduction in 5.1. More detailed information
about pipe diameters, lenghts, demands and elevations, can be found in the Epanet model
called Kolt Haselager.mup in the enclosed CD.
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Figure 36: Image of the pipe network model in Mike Urban Pipe roughness and loss coefficients
Pipe roughness and loss coefficients can be set for every pipe in the model. Pipe roughness is
the measure of the amount of frictional resistance water experiences when passing through a
pipe (Telford, 2006). Pipe roughness is an intrinsic feature of the pipe material and its state,
e.g. whether it is new or already used. Most of the pipes in Kolt-Hasselager are made of PVC,
with some new exceptions made of PE (Waterworks, 2012). A normal value for these plastic
pipes is 0,01mm of equivalent sand roughness (Wavin, 2010). Loss coefficients can be set in
order to express local head losses like bends, pipe entrances, branch flows, pipe exits,
contractions, and so on. Considering all the bends present in the central part of the system,
e.g. considering all the pipes in the middle of the big ring, a relatively high loss coefficient of
5 was set for all the pipes.
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80 Modeling of the pumps from the water works
The pumps at the waterworks are variable speed pumps. It means that they have a wide range
of Q-H curves. With the aim of simplifying the pump modeling, two tanks were set instead,
one for each waterworks. It is known that the pressure at the Kolt Skovvej waterworks, which
is at an elevation of 80m, is 4bar, and at Pilegrdsvej, with an altitude of 74m, the preussure is
4.5bars (Vestergaard K. , Group Meeting, 2013). The tanks were set with a constant hydraulic
grade line [HGL] of 140m and 119m, respectively. The only counterpart of this is that when
setting such a tank there is no limit in flow. For that reason, the flow limitations for the
waterworks pumps must be kept in mind during the simulations. Steady state analysis
For the steady state simulation, the maximum hourly demand was applied to the demand
distribution. In this way, how the system performs could be modeled in a real daily situation.
For Kolt Skovvej, the maximum hourly demand was at 9am and 61m
/h, whereas for
Pilegrdsvej, it was at 7pm and 43m
Various parameters were analyzed. In Figure 37 below, the pressure at the different nodes is
shown for Kolt Skovvej waterworks in operation. The node with a yellow square around
represents the highest point of the system, with an altitude of 93m. The two light blue-dotted
nodes cannot be taken into consideration since they represent the tanks.

Figure 37: Pressures at the different nodes of the system - values in [mWC]
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The velocities at the pipes can be seen in Figure 38 below for Kolt Skovvej in operation. In all
pipes, the velocity is higher than 0.08m/s.

Figure 38: Pipe velocities while Kolt Skovvej operates for the maximum hour demand - values in [m/s]
The next Figure 39 shows the headloss per kilometer in the network pipes. The higher values
represent small pipes. The pipe in red at the center of the system represents a pipe with a
diameter of 63mm. For the rest of the pipes, no losses no larger than 6cm/km can be observed

Figure 39. Headloss per km in the network pipes - values in meters
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For Pilegrdsvej in operation, the pressures at the different nodes are shown in Figure 40
below. Since it is a simulation of nightime consumption, the demand is lower than in the
previous case for Kolt Skovvej.

Figure 40. Pressures at the different nodes for Pilegrdsvej in operation - values in [mWC] Extended analysis
For the extended analysis, and to obtain different results from the steady-state analysis, the
design flow was applied to the demand distribution. The design flow is a maximum
hypothetical situation that has not occured at least in 2011, regarding to the consumption data.
Even though, it is a flow at which the system is supposed to work fine, it represents an
exagerated situation in which the pipe network should not have any problems. Anyway, the
system should look stressed and with high velocities.
The different parameters that were analyzed under steady state conditions can be analyzed
including the hourly variations applied for all the demands with the design flow. Regarding
pressure, all nodes had more than 20mWC. The weakest node of the system, the one at the
highest altitude, is shown in Figure 41 while Pilegrdsvej is in operation.
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Figure 41. Variation of pressure in node 63 along the day - values for pressure in [mWC]
When looking at high pressures that could damage the system, no pressures above 53m were
observed. It cannot be seen from the AutoCAD file which kind of PVC pipes there are in the
system, but it ca be asumed that pipes of the type PN6 are used, which is the most common
pipes used (Vestergaard K. , Questions on network pressure, 2013). With these kind of pipes,
a pressure like the one observed is not a problem.
Regarding velocities in an extended period analysis, it can be noted that they are relatively
higher when modeling with the design flow. Figure 42 shows the velocities of the network
system at 2pm. That particular time of the day was chosen to show that with the design flow,
the velocities are already faster than in the steady state analysis, not necessarily having the
need to run the simulation at the highest demand hour, 9am. Since 2pm is not the highest
demand hour, the velocities would not reach their maximum. Velocities reach up to values of
0,47m/s with the design flow applied to the demand distribution. The main ring of the
network, where the flow and velocities are higher, can be observed. Eight out of 12 pipes in
dark blue are located in the main ring. The main ring is highlighted in light-blue in the Mike
Urban model which can be seen in Figure 36 below. This part is considered as the main ring
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because it surrounds the central part of the suburb and it is composed of pipes with large
diameters, all of them being above 140mm.

Figure 42: Pipe velocities at 2pm while Kolt Skovvej operating - values in [m/s]

Figure 43. Main ring in the pipe network system out in Kolt-Hasselager
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5.5 Discussion and Conclusion
Firstly, regarding the water consumption data analysis, a day factor of 1.4 looks a little bit
below the standard design value for a village without bigger industry, which would be
between 1.5 and 2 (Winther, 2010). Also an hour factor of 1.6 is a little below the standard
expected value for a village without bigger industry, which would be between 1.7 and 2
(Winther, 2010).
Secondly, regarding the hourly distribution of the consumption, it is remarkable that they do
not match with any of the standard distributions for villages without bigger industry (Winther,
2010). That could be due to the fact that the industry in Kolt-Hasselager has a bigger weight
than the households and institutions. Even in that case, the maximum peak should be around
7am, because that is the time when most people get ready for the daily routine. A possible
explanation for the displacement of the peak consumption to 9am could be a bigger weight
from institutions together with some fixed industrial processes in relation to the households.
In addition, it is surprising that there is no significant evening peak, which cannot be
explained reasonably. Finally, there is an atypical increase of the demand at 11pm. That could
be related to some fixed process taking place in the industry, such as cleaning.
Furthermore, the distribution network analysis showed that the pressure set at each of the
waterworks, 45mWC for Pilegrdsvej and 40mWC for Kolt Skovvej, seem to be necessary to
provide a proper pressure to all consumers in the area. There is no node in the simulation
results showing a pressure lower than 20mWC. 20mWC is the standard pressure value for
main network pipes, since all households at the end of the distribution system, precisely at the
consumer taps, should be supplied with a pressure of 5mWC (Vestergaard K. , Pipe Network,
2013). Because Pilegrdsvej is located 6 meters lower than Kolt Skovvej, a higher pressure
needs to be set at the distribution pumps of the water works. Apart from that, no pressures are
higher than 6bar, which would otherwise be dangerous for the pipe materials composing the
system (mainly made of PVC and some of PE). Actually, the limiting pressure that can be set
from the waterworks is 6bar (Vela, 2013) .
While the pressure is good in all pipes, the pipe velocities are more of concern. They mostly
appear below the standard design velocity, which accounts for 0.9m/s. With the normal water
consumption measured by the consumption meters at the water works, velocities no greater
than 0.08m/s were observed. That value is extremely low compared to the standard one.
However, the reason for this is simple. The pipe diameters are too big for the current
demands. When calculating the volume of pipes that compose the system, it shows a result of
, which is more than twice the volume for the design flow, and almost six times
greater than the maximum hourly consumption. The method used for calculating the volume
can be consulted in the excel file called Consumption data analysis pipes volume, located in
B6PMI2 Water Supply
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the enclosed CD. This means that it takes more than two hours to exchange all the water in the
pipes with the design flow, and up to six hours with the daily maximum volume per hour. It is
important to remark that the design flow is not unlikely to happen in terms of demand. In any
case, a water age analysis should be performed in order to find out whether the water gets too
old in the system. A consequence of having old water in a distribution network can be in
means of taste, since plastic pipes could change the flavor of the high quality drinking water
being supplied. Also, substances that could dissolve from PVC or PE could be dangerous for
the health, even though it has not been prooven by now (Vestergaard K. , Group Meeting,
It cannot be ommited that all the analysis has been made in the basis of the consumption data
available. Data from only one year was available. Perhaps with more series of data from
different years, the consumption would look higher, and also the velocities. Or perhaps the
other way around.
Positive about large pipe diameters is that they result in low head losses at the nodes. This
leads to a lower energy consumption at the pumping station of the water works. Due to the
low velocities and the big diameters, not so much energy is lost while distributing the water.
If the water age is not of concern, the lower velocities should not be such a disadvantage from
an energetic point of view.
As a conclusion for the network analysis, it can be stated that the system works well, even
though it is over dimensioned. The reason for that could be that the engineers expected a very
big increase in water consumption. Many companies from Aarhus have their factories in the
locality, and plans for new residential areas are already approved. Thus, the system has a
vacant capacity to hold a certain increase in demand. If the pipe network would have been
strictly designed for the design flow and respecting the minimum standard velocity in the
pipes of 0.9m/s, it would probably not be able to hold such an increase in consumption.
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Group E

6 37*0-,%: !%"*
6.1 Introduction & Objectives
The area of Kolt-Hasselager is an attractive residential and it can be expected to be enlarged
in the future. The Municipality Plan for Urban Development in Kolt-Hasselager highlights
several areas in the north and west of the existing municipality which will possibly be
developed. The population is therefore expected to increase significantly, which will incur an
increase in water consumption (Aarhus Kommune, 2007).
The Urban Development Plan (UDP) highlights three areas of expansion, 22.02.09 BO which
extends beyond Svanlevvej, 22.03.12 BO which extends beyond Lemmingvej and the largest
area 22.03.13 which extends beyond Kolt stervej. The areas are shown in Figure 44. There
is also a very large area which is under consideration and could be developed in the far future.
The objective of the optional part is to analyse the future consumption situation and design the
new water distribution network for the planned new residential area 22.03.13 in detail. The
new distribution network will be connected to the existing network and the entire distribution
network will be studied in light of these extensions, including the waterworks.
During the analysis network layouts will be compared, to find out if a dead-end or grid-iron or
combined solution will be more suitable. In addition extended period analysis will be
performed in order to evaluate the functioning of the supply network in emergency situations.
E.g. what happens in case of a pipe burst, or if pipes need to be closed for repairworks.
Overall, whether the existing water works and the newly planned water works can supply
enough water to meet future demands will be evaluated.
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Figure 44: Planned reas to be developed in Kolt Hasselager: 22.02.09 BO, 22.03.13 BO and 22.03.12 BO
(Aarhus Kommune, 2007)
6.2 Kolt Hasselager Municipality Plan
The Urban Development Plan published in 2007 gives an estimate of the available space in
terms of the number of households that can be built in the three areas that are to be developed.
These figures are shown in Table 38 below.
Table 38: Increase in the number of households in the area of Hasselager Kolt and estimation of the available
capacity for additional housing in each area (Aarhus Kommune, 2007)
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As can be seen, the area above Kolt stervej has the largest space for the development of new
households, with a maximum of 815 houses or apartments expected to be built.
The UDP published in 2007 gives more detailed development plans for area 22.03.13 north of
Kolt stervej with specific information about the type of housing and the estimated planned
number of houses in each neighbourhood. These areas are shown in Figure 45 below. The
zone contains four main roads and is split into 12 areas, with each area containing different
types of housing. The different categories of housing are:
Apartments (4 story) buildable area = 40 % - shown in orange
Dense low rise housing (2 story) buildable area = 35% - shown in deep yellow
Open low rise housing (2 story) buildable area = 25% - shown in light yellow
Dense, low rise housing with open character (2 story) buildable area = 30% - shown
in dark pink
Dense, low rise housing with open character (2 story) buildable area = 25% - shown
in light pink
Institutions and centres (2 story) buildable area = 40% - shown in green.
The plans also include areas for forests and basins and green spaces.

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Figure 45: Structure of Area 22.03.13 BO and type of housing in each area (Aarhus Kommune, 2007)
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6.3 Demand Estimation
The total area of zone 22.03.13 BO is 36.5ha (Aarhus Kommune, 2007). However, the
buildable area of the zone is only approximately 23.3ha.
A detailed study of the different areas in zone 22.03.13 BO has been performed in order to
determine the number of households/buildings in each area and in turn the expected water
demand from these areas. The results are shown in Table 39 below, and further detail can be
found in Appendix S1.
Table 39: Estimation of buildable area and number of houses in each area
Area Type Area Buildable Fraction Buildable Area # of Houses



Dense Low Rise Housing -
Open Character
1.82 0.25 0.455 57
Dense Low Rise Housing -
Open Character
1.5 0.25 0.375 47
3 Open Low Rise Housing 2.2 0.25 0.550 69
4 Dense Low Rise Housing 1.43 0.35 0.501 63
5 Dense Low Rise Housing 2.39 0.35 0.837 105
6 Dense Low Rise Housing 2.32 0.35 0.812 102
7 Dense Low Rise Housing 1.62 0.35 0.567 71
8 Institutions / Centres 1.55 0.4 0.620 -
9 Dense Low Rise Housing 1.92 0.35 0.672 84
10 Dense Low Rise Housing 2.01 0.35 0.704 88
11 Apartments 1.38 0.4 0.552 37
Dense Low Rise Housing -
Open Character
3.12 0.3 0.936 117

Total 23.26

7.6 838

Total including institutions


The 12 different neighbourhoods were numbered as shown in Figure 46 below. The area of
each neighbourhood was estimated by giving a scale to the map provided in the UDP of 2007.
From the total area of each neighbourhood, a buildable area was estimated by taking into
account the allowable buildable percentage in each neighbourhood to give the buildable area.
The allowable buildable percentage shows what percentage of a certain area of land can be
used to contain buildings and is habitable. For example, in an area of 1ha with a 40%
allowable buildable percentage, only 0.4ha in this land can include buildings or houses, and
the rest must remain as green space/empty space.
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Figure 46 : Plan of new area 22.03.13 BO showing the 12 different neighbourhoods
The number of houses that can be included in each different type of neighbourhood was
estimated based on an assumption for the area of each household depending on whether it is
an apartment, a centre, or an open style or dense style household. Details on those estimations
can be found in Appendix S2-4.
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This allows an estimation of the total number of households and a comparison to the number
of households to be developed that was estimated in the UDP (See Appendix T for the
comparison). The expected population in the new area can therefore be obtained, with an
estimation on the daily water demand.
Finally, the total daily demand for each of the 12 neighbourhoods is shown in Table 40, and
the distribution of water from the main pipelines into the neighbourhoods can be seen in
Figure 47 below. The large purple dots represent the junctions where the water demanded by
each neighbourhood reaches the areas.
Table 40: Estimation for the number of households, people, and water demand in each neighbourhood

This situation is an overestimation and really considers the maximum number of houses and
people that can be included in the new area. By considering this situation, it can be ensured
that the worst case scenario is analysed and the new supply network is not too small.
Area Type
Number of
Number of
l/person/day m
Dense Low Rise Housing -
Open Character 57 199 180 36
Dense Low Rise Housing -
Open Character 47 164 180 30
Open Low Rise Housing 69 241 180 43
Dense Low Rise Housing 63 219 180 39
Dense Low Rise Housing 105 366 180 66
Dense Low Rise Housing 102 355 180 64
Dense Low Rise Housing 71 248 180 45
Institutions / Centres - 220 - 25
Dense Low Rise Housing 84 294 180 53
Dense Low Rise Housing 88 308 180 55
Apartments 37 589 115 68
Dense Low Rise Housing -
Open Character 117 410 180 74
Total All Areas (Incl Institutions) 909 3612 - 598
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Figure 47: Area plan showing junctions at which water is distributed to each negihbourhood
6.4 The New Supply Network
The new supply network will contain the least amount of piping possible delivering to all
houses in the network. As an initial design, a dead-end network combined with a small loop in
the middle has been chosen as it is the simplest to work with and requires the least number of
connections. In terms of pollution control, this is the best way to avoid major problems, as it
is easy to shut off different parts of the system with the proper valves. The new pipes will all
be made of PE, a durable plastic material that can last 50 - 100 years. The likelihood of a pipe
burst with these new pipes and a properly dimensioned system is very low, meaning that the
security of supply will not be greatly affected. Furthermore, the new area is connected to the
existing supply network at two different points, point 1 to the far left, and point 2 in the
centre, as can be seen in Figure 48 in the next section. It also has the capacity to be connected
to additional areas at points 3 and 4 (shown in purple). This means that in case anything goes
wrong with one of the main pipelines, water is still supplied through the other pipes.
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6.4.1 Existing Pipes and Connections to the Existing Network
As presented in the area plan, provided as an AutoCAD drawing by the plant manager of the
waterworks, some of the main supply pipes into the new planned area 22.03.13 BO have
already been laid down and dimensioned and these are shown in Figure 48. The existing pipes
are marked in red.

Figure 48: Layout of the planned area 22.03.13 BO showing houses and roads, with existing water distribution
pipes marked in red (Waterworks, 2012)
The area plan also contains a detailed layout for the houses, and in most cases it is possible to
count the number of houses in each of the 12 neighbourhoods. This is shown in Appendix T.
However, in several instances, the area plans provided by the waterworks operator do not
exactly match some aerial photos showing some houses that have already been built or are in
the process, meaning that the actual layout of the houses will likely not be exactly the same
(Waterworks, 2012). The layout of the houses provided by the area plan in the model will be
used for distribution purposes in order to determine what percentage of water demand is
consumed in the different pipe branches. However, to determine the total quantity of water
demanded, the previous estimation for the number of houses in each neighbourhood (see
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section 6.3) will be used. The predicted number of houses is generally higher than the number
shown in the area plans, meaning that the estimates are safer to use for design purposes.
6.4.2 New Pipe Dimensioning
A numbering system has been created for the different pipes that will be added to the network
and this can be seen in detail in Appendix U.
In order to estimate the demand or expected flow through each pipe branch, each of the 12
neighbourhoods has been treated seperately. By considering the total water demand in a single
neighbourhood, and by looking at the number and type of houses that will be fed by each pipe
branch, the water consumption as a percentage of the total water demand of the
neighbourhood can be obtained. This will allow for the dimensioning of all the new pipe
branches. By compiling the information on estimated consumption through each pipe branch
in the new area, the water distribution in the new supply network can be simulated using Mike
Urban. This will give valuable information about the potential problems that might be
encountered in the new system and will help to finalize the size of the pumps and pipes in
order to arrive to safe and efficient sizes of pipes. The new supply network can also be
simulated throughout an entire day, with variations in demand, at a maximum and minimum
demand situation, with a source of pollution, with a sudden closure of one part of the system
and many other situations, in order to examine how the network will react in each situation
and be able to make changes to it so that no problems occur.
As an initial step, the demand through each pipe section was found. (This can be seen in
Appendix V). A preliminary dimension was set for each pipe, taking into account its length,
flow of water and head losses. The combined head losses in any series of pipes, from the
initial point of distribution until the end of a pipe branch at any point, should not allow for the
final point in the system to have a pressure below 20mWC (Vestergaard K. , Pipe Network,
2013). However, since the pipe branches are quite detailed, and at the end points, water will
only need to be distributed to a small number of houses, it is possible to allow for the pressure
at the end of a pipeline to be reduced to around 15-17mWC. The majority of the houses are
only two storey, meaning that the water will not need to be lifted too much at the ends. The
required pressure at a water tap is 5mWC (Vestergaard K. , Pipe Network, 2013).
The entire demand for the new area is supplied by pipe 1, and the minimum pressure that is
reached at the point of supply with the existing network is 28.7mWC at maximum demand
with Pilegrdsvej operating. (The point of supply is shown in Figure 48 as node 2).
The height difference between the point of supply at the beginning of pipe 1 and the highest
point in the system is 3 meters (89m at the beginning of pipe 1 and 92m at the level of the
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institutions, the highest point in the new system). Therefore, the total head loss in any series
of pipes should not exceed around 2bars in order to ensure that the required pressure is
maintained at the consumer taps. A preliminary dimension for each pipe section is shown in
Appendix W, along with the losses in each pipe.
6.4.3 The Distribution Network Model
According to the layout shown in Appendix U and to the diameter calculations explained in
Appendix W a detailed model for the new residential area was built in Mike Urban. The new
residential area is connected at two points to the existing system as can be seen in Figure 49.

Figure 49: Complete Mike Model
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Group E

Figure 50 shows an enlarged view of the model of the new residential area showing also the
pipe IDs as given by Mike Urban. A more detailed description of how the model was
obtained can be found in Appendix X as well as a table that links the pipe IDs to our previous

Figure 50: Model of the new residential area showing pipe IDs
6.4.4 Valves
For the new residential area, the location of valves needed in the system was considered.
Since the supply network consists of many dead-end systems, a valve was placed on the
beginning of each of those sections in order to shut them off in case of pollution or major
repair works. The valves chosen were flow control valves, which can be used to shut off flow
in certain pipes. A detailed list of different types of valves can be found in Appendix Y. The
yellow valves in Figure 51 indicate the location of the considered valves.
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Figure 51: Location of valves in new residential area
Only the branches 20-24 were not equiped with a valve each. When placing a valve it needs to
be considered how often they would be used and how severe the impact would be if there is
no valve. In this case it seemed more reasonable to shut off the whole area instead because it
is possible that a valve is blocked or rusted if it is not used for a long time.
The advantage of including valves is that water supply is still secured for the rest of the
network when their is a problem with one part of it, and disruptions are not major.
In the model in Mike Urban, the valves do not really exist, but for each section containing a
valve, the loss coefficient was taken into account.
6.4.5 Simulations
Several simulations were performed on the new model in order to study how the new supply
network performs and how the existing network reacts to the addition of a new demand in the
north. Simulations were performed on the following situations:
Maximum and minimum demand situations with only the existing network. This is a
base simulation used to compare with other simulations.
Maximum hourly demand situation
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Minimum hourly demand situation (with Kolt Skovvej in operation)
Pipe burst (several locations considered)
Closure of one part of the system (for repairwork, due to a burst or pollution)
Industrial demand from meat industry is doubled
A pollution source or contaminant is introduced into the system
For each scenario or simulation, the maximum and minimum pressures across the existing
network and the new network are analysed, along with the water speeds in the pipes. Any
problems are evaluated and suggestions are made to overcome them. Simulation 1
Maximum hourly demand with Kolt Skovvej in operation before the new supply areas
are introduced
The pressure supplied by the waterwork at Kolt Skovvej is regulated at 4bars regardless of the
flow supplied. The maximum hourly demand usually occurs at around 9am everyday, which
is when Kolt Skovvej is in operation. This is a realistic situation. The most likely problem
here would be too low pressures because of high demand, but the results in Table 41 show
that there is no problem with the pressures. This is probably because demands are generally
not so high, even in maximum demand situations.
Table 41: Main results for simulation 1
Scenario Comments
Parameter Kolt Skovvej - Max Hour Demand Only Old System
Location Old System
Maximum Pressure &
Location (mWC)
53.9 West Extremity (Node 76) Does not change for
min demand
Minimum Pressure & Location
26.9 Highest Point (Node 63)
Minimum Speed (m/s) 0
Maximum Speed (m/s) 0.0649 m/s Close to WW Supply (Pipe 20)
Problematic Areas None
Water Age Good except for in parts with no demand Simulation 2
Maximum hourly demand with Pilegrdsvej in operation before the new supply areas
are introduced
The pressure supplied by the waterworks at Pilegrdsvej in this simulation is assumed to be
regulated at 3.5bars regardless of the flow supplied. This scenario considers that Pilegrdsvej
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is in operation during the day at the highest demands because something is wrong with the
water works at Kolt Skovvej, or for some reason, demands suddenly increased sharply during
the nighttime when Pilegrdsvej is usually in operation. This is a less realistic situation. The
most likely problem here would be even lower pressures because of high demand and a lower
pressure supplied by the waterworks. However, the results in Table 42 show that there is no
major problem with the pressure, with most pressures exceeding 20mWC and the minimum
pressure at 15.6 mWC. The most significant difference can be seen at the maximum speed,
which is 5 times higher than when Kolt Skovvej is operating.
Table 42: Main results for simluation 2
Scenario Comments
Parameter Pilegrdsvej - Max Hour Demand Only Old System
Location Old System
Maximum Pressure & Location
42.6 (Node 76) Does not change for
min demand
Minimum Pressure & Location
15.6 (Node 63) At highest elevation
Minimum Speed (m/s) 0
Maximum Speed (m/s) 0.33 (Pipe 102)
Problematic Areas None
Water Age Good except for in parts with no demand Simluation 3
Maximum hourly demand with Kolt Skovvej in operation with the new supply areas
This scenario considers the combined existing and new distribution networks at maximum
hourly demand, with Kolt Skovvej in operation. This is a realistic future situation when the
three proposed areas are completely developed and inhabited.
Three additional demands were added to the system, one for each of the new areas. This is
shown in Table 43. (The daily demand assumes 3.5 persons per household consuming 180
l/day. The maximum hourly demand assumes a daily demand consumed over 24 hours, with
an hourly factor of 1.6 applied to the average hourly demand.)
Table 43: New demands added to the exisitng system
New Areas Number of houses Daily demand Max hourly demand
/day m
22.03.13 BO 815 598 39.9
22.03.12 BO 448 282 18.8
22.02.09 BO 66 42 2.8
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The most likely problem that can occur here is also low pressures because of high demand.
However, the pressure supplied by the waterworks is kept constant regardless of the flow rate,
and the results in Table 44 show no problems with pressure.
Table 44: Main results for simulation 3
Scenario Comments
Parameter Kolt Skovvej - Max Demand New area included
Location Existing and new system
Max Pressure New Area (mWC) 46.9 (Node 209)
Min Pressure New Area (mWC) 25.8 (Node 162)
Max Pressure Old Area (mWC) 52.5 (Node 27)
Min Pressure Old Area (mWC) 25.74 (Node 63)
Minimum Speed (m/s) 0.0046 (Pipe 55) Southwest near factory
Maximum Speed (m/s) 0.61 (Pipe 20) Generally higher Speeds
Min Speed New Area (m/s) 0.0015 (Pipe 167)
Max Speed New Area (m/s) 0.49 (Pipe 184)
Problematic Areas No problems apart from old water at ends.
Water Age Old water at pipe ends with no demands; old water (more
than 14 hours old) at 7 o'clock in the morning of day 2 and 3
in pipes 82, 90, 56, 71, 72, 55, 63, 37, 44, 86, 167

Regarding water age, the old water appears at 7am in many pipes. This is probably due to the
fact that little water is consumed during the hours of the night, which means that it
accumulates in the system until the morning hours when consumption rises again. There are
generally higher water speeds in the system due to the introduction of a significantly larger
amount of water and higher consumption with the addition of the new supply network and
consumption for the new areas. Simluation 4
Different hourly demands with Pilegrdsvej in operation with the new supply areas
This scenario takes into account the new supply network and additional demand. It examines
the performance of Pilegrdsvej assuming it is operating at different hours during the day and
night, meaning at different demands. The two demands considered are 5pm, which is the time
that Pilegrdsvej usually starts operation, and 9am, which is the time with maximum demand
where Kolt Skovvej is in operation.
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Since the elevation of this waterwork is at 74m compared to 80m for Kolt Skovvej, it is
expected that the pressures supplied will be significantly lower than when the system is
supplied by Kolt Skovvej. The simulation results are shown in Table 45.
Table 45: Main Results for Simulation 4.
Scenario Comments
Parameter Kolt Skovvej - Max Demand New area included
Location Existing and new system
Max Pressure New Area (mWC) 40.3 (Node 142)
Min Pressure New Area (mWC) 19.3 (Node 162)
Max Pressure Old Area (mWC) 46.0 (Node 76)
Min Pressure Old Area (mWC) 18.8 (Node 63)
Minimum Speed (m/s) 0.02 (Pipe 33) Southwest near factory
Maximum Speed (m/s) 1.6 (Pipe 102) Generally higher Speeds
Min Speed New Area (m/s) 0.004 (Pipe 217) West Extremity
Max Speed New Area (m/s) 0.28 (Pipe 184) - Main pipe leading to new area
Problematic Areas Slightly low pressures at highest points - still adequate
Water Age Old water at ends with no demands, only one problematic
pipe in the middle of the system close to highest elevations
where there is a ring (Pipe 61)

The pressure at Pilegrdsvej has been increased to 4.5bars, since with 3.5bars, the pressure is
no longer adequate with the introduction of the new system, especially if high demands are
considered. The results show adequate pressures during the hours of the night, and for most of
the hours of the day. At 5pm the pressure only gets low at three locations, and these are the
ones with the highest elevation in the system. Nevertheless, at this time and demand, the
lowest pressure is around 18.8mWC, which is still not critical. However, at 9am, with the
maximum demand at that time, pressures in the system are reduced to around 10mWC at the
highest points and are between 10 and 20mWC in several parts of the new and old system.
The maximum pressure reached in the system is around 45mWC just at the outlet of the
waterwork. It is expected that pressures will not reach higher than this since the waterwork is
located in one of the lowest areas. If this waterwork ever needs to be used to supply the
maximum demand during the day, the pressure will have to be increased to around 5.5bars, or
there should be two booster pumps ready to increase the pressure at the elevated areas and the
new area. The maximum pressure then should not exeed 55mWC, meaning that there is still
no risk of exceeding the maximum pressure that can be withstood by the pipes. However, this
pressure should not be sustained during the entire duration of the day, because at lower
demands, the pressure at certain points, especially at the low-elevated southwest end of the
town, will exceed 60mWC, which poses a risk of cracks for the pipes.
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104 Simulation 5
Minimum hourly demand with Kolt Skovvej in operation with the new supply areas
This scenario considers the minimum demand situation, which usually occurs at midnight,
with Kolt Skovvej in operation. Here, Kolt Skovvej has a pressure of 4bars. This situation will
usually not occur unless there is a sudden drop in consumption during the day when Kolt
Skovvej is in operation, or for some reason Kolt Skovvej must operate at night. The risk is to
obtain too high pressures in the system. However, the results in Table 46 show that maximum
pressures do not exceed 54mWC while minimum pressures are adequare throughout the
system. Water velocities in pipes are generally very low, but the water age never really
exceeds 2 days.
Table 46: Results of Simulation 5
Scenario Comments
Parameter Kolt Skovvej - Min
Lowest demand during the day occurs at
Notes Pressures are not that much higher because
the demands are very low anyway that the
variation in demand does not really affect
the system so much.
Max Pressure New Area (mWC) 47.8 (Node 209)
Min Pressure New Area (mWC) 27.8 (Node 162)
Max Pressure Old Area (mWC) 53.8 at west extremity (node 76)
Min Pressure Old Area (mWC) 26.9 at highest point

Minimum Speed (m/s) 0.002 (Link 55) Very close to factory
Maximum Speed (m/s) 0.155 (Link 20) Close to Kolt Skovvej (supply ww)
Min Speed New Area (m/s) 0.0046 (Link 223) Northmost part of new area
Max Speed New Area (m/s) 0.1234 (184) Main pipe 1of New area
Water Age Water age is not associated with either max or min demand but looks
at a time series Simulation 6
Pipe Burst - Maximum hourly demand with Kolt Skovvej in operation and new supply
areas introduced
A pipe burst was introduced at the junction which connects the existing network with the new
network. The flow out of the pipe at the burst was calculated as 171 m
/h. Details of the
calculation can be seen in appendix Z1.
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When large pressures accumulate in the system, pipe bursts are likely to occur. The chosen
pipes have a PN6 specification and can withstand pressures up to 6bars. Anything above that
is a risk for cracks or bursts. Also, it is likely that pipes can collapse due to very high negative
pressures, which could be due to the water hammer effect among other reasons. Figure 52
shows the pressures across the system at 7am.

Figure 52: Pressures across the entire system when a pipe burst is introduced at maximum demand. The location
of the burst is shown by the red arrow.
The results in Figure 52 show that there is a general decrease in pressure across the whole
system, and a sharper decrease in pressure around the area of the burst, with minimum
pressures reaching around 13-15mWC, which is not too low. Especially because mostly end-
points are effected by those low pressures and from those points water does not need to be
distributed a lot further.
The situation simulted is not completely realistic since the waterworks network pumps are
simulated with an unlimited capacity, but in reality there is a limit to the water flow out of the
waterworks. The pump capacity at Kolt Skovvej before its renewal was 160m
/h, which is
still enough to supply the future demand of 140m
/h. However, there is room for the increase
in capacity of the network pumps at the new water works. In any case, the amount of water
that will be taken out of the system at peak demand with a pipe burst is more than the network
B6PMI2 Water Supply
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pumps can pump into the system, meaning that there will be a significantly larger reduction in
pressure in the system than is shown in the current simulation. Furthermore, the network
pumps could shut off automatically when they reach their maximum capacity if they are
designed to do so, and they can no longer supply the necessary pressure in the system due to
the pipe burst. It is also possible that the pumps just continue working when they reach
maximum capacity, and in this case it would be smart to have an alarm activated when this
occurs. If the pipe burst has not penetrated the ground surface, the time when the pumps shut
off is usually the point when the waterworks managers and people will realize that there is a
pipe burst, and it inconveniently occurs at the time when the demand is reaching its
In order to increase water security in the new network, another pipe has been proposed to
connect the existing network to the new one. This can be seen in Figure 80 in Appendix Z2.
The system with the new pipe was simulated with the same pipe burst, but no imrpovement in
low pressures was seen. This pipe could be useful after the pipe burst has been located and
during repairs, in order to have an alternative path to supply water to the new area. Simulation 7
Closure of one part of network due to pipe burst - Maximum hourly demand with Kolt
Skovvej in operation and new supply areas introduced
In this scenario, the pipe section where the pipe burst occurs in simluation 6 is now closed for
repairs, and any changes to the new area especially will be noted.
Figure 53 shows the new system with the closed pipe and the resultant pressures around. The
only vulnerable area is that with the institutions, especially at the end of the pipe where the
childcare centre is located. Pressures are at 20mWC and still adequate. However, this area is
only linked to the system with one pipe, and since it contains several institutions, including
nursing homes, it might be a good idea to have this area better connected. Connecting the pipe
reaching the childcare centre with the main pipe at the top of the old system could be a good
solution to guarantee supply security. Figure 53 also shows the proposed pipe connecting the
institutions to the existing system. Here, Kolt Skovvej is in operation, and this is the
maximum demand situation. Figure 54 shows the same situation at 5pm, when Pilegrdsvej is
in operation supplying a pressure of 4.5bars. As can be seen, there are 3 points with pressures
lower than 20mWC. This is not a major problem at these nodes since 2 of them are ends, and
one of them supplies the area with the highest elevation where not so many houses are
located. Other locations for pipe closures were simulated. The results and discussion can be
read in Appendix AA.
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Figure 53: Closed pipe and effect on network when Kolt Skovvej is in operation

Figure 54: Closed pipe and effect on network when Pilegrdsvej is in operation
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108 Simulation 8
Meat Industry demand is doubled - Maximum hourly demand with Kolt Skovvej in
operation and new supply areas introduced
In this simulation, the meat industry, located in the southwest corner of the town, which
already consumes around 22% of the total demand of the town, now doubles its demand for
water. This could be due to cleaning or increased production in the industry. The impact of
this on the entire system, and especially on the new area which is located in the northeast
corner should be examined. The expected problems could be a reduction in pressure in the
new area since most of the water is now diverted in the southwest direction. The results are
shown in Table 47.
Table 47: Main results for Simulation 8
Scenario Comments
Parameter Industry Demand is doubled New area included
Location Existing and new system
Max Pressure New Area (mWC) 46.7 (Node 214)
Min Pressure New Area (mWC) 25.5 (Node 162)
Max Pressure Old Area (mWC) 51.7 (Node 76)
Min Pressure Old Area (mWC) 25.4 (Node 63)
Minimum Speed (m/s) 0.02 (Pipe 33) Southwest near factory
Maximum Speed (m/s) 0.67 (Pipe 20) Generally higher Speeds
Min Speed New Area (m/s) 0.001 (Pipe 56) Inside Ring
Max Speed New Area (m/s) 0.5 (Pipe 184) - Main pipe leading to new area
Problematic Areas Waterworks might not cope with very high demand
Water Age Old water at ends with no demands, only one problematic
pipe in the middle of the system close to Pilegrdsvej Water
gets up to 2 days old in 2 pipe sections near Pilegrdsvej.
Some old water at ends with no demands.

It seems strange that the minimum speed occurred close to the factory. Since this part of the
system requires the highest demand, especially in this simulation, velocities were expected to
be higher near to the factory.
Figure 55 shows the results of the simulation with the flows in pipes and pressures at nodes.
The pressures across the system are all above 25mWC which is more than adequate. There is
a slight pressure drop of no more than 1mWC in some areas, especially around the industry,
but the new area is generally unaffected.

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Figure 55: Flow and pressure when industry has doubled its demand
As the darker blue arrows indicate, the water that supplies the industry is flowing through the
upper part of the area. On this path the elevation increases to heights of 90m and it decreases
again when getting closer to the industry. Actually, the path in the south of Kolt Hasselager
would be more obvious but there the pipe diameter is smaller than in the upper part. The fact
that the water chooses the path with higher elevation shows that elevation does not really
matter in pressurized systems. Only pressures are affected but not flows. The major
determinant in the direction of the water flow is pipe diameters, since smaller diameters
means more friction. Simulation 9
Minimum demand decreases by 50 % - Kolt Skovvej in operation and new supply areas
In this situation, a general decrease in consumption is assumed over the entire town, probably
due to the general trend of consuming less water, and the introduction of rain water usage for
lundry and toilet flushing in Denmark. The decrease in demand is assumed at 50% throughout
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the entire day, and the focus will be on the minimum demand situation as this will have the
largest impact on the system. Problems with high pressures are expected, especially in the
lower parts of the town because not enough water is removed from the system, and the
possiblity that water will get more than 2-3 days old. However, since the waterworks at Kolt
Skovvej regulates the pressure delivered at 4bars, it is likely that no major changes in pressure
will be observed. This is because, as long as the demands are within the capacities of the
network pumps, the pressure delivered will remain at 4bars regardless of the supplied flow.
The results of the simulation are presented in Table 48.
Table 48: Main results for simulation 9
Scenario Comments
Parameter Demand reduces by 50% New area included
Location Existing and new system
Minimum Speed (m/s) 0.024 (Pipe 55) Southwest near factory
Maximum Speed (m/s) 0.28 (Pipe 20) At WW outlet
Min Speed New Area (m/s) 0.012 (Pipe 216) Inside Ring
Max Speed New Area (m/s) 0.226 (Pipe 184) - Main pipe leading to new area
Problematic Areas Not particularly
Water Age
Water gets up to two days old in pipes 82, 90, 56, 71, 72, 55,
63, 46, 44, 86, 167

There is a slight increase in pressure in the whole system, of around 0.5-1mWC. However, it
seems that the pumps regulate the pressure no matter what the flow out of it is. Therefore,
even if the demand is reduced drastically, the system is not endangered by too high pressures.
In terms of water age, some pipes contain water that is up to two days old, and this generally
occurs in the early hours of the morning when consumption has been very low during the
night. Water velocities are generally lower in the system, which is expected. This is
particularly striking at the meat industry in the southwest, where demands are much higher
than in other parts of the system but water speeds appear to be low. This is explained by the
very large pipe diameters of 160mm in the area. Simluation 10
Pollution sources are introduced to different parts of the system
For this simulation pollution sources are introduced first from Kolt Skovvej and then from
Pilegrdsvej, respectively to the waterworks at operation during the simulation. The pollution
spread is set to start at midnight, when demands are lower than during the day.
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Figure 56: Tracing of pollution source introduced at Kolt Skovvej
In Figure 56, a pollution source is introduced at the waterworks in Kolt Skovvej. The images
show how the pollution spreads at different times of the day, with the areas in red being
affected the most. The red color indicates that 80% - 100% of the water in the pipe is affected
by the pollution. As can be seen, the eastern part of the town is affected first, and much faster
than the western part. This is because Kolt Skovvej is located in the eastern part. In total, it
will take around 10 hours for the entire system to be affected, which is fast, especially if the
time it takes to inform all residents is considered.
Figure 57 shows the same situation, but now the pollution source is at Pilegrdsvej, which is
why the pollution reaches the northeast corner of the town and the new area last. It is expected
that the spread here takes slightly longer than when the pollution is at Kolt Skovvej, because
demands and water velocities are lower.
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Figure 57: Spread of pollution source introduced at Pilegrdsvej
However, looking at Figure 57 shows that system is affected more when the pollution starts at
Pilegrdsvej. This is because the starting time is chosen at midnight for both waterworks,
although only Pilegrdsvej operates at that time. However, choosing the same starting time for
both simulations makes it easier to compare the results.
The pipes around Pilegrdsvej are actually smaller than those around Kolt Skovvej, which
means higher water velocities. This explains why the pollution spreads a bit faster from
Normally, Kolt Skovvej operates during the day when demands and velocities are higher, and
Pilegrdsvej only operates during nightime when demands are lower, so the pollution spread
in reality could be slower at Pilegrdsvej. This situation could be more dangerous, since
during nighttime, people probably will not notice anything abnormal until the next morning,
by which time the pollution could have spread to the whole system.
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6.4.6 Alternative Distribution Network Layouts
The simulations conducted, and explained in section 6.4.5, showed that the supply network
works well under most scenarios. Major demand increases or decreases are regulated by the
pumps, resulting in good pressure levels at most times. In unrealistic situations, for example
in case of closure of the two main pipes connecting to the new residential area, it is possible to
obtain insufficient pressure levels in the whole network for the new residential area (See
Appendix AA). In order to achieve a even higher supply security in this area, the ring network
can be expanded. This can be done by adding a few more pipes as suggested in Figure 58. The
new pipes are drawn in green and encircled in red to highlight their position.

Figure 58: Suggested pipe connections for an expanded ring-network
As Figure 58 also shows, there are still some dead-end pipe sections. This is mainly because
either no main pipes are close enough to make a reasonable connection, or because planned
houses would coincide with pipes (See Appendix BB).
In general, ring connections are not always reasonable, because they allow pollution sources
to spread faster throughout the whole system, and require more valves in case a pipe section
needs to be shut-off for maintenance or repair works.
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Furthermore, building more pipes always means more construction costs, as well as repair and
maintenance costs. In some cases, a simulation was performed including one of the
connections proposed as a solution, such as the one connecting pipe 55 to the main road, and
it appeared that no major changes occured in the network pressures, meaning that not all the
connections are necessary. However, in the case of the institutions at pipes 37 to 40, having a
ring like system is crucial since it is more important here to ensure the constant security of
supply, especially due to the presence of nursing homes in the area. It is also a possibility to
have these pipe connections with valves, and only operate them when they are needed or
when there is a problem with the system. Since in most cases, the network works properly
with many dead end areas, it could be appropriate to keep the network with the many dead-
end areas as it is, and only include the connections where they are necessary.
6.4.7 Considerations for Further Expansion
As mentioned in section 6.1 and shown in Figure 44, there is another large area in the north-
east of Kolt-Hasselager, termed Prespektivareal, which can be developed in the far future. In
the Urban Development Plan it was mentioned to contain mainly buisnesses and some small
industries, but there are no precise plans yet. First of all, it is not even clear if that area is
supplied by the new waterworks at Kolt Skovvej or by a waterworks from Viby, which lies in
the east of the Perspektivareal. Secondly, without any information on the number of buildings,
or the type of buisnesses or industries, it is very difficult to estimate the consumption induced
by this area. Hence, it is impossible to conduct a reasonable simulation for this situation.
In addition, the pipe burst simulations already showed how the network reacts to an even
larger demand. Knowing that the existing network pumps only have a vacant capacity of
20m!/h at maximum demand situation (a maximum capacity of 160m!/h), the true pressure
levels in the existing supply network can hardly be simulated. These pumps are those present
in the existing Kolt Skovvej waterworks, before it has been renewed. However, with the new
waterwork, it is possible to increase the capacity of the network pumps to 200m!/h or even
more, depending on what is necessary. If the Perspektivareal should for sure be connected to
the waterworks facilities at Kolt-Hasselager it should be considered in the pump capacity of
the new waterworks at Kolt Skovvej, which are not set to a limit yet.
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7 A-,&:/)0-,
The objectives of this report were to describe and analyze the intake situation, raw water
quality, water treatment facilities and distribution network in the area of Kolt Hasselager. In
general, the complete water supply system of the area functions well without major
Regarding the intake situation, a widespread sand aquifer was identified underneath Kolt
Hasselager. This aquifer is part of a buried valley that encircles Aarhus, which is mostly
covered by a clay layer, providing protection against surface contamination. The assessment
of the groundwater quality showed that all wells feature a similar quality. The groundwater is
buffered with a medium to high hardness, which is prefered for groundwater abstraction. The
raw water to be treated by the waterworks is easy to treat, with mostly only high
concentrations for the standard parameters. The two biggest challenges are high arsenic
concentrations at the exisitng wells at Kolt Skovvej and high iron concentrations at the new
wells at Genvejen.
However, analysing current outlet concentrations from the waterworks showed that all
elevated concentrations have been reduced well below the drinking water criteria limits, and
more. This implies that all filters and compressors are working well. Moreover, the evaluation
of the waterworks has shown that especially Pilegrdsvej and Kolt Skovvej are operating well
below their maximum capcity right now. Both waterworks are able to treat and supply the
present and future demand of the whole municipality, meaning that both can backup each
other, supplying the whole system for a while in case troubles occur with the other
waterworks. For this reason among others, the small waterworks at Koltvej will be useless
and shall be shut down.
The steady state and extended period analyses performed with the EPANET software showed
that the distribution network is working well. Even at the maximum demand, pressure levels
never drop below 20mWC in the main pipes, which ensures that all consumers will be
provided with pressures of at least 5mWC at their tabs. Overall, the distribution nework is a
little overdimensioned which results in slow velocities especially in large pipes. On the other
hand, large diameters result in low head losses and lower energy consumption at the pumping
station of the water works. For this reason it does not seem to be necessary to change any pipe
In the optional part, the supply network of one of the new planned areas was dimensioned and
introduced to the model. Several simulations were performed for different possible situations
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in order to test the functioning of the network, such as pipe bursts, very high and low
demands, pipe closures and pollution. It was found to be working well in most cases,
supplying the necessary pressure of 20mWC. The most senstitive points were found to be the
institutions, and the central area of the town with the highest elevation. The only time there
were major pressure drops, especially in the new area was when two of the major pipes
connected to the new area were closed down. Adding the new supply areas to the exisitng
network showed that if Pilegrdsvej ever needs to be used to supply the maximum demand
during the day, the pressure will have to be increased to around 5.5bars, or there should be
two booster pumps ready to increase the pressure at the elevated areas and the new area. The
analysis of the water age has shown that even with slow velocities, the water never gets older
than two days. Finally, suggestions were made for additional pipe connections to increase the
supply security. These connections are most important for the institutions, but in most other
cases, it is not a major problem to keep the dead end network.
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Group E

8 B0)* -$ C#$#"#,&#)
Hasselager-Kolt Vandvrk. (2013). Retrieved May 28, 2013, from
Aarhus Kommune. (2004). Vandforsyningsplan (Water Supply Plan) 2004 - 2015. Aarhus:
Magistratens 5. Afdeling Aarhus Kommunale Vrker.
Aarhus Kommune. (2007). Dispositionsplan for et byvkstomrde i Hasselager-Kolt. Aarhus:
Aarhus Kommune - Teknisk og Milj.
Aarhus-Kommune. (2010, February). Hele befolkningen i rhus Kommune. Retrieved April
26, 2013, from Statistiske Informationer:
Allan Jensen, P. M. (2013, April 4). Information on Hasselager Kolt Waterworks.
Danish-Government. (2009). Groundwater Survey. Potentiometric Map.
Delft Univeristy. (N/A). Water Treatment - Aeration and Gas Stripping. Delft: Delft
DHI. (2012). Mike Urban. Retrieved May 27, 2013, from Release Note 2012:
EPA. (2013, January 28). Epanet. Retrieved May 27, 2013, from United States Environmenal
Protection Agency:
Eurofins Milj A/S. (2010). Analyserapport. Vejen.
GEUS. (2011, Semptember 30). Water Supply in Denmark. Danish Ministry of the
GEUS. (2013, April 23). Boreprofil 89.1904. Retrieved April 23, 2013, from JUPITER:
GEUS. (2013, April 30). Borprofil Genvejen. Retrieved April 30, 2013, from JUPITER:
B6PMI2 Water Supply
Group E

GEUS. (2013, April 15). Borprofil Kolt Skovvej. Retrieved April 15, 2013, from JUPITER:
GEUS. (2013, April 15). Borprofil Koltvej. Retrieved April 15, 2013, from JUPITER:
GEUS. (2013, April 15). Borprofil Pilegrdsvej. Retrieved April 15, 2013, from JUPITER:
GEUS. (2013, May 14). Danske Boringer. Retrieved May 14, 2013, from JUPITER:
GEUS. (2013, April 10). DGU 89.1038. Retrieved April 10, 2013, from JUPITER:
GEUS. (2013, April 10). DGU 89.1088. Retrieved April 10, 2013, from JUPITER:
GEUS. (2013, April 13). DGU 89.1089. Retrieved April 13, 2013, from JUPITER:
GEUS. (2013, April 10). DGU 89.1118. Retrieved April 10, 2013, from JUPITER:
GEUS. (2013, April 10). DGU 89.1260. Retrieved April 10, 2013, from JUPITER:
GEUS. (2013, April 10). DGU 89.1263. Retrieved April 10, 2013, from JUPITER:
GEUS. (2013, April 10). DGU 89.1632. Retrieved April 10, 2013, from JUPITER:
GEUS. (2013, April 30). DGU 89.1754. Retrieved April 30, 2013, from JUPITER:
B6PMI2 Water Supply
Group E

GEUS. (2013, April 30). DGU 89.1852. Retrieved April 30, 2013, from JUPITER:
GEUS. (2013, April 23). DGU 89.1904. Retrieved April 23, 2013, from JUPITER:
GEUS. (2013, April 10). DGU 89.256. Retrieved April 10, 2013, from JUPITER:
GEUS. (2013, April 10). DGU 89.932. Retrieved April 10, 2013, from JUPITER:
GEUS. (2013, April 10). DGU 89.940. Retrieved April 10, 2013, from JUPITER:
GEUS. (2013, April 13). Hasselager-Kolt Ww, Kolt Skovv. Retrieved April 13, 2013, from
GEUS. (2013, April 11). Hasselager-Kolt Ww, Koltvej. Retrieved April 11, 2013, from
JUPITER: The filter for water intake is located at 18.1m above DNN.
GEUS. (2013, April 22). Hasselager-Kolt Ww,Pilegrdsvej. Retrieved April 22, 2013, from
Group 5. (n.d.). Water Consumption Excel File.
Grundfos. (2011). All you need to know about pumps and energy. Retrieved May 28, 2013,
from Energy and Pump facts:
Hstrup, U. T. (2011). Programbeskrivelse Funktionevne og boformer. Retrieved May 22,
2013, from
Holm, H. H. (2011, December 19). Danske brn kommer tidligst i institution. Retrieved Maz
22, 2013, from Danmarks Statistik:
Jensen, A. (2012, March). Consumption registered at waterworks. Kolt-Hasselager: Plant
Jensen, E. D. (2012). An Introduction to Water Treatment. In Water Supply (p. 69). Denmark:
Nyt Teknisk Forlag.
Maimon, R. (2012, May 10). Relation between water flow & pressure. Retrieved May 28,
2013, from Stock Exchange Physics:
B6PMI2 Water Supply
Group E
Maribo, P. (2012). 1. Filtration Design and Dimensioning & Backwash Water and Sludge
Management. Aarhus, Denmark: Aarhus Univeristy.
Maribo, P. (2012). 2. Aeration and Stripping. Aarhus: Aarhus Univeristy.
Maribo, P. (2012, April). 5. Photos from Kolt Hasselager. Aarhus.
Maribo, P. (2013, April 10). 3. Raw water pump capacity. Aarhus.
Maribo, P. (2013, April 4). 4. Photos from Kolt Hasselager. Aarhus.
Maribo, P. (2013, 4 15). Questions Session.
Miljportal, D. (2012). Data om miljet i Danmark. Retrieved 04 10, 2013, from
Pedersen, M. R. (2010, 02 03). 1. Hydrogeology and Geology slides. Aarhus.
Pedersen, M. R. (2013, March 12). 2. Information from Lecture about Pumptests given during
field trip. Stavtrup Waterworks.
Pedersen, M. R. (2013, April). 3. GeoScene File Brabranddalen. Aarhus.
Ramsay, L. M. (2011). Water Supply Ch.3 & 4 - Draft. Denmark: Nyt Teknisk Forlag A/S.
Srensen, I. (2012). Facts about subsurface water. In Water Supply. Valby: Nyt Teknisk
Telford, T. (2006). Tables For The Hydraulic Design Of Pipes, Sewers And Channels. Second
Vela, I. Y. (2013, April). Photos from Kolt Hasselager Visit. Aarhus, Denmark.
Vestergaard, K. (2013, April 24). Group Meeting. Concerning Mike Urban Model and
Optional Part. Aarhus University.
Vestergaard, K. (2013, February 15). Pipe Network. Slides from Water Distribution Course.
Aarhus University.
Vestergaard, K. (2013, May 29). Questions on network pressure. Aarhus, Denmark.
Vestergaard, K. (2013, February). Water Consumption. Slides from Water Supply Course.
Aarhus, Denmark.
Waterwise. (2011, November 24). Retrieved May 28, 2013, from Showers vs. Baths:
B6PMI2 Water Supply
Group E

Waterworks, K.-H. (2012). Information about Waterworks. AutoCAD drawing of Kolt-
Hasselager. Plant Manager and Operator of Kolt-Hasselager Waterworks.
Wavin. (2010, March 18). Colebrook White - Vandfring/tryktab. Retrieved May 27, 2013,
Wavin. (2013). PE Safetech. Retrieved May 6, 2013, from Wavin - Solutions for Essentials:
Winther, L. L. (2010). Vandforsyningsteknik 5 udg. Lyngby: Polyteknisk Forlag.

B6PMI2 Water Supply
Group E

A. Geological profile 48 (Pedersen, 3, 2013)

B6PMI2 Water Supply
Group E

B. Color code for drilling log and geological profiles

Figure 59: Color code (GEUS, Danske Boringer, 2013)
B6PMI2 Water Supply
Group E

C. Potentiometric Map of Aarhus and surroundings

Figure 60: Potentiometric Map (Danish-Government, 2009)
B6PMI2 Water Supply
Group E

The groundwater survey was conducted in 2009, while at the Jupiter database exist
younger data about the groundwater potential. A comparison of those potentials can
be seen in Table 49. Potential 1 in the table refers to the potential that was mapped
during the survey (Danish-Government, 2009) and Potential 2 refers to the latest
groundwater potential according to the information found in the well data from
Jupiter (GEUS, Danske Boringer, 2013).
Table 49: Comparison of groundwater potential
Location Potential 1
Potential 2
Pilegrdsvej 38.5 2009 34.43 04/10
Koltvej 25.93 2009 28.51 04/10
Kolt Skovvej 26.03 2009 24.72 12/12

Comparing the data from the potentiometric map to the information found in the
Jupiter database it can be noted that the data does not match. First of all it has to be
noted that the data from Jupiter is newer than the potentiometric map. At Pilegrdsvej
and at Kolt Skovvej the mapped groundwater potential is higher than the one
measured. It is possible that due to groundwater abstraction from the wells, the
groundwater potential decreased. At Koltvej it is the other way round, a higher
potential was measured than mapped. In this case the reason might be, that since 2007
groundwater abstraction was reduced, giving the groundwater resource a chance to

B6PMI2 Water Supply
Group E

D. Geological profiles in the south of Kolt-Hasselager

Figure 61: Geological profile 49 (Pedersen, 3, 2013)
The profile 49 shows the geology in the south of Kolt-Hasselager. The red sand aquifer that is used for
groundwater abstraction in the area is still present, hence there is a hydrological connection, enabling
groundwater flow. In order to study the geology south-east of Kolt-Hasselager we can look at Profile
13 which intersects with the profile 49 as can be seen in
B6PMI2 Water Supply
Group E

Figure 61 in the middle of the red sand aquifer.
Figure 62 shows the profile 13. On the left hand side we see the intersection with
profile 49 which is of interest right now, since it shows the geology south-east of
Kolt-Hasselager. Again, we can see a thick red area indicating the same sand aquifer
that is the main groundwater resource for the area. This proves that groundwater can
flow from the south-eastern direction with higher groundwater potentials to the well
fields in Kolt-Hasselager.

Figure 62: Geological profile 13 (Pedersen, 3, 2013)
E. Overview of groundwater chemistry
Table 50: Summary of groundwater analysis
Koltvej Pilegrdsvej Kolt Skovvej
Unit criteria 1038 1263 1632 1089 1088 1904
Date of analysis month/

12/09 05/12 09/11 11/03 02/13 01/13
hardness dH 17 16 15 15 16 15.3
Conductivity mS/m 54 56 54.8 56.1 56.5 75
B6PMI2 Water Supply
Group E

Temperature C 8.9 8.6 8.8 8.8 8.9 7.5
mg/l 0.05 <0.02 0.1 0.2 0.28 0.24 0.38
Calcium mg/l - 101 108 99.6 88.1 82.5 86.1
aggr. CO
mg/l 2 <2 <5 <5 <2 <5 <5
Chloride mg/l 250 20 23 21 19 24 24
Dihydrogensulfide mg/l 0.05 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.02 <0.01 <0.01
Hydrogencarbonate mg/l - 305 284 259 319 303 357
Iron mg/l 0.1 0.002 2.08 2.14 1.3 1.32 1.55
Potassium (K) mg/l 10 2.39 1.69 1.43 3.8 3.82 4.52
Magnesium mg/l 50 8.86 8.98 6.6 12.5 3.58 14.4
Manganese mg/l 0.02 0.001 0.317 0.221 0.25 0.256 0.295
Methane mg/l 0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.005 <0.01 <0.01
Sodium (Na) mg/l 175 15.7 12.5 12.4 17.2 21.1 25.9
Nitrite mg/l 0.1 0.01 0.01 0.01 <0.005 0.027 0.008
Oxygen mg/l - 2.4 0.3 0.2 <0.1 0.1 2
Phosphor mg/l 0.15 <0.01 0.05 0.05 0.13 0.29 0.12
Sulfate mg/l 250 32 63 43 18 20 19
Arsenic g/l 5 1.6 1.9 0.9 12 10 13
Fluoride mg/l 1.5 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.2
Nickel g/l - 0.6 0.1 0.3 0.31 4.4 0.2
Nitrate mg/l 50 <0.5 0.5 <0.5 <0.1 <0.5 1.2
Pesticides g/l 0.5 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1
NVOC mg/l 4 1 1.3 1.6 0.91 0.7 1.4

Listed are the latest concentrations as registered in the Jupiter database (GEUS,
Danske Boringer, 2013) and the respective values according to the Danish drinking
water criteria as found in (Ramsay, 2011). A full list of the Danish drinking water
criteria is also displayed in Appendix L. Regarding older data from groundwater
analysis it can be noted that in most of the wells the concentrations of the standard
treatment parameters have either not changed significantly or decreased over the last
years. Because of this, it is reasonable to base the evaluation of the groundwater
quality only upon the newest data. The only exception is the well 89.1083 at Koltvej,
where the last dataset from 2009 showed very different results compared to all earlier
B6PMI2 Water Supply
Group E

analysis. Looking at the different data for well 89.1038 we found that the latest raw
water data (Feb 2010) from well 89.1038 showed a concentration of iron at
0.002mg/l, which is even less than the treated water concentration of 0.007mg/l of
iron measured in the same year (December 2010). This could be due to two reasons.
The first is that the lowering of the water table to a depth near the pump might have
caused oxygen from the atmosphere to enter the groundwater, which explains the high
oxygen concentration in the raw water at well 88.1038 (2.4mg/l in 2010 and 5.2mg/l
in 2006, the year before pumping stopped completely from this well). This could have
also led to the oxidation of iron, explaining the very low levels. It is also possible that
when the water sample was taken to be analyzed, the iron in the water precipitated
already, due to the introduction of oxygen into the sample. Another possibility is that
the measurement might be wrong or the reading was wrong or mistyped. This might
be more likely, since the reading of 0.002mg/l at the inlet does not make sense when
compared to all the outlet readings, which are all higher. Therefore, an average value
from measurements in the latest year (2007) after the measurement of 0.002mg/l was
Assumption of future changes will be assessed in chapter 3.4.4, likewise suggestions
which parameters should be observed carefully.
F. Groundwater processes
1. Dissolution of minerals
Dissolution of minerals is a major groundwater process that effects the composition of
the groundwater. For example, dissolution of calcite determines the hardness of the
water. As calcite dissolves, the concentration of calcium in the groundwater increases,
increasing the hardness. Hardness can be calculated using the following formula.

0= # ><? 3 @

The hardness categories as shown in Figure 63 can be used to determine the extent of
carbonate dissolution. A medium amount of carbonate dissolution is usually desired.
However, very hard water can cause problems because lime can precipitate in pipes
for example. (Ramsay, 2011)
B6PMI2 Water Supply
Group E

Figure 63: Categories of hardness in groundwater (Ramsay, 2011)
2. Ion exchange
A second major groundwater process that affects the composition of groundwater is
Ion exchange. The degree of ion exchange describes the ability of ions dissolved in
the groundwater to change places with ions loosely bound to aquifer sediments.
Results of ion exchange can be
Water softening (removal of calcium-ions)
Increase in sodium content (as Na is released from sediments while Ca takes
the place in the sediment)
Probable increase in pH if hydrogen ions are exchanged
Overall, the rate of ion exchange is a key factor in evaluating groundwater age and
vulnerability. (Ramsay, 2011)

Ion exchange can be calculated with the following formula: H # ;<>5 3

The degree of Ion exchange can be categorized according to Figure 64.

Figure 64: Ion exchange categories (Ramsay, 2011)
A high ion exchange ratio indicates that ion exchange is still taking place and that the
groundwater has a significant cation exchange capacity [CWC]. This means that the
system has not reached equilibrium yet and groundwater flow is normally limited. In
general groundwater with a high ion exchange is often old and well protected from
surface contamination. Figure 65 can help to interpret the groundwater age and
vulnerability. (Ramsay, 2011)
B6PMI2 Water Supply
Group E

Figure 65: Interpretations using the ion exchange ratio (Ramsay, 2011)
3. Pyrite oxidation
Pyrite (FeS
) is an iron sulfide which is very widespread in reduced sediments. When
oxygen or nitrate is present pyrite can be oxidized. According to (Ramsay, 2011) the
results of this groundwater process can be
Release of acid ! acidification of groundwater
decrease of pH or more dissolving of carbonates
increasing hardness
removal of NO
and increase of SO

release of iron (which might precipitate as iron oxide again)

The extent of pyrite oxidation can be evaluated by determining the Degree of
weathering using the following formula.

Figure 66 can help to interpret the results.

Figure 66: Pyrite oxidation categories (Ramsay, 2011)
B6PMI2 Water Supply
Group E

When a sample depicts a high degree of weathering it is important to observe if the
sulfate concentration increases significantly. It is also possible that nickel
concentrations increase, if it was bound to the pyrite that is dissolved. Usually when
the degree of weathering decreases ion exchange and sulfate reduction increases and
vice versa. (Ramsay, 2011)
4. Calcite saturation
Determining the calcite saturation normally affords a complex geochemical model.
Alternatively, the following formula can be used to calculate the logarithm of the
calcite saturation index (log SI).

LME NH # O= P;;<5 CQRS @A.
3 =AV
The equation is simplified using the assumptions that the T=25C, ion strength=0.005
mol/kg and no formation of aqueous complexes takes place. Since this might not be
true, the accuracy of the result is very low. Hence, it can only be stated that the
sample is unsaturated and therefore aggressive when log SI < 0. When log SI=0, the
sample is at equilibrium with calcite and a log SI > 0 indicates calcite saturation.
(Ramsay, 2011)
5. Sulfate reduction
In the process of sulfate reduction natural organic matter in reduced sediments is
oxidized by sulfate. The process is induced by anaerobic bacteria under conditions
where no oxygen or nitrate is available. These conditions can often be found in
younger aquifers. The results of sulfate reduction are
lower concentrations of sulfate in the groundwater
increase in the concentration of hydrogen carbonate
decreasing degree of weathering
If the background concentration of sulfate in the survey area is known sulfate
reduction can be evaluated. In Denmark, a background concentration of 30mg/l is
often assumed, although concentrations often do not exceed 10mg/l. If the examined
water sample shows a lower concentration than the background value, sulfate
reduction has taken place. High sulfate reduction often indicates an alkaline water
type. (Ramsay, 2011)
B6PMI2 Water Supply
Group E

6. Ion balance for Koltvej
In order to determine whether the analytical results are correct the ion balance can be
calculated. This can be done by looking at the major ions. Since water usually has a
neutral condition the sum of anions should be equal to the sum of cations. A list of the
major ions and other information needed to calculate the ion balance can be seen in
Table 51.
The number of milliequivalents expressed as Result can be found using this formula.

XYZ[\]^X #
]._ `Z[\]^
6M].` 6.[[
3 a9.`EZ

Next, the number of milliequivalents of cations and anions will be added to find the
sum of each. Then, the difference needs to be calculated before following formula is
used to find the Percent deviation.
bZcd.^dM/ #
3 @e./dM/[ C ea.^dM/[G
3 ;BBf

Table 51 only shows the ion balance for the well at Koltvej to give an example about
the calculation. The same calculations have been performed for the other wells.
Results will be stored in an excel sheet, that can be requested in case of interest.
Table 51: Ion balance for well 89.1038
89.1038 lab results molar mass charge Result
unit mg/l mg/mmol meq./mmol meq./l
Calcium 101 40,1 2 5,04
Magnesium 8,86 24,3 2 0,73
Sodium (Na) 15,7 23 1 0,68
Iron 0,002 55,85 2 0,00
Potassium (K) 2,39 39,1 1 0,06
Sum 6,51
B6PMI2 Water Supply
Group E

G. General parameters
1. Acid/base water types
The acid/base water type can be categorized by the pH. The pH is the negative
logarithmic of the hydronium ion concentration in a water sample. Figure 67 shows
the four categories.

Figure 67: pH categories for groundwater condition (Ramsay, 2011)
Acidic water types with a pH below 4.5 are usually acidified by a high degree of
pyrite oxidation. Therefore a high DW value would be typical. A low pH can result in
aluminum release which is highly toxic. In addition, acidic water types are usually
unsaturated with calcite, soft and can contain high NVOC contents.
The aggressive water type indicates the lack of a calcite buffer. The lack of calcite
leads to an excessive carbon dioxid which can be measured as aggressive CO
The buffered water type is the most preferable for drinking water wells. Groundwater
of this type is usually saturated with calcite and has a medium to high hardness.
Finally, groundwater of the alkaline water type characterized by a high pH, will
contain a lot of NVOC, because at high pH natural organic matter is more likely to be

Chloride 20 35,5 1 0,56
Sulfate 32 96 2 0,67
Nitrat 0,5 62 1 0,01
Hydrogencarbonat 305 61 1 5,00
Sum 6,24
Difference 0,27
Deviation 4,27%
B6PMI2 Water Supply
Group E

dissolved. This water type can also be characterized by a high ion exchange.
(Ramsay, 2011)
2. Redox water type
The redox condition of groundwater is the second master variable determining the
water quality of groundwater. Groundwater can be categorized as A: strongly
oxidized, B: weakly oxidized, C: weakly reduced, D: strongly reduced depending on
the presence of common redox active parameters such as oxygen, nitrate, iron and
sulfate. The Redox water type can be identified using the algorithm in Figure 68.

Figure 68: Algorithm for redox water type (Ramsay, 2011)
If the algorithm leads to an X, it means that there is a redox conflict. A redox conflict
occurs when for example oxygen and dissolved iron are present at the same time.
Since iron is supposed to be oxidized, there should not be any oxygen. (Ramsay,
3. Conductivity
Conductivity reveals the ability to transport electrical charge. Groundwater with a
high salt content can transport electrical charge better, hence the conductivity
increases with an increasing salt content. Figure 69 summarizes the categories of
conductivity in Danish groundwater. (Ramsay, 2011)
B6PMI2 Water Supply
Group E

Figure 69: Conductivity categories (Ramsay, 2011)
The content of natural organic matter in groundwater can be determined by measuring
the NVOC (non-volatile organic carbon) concentration. High NVOC concentrations
are usually linked to high pH values and a high degree of ion exchange. Figure 70
shows the categories for NVOC concentrations in Danish groundwater.

Figure 70: NVOC categories (Ramsay, 2011)
H. Groundwater analysis Genvejen well field
Table 52: Summary of groundwater analysis (GEUS, DGU 89.1754, 2013); (Eurofins Milj A/S, 2010)

unit criteria 1852 1754
Date of analysis
month/year 10/10 12/10 & 05/11

7 7.5
Hardness dH

16.02 16.11
Conductivity mS/m low <30 39 58
Temperature C

8.8 8.8

Iron mg/l 0.1 4.2 3.4
Ammonium/Ammoniac mg/l 0.05 0.18 0.2
Manganese mg/l 0.02 0.32 0.28
Aggr. CO
mg/l 2 <2 <2
Di-hydrogen sulfide mg/l 0.05
Methane mg/l 0.01


B6PMI2 Water Supply
Group E

Hydrogen carbonate mg/l - 297 291
Calcium mg/l - 100 100
Magnesium mg/l 50 8.9 9.3
Chloride mg/l 250 21 20
Potassium (K) mg/l 10 2.4 2.4
Sodium (Na) mg/l 175 16 16
Nitrite mg/l 0.1 <0.005 <0.005
Oxygen mg/l - 0.3 4.1
Phosphor mg/l 0.15 0.13 0.1
Sulfate mg/l 250 44 43

Arsenic g/l 5 1.5 1.5
Fluoride mg/l 1.5 0.23 0.23
Nickel g/l 20 2.1 0.11
Nitrate mg/l 50 <0.5 <0.5
Pesticides g/l 0.5 <0.01 <0.01
NVOC mg/l 4 3.1 2.5
I. Pumping Rates into the Different Waterworks
Table 53: Yearly pumped rates from the different wells into the three waterworks from the year 1982
(GEUS, Danske Boringer, 2013)
Year Kolt Skovvej Koltvej Pilegrdsvej
/year m
/year m
2011 - - 147132
2010 192608 19839 115682
2009 172379 22150 139331
2008 230390 231 123124
2007 256536 0 124099
2006 224833 13125 124003
2005 177150 26687 160122
2004 212431 21511 138340
2003 155390 20483 156612
2002 137341 24725 162367
2001 152694 22366 162650
2000 158877 22388 172191
B6PMI2 Water Supply
Group E

It seems that there is a general decreasing trend in the amount of water pumped from
the wells to the waterworks. This is especially apparent in Kolt Skovvej where
pumping went down from more than 300000 - 400000m
/h to between 100000 and
/h. This could be due to several reasons. The first is the general decrease in
water consumption per capita due to the introduction of water taxes in Denmark and
the increased awareness and cautiousness in water usage. The second is a possible
decrease in the abstraction permits. However, the abstraction permits for the three
waterworks have either remained the same or increased. The well at Koltvej might
have been overused around 2006 - 2007, and water was no longer pumped from the
well for two years. Table 54 shows the average daily water intake each year from the
wells assuming the plant functions every day, and there are no daily differences. It
seems that all the abstracted quantities are well below the abstraction limits. (See
Table 15 in Section 3.6)

1999 88210 30022 240781
1998 151505 28365 182592
1997 122799 36971 192827
1996 142183 52681 149742
1995 137748 41879 165737
1994 138592 61764 158522
1993 145194 67959 156008
1992 133720 70050 169510
1991 137660 70236 147615
1990 252199 113388
1989 368200
1988 402135
1987 386276
1986 366197
1985 351000
1984 355124
1983 338000
1982 263000
1981 265000
B6PMI2 Water Supply
Group E

Table 54: Daily Water intake from the well fields into the different waterworks, assuming no seasonal
or daily differences, and assuming operation every day of the year
Year Kolt Skovvej Koltvej Pilegrdsvej
/day m
/day m
2011 - - 403
2010 528 54 317
2009 472 61 382
2008 631 0.6 337
2007 703 0 340
2006 616 36 340
2005 485 73 439
2004 582 59 379
2003 426 56 429
2002 376 68 445
2001 418 61 446
2000 435 61 472
1999 242 82 660
1998 415 78 500
1997 336 101 528
1996 390 144 410
1995 377 115 454
1994 380 169 434
1993 398 186 427
1992 366 192 464
1991 377 192 404
1990 691 311
1989 1009
1988 1102
1987 1058
1986 1003
1985 962
1984 973
B6PMI2 Water Supply
Group E

1983 926
1982 721
1981 726

Table 55 shows the average hourly intake rates from the wells to the waterworks
assuming that the working hours of the three plants are 12 hours, and the water
production is uniform during the day.
Table 55: Hourly Intake rates for the different waterworks assuming that the waterworks all work 12
hours a day with uniform intake in each hour.
Year Kolt Skovvej Koltvej Pilegrdsvej
/h m
/h m
2011 - - 34
2010 44 5 26
2009 39 5 32
2008 53 0.1 28
2007 59 0 28
2006 51 3 28
2005 40 6 37
2004 49 5 32
2003 35 5 36
2002 31 6 37
2001 35 5 37
2000 36 5 39
1999 20 7 55
1998 35 6 42
1997 28 8 44
1996 32 12 34
1995 31 10 38
1994 32 14 36
1993 33 16 36
1992 31 16 39
1991 31 16 34
B6PMI2 Water Supply
Group E

1990 58 26
1989 84
1988 92
1987 88
1986 84
1985 80
1984 81
1983 77
1982 60
1981 61

Table 54 and Table 55 have been both generated using the yearly production data.
The hourly pumping rates are all well below the pump capacities (see section 4.1.1 for
details on pump capacities). This means that, either the waterworks do not actually
pump water out of the well fields for 12 hours a day, or they constantly pump water
out of the wells but at a much lower pumping rate than the maximum capacity. Also,
there are many variations in the water demand during the day and during the year,
which have not been accounted for in these tables.
J. Oxygen Requirement at Different Waterworks
1. KoltSkovvej
Table 56: Oxygen Requirement for raw water from well 89.1088 (GEUS, DGU 89.1088, 2013)
Symbol Parameter Unit Value Notes
O Oxygen in GW mg/L 0.1 From latest GW Chemistry in 1088
Fe Iron Conc. mg/L 1.32 From latest GW Chemistry in 1088
Mn Manganese Conc. mg/L 0.256 From latest GW Chemistry in 1088
Ammonia Conc. mg/L 0.24 From latest GW Chemistry in 1088
Methane Conc. mg/L 0 From latest GW Chemistry in 1088
S Hyd. Sulfide Conc. mg/L 0 From latest GW Chemistry in 1088
Req Oxygen Requirement mg O
/L 6.62 Each concentration multiplied by its TOD
and add 5.5 mg/L for min oxygen at tap
B6PMI2 Water Supply
Group E

Req II Oxygen Requirement mg O
/L 6.52 Taking into account O
already in GW

Table 57: Oxygen Requirements for raw water from well 89.1089 (GEUS, DGU 89.1089, 2013)
Symbol Parameter Unit Value Notes
O Oxygen in GW mg/L 1.2 From GW Chemistry in 1089
Fe Iron Conc. mg/L 1.5 From GW Chemistry in 1089
Mn Manganese Conc. mg/L 0.25 From GW Chemistry in 1089
Ammonia Conc. mg/L 0.28 From GW Chemistry in 1089
Methane Conc. mg/L 0 From GW Chemistry in 1089
S Hyd Sulfide Conc. mg/L 0 From GW Chemistry in 1089
Req Oxygen Requirement mg O
/L 6.7905 Each concentration multiplied by its TOD
and add 5.5mg/L for min oxygen at tap
Req II Oxygen Requirement mg O
/L 5.5905 Taking into account O2 already in GW

2. Koltvej
Table 58: Oxygen Requirement for raw water from well 89.1038 (GEUS, DGU 89.1038, 2013)
Symbol Parameter Unit Value Notes
Description Aeration in Pressure Filters
O Oxygen in GW mg/L 2.4
Fe Iron Conc. mg/L 2.75 Average from different labs
Mn Manganese Conc. mg/L 0.395 Average from different labs
Ammonia Conc. mg/L 0.258
Methane Conc. mg/L 0
S Hyd. Sulfide Conc. mg/L 0.07
Req Oxygen Requirement mg O
/L 6.96 Each concentration multiplied by its TOD
and add 5.5mg/L for min oxygen at tap
Req II Oxygen Requirement mg O
/L 4.56 Taking into account O2 already in GW

B6PMI2 Water Supply
Group E

3. Pilegrdsvej
Table 59: Oxygen Requirement for raw water from well 89.1263 (GEUS, DGU 89.1263, 2013)
Symbol Parameter Unit Value Notes
O Oxygen in GW
mg/L 0.3 From GW Chemistry in 1263
Fe Iron Conc. mg/L 2.08 From GW Chemistry in 1263
Mn Manganese Conc. mg/L 0.317 From GW Chemistry in 1263
Ammonia Conc. mg/L 0.1 From GW Chemistry in 1263
Methane Conc. mg/L 0 From GW Chemistry in 1263
S Hyd. Sulfide Conc. mg/L 0.01 From GW Chemistry in 1263
Req Oxygen Requirement mg O
/L 6.25 Each concentration multiplied by its TOD
and add 5.5mg/L for min oxygen at tap
Req II Oxygen Requirement mg O
/L 5.95 Taking into account O2 already in GW

Table 60: Oxygen Requirement for raw water from well 89.1632 (GEUS, DGU 89.1632, 2013)
Symbol Parameter Unit Value Notes
O Oxygen in GW mg/L 0.2 From GW Chemistry in 1263
Fe Iron Conc. mg/L 2.14 From GW Chemistry in 1632
Mn Manganese Conc. mg/L 0.221 From GW Chemistry in 1632
Ammonia Conc. mg/L 0.2 From GW Chemistry in 1632
Methane Conc. mg/L 0 From GW Chemistry in 1632
S Hyd. Sulfide Conc. mg/L 0 From GW Chemistry in 1632
Req Oxygen Requirement mg O
/L 6.58369 Each concentration multiplied by its TOD
and add 5.5mg/L for min oxygen at tap
Req II Oxygen Requirement mg O
/L 6.4 Taking into account O2 already in GW

B6PMI2 Water Supply
Group E

The theoretical oxygen demand for the different substances to be oxidized is shown in
Table 61 below:

Table 61: Theoretical Oxygen Demand for different substances in groundwater (Jensen E. D., 2012)
Substance Symbol TOD (mg O
/mg substance)
Iron Fe
Manganese Mn
Ammonium NH
Methane CH
Hydrogen Sulphide H
S 0.51

The theoretical oxygen demand for each substance is then multiplied by the
concentration of that substance in the water sample. The oxygen requirement for the
different substances is then added up to find the total oxygen requirement for the
sample. A minimum amount of 5.5mg/L of oxygen should be present at the tap
(Jensen E. D., 2012), and this is added to the oxygen requirement. Sometimes,
dissolved oxygen is already present in the groundwater, depending on the depth of
abstraction, and this may be taken into consideration if the value is significant.

As can be seen in the tables above, the oxygen requirement for the raw water from the
different wells and well fields is quite low and does not exceed 7mg/ L. This amount
of oxygen can be delivered easily by standard aeration methods.

All information has been obtained from the latest groundwater chemistry data found
on Jupiter. (GEUS, Danske Boringer, 2013)
K. Treatment Extent of Cascade Aeration Systems
Table 62: Gas concentration reductions from typical cascade aeration systems (Maribo, 2, 2012)
Parameter Initial Concentration After Aeration
B6PMI2 Water Supply
Group E

mg/l mg/l
Oxygen 0 7
Agg. CO
5 <2
Methane 4 <0.05
Hydrogen Sulfide 0.2 <0.01

Table 62 shows the typical gas concentration reductions during cascade aeration. The
initial concentrations are generally the upper limit to be able to reduce these
concentrations to an acceptable value below the drinking water criteria, shown in
column 3. The water delivered to Kolt Skovvej contains significantly lower
concentrations of methane, hydrogen sulfide, and in some cases aggressive CO
mentioned above. Therefore, after aeration, their concentrations will likely be lower
than the drinking water criteria limit.
Table 63: The removal efficiency K for different gases in a cascade aeration system as a function of
weir height h (meters). In the case of O
K refers to the oxygenation efficiency (Delft Univeristy, N/A)

Table 63 shows an estimate for the gas removal and oxygen addition efficiency of a
cascade aeration system for each step as a function of weir height. (This model does
not take into consideration other factors such as weir loading, trough width, the length
of each step). The height of each step at Kolt Skovvej is about 0.5m, with 3 steps in
The efficiency of the entire system is calculated as ; P@; PgG

where k is the efficiency of each step, and n is the number of steps.
Therefore the expected removal efficiency for carbon dioxide and methane is about
15% for each step, or 39% for the 3 steps. That for methane is about 32% for each
step, or 70% for all 3 steps. This means that the concentrations of mehtane and
carbone dioxide are expected to be reduced by about 70% and 39% respectively. The
oxygenation efficiency is about 30% for each step, or 73% for the entire system.
B6PMI2 Water Supply
Group E

L. Danish Drinking Water Criteria
The following is a list of drinking water criteria in Denmark for different properties
and substances in groundwater (Ramsay, 2011).
Table 64: Danish Drinking Water Criteria (Ramsay, 2011)

B6PMI2 Water Supply
Group E

B6PMI2 Water Supply
Group E

M. Filtration Processes Calculations
Guiding Values for the choice or assessment of Filtration Systems
Table 65: Guiding values for choice of filter type and media based on the concentrations of iron,
manganese and ammonium in the raw water (Maribo, 1, 2012)
Method Iron Manganese Ammonium
mg/l mg/l mg/l
Single - Sand 2 0.1 0.5
Double - Sand 2 0.3 1.5
Single - 2 Media 5 0.3 0.8
Double - 2 Media then Sand 5 0.5 1.5
Double - 2 Media in both 8 0.6 1.5

The requirements for single sand filtration at Kolt Skovvej are fulfilled, apart from
manganese concentrations being higher than the guiding concentration of 0.1 mg/l
(see details about raw water quality at Kolt Skovvej in Appendix J1). However, this is
compensated by a low iron concentration below 1.5 mg/l and an unusually low filter
velocity, meaning much longer time for oxidation reactions to take place. In any case,
the concentration of manganese in the treated water is below the drinking water
criteria (see treated water quality in Appendix N).

B6PMI2 Water Supply
Group E

1. Kolt Skovvej - Gravity Filters
Table 66: Filtration process parameters for the gravity filters at Kolt Skovvej
Maximum Capacity
from Wells m3/h 151
Maximum Treatment
Capacity m3/h 125
ol Parameter
Unit Value Notes
Overview -

6 filters, single filtration, each
with 2 cells and a small
divider in between
n Number - 6
A Unit Area (2m x 2m) m
H Depth m 1.17
V Filter Velocity m/h 5.2 Flow / 6 filters / Area of Each
Empty Bed Contact
Minutes 13.5 (A x H)/(Q/ 6 filters)
! Porosity - 0.4 Approx. for Sand and Gravel
Rt Residence Time t 5.4 EBCT/Porosity

The measured water temperatures are all between 8 and 10C at the different wells.
This means that oxidation reactions are slower than in warmer waters. An
approximate rate for the removal of ammonia from water is a 50% decrease in
concentration for each 5 minutes of filtration. This assumption is for a temperature of
8C, which is around the water temperature present at the waterworks.
The maximum treatment capacity given by the filters at Kolt Skovvej is set at
/h, even though the well pumping capacity is a bit higher, at 151m
Assuming this flow is distributed evenly to the 12 cells, a flow of 10.4m
/h through
each cell is obtained, giving a filter velocity of 5.2m/h, which is slightly on the lower
B6PMI2 Water Supply
Group E

side. (The actual velocity of the water through the filter is much higher, considering
smaller pore space for the water to flow through.)
The empty bed contact time [EBCT] describes the time that it would take the water to
flow through the filter if it were empty. This parameter considers the volume of the
filter and the volume of water flowing through it and is given by: ijAk #
l ' m

A is the area of each of the 6 filters = 4m"
H is the height of the filters = 1.17meters
Q is the max flow through each filter obtained by dividing the maximum
treatment capacity by the 6 filters = 20.8m
This gives an EBCT of 13.5 minutes, which is average.
The residence time is the actual time that the water spends in the filter, usually higher
than the EBCT, considering the pore spaces in the filter material that the water is
actually able to flow through. The residence time is given by: Y^ # ijAk o p
where p is the porosity of the filter material, meaning the volume of voids in the
material over volume of the solids. A uniform porosity of 0.4 was assumed for the
sand and gravel layers.
The residence time in the filters is 5.4 minutes, which is slightly low. The ammonia
oxidation efficiency shows that this residence time is able to halve the concentration
of ammonia, with a removal percentage of roughly 50%.
Looking at the initial concentrations of ammonia in the groundwater, which are
0.24mg/l in well 89.1089 and 0.28mg/l in well 89.1088 (GEUS, DGU 89.1088, 2013);
(GEUS, DGU 89.1089, 2013) we can estimate how much the concentration will be
Table 67: Expected reduction in ammonia concentrations at Kolt Skovvej after filtration
Well Number Initial Concentration NH
Exp. Final Concentration NH

89.1089 0.24 mg/l 0.12 mg/l
89.1088 0.28 mg/l 0.14 mg/l

The concentrations should be reduced to around 0.13mg/l which is higher than the
upper limit of 0.05mg/l for ammonia in the Danish drinking water criteria (see
B6PMI2 Water Supply
Group E

Appendix L). The actual reduction in ammonia concentrations are shown in Table 68
Table 68: Actual Reduction in Ammonia concentrations after treatment at Kolt Skovvej (GEUS,
Hasselager-Kolt Ww, Kolt Skovv, 2013)
Well Number Initial Concentration NH
Final Concentration NH

89.1089 0.24 mg/l
0.02 mg/l
89.1088 0.28 mg/l
The actual final concentration according to the latest Jupiter data is much lower than
estimated and still below the drinking water criteria, meaning the filters function
properly, contrary to what the expectations show. Also, the 5 minute half-life for the
oxidation of ammonia is an overestimate, which means that in reality more ammonia
can be removed than is calculated.

2. Pilegrdsvej - Pressure Filters
Table 69: Filtration process at Pilegrdsvej showing the parameters for one filter
ol Parameter
Unit Value Notes
Q Maximum Capacity from Wells m
/h 96
D Diameter m 2.9
A Unit Area (2m x 2m) m
H Depth m 2
V Filter Velocity m/h 14.5 Flow / Area
EBCT Empty Bed Contact Time Minutes 8.3 (A x H)/Q
! Porosity - 0.4
Approx for Sand
and Gravel
Rt Residence Time t 3.3 EBCT/Porosity

B6PMI2 Water Supply
Group E

The following describes the processes in one filter, meaning that the EBCT and
residence time are actually double, since the water goes through the two filters.
The actual treatment capacity as mentioned by the Water Supply Plan is 100m
(Aarhus Kommune, 2004). However the well pump capacity is only 96m
/h, and since
the well pumps transport water directly from the borehole to the filters with no
holding tanks in between, the flow of water through the filters should never exceed
the well pump capacity of 96m
/h. The filter velocity here is actually much faster than
that at Kolt Skovvej because of the use of pressure filters and the much smaller cross
sectional area that the water has to flow through.
This gives a much lower EBCT and residence time, with a total residence time of
almost 7 minutes between the two filters. Looking at the ammonia oxidation
efficiency, there are about 1.4 five minute intervals, meaning that the concentration of
ammonia should be reduced by half 1.4 times, so the percentage removal is ; PB<>

or around 62%.
Table 70: Expected reduction in ammonia concentrations at Pilegrdsvej after filtration (GEUS, DGU
89.1263, 2013); (GEUS, DGU 89.1632, 2013)
Well Number Initial Concentration NH
Exp. Final Concentration NH

89.1263 0.1 mg/l 0.038 mg/l
89.1632 0.2 mg/l 0.076 mg/l

The expected concentration of ammonia in the water from well 89.1632 is higher than
the limit value of 0.05 mg/l, but the waters from both wells will be mixed, and the
actual expected concentration is then roughly at the limit. Also the assumption that
the concentration of ammonia is reduced by 50% for every 5 minutes of contact with
the filter material is a very safe estimate and is based on a specific case. In reality the
removal efficiency can be significantly higher. The actual reduction in ammonia
concentrations is shown in Table 71 below.
Table 71: Actual Reduction in Ammonia concentrations after treatment at Pilegrdsvej (GEUS,
Hasselager-Kolt Ww,Pilegrdsvej, 2013)
Well Number Initial Concentration NH
Final Concentration NH

89.1263 0.1 mg/l
<0.02 mg/l
89.1632 0.2 mg/l
B6PMI2 Water Supply
Group E

The actual final concentration according to the latest Jupiter data is significantly
lower than predicted and well under the drinking water limit concentration, meaning
the filters are functioning well.

3. Koltvej - Pressure Filters
The filtration process at Koltvej is very similar to that at Pilegrdsvej, with similar
empty bed contact times and residence times in the filters, despite the very different
flow from the wells. A summary is shown in Table 72 below. No information is given
on the material inside the filters, but the filtration performance and efficiency should
not be so different than at Pilegrdsvej. Section 4.1.4 shows the end result of the
treatment, and it is clear that the filters are working fine.

Table 72: Filtation Process at Koltvej.
Symbol Parameter
Unit Value Notes
Maximum Capacity from Wells m
/h 8

D Diameter m 0.86
A Unit Area m
H Depth m 1.9
V Filter Velocity m/h 13.8 Flow / Area
EBCT Empty Bed Contact Time Minutes 8.3 (A x H)/Q
! Porosity - 0.4
Approx for Sand and
Rt Residence Time t 3.3 EBCT/Porosity

B6PMI2 Water Supply
Group E

N. Treated Water Quality
1. Kolt Skovvej
Stof Dato Dato Mngde Max.


5,1 meq/l

20. september
20. september
<0,02 mg/l 0,05 0,02 Y
Calcium 28. oktober 2010
17. december
95,3 mg/l


20. september
20. september
1,1 mg/l 4 0,1 Y
Carbondioxid 18. januar 2007

14 mg/l

28. oktober 2010
17. december
<2 mg/l 2 2 Y
20. september
20. september
19 mg/l 250 0,5 Y
20. september
20. september
0,2 mg/l 1,5 0,1 Y
Hydrogencarbonat 28. oktober 2010
17. december
290 mg/l


Inddampningsrest 28. oktober 2010
17. december
380 mg/l 1500 20 Y
20. september
20. september
0,003 mg/l 0,1 0,002 Y
Kalium 28. oktober 2010
17. december
2,71 mg/l 10 0,04 Y
Magnesium 28. oktober 2010
17. december
8,53 mg/l 50 0,001 Y
20. september
20. september
0,02 0,001 Y
Natrium 28. oktober 2010
17. december
14,8 mg/l 175 0,06 Y
18. januar 2007

0 mg/l

B6PMI2 Water Supply
Group E

20. september
20. september
<0,5 mg/l 50 0,5 Y
20. september
20. september
<0,01 mg/l 0,01 0,01 Y
Oxygen indhold 28. oktober 2010
17. december
6,1 mg/l

0,1 Y
18. januar 2007

<4 mg/l

4 Y
Phosphor, total-P
20. september
20. september
<0,01 mg/l 0,15 0,01

20. september
20. september
34 mg/l 250 0,5 Y

Colibakterier ialt 18. januar 2007

0 1

18. januar 2007

0 1

3. januar 2013 3. januar 2013
0 1

E.coli 18. januar 2007

0 1

18. januar 2007

<1 antal/ml


3. januar 2013 3. januar 2013
0 1

Kim 22 gr TGA 3. januar 2013 3. januar 2013 2 antal/ml 200 1

Kim 37 gr TGA
12. december
12. december
<1 antal/ml 5 1

Kimtal 22 gr 18. januar 2007

2 antal/ml 50 1

Kimtal 22Gr.
14. februar 2008
29. februar
29 antal/ml 50 1

Kimtal 22Gr. PCA 18. januar 2007

<1 antal/ml 200 1

Kimtal 2lGr. 18. januar 2007

29 antal/ml


B6PMI2 Water Supply
Group E

Kimtal 2lGr.KING
18. januar 2007

1 antal/ml 50 1

Kimtal 37Gr. PCA 14. februar 2008
29. februar
<1 antal/ml 5 1

Streptoc.fcalis 18. januar 2007

0 1

Termotol.coli.bakt. 27. marts 2012

0 1



Antimon 2. august 2011

0,011 g/l 2


10. december
10. december
3,3 g/l 5 0,1 Y

Barium 2. august 2011

130 g/l 700


Bly 2. august 2011

0,24 g/l 5


10. december
10. december
60 g/l 1000 0,02 Y

Cadmium 2. august 2011

0,035 g/l 2


Chrom 2. august 2011

<0,04 g/l 20


Kobber 2. august 2011

4,2 g/l 100


Kobolt (Co)
10. december
10. december
<1 g/l

1 Y

Kvikslv 2. august 2011

<0 g/l 1


10. december
10. december
0,2 g/l

0,1 Y

Selen 2. august 2011

<0,1 g/l 10


Zink 2. august 2011

62 g/l 100


B6PMI2 Water Supply
Group E

2. Pilegrdsvej
Stof Dato Dato Mngde

TA 18. januar 2007 4,5 meq/l
12. december
12. december
mg/l 0,05 0,02 Y
Calcium 18. juni 2012 18. juni 2012 97,7 mg/l 0,007 y
12. december
12. december
2012 1,6 mg/l 4 0,1 Y
Carbondioxid 18. januar 2007 13 mg/l
aggr. 18. juni 2012 18. juni 2012 <5 mg/l 2 5 ?????
12. december
12. december
2012 23 mg/l 250 0,5 Y
12. december
12. december
2012 0,2 mg/l 1,5 0,1 Y
Hydrogencarbonat 18. juni 2012 18. juni 2012 263 mg/l 0,5
Inddampningsrest 18. juni 2012 18. juni 2012 370 mg/l 2000 20 Y
Jern 10. april 2013 10. april 2013 0,021 mg/l 0,2 0,002 Y
Kalium 18. juni 2012 18. juni 2012 1,45 mg/l 10 0,05 Y
Magnesium 18. juni 2012 18. juni 2012 7,36 mg/l 50 0,001 Y
12. december
12. december
mg/l 0,02 0,001 Y
Natrium 18. juni 2012 18. juni 2012 11,9 mg/l 175 0,06 Y
arbonat 18. januar 2007 0 mg/l
12. december
12. december
2012 <0,5 mg/l 50 0,5 Y
12. december
12. december
2012 0,004 mg/l 0,01 0,001 Y
Oxygen indhold 10. april 2013 10. april 2013 7,9 mg/l 0,1 Y
KMnO4 18. januar 2007 <4 mg/l 4
B6PMI2 Water Supply
Group E

Phosphor, total-P
12. december
12. december
mg/l 0,15 0,01 Y
12. december
12. december
2012 47 mg/l 250 0,5 Y
Colibakterier ialt 18. januar 2007
ml 0 1
bakt.37Gr. 10. april 2013 10. april 2013
ml 0 1
E.coli 18. januar 2007
ml 0 1
kim 18. januar 2007
colibakterier 10. april 2013 10. april 2013
ml 0 1
Kim 22 gr TGA 10. april 2013 10. april 2013
antal/ml 200 1
Kim 37 gr TGA
12. december
12. december
antal/ml 5 1
Kimtal 22 gr 18. januar 2007
antal/ml 50 1
Kimtal 22Gr.
KING B 3. marts 2008 6. marts 2008
antal/ml 200 1
Kimtal 22Gr. PCA 18. januar 2007 1 antal/ml 200 1
Kimtal 2lGr.KING
A 18. januar 2007 9 antal/ml 50 1
Kimtal 37Gr. PCA 14. februar 2008
29. februar
antal/ml 5 1
Streptoc.fcalis 18. januar 2007
ml 0 1
Termotol.coli.bakt. 18. januar 2007
ml 0
B6PMI2 Water Supply
Group E


19. marts
g/l 5 Y

10. december
10. december
2012 0,3 g/l 5 0,1 Y

19. marts
2010 120 g/l 700 Y

19. marts
2010 0,13 g/l 10 Y

10. december
10. december
2012 <20 g/l 1 0,02 Y

19. marts
g/l 5 Y

19. marts
2010 0,22 g/l 50 Y

19. marts
2010 33 g/l 2 Y

Kobolt (Co)
10. december
10. december
2012 <1 g/l 1 Y

19. marts
g/l 1 Y

10. december
10. december
2012 0,2 g/l 0,1 Y

19. marts
g/l 10 Y

19. marts
2010 6,9 g/l 3 Y

B6PMI2 Water Supply
Group E

3. Koltvej
Stof Dato Dato Mngde Max.

Alkalinitet,total TA 18. januar 2007 5,1 meq/l
20. september
20. september
2012 <0,02 mg/l 0,05 0,02
28. oktober
17. december
2010 95,3 mg/l 0,007
20. september
20. september
2012 1,1 mg/l 4 0,1
Carbondioxid 18. januar 2007 14 mg/l
Carbondioxid, aggr.
28. oktober
17. december
2010 <2 mg/l 2 2
20. september
20. september
2012 19 mg/l 250 0,5
20. september
20. september
2012 0,2 mg/l 1,5 0,1
28. oktober
17. december
2010 290 mg/l 0,05
28. oktober
17. december
2010 380 mg/l 1.5 20
20. september
20. september
2012 0,003 mg/l 0,1 0,002
28. oktober
17. december
2010 2,71 mg/l 10 0,04
28. oktober
17. december
2010 8,53 mg/l 50 0,001
20. september
20. september
2012 <0,001 mg/l 0,02 0,001
28. oktober
17. december
2010 14,8 mg/l 175 0,06
onat 18. januar 2007 0 mg/l
20. september
20. september
2012 <0,5 mg/l 50 0,5
B6PMI2 Water Supply
Group E

20. september
20. september
2012 <0,01 mg/l 0,01 0,01
Oxygen indhold
28. oktober
17. december
2010 6,1 mg/l 0,1
KMnO4 18. januar 2007 <4 mg/l 4
Phosphor, total-P
20. september
20. september
2012 <0,01 mg/l 0,15 0,01
20. september
20. september
2012 34 mg/l 250 0,5
Colibakterier ialt 19. marts 2010 <1 antal/100 ml
Coliforme bakt.37Gr.
20. september
20. september
<1 antal/100
ml 0 1
E.coli 18. januar 2007
<1 antal/100
ml 0 1
Fluorescerende kim 18. januar 2007 <1 antal/ml
Fkale colibakterier
20. september
20. september
<1 antal/100
ml 0 1
Kim 22 gr TGA
20. september
20. september
2012 <1 antal/ml 50 1
Kim 37 gr TGA
20. september
20. september
2012 <1 antal/ml 5 1
Kimtal 22 gr 18. januar 2007 2 antal/ml 50 1
Kimtal 22Gr. KING
B 14. februar 2008 29. februar 2008 <1 antal/ml 200 1
Kimtal 22Gr. PCA 18. januar 2007 2 antal/ml 50 1
Kimtal 2lGr.KING A 19. marts 2008 25. marts 2008 <1 antal/ml 50 1
Kimtal 37Gr. PCA 19. marts 2008 25. marts 2008 <1 antal/ml 5 1
Streptoc.fcalis 18. januar 2007
<1 antal/100
ml 0 1
Termotol.coli.bakt. 19. marts 2008 25. marts 2008
<1 antal/100
ml 0 1

B6PMI2 Water Supply
Group E

Arsen 1. oktober 2009
4. november
2009 2,4 g/l 10 0,1
Bor 1. oktober 2009
4. november
2009 80 g/l 1 0,02
Nikkel 1. oktober 2009
4. november
2009 0,2 g/l 20 0,1
B6PMI2 Water Supply
Group E

O. Backwash Processes & Water Consumption
Table 73: Estimated yearly water consumption during backwash at Pilegrdsvej and Kolt Skovvej
Wash Water
Water Cons/
/ year
Water Cons/Year
Kolt Skovvej Min l/min l/backwash

/ year
Total for
both filters
Low Speed on
5 965 4825 105 507

High Speed on
5 2085 10425 105 1095

Pilegrdsvej Min m
/h m

/ year

Filter 1 - Full
Pump Capacity
5 180 15 146 2190

Filter 2 - Full
Pump Capacity
5 180 15 91 1365 3555
Filter 1 5 100 8 146 1217

Filter 2 5 100 8 91 758 1975

Table 73 shows the estimated yearly backwash water consumption in the 2 largest
waterworks. The information on the pump capacities and backwash process was
obtained from the plant manager. In total, there are 4 minutes of backwash with water
at Kolt Skovvej, but backwash sometimes continues until the water looks clean.
Information about the backwash process at Pilegrdsvej was missing, so a similar
process to that in Kolt Skovvej was assumed. The pump at Kolt Skovvej has 2 speed
settings, and the higher speed setting was assumed to be used. Also the backwash
water pump at Pilegrdsvej has a capacity of 180m
/h which is quite large, so a lower
pump rate of 100m
/h was assumed.
The number of backwashes per year was calculated from the backwash frequency.
Backwash occurs every 3.5 days at Kolt Skovvej, and an estimation for the backwash
frequency for the Pilegrdsvej pressure filters was chosen as 2.5 days for the first and
4 days for the second. This gives roughly 1000m
/year of backwash water for Kolt
Skovvej and 2000m
/year for Pilegrdsvej.
B6PMI2 Water Supply
Group E

P. Estimation of Future Consumption
By looking at the development plans for Kolt-Hasselager, we can estimate the
additional demand for water. Table 74 shows the increase in the number of
households over the past decade and also the available capacity for expansion in the
area, based on the available area for development and the approximate number of
households per unit area in this part of Denmark. It is estimated that there is room for
a maximum of 1329 houses to be developed in Hasselager-Kolt. Most of the land is
privately owned, and expansion to full capacity will take time depending on the
demand and supply of housing (Aarhus Kommune, 2007).
However, 1329 houses will be used in the planning of the waterworks as a worst case
scenario. Most of the new housing will be single family housing. Therefore we can
assume 3-4 persons per household.

Table 74: Increase in the number of households in the area of Hasselager Kolt and estimation of the
available capacity for additional housing in each area (Aarhus Kommune, 2007).

The approximate increase in population is therefore:
;F4: =M\[Z9M]0[ o F<> OZ`[M/[ # 5?>; OZMO]Z
Looking at the average daily water consumption per person shown in Table 75, we
can assume a maximum consumption of 180 l/person/day in Kolt Hasselager, since
B6PMI2 Water Supply
Group E

the area is somewhere between a village and a town, is mostly residential and does
not rely greatly upon farming but more on small industries.

The approximate daily consumption of water will be:
>F;? OZMO]Z o ;sB ]8OZ`[M/80.t # sFu 6

Table 75: Average daily water consumption per person according to category of household and living
area (Vestergaard K. , 2013)

Regarding the values in Table 75 it has to be noted, that those values are probably
outdated. In the past years water consumption has decreased and less consumption
would be reasonable, but to be on the safe side, the estimations will still be based on
those numbers.
Looking at the current consumption patterns during the night and day, it seems that
roughly 60% of water consumption occurs during the hours of the day (5am to 5pm),
or in other words, during the operation of Kolt Skovvej, whereas only 40% is
consumed at night during the operation of Pilegrdsvej (5pm - 5am). Based on that,
we can say that the pattern for water consumption in the additional households will be
similar, meaning that the new waterworks will only supply 60% of the additional
demand, and the rest will be supplied by the existing Pilegrdsvej.
B6PMI2 Water Supply
Group E

Table 76: Current average and maximum consumption and production in the three waterworks

Therefore, the additional consumption that will be supplied by the new waterworks is
approximately sFu 6
80.t o ?Bf # >B4 6
Combining this with the current average daytime consumption, we get the amount of
water that should be supplied by the new waterworks to account for future demand.
>u5 C >>; # ;B>F 6
This gives a future average hourly demand of ;;4>8;4 # ss 6
The waterworks will be designed to be able to supply the max hourly demand, which
can be found by applying the hour factor to the average hourly demand. This hourly
factor is assumed to be the same for the additional households/consumption because
the type of housing and development is similar to what already exists in Kolt-
Therefore, the plant will be dimensioned to supply ss o ;<? # ;5B 6
It should be noted that this is a very safe estimate of the future demand and really
takes into consideration all the worst case scenarios. Four persons per household
might be an overestimate, as the average number of persons per household in
Denmark is 2 to 2.7. Also, the time it will take for all of the expansion and
development to occur in the area and actually reach the maximum possible expansion
is very long and will possibly take several decades. Therefore, by the time this occurs,
plans for a new waterworks or even new well fields might have already been initiated.
The results are summarized in the Table 77 below.

Daily C
Maximum Daily
Hourly C
Hourly C
Well Pump
(Hour Factor = 1.6)
/day Max. m
/h Av. m
/h Max. m
Calculations ADC

ADC x Day

Kolt Skovvej 551 1.4 771 46 74 151
Pilegrdsvej 385 2.1 808 32 67 96
B6PMI2 Water Supply
Group E

Table 77: Summary for the future consumption scenario at Kolt-Hasselager during the day and basis
for the dimensioning of the new waterworks
Consumption Value Unit
Current Daytime Consumption 551 m
Additional Daytime Consumption 502 m
Total Future Daytime Consumption 1053 m
Hourly Future Consumption 88 m
Max Hourly Future Consumption 140 m
Q. Design of New Raw Water Pipe
The needed pipe diameter is determined based on a chosen speed of around 1m/s
which does not cause excessive head loss and at the same time does not allow the
water to remain in the system for too long.
The chosen maximum pumping rate has been set at 25m
/h from the new wells, after
looking at the future consumption pattern. The possibility for the pumping rate to
increase to 35m
/h has been taken into account. This is the maximum allowable pump
rate from the wells. From the pump rate Q and required velocity V, we can calculate a
required cross sectional area A and therefore pump size (A = V/Q). The initial chosen
inner pump diameter is therefore 100mm. The details are described in Table 78
Table 78: Choosing the Diameter of the new raw water pipes
Parameter Value Unit
Max Flow 25 m
Max Flow 0.006944 m
Chosen Speed 1 m/s
Cross Sectional Area 0.006944 m

Radius of Pipe 0.047015 m
Pipe Diameter Required 0.094031 m
Chosen Diameter 100 mm
B6PMI2 Water Supply
Group E

Another important issue is choosing the pathway of the pipe. Several options have
been considered and the possible paths are shown in Figure 71 below.
Permits for paths 4 and 2 are currently being applied for, however paths 1 and 3 are
also good options. In order to select the most appropriate pathway, several factors
must be considered. These are: length of the pipe, energy losses and bends and curves
in the pipe, whether the pipe passes through public or private property and disruptions
caused during construction. The pipes and pumps must be chosen so that they
consume the least energy possible. The lengths of the different paths are shown in
Table 79 below.
Table 79: Length of possible paths for new raw water pipe.
Path Color Length (km)
1 Yellow 1.23
2 Red 1.32
3 Purple 1.59
4 Green 2.00
An estimation of the head loss has been made for each of the four paths suggested,
taking into account the length of the pipe and bends and valves.

Figure 71: Possible Pathways of the raw water pipe from the new well field to the new waterworks
B6PMI2 Water Supply
Group E

Table 80: Head loss estimation for the 4 possible paths of the raw water pipe
Yellow Red Purple Green Calculation
" "

3.142 3.142 3.142 3.142 -
9.810 9.810 9.810 9.810 -

L Pipe length m 1230 1320 1590 2000 -
D Inner diameter m 0.102 0.102 0.102 0.102 -
Q Flow
0.007 0.007 0.007 0.007 Q
# Kin viscosity
Cross section
m2 0.008 0.008 0.008 0.008 "(D/2)^2
m/s 0.850 0.850 0.850 0.850 Q/A
P Perimeter m 0.320 0.320 0.320 0.320 "D
Rh Hydraulic radius m 0.026 0.026 0.026 0.026 D/4
- 16670 16670 16670 16670 Rh*V/v
- Flow Type

since Re > 750
$ Alfa-value

1.100 1.100 1.100 1.100 -
k Sand roughness m
0.002 0.002 0.002 0.002 k/Rh
Initial Friction
Factor f
0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010

Colebrook and
White f1
0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005
Colebrook and
White f2
0.006 0.006 0.006 0.006
Colebrook and
White f3
0.006 0.006 0.006 0.006
Colebrook and
White f4
0.006 0.006 0.006 0.006
Colebrook and
White f5
0.006 0.006 0.006 0.006
Energy loss
0.008 0.008 0.008 0.008 (f5.V^2)/2gRh
%H Friction loss m 9.80 10.52 12.67 15.94 I*L
Number of
4 3 3 2 -
Zeta value for
0.300 0.300 0.300 0.300 -
Local head loss
m 0.044 0.033 0.033 0.022 nbends*&b*V^2/(2g)
Number of
2 2 2 2 -
Zeta value for
2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 -
Local head loss
m 0.162 0.162 0.162 0.162 nvalves*&v*V^2/(2g)
B6PMI2 Water Supply
Group E

Outlet to
1 1 1 1 -
Zeta-value for
1.100 1.100 1.100 1.100 -
Local head loss
m 0.040 0.040 0.040 0.040 noutlets*&o*V^2/(2g)
Sum local head
m 0.247 0.236 0.236 0.225 %Hb + %Hv + %ho
Total energy
loss in pipe
m 10.05 10.75 12.90 16.16 %Hl+%H

Clearly, the longer the pipe the higher the head loss. Local head losses only contribute
to a small percentage of the total head loss.
The elevation profiles of the different paths are shown in Figure 72, Figure 73, Figure
74 and Figure 75.

Figure 72: Elevation profile for raw water pipe path 1 - Yellow.

Figure 73: Elevation profile for raw water pipe path 2 - Red.

Figure 74: Elevation profile for raw water pipe path 3 - Purple.
B6PMI2 Water Supply
Group E

Figure 75: Elevation profile for raw water pipe path 4 - Green
Although paths 1 & 2 are the shortest, they pass through smaller streets, more bends
and some privately owned land. The terrain elevation is also much less bumpy than
the terrain in paths 3 & 4, which means fewer losses from curving. Although the pipe
installations do not have to follow the terrain of the ground, it is desirable and more
practical that the pipes are as close as possible to the ground surface to avoid
excessive digging and difficult maintenance, and the economic costs associated with
these. Paths 3 & 4 are longer, but they pass through mostly municipality owned roads,
which means obtaining the digging permit might be easier. Table 81 summarizes the
required head that the raw water pumps need to deliver.
Several assumptions have been made. The pumps in the wells can be located
anywhere between the ground water table and the bottom of the screen. Here, the
pumps have been assumed to be located at the center of the screen level, taking the
deepest location as a worst case scenario. The screens in both new wells 89.1852 and
89.1754 are located at roughly the same depth below ground level, with the first
located between 106m and 115m below ground level, and the second located between
108m and 120m below ground level. A pump level of 115m below ground level has
been assumed in both wells. However, the water table is roughly at the same level,
50.6m below ground level in both wells. The pump must be able to move the water
from the level of the groundwater table up to the level of the top of the filters.
However, the level of the water table will decrease with the drawdown during the
pumping. In well 89.1852, assuming a pumping rate of 25m
/h for a period of 12
hours, the drawdown is calculated to be roughly 15m. In this case, the water level will
be 65m below ground level. This is probably the lowest level that the drawdown will
reach, meaning it can be a base for choosing the characteristics of the pump. The
drawdown in well 89.1754 is assumed to be similar, although no information from
pump tests is available. Also, the waterworks requires a certain pressure level in the
filters to be able to function properly, and this has been assumed as 2bar or a 20m
water column.
B6PMI2 Water Supply
Group E

The energy losses, pressure requirement at the waterworks, and elevation to overcome
have been summed up to find the maximum head that the pumps need to provide.
Table 81: Energy losses and required head for the new well pumps depending on the path chosen for
the raw water pipes.
Path Color Length Start Height End Height WT w/ drawdown

m m m below ground level
1 Yellow 1.23 71 81 65
2 Red 1.32 71 81 65
3 Purple 1.59 71 81 65
4 Green 2
71 81 65

Path Color
Height to Overcome
Required Head at
Total Required

m m m m
78 10.05 20 108.0
2 Red 1.32
78 10.75 20 108.8
3 Purple 1.59
78 12.90 20 110.9
4 Green 2
78 16.16 20 114.2

Path 1 appears to be the one with the lowest head requirement. It passes through some
private land but mostly public streets. The streets are not main streets, so no major
disruption will be caused to traffic during installation. This path is also the shortest
path meaning a lower initial cost of installation. The pumps will need less energy to
operate in the long run, meaning that this path is the most cost efficient. Also, if the
pumping rate is increased to 35m
/h, the difference in the head losses between the 4
paths will be much greater, with paths 3 and 4 having a much higher head loss than 1
& 2.
The raw water pipes will be made of PE, since it does not corrode, lasts very long (50-
100 years), is malleable and easily handled, is smooth, and retains its hydraulic
properties for a long time. A pressure resistance of PN14 has been chosen for the
pipes, meaning it can resist up to 10bars of pressure before bursting. This is because
there is still the possibility that the flow out of the wells will reach 35m
/h when
needed although the usual maximum pump rate has been set at 25m
/h. In case this
happens, the flow and velocity of the water will increase to about 1.3m/s and the
pressure on the pipe walls will increase. Losses in path 1 will also increase to about
25mWC, which means that the pump will have to overcome these losses.
The pump is chosen so that it can supply a 35m
/h flow combined with a 135m head.
The pump can be selected by looking at different pump curves.
B6PMI2 Water Supply
Group E

R. Design of new waterworks
Table 82: Required Residence Times in the Filter for Ammonia Oxidation at the new waterworks.
Required residence time for ammonia
Parameter line A line B
] (mg/l) 0.3 0.24
Limit [NH
] (mg/l) 0.05 0.05
% Reduction 83 79
Time Required (Min) 12 11
S. Demand Estimation in Zone 22.03.13 BO
1. Area measurement of different areas
The scale of the map available in the Urban Plan of 2007 is at 1:6000.
Each area/neighbourhood has been approximated and measured as can be seen in
Figure 46 in Section 6.3. The results are shown in Table 83 below.
Table 83: Calculated areas of different neighbourhoods in zone 22.03.13 BO.
Area/Neighbourhood Type Area

1 Dense Low Rise Housing - Open Character 1.82
2 Dense Low Rise Housing - Open Character 1.5
3 Open Low Rise Housing 2.2
4 Dense Low Rise Housing 1.43
5 Dense Low Rise Housing 2.39
6 Dense Low Rise Housing 2.32
7 Dense Low Rise Housing 1.62
8 Institutions / Centres 1.55
9 Dense Low Rise Housing 1.92
10 Dense Low Rise Housing 2.01
11 Apartments 1.38
12 Dense Low Rise Housing - Open Character 3.12

Total 23.26
B6PMI2 Water Supply
Group E

2. Single Family Housing
Figure 45 and Figure 46 in section 6.3 showed that neighbourhoods 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,
9, 10 and 12 will contain single family, two-story houses. Although the average
number of persons per household is 2-2.7 in Denmark, an average of 3.5 persons per
household has been assumed here, taking into account that Hasselager-Kolt is
generally a residential area with mostly families and few apartments.
Although there are different types and sizes of households planned to be constructed,
an average size of house has been assumed at 160m
on 2 stories, giving a floor area
of 80m
per household. This is also the standard house size given in the UDP (Aarhus
Kommune, 2007). The difference in density and size between open low-rise housing
and dense low-rise housing neighbourhoods will be compensated for by the different
buildable fractions. Also, larger households generally contain more people, and
smaller households can contain either younger, singles or couples or older singles or
couples. The average size of houses and number of persons per household
compensates for these variations.
Finally, depending on the size of each neighbourhood that will contain family houses,
and the buildable fraction in each, an approximate number of houses per
neighourhood can be obtained.

v\6_Z` M! 9M\[Z9M]0[ #
l+*& wx h*y,1zw{+1ww" o |{yK"&zK* x+&}~ywh
Kww+ &+*& wx *&}1 1w{*1wK"

The number of households is then multiplied by the number of people per household
(3.5). This gives an estimated number of people who will live in each neighbourhood,
which is the basis for the estimation of the water consumption.
Looking at the average daily water consumption per person shown in Table 84 we can
assume a maximum consumption of 180 l/person/day in Kolt Hasselager, since the
area is mostly a residential town sustained by small industries. Even though the
source for Table 84 states 2013, the actual values are probably older, referring to
different consumption patterns, when people used to consume more water. In
addition, regarding the water supply plan from 2004 as a second reference, which
states that the consumption in an average household is 170l/person/day, a
consumption of 180 l/person/day has to be seen as the very maximum (Aarhus
Kommune, 2004).
B6PMI2 Water Supply
Group E

Table 84: Average daily water consumption per person according to category of household and living
area (Vestergaard K. , 2013)

The total daily water consumption in one neighbourhood is therefore:
b.d]t .^Z` aM/[\6O^dM/ d/ . /ZdE9_M\`9MM0
# v\6_Z` M! 9M\[Z9M]0[ o OZMO]Z89M\[Z9M]0 @F<>G
o ;sB ]d^`Z[8OZ`[M/80.t

The results are shown in Table 40 in section 6.3.
3. Apartments
Area 11, shown in Figure 46 in section 6.3 is planned to contain 4 story apartments.
Several assumptions have been made in order to be able to estimate the water
consumption in this area.
Each apartment building contains 8 separate flats, with 2 flats on each floor.
Each flat contains an average of 2 people.
The average area of an apartment building is 150m
The average number of people in an apartment building is therefore 16.
The area of neighbourhood 11 is about 1.38 hectares, and with a buildable fraction of
40%, an area of 0.552 hectares is available to be built on, accommodating a total of 37
apartments with an area of 150m
The number of people in neighbourhood 11 is therefore:
B6PMI2 Water Supply
Group E

v\6_Z` M! OZMO]Z # Fu O.`^6Z/^[ o ;? OZ`[8.O.`^6Z/^ # >s: OZMO]Z
Since the lifestyle of people living in apartments can be different than the lifestyle of
people living in single family homes, their water consumption patterns will also vary.
Generally, it can be assumed that people living in apartments consume less water than
people living in family homes, usually because they have no or smaller gardens and
less number of toilets in a flat among other reasons. An average of 115 l/person/day
has been assumed for people living in apartments. This value is based on consumption
patterns in Copenhagen, where a large part of households are apartments (Vestergaard
K. , 2013).
The daily water demand of Area 11 is therefore:
b.d]t .^Z` aM/[\6O^dM/ # >s: OZMO]Z o ;;> ]8O80.t # ?s 6
These numbers can be seen in Table 40 in section 6.3.
4. Institutions
A preliminary layout and plan for area 12 containing institutions and small businesses
has been provided in the UDP. The layout of this area can be seen in Figure 76 below.
There are three types of institutions planned for this area. The first is a childcare
centre (shown on the left). The second is a nursing home with 24 - 30 rooms for the
elderly. And finally, a number of spaces of shops and offices are planned. The water
demand for each of these different types of institutions has been estimated seperately.

Figure 76: Rough plan of Area 8 containing institutions and small businesses (Aarhus Kommune,
B6PMI2 Water Supply
Group E

An area of 3ha has been devoted to the development of the childcare centre. This area
includes both buildings and outdoor spaces (Aarhus Kommune, 2007). To estimate
the number of children that attend the day care, statistics for the distribution of the
population in the Kolt-Hasselager were studied. From the data Table 85 percentages
for several age groups were calculated.
Table 85: Population in 2010 by gender, age and municipality (Aarhus-Kommune, 2010)

For the new residential area at Kolt stervej a total population of 3098 people was
estimated and applying the percentages for each age group we estimated the future
population distribution for the new area as Table 86 shows.
Table 86: statistics (Aarhus-Kommune, 2010)
Kolt Hasselager
6011 210 218 828 375 249 3.393 738
100% 3,49% 3,63% 13,77% 6,24% 4,14% 56,45% 12,28%
Kolt stervej

3098 108 112 427 193 128 1749 380

B6PMI2 Water Supply
Group E

Next, we found the number of 0, 1 and 2 year olds living in Aarhus in 2010 and
divided those numbers by the sum to find the percentages of each age group. E.g. in
2010 there were 3537 two-year-olds in Aarhus (Aarhus-Kommune, 2010). This
percentage was then multiplied by 108 0-2 year-olds that were estimated to live in
Kolt stervej. Lastly, the percentages of children in day care distributed to different
ages (see Table 87) were multiplied by the number of 0, 1 and 2 year olds in Kolt
stervej in order to estimate the number of children that will attend day care.
Table 87: Proportion of children in day care by age, year and country (Holm, 2011)

Table 88 summarizes the estimations for the children in child care at Kolt stervej.
Table 88: Summary of child care calculations
Age Total Aarhus Percentage
% in institution
in general
In child care at
Kolt stervej
0 3874 34.64% 37.5 17.50% 6.6
1 3771 33.72% 36.5 86.10% 31.4
2 3537 31.63% 34.2 94.10% 32.2

Sum 11182


As the results in Table 88 show 70 children are estimate to be placed in daycare. In
addition, we assumed 1 teacher or nurse for 10 children giving a total of 77 people
consuming water in the planned daycare.
An average for the daily water consumption of children in a daycare is estimated at 80
l/child/day, as shown in Table 89. Table 89 was taken from the slides provided during
the WSPL course, but the values are probably from an older source. 80 liters are
actually the amount of water used when bathing in an average bath tab, and a huge
amount like this is rather unlikely to be spent by each child when placed in daycare
B6PMI2 Water Supply
Group E

for probably only half a day (Waterwise, 2011). However, keeping this in mind, the
80 liters will be seen as a maximum demand situation giving a total water demand of:

.^Z` aM/[\6O^dM/ .^ a9d]0a.`Z aZ/^`Z
# uu a9d]0`Z/ C ^Z.a9Z`[ o sB ]8a9d]080.t # ?<; 6
Table 89: Average daily water consumption per person in different types of institutions (Vestergaard
K. , 2013).

Regarding the nursing homes, the number of elderly people going to the planned
elderly home has been estimated just as the number of children attending child care.
Information about the population distribution in Aarhus has been combined with
information on the percentage of elderly from each age group living or going to a
nursing home, along with information on the population of Kolt Hasselager (Aarhus-
Kommune, 2010); (Hstrup, 2011). An estimated result of 30 elderly has been found,
and 10 nurses are assumed to take care of those in the nursing home. This number
corresponds with the municipality plans to include 30 rooms for nursing homes. The
average water consumption in a nursing home is assumed at 350 l/person/day (see
B6PMI2 Water Supply
Group E

Table 89 above), with the 10 nurses consuming half that amount. The total daily water
consumption in nursing homes is:
.^Z` 0Z6./0 d/ /\`[d/E 9M6Z[
# FB Z]0Z`]t o F>B ]8OZ`[M/80.t C ;B v\`[Z[
o ;u> ]8OZ`[M/80.t # ;4<> 6
Even though the water consumption in nursing homes is stated as 300-400
l/person/day, it seems a very high amount which cannot be explained. Compared to
the consumption of the average person, which is already at the high end, this value
seems very overestimated.
Little information is available on the shops and offices to be developed, but some
assumptions have been made to estimate their water consumption.
The number of shops and offices has been estimated from Figure 76 showing the
planned layout of area 8 containing institutions. From the figure it is estimated that:
The child care centre makes up around 10% of the built area.
The 30 nursing homes make up around 30% of the built area.
The remaining buildings, the shops and offices, make up 60% of the built area.
Bearing in mind that some offices are usually significantly larger than shops, and the
average size of a shop could be larger than the size of a room in a nursing home, the
number of shops and offices has been estimated at 40. An assumption has been made
that each shop or office contains 3 employees or workers. The average water
consumption in shops and offices is around 60 l/person/day. This means:
b.d]t aM/[\6O^dM/ d/ [9MO[ M!!daZ[
# 5B [9MO[ M!!daZ[ o F OZ`[M/[8[9MO o ?B ]8OZ`[M/80.t
# u 6
The total consumption in area 8 is shown in Table 90.
Table 90: Total water consumption in Area 8 showing the sum of consumption in different institutions
of People
Consumption Unit
Child Day
1 70 Add 7 teachers 80 l/d/child 6160 l/d
30 30 Add 10 nurses 350 l/d/person 12250 l/d
Shops 40 120 with 3 people 60 l/d/person 7200 l/d
All Area 8 71 220 237 Total 25610 l/day
B6PMI2 Water Supply
Group E

T. Number of Houses as shown in Area Plan
Table 91: Comparison of estimated number of houses in each of the 12 neighbourhoods with the
planned number of houses
Area Number House Type Estimate AutoCAD
1 Dense Low Rise Housing - Open Character 57 56
2 Dense Low Rise Housing - Open Character 47 35
3 Open Low Rise Housing 69 30
4 Dense Low Rise Housing 63 45
5 Dense Low Rise Housing 105 64
6 Dense Low Rise Housing 102 81
7 Dense Low Rise Housing 71 64
8 Institutions / Centres
9 Dense Low Rise Housing 84 74
10 Dense Low Rise Housing 88 88
11 Apartments 37 12
12 Dense Low Rise Housing - Open Character 117 94

Total 838 643

B6PMI2 Water Supply
Group E

U. Numbered Pipes in new Supply Network
Figure 77 shows a layout of the existing and new pipes that will be added to the new
supply network. The pipes are numbered from 1 to 56, with pipes 1, 2, 3 and 4
representing the main existing supply pipes.

Figure 77: Numbered pipes in the new supply area.
B6PMI2 Water Supply
Group E

V. Demand Estimation in Each Pipe Branch
The drawing in Figure 78 below shows how the demand has been distributed between
the different pipe branches. In each neighbourhood, the number of houses being
supplied by each pipe branch was counted and stated as a percentage of the total
number of houses or buildings in that neighbourhood. In this way, the amount of
water entering each neighbourhood (shown in section 2 Table 40), is divided properly
among the different pipe branches within the neighbourhood. In some
neighbourhoods, there are also houses or buildings along the main pipes in the
neighbourhood which consume water, and this consumption has been considered.
In Figure 78, the number of houses around each pipe branch is shown in red. Some of
the houses that consume water along main pipelines are also shown in red. The
percentages shown in orange represent the percentage of the water consumption in
each pipe branch within a single neighbourhood. The percentages shown in pencil
above each represent the percentage of the water consumption in each pipe branch as
part of the total water consumption in the new area 22.03.13 BO. The percentages
shown in pencil inside a square represent the percentage of the water demand that
each of the 12 neighbourhoods consume as a function of the total demand of the new
The junctions marked with a purple circle in a square represent the main inlet point of
water into each neighbourhood. The amount of water entering the neighbourhood is
shown in purple in m
/day, and the amount of water entering each branch is also
shown in m
/day above each branch.
Figure 79 shows the estimated number of houses in each neighbourhood in green, the
percentage of the water demand that each of the 12 neighbourhoods consume as a
function of the total demand of the new area in orange. The consumption in each
branch in m
/day is marked in purple. Figure 79 is based on the fraction of houses
connected to each branch found in Figure 78.

B6PMI2 Water Supply
Group E

Figure 78: Demand estimation in each pipe branch of the 12 different areas
B6PMI2 Water Supply
Group E

Figure 79: Demand estimation through each branch in each of the 12 neighbourhoods
B6PMI2 Water Supply
Group E

W. Preliminary Pipe Dimensioning for new Supply Area
Symbol Parameter Unit Calculation
1 1.1 1.2
" " - 3.142 3.142 3.142
Acceleration m/s2 - 9.810 9.810 9.810

Qd Daily Flow m3/d - 598 598 572
Qh Hourly Flow m3/h Qd/24 24.92 24.92 23.85
Qh max Max Hourly Flow
max Qh*1.6 39.867 39.867 38.154
L Pipe length m - 472 38 255
Do Outer Diameter m 0.160 0.160 0.160
D Inner diameter m - 0.148 0.148 0.148
Q Flow m3/s Qh max /3600 0.011 0.011 0.011
# Kin viscosity m2/s - 1.30E-06 1.30E-06 1.30E-06
A Cross section area m2 "(D/2)^2 0.017 0.017 0.017
V Average velocity m/s Q/A 0.647 0.647 0.619
P Perimeter m "D 0.464 0.464 0.464
Rh Hydraulic radius m D/4 0.037 0.037 0.037
Re Reynolds number - Rh*V/v 18371 18371 17581
- Flow Type since Re > 750 Turbulent Turbulent Turbulent
$ Alfa-value - 1.100 1.100 1.100
k Sand roughness m - 0.00005 0.00005 0.00005
k/Rh Relative roughness k/Rh 0.001 0.001 0.001
f Initial Friction Factor f 0.010 0.010 0.010
f1 Colebrook & White f1
0.016 0.016 0.016
f2 Colebrook & White f2 0.018 0.018 0.018
f3 Colebrook & White f3 0.019 0.019 0.019
f4 Colebrook & White f4 0.019 0.019 0.019
f5 Colebrook &White f5 0.019 0.019 0.019
I Energy loss gradient m/m (f5.V^2)/2gRh 0.011 0.011 0.010
%H Friction loss m I*L 5.10 0.41 2.52
%Ht Total energy loss+ 10% m %Ht*1.1 5.61 0.45 2.77

B6PMI2 Water Supply
Group E

1.3 1.4 1.5 2 3 4 5
3.142 3.142 3.142 3.142 3.142 3.142 3.142
9.810 9.810 9.810 9.810 9.810 9.810 9.810

290 149 0 282 141 149 0
12.10 6.20 0.01 11.75 5.89 6.19 0.00
Qh max
19.354 9.925 0.019 18.800 9.428 9.907 0.000
51 164 54 337 326 855 711
0.160 0.160 0.160 0.110 0.110 0.110 40 PVC
0.148 0.148 0.148 0.102 0.102 0.102 0.035
Q 0.0054 0.0028 0.0000 0.0052 0.0026 0.0028 0.0000
1.30E-06 1.30E-06 1.30E-06 1.30E-06 1.30E-06 1.30E-06 1.30E-06
0.017 0.017 0.017 0.008 0.008 0.008 0.001
0.314 0.161 0.000 0.644 0.323 0.337 0.000
0.464 0.464 0.464 0.319 0.319 0.320 0.111
0.037 0.037 0.037 0.025 0.025 0.026 0.009
8918 4574 9 12585 6312 6606 0
Turbulent Turbulent Laminar Turbulent Turbulent Turbulent Laminar
1.100 1.100 2.000 1.100 1.100 1.100 2.000
0.00005 0.00005 0.00005 0.00005 0.00005 0.00005 0.00005
0.001 0.001 0.001 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.006
0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010
0.016 0.016 0.016 0.014 0.014 0.014 0.009
0.018 0.018 0.018 0.015 0.015 0.015 0.009
0.019 0.019 0.019 0.015 0.015 0.015 0.009
0.019 0.019 0.019 0.015 0.015 0.015 0.009
0.019 0.019 0.019 0.015 0.015 0.015 0.009
0.003 0.001 0.000 0.013 0.003 0.003 0.000
0.13 0.11 0.00 4.22 1.03 2.92 0.00
0.14 0.12 0.00 4.65 1.13 3.21 0.00

B6PMI2 Water Supply
Group E

6 7 8 9 10 11 12
" 3.142 3.142 3.142 3.142 3.142 3.142 3.142
g 9.810 9.810 9.810 9.810 9.810 9.810 9.810

Qd 36 10 17 23 5 5 5
Qh 1.50 0.42 0.69 0.96 0.21 0.21 0.21
Qh max 2.400 0.667 1.100 1.533 0.333 0.333 0.333
L 125 62 103 225 61 41 40
Do 0.063 0.050 0.050 0.063 0.032 0.032 0.032
D 0.055 0.044 0.044 0.055 0.028 0.028 0.028
Q 0.0007 0.0002 0.0003 0.0004 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001
# 1.30E-06 1.30E-06 1.30E-06 1.30E-06 1.30E-06 1.30E-06 1.30E-06
A 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.001 0.001 0.001
V 0.277 0.122 0.201 0.177 0.150 0.150 0.150
P 0.174 0.138 0.138 0.174 0.088 0.088 0.088
Rh 0.014 0.011 0.011 0.014 0.007 0.007 0.007
Re 2946 1031 1700 1882 810 810 810
- Turbulent Turbulent Turbulent Turbulent Turbulent Turbulent Turbulent
$ 1.100 1.100 1.100 1.100 1.100 1.100 1.100
k 0.00005 0.00005 0.00005 0.00005 0.00005 0.00005 0.00005
k/Rh 0.004 0.005 0.005 0.004 0.007 0.007 0.007
f 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010
f1 0.011 0.010 0.010 0.011 0.009 0.009 0.009
f2 0.011 0.010 0.010 0.011 0.008 0.008 0.008
f3 0.011 0.010 0.010 0.011 0.008 0.008 0.008
f4 0.011 0.010 0.010 0.011 0.008 0.008 0.008
f5 0.011 0.010 0.010 0.011 0.008 0.008 0.008
I 0.003 0.001 0.002 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001
%H 0.39 0.04 0.20 0.29 0.08 0.06 0.05
%Ht 0.43 0.05 0.21 0.32 0.09 0.06 0.06

B6PMI2 Water Supply
Group E

13 14 15 16 17 18 19
" 3.142 3.142 3.142 3.142 3.142 3.142 3.142
g 9.810 9.810 9.810 9.810 9.810 9.810 9.810

Qd 3 3 0 4 2 3 2
Qh 0.13 0.13 0.00 0.17 0.06 0.13 0.06
Qh max 0.200 0.200 0.000 0.267 0.100 0.200 0.100
L 37.5 29.7 38.1 43.8 17 24.7 5
Do 0.040 0.040 0.063 0.032 0.032 0.032 0.032
D 0.035 0.035 0.055 0.028 0.028 0.028 0.028
Q 0.0001 0.0001 0.0000 0.0001 0.0000 0.0001 0.0000
# 1.30E-06 1.30E-06 1.30E-06 1.30E-06 1.30E-06 1.30E-06 1.30E-06
A 0.001 0.001 0.002 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001
V 0.057 0.057 0.000 0.120 0.045 0.090 0.045
P 0.111 0.111 0.174 0.088 0.088 0.088 0.088
Rh 0.009 0.009 0.014 0.007 0.007 0.007 0.007
Re 386 386 0 648 243 486 243
- Laminar Laminar Laminar Transition Laminar Laminar Laminar
$ 2.000 2.000 2.000 1.100 2.000 2.000 2.000
k 0.00005 0.00005 0.00005 0.00005 0.00005 0.00005 0.00005
k/Rh 0.006 0.006 0.004 0.007 0.007 0.007 0.007
f 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010
f1 0.009 0.009 0.011 0.009 0.009 0.009 0.009
f2 0.009 0.009 0.011 0.008 0.008 0.008 0.008
f3 0.009 0.009 0.011 0.008 0.008 0.008 0.008
f4 0.009 0.009 0.011 0.008 0.008 0.008 0.008
f5 0.009 0.009 0.011 0.008 0.008 0.008 0.008
I 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.000 0.000 0.000
%H 0.00653 0.00517 0.000 0.04 0.0021 0.01 0.00062
%Ht 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.04 0.00 0.014 0.00

B6PMI2 Water Supply
Group E

20 21 22 23 24 25
" 3.142 3.142 3.142 3.142 3.142 3.142
g 9.810 9.810 9.810 9.810 9.810 9.810

Qd 22 18 33 33 15 15
Qh 0.90 0.73 1.38 1.38 0.60 0.60
Qh max 1.433 1.167 2.200 2.200 0.967 0.967
L 126 92 152 167 61 57
Do 0.063 0.063 0.075 0.075 0.050 0.050
D 0.055 0.055 0.066 0.066 0.044 0.044
Q 0.0004 0.0003 0.0006 0.0006 0.0003 0.0003
# 1.30E-06 1.30E-06 1.30E-06 1.30E-06 1.30E-06 1.30E-06
A 0.002 0.002 0.003 0.003 0.002 0.002
V 0.165 0.134 0.179 0.179 0.177 0.177
P 0.174 0.174 0.207 0.207 0.138 0.138
Rh 0.014 0.014 0.017 0.017 0.011 0.011
Re 1760 1432 2267 2267 1494 1494
- Turbulent Turbulent Turbulent Turbulent Turbulent Turbulent
$ 1.100 1.100 1.100 1.100 1.100 1.100
k 0.00005 0.00005 0.00005 0.00005 0.00005 0.00005
k/Rh 0.004 0.004 0.003 0.003 0.005 0.005
f 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010
f1 0.011 0.011 0.012 0.012 0.010 0.010
f2 0.011 0.011 0.012 0.012 0.010 0.010
f3 0.011 0.011 0.012 0.012 0.010 0.010
f4 0.011 0.011 0.012 0.012 0.010 0.010
f5 0.011 0.011 0.012 0.012 0.010 0.010
I 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001
%H 0.14 0.07 0.18 0.20 0.09 0.08
%Ht 0.16 0.08 0.20 0.22 0.10 0.09

B6PMI2 Water Supply
Group E

26 27 28 29 30 31
" 3.142 3.142 3.142 3.142 3.142 3.142
g 9.810 9.810 9.810 9.810 9.810 9.810

Qd 12 9 11 8 4 14
Qh 0.48 0.38 0.46 0.33 0.15 0.58
Qh max 0.767 0.600 0.738 0.529 0.233 0.933
L 69 48 60 43 38 45
Do 0.040 0.040 0.040 0.040 0.032 0.040
D 0.035 0.035 0.035 0.035 0.028 0.035
Q 0.0002 0.0002 0.0002 0.0001 0.0001 0.0003
# 1.30E-06 1.30E-06 1.30E-06 1.30E-06 1.30E-06 1.30E-06
A 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001
V 0.219 0.171 0.211 0.151 0.105 0.266
P 0.111 0.111 0.111 0.111 0.088 0.111
Rh 0.009 0.009 0.009 0.009 0.007 0.009
Re 1481 1159 1426 1022 567 1803
- Turbulent Turbulent Turbulent Turbulent Laminar Turbulent
$ 1.100 1.100 1.100 1.100 2.000 1.100
k 0.00005 0.00005 0.00005 0.00005 0.00005 0.00005
k/Rh 0.006 0.006 0.006 0.006 0.007 0.006
f 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010
f1 0.009 0.009 0.009 0.009 0.009 0.009
f2 0.009 0.009 0.009 0.009 0.008 0.009
f3 0.009 0.009 0.009 0.009 0.008 0.009
f4 0.009 0.009 0.009 0.009 0.008 0.009
f5 0.009 0.009 0.009 0.009 0.008 0.009
I 0.003 0.002 0.002 0.001 0.001 0.004
%H 0.18 0.08 0.14 0.05 0.026 0.17
%Ht 0.19 0.08 0.16 0.06 0.03 0.19

B6PMI2 Water Supply
Group E

33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
" 3.142 3.142 3.142 3.142 3.142 3.142 3.142 3.142
g 9.810 9.810 9.810 9.810 9.810 9.810 9.810 9.810

Qd 45 15 15 15 26 6 15 5
Qh 1.88 0.63 0.63 0.63 1.06 0.25 0.63 0.19
Qh max 3.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.700 0.400 1.000 0.300
L 105 77 95 77 63 75 33 23
Do 0.075 0.050 0.050 0.050 0.063 0.032 0.040 0.032
D 0.066 0.044 0.044 0.044 0.055 0.028 0.035 0.028
Q 0.0008 0.0003 0.0003 0.0003 0.0005 0.0001 0.0003 0.0001
06 1.30E-06
A 0.003 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.001 0.001 0.001
V 0.244 0.183 0.183 0.183 0.196 0.180 0.285 0.135
P 0.207 0.138 0.138 0.138 0.174 0.088 0.111 0.088
Rh 0.017 0.011 0.011 0.011 0.014 0.007 0.009 0.007
Re 3092 1546 1546 1546 2087 972 1932 729
$ 1.100 1.100 1.100 1.100 1.100 1.100 1.100 1.100
5 0.00005 0.00005 0.00005 0.00005 0.00005 0.00005 0.00005
k/Rh 0.003 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.004 0.007 0.006 0.007
f 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010
f1 0.012 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.011 0.009 0.009 0.009
f2 0.012 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.011 0.008 0.009 0.008
f3 0.012 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.011 0.008 0.009 0.008
f4 0.012 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.011 0.008 0.009 0.008
f5 0.012 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.011 0.008 0.009 0.008
I 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.004 0.001
%H 0.23 0.12 0.15 0.12 0.10 0.15 0.14 0.03
%Ht 0.26 0.13 0.16 0.13 0.11 0.16 0.16 0.03

B6PMI2 Water Supply
Group E

41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48
" 3.142 3.142 3.142 3.142 3.142 3.142 3.142 3.142
g 9.810 9.810 9.810 9.810 9.810 9.810 9.810 9.810

Qd 53 13 9 13 9 55 68 11
Qh 2.21 0.52 0.38 0.52 0.38 2.29 2.83 0.46
Qh max 3.533 0.833 0.600 0.833 0.600 3.667 4.533 0.733
L 167 47 41 43 78 43 128 35
Do 0.090 0.040 0.040 0.040 0.040 0.090 0.090 0.040
D 0.083 0.035 0.035 0.035 0.035 0.083 0.083 0.035
Q 0.0010 0.0002 0.0002 0.0002 0.0002 0.0010 0.0013 0.0002
A 0.005 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.005 0.005 0.001
V 0.181 0.238 0.171 0.238 0.171 0.188 0.233 0.209
P 0.261 0.111 0.111 0.111 0.111 0.261 0.261 0.111
Rh 0.021 0.009 0.009 0.009 0.009 0.021 0.021 0.009
Re 2895 1610 1159 1610 1159 3005 3715 1417
$ 1.100 1.100 1.100 1.100 1.100 1.100 1.100 1.100
k 0.00005 0.00005 0.00005 0.00005 0.00005 0.00005 0.00005 0.00005
k/Rh 0.002 0.006 0.006 0.006 0.006 0.002 0.002 0.006
f 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010
f1 0.013 0.009 0.009 0.009 0.009 0.013 0.013 0.009
f2 0.013 0.009 0.009 0.009 0.009 0.013 0.013 0.009
f3 0.014 0.009 0.009 0.009 0.009 0.014 0.014 0.009
f4 0.014 0.009 0.009 0.009 0.009 0.014 0.014 0.009
f5 0.014 0.009 0.009 0.009 0.009 0.014 0.014 0.009
I 0.001 0.003 0.002 0.003 0.002 0.001 0.002 0.002
%H 0.18 0.14 0.06 0.13 0.12 0.05 0.23 0.08
%Ht 0.20 0.15 0.07 0.14 0.13 0.06 0.25 0.09

B6PMI2 Water Supply
Group E

49 50 51 52 53 54 55
" 3.142 3.142 3.142 3.142 3.142 3.142 3.142
g 9.810 9.810 9.810 9.810 9.810 9.810 9.810

Qd 11 24 9 13 16 19 19
Qh 0.46 1.00 0.38 0.52 0.65 0.77 0.77
Qh max 0.733 1.600 0.600 0.833 1.033 1.233 1.233
L 49 92 45 71 80 99 119
Do 0.040 0.063 0.040 0.040 0.050 0.050 0.050
D 0.035 0.055 0.035 0.035 0.044 0.044 0.044
Q 0.0002 0.0004 0.0002 0.0002 0.0003 0.0003 0.0003
# 1.30E-06 1.30E-06 1.30E-06 1.30E-06 1.30E-06 1.30E-06 1.30E-06
A 0.001 0.002 0.001 0.001 0.002 0.002 0.002
V 0.209 0.184 0.171 0.238 0.189 0.225 0.225
P 0.111 0.174 0.111 0.111 0.138 0.138 0.138
Rh 0.009 0.014 0.009 0.009 0.011 0.011 0.011
Re 1417 1964 1159 1610 1597 1906 1906
- Turbulent Turbulent Turbulent Turbulent Turbulent Turbulent Turbulent
$ 1.100 1.100 1.100 1.100 1.100 1.100 1.100
k 0.00005 0.00005 0.00005 0.00005 0.00005 0.00005 0.00005
k/Rh 0.006 0.004 0.006 0.006 0.005 0.005 0.005
f 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010
f1 0.009 0.011 0.009 0.009 0.010 0.010 0.010
f2 0.009 0.011 0.009 0.009 0.010 0.010 0.010
f3 0.009 0.011 0.009 0.009 0.010 0.010 0.010
f4 0.009 0.011 0.009 0.009 0.010 0.010 0.010
f5 0.009 0.011 0.009 0.009 0.010 0.010 0.010
I 0.002 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.002 0.002 0.002
%H 0.11 0.13 0.07 0.22 0.13 0.24 0.28
%Ht 0.13 0.14 0.08 0.24 0.15 0.26 0.31
The total losses in the system, considering all pipes and at maximum demand, amount
to around 24 mWC. This is an over estimate of the losses that will have occurred at
the end of a pipe branch, since all of the pipes are considered here. In order to find the
actual losses, only the pipe path from the initial point of distribution in pipe one, until
a certain pipe branch end must be considered. The length of each pipe section L was
measured using autoCAD. The flow in each pipe was obtained from the daily
demand. Daily demands were first converted to hourly demands by dividing the daily
demand by 24, assuming that consumption occurs during the 24 hours of the day but
with varying degrees. The hourly demands are then multiplied by the hourly factor to
obtain the maximum hourly demand for each area. This maximum hourly demand is
then used to obtain the flow in cubic meters per second through each pipe. Local
losses are assumed to amount to around 10% of total friction losses.
B6PMI2 Water Supply
Group E

X. Details about Mike Urban Model
First of all the outline of the pipes was drawn in order to supply all areas with water.
Secondly, all pipes were given a diameter as calculated in Appendix W, a roughness
of 0.01, which is the same as in the old system and a loss coefficient. Mike Urban
offers a list of system constituents and the respective loss coefficient, a selection of
this list can be seen in Table 92.
Table 92: Loss Coefficients
Key Coefficient Description

A 0,800 90 deg. Bend - Mitered

B 0,370 90 deg. Bend - Smooth r/D = 1
C 0,350 60 deg. Bend - Mitered

D 0,200 45 deg. Bend - Mitered

E 0,100 30 deg. Bend - Mitered

F 0,180 Contraction - Sudden D2/D1 = 0.80
G 0,370 Contraction - Sudden D2/D1 = 0.50
H 0,430 Contraction - Sudden D2/D1 = 0.35
I 0,490 Contraction - Sudden D2/D1 = 0.20
J 0,390 Gate Valve - Open

K 1,280 Tee - Branch Flow

L 0,350 Tee - Line Flow

M 0,500 Wye - Branch Flow

N 0,300 Wye - Line Flow

O 0,500 Cross - Line Flow

Next, each pipe section was studied finding the features that would cause a loss and
lastly all losses were summed up and entered into the model. This number can be
found in the row loss coefficient in Table 93. The table also shows the pipe IDs
B6PMI2 Water Supply
Group E

which could be seen in Figure 50 in section 6.4.3, as well as all the other information
that were put into the model.

Table 93: Information about pipes in the Mike Model
Pipe ID Our
Inner Diameter
Length [m] Features Loss
121 1.5 147.6 53.5 - 0
122 1.3 147.6 50.8 M 0,5
123 1.4 147.6 113.5 N 0,3
124 2.7 101.6 100 C,K 1,63
125 3.2 101.6 10 L 0,35
126 3.1 101.6 138 F,J 0,57
127 50 55.4 92.3 A,G 1,17
128 47.1 83 65.2 I,J,L 1,23
129 49 35.2 49.1 G 0,37
130 47.2 83 63.2 M 0,5
131 48 35.2 34.8 G 0,37
132 3.5 101.6 37.9 L 0,35
133 51 35.2 45 H 0,43
134 3.3 101.6 44.4 L 0,35
135 52 35.2 71.3 H 0,43
136 3.4 101.6 43.35 L 0,35
137 53 44 88.4 G 0,37
138 3.6 101.6 53 A 0,80
138.1 55 44 119 G 0,37
139 54 44 98.9 G 0,37
140 56 101.6 36.2 L 0,35
141 5.2 35.2 168.8 - 0,00
142 2.5 101.6 22.4 L 0,35
143 9.1 55,4 48.15 G,J,N 1,06
144 9.4 28 37.5 G 0,37
B6PMI2 Water Supply
Group E

145 10 28 60.6 G 0,37
146 9.2 55,4 69.2 N 0,30
147 11 28 41.1 G 0,37
148 9.3 55,4 69.6 N 0,30
149 12 28 39.6 G 0,37
150 2.4 101.6 68 L 0,35
151 57 35.2 17.3 H 0,43
152 2.2 101.6 82 O 0,50
153 4.1 101.6 22.8 J,L 0,74
154 4.2 101.6 16.3 L 0,35
155 26 35.2 69 E,G 0,47
156 4.4 101.6 13.7 L 0,35
157 27 35.2 48.1 G 0,37
158 4.3 101.6 31.4 L 0,35
159 28 35.2 102.7 D,I,G 0,57
160 31 35.2 60.3 A,I,G 1,17
161 30 28 37.5 I 0,49
162 4.5 101.6 90.5 D,M 0,70
163 2.6 101.6 31.4 L 0,35
164 6.1 55.4 42 G,J,L 1,11
165 6.2 55.4 82.8 M 0,50
165.1 8 44 103.2 F 0,18
166 7 44 62 F 0,18
167 2.3 101.6 70.7 L 0,35
168 46 83 42.6 F 0,18
169 33.1 66 27.2 G,J,L 1,11
170 36 44 119.5 B,G 0,74
171 34 44 76.5 E,G 0,47
172 33.2 66 38 M 0,50
173 35 44 94.7 G 0,37
174 2.1 101.6 76.6 F,L 0,53
175 41.5 35.2 45.8 G 0,37
B6PMI2 Water Supply
Group E

176 41.4 83 35.7 D,M 0,70
177 45 35.2 78.3 G 0,37
178 41.3 83 29.8 L 0,35
179 44 35.2 42.5 G 0,37
180 41.1 83 24.6 F,J,L 0,92
181 43 35.2 41.4 D,G 0,57
182 41.2 83 31.5 L 0,35
183 42 35.2 40.6 G 0,37
184 1.1 147.6 76.2 F,L 0,53
185 37 55.4 63.4 H,J,O 1,32
186 38 28 74.7 G 0,37
187 39 35.2 32.9 F 0,18
188 40 28 23 G 0,37
189 4.16 101.6 45.9 F,J,L 0,92
195 4.15 101.6 20.8 L 0,35
196 21 55.4 91.8 B,I,G 0,74
197 4.12 101.6 64.5 J,L 0,74
198 20 55.4 125.8 B,I,G 0,74
200 4.14 101.6 129.5 L 0,35
201 23.2 66 129.2 D 0,20
202 4.13 101.6 11.8 L 0,35
203 22.1 66 26.3 F,N 0,48
206 23.1 66 38.2 F,N 0,48
207 25 44 56.7 F 0,18
210 22.2 66 116 D 0,20
211 24 44 61 F 0,18
212 4.11 101.6 60.7 L 0,35
213 13 35.2 37.8 H 0,43
214 4.10 101.6 48.6 L 0,35
215 14 35.2 29.7 H 0,43
216 4.6 101.6 155 A,B,J,M 2,06
217 5.1 35.2 483.9 E,L 0,45
B6PMI2 Water Supply
Group E

218 15 55.4 38.1 G,K 1,65
219 4.9 101.6 53 L 0,35
220 16 28 66.1 I 0,49
221 4.7 101.6 1.4 L 0,35
222 18 28 24.7 I 0,49
223 4.8 101.6 82.1 D,L 0,55
224 19 28 10.8 I 0,49

Sum: 49,55
Y. Information on Valves
Pressure Relief valve or Pressure Reducing Valve (PRV): A safety device which is
designed to divert pressure in the event that a pressurized system of some kind
encounters a problem which leads to a dangerous rise in pressure. It limits the
pressure downstream so that it does not exceed a certain value.
Pressure sustaining valve (PSV): This valve maintains the upstream pressure when the
downstream pressure decreases below a certain value. If the downstream pressure is
above that value, then the flow through the valve is unrestricted. If the downstream
pressure exceeds the upstream pressure, the valve closes to prevent backflow.
Pressure breaker valve (PBV): This valve causes a certain pressure loss to occur,
regardless of the direction of the flow.
Flow Control Valve (FCV): This valve limits the water flow through it to a certain
flow rate.
Throttle Control Valve TCV) This valve adjusts its head loss coefficient to
simulate a partially closed valve. There is a relationship between the degree that the
valve is closed and the resulting head loss coefficient.
Gate pressure valve (GPV): A gate valve is a type of stopper placed on a pipe system
to block flow. These valves simply prevent the passage of liquid using a wedge that
slides in and out of the pipe. In most cases, the gate valve is designed to be
completely opened or completely closed. As a result, these valves are rarely used as a
means of flow control; they generally just stop flow completely or are unused.
Partially-closed gate valves may increase pressure in a system in unpredictable ways
or cause vibration in the liquid.
B6PMI2 Water Supply
Group E

Z. Additional information on Pipe Burst Simulation
1. Flow Calculation
In this scenario a pipe burst with a diameter of 5cm at junction 48, the one that mainly
connects the old area to the new area, is simulated. Former simulations showed a
pressure of approx. 30mWC at junction 48. Using this pressure, the velocity of the
water when it leaves the pipe can be calculated with this formula (Maimon, 2012):

c # 4 3 E 3 9 # 45<4?68[
g = gravity acceleration: 9.81m/s"
h = head: 30m

The flow that is lost due to the pipe burst can then be calculated using the formula:

$ # 3 c # ;u;<46
A = Area of the Pipe burst: @B<B4>6G
3 # B<BB;:?6

v = velocity of the water flowing out of the hole: 87336m/h

For the simulation a new pipe is introduced to the Mike Urban model with the
diameter of the burst and the calculated flow being the demand.

B6PMI2 Water Supply
Group E

2. Pipe connection proposal
Figure 80 shows a proposed pipe connecting the new area to the existing network.
The pressures across the system remain the same regardless of the introduction of the

Figure 80: Distribution network with a pipe burst at the main connection between the existing and new
network, and a new pipe connecting the existing and new network together.
B6PMI2 Water Supply
Group 5

AA. Simulation Results for Pipe Closures
Several situations of pipe closures have been simulated with Mike Urban, leading to the
conclusion that the distribution network in Kolt Hasselager is functioning quite well. Figure
81 shows the pressures at all nodes if the pipes 21 and 70 are closed. The pipes 21 and 70 are
on two of the three main branches connecting the waterworks at Kolt Skovvej with the whole
system. As the different colours indicate the pressure drops down to 11mWC. The most
affected area is in the south of the new residential area, where the institutions are. However,
the nodes with low pressures are mostly at the end of a branch, meaning that a pressure of
10mWC would still be sufficient to supply an at most two storey high building.

Figure 81: Closure of two main pipes leading out of Kolt Skovvej

B6PMI2 Water Supply
Group E

In the next simulation, the two main pipes leading to the new residential are closed down,
even though we know that this is a very unlikely situation. The idea was to see if it is possible
that some parts of the system can still be supplied with drinking water from the third, small
connection in the north of the new area. As the results of the simulation (see Figure 82) show,
the pressure drops in all nodes in the new area below 10mWC. This is insufficient, and a
situation like this should be avoided.

Figure 82: Closure of main pipes leading to the new network.

The last simulation of pipe closure was intended to trouble the entire supply network. For this
simulation the main ring was broken, by shutting down one pipe in the north of Kolt Skovvej
and one pipe in the south of Pilegrdsvej. Surprisingly, the pressures never drop to critical
levels. They remain well above 21mWC as the coloured nodes in Figure 83 show.
B6PMI2 Water Supply
Group E

Figure 83: Closure of main pipes around main ring in existing system

BB. Suggested Expanded Ring-network
For more supply security the ring-network in the new residential area was expanded. This was
done by connected some of the dead-end networks to the main pipes of the supply network as
the yellow pipes indicate in Figure 84. In some areas a simply connection was not possible
either because of buildings or green areas around, like for example in the area of the
appartment buldings.

B6PMI2 Water Supply
Group E

Figure 84: Suggested expanded ring-network drawn in Mike Urban (in yellow) overlaying the map of the
planned housing areas in the new residential area

CC. Enclosures on CD
On the CD, an excel file and a folder Mike Urban files can be found.

The excel file called Consumption data analysis pipes volumes consists of 9 worksheets or
The worksheet called data as imported shows how the dailydata looks just as
imported from the original files.
The one called original data shows the daily data with some calculations like the
average consumption or the design flow.
The tab called original chart shows a graph with the original data plotted without any
modifications made.
B6PMI2 Water Supply
Group E

The worksheet called modified data shows the data after the modifications, the
modification criteria, and the calculations made for the analysis of the variation. That
is, average daily consumption, maximum daily consumption and design flow.
The next two tabs called modified chart (sum) and modified chart (separate), illustrate
the daily consumption plotted for one year, as the sum of the two waterworks, and
each waterwork separately, respectively.
The worksheet called Hourly consumption shows all the hourly data. Scrolling down,
the days selected for forward calculations can be seen.
The worksheet called hourly calculations show the calculations made with the
selected days from the previous worksheet. Also, some observations about the data
are listed.
To end, in the tab called pipes volume, a list of all the pipes from the Mike Urban
model from the mandatory part, and the calculation method in order to obtain the
volume of the pipe system are shown. Also, the calculations for the renovation of the
water in the system can be seen for the maximum hour flow.
The folder with Mike Urban files contains several of the simulations that were used for the
elaboration of the report. The two main files for the mandatory and the optional part are called
Mandatory Part_Kolt-Hasselager and Optional Part_Kolt-Hasselager, respectively.

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