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Teacher: Lorybell Moreno Teacher: Vielka Castro Teacher: Elidia De Len

REPBLICA DE PANAM MINISTERIO DE EDUCACIN DIRECCIN REGIONAL DE EDUCACIN DE HERRERA ESCUELA _______________________________________ PLANEAMIENTO DIDCTICO ANUAL/TRIMESTRAL Asignatura: Ingls Docentes: ___________________________________ Periodo Escolar: 2014 Fecha: 24 de febrero al 30 de mayo de 2014. Grado: ______________ Grupos: Trimestre: I Semanas Laborables: 14 REAS : 1- FAMILY,SCHOOL , COMMUNITY, COUNTRY 2-PEOPLE IN PANAMA 3-EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM IN PANAMA OBJETIVOS DE APRENDIZAJE: Identifies and shares family differences in the community and country in written or oral way. Integrates and develops listening, speaking, reading and writing skills through the cultural heritage within the community, school and country. Develops an attitude of respect and commitment toward the family members by becoming aware of characteristics and differences in order to create a positive society environment. Integrates and develops listening, speaking, reading and writing skills with occupations. Appreciates the importance of the different jobs in our society. Analyzes the importance of education and the importance of learning a second language. Integrates and develops listening, speaking, reading and writing skills with the educational system of Panama. Respects the educational system of Panama. CONTENIDOS BLOQUES INDICADORES DE LOGROS COMPETENCIALES CONCEPTUALES PROCEDIMENTALES ACTITUDINALES 1.1-Reads and pronounces sentences about (Habilidades) (Valores) family, people from community, and country. Diagrams a web map about the most important ideas of the story. 1-FAMILY, SCHOOL 1.1-Labeling in a chart 1.1-Appreciating the Communicative Identifies the importance of the familys role COMMUNITY , AND vocabulary related to family, kind of family each in the society in video sources. COUNTRY school, community, and country. student has: nuclear, Draws students family and describes it in a Social and Civic 1.1 Family or extended. Reading and analyzing short paragraph using action verbs and Knowledge. Nuclear family Showing empathy stories about the adjectives. Extended and respect for family.(Todays Modern Writes sentences describing the type of Learn to learn Family parents and relatives. Family). family using comparative and superlative GRAMMAR IN Valuing the role of Summarizing and discussing adjective. CONTEXT the family and the the most important ideas of Writes sentences using the verb to be, Wh questions school in the the story. adjectives, and the vocabulary about school. -Verb to be,-Possessive society. Identifying and naming the Interviews a member of the adjectives,-To do different areas, personnel, community using wh questions, verb to -Action verbs,courses, and activities in the be, possessive, adjectives, to do, and action Adjectives, school. verbs. PRONUNCIATION: Speaking about outstanding Practice the people of the community,

pronunciation of the vocabulary. -SCHOOL: Teacher, student, secretary, accountant, janitor, chef, gym, utility. -SCHOOL LOCATION: Lab, cafeteria, secretary office, -COMMUNITY: Countryside, neighborhood, city, country. COUNTRY: Presidency, house of representative 2-PEOPLE IN PANAMA Panamanians Foreigners - Ethnicity - Nationalities Occupations Contribution GRAMMAR IN CONTEXT -Verb be *The teacher is necessary in the community. -Nouns *intelligent student PRONUNCIATION: Practice the pronunciation of the vocabulary. VOCABULARY: -OCCUPATIONS: student, waiter, waitress, taxi driver, ADJECTIVES: tall, beautiful, expensive,

physical appearance, personality and value in the community and country.

2.1-Interviewing professionals of all areas (education, medicine, laws, agriculture) Writing a report about the interview. Identifying the popular occupations in the community. Constructing affirmative and negatives sentences using the verb to be, adjectives, occupations, and definite and indefinite articles. Describing an occupation using adjectives, verb be in written and oral way. Recognizing adjectives in a given paragraph about occupations. Identifying orally occupations by listening daily activities from a CD, USB or computer.

2.1-Interviewing professionals of all areas (education, medicine, laws, agriculture) Writing a report about the interview. Identifying the popular occupations in the community. Constructing affirmative and negatives sentences using the verb to be, adjectives, occupations, and definite and indefinite articles.

Communicative Social and Civic knowledge

2.1-Presents a written report about different occupations in Panama. Describes jobs of the community. Identifies and matches jobs with its characteristics. Writes sentences about activities that people can do in the jobs. Designs a concept map with the most popular occupations in Panama. Performs a role- play about the favorite occupation using verb to be, adjectives, nous, definite and indefinite articles and so on. Matches the occupation with the characteristic after listening the description through technological devices or teacher`s voice.

3-EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM IN PANAMA 3.1 Basic Educational System in Panama Concept - Public * Humanities * Science * Business - Private * Humanities * Science * Business Characteristics of each one. *University GRAMMAR IN CONTEXT: -Questions words Wh- Word: What, where, when, how, why, how much, how many. -Nouns *Big school *Good profession -Adjectives *Comparative PRONUNCIATION: Practice the pronunciation of the vocabulary. -EDUCATIONAL SYSTEMS: Private school, public school, university, the term, a degree, faculty and so on.

Listening attentively to conversations about occupations and identifying main ideas and supporting details 3.1-Identifying different areas of 3.1-Praising public study in high school for public and private education and private education. and its role in the Comparing the strength and society. weaknesses of the area of study Promoting among selected. students the Describing the advantages and acquisition of a disadvantages of learning second language. English. Valuing the importance of Recognizing the authorities of learning a second educational system of Panama. language. Investigating the high school of the districts and careers they offer. Identifying the universities of the region using comparatives and superlatives. Interviewing a relevant authority of the educational system (private or public) of the area using wh questions, noun, adjectives, and adverbs. Watching and listening videos about different careers. Communicative

3.1-Writes a short paragraph about the importance of education in Panama. Creates a speech about the importance of studying English for the future. Classifies the characteristics of public and private education systems. Creates a bulletin board about the authorities of the school using pictures and biographies. Creates a collage with

Learn to learn

METODOLOGA Y TCNICAS: Group Works, speeches, dialogues, researches, Contrast and comparisons, portfolio, demonstrations, dramatizations, Pattern and pronunciation drills, application of grammar rules. ACTIVIDADES DE EVALUACIN:: Workshops, Tests(Oral and Written), Practices, Roleplays, Participation in Class, Portfolio, Drawings

REPBLICA DE PANAM MINISTERIO DE EDUCACIN DIRECCIN REGIONAL DE EDUCACIN DE HERRERA ESCUELA _______________________________________ PLANEAMIENTO DIDCTICO ANUAL/TRIMESTRAL Asignatura: Ingls Docentes: ___________________________________ Periodo Escolar: 2014 Fecha: 9 de junio al 19 de septiembre de 2014. Grado: ______________ Grupos: Trimestre: II Semanas Laborables: 14 REAS : 4 - NUTRICIONAL HABITS REAS : 5 - ECOLOGY AND CONSERVATION REAS : 6- RECREATION, TOURISM REAS 7- WEATHER, TIME AND MONETARY UNITS OBJETIVOS DE APRENDIZAJE: Identifies organizations that help to diminish malnutrition in Panama. Summarizes recommendations of good nutritional habits for adolescents, pregnant, and obese. Integrates and develops listening, speaking, reading and writing skills with nutritional habit. Is convinced of the influence that good nutritional habits have in mental and physical development. Investigates about Panamanian ecology and aquatic environment. Learns about the importance of ecology for living things and human beings. Integrates and develops listening, speaking, reading and writing skills with ecology and conservation Creates a sport magazine of a famous sports legend on the cover. Appreciates touristic sites in Panama. Identifies holidays celebrated in Panama. Recognizes countries, currency, and nationalities. Prepares schedules of daily activities. Integrates and develops the listening, speaking, reading and writing skills about weather, time, and monetary unit. CONTENIDOS CONCEPTUALES PROCEDIMENTALES (Habilidades) 4.1-Identifying characteristics of undernourishment in teenagers. Writing a report about the most common nutritional habits of teenagers. Researching about most affected regions ACTITUDINALES (Valores) 4.1-Accepting responsibility of practicing healthy nutritional habits. Showing interest to practice nutritional habits. Engaging in social groups to diminish malnutrition in the Communicative Learn to learn Physical world of knowledge and interaction 4.1-Exposses orally the bulletin board created. Elaborates a balance diet for obese students. Elaborates a plan to support a selected Undernourishment family. Presents orally a reflection about the plan developed. Explains orally the poster designed. Writes a short paragraph that helps to diminish malnutrition in Panama. Distinguishes the /th/ sounds (vibrated BLOQUES COMPETENCIALES INDICADORES DE LOGROS

4-HEALTH,NUTRITION, AND FOOD. 4.1-Nutritional Condition Deviations Malnutrition o By deficit o By excess Concepts

Recommendations - For Children - For adolescents - For pregnant - For obese people - For old people GRAMMAR IN CONTEXT: -Do does As verb As an auxiliary -Present tense Yes / no questions -Contractions: don`t / doesn`t. PRONUNCIATION: -/th/ pronunciation ( methods // , that, health//). 5-ECOLOGY: PLANTS, AND ANIMALS, PANAMANIAN ECOLOGY, AND AQUATIC ENVIRONMENT. 5.1- Panamanian Ecology Rational use of natural resources Endemic species Maintenance of reverted areas Regulating laws 5.2 Aquatic environment Fishing Migrant species Endangered species 5.3 Environment Contamination o Water o Air

with malnutrition in Panama. Comparing organizations that help to abolish malnutrition in Panama. Discriminating the /th/sounds in a list of words given.


and non-vibrated).

5.1- Researching about endangered species of the wild life of Panama. Describing air, water and soil pollutants and ways to diminish their effects. Researching about aquatic environment and its importance for human being and living things. Listening a dialogue and underlining the plural nouns. Investigating about the Panama Canal Watershed.

5.1-Proposing activities to keep clean the community in order to protect the natural habitats. Sharing rules to use the natural resources in a balanced way. Being part of conservational groups to protect the environment in the school, around the school, and the community. Showing interest to protect and maintain canal areas of


Social and civic knowledge

Physical world of knowledge and interaction

5.1-Creates a poster or multimedia presentation to show the results of the research. Labels a web map about sea animals and birds. Formulates forms to avoid air, water and soil pollution. Prepares a power point presentation about the research emphasizing the importance of aquatic environment. Discriminates the plural ending listened in a video conversation. Writes a paragraph about the Panama Canal using the grammar learned

o Soil Cause and Consequences Prevention


GRAMMAR IN CONTEXT: -Plural nouns -Adjectives -verbs -Preposition of place -Relative pronouns -Demonstratives -Do does -Interrogative statements -Short affirmative and negative sentences -Contractions PRONUNCIATION :Regular and irregular plurals: -Plural ending (-es, -s). Animal / animals , resource / resources, wolf /wolves 6- RECREATION, SPORTS, HOLIDAYS, TOURISM, AND TRAVELING THROUGH PANAMA. 6.1-Traveling through Panama - Tourist sites - In the city - In the countryside 6.2- Holidays In the community In the Country Importance 6.1-Collecting information about sports for a magazine or web map. Making a survey within the students about the athletes they most admire. Investigating relevant touristic sites in the country. Identifying relevant holidays and explaining how they are celebrated 6.1-Praising local sport figures admired by students. Sharing information about touristic attractions in Panama. Showing interest for holidays celebrated in Panama. Communicative Learn to learn Social and civic knowledge 6.1-Designs a sport magazine about the sport selected using the grammar in context. Labels sports in a web map. Creates a poster about an athlete and its achievements. Designs a bulletin board about touristic attractions using the grammar learned. Writes a dramatization about a holiday selected. Completes the missing verbs in the song.

Traditions GRAMMAR IN CONTEXT: -Present perfect -Nouns and adjectives -demonstratives -There is -There are. -Information questions -Yes-no answers PRONUNCIATION Ending of regular verbs /ed/ Past participle of irregular verbs. (select a group) VOCABULARY: -SPORTS: football, baseball, sport equipment, swimming, riding a bike, skate boarding, soccer, and so on. -TOURISTIC SITES: facilities, tourist guide, and on. 7-WEATHER, CLIMATE, TIME, NUMBERS AND MONETARY UNITS. 7.1- Monetary Units - Equivalences - Solve problem *Additions *Subtractions GRAMMAR IN CONTEXT: -Nouns *sun / money -Demonstratives Pronouns. *That is a clock. -Verb have has

in Panama. Elaborating a life line and writing sentences using the present perfect. Listening to a song about regular and irregular verbs in past participle.

7.1-Writing daily activities specifying the period of time using the verb have or has. Registering the weather of the community to elaborate a meteorology chart using the verb has or have and the vocabulary learned. Recognizing the currency used in Panama and its equivalence using demonstrative pronouns.

7.1-Being conscious of the weather changes and its influence in the environment and people`s life. Encouraging students to value Panamanian currency among others. Sharing information about national topics using specific period of time.

Communicative Learn to learn Mathematical

7.1- Asks and tells time in an interview about daily activities using the correct word order. Creates a chart of weather changes in the community. (Registering day by day). Correlates nations and its currencies. Writes a dialogue using Panamanian currency, numbers, weather and time applying the grammar learned. Discriminates words related to the vocabulary learned.

*I have to go to the swimming pool at 7: 00 o`clock. -Do-Does -Information question (how) -Short answers. PRONUNCIATION: Practice the pronunciation of the vocabulary. -NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL CURRENCIES: -NUMBERS: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, - WEATHER/CLIMATE

Identifying currency of outstanding countries using the grammar and the vocabulary learned. Listening short dialogues or paragraphs and identifying the new words.

METODOLOGA Y TCNICAS:Group Works, speeches, dialogues, researches, Contrast and comparisons, portfolio, demonstrations, dramatizations, Pattern and pronunciation drills, application of grammar rules. ACTIVIDADES DE EVALUACIN:Workshops, Tests(Oral and Written), Practices, Roleplays, Participation in Class, Portafolio, Drawings


REPBLICA DE PANAM MINISTERIO DE EDUCACIN DIRECCIN REGIONAL DE EDUCACIN DE HERRERA ESCUELA _______________________________________ PLANEAMIENTO DIDCTICO ANUAL/TRIMESTRAL Asignatura: Ingls Docentes: ___________________________________ Periodo Escolar: 2014 Fecha: 22 de septiembre al 12 de diciembre de 2014. Grado: ______________ Grupos: Trimestre: III Semanas Laborables: 14 REAS : 8- TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATION REAS 9- LITERATURE 10- TECHNOLOGY AND ENERGY OBJETIVOS DE APRENDIZAJE: Researches material about worldwide web and its contributions to the development of a country. Compares the traditional and modern means of transportation. Integrates and develops listening, speaking, reading and writing skills with means of transportation and communication. Changes students behaviors about the correct use of means of communication and transportation in the community Researches universal writers of America and Europe. Integrates and develops listening, speaking, reading and writing skills through literature content. Researches about electrical appliances and devices and explain how they work. Integrates and develops listening, speaking, reading and writing skills through technology content. Values the importance of saving energy at home. CONTENIDOS BLOQUES INDICADORES DE LOGROS COMPETENCIALES CONCEPTUALES PROCEDIMENTALES ACTITUDINALES (Habilidades) (Valores) 8-TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATION. 8.1- Communication Importance Traditional Modern technological -In Panama - Worldwide 8.2-Transportation In Panama Worldwide -Advantages Contributions to development of the country. GRAMMAR IN 8.1-Investigating the advantages and disadvantages of the worldwide web. Distinguishing the means of communication used in the community. Comparing the means of transportation used in Panama and others countries using prepositions, regular and irregular verbs, and comparatives and superlative. 8.1-Showing interest for the modern technological communication in Panama (www). Increasing students proficiency using modern technological communication. Valuing the advantages of using means of transportation in the community. Communicative Learn to learn Information management and digital competence 8.1-Writes sentences about worldwide web using comparative and superlative adjectives. Writes a conversation about modern communication using comparative and the modals auxiliary. Supports evidences of means of transportation used in Panama through a movie maker or power point. Discriminates the ending of the words and underline them.

CONTEXT: -Simple present 3rd person singular -Comparatives and superlatives -Prepositions -Modals: can / could -Adverbs of frequency -Regular and irregular Verbs. PRONUNCIATION: -Ending sounds est / er / -Third person singular of verbs: -s /-es VOCABULARY: -MODERN TECHNOLOGICAL COMMUNICATION: internet, computer, websites, cell phone, fax, e-mail, and so on. -MEANS OF TRANSPORTATION:taxi, car, bus, train, ear plane, jet, bout, ship, and so on. 9-LITERATURE Universal writers Biography Literary words -Poems -Short story GRAMMAR IN CONTEXT: -Auxiliary Did -Past tense -WH questions -Interrogative, Affirmative and

Listening to record pronunciation about ending sounds and third person singular of verbs.

9.1- Researching the relevant works and life of Mark Twain, William Shakespeare, and Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra. Analyzing famous quotations of universal writers. Reading a short story selected in small groups. Listening and repeating a poem chosen.

9.1- Appreciating the literary contributions to the humanity of universal writers.

Communicative Learn to learn Cultural and art

9.1- Asks and answers questions about universal writers using - WH words. Designs a brochure about universal writers and its quotations. Analyzes a short story and sketches the relevant points of the story. Listens to the poems and completes the missing parts.

negative statements -Short answers. PRONUNCIATION: -Poems -LITERATURE FEATURES: plot, setting, conflict, message, characters, and metaphors. -POEMS: rhymes, rhythms, prose, stanzas. METODOLOGA Y TCNICAS:Group Works, speeches, dialogues, researches, Contrast and comparisons, portfolio, demonstrations, dramatizations, Pattern and pronunciation drills, application of grammar rules.

ACTIVIDADES DE EVALUACIN: Workshops, Tests(Oral and Written), Practices, Roleplays, Participation in Class, Portafolio, Drawings


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