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International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems

Work Analysis of Compliant Leg

Mechanisms for Bipedal Walking
Byoung-Ho Kim

Abstract In this study, we analyse the work of bipedal

walking robots with compliant feet. For this purpose,
a walking model of bipedal robots with compliant feet
is considered. The ligamentous structure of the human
foot is used for the compliant feet mechanisms of the
bipedal robot considered herein. A work principle is
used for determining the corresponding work at the joint
space of the compliant legs according to the reaction force
which is propagated from the foot space. The usefulness
of the work analysis is demonstrated through exemplary
simulations. Consequently, it is shown that the work
analysis can be used for evaluating the fatigue of the
bipedal robot accumulated by the physical walking impact
between the supporting foot and the contact surface.
Furthermore, comfortable walking by means of footgear
with a compliance is addressed.
Keywords Work and fatigue of walking, Reaction force,
Compliant foot mechanism, Bipedal robots
1. Introduction
There has been a signicant advance in the research of
walking robots mimicking the variety of human functions
[15]. However, developing a human-friendly robot that is
an active or assistant worker in both industrial and social
spaces is still a challenging area of research. Recently,
an impressive humanoid robot that is available to walk
well like a human has been developed [5]. It is actually
expected that such an intelligent robot can perform many
dangerous tasks as well as various human-friendly tasks
on behalf of a person. Even though many studies on the
effective walk of bipedal robots exists [68], they have
not addressed an analysis of compliant legs in terms of
comfortable walking. In this paper, we investigate the eld
of compliant walking which is very important to moderate
the shock loads of such bipedal leg mechanisms [9][10].
From the biomimetic point of view, it is valuable to look
at the walking behaviours of humans in order to achieve
a comfortable robotic walking [11]. If we walk for a long
time, we usually experience the joints of each leg getting
tired gradually and our body eventually becomes fatigued.
This fatigue is basically dependent on the momentum of
walking over the length of time. Practically, the shock
of each leg by repetitive ground contact may inict an
excessive force on the joints. On the other hand, such
an inuence of shock might be reduced by employing
a certain compliant mechanism. In this sense, we need
to check the joint torque effect from the reaction force
which is transferred from the foot space during walking.
It is also valuable to consider any compliance model of a
foot mechanism for compliant robotic walking. Related to
compliant walking, rehabilitation and medical researchers
have been actively studying in the eld of ankle-foot
prosthesis for amputees [10]. They have developed a
Byoung-Ho Kim: Work Analysis of Compliant Leg Mechanisms for Bipedal Walking Robots 1
International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems
Int. j. adv. robot. syst., 2013, Vol. 10, 334:2013
1 Biomimetics and Intelligent Robotics Lab., Dept. of Mechatronics Eng., Kyungsung Univ., Busan, Korea
* Corresponding author E-mail:
Received 21 May 2013; Accepted 30 Jul 2013
DOI: 10.5772/56926
2013 Kim; licensee InTech. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use,
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Byoung-Ho Kim
Work Analysis of Compliant Leg
Mechanisms for Bipedal Walking Robots
Regular Paper
powered foot mechanismwith elasticity and addressed the
importance of the compliance of the foot mechanism to
protect from damage due to foot collision. It is natural
that such an elastic foot mechanism is usually helpful
for alleviating the shock loads of the ankle. Recently,
the joint torque effect resulting from the compliance
of a foot mechanism has been discussed [12]. This
is meaningful for an effective leg-foot mechanism from
the design perspective [1315]. In addition, a work
analysis of each leg is necessary to deal with the issue
of comfortable walking for bipedal robotic applications.
However, it actually requires signicant effort to evaluate
the comfortability of walking which is closely related to
obtaining good performance of legged robots [1618].
The objective of this paper is to analyse the work at the
joint space of compliant legs for bipedal walking robots.
It is nally shown that the work analysis is useful for
evaluating the fatigue of the bipedal legs accumulated by
the impact of physical walking between the supporting
foot and the contact surface. For this purpose, in Section
2, we specify a walking model of bipedal robots with
compliant feet and describe the reaction force, the joint
torque and work of the walking model. In Section 3,
typical walking-based simulations are performed to show
the effectiveness of a compliant foot mechanism used
for the bipedal legs through the work analysis. The
concluding remarks are drawn in Section 4.
2. Modelling of a Bipedal Robot with Compliant Feet
In order to analyse the systematic inuence of the reaction
force transferred from the plantar surface of bipedal
robots, we consider a typical model of bipedal walking
robots as shown in Fig. 1 and also reveal a walking model
of the bipedal robot with compliant feet. In order to have
Figure 1. A model of bipedal walking robots
Figure 2. Compliant components of human foot
an effective model of a compliant robotic foot mechanism,
Figure 3. A model of robotic foot mechanism with compliance
rstly we must consider the ligamentous structure of the
human foot [11], as shown in Fig. 2. Part A in Fig. 2
corresponds to the ankle joint. Parts B and C are the knots
of the plantar aponeurosis. Parts D and E are the knots of
the heel and front parts of the foot. Specically, the role
of the spring ligament(SL) supports the longitudinal arch
connecting BAC. The short plantar ligament(SPL) and the
long plantar ligament(LPL) assist the longitudinal support
of the plate on the outside and detect the droop of the
arch by supporting the calcaneocuboid joint. In addition,
the plantar aponeurosis (PA) is considered as a tie-rod for
balancing of the truss. Through observation of the human
foot, we can make a simplied model of a robotic foot
mechanism with compliance [19], as shown in Fig. 3. In
fact, the link of l
represents the connecting rod between
the A and B points, and l
is the part of bone connecting
both A and C. The ligaments attached in those links have
been modelled simply as a spring with a compliance.
Figure 4. A walking model of bipedal robots with compliant
feet: (a) lower body and leg mechanism with a compliant foot (b)
compliant motion of the supporting foot and its reaction.
Int. j. adv. robot. syst., 2013, Vol. 10, 334:2013 2
Secondly, if such a compliant foot mechanism shown in
Fig. 3 is attached to bipedal legs, we can make a walking
model of bipedal robots with compliant feet as shown in
Fig. 4(a). Then, for the purpose of compliant walking
analysis, we attempt to obtain the joint torque and work
according to the reaction force at the foot space of the
bipedal robot as shown in Fig. 4(a). In the usual walking
process of bipedal robots, if a vertical force f
is applied to
ankle A as shown in Fig. 4(b), the corresponding reaction
force is generated in the plantar surface contacting with the
ground. In particular, the reaction force can be classied
by two types, as shown in Fig. 4(b). One reaction force
is made by the rigid link l
of the truss and the other is
determined by the spring. In practice, the front part of
the foot is extended to the x direction when the foot is
touching the ground, and the spring forming the tie-rod
of the truss saves the tension energy made by its stiffness.
This tension energy increases gradually by the structural
change of the foot mechanism and it makes the additional
reaction force supporting the truss. Thus, the determinant
of the z-directional reaction force at the ankle f
can be
represented as follows:
= f
+ f
where the z-directional reaction force of each link and the
corresponding joint angles are determined by
= f
= | f

= tan
) (4)
= f
= | f

= sin
). (7)
here f
is the z-directional force given at the ankle.
Additionally, the x-directional force made by the spring
is determined as follows:
= k(x
) (8)
where k denotes the stiffness coefcient of the spring.
Physically, the reaction force f
in (1) affects the motion of
the joints of the leg. If it is excessive, the leg mechanism
can suffer serious damage. So, knowing the impact
of the reaction force is helpful for us to manage the
actual walking motion of each leg. In this sense, the
corresponding torques at the knee and hip joints according
to the reaction force,
, can be determined as

= {l

+ (l
+ l


= l


can be determined by

= cos

+ l




+ (z
. (12)
Finally, according to the virtual work principle [20], the
corresponding works at the knee and hip joints according
to the reaction force, w
(t) and w
(t), can be expressed as
(t) =


(t) (13)
(t) =


(t) (14)
(t) and
(t) denote the torque components
transposed for the motion of the knee and hip joints,
respectively. d
(t) and d
(t) represent the small change
of motion at those joints.
Note that the work expressions in (13) and (14) are useful
for determining the corresponding work at the joint space
of the compliant legs according to the reaction force
which is propagated from the foot space. They can also
be applied to analysing the performance of comfortable
walking by the bipedal robot.
3. Simulations: Work Analysis
This section illustrates the exemplary simulation results
obtained when analysing the work at the joint space of
the compliant leg mechanisms of the bipedal robot when
doing certain walking motions.
For effective simulations, the following conditions have
been considered. There is no slip between the supporting
foot and the contact surface. The tension of the spring
used in the foot mechanism is available for the shock
loads of the assigned walking, and if the waking load
is removed, the extended stretch of the spring returns to
the initial state. The vertical motion of the hip is only
considered in Fig. 4. The kinematic parameters of the
leg-foot mechanism have been assigned as shown in Table
1, where the initial position of the front part of the foot x
is determined by the initial conguration as follows:
= l
+ l
. (15)
where the truss angles
have been determined by
(4) and (7).
Through exemplary walking simulations, we attempted
to show the reaction force patterns according to the load
pattern prescribed at the ankle. The corresponding joint
torque and work proles at the knee and hip joints of the
compliant legs according to the reaction force which is
propagated from the foot space have also been presented.
Since the two bipedal legs in Fig. 4 are usually identical,
the motion style of each leg has been considered as the
same. So, we mainly demonstrate the simulation results
for the walking of the right leg.
Fig. 5 shows a sinusoidal motion pattern assigned for the
simulation study, and the distance function between the
ankle and the hip h(t) is predened as follows:
h(t) = h
+ 0.5d(cost 1.0) (16)
i l
(m) z
(m) x
(m) Remarks
1 0.10 0.09 0.15 Two legs are
2 0.14 identical.
3 0.38
4 0.39
Table 1. Kinematic parameters of the leg-foot mechanism
Byoung-Ho Kim: Work Analysis of Compliant Leg Mechanisms for Bipedal Walking Robots 3
Figure 5. Motion pattern of the right hip for a periodic walk
Figure 6. Trajectory of motion angle of the right ankle
where h
is the initial distance between the ankle and
the hip, and the parameter d adjusts the range of motion
of the hip. Those parameters have been assigned as
0.74 m and 0.14 m by considering the normal human
motion, respectively. Actually, such a motion pattern can
be experienced in human walking [21]. In addition, the
actuating range of the angle

at the right ankle for the

given motion is shown in Fig. 6.
Fig. 7 shows the z-directional force pattern loaded at the
ankle by the given motion. This means that the normal
force of -70 N has been considered periodically for each
leg mechanism while walking. In practice, the vertical
Figure 7. Vertical force pattern given at the right ankle
force pattern depends on the mass of the robot body and
the acceleration of the leg motion while walking. But for
effective work analysis, we prescribed such a maximum
force pattern during the walk period. In this case, the
trajectory of part A of the ankle in the xz plane has been
assigned as shown in Fig. 8(a). Fig. 8(b) represents the
motion pattern of A on the trajectory when the spring
coefcient k is set as 700 N/m, and it is given by
s(t) = 0.5s
{1.0 cos(0.5t)} (17)
where s
is the total movement of the motion trajectory
and it depends on the stiffness of the spring. For
instance, if the normal force f
is -70 N and k is assigned
as 1750 N/m, 1050 N/m, or 700 N/m, s
can be
differently determined by 0.0227 m, 0.0363 m, or 0.0495 m,
In this simulation, we considered four cases of the plantar
spring with the following stiffness: (a) k= N/m, (b)
k=1750 N/m, (c) k=1050 N/m, and (d) k=700 N/m.
This approach is valuable for us to conrm the
systematic inuence of the reaction force depending on
the compliance of the foot mechanism during the walking
According to the simulation, the two reaction force
patterns determined by the link l
of the truss and the
spring, respectively, have been shown in Fig. 9. We can
see in Fig. 9 that the magnitudes of those patterns are
(a) planar trajectory
(b) circular arc trajectory
Figure 8. Trajectory of the right ankle
Int. j. adv. robot. syst., 2013, Vol. 10, 334:2013 4
Figure 9. Two reaction force patterns to the z-direction at the
right ankle: (a)(c) represent the structural reaction force f
(2) and (d)(f) represent the reaction force f
in (5) by the spring
with k=1750,1050 and 700 N/m, respectively.
Figure 10. The resultant reaction force patterns at the right
ankle according to the stiffness of the spring: (a) k= N/m, (b)
k=1750 N/m, (c) k=1050 N/m, and (d) k=700 N/m.
dependent on the level of the stiffness of the spring, but
their trends are similar. In particular, the reaction force
by the truss link is decreasing in the stepping range of
02 s, 46 s and 810 s for each gait, and the reaction
force by the spring is increasing relatively in the ranges.
The reaction force by the truss link does not exist when
the foot has been lifted in the range of 24 s, 68 s and
1012 s, and the reaction force by the spring dissipates
gradually in the ranges. After all, the resultant reaction
force is determined by adding these two terms, as shown
in Fig. 10. It is worth noting that the reaction force at the
moment of stepping can be reduced by employing such
a compliant foot mechanism. In particular, Fig. 10(a)
shows the reaction force at the ankle when the spring
has no compliance (k = N/m), and Figs. 10(b),
(c) and (d) show the reaction force patterns when the
stiffness coefcients of the spring have been assigned as
k=1750 N/m, k=1050 N/m and k=700 N/m, respectively.
From Figs. 10(b)(d), we can say that a big-enough
stiffness of the spring is appropriate for the robot to walk
effectively after compliant foot landing.
(i) Torques at the hip joint
(ii) Torques at the knee joint
Figure 11. The corresponding torque patterns at the knee and hip
joints according to the reaction force at the ankle of the right leg:
(a) k= N/m, (b) k=1750 N/m, (c) k=1050 N/m and (d) k=700 N/m.
The corresponding torques at the knee and hip joints
according to the reaction force for the leg motion have
been illustrated in Fig. 11. When the foot has a certain
compliance, the joint torque at the moment of foot landing
is relatively smaller than the stiff case. This means that the
torque impact of each joint can be mitigated by employing
such a compliant foot mechanism. It is also notable from
Fig. 11 that the torque to take-off each foot fromthe ground
can be adjusted by the level of the foot compliance.
Next, for the work analysis at the joint space, the reference
motion trajectories of the knee and hip joints for the
assigned motion have been illustrated in Fig. 12. It has
actually been pointed out in (13) and (14) that the work
property depends on the style of joint motion trajectories.
In this simulation, a smooth walking pattern has been
considered for the actuation of the knee and hip joints. The
resultant works accumulated at the knee and hip joints of
the right leg for the walking motion have been presented
in Fig. 13. To be specic, if the foot mechanism is stiff, the
works accumulated at those joints are getting bigger as the
time. When the foot mechanism has a certain compliance,
however, the increment of the work can be moderated
relatively. As the stiffness of the spring becomes smaller,
the resultant work also becomes smaller gradually. This
Byoung-Ho Kim: Work Analysis of Compliant Leg Mechanisms for Bipedal Walking Robots 5
means that the foot mechanism with a compliance can
contribute to reducing the joint work while walking. In
practice, the work accumulated in those joints causes the
fatigue of the leg as well as the entire robot system. Thus, it
is noted that the fatigue at the joint space can be alleviated
by employing such a compliant foot mechanism in a leg
for walking. It is natural to experience such a fatigue
phenomenon in the normal walking of a human. For
instance, when we are walking wearing stiff shoes, the
knee and/or hip joints may have a strong impact at each
instance of stepping, and thus the body including the legs
becomes tired gradually. In this sense, we need to select
footgear carefully for good performance in professional or
leisure sports.
In addition, we showed the resultant works accumulated
at the knee and hip joints of the left leg for the assigned
motion in Fig. 14. After the waiting time for the rst gait,
the responses of works at the joint space of the left leg are
similar to those of the right leg.
In practice, we need to manage the fatigue phenomenon of
legs and body in order to walk for a long time. As shown
in the simulation, it is notable that such a compliant foot
mechanism specied in this paper can be applied to reduce
the impact of the knee and hip joints at the moment of
taking a step. Ultimately, this can contribute to alleviating
(a) Trajectory of the hip joint
(b) Trajectory of the knee joint
Figure 12. Trajectories of the knee and hip joints of the right leg
the fatigue of the robot system while walking. The issue
of reducing such impact is especially important in fast
walking or running motions. In particular, effective fatigue
management is very important for walking over long
periods, in an irregular environment or when climbing
steps [68]. Empirically, we can recognize that the
comfortability of the general human walk depends on the
Consequently, through the work analysis, it is possible
to give a guide to determine the compliance range of
robotic foot mechanisms for comfortable walking. It is also
expected that the convenience of various functional shoes
for professional sports, as well as leisure sports, can be
evaluated by using the work analysis. In addition, various
walking patterns are also important for the work analysis
of multi-legged robots [22].
4. Concluding Remarks
The main conclusion of this study is that the walking
fatigue of bipedal robots can be evaluated using the
proposed work analysis, and the fatigue can be alleviated
by employing a proper compliant foot mechanism.
Through exemplary simulations using certain walking
(i) Works at the hip joint
(ii) Works at the knee joint
Figure 13. The corresponding works at the knee and hip joints
according to the contact repulsion of the right foot: (a) k= N/m,
(b) k=1750 N/m, (c) k=1050 N/m, and (d) k=700 N/m.
Int. j. adv. robot. syst., 2013, Vol. 10, 334:2013 6
(i) Works at the hip joint
(ii) Works at the knee joint
Figure 14. The corresponding works at the knee and hip joints
according to the contact repulsion of the left foot: (a) k= N/m, (b)
k=1750 N/m, (c) k=1050 N/m, and (d) k=700 N/m.
motions, the reaction force patterns at the ankle, the
corresponding torques and works at the knee and hip
joints according to the compliance level of the foot
mechanism, and thus the effectiveness of such a compliant
foot mechanism through the work analysis has been
demonstrated. Additionally, the alleviation of walking
fatigue of bipedal robots by means of a compliant foot
mechanism was analysed. We nally conclude that
the work analysis can be applied to determining a
proper compliance of foot for the comfortable walking of
bipedal robots, and that our analysis can contribute to
characterizing the compliant features of footgear. It can
also be applied to the development of a walking strategy
for ensuring compliant walking.
As a future work, it would be very interesting to perform
the work analysis with real hip and knee trajectories
that present sharp transitions due to the contacts and
impacts of the feet with the ground, and thus experimental
evaluation is important. Considering the contact situations
of each foot is also important for effective walking or
5. Acknowledgements
This research was supported by Kyungsung University
Research Grants in 2013.
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Accordingly, this step can only be carried out if the
matching procedure was already performed for the rst
error image. Therefore, only areas that were not removed
during the rst matching procedure are extended by
corresponding areas of the subsequent error images.
Otherwise, the noise (falsely detected areas) would cause
an enlargement of incorrectly detected areas. The red short
dashed rectangles in Figure 8 mark 2 examples of such
corresponding areas. Resulting areas that are too large
are removed from the error images I
and I
. This is
indicated by the areas in the right lower corner of error
image I
in Figure 8. As can be seen, the resulting error
image I
from Figure 8 is used as input (error image I
) in
Figure 7. Without the extension of the areas, the midmost
candidate in Figure 7 would have been rejected.
As some real moving objects are sometimes not detected
in an error image as a result of an inaccurate optical ow
calculation or (radial) distortion, the temporal matching
would fail. This could already be the case if only one
area in one error image is missing. Thus, candidates that
were detected once in 3 temporal succeeding error images
and 4 greyscale images (original images), respectively, are
stored for a sequence of 3 error images subsequent to the
image where the matching was successful, cf. Figure 9(a).
Their coordinates are updated for the succeeding error
images by using the optical ow data. As a consequence,
they can be seen as candidates for moving objects in
the succeeding images, but they are not used within the
matching procedure as input. If within this sequence
of images a corresponding area is found again, it is
stored for a larger sequence of images (more than 3) and
its coordinates are updated for every succeeding error
image. The number of sequences depends on the following

c+ c
c c
| c = c
2 c | c = c,
where c is the number of found corresponding areas and
c is the number of missing corresponding areas for one
candidate starting with the image where the candidate
was found again. If < 0 > 10, the candidate is
rejected. Moreover, the candidate is no longer stored if it
was detected again in 3 temporal succeeding images. In
this case, it is detected during the matching procedure.
An example concerning to this procedure is shown in
Figure 9(b). As one can imagine, error image I
Figure 9(a) is equivalent (except area-extension) to I
in Figure 7, whereas error image I
in Figure 9(b) is
equivalent to I
in Figure 9(a).
For a further processing of the data, only the position
(shown as small black crosses in the left lower corners of
the rectangles in Figures 7 and 9) and size of the rectangles
marking the candidates are of relevance. Thus, for every
error image the afore mentioned information is stored
for candidates that were detected during the matching
procedure, for candidates that were detected up to 3 error
images before and for candidates that were found again
(see above). On the basis of this data, candidates that are
very close to each other are combined and candidates that
are too large are rejected.
Using Actual
Optical Flow F
Using Subsequent
Optical Flow F
Actual Error mage
Subsequent Error mage
Error mage
Using Actual
Optical Flow F
Using Subsequent
Optical Flow F
Actual Error mage
Subsequent Error mage
Error mage
Figure 9. Preventing rejection of candidates for moving objects that were detected only in a few sequences. (a) Storage of candidates
for which a further matching fails. These candidates are marked by a blue dotdashed rectangle. The green dashed rectangle marks a
candidate for which a corresponding area was found again and the red short-dashed rectangle marks a candidate with successful matching.
(b) Storage of candidates for which a corresponding area was found again. The 2 areas drawn with transparency in error image I
the position of the candidates, but they are not part of the error image.
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and control. published by Pearson Education, Inc..
[21] Kuo A. D (2007) Choosing your steps carefully. IEEE
Robotics & Automation Magazine, 14(2): 18-29.
[22] Kim B.-H (2009) Analysis on effective walking
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Int. j. adv. robot. syst., 2013, Vol. 10, 334:2013 8

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